Otterpalooza! Ch.2

Story by DWP on SoFurry

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#2 of Otterpalooza!

The much anticipated chapter 2 of Otterpalooza!

Jake grunted getting jostled by Kaizen jumping out of bed scrambling for his harness. The white dragon sat up slowly unfolding his wings with a yawn and looking at the clock.

5:15 pm

"Wow, Is it really that late?" The white dragon asked blinking slowly.

"I over-slept! I need to get to the beach for the race," Kaizen replied hastily fastening the top of his harness and tugging for tightness.

Jake reluctantly crawled out of bed as the hotel room door opened and closed. A short sturdy black otter, fully naked as the day he was born, walked past Jake and started in on the yellow scaled dragon.

"What the heck, Kai. We were supposed to be checked in ten minutes ago. We need to go now!" he snapped grabbing the big dragon by his arm and hauling him towards the door.

He grabbed his team jersey "Quick Flash" on the way out as Kaizen grumbled his case.

"I'm ready I swear, Terric. Quit, I can walk," he protested waving a wing at Jake to follow.

The three filed out of the room and out into the hall ways of the "Deep Push" hotel. Several groups of otters and their mates were talking in the vicinity as the trio came into the lobby. As soon as Jake and Kaizen were spotted, all the crowds went silent and watched them like paparazzi. Jake grinned nervously and passed through the front and out the door behind the others. He rubbed at his silver collar around his neck remembering what the female collar attendant had said earlier. "Try not to get into too much trouble cutey. Dragons are hot commodities here."

The sky was a perfect cloudless blue making the sandy island feel like a true paradise. The high for the day was a tropic 86 and Jake was loving it. Even though the sun was starting to lazily drift westward, it was still quite bright over the island. The sand was still toasty and a lot of the Palooza participants had drinks in their paws or a leash to fill their pleasures for the evening.

"Lets fly from here and sign in," Terric suggested raising his paw to block out the sun beaming down.

Kaizen nodded and bent down allowing the otter to grab his side strap and heave himself onto his back. Kaizen stood up, flapped his wings a few times, then turned to Jake calling out,"Follow me to the beach and get spot for the race". Kaizen took a few steps and with two quick flaps of his wings, he was off high into the air. Jake grinned and bent down then heaved himself into the air with one of his own heavy wing flaps. He elevated with another succession of flaps and leveled out drifting behind Kaizen down towards the sparkling blue beach water. He always loved the refreshing feeling of the wind sliding over his polished scales when he was in flight.

Only he and other creatures lucky enough to be blessed with flight, knew the joys of gliding blissfully through the sky on a warm sunny evening. He took a deep breath and did a small spin exhaling softly. The only way he could describe it to those who asked him was "Freedom". He always mentioned that flying through the air felt like taking a shower in the breeze. Kaizen circled and landed softly pushing a small layer of sand back with a gust from his landing wing spread. They folded behind him as Terric hopped off and ran towards the sign in tent next to the large stage with a wooden podium.


Ch.2 Off to the races!

A Drunken Wolf Production

Jake landed with such expertise he made no ripple in the sand as he touched down behind the forming congregation. He stepped over the warm sand towards the crowd towering over the heads of majority of the attendance. Otters from all over the world were gathered here on the island along with their mates, friends, or pets to enjoy the every five year celebration of being an otter. The turn out of members to this year's palooza out did the last by 30%. Jake grunted as his arm was tugged and looked down to see Max at his side.

"And where the heck have you been?" Jake asked looking down at the old black and white speckled otter who was holding the paw of a red nose pitbull.

He was solidly built with a well defined six pack under his light white thin chest fur. Down to his firm muscular legs and his thick red furred package, he was a nice stud of a dog. His light green eyes were what stood out the most to Jake though. They had a flicker of amber in the iris that made his eyes twinkle like a eerily beautiful forest fire.

"I found my friend Cedric from the last palooza and his friend by one of the snack bars. We've been stitched at the hip ever since," Max replied hugging the dog.

The dog nodded agreeing with the otters statement with a lick up the side of Max's cheek. He matted the fur with his tongue and nosed into his long whiskers pushing them side ways. Max chuckled and turned quickly towards the beach as a line of dragons lined up towards the podium. Jake looked over as a tall brown otter wearing an "Otterpalooza!" shirt and nothing else, walked up the stairs and over to the mic stand. In his paws was a large trophy with the inscription _"Dragon Race". M_ore furs, along with a few reptiles, started to gather under the setting sun onto the beach as the otter picked up the mic.

"Hello and welcome to another Otterpalooza!" he called out over the mic causing a loud cheer from the growing masses.

"Were about to do the first dragon race of week! First I'd like to thank all the dragon's that are in the flight program for doing such a great job with flying everyone to and from our functions".

Max patted Jake on the back causing the dragon to grin brightly. A group of dragons of different sizes and scale color marched onto the stage equipped with their harnesses. Kaizen was the last dragon to walk on the stage.

"We have for you today, twelve of the fastest dragon's in the world, ready to prove to you that they are the fastest dragon in the world. Their riders are 1440 ft away at the zip line area high up on the mountain ridge. That's the length of four foot ball fields ladies and gentlemen. Not too far for our expert dragons though. They'll pick their riders up and fly back as fast as possible. The dragon with the best time each day will be crowned the fastest dragon at Otterpalooaza! and win the Dragon Race Trophy!" he finished Raising the trophy high over his head as the crowd gave one final cheer.

Jake's jaw dropped when he heard that Kaizen was one of the fastest twelve dragon racers. There were only over a hundred dragons all over the world and to be considered one of the fastest 12 was amazing. He watched eagerly as Kaizen and the other eleven dragons filed down the stairs and and over to a large banner that was their starting point. The otter followed them with the mic as the crowd parted 'ooing' and 'awwing' at them as they moved pass. Jake watched and waved at Kaizen as he passed by. The dragon looked so nervous he didn't even notice the white scaled dragon's wave and kept going. They lined up at the banner as the otter put the mic to his muzzle.

"Alright ladies and gentle men. Fast twelve, are you ready?" he said as the dragon's stretched their wings and prepared to take off.

Their path was straight ahead down the beach and up to the zipline point on the mountain side. The otter placed the the mic to his mouth again.





An otter by the tent fired a starting gun and the dragons were off. Jake and the rest of the crowd followed on the ground as the dragons flapped away heavily. Kaizen was one of the front runners but a large black dragon with a red chest was in the lead. His broad wings opened over the water with the wing pattern underside that twinkled a shown like an orbiting cosmos. His purple mane flowed behind him as he flapped heavily pushing further. Kaizen flapped faster catching up to the long tail of the black dragon as they neared the island zip line. Terric was standing on the top of the ridge jumping up and down mentally rushing the dragon as they approached. Kaizen smiled happily knowing he was at least as fast as the black dragon. Now all he had to do was pick up his otter and he was a sure win.

Kaizen headed up to land just in time to see an otter dive out high into the air, paws extended like an eagle. The black dragon spread his wings quickly stopping just before the top of the landing pressing his feet into the side. Bending his knees, he twisted firing himself in the opposite direction. He opened his wings and righted him self upward as the otter flew over head. The rider grabbed his harness flawlessly and the pair rocket off. Kaizen swore landing quickly and rushing Terric on. He turned and dove off as two other dragons dived off the mountain ridge behind him. Kaizen flapped as hard as he could but the black dragon had cleared too much distance with his perfect catch maneuver.

kaizen decided second place was better than nothing and heaved himself forward as Terric leaned in for speed. They passed ahead of the other dragons as the black dragon reached the banner. The crowd broke into a loud frenzy as the pair landed and walked side by side underneath it with enough time to bow. Kaizen flew straight in slowing down only after he was clear. The other dragons quickly filed in behind him finishing in front of the crowd.

"Ladies and gentle man. Today's fastest dragon is Necross Skywing and his rider Vlad. For winning the race he will receive the top points of 10 for the day. In second place Kaizen Sunscale and his rider Terric with 6 points, and Oran Silver back and his rider with 3 points. Tomorrow same time will be the next dragon race. Thank you for coming every one and have an amazing stay here at Otterpalooza!" He called out as they applauded the riders.

Jake's heart was still racing as waded through the crowd to the group of racers.

"Hey Jake. Were flying over to Southern Buffet_by the "_Side Saddle" Hotel on the straight side. You should come," he said patting Terric on the back and walking over.

"I could use a bite to eat," Jake replied looking around for Max and his friend Cedric.

The otter and pitbull were no where to be seen and assumed the pair had gone to enjoy some wild adventure. Jake knelt and jumped into the air with a flap taking off after the group of dragons.

Hues of red and orange were starting to paint the sky in an amazing island sunset. The colors over the water as Jake looked down seemed like a shimmering master piece around his reflection and shadow over the water. He looked ahead watching the group shimmer in the light of the setting sun. Jake could see why Kaizen and the racers were so popular. Their bodies glittered like fire works in the sky with such a blazing radiance that many of the palooza participants were to stopping to watch them as they flew gracefully. Jake closed his eyes and flapped slowly feeling the wind drift warmly under his wings. With the sounds of the ocean crashing into the shore, it seemed perfect. When he opened his eyes the moon could be seen off high in the distance glowing like a light feint lantern getting ready to fully brighten.

Jake watched the other dragon's circle for safe landing and touch down in front of the "Southern Buffet". He followed suit as the others went into the building and found a table. All assortments of fish, clams, shrimp, and other seafood were spread out across the troughs. There was grilled chicken, ribs, vegetables, and all other manner of delicious looking things that Jake had no idea what they were. Kaizen spotted Jake and waved them over as the group sat down. Jake took a seat and Kaizen started naming the dragons off for him. He nodded as each one was named until the black dragon with the red chest and purple mane was introduced again.

"This is Necross. He's from America," Kaizen said brightly.

The dragon smiled showing a sharp row of teeth before a small black wolf hopped into his lap. He grunted and wrapped his paws around the wolf's waist holding him tight then closed his wings around him for extra security. The wolf had a black collar for "pet" around his neck and snuggled back warmly.

"And that would be his mate Shadow," Kaizen added with a chuckle.

Jake nodded watching the pair kiss softly.

"Hey. Knock it off. Were on the straight side," One of the dragons at the table snapped at Necross.

The dragon stuck his tongue out and lifted up his wolf unwrapping his wrings.

"Go make daddy a plate," he called smacking him on the ass.

The white dragon chuckled deeply and stood up as Kaizen did. We'll be back. I'm starving," Kaizen said quickly chasing after the dragon.

Jake moved through the troughs grabbing a bit of everything quickly loading up. Other buffet guest quickly moved out of his way if he looked like he wanted something they were standing in front of. The group ate quietly with little distraction talking amongst themselves about different places they had solo flown and the things they had done while being a race dragon. Each of their tales were fascinating and Jake listened to them eagerly.

"Hey Kai, tell the story about the time you had to fly through a blizzard to get back Germany a few years back," One of the dragons begged causing the dragon to blush and nod.

"It was a very cold December morning. It was a few days before Christmas and I had the package for my mother in my satchel weighing me down. I was coming out of Canada down by the Hudson bay and started out perfectly. I was getting good wing flow and I was staying high avoiding down drafts. It wasn't till I was a few hours over the Atlantic ocean that a cold front came in on me out of no where. No matter how hard I flapped, my wings were getting weighted down by the building ice. I managed to make it several more hours with a good time east. I picked up speed around Portugal staying low. What I didn't know was that the storm was coming in behind me. I made it to France before the ice became to much and I crashed down hard in a city called Dijon in France. I broke a leg when I crashed and a family of lions found me and took me in. After I healed up I flew the 500+ kilometers home to Schwabisch hall. I've sent them a gift basket on the day ever since," Kaizen getting a round of applause.

After a few more stories and a couple more trips to the buffet troughs, a few of the dragons decided to call it a day and turn in for a bit.

"I'm trying to talk my mate into hitting the pet room before we head to bed. Anyone want to join us?" Necross asked nibbling down his mates shoulder causing the few remaining dragons to roll their eyes.

"I'll go," Jake pipped up quickly.

"I'm too tired guys. Meet you back at the room when your done?" Kaizen asked leaning over and kissing the white dragon on the cheek.

"Sure thing, Kaizen. Once again, nice race," Jake whispered as the dragon stood and followed the declining dragons out of the room leaving Jake with Necross and his mate.

The big black dragon lifted his wolf up and stood slipping away from the table.

"I hope there is a good masseuse in there. I need a deep back rub," the dragon grumbled deeply as Jake followed behind them.

"So how's the pet room work," Jake asked curiously catching the door as Necross walked through and pursued.

"Its actually my first time here at the island so I can't really tell you. I've heard its amazing though," he cooed kissing his wolf on the lips.

"Can we skip the room big daddy? I want to get a nap before the first talent show," the small wolf pleaded tugging on the dragon's wing that sheltered him.

The dragon smiled and nodded softly ruffling his head fur. He lifted the wolf up into his arms and nodded to Jake.

"You'll have to tell me all about it when we catch up. Don't have too much fun," Necross called out as his wings began to flap.

His lift power was so great he didn't need to kneel or run for take off. He simply lifted off his tip toes and gracefully hovered over the heads of the island visitors like a black scaled angel. Jake grinned watching the dragon depart underneath paradise's growing moonlight towards the gay side. Jake walked over the sand towards the border that separated the two groups as a procession of fireworks rose high into the sky. They whistled loudly then banged bright colors of greens and purples. A few more screeched into the air banging and splattering the sky with shimmering blues and reds. They stopped and Jake chuckled to himself marveling at the staff's creativity. The white dragon also noticed rows of tiki torches had been set up so the inhabitants could see as they moved across the beach and bars that rested all over. Even the surf board shack had a tiki torch illuminating the surfboards that sat outside the cement building. The flicker of the flames slowly danced over the sand and around the couples that were enjoying the sound of the water and breeze. Jake side stepped around a lioness that had a blue male otter pinned with a paw on is chest deep between his legs. "This island is something else," Jake thought to himself as he jumped over the gate barrier.

The gay side was perhaps a little more active than the other he noticed. Glow sticks and rings of different colors could be seen glowing brightly wrapped around any body part that would hold one. A few of the boys had cleverly formed them into cock rings and wore them proudly. A small group of people were playing volleyball down by the water as surfers road the large waves in the distance. The dragon was finally able to see the building coming into view as he moved further into the gay side under the growing moon. Other than the glow sticks and a few girls licking glowing body paint off each other, it was as peaceful and serene as the straight side. Most of the more intimate couples were laying on towels down by the waters edge either kissing romantically or spooning softly. That wasn't the case for one otter who was plowing heavily into some poor red wolf in the classic face down ass up position. Jake made it to the building and opened the door to the sex rooms building. As he did the last time, Jake marched down the hall way scanning over the door's small white signs. He passed by the Otter-Dragon room he had been in earlier and couldn't help but tingle a little at the thought of going back. Right now his mind was more interested in the door on the right.


Enter at your own discretion!

Jake took a deep breath and pushed the door open eagerly walking inside.


Max and Cedric walked paw in paw towards the outskirts of the gay side of the island. The moon was so full the light bathed the two in a shimmery white as they padded over the sand talking excitedly. Cedric went silent as the otter led him towards a small cave opening looking back with a big smile. The red and white pitbull smiled wondering why the otter chose a small cave instead of the warmth a hotel bed. The cave inside was just big enough for Max to walk through with out an issue. Cedric on the other paw, had to crouch slightly so his furry white ears didn't touch the top. Max stopped suddenly and Cedric bumped into the back of him. In front of them was a small lake of water and what looked like a dead end of cave wall.

"Its kind of cramped in here otter-butt," the dog murmured softly kissing his neck.

"This is just the entrance. We haven't gotten to what I want to show you yet. Its kind of an explorers secret that a few of us know about," Max whispered climbing down from the edge into the cool water below.

"I'm not sure I follow," Cedric said apprehensively.

Max reached for the pitbull's paw and helped him down into the water calling out, "Trust me and take a breath". The dog did as he was told and watched the otter vanish underneath the dark water tugging his paw. With out the light of the moon Cedric was spooked about the dark cave. Not wanting to seem cowardly, he took a breath and allowed Max to lead him blindly. They slipped underneath the cave wall and moved a short distance until Cedric could feel Max pulling him up. The dog took a breath and shook his head fur free splashing water before looking around.

"Oh wow Max. Its beautiful," Cedric gasped looking around.

The small pool of water they swam along opened up to a large cavern that was covered in shining blue crystals that gave off a heavy glow. They glimmered majestically as if their were some hidden power source running the entire area for those lucky enough to find the place. The water flickered gently with each twinkle making the room a romantic get away. One other couple, a pair of female otters, were kissing softly sitting along the pools edge. Cedric lifted the otter out of the water and set him on the side and heaved himself up.

"I found this place two paloozas ago. Its the one spot on the island that's generally quiet and romantic. I'm glad-," Max was cut short by Cedric leaning him back and kissing him deeply.

Max placed a paw on his cheek and kissed back softly enjoying the tickle of his short whiskers brushing against his. Cedric gently laid him onto his back and broke the kiss softly.

"I waited 5 years to be here with you again. No more talking," he whispered giving the otter's face a slow soft lick.

Max fell silent as the dog nibbled at his neck while tracing a paw down his left side. His short well groomed claws just barely indented into his fur leaving thin rows behind. The otter gasped softly as Cedric closed his mouth around his neck. The subtle twinkle of the crystals above dancing over the water's surface and the two female otters scissoring in the back ground became lost to the pair. Only the repetitive plop of the water droplets on the lake could be heard. Cedric released Max's neck and slid his way down the otter's chest matting the fur as he licked below. Max felt the dog's warm breath right above his growing pink tip and closed his eyes. Cedric gripped the otter's waist and pulled him up so his butt was in the air in front of his face. Before the otter could catch his breath, the dog's muzzle was pressed firmly in between his fluffy butt cheeks moving all around.

"Oh puppy," Max moaned closing his eyes trying to control his tail's wagging spasms

Cedric swirled his tongue lightly over the otter's opening digging his claws into the sides of Max's butt cheeks keeping them spread apart. Inside and out the dog expertly flicked adding a finger every now and then for good measure. He could feel the warmth of the otters small cheeks against the sides of his face as they vibrated and spasmed from his touch. Cedric let out a low growl slowly setting the otter down and sliding up between his legs.

"I really have missed you though," Cedric whispered licking Max's cheeks softly.

Max nodded and grunted lightly as the dog pressed himself into his spit lubed opening. The dog leaned down and clamped his mouth down hard on the side of his neck before shoving himself in with one push. Max yelped and grabbed the dog around his upper back locking his paws tight. The pitbull pushed again, this time burying himself all the way in and laying flat against his speckled partner's chest. Cedric released his neck then leaned up slowly pressing his lips to Max's. They kissed softly momentarily before the dog pulled out a little and grinded back in. Max could feel him throbbing inside him and tingled every time the dog would move. He locked his legs around the dog's back and closed his eyes murring softly in rhythm t the thrusts. Slowly in and out Cedric pushed. His member feeling the warm tug of the otter's sphincter around him drove his senses wild. It getting swallowed in and massaged coaxingly made his legs tingle and the hairs on his nape stand up. He couldn't help but growl softly as his balls touched with his otter's. The more he gave the more he wanted Max to take of him.

The crystal's light flickered over the pair as they showed each other how much the five year gap had affected them. They hadn't noticed the lesbians quietly slip into the water and disappear from the cave's twinkle. Even the small droplets were lost to them. Cedric rolled over and pushed the otter up into the riding position and placed his paws behind his head. Max balanced his weight then slowly pressed down sending the dog further into heaven. Cedric closed his eyes and grunted softly as the otter slowly found a rhythm bouncing gently. Each motion sent shock waves through his lower half as the position hit his prostate in just the right ways. Cedric helped him along with a small thrust every now and then. It was just the right size and he loved the way it felt sliding in and out of him. Max gripped his bobbing member and pawed it slowly as he moved up and down. Cedric opened and eye and pushed his paw away.

"I'm not ready to stop yet," he panted heavily into his ear pulling out with a small pop.

Max grunted and flailed around as the dog stood quickly pulling him up with him. Cedric turned and walked a few steps then pressed the otter against the wall. Max "merfed" softly as the dog hoisted his legs up and pressed into him like an open tunnel. Cedric groaned out and humped a few times before driving in deep holding the otter tight. His knot was slowly forming around the base as the dog grew closer to his climax. The feeling of the otter's warmth and tightness pulling him in was quickly starting to drag him to the edge. Each push felt so warm and inviting along with the touching of there balls on the deep strokes as an added reward. Max could feel the dog's knot slowly growing with each balls-deep push against his prostate. He was fully open and spread around the dog's member fitting him like a glove. He moaned softly wrapping his arms around the dog's neck as he dug heavily into him.

"I'm gonna cum Max!. I'm right there!" Cedric grunted out thrusting harder and deeper.

Max moaned softly into Cedric ear as the dog pressed one final time thrusting in till his knot slipped in and he unloaded. The otter held on tight biting his lip feeling every bit of the dog's glory deep between his cheeks. Cedric howled while still trying to force himself in still as he shot rope after rope deep inside Max's worked hole. He panted heavily shaking from his orgasm then slowly sagged till he dropped to a knee. Max could fully feel the throb of his heart beat through the dog's cock as Cedric maneuvered back into the riding position. Cedric let out a slow sigh of relief before reaching up and gripping the otter's now extra stimulated cock. Max murred deeply squirming a little sending waves of pleasure through Cedric down below. Cedric pawed faster and held the otter in place with his other paw attached to his waist. Cedric could feel Max's hole clench around his length as the otter grew closer and closer. Cedric spit on his paw then re administered his technique. Max leaned forward a bit grinding back against the pitbull feeling himself loose it.

"Oh Ced. Here I go!" Max grunted clenching down on the dog and squirting up his chest.

The second shot splattered the dog's right cheek while the third cleared the dog's head. The second to last spurted just under Cedric's neck while the last sprayed his left arm. The pitbull milked two more small spurts from the otter before his geyser dribbled down. Cedric chuckled softly scooping up a finger full from his cheek lapping it up quickly.

"Mmm otter spunk," he whispered softly leaning up and kissing him.

"Silly dog," Max grunted softly in his ear,

They kissed softly before Cedric rolled them over sideways and helped Max turn his legs until he could lay flat against the dog. The pitbull wrapped his paws around the otter holding him tight trying not to disturb his firm grip. The soft glow of the crystals were the perfect night light to glow over them as they slowly sank into a deep sleep.


Drips of water still trickled down falling lightly on the waters surface causing ripples to cast over the top disturbing the clear image of the crystals above. Only the sounds of their light breathing could be heard inside there small cavern. On the small island, inside a secret hidden cave, is where Max spent his first night back at Otterpalooza!


Ch.2 Off to the races!

A Drunken Wolf Production

Lonewolf- Took forever but Dwp gives you chapter 2 of Otterpalooza! We know we've been keeping you in suspense with this one so we hope this installment makes up for the absense. More stories will be coming soon.

Rego- Were back baby. Shout outs to the followers. We love you!

Necross Skywing- Thanks for waiting so long. Proud to be the newest member of the Dwp Crew