dragon's new toy 1

Story by RavenVenice on SoFurry

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#1 of dragon's new toy

I opened my eyes, yelping and slamming them shut again, I whimpered, my head throbbed. I started to raise my hand to rub my head, when it stopped short. I grunted in confusement, feeling coming back to my body, I could feel a steel cuff around my wrist, I opened my left eye with a hiss, when I noticed the chain leading out from my wrist to a ring, then across the floor into another loop back to my other wrist. I whimpered, closing my eyes, I started to pull on my restraints, wondering how the hell I had gotten there, when I noticed my legs weren't moving either, a pair of metal cuffs digging into my ankles, I could feel a weight between my open legs.

I started to open my eyes slowly, my eyes adjusting to the room, I was on my hands and knees, a thin silver chain spread between my arms, I looked closer at the cuffs, the metal bands were locked shut with padlocks, I glanced around me, trying to see the full extent of my bondage, a soft breeze caressing my exposed tailhole, I was able to see the heavy leather belt padlocked around my waist, my tail forced up into an upside down U on my back. I tried to lift my tail, finding even that movement minorly painful, as my tail was forced to bend further then it was made to. I looked around, my black paws scratching at the hard tile floor under me, when I heard a door open.

"Please...help me...Untie me..."

"Now why would I do that to such a cute little toy like you?" I whimpered, trying to look behind me, finding the speaker was hiding in my blind spot. I could tell the voice was either a wolf or a dragon, obviously male, I figured from the voice that he was probably in his 20s or 30s.

"Please...I don't know where I am or how I got here...but please, just let me go. I won't tell anyone...I don't even know your name or anything, just let me go please..."

"Hrm...no. Now hush up before I hush you up. Tell me fox, are you a virgin?" I struggled at my restraints even more, suddenly not liking where this was going, especially in my nearly unmovable position. "Well, you gonna answer me or do I find out in my own way, in hopes that you're not as the fact remains that if you are, this is going to hurt like a bitch for you."

"Please...I've never been with another guy...I would never do anything with another guy...that's just wrong..." I closed my eyes, knowing my voice was probably giving away the fact that I was lying...I had laid with other men before, but only because I didn't have anything better at the time. And I did like it...but that was because I was on top.

"You're lying. Tell me the truth." I gave a soft whine as I felt a scaled tail work it's way along my inner thigh toward my virgin passage.

"If I tell you will you let me go?"


"I've...had sex with other men. But I was always on top...I'm not into having something in meeeEEE!" I squealed as the tip of his tail slid in, opening the passage. "Please...no..."

"Then stop playing with me and tell me the truth, without hesitation."

"I've been with other guys, I was always on top, I've had my dick sucked before. Yes, I'm a virgin back there. Now please let me go." my voice was higher pitched, more of a squeak then speaking, as the tip of his tail was sliding back and forth in me.

"What if I don't want to?" He said, the tip sliding out to tease the expanding member between my legs. "And I thought you didn't like things in you. Seems like your body is saying otherwise."

"Please...I'll do anything as long as you don't rape me there..." He laughed, his laughter dark and nerve wracking as he didn't seem to be really listening to my pleas, just enjoying my begging.

"Anything huh. What if I told you to sit on my dick and jack off?"

"That would be raping me..."

"No it wouldn't. You'd be doing it by choice." I cursed and whined, wiggling and struggling.

"Please...leave me a virgin there...at least as much of a virgin as I am...Please..." I whimpered, trying to look behind me, my green eyes pleading and scared.

"Of course, I don't even know why you're trying to make a deal. Anything you say I can do to you, and still take that tight virgin ass of yours." I squealed as his tail started to brush up between my ass cheeks, teasing the base of my tail with the thick muscle. I whimpered, closing my eyes, I could only think of one way out of this...I dropped my head in humiliation. "I'll let you take me...just untie me...and please don't make me feel your knot...please."

"And now he's making deals." He said, humming a he pulled out the key, he went around, unbuckling the padlocks, I slid my wrists free of the metal restraints, rubbing the fur down on my wrists, I whimpered as I looked back at him, my eyes wandering down. He was a pure blood black dragon anthro, his cock carrying the distinctive canine knot at the base and the barbed tip similar to the cat. I shivered, the size and shape enough to make me worry. He smiled, sitting down in a nearby chair, his ebony tool held in a paw as he gently stroked it, the tip giving off a faint scent of musk as his thick fluid seeped out (of) the tip.

I whimpered, my tail flicking nervously as I turned around, lowering myself toward it, I mewled as the barbed tip started to scrape at the passage, the thick lubricant coating the ring, he gripped my shoulders, pressing me down on the shaft. I squealed in pain as my muscle opened to accept the overly thick rod, the thickness being the equivalency of 3 fingers. I squirmed as he panted, my muscles tight around the rod; he gripped my waist, pulling me up and down along the shaft, his dragon teeth nipping at the back of my neck. I whined in disgust at myself, my foxness throbbing in front of me as I was forced up and down.

I whimpered, blushing in embarrassment as my body gave in, my cock throbbing as my seed shot out in thin ropes, splattering on his and my thighs, my body caught in the pleasure as it shook with each shot, my walls squeezing around him as he groaned, his hot seed spraying in thick cords inside me. I whimpered as his teeth sank into my shoulder, his strong arms wrapped around my waist as he held me down against the top of his knot.

I whimpered as he loosened his arms around me, I looked down, seeing a small pool of blood, the pain washing through me as he started to pull me off of him, my walls screaming as the thick rod worked it's way out. I shivered as I was almost off of him when I felt him give off one last spurt, I whimpered in confusion, knowing for the most part the feeling of his cum as it was sliding down the passage to leave with the thick muscle, the last shot feeling thicker and stickier then his normal cum, when I felt it stiffen as it hardened in place, locking his seed and my blood inside me. I grimaced, falling to the floor on my hands and knees in front of him as I panted, the pain from the torn walls almost excruciating.

"Can I...go...now?" I managed to get out, my voice heavy with pain as I closed my eyes, my eyes tearing with pain.

"What if I say no? You are now mine. You've accepted my seed into you, binding you as my mate." I shivered in disgust, not wanting anything more to do with his club, or him for that matter.

"Please...I just want to go home..." He laughed, shaking his head, a pair of cuffs in his paws. I whimpered, looking at them. I knew in my current state, the pain would keep me from running anywhere.

"Don't make me use these. Relax, you'll get used to it." I grunted, my eyes snapping open as they glared at him, the hatred evident as I was realizing that he was technically right...by actually taking him without a fight, I had accepted him as my partner...but I also knew he wasn't looking for a partner, he was looking for a toy. "And anyway, you'll find that I'm not a harsh partner. I'm gentle and return the pleasure when desired." Yeah, right. Like he was going to return any pleasure to me. I managed to stand up, whimpering as I collapsed again. "I'll even prove it to you." He helped me up, gently helping me onto his back; he carried me into the bedroom, where he laid me down on the bed.

"If you suck, I will remove the plug and heal your tears." I looked at him, his eyes laughing as he knew I wasn't one to have anything to do with someone's dick. But I also knew enough about dragons to know that he was right, his saliva would easily heal the tears in seconds. I shivered in disgust, looking at the black shaft as he laid on his back, one foot under him, the other on the wall, his legs open. I knew I needed the healing, the pain was making me woozy and I was already feeling tired.

I sighed in disgust as I squatted down over him, my paw wrapped around the base, I took the throbbing member into my mouth, I started to suck, instinctively arching away when his tongue roughly grated across my opening. I grunted, thrusting myself back toward the awaiting muzzle, forcing myself to sit still, I took more of the meat into my mouth, my claws gently pressing into the shaft, moving up and down in short circular motions as I sucked on him, stopping to breathe, he groaned as my hot breath slid down around him, his tongue curling and sliding into my hole in short darting motions, the saliva causing a warming sensation along the minorly bruised muscle.

I gagged, choking as his thick seed splattered into my mouth, I rolled off him as his cock sprayed the rest of his seed into the air to land on the bed between his legs, I started to cough, whimpering as I forced myself to swallow and breathe. I grimaced as his talons laid over my neck, gently massaging it. "Easy. Take it slow. Don't inhale to fast or you'll just make it worse. Slow deep breaths." I whimpered, obeying as he continued to stroke my esophagus, I felt the thick fluid work its way out of my throat as I coughed it up on the side of the bed, I whimpered, shivering.

"Hrm. I figured you would know to use your tongue to block the flow down your throat...or at least stop breathing and start swallowing as it came out. You ok?" I growled at him, rolling away from the sticky white cream.

"Like you care...you just want something to fuck and torture. You know I have no experience sucking..." I shivered. "..cock. God that tastes disgusting."

"Not so bad, just got to get used to it. I find it quite delicious actually." I shivered, my tail flicking angrily between my legs as I threw the blanket over me. "Anyways. Since you're going to be here, want me to show you a few tricks?" I whimpered, shivering. I wasn't used to being the bitch of the relationship, and especially not to a dragon.

"Fucking shit dude...haven't I done enough? Can't you just let me go? You've taken my virginity, I almost choked on your cum, and now you want to teach me tricks? Why can't I just go home?"

"You are home. This is your new home, and you'd never make it anyway. It's a 2 day drive into town, and it's the middle of a swamp. You'd never make it." I grunted, rubbing the fur between my eyes.

"Then how did you get me here?"

"Found you in an alley way passed out from drinking. Figured I had myself a slave. At least according to the new laws. So I just drugged you when you started to wake up, tied you down, and let you wake up. Your mine now, so deal with it." I grunted, knowing the laws well enough to know that he was right...and I did have a drinking problem. Of course I never expected it to get me here.

"Fine...You win...I'm your new bitch. Completely at your mercy to do whatever you damn well please. You now have the right to rape, torture, mutilate, and kill me if you want."

"I'm not a bad guy. In all honesty, you should be glad I'm the one who found you. Some of the people I've seen didn't even give the person a chance. They just raped and killed them where they were. At least I'm a nice guy. And I won't abuse you, nor will I abuse my power. If you're sick, I'll take care of you. If you need hospitalization, I'll take you to the hospital. I'll take care of you, and all I ask is that you be willing to do a few things."

I slammed my fist into the bed, glaring at him in anger. "And what am I going to get out of this? A life full of your cock?"

"Somewhat. Though sometimes I like being on the bottom, so you don't have to worry about that. And at least you still have your sac. I know a slave who was turned to a eunuch and sold in the slave market. Probably one of the few reasons I didn't take them, besides the fact that I hate it when a guy starts to look more like a girl. I like the muscle and grit a man has to offer." I shivered at the last part, closing my eyes.

"Now C'mon. What do you like to do for fun? You like to read? Play games? Anything you want, I'll provide it. All you have to do is accept that I'm the alpha, and that Running won't get you anywhere. Oh and if you don't mind, I want you to grow out your hair."

"I used to read a lot...and I love reading Stephen King...Video games now and then, but usually would just read a book and watch TV for a while."

"Great. I'll get you a TV and the entire Stephen King collection. All you have to do is a few chores around the house, be willing to learn how to better pleasure me, and wear a collar. Think you can accept that? I'll even give you your own room to sleep in." I sighed, looking at him. He'd already proven that he was willing to take care of me, as I no longer had that infernal bioplug and his seed in me, and he had cleaned and healed the tears in me.

"Alright. You win. You have my loyalty, honor, and pride to do with as you please."

"Go-od. Prove it. Lay down on the bed, spread eagle, don't move no matter what." I wondered what he was up to, but obeyed, my arms and legs splayed out, my tail between my legs, He murred, positioning himself so his head was over my crotch, he took my red shaft into his mouth, his warm maw wet and warm around me, his mouth moving up and down along my shaft as he sucked, stopping to gently blow cool breaths down onto my heated shaft. I shivered, panting with need, resisting the urge to help it along as he teased me.

"Ah...erm...erk....I...I'm going to cum...." He responded by pressing a finger against my hole, gently swirling the finger around the ring of muscle, I moaned, my claws digging into the sheets as I fought for something to hold onto, as my entire length disappeared into his maw, the entrance of his throat swallowing at the tip as I came, spilling my bitter seed down his throat. My claws loosened from the cloth with little popping sounds as I groaned. He chuckled, laying next to me as I panted, my eyes drooping as he kissed me. I was too surprised to do anything, the kiss short, as a black leather strip locked around my neck.

"We are going to sleep now, and you are going to be a good boy and not try to go anywhere." I nodded, scratching around the collar, my claws finding the small but sturdy key-lock; he held the key in his left talon with a laugh. "Welcome to your new life. Oh, and I'm Rilia. The one who hides. Who might you be?"

"Jaxtren. My friends call me Jax, and my name holds no meaning." He laughed, turning off the lights; I heard a soft click, then leather wrapping around wood. He then rolled me onto my side, snuggling up against my back; I flicked my tail between my legs as his groin wrapped around my ass, his body fitting perfectly behind me.