Scent Seduction: Halloween Horror

Story by MonaK on SoFurry

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Just in time for the holiday I bring you the latest installment of Scent Seduction! I do hope you will enjoy very much. On a personal note I will be going on vacation for a couple of weeks so if I take forever to reply to your comments please forgive me. Well anyhow , have fun reading , and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!


Scent Seduction:

Halloween Horror

A vibrant pop against her jet black fur Jenda smiled at her new orange pattern. Straight from the salon the young skunk had spent the morning admiring her latest look in the passenger seat vanity.

"You're the sexiest Halloween decoration I've ever seen," joked the lioness beside her.

"I love Halloween," Jenda shot back sticking out her tongue at the grinning feline.

"Shame we won't get to enjoy much of it."

With customer satisfaction as their number one goal their client base had grown to the point where the two shops and their newly erected online store could no longer meet the demand. Knowing expansion would once again be necessary the girls had begun their hunt for a new location in early spring only to meet disappointment for nearly six months.

Finally in mid September two locations meeting their needs came onto the market. The only problem with both locations was they were a four hour drive in either direction. Unable to decide between the two locations they opted to throw a two night parties in both cities as a promotion for their business. Which ever city had the better turn out would be the one they picked.

Parting ways with Clair and Cno three hours prior they had taken the Northward road as the rabbit and martin went South. Kara's new truck lead vehicle in a five car Convoy made staying on course that much more difficult with Jenda navigating nothing but the mirror.

"I bought you that G.P.S. for a reason," the skunk whined after the lioness shut the vanity for a third time.

"So you can gawk at how beautiful you are," Kara laughed. "I like hearing your voice a whole lot more then that one."

Rolling her eyes but unable to hide her smile Jenda snuck a quick kiss as she reached for the directions. Finding their exit shortly after noon the skunk began texting the cars behind that they were stopping for lunch at the nearest diner.

"Babe we gotta get shit set up," Kara insisted as Jenda continued to text the others.

"You insisted on eating me out three times this morning," Jenda replied with a smile. "I need fluids."

"Guilt card," the lioness harked.

Taking up three tables at a nearby restaurant their group garnered a rather large amount of attention. It was never hard to get noticed with Stevie and Harley around , but when three more of the girls they worked with were thrown into the mix it became impossible not to. Always the party planner Kara pulled a small notebook from her purse to double check everything.

"We have all of tonight and tomorrow to get the party completely set up and do a little more promoting for the whole thing. The last function at the club we booked won't be over till 2 this afternoon and the cleaning crew wanted at least thirty minutes to get things squared away."

"Just relax Kara," Jenda whispered putting her arms around the lioness. "Everything will be ready in time.

"I hope you're right," purred the feline as she nuzzled Jenda lovingly.

"I am," laughed the skunk grabbing a Dr. Pepper from the waitress's tray before she could even set the drinks down.

After stuffing their faces with roadside grub they headed to the potential shop to give it one last look over. Three floors and a basement the up town office building head been renovated into several different things over the years. It's latest incarnation had left it a semi blank slate for them to work with.

"We can warehouse in the basement and run the website up here on the third floor," stated an eager anteater.

"Rachel," hissed a jet black hare trying to quiet the anteater.

"She's got a good point Lexi," Kara interjected with a nerdy smile. "The closer the servers are to the air conditioning the better."

"Jenda I can't tell which one of us fell for the bigger nerd," Lexi laughed wrapping her arms around the anteater.

The past year had given way to many new relationships in their circle of friends. Most recent of which had occurred during a tour of Stevie's new production company. Clumsy at best the anteater had fallen from a ladder right into Lexi's arms and by the end of the day into her heart. Rachel was the second porn star working for Stevie to fall for someone in the group. Along side new love there had been several anniversaries as of late among the couples. Jenda and Kara had celebrated their first anniversary , as well as many of the others.

"I'm still stuck on the difference between the two of you," Jenda chuckled.

At 6'2 Lexi was a giant compared to the pygmy anteater who barely scraped 4'9. Even though Rachel was three years Lexi's senior one would never stop to think it so.

"If Kara's tongue was two feet long you would get over the difference pretty quick," Lexi retorted with a giggle causing the little anteater to bury her face in embarrassment.

"As flattering as all this is we have to get moving," Kara purred nuzzling Jenda's ear.

"Be sure to hold this property for us for the weekend," Jenda instructed the realtor after handing her a dollar for a deposit.

Glassy eyed the collie muttered wordlessly with a nod. Bounding down the stairs while the others rode the elevator Jenda ran to the store she'd spotted across the street. Cracking open a bottle of juice she quickly grabbed a few more things while she sipped.

"That all," asked the cranky looking clerk.

Nodding Jenda continued sipping her juice only to choke after being shoved hard into the counter. Coughing the skunk wheeled around to find a busty chested porcupine towering over her. Brushing it off as a mistake she turned back and handed the clerk her money.

"That's all she'll have stated the porcupine shoving Jenda again. "Then her and her dyke friends are gonna get out of our city."

"Maybe you wouldn't be so hostile if you tried a female yourself," Jenda shot back clenching her fists.

"Oh I like females just fine," shouted her aggressor. "We just don't need a bunch of skanky little lesbians taking over our city."

Before the porcupine could shove her again Jenda ducked aside and ran from the store. If it hadn't been for Ness and Lexi crossing the street as she left the shop Jenda was sure the porcupine would have given chase. Locking the truck after she'd jumped in she tried to hide the fear written across her face. Still shaking from what had transpired the skunk flinched when Kara's arms closed around her.

"Baby what's wrong," asked the alarmed lioness.

"Some bitch started shoving me and calling me a dyke. I don't know what the fuck her problem was , but all I felt was hating pouring out of her."

Taken from her fear Jenda relaxed under the comforting touch of Kara's lips against hers. Continuing to kiss her Jenda felt a fire begin to burn from within forcing her to pull away reluctantly. Winking she pretended to go back to reading the map as she cast a worried glance at the crowd growing in front of the convenience store. Looking back at her mate with a smile she tried her best to shake the feeling of malice following them.

Normally only rented for functions during the day the club they had booked though pricey was definitely worth the extra cash. Dance floor , strip club , and bar combined it was one of the most versatile night clubs in the state. With two floors of nothing but room to party in there really couldn't be a more perfect place to host their costume party.

"I'll be leaving you two bouncers , two bar tenders , and six of my waitresses on duty," explained the owner as he showed them around. "Now are you sure you won't need any dancers for the weekend?"

"I've got that covered,"shouted Stevie as she twirled around a nearby dance pole.

"Well if that is everything I will leave you ladies to get yourselves set up."

While everyone else got to work on decorations Jenda and Kara snuck off to the nearest VIP room. Smiling Jenda began to moan as the lioness tugged at her already damp panties. Moaning louder Jenda pressed her lips to Kara's trying to muffle her own sounds of joy. Quivering at the sensation of her panties grinding into her slit Jenda returned the favor and started to tug at the feline's undies.

"If you're thinking what I think you're thinking then I am having some of yours too," whispered the skunk as she groped Kara's chest.

"Oh really," Kara giggled leaning in and kissing Jenda's neck.

"Really," the skunk replied shoving Kara into the plush seat on the opposite wall.

Projecting herself upon the lioness Jenda watched as the vibrations spread out from Kara's writhing body. With each step she took toward her mate Jenda giggled watching her struggle from her clothes , her mind fighting for control over her body. Unbuttoning her own Blouse Jenda squeezed her breasts , freeing them from her bra with a snap of her fingers. Twisting and pinching at her nipples she used her own pleasure to project herself further on to Kara.

"Look how messy you're getting," Jenda whisper staring down at her whimpering mate.

Placing a bucket in front of the chair Jenda took Kara's place in the seat as the lioness climbed over her making her way to Jenda's pussy. The lioness's powerful calves wrapped around her neck Jenda inhaled savoring the sweet smell of Kara's aroused genitalia. Dipping her tongue inside Jenda was met with an almost instant rush of ejaculant coating her tongue and muzzle with its goodness. Wrapping her arms around the feline's thighs Jenda spread her pussy lips slowly running her fingers the length of Kara's slit while her tongue worked away at her now exposed clitoris.

Closing her lips around Kara's swollen bud Jenda suckled lovingly twirling her tongue over it. Squirming under her own oral treatment the skunk sucked harder at the feline's clit while she fingered her with two fingers from each hand. As Kara continued to work her magical tongue moves Jenda struggled to stay on the brink as long as she could hold out. With every twist and twirl of Kara's tongue Jenda thrust her fingers into her harder. Feeling Kara's legs tighten around her neck Jenda knew her mate was ready to cum again. Screaming out as the lioness convulsed in orgasm Jenda unleashed a torrent of her own hot sex juices.

"God you taste so good," she whispered as she lapped up the mess between Kara's thighs.

"I am gonna need some help cleaning," giggled the lioness , craning her head around to reveal her cum covered face. "You blasted me with the first one baby."

Giggling as Kara cuddled up to her Jenda lapped her face playfully getting lost in the taste of her own sex as she lovingly kissed the lioness's cum coated lips. Still trembling she held on tightly to the lioness till her body calmed. Kissing Kara after dressing Jenda smiled brightly and watched her dress.

"What," Kara asked trying to fight back a smile.

"You look so cute in your little business outfit," Jenda stated eyeing her mate up and down.

"Oh Hush!"

"So what , I'm not allowed to pay my baby compliments," Jenda laughed sticking her tongue out as she walked from the room.

Bucket in hand Jenda skipped off to do her part in setting up for the party. Strategically placing smoke machines around the club Jenda took care as she added a little assurance from the bucket. After filling a bucket for the other party with Kara's early morning lickathon Jenda was now feeling the effects of her fluid loss. Like always she had been skimping on her promise to Kara to drink at least the same volume she produces. It wasn't that she didn't try she simply found herself falling behind with work when she took time out to replenish.

Wobbling slightly as she filled the last smoke machine the skunk tried desperately to correct her balance , but her body refused to react to what she was telling it. Vision blurring , then blackening as she began to list toward the floor Jenda collapsed with a light thud. Not sure what was going on Jenda became aware of a cold sensation upon her face. Opening her eyes she found Kara Kneeling over her clearly panicked. A second figure appeared towering over her before lifting her from the floor and carrying her to a nearby chair.

"Jenda what's wrong," Kara asked holding her hand.

"I just need something to drink," Jenda whispered kissing the worried feline on the shoulder. "There's a bottle of Dr. Pepper in my bag."

"I'm taking you to the hotel," Kara stated after giving the skunk another look. "You look completely exhausted , and you need rest for the weekend."

Gulping down her soda on the short ride to the hotel Jenda knew she had pushed herself too far in the past couple of weeks. The surprising thing was that she hadn't collapsed sooner , though it was best it had happened after they'd left home or Kara would have canceled the party. As much as Jenda enjoyed her ability it had become apparent that it came at a heavy cost to her own health.

"I'm lucky I have you," she said thinking aloud.

"What's that babe," Kara asked missing most of Jenda's muttered words.

"I can't even imagine what my life would have become had I not met you," Jenda stated leaning against the lioness and closing her eyes.

Yawning Jenda awoke to a face full of orange hair , and a loving arm around her waist. Moving to stretch she smiled feeling Kara's arm tighten around her. Ready to roll over and watch the lioness sleep Jenda stopped dead as Kara began whispering in her ear.

"You changed my life too," whispered the lioness nuzzling Jenda ever so slightly. "I never really had someone to love who loved me back till you came along. You are the greatest , most wonderful thing that's ever happened to me Jenda."

"Don't cry," Jenda whispered hearing Kara start to sob.

"Shit," Kara screamed jumping back and falling off the side of the bed.

"Are you okay," Jenda asked reaching over the help the startled feline.

"How long have you been awake," Kara muttered clearly embarrassed.

"I thought you knew," Jenda whispered grabbing the lioness and hugging her tight.

Holding Kara with an overwhelming joy in her heart Jenda fought back tears of her own. Though the love between them was always clear the skunk couldn't help but feel it even more so after hearing Kara's words. Curling up face to face they stared into each other's eyes , smiling , and exchanging kisses. Feeling a grumble from Kara's stomach against her own Jenda looked to the clock to find it was only 8 P.M..

"Feelin hungry," she asked breaking the kiss they had been locked in for several minutes.

"Wicked," Kara replied in unison with her stomach. "How bout you order us something while I take a shower , and then we can find something to watch on cable."

Vaguely remembering having passed a Chinese takeout Jenda placed an order after thumbing through the phonebook. Pushing the tiny table from the corner of the room to the middle of the floor Jenda got ready for their dinner. Never one to dress up much Jenda found herself hurrying around trying to cutesy up before Kara got out of the bathroom. Hearing the water shut off Jenda quickly put her hair into pigtails , unable to think of anything else to do with it , and sat down.

"Dinner will be here shortly," she stated her face lit up by the Halloween candles she'd found in their luggage.

"Oh sweetie you didn't have to do all this for me," Kara whispered with a huge smile tracing across her lips.

"Didn't have to , but I wanted," Jenda giggled smirking innocently.

Holding hands across the table Jenda and Kara spent the wait on dinner talking about things they rarely had the chance to discuss. As always the conversation drifted toward the future , and what they wished for together. Find courage to ask Kara something she had wanted to for several months Jenda sighed as a knock at the door cut her off. Knowing she would not find the words again Jenda quietly lowered her head , and answered the door.

"What did you get us?"

"Just a bit of Chinese," replied the skunk sitting back down with the bag of food.

"Smells great," exclaimed the lioness ripping open the bag.

Just a bit turned out to be a mild understatement on the skunks part. With seven different containers of assorted eat it was clear her stomach had placed the order. Always one to be adventurous in her eating habits Jenda dove into the dish she'd ordered from the authentic portion of the Menu. Blowing on the bit of food in her chop sticks she smiled at Kara before popping it in her mouth.

"What's that your eating," asked the feline sniffing at the container.

"Youbaotuofeng," Jenda mumbled with a smirk.

"Smart ass?"

"It's fried camel's hump," stated the skunk through a mouthful of it.

"God you'll-

The words weren't even out of Kara's mouth when a loud of camel was crammed in. After the initial look of aggravation wore off the lioness nodded with approval as she piled a bit of the camel dish onto her rice. With much giggling and many kisses the two ended their meal in a war over the last dumpling , and a reading of fortune cookies. Tossing the cookie aside Jenda cuddled up to the lioness while they surfed the channels for something interesting to watch before bed.

"So you still haven't told me what you're dressing up as for the party," Kara yawned snuggling closer to the skunk.

"It's a surprise," Jenda giggled kissing Kara passionately. "Night my love."

Repeatedly ringing and beeping Jenda's cell finally got them out of bed the next day a lot later than they had intended. Tossing their costumes into bags , and scarfing down the left over Chinese they'd stuck in the mini fridge , the girls headed back to the club trying not to look too embarrassed. Apologizing to everyone who had been up early to continue work , Jenda and Kara busied themselves with setting up different booths for trick or treating. Having had the brilliant idea to hand out bags to the guests so they could explore the club , and trick or treat at the different station set up.

Four hours before the party was to start a loud crash at the front door sent all of them running for cover. Totally shocked by the sight before her Jenda watched as a mass of zombies pushed through the entrance , and headed straight for her. Fear sparked by the hostility she'd experience the day before the skunk froze on the spot.

"TRICK OR TREAT," shouted the undead closest to her.

Realizing just exactly who it was Jenda hurled a silicone cock at the laughing tigress in the corner. The zombies were in fact girls that worked for Stevie , who it turned out had paid all of them to work the poles at both parties.

"The makeup came out great don't you think," Stevie asked handing Jenda the dildo she had throw.

"It is very life like," Jenda whispered trying to shake off her fears.

"Hannah , the new makeup artist I hired , she designed and molded all of their costumes. A real talent that girl , and her background in monster makeup really did come in handy."

With ten more able bodies helping the rest of the work was finished in no time at all. With stocks , cages , and racks positioned all around the club the dungeon of horror had come out just as Jenda and Kara had envisioned. Figuring there was time to spare before the party all the girls still out of costume took turns dancing , and showing off their outfits. Costumes ranging from ironic to down right disturbing Jenda finally took her turn on the dance stage. Walking out from the backstage wearing a hooded black cloak Jenda twirled around one of the poles several times before drawing back the hood.

"What's so sexy about that," laugh Harley from the crowd of females gathered around watching.

"Never disrespect the dungeon mistress," Jenda growled as she drew back the cloak and cracked a long bullwhip on the stage.

Letting the cloak fall open as she cracked the whip again Jenda smiled seeing the look on Kara's face. Hidden beneath the cloak was a black front laced corset , with matching thigh high boots , and even a pair of lace up panties. Projecting herself upon the now awestruck jackal Jenda quickly put Harley to her knees. With her abilities , and her costume there would be no doubt as to who was running the show.

"Please forgive me," Harley begged playfully while she withered under Jenda's aura.

"You are indeed forgiven," Jenda stated with a grin cutting off the flow of pleasure.

With twenty minutes till the doors opened Jenda was Amazed by the massive turn out. The crowd outside was flowing down the street and even grouped around on the opposite side of the road. Switching on the smoke machine at the door she rushed back inside to fire up the others before things got underway. Making it back to the entry way just as the bouncers were letting in the first large group of party goers Jenda smiled from under her hood greeting the guests.

"I am the Dungeon mistress! I do hope you will all enjoy your evening , even if it is your last."

Letting out a maniacal laugh Jenda disappeared into the ever thickening smoke. Thirty minutes into the party and the club was already approaching capacity. Circulating the first and second floor Jenda shook hands with hundreds of females as she spread her aura through the crowd. In combination with the scent laced smoke her presence soon over took the inhibitions of those in the club , and even the ones waiting at the door.

Not wanting to miss out on the fun Jenda made her way over to Stevie and Harley's kissing booth. Throwing a five in the jar Jenda slipped the tigress a deep tongue kiss , and then did the same to Harley. Kara and Stevie had been working on doing some cross promoting for both the toy shops and Stripes Studios. In the spirit of business Jenda felt what better way to lure customer over to their table then show a little bit herself. Dropping her cloak Jenda winked at them as she swished her tail toward the guests.

"Come on over , and have your chance to kiss two of the hottest females in adult entertainment," Jenda shouted looking over her shoulder with a smile. "That should bring um over your way."

"Thanks much," Stevie whispered giving Jenda a peck on the cheek.

Opting to leave her cloak open as the temperature in the club continued to climb Jenda set off through the smoke again to find Kara. After taking several laps around the main floor Jenda began to think it would have been a good idea if they'd all worn glow sticks so they could see one another through the smoke. Distracting herself watching a spanking at the stocks while she text Kara to meet her at the first floor dance stage. Grabbing a drink at the bar before making her way to the stage Jenda began plotting in the back of her mind. Knowing in the back of her mind Kara had yet to relax the skunk felt it was time to make sure her mate enjoyed the party as much as the guests.

"How's my brave lil firefighter," Jenda asked spotting the lioness in her Nomex pants and suspenders.

"I was checking the smoke machines when you texted me," Kara shouted over the music.

"It's time to relax baby," stated Jenda giggling as she snapped the suspenders on Kara's bare nipples. "Let me buy you a lap dance!"

Kissing the lioness along her neck Jenda guided her to a nearby set of chairs. Waving her hand at a couple of Stevie's zombie girls Jenda pulled a bunch of cash from her corset. Handing One of the dancers Jenda knew as Colleen a twenty she instructed her to take good care of Kara. Slipping some cash into the thong of the bunny still dancing in front of her Jenda smiled brightly over at Kara who was clearly starting to enjoy herself.

"I haven't seen you before," Jenda said to the bunny as she danced around her.

"Stevie hired me a week ago," whispered the bunny nuzzling against Jenda's cheek. "I'm Becca."

"Very nice to meet you," Jenda moaned as the big chested bunny straddled her lap.

Watching the pair of beautiful breasts bounce up and down as Becca rode her lap Jenda could feel trickle of excitement running between her thighs. Looking over to her mate the skunk smiled seeing Colleen riding the strap on Kara had been wearing under her pants. Turning her attention back the bunny in her lap Jenda began projecting herself upon her. Slipping her hand between her thighs as she untied the laces on her panties Jenda grinned smearing her juices across the bunny's nose. Shocked for all of a second Becca's eyes glazed over as she became increasingly friendly. Biting Her heavily pierced ear Jenda began twisting the bunny's nipples as she whined with pleasure.

"Are you going to do what the dungeon mistress tells you to," Jenda asked twisting harder at Becca's nipples.

"Yes! Yes , I'll do anything!"

"Service your mistress and you will be rewarded," Jenda stated with a giggle enjoying the role thoroughly.

Sliding slowly down Jenda the bunny pulled apart the lace front of her panties , and without further instructions began eating Jenda out. Shuttering as the first wave of sensation coursed through her Jenda moaned feeling Becca's hot little tongue slip inside her. Looking down Jenda found a pair of innocent eyes staring up at her as the bunny continued lapping at her folds. Rolling her hips as she inched closer to climax Jenda smiled at the crowd of females that had gathered around to watch the action. Cumming hard Jenda howled as the first wave of her orgasm exploded upon Becca's face , and a second coating her breasts in a thick layer of joy.

"Are you ready for your reward," Jenda asked the cum plastered bunny.

Nodding Becca bit her bottom lip waiting in anticipation for what she was to receive. Reaching into the concealed pocket of her cloak Jenda withdrew a foot long vibrating strap on. Grinning at the horrified bunny Jenda ran her fingers through the cum upon her face and slowly dragged it across her nose. Falling deeper into Jenda's control Becca removed her G string and presented her backside to Jenda as she bent over the arm of the chair. With a quick pull of the straps Jenda positioned herself behind the waiting rabbit , and slowly pressed the head of the toy into her dripping slit. Meeting a great deal of resistance Jenda pushed harder forcing more of the inside.

"It's too big," Becca sobbed trying to pull away from the toy. "It won't fit!"

"Yes it will," Jenda giggled grasping Becca's round ass as she drove the toy in further.

Screaming the bunny went limp as Jenda Stretched her tight entrance wide. Slowly making room for more of the toy Jenda began pumping in , and out of Becca's cunt. Gasping and panting all the while the bunny clutched the chair learning to enjoy the pounding she was receiving. Turning on the built in vibrator Jenda instantly sent the already over stimulated bunny into a mind blowing wave of orgasms , one right after the other. Continuing to fuck Becca till she could no longer stand the sensation Jenda pulled out , and patted the bunny on the ass.

"Thanks for the licking," Jenda said with a giggle before grabbing Kara to go get a drink.

Kissing the lioness deeply after finding an empty booth Jenda pulled back smiling. Not even needing to say the words Jenda reached into the lioness's pants and began fingering her furiously.

"Watching you fuck that little bunny was so hot," Kara panted biting down on the nape of Jenda's neck. "I wanted it to be me so badly."

Rubbing faster at kara's pussy Jenda moaned as she felt a finger slip into her own. Shifting in the booth the two sat side by side fingering each other , and making out passionately. Matching one another's pace they reached climax simultaneously moaning into the other's mouth locked in a passionate kiss.

Drinking their drinks slowly they watched around the club as other females started to go at one another with tongue , and trick or treat items. On a nearby table one female was being taken in every hole by a steadily growing group.

"I guess they found the basket full of straps," Jenda giggled as she watched the action.

"That may have been our doing," laughed Lexi taking a seat at the booth with Rachel at her side.

"Yeah , we may have let slip where some of the goodies were hidden," Rachel giggled. "Just to spice things up a bit."

Figuring it was high time they joined in on some of the activities going on around the club the four of them headed up stairs to the contest area. Cutting through the crowd to the deep throat competition the girls all grabbed one of the custom made Lollicocks to take a shot at it. Holding the massive candy cock Jenda nudged Kara and pointed to the grizzly in front of them who had almost half of her candy cock down her throat.

"She's gotta be straight," Kara whispered while she licked at her own lolly.

Stepping up to the Judging table Jenda tilted her head back , and slowly slid the Lollicock into her mouth and down her throat till her eyes began to water. Coughing as she pulled it out she was disappointed she had only managed to take 7 inches. Doing only a little better Kara just barely managed an 8.

"Wait till you see this," Lexi shouted bending down to give Rachel a kiss before she took her turn.

With a little smirk the anteater giggled as her tongue serpentined around the candy cock Lexi was holding over her head. As her tongue drew back the lolly disappeared down Rachel's throat. Not even flinching she took the whole 18 inches and held it down as long as she could hold her breath. Every spectator around the table stood in complete silence , stunned by what they had just witnessed.

"Isn't that just the hottest thing ever," Lexi gloated picking up the pygmy.

Before they knew it last call had passed on the first night of their weekend long party , and they had carried things over to Stevie and Harley's three room suite. Whether it was just the sheer amount of sex at the party , or the long term exposure to Jenda's scent no one was sure , but every female in the suite had a steady flow of fluid running down their legs. Wanting to see just how much she could get out of abilities Jenda focused her mind on her scent glands till its pungency stung at her nostrils.

No longer taken by its lure Jenda smiled as the zombie dancers began attacking the other females , all with a need for the taste of a particular kind of flesh. Pawing at her needily Kara moaned , and begged Jenda to give her satisfaction. Not wanting to disappoint her love Jenda leaned back on the king sized bed and pointed to her lips. Leaping eagerly from her side the lioness mounted Jenda's face before she even had time to blink. Face instantly soaked by the constant torrent of fluid draining from between Kara's folds Jenda lapped happily at the delicious nectar. Glancing in the direction of pleasured screams Jenda watched as Stevie and Harley were both taken by two of the dancers. Grabbed by the ears Jenda struggled as Kara forced her muzzle into her slit as she came. Gasping for breath Jenda giggled while Kara proceeded to clean the mess she had left.

"Rachel come here," Jenda ordered beckoning the anteater closer. "Show me what this tongue of yours can do.

"Your gonna love it," Lexi insisted as she knelt behind the anteater and inserted a large strap on.

Much like any other tonguing she had received Jenda sighed as Rachel circled her clit slowly that though would be the only similarity. The slow circles had in fact been the whole length of the Rachel's tongue slowly winding around her clit. Sucking her tongue back in like a strand of spaghetti Rachel created such an intense twirling sensation on her clit that Jenda's whole body convulsed in an orgasm so powerful she couldn't even cry out.

Not even giving her a chance to recover Jenda's hips bucked violently as the snake like tongue slithered inside her. Not only could the anteater's tongue tickle every inch of her insides to the cervix it was also able to double back on itself twice. Filled three times over with Rachel's flexing and quivering tongue Jenda soon understood Lexi's reason for bragging so much. Control wasn't the word for what she had with her tongue , it was something so much more. Able to flex every centimeter of its entire length she stretched and probed Jenda in ways she didn't know were possible. As if that wasn't enough to drive her completely insane the last few inches still in Rachel's mouth curled up and began rubbing against her clit.

"OH FUCK , OH FUCK , OH FUCK," Jenda shouted repeatedly lost to anything else to say.

Drawing out the folded over tongue Rachel starred at Jenda with the gossamer strands dripping from every inch of it. Turning to Lexi She drew her tongue into her mouth slowly sending a steady stream of Jenda's cum flowing down her chin which the hare promptly licked from her chest.

"God baby you gotta try that tongue," Jenda whispered kissing Kara repeatedly as she tried to recover from the eating out she had been given.

Putting Kara into the path of Rachel's licking Jenda laid next to the panting lioness , kissing and caressing her as she too was brought to the level of intensity the skunk had experienced. Holding each other close the two watched as the room became an all out fuckfest. After the room had worn itself down Jenda still felt the need for one last show.

Plugging the drain in the sunken tub Jenda lay in the bottom and began to rub herself hard and fast. Focusing once again on her scent glands Jenda filled the bathroom with the most pungent concentration she could produce. Soon the girls were all packed around the edge of the tub all rubbing and fingering themselves to the sight of her masturbating. Pressing her shoulders to the bottom to the tub in effort to gain a bit of leverage Jenda pointed her fleshy folds skyward as she sent one last geyser of hot sex into the air. Setting the others off like a chain reaction Jenda moaned in ecstasy as squirt after squirt of orgasmic pleasure rained down upon her. Rubbing every bit of it all over her as more continued to splatter her fur Jenda sucked the mixing flavors from her fingers.

By the time they had completely tapped themselves Jenda had been plastered with more then six dozen jets of ejaculant , several of them her own. All the more kinky after helping her to her feet the girls still huddled around the tub began licking every inch of her clean. Though they gave it there best Jenda still had to shower and scrub for nearly an hour to get her fur completely clean. With everyone completely spent all of the girls just piled on to the beds , and what ever furniture they could find in the suite.

Wrapping up in her cloak after waking in the early afternoon Jenda fetched a change of clothes for both her and Kara from their room. Being the only one to stir before dusk the skunk spent her time alone loading on fluids and meditating. Holding a vision of the sandy beach on which she had learned Jenda could almost feel her teacher's presence. Pulled back to the crowded hotel suite by groans and shouts she sighed , and draped an arm around her bushy eyed mate.

"We better get going so we can get all set up," Kara sighed throwing on the clothes Jenda handed her.

"Shouldn't take us all but an hour," Harley exclaimed followed by a room of nodded agreement.

After everyone had returned to their respective rooms to change , and they had all made a pit stop at the hotel's buffet they headed off to get everything in order for another night of fun. When they arrived at the club there was already a mob easily twice the size of the previous night. Walking into the club they all looked around in completely disbelief , and total shock. The entire club upstairs and down was completely demolished. All of their stuff left in the club the night before had been crushed or thrown down the stair.

"What the fuck happened," Kara shouted angrily.

Her question was soon answered as loud screams began to echo from out in the street followed by a loud explosion. Running outside they found themselves face to face with a completely different mob lead by the porcupine Jenda had been assaulted by in the convenience store.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO," Kara screamed having realized the source of the explosion had been the twisted hunk of burning metal that stood where her brand new truck had been.

"We told that little whore of yours to get out of town , but instead more of you showed up," shouted the massive porcupine stepping closer.

"Just be thankful you weren't inside when we torched it," growled another member of the mob.

"STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM US," Jenda shouted at the top of her lungs though the mob continued to advance.

Angered by Jenda speaking the porcupine rushed her before she had time to think. Wielding a log sized novelty dildo like a baseball bat Lexi swung hard at the charging attacker's head , shattering her muzzle in a shower of shimmering crimson. Before others could even move forward to retaliate a barrage of tazer fire immobilized a good number of.

"We're leaving,"growled Harley stepping to the front of the group with a handgun she had fetched from the trunk of her car. "You can all go back to whatever hole you crawled out of , and let us leave in peace , or I can start putting the holes in you!"

Cramming themselves into the back of Ness's car Jenda held Kara close to her nuzzling her for comfort. Calling the hotel before they even got there Jenda told them to have all the luggage from the different rooms ready , and waiting for them immediately. Packing the vehicles , and getting out of the city in under an hour none of them gave a single look back.

"I can't believe they destroyed my truck," Kara muttered quietly nestled up to Jenda.

"The insurance will cover it baby , you don't have to worry about it. The important thing is none of us got hurt."

It seemed to be a longer ride on the way home , and with texts stating the success of the other party it was an all to easy choice where the new shop would be. With all the help they would be getting from friends over the next few weeks Jenda and Kara could finally look forward to a few real days off from work.