Part 18 Electricty Training for Dragoune

Story by Dragoune on SoFurry

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#18 of The Land of Marnex: Evil Regins Again

Okay like I promised I have it this week sorry for the long waits for these chapters. But atleast it is not months apart right? The next one will is under way but do not expect it to be here next week because I am going to give myself a rest and the most it will take five days the reason is that after dawn of the dargon (game) came I did not do much of anything from then till now so I finished the last page within two hours and I am dead tired. But do not let me rattle on like this enjoy the story but before you do there is one thing that I need to say. Anyone younger then 18 please leave the premisses or lock your door.

Part 18 Electrcity for Dragoune

It had been a week since Dragoune got back from when he learned about the elemental beings gift to his hatchlings, and it was one of the best weeks he ever had in a while. The first thing that happened was when he was sleeping with his dragonlings. Saneira tapped him on the shoulder and said very quietly.

"Look your left side but try not to move." Dragoune did and saw that Torlanno was sleeping right in between his chest and arm. While he was looking for Liten he moved a bit and heard a squeak from the base of his neck. He looked up at Saneira and she said.

"Liten is laying on your neck and shoulders." Dragoune smiled Saneira went on his other side lied down and Dragoune a wing over her. After that day was the day that they open their eyes for the first time and was more surprising was that they opened them up before Slythrena and Zordon. Liten was the first to open his while Dragoune had him in his arms feeding him very small pieces of meat. Just after he was feeding him the fifth piece that is when Liten opened them up Dragoune was so astonish that Liten started to cry because he was not being fed. Dragoune started again and poked Saneira on the shoulder to show her Liten's blue eyes. She was feeding Torlonna at the time and turned to see Liten staring at her, she smiled and said softly.

"Well hi there you adorable little hatchling." She then turned to see green eyes of Torlanno.

"Well hi to you too." she said and Dragoune who was rocking Liten back and forth to get him to sleep, he leaned to see Torlanno and when he did he smiled greatly.

The next couple days were not as peaceful because the dragonlings cried almost every time in which made Crosian's hatchlings cried as well. That is when they decided to separate the nests again, but when they did both pairs of hatchlings never stopped crying. Siss had an idea and said.

"Maybe they know each other by scent and they are miserable with out each other because if he we took Slythrena and Zordon away from each other they will start to cry as well."

"Well, how can you know that for sure?" Rovino said who was more affected by the crying.

"Well for one thing I think I know what my hatchling wants and two I was going to suggest that we put both of our hatchlings and see what happens." No one had a better plan so they decided to go with hers. Saneira took Liten while Dragoune took Torlanno and Siss was holding Slythrena while Crosain took Zordon. When Siss, Saneira, Dragoune, and Crosain came together all hatchlings stopped crying almost instantly. So they all decided to remake the one huge nest so that the hatchlings knew where everyone was. Again Dragoune good not have had a better week then he had and he could not ask for a better family.

That night while he was sleeping when Volten came to him.

"I know that I said that I will wait until your are ready but we can not really waste any more time so I ask you are you ready?" Dragoune was reluctant to say yes because he will be leaving his hatchlings and Saneira. But remembered that if he did not do this no one would be safe and that is when he nodded. Volten showed him where he was and said.

"I shall be waiting, oh and bring your swords as well." Just as he left Dragoune woke up and was greeted by the sun. Not wanting to wake up any of the others, not but because did not want to disturb them but because that if both Saneira and his hatchlings were awake it would be that much harder to leave. So quietly and quickly got ready and wrote a not telling everyone that he is doing his training and that he will be back as soon as he can.

It took him a while to get where he was going because it was close to Magnerous's castle, he was tempted to visit but then remembered why he was doing there in the first place and stayed on course. When he got there it was like any cave that he went to, when he went in the first fifteen feet he got a bit of a shock and another and then another. In fact he got shocked every time he put his foot on the ground. By the time he got to the center he was little more then just agitated. He saw Volten who unlike the other elemental beings and all the times Dragoune did see him was standing like he was.

"Welcome Dragoune to your next lesson, electricity." Before Dragoune said anything he saw that the top of the cave was twice as high as any of the others which confused because Volten had no wings. Shrugging Dragoune asked.

"When can we get started?"

"Now, but I will not teaching you the element, until I test you first." Volten said

"Test me on what?" Dragoune asked

"You will find out, but I will need one of your swords and you will not need your tail one."

"Well the tail one is not really short and I am better with two then just one, so would you mind if you used the tail one?"

"That will be fine yes." Dragoune threw the sword toward Volten and unsheathed the other two.

"Just one more question before we begin why are you standing on two legs when every time I saw you before hand it was four?" Dragoune asked

"Because I find fighting easier this way, we begin." And with that he was gone it was to quick for Dragoune that he never saw it happen.

'Shoot I can I spar him if I can not see him...wait a minute I can use my magic sensing ability to locate him.' But once he did though it seemed like Volten was all over the place.

'So much for that idea.' Dragoune thought as soon as he did he felt a zap run through his whole body and then he found himself on the ground flopping all over the place staring at Volten's two feet.

"What the hell did you do to me?" Dragoune growled

"Nothing much the nervous system runs on a electric current I just reversed some of your limbs." Dragoune decided to come down and test out on what does what.

'If I want to move my right wing my left leg moves, if I to move my left arm, my right wing moves.....' while he was testing out his limbs Volten was watching him and then said.

"You are not thinking in trying to move like that? No one has been able to-." But he never got the sentence done because Dragoune was standing in front of him in a ready stance.

"Well I am impressed but your reaction time as gotten slower so how will you defeat me now." Again as soon as he finished saying that he disappeared. Dragoune knew he was right and it was hard for him react even when he was a hundred percent. Dragoune did not know what to do even though he was thinking a solution, but every now and then Volten came up to zap him which broke his concentration and getting him more and more agitated. He rage was coming up so he closed his eyes breathed in, thought about his family and then opened them. The redness faded but Dragoune then saw Volten clear as day going all over place so it seemed there were hundreds of him.

'At least I can see him.' Dragoune thought. After watching Volten for a while Dragoune noticed a pattern, Volten would first jump up run at the top a bit come down zap him on one side, jump again and then do the same thing. Once Dragoune got the hang of it and as soon as he saw Volten come back down he started to bring his sword to where Volten would land. Volten stop and brought his burrowed sword to block it.

"Very good Dragoune, how did you know that I would attack here?"

"You had awoken my rage and when I controlled it I could see you."

"Yes but that would seem that there were hundreds of me.'

"You are correct but you had a pattern that I mesmerized."

"Very good, but there are two small things that I forgot to mention. One is that electricity needs to connect to something in order to have it go somewhere and two metal and water conducts it." Volten said Dragoune realized that he was going to get shocked but before he made a move quite a bit of electricity shot through him and made him get flown back a few feet. Slowing down to a stop on his claws and swords he then got back to his ready position. He did notice that his limbs were back in order.

'At least I have my reaction back up but how will I defeat him if he connects me with that element. Is there another element that could stop it?' Dragoune thought about it while dodging Volten's attacks. He then thought of earth.

'There is no metal or wait there is water in it except for dry earth.' So he called up his earthen element and used dry earth to cover his hands and arms. He then attacked Volten in which it parried the attack and again sent Dragoune flying with electricity.

"Nice idea but not even a mile of dirt can stop electric, as long as it has enough power electric can flow through almost anything." Volten said

'Well if I can not block the electric than I will not attack him until he lowers his guard.' Dragoune thought but this time Volten did not disappear, this time he used the element at Dragoune. After that attack Dragoune thought.

'I forgot about that. But how can I defeat him if I cannot get near him?' Then he reviewed on what Volten had said about the element. It can flow through anything, but it needs to connect to something in order to work.

'That's it, if I fly and attack him the electricity will flow through me but it will not be able to connect to anything.' So Dragoune took off Volten stopped running and looked up at Dragoune trying to figure out on what he was doing. Dragoune dived down and attacked Volten while staying in the air. They sparred for a few minutes but then Volten said.

"Enough you have passed the test tomorrow I will teach you electricity, but in the mean time sleep." Volten then went into another room even before Dragoune could say anything so he shrugged, curled up and before falling to sleep wondered what his family was doing and also missed them a lot.

The next day Dragoune woke up by a zap by Volten.

"Good Morning." Volten said

"Morning" Dragoune growled he wished that Volten would stop zapping him.

"I had a chat with Firen last night and we agreed that before I give you the electric element we need to see how well you do by fighting multiple magic users. Sice and Dirther has volunteered to be the other two." Dragoune did not really had a problem with that because he liked a good challenge. What disturbed him though was that Dirther volunteered to do this and he wondered whether it was for revenge on what he did when he was looking to fight Dargrin. When both Sice and Dirther came and started to get ready Dragoune said to Dirther.

"I am sorry that I did to you I was not my self at the time." Dragoune said and Dirther laughed and said.

"Do not worry I am not angry about that, in fact I expected you to do that or else that would have been my neck." Dragoune was relieved to hear that. After every one was ready Volten said.

"In order to pass this you have to beat all of us whether it is one by one or all at once, it does not matter, are you ready?" Dragoune nodded as soon as he did both Sice and Dirther went into the earth while Volten disappeared. Dragoune thought quickly.

'Okay since Volten is the fastest I will defeat him first, then it should be easy after that.' Dragoune then awoke his rage by thinking of Kaous, controlled it, and took off in the air. When he located Volten he attacked and as soon as they touched swords Dragoune got thrown across by electricity.

"How-" he started to say but then saw an earth mound go down that was not there before.

'Dirther, this is not going to be easy.' Dragoune thought of what would make Dirther come out of the ground. Dragoune thought of the fire element because fire makes heat and too much eat will dry the earth and that much harder to roam around in so Dragoune summoned the fire element, mentally made a circle of ten feet from himself and told the fire element within him to heat the ground that was ten feet of diameter. While he was doing this both Volten and Sice attacked him he tried to avoid Volten at all costs, but he would get shocked here and there. Dragoune was about to give up when Dirther finally did came back up and before he could anything else Dragoune called forth water and used it to make ice around Dirther so he could not move. As soon as he did at the corner of his eye he saw that water was coming and it was abit too close, so he decided to let it hit him because he needed the refresher. Unfortunately though Volten's attack was in there as well and when it hit Dragoune his whole tingled uncontrollably and it numbed it after the attack was over. Dragoune knelt down and leaned on his swords, but before he could take a breather that same attack came. Quickly he put a wall of earth in front of it and none of the attack came through. Then Sice came up to him, but he was ready for her and used his earth element to call forth wind and blew her away from him. Dragoune then ran towards Volten and brought up his right hand sword in which Volten was about to block Dragoune brought his other sword where Sice was heading towards. When all of them stop both Volten's burrowed sword and Dragoune's sword was up to his neck the reason why this was because when Dragoune brought his up and Volten tried to block it the ends hit and went up further to his throat. Dragoune also guessed right where Sice was going to pop up because his other sword was at her heart. Dragoune looked around and asked.

"Did I win?"

"Yes you did." Sice said

"But how, Volten can easily use his element to zap me." Dragoune said while he sheathed his swords.

"No I could not and nor could Sice the reason why is if I did not only I zap you and Sice since she solidified when she came back from the ground to see that you have a sword near her chest, I would get shock from the blast as well. And even she did not solidified that would still leave me getting hit from the blast." Volten said Dragoune nodded and took his word from I because he was at his limit and another attack would made him lose the match.

"Now that you have proven that you can fight well with anyone type of enemy I shall give you electricity." While he was saying this he was handing Dragoune his sword back when Dragoune took the hilt he felt al lot of electricity being poured into him but not like an attack. When Volten let go of the sword Dragoune again felt numb and very upset being shocked again. So when he pointed the sword at Volten electric shot forth from him to Volten, who easily dodged the attack.

"That is how I gave your ancestor this element so I gave it to that way too." Volten said. Dragoune shrugged sheathed his swords and was about to leave when he remembered Dirther still frozen. When he was done unfreezing him he said.

"I am sorry that I almost forgot you."

"I am glad that you did not forget me or else I will be waiting there for quite sometime." Dirther said, Dragoune said his goodbyes and quickly headed home.

When he got to the cave another day later he saw that only Crosain and Siss laying in the nest with the hatchlings. He was about to look into the other rooms when he felt a tap on his shoulder when he looked around he saw Saneira but that is all he saw because she slapped him on the side of his muzzle. Rubbing it he asked.

"What was that for?"

"For not saying good bye to me and the hatchlings." Saneira said crossly

"But I-" Dragoune started to say

"And do not think of using that note as an excuse." She said after that she said softer.

"Well I am glad that your back, because we missed you." She then hugged him rubbed her muzzle on his for a bit and then gave him a short kiss on the lips before heading to the nest.

'I am not sure who is worse when we are angry me or her.' Dragoune thought before he too went to the nest to see his two adorable hatchlings.


This time I tried something different on how he got his next element and i would like to see how you like it.

please leave comments complaints dos donts everything and anything