Alternative Medicine

Story by Klesk Vadrigaar on SoFurry

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WARNING This fic has been rated 'Adult' by the KVSSB because it contains numerous scenes and descriptions of surreal (as in dream oriented) sex between a male mouse, a herm squirrel and a male koala bear. If your knowledge of biology has advanced the stage where you both know what sex is and what age it usually is supposed to take place at then you're most likely at the proper legal age to continue on. If this is not the case then I must inform you that despite displaying a considerably advanced IQ at such a young age you still shouldn't be reading this. Sorry kids. NOTES This is a little piece I did for an online writing challenge (see here:‾mschultz/kkc/kkchallenge.htm for more info). Just thought I'd post it here for those interested to have a gander at. As per usual, this fic and all the characters are Copyright Klesk Vadrigaar 2005. For those who wish to comment, hit me back at [email protected] Now then, let's get on with it shall we... Alternative Medicine Written by Klesk Vadrigaar "Oh please come on Travis you know this can't possibly turn out to be as bad as you're saying it is." The red female squirrel said as she dragged the field mouse into the waiting room. "All I'm saying Celeste is that I don't think our situation has become dire enough that we need counselling just yet." He shot back as he wrenched himself free and folded his arms. "Look darling I'm just as ready as you to admit our marriage may be hitting a rough patch but this is way overreacting. We're just experiencing a loss of interest in the more carnal aspects of a married life. All couples go through that." Celeste looked back at her husband and drooped her head in what seemed like sadness as she walked over to the reception desk. "Good afternoon miss." The cheerful little panda bear on the other side smiled up at her, a gesture which the squirrel would normally have returned with an even bigger and brighter smile but on that day she just remained looking glum. "Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Charleston, 2:30." She held out the appointment card for the panda to look at. "Ah yes, please have a seat. Dr. Stilgar will see you in just a moment." The panda gestured to the chairs before turning back to her computer. Celeste let out a sigh as she sat down, letting her bushy tail just flop limply over the back of the chair. Travis remained standing as he looked at the panda with a somewhat dubious air. "You know I'm sure she means well but does she really have to act like everything's just ducky?" He sat next to his wife. "I mean the only reason anybody would come here would be if their situation was already pretty grim and worsening by the minute. No way are a cheery air and a smile going to cure anything." Celeste looked down at the floor, the fingers of one paw slowly twisting the golden ring around the third finger of the other one. "Do you think we tied the knot too young Travis?" "Hmm?" The mouse ceased his accusing stare of the receptionist to look at the squirrel. "Looking over the decline in our relationship over the last two months I can't help but wonder if we really made the right decision." She pulled the ring off and studied the engraving on the inside: CELESTE, FOREVER MY SPRING BUD - TRAVIS. Sighing, she let it slip from her fingers and roll down into her palm. "My mother always said I should've waited until I was at least 30 before even considering the notion. Could this be the reason why? Is our relationship burning out already? " Travis shook his head and leaned over to embrace his wife. "Celeste, you know that isn't true. We may be having some problems in the bedroom but that doesn't entail that the bond holding us together is now in danger of snapping." He picked up the ring and placed it back on her finger. "And anyway come on, you didn't honestly expect we could keep up such a highly charged sex life indefinitely could you?" "I didn't expect that we'd just suddenly go completely dead. That isn't like either of us at all." Celeste said. "Do you remember our wedding night? That without a doubt had to be the best 72 hours of my entire life." Travis nodded as he fondly recalled the event. "Well maybe that's the answer. After trying to maintain that level of commitment for three years we've just depleted ourselves." He said as he nuzzled into her neck fur. "And regardless of whether or not we do it as many times as we used to I know for a fact the love we share isn't gone yet. You're still the only girl I want to spend the rest of my life with." Celeste's downbeat expression lifted somewhat at the mouse's words. Murring softly at the feel of his muzzle running through her fur she raised her paw to gently fondle his ear. "As wonderful as it is to hear you say that Travis I'd still like to have our situation looked at before it has a chance to degrade any further." She nodded at the rest of the room. "And according to both my friends and some sites I googled, this guy has a near unbeaten track record. Even if the couple don't know themselves what the problem in their relationship is, he's been able to fix it." Travis followed his wife's gaze around the room, noticing with a hint of confusion that they were the only ones present. *Must just be a slow day.* He thought. "Dr. Stilgar will see you now." The panda piped up. * * * Inside the counselling room looked to be pretty much standard fare. Oak panelling on every wall, expensive looking leather furniture, a door leading to a small bathroom and a whole wall taken up by degrees and diplomas with another adorned by thick weighty volumes and books. In fact the only thing that seemed out of place to the mouse as he followed the squirrel in was a plush looking couch set against the wall which looked to be at least nine feet in width with seat cushions that stretched out by about five feet, making the whole thing look more like a very thin double bed than a place to sit down on. "Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Charleston I presume." The koala bear sitting behind the desk said in a slight Australian accent as he stood up and extended his paw in a friendly manner. Travis jerked his head away from the monstrous furniture piece to regard the koala, feeling his heart skip a beat when he looked over his rather cuddly looking face and then further down to his trim athletic build which looked to be quite well muscled under the grey suit he was wearing. Shaking off the momentary shock, the mouse stuck his own paw forward and stifled a gulp when he felt how much underlying strength there was in the marsupial's grip. "Nice to meet you." He finally said. The koala nodded. "I'm Dr. Leon Stilgar, though if it's all right with you I prefer to just be addressed as Leon." He smiled in a polite but gentle sort of way. "Casual touch always works better in these situations." Travis cocked an eyebrow but nodded in agreement. "Well okay, then I'm Travis and she's Celeste." Leon kept right on smiling as he shook the squirrel's paw and then indicated two seats in front of him. "Right then, as soon I take care of one other thing we'll get down to business." He said as he picked up a remote control and aimed it at a CD player situated on the counter top behind him. Presently some slow relaxing orchestral music began playing through loudspeakers on the ceiling while Leon removed his jacket and picked up a clipboard and walked around to sit on the front of his desk. "So what seems to be the problem with you two?" Travis couldn't help but blink in surprise at both the sheer casualness of the koala's manner but before he had a chance to protest Celeste had started to speak. "Well for the first few years of our marriage everything was going fine. We were both madly in love, earning decent salaries, maintaining a nice house and having quite an active sexual life." The marsupial nodded as he began jotting down notes. "But lately things just seem to be rapidly unravelling between us and we can't figure out why. We haven't made any life changing decisions or experienced any hard times or met anyone new or anything. Our lives are exactly the same." She cast her eyes down in a mixture of sadness and embarrassment. "Neither of us wants us to drift apart but try as we might we can't seem to do anything to re-ignite the passion in our relationship." The koala scribbled some more while Travis snuck another confused look at the massive couch. "Mmmhmmm" Leon contemplated as he checked over his notes. "And how long have you been married?" "About three years." Leon hummed a bit more before looking up at the pair before him. "If you don't mind my asking, how old were you both back then?" "26 and 24 respectively." Travis said, pointing first to himself and then to his mate. Leon noted the ages as the door to the office swung open and the panda from reception came in carrying a tray with three cups of steaming tea and a small plate of cookies on it. "Ah, now before we go any further would either of you two care for some refreshment?" Travis stared incredulously at the panda as she set the tray down next to the koala and then left before whirling back up to stare at Leon. "Doc, sorry if this sounds a bit rude but are you always this blatantly casual and hospitable around your patients?" "Travis!" Celeste exclaimed while the koala smiled and waved it off. "It's quite alright my dear Celeste, I get asked this a lot." He turned to the mouse. "In my time doing this job I've discovered that the more comfortable and inviting the environment in which the sessions take place is, the more relaxed the couples tend to feel and the less likely they are to argue and quarrel with one another. This goes a long way towards helping morphs to open up and talk more honestly about their problems rather than attempt to shoulder the blame on their spouses or, even worse, pretend there's nothing wrong with the relationship." Travis thought over the explanation, while he still found the whole seeming lack of professionalism to be a tad unnerving he had to admit that maybe the koala had a point. "Well we greatly appreciate your efforts." Celeste smiled. "Travis would you mind getting me a cup?" The mouse nodded and went to pick one off the tray. As he did so he caught a whiff of the tea's scent, something that wasn't quite eucalyptus and wasn't quite camomile either. The rodent found it made him feel slightly drowsy but since it was nonetheless quite an appealing smell he picked up another cup for himself and went to sit back down. "So to continue, you both were of a considerably young age when you decided to take your vows then." He leaned back on the desk. "That must have been quite a big decision. To commit to only one morph and turn away all the fruits and pleasures on offer from other potential boyfriends and girlfriends when you're both just entering the prime of your life." "Up until a few months ago neither of us saw any reason to regret our decision." Travis stated as he passed one of the cups to Celeste and took a sip of his own, finding the taste to be as strange and as delicious as the scent. Leon mmmed in response "There can still be unforeseen consequences later on. What you're currently going through could be an example." He again looked up from his pad. "Tell me, did you perhaps do anything to try and 'kick-start' your interest in sex before coming here?" Travis took a bigger sip of his tea. "I think a quicker question would be what didn't we try." He looked over at the squirrel who was trying to hide her look of embarrassment in her cup. "We did romantic baths, role playing, exhibitionism," Celeste swallowed her tea a bit more heavily and shut her eyes tighter. "Food play, porn, pretty much all of the Karma Sutra, partner swapping, heck on a recommendation from one of our friends we even did a bit of S&M." He ran a paw down the front of his shirt and grimaced. "I tell you, you haven't experienced true pain until you've tried removing dried candle wax from your fur." The marsupial's eyes widened a bit in surprise as he checked over his notes. "Well, clearly you've made a strong effort to keep the flame of affection burning between you then. Something which sadly cannot be said for most other couples I've seen who've experienced this sort of problem." Travis nodded as he leaned back and closed his eyes, finding that they were starting to feel decidedly heavier what with the soothing sound of the music and the tea. "Now I apologise if this is a little too personal but exactly how 'wild' would you describe your love life as previously?" "Well, (yawn) we probably did it at least seven or eight times a week." Celeste said, trying not to murmur. "Just the thought of finally getting home from our jobs and collapsing into each other's arms was enough to set our hearts on fire." Travis thought briefly about adding a comment of his own but decided against it. He felt so drowsy all of a sudden he figured he'd probably wouldn't be able to speak coherently enough. *Shouldn't have spent the whole night watching DVDs again.* He thought as he struggled to keep himself awake. "Impressive." The koala commented as he made another note. "Were you perchance planning on having children or had you not thought that far ahead?" "No we always (yawn) practiced safe sex for the time being." Celeste got out as she felt her own eyes drooping shut and her body going into a state of total relaxation. "Wanted to wait (yawn) another couple years or so before discussin...kites...sorry I meant kits." Leon looked at the two morphs who by now were both looking ready to board the next train to Sleepy town. "I'm sorry, are you two feeling alright?" "'S nothing...just a little....tirrred." Travis managed to get out before his head tilted to one side and he completely tuned out. Putting his pad down the marsupial looked at the squirrel and smiled when he noticed that she too was now sleeping peacefully. *Perfect, now that that's finally taken effect we can advance to the next stage of treatment.* Rolling his sleeves up, the koala first gently scooped up the mouse in his arms and carried him over to the sofa. After checking that he was comfortable enough, Leon then carried Celeste over and placed her next to him, the sofa's exaggerated dimensions proving more than enough room for them to lie together while stretched out full length *How nice it is to get a pair of small, lightweight morphs in again. Certainly provides a welcome break after that rhino couple yesterday or the elephants the day before.* Leon grimaced momentarily as he flexed his arms before straightening up and walking over to pick up one of the tea cups to sniff it. *Must make a note to start using a faster acting sedative from now on though. I was running out of questions to ask.* A chuckle arose as he quaffed what remained of the beverage and went to the door to check it was securely shut and locked. Smiling, the marsupial then made his way over to his desk and opened one of the drawers to pull out a large mahogany box. Setting it on top of the desk he opened the lid and removed the contents: three large tear drop shaped crystals, two coloured pink, the third coloured blue. *Right then, let's see if we can't get a closer look at the true root of their problem.* He thought as he brought them over and placed a pink one on Travis' forehead and then the other pink one on Celeste's before kneeling next to the side of the sofa and holding the blue one up in his paws. Several seconds past before the crystals began to glow softly and Leon closed his eyes as he felt himself leaving his body. * * * When Leon again opened his eyes he found himself standing in a lush garden filled with a variety of bizarre but no less beautiful looking plants, all of which were lazily moving around on their own accord as if alive. Looking around at his surroundings Leon noted that while it appeared to be night time the garden was serenely lit by a combination of ethereal light coming from numerous tiny moons that were growing on tall sunflower stalks and a variety of magnificently large fireflies, each the size of a Kaiser roll with lights of various colours radiating from their abdomens. *Excellent, good vivid imagery from both individuals.* He mused as he felt something nudge his foot and looked down to see a large green vine slithering past like some ground based eel. Intrigued, the koala began to walk back along the vine's length, following it through the dream landscape until he found himself staring at a massive sized maple tree, nearly 30 feet in diameter with hundreds more vines snaking down the trunk and heading off in every direction. *Very interesting.* Leon craned his neck to follow the trunk as it reached up into the skies above, noticing first that there appeared to be a multitude of naked male morphs of various species perched on different branches with their backs turned to him and second that what he had originally taken to be the night sky was in fact a gigantic canopy of stars and dark clouds growing on the tree in place of leaves that stretched out over the entire landscape. Nodding partly in awe, partly in interest, the marsupial ceased his gaze when he heard a soft moan emanating from somewhere on the opposite side of the trunk. Curious, he began to walk around, managing to cover the distance in around a second and a half to find Travis lying on the ground. His nude brown furred body was lovingly tied up in the vines with his paws and feet bound together and his tail strapped tightly to his back. A giant sized flower was situated behind him and was tenderly using its long, deep red petals to lick and tease at his exposed tail hole which brought more soft moans from the mouse as he writhed and strained slightly against his bindings. Nodding again the koala looked back up at the tree to find the morphs on the branches now staring down at the mouse as he was being pleasured. Raccoons, iguanas, kangaroos, tigers, eagles, lynxes, caimans, foxes, hawks, dolphins and males of every other imaginable species gazed down in lust at the rodent, silently pleading with their eyes for him to allow them to come down and take him to the next level of ecstasy but none making any attempt to do so. Leon looked back down to see Travis look up to offer them an understanding smile and then shake his head, apparently preferring to remain tethered to the plant. *Hmm, I do believe I'm beginning to see where the problem lies.* He walked around to get a look at the back of the flower and saw that it was in fact attached to a thick horizontal stalk that stretched back for quite a distance. *Fascinating, I wonder if...* He traced along the stalk and followed it back to a huge Venus Fly Trap plant. Noting that it seemed to lead up and inside the largest pod in the centre, which was partially closed, he carefully climbed up to get a look inside the interlocked teeth, feeling a chuckle emanating from his mouth when he saw the curled up body of Celeste lying inside with the stalk trailing up between her legs to join at her groin. *Ah ha! Now it starts to make sense.* He thought as he reached inside the teeth to gently shake her awake. "Celeste, Celeste my dear, open your eyes." Slowly the squirrel began to stir and did so. "Mmm, err what?" She blinked as she shook her head and sat up. "Where am I?" "One of the safest places you'll ever be." He smiled as she looked around her surroundings. "Leon? Wha-what's going on?" She looked over her naked form before reaching out to touch the walls of the pod. "What is this place?" The koala shifted to one side so she could peer out through the teeth at the dream garden. "This is an amalgamation of both Travis's and your inner most desires, created from images brought out of your subconscious and sculpted into a coherent dreamscape." "Dream?" Celeste again gazed down at her self and ran a paw over the fur of her stomach, murrring quietly when she felt how unnaturally soft and plush it was before she sighted the stalk in between her legs. "You mean I'm asleep right now?" Leon nodded. "Yes, and I really must say how encouraging it is that you are both such honest peaceful dreamers. Most other couples are either a torrential whirlwind of wrathful or malicious ideas, or a barren featureless desert of self denial." He gestured to the garden. "This is the basis of my therapy. While your logical minds may not be aware of what's causing the rift in your relationship I knew that somewhere deep down in your subconscious would be the answers that you seek. My techniques work on bringing those thoughts to the surface and then combining them together to create a mental landscape which I can dive into and examine in depth in order to ascertain how to set up an effective treatment." Celeste nodded as she continue to gaze around. "This reminds me of the garden where Travis and I spent our first night together." She turned to look around at the pod imprisoning her. "And this plant, lately I've been dreaming about being trapped inside a plant with this 'thing' attached to me." The squirrel reached down to touch the stalk before looking over at the koala. "Leon, what does this mean?" The koala slowly got to his feet. "I'll explain in due course but first we need to get you out of there." He gave the pod a kick, producing a loud CLANG! as though it were made of metal. "Hmm, I don't think I can get this open from out here." He moved over to peer through the teeth. "But you should probably be able to pry it apart from the inside." He reached in to take hold of her paws and place them in between the teeth. "Okay, now push Celeste." "Al-Alright." The red squirrel began to push the plant maws open, finding that while she encountered some initial resistance they gave way fairly easily. "That's it, that's it." The koala gently encouraged as Celeste kept pushing the green toothy leaves further and further apart until she had enough room to grab his paw and pull herself out. "Very good my dear Celeste. Now I don't think we have any more need for this so let's dispose of it." He reached down to grab the stalk and pull it out of her, something which caused the squirrel no pain or discomfort. "Please follow me." He smiled as he took her paw in a very gentlemanly like way and lead her down to where Travis was tied up. Celeste initially gasped in shock at the sight of the mouse wrapped tightly up in the vines. But as she watched the slow sensual movements of the flower petals as they swathed over his little pucker she felt a rather odd sense of intrigue course through her. "Not a sight you were expecting to see your husband in any time soon I'm guessing." Leon commented as he analysed her expression. Celeste shook her head as a response while she looked up to see the males watching the scene from the branches. "But Leon, I don't understand. What is this supposed to entail?" The koala squatted and steepled his fingers. "I believe part of the answer is pretty obvious: your husband is bisexual." Celeste felt herself gasp again. "I'd imagine it's a fairly deep rooted desire, so much so he's only had inklings of it in his life thus far. Pretty good chance he's never actually tried anything with a male." Leon stood back up. "However it seems now that he's gradually becoming aware of the fact that he's pledged himself to one girl and one girl only and hence will never be able to indulge his desire for guys; the sexual attraction he feels towards you is starting to wane in favour of regret." Celeste looked heartbroken. "You mean he's starting to have second thoughts about marrying me?" At that Leon turned and gave her a reassuring smile. "Quite the opposite my fair Celeste." He indicated the tree. "This is the other half of his problem, he's thought long and hard about leaving you in favour of other males and after looking into his heart of hearts he's found that he actually doesn't want another guy to help him indulge his fantasies, he wants you." Celeste looked down at the mouse and the back at the koala. "Leon, I don't understand, you're not making any sense." Leon gestured to the stalk. "Travis yearns for the same thing everyone else yearns for: sexual fullfillment and completion as a morph. You have given him that as a female lover but he also yearns for you to do it as a male lover." He smiled sweetly as he rested a paw on her shoulder. "And if you look deep within yourself I think you'll find, at least on a subconscious level, that you not only knew about this but if it were possible you'd gladly consent to giving him what he wants." Celeste blinked as she contemplated the idea. Slowly her paws timidly traced a line down to feel over the outline of her snatch. "Well, yes I guess I had some inkling." She looked back at Travis. "But if that's true how come he never said anything about it?" The koala sighed and pointed at the Venus Fly Trap. "This is where your contribution to the problem comes into play. You are a very sweet and considerate woman but you're too meek and uncertain of yourself to try and talk about things like this with your husband." He looked her over. "Would I be right in assuming that at no point since you two tied the knot did you ever think to ask your husband what he'd like to try doing in the bedroom?" At that Celeste averted her gaze and wrung her paws in embarassment. "Well, I...I always believed that if there was any avenue he wanted to explore he'd tell me about it. The possibility that he may be having difficulty realising what he wanted never crossed my mind." Leon nodded and smiled. "That's how I knew only you would be able to get yourself out of that plant. So far you've been more than happy to subconsciously dwell and fantasise on the possibility of your husband's bisexuality but because of your inherent shyness and lack of confidence you've been preventing yourself from ever actually suggesting the idea which may have helped him to see things in a clearer light. Instead you just blindly followed his ideas for the food play, the baths, the S&M and everything else in hopes that you'd get lucky and the problem would solve itself." He sat down on the stalk and patted it. "Fortunately however some trace of a connection managed to get through your self-imposed prison. On the most basic of levels he knows what he wants from you and your ultimate desire is to satisfy that want. The only problem is that this connection between you was rooted too far in the dark recesses of your minds for either of you to know about it." The squirrel nodded and looked back at Travis, seeing both how much pleasure he was deriving from the flower's actions while at the same time how badly he seemed to be wanting for her to come along and truly sate his heart's desires. "Well Leon as grateful as I am that you've helped me to understand what's gone wrong in our relationship, I don't see how we can possibly hope to rectify the situation. I mean as much as he wants me to be both male and female to him, it doesn't change the fact that I'm not and never will be." Leon stared at her for a few minutes, slowly turning over an idea in his mind. "Well that's why you came to see me and that's what I intend to do." He stood up and placed his paws on her shoulders. "The means by which I'm able to project myself into your dreams also allows me to manipulate certain aspects of them as well. The only danger with doing so is that any alterations I make in here would have a sort of 'Freddy Krueger' effect as it were on your bodies in the real world. " He looked straight into her eyes. "I believe I know of a way to repair your marriage but I shall only proceed if you're absolutely sure you want me to do so." Celeste turned for one final gaze at the mouse before placing her own paws on the koala's shoulders and staring back into his eyes. "Yes, I'm sure Leon. I love Travis far too much to let this divide between us continue for any longer." She stated in a much more firm tone of voice. The koala bear smiled sweetly again as he wrapped an arm around the squirrel and pulled her closer to him. "Hold still then, this is going to feel rather weird." Celeste felt his paw gently trace down the contours of her stomach and gasped when she felt it latch on to her sex. A sharp tingly feeling began to reverberate out from her goin which was then replaced by an odd heat as she felt something begin to grow down there. "Leon, what's-" "Shhh, just relax." He soothed as he stroked her tail. Celeste exhaled through tensed teeth as she felt the marsupial begin to massage her privates, gently rolling around a newly formed bulb of fur and flesh which seemed to have another smaller bulb sprouting out of it. As bizarre as it was, the squirrel found it actually felt kinda nice and rather soothing. She murred slightly to show it as Leon pinched the smaller bulb between his index and middle fingers to start stretching it out and lengthening it. Gradually soothed by the massage, Celeste laid her head on Leon's shoulder and enjoyed the feeling as the koala gave whatever he was sculpting down there a final rub down and then let go of her. "There, that should do it." Celeste looked down the length of hir body and gasped in shock when shi saw shi was now supporting a nine inch erection with a set of perfectly formed balls underneath. Tentatively shi reached down to run a finger across the length and murred again as the touch sent a tiny spark of electricity up through hir body. Pondering, Celeste reached underneath the newly formed organ and mewled in quiet happiness when shi felt over the familiar moist folds of hir still present female sex. "Don't worry I didn't take anything away, just gave you the extra equipment you need." He surveyed hir reaction and chuckled lightly. "Guess you like it huh?" "It feels...strange...but at the same time it's also wonderful." Shi looked at Leon with a grateful smile which he happily returned. "Now go to him. Let your love for each other blossom like it has done so many times before." He said. Celeste nodded and walked over to kneel down in front of Travis while Leon calmly grabbed onto the flower and heaved it away from the mouse. "Travis?" Shi said hesitantly. "Huh?" The rodent stopped writhing as he felt the pleasurful teasing on his rear end cease. Confused he looked up to be met with the sight of his wife kneeling in front of him with a timid, uncertain look about her. "Celeste? What?" "It's okay, we're dreaming this." Shi explained as shi ran hir paw through his head fur. "Travis, I'm...I'm so sorry. I always held a belief that this side of you might exist but I never thought to ask if it was true." Travis looked surprised which then faded to embarassment when he looked down over his bound form. "Well to be honest I've been so mixed up and worried about this myself I don't know if I'd have had the guts to give you an answer. I mean I was hoping to hell this was all just a phase I'd get over, and since there really wasn't anything you could do to help right the situation I was afraid I'd just make things worse by bringing it up." A sigh of regret left his muzzle. "You've been the most perfect mate any male could ask for Celeste, I couldn't bear the risk that I might hurt you by admitting to something that I wasn't even sure was true." He kept his head lowered trying not to look at the squirrel. Seeing this, Celeste reached down to gently cradle hir husband's head in hir paws and lift it up to let him gaze into hir eyes, seeing all the love and forgiveness for him they held. "Travis you don't have to be afraid of admitting to me what your desires are. I'm just thankful you've allowed me to see this part of you and helped to locate the source of our problem." Shi leaned down to kiss him on the forehead. "And now that I know what you truly want from me, I'm more than happy to provide it for you." Shi smiled meekly and spread hir legs to let the mouse gape in awe at hir new maleness. "Do you like it? Leon was kind enough to give it to me." The mouse just kept gaping. "M-My beautiful a herm?" Celeste nodded as shi trailed hir paw back over his ear. "You don't need to fantasise or hide from me anymore my beloved. I'm here to be everything you want me to be." Travis looked back up into the squirrel's eyes and blinked as a tear rolled down his brown furred cheek. "I love you Celeste." As if sensing they were no longer needed, the vines loosened their grip around Travis's paws so he could embrace hir and share in a full on proper kiss, feeling nothing but passion radiating back from his mate as their tongues left their mouths to mingle and caress over each other as they'd done on the first night after the two joined in their eternal union. Feeling hir body go limp from the combined happiness and relief, Celeste surrendered hirself to the mouse as he pushed the two of them backwards to fall lightly like two joined feathers onto the soft grass, his arms gliding across hir back to take hold of hir shoulders as he let their muzzles disengage so they could again gaze into each other's eyes. "So, how do you want to go about this my love?" He asked politely. "Just do what you've always dreamed of doing to me." Shi replied. Nodding, Travis leaned in to give hir a quick smooch then let his tongue slip out of his mouth and drag over the tops of hir breasts before inching downward a bit to bathe hir nipples. Feeling the warm wetness trailing over hir sensitive nubs, Celeste let hir head be cushioned onto the soft under growth and sighed as the almost forgotten sensation of being pleasured by the one shi loved began to infuse through hir body again. Murring contentedly, shi let hir eyes drift up to gaze at the millions of glittering stars growing out of the maple tree overhead as the mouse gave each nippled a suck and a gentle bite before continuing on downward to lick and kiss over hir stomach, relishing the soft fragrance that drifted into his nose while he nuzzled through the furry contours. *Damn, how I've longed to experience this.* He thought as he traced a circle in the fur with his tongue then moved into the centre to kiss hir navel. Celeste giggled slightly when he did that and to the mouse it sounded like the laugh of an angel. *If I never wake from this dream it'll be no major loss.* Sighing happily, Travis let himself slip down the last couple of inches until his nose bumped against the squirrel's new cock. Lifting his head up, the mouse took a moment to just marvel at Celeste's maleness, noting how much more appealing the throbbing red shaft and soft furred sac looked since it was connected to the woman he loved rather than just some random guy. Tenderly he pressed his tongue to the base of the sheath and then slowly lifted his head to let the muscle run up along the underside of the shaft. Celeste's flavour was quite different from what he was expecting, it wasn't exactly what he conventionally recognised as masculine and at the same time it wasn't the same feminine taste he'd sampled on the numerous occasions he'd eaten hir out. Instead it was something new and intoxicating, a rather harmonious blend of saltiness and sweetness which the rodent couldn't get enough of. Wanting to try more, Travis stretched his tongue out as far as it would go and curled it around the head of Celeste's pole and began to move back down, giving his taste buds a much stronger onslaught as they ran over the sensitive flesh, all of which produced a series of very audible groans from further up. Deciding to do a bit more exploring before he started on the serious stuff, Travis loosened his tongue and let it travel down over the red squirrel's balls. Here the flavour hindered more on the salty side; a fact the mouse guessed was so in order to offset the tender sweetness seeping out from hir feminine treasure underneath. He made sure to give both a thorough licking to enjoy the contrast before opening his mouth and moving up to at last allow the cock to start slipping in past his lips so that he could properly suck on it. On the other end, Celeste felt like hir brain was going into overdrive with the myriad of new and familiar sensations. The feeling of hir husband's tongue on hir body was something shi'd missed terribly over the last few months and to at last receive such a generous use of it was heavenly. That however was soon outmatched by the sheer ecstatic bliss shi felt when Travis began to love and tend to hir new endowment. As the squirrel felt the mouse's gentle licking of hir shaft an odd tingly feeling again began to radiate out from hir loins, something similar to the pleasure shi'd felt when they'd orally stimulated each other but more intense. And now that Travis was actually sucking hir off for real, Celeste felt like hir head was going into a pleasure induced meltdown. Moaning louder the squirrel took hir breasts and began to massage them gently while hir head lifted up to gaze fondly at the sight of hir beloved mouse loving hir cock as he'd always wanted to do. *Ye God! No wonder he enjoyed this so much whenever I did it to him.* Closing hir eyes and cooing softly, Celeste couldn't help hirself from lifting hir hips and starting to buck into Travis' face, something which the mouse welcomed wholly as he opened his mouth wider to allow more of it to slide in at one time. Groaning in blissful satisfaction, Celeste began to writhe slightly on the ground as shi felt something long and smooth begin to snake its way down hir body. Opening hir eyes shi saw that the vines from the tree had apparently also taken an interest in the proceedings as several were now slowly weaving around hir torso to aid in the stimulation of hir breasts while others were maneuvering downwards to give some more attention to hir pussy while the mouse continued to suck on hir cock. Deciding to let the plants handle things up top, the squirrel reached down to place one paw on Travis' head while the other fondle him on the sweet spot right behind his ear as shi felt him cup hir balls and playfully roll them around in his fingers. "Ooooh sweet Lord that feels good!" shi exclaimed as shi bucked harder, feeling first a little liquid pre flow out of the head of hir shaft followed by a definite tightening in hir balls which shi guessed meant shi was getting close to climax. Before shi could reach it however, Travis placed a paw on hir tummy and took his mouth off hir throbbing length to kiss it and then smile at his panting wife. "Travis? Did-did you enjoy that?" Shi gasped. As a response the mouse merely climbed back up to kiss hir on the lips. "To no end my darling tree dweller, even more so to know you enjoyed it in equal measures." The squirrel let a smile pass over as shi wiped a tear of hir own away. "What do you want to do now?" Travis just kept smiling as he reached down to give hir cock a tug, causing more pre to seep out. "Well there really can be only one reason for why I'd leave you hanging like this." He said knowingly. Celeste pondered his meaning. "You want me to mount you?" The rodent nodded and kissed hir again. "Yes Celeste, take me as I have done you so many times before." Nodding back hesitantly the squirrel pulled hirself free of the vines and stood up as Travis scooched over and resumed his previous bound postion with his rear high in the air. Swallowing, the squirrel got behind him and kneeled down to get a better look. Tentatively shi placed hir paws on his butt cheeks and took a deep breath as the reality of what shi was about to do sank in. "Celeste, you okay?" Travis enquired as he turned around to look behind. The squirrel swallowed again. "I'm...I'm fine, it's just...well how exactly do you want me to do this? Should I just push it in or...what?" Apprehensiveness and a look of being totally lost registered on Celeste's face but Travis was quick to quell it by reaching behind to hold hir paw. "Do it like I did to you the first time. Just ease it in slowly." Celeste took another deep breath as shi looked down and caressed over the mouse's cheeks (shi always had thought hir mate had a very firm yet cuddly butt). Deciding to take faith in what Travis had said, Celeste lifted hir hips to position hir cock against the rodent's tight pucker. Digging hir fingers into the soft grey fur, the squirrel began to slowly push the ring of muscle apart, bringing a loud 'eep!' which Travis was quick to muffle as the head and then the first inch slid in. Though hir intuition told hir to stop at that point, Celeste took courage in hir hips and began to massage hir spouses' bottom as the second inch slid in followed by the third. As the mouse lay under hir, not moving but still willing hir on, the squirrel took solace and continued to push in, the next four sliding in with very little effort. Celeste then stopped to check over Travis. His tongue was limply hanging in between his teeth while his eyes were shut closed in what appeared to be a look of being in utter heaven with absolutely no sign of pain or discomfort. Deciding to take this as a good sign, the squirrel held hir breath and finally hilted the entirety of hir length in the rodent's tight passageway. Exhaling in amazement at what she'd managed to do; Celeste leaned down to stroke over hir husband's back as he let out a long content sigh. "Ooooh yeah. Oh that feels even better than I thought it would." He said. Celeste was barely able to retain hir surprise. "This...this doesn't hurt at all?" Travis gave hir a wink. "No, it's just purely wonderful." "Naturally, I'd assumed you'd have worked it out by now." Both morphs looked up to see Leon leaning against the massive trunk of the maple tree marvelling at their actions with a very noticeable bulge in his pants. "As I said to you before my dear Celeste, this is the safest place you'll ever be in. Unless you're psychotic or possessed nothing can hurt you in your dreams." The squirrel looked back down at the mouse and nodded as though shi'd just suddenly realised this. "Please keep in mind though Travis, the first time you do this in reality will indeed be very painful." "First time?" The rodent looked back over his spouse. "You mean this isn't just a-?" The koala nodded, prompting the mouse to just grin happily. "You know it seems kind of wrong to me that you've done this for us and we haven't made any attempt to return the favour." He thought for a moment then opened his mouth. "Don't know what your preferences are Leon, but if you're interested I do have another hole free." The marsupial just kept right on smiling as he approached the mouse, his clothes falling away on their own accord to reveal his well built frame and dripping erection. *Wow!* Was all Travis could think as he knelt down in front of him. "How do you manage to maintain a physique like that with your job?" "I'm required to do a lot more lifting than you might think." The koala chuckled then moaned as the mouse wasted no time in leaning in to lick up the drop of pre running down his shaft. Taking a moment to sample the taste, he then turned back to Celeste and nodded. "Okay my beautiful squirrel, go ahead and do what you know I want you to do." Closing hir eyes and gripping his hips, Celeste began to pull back out slowly, murring heavily in hir throat at the feel of a virgin muscular ring squeezing down on hir new endowment. When shi sensed that shi'd reached the base of the head shi paused for a single second and then pushed back in to begin truly fucking hir loving husband. A combined moan reverberated out from all three participants as Travis followed Celeste's actions by sliding Leon's dick into his maw. The sound prompted several of the closest moon plants and fireflies to turn their attention on the action and bathe the morphs in their warm inviting light. Feeling the illumination washing over hir like a wave of relaxing and tempid water, Celeste began to thrust harder into the mouse's tail hole, moaning in the dual assault of pleasure coming from hir actions as well as from several vines that had snaked up hir legs and were now lovingly tending to hir female treasure. On the other end Leon was experiencing quite a pleasant surprise at the amount of enthusiasm Travis was putting into his sucking as he wrapped his arms around the koala's waist to hold him closer to him. Groaning at how good it felt, he laid his paws on the rodent's head and began to play with his ears as pleasure continued to course up through his body as well. Feeling even better from watching the scene playing out in front of hir, Celeste brought hir rate of thrusts up another notch, pistoning into the anal passageway while curling hir bushy tail around underneath the mouse to stroke along his own throbbing hard on. The middle of it all, Travis felt like he'd managed to ascend beyond Cloud 9 to a previously unheard level of euphoria. The itch he'd been subconsciously tolerating for so long was now at last being scratched and the knowledge that he and his darling mate would be able to carry on doing it for years to come just made the experience all that much more wonderful. Letting a few more tears of happiness dribble down his face, the mouse locked his jaws around the koala cock and sucked harder while one of his paws reached in between his legs to help the squirrel tail fondle his length, relishing the feel of the soft fur on his hot sensitive flesh. Seeing that Travis was taking gladly to hir movements, Celeste gripped his sides harder and tried hir best to just pound his ass, knowing how much he was most likely yearning for the feel of hir cum shooting into his innards. "Oh, oh God Travis, oh you're so wonderfully tight!" Shi gasped, surprised the thought of saying something like that had even crossed hir mind. Travis merely winked back at hir as he moaned around Leon's pole while he stroked himself off more feverently with the squirrel tail, sensing that the explosive climax all three were hoping for was quickly approaching. Apparently the vines had also sensed this as they gradually left Celeste's dripping cunt and began twisting around each other, creating a much larger single vine with a phallus like head which then proceeded to bury itself back deep into the squirrel's treasure. Upon feeling this Celeste stopped mid-thrust and gasped in shock as her inner depths were suddenly invaded by a huge mass of plant life which then began to disentangle itself to writhe around and stroke over every inch of hir walls simultaneously. That pretty much did it. With the sensation of having dozens of tiny invaders pleasure hir feminine sex added to the delightful tightness gripping hir masculine one the squirrel knew shi'd at last hit hir peak. "OH GAAAAWWWDDD!" Shi screamed as shi pushed back in to let the generous amounts of squirrel spooge flow freely into Travis's anal passageway while shi just collapsed on top and let hirself wilt under the orgasmic pleasure. As he at last experienced the sensation of having hot cum rush into his ass and pool from having no where else to go, Travis gripped Celeste's tail tighter and pawed himself into bliss, somehow managing to get himself off at the exact same moment the koala did. Swallowing and ejaculating into the red fur, Travis felt his legs go weak and collapsed onto the ground only for it to bend underneath his weight as though it were no longer earth but a huge grass covered mattress. At last spent, the mouse turned over and just lay there panting while staring up at the tree stars, admiring how pretty they looked until something even prettier entered his field of view. "So, enjoy that my beloved?" He asked as Celeste lay on top of his and wrapped hir arms around his neck. "Travis that felt like nothing I've ever experienced before." Shi leaned down and kissed him on the lips. "And knowing how much you enjoyed it made it even better for me." Travis just smiled at his wife as he stroked through hir dark red hair. "Yes I did enjoy it Celeste, more so than anything else since it was with you." He looked over hir shoulder at hir tail which was splattered and matted with his cum. "Sorry about getting your tail all messy." The squirrel curled it around and simply shook hir head. "It's alright Travis, the fact you found it to be so pleasurable just shows how much you love me." At that the mouse couldn't help but shed another tear as he wrapped his arms around his mate and held hir tightly to him. "Yes my darling spring bud, I do love you, even more so now as I did on that night we first met." He licked over hir nose. "And whatever problems we may have had, I don't think they'll be of concern to us anymore. You mean more to me than the rest of the world and I now know for a fact there isn't a single other living being I'd rather live out my days with." Now it was Celeste's turn to shed tears as shi gazed into the mouse's eyes and saw all the love and affection necessary to back up his statements. "I love you Travis." Shi said as shi leaned in for another kiss. "And I love you too my darling wife." He replied then went silent as their lips met again. From the sidelines Leon watched in satisfaction as the two cuddled. *Right, I think that's about enough for today's session.* He thought as he closed his eyes and let himself leave the dream world. * * * Leon awoke to find himself kneeling next to the sofa bed with his head resting on his arm. Taking a moment to stand up and try to get some feeling back into his still sleeping limb, the koala looked down and couldn't help but smile when he saw Travis and Celeste had rolled together in their sleep and were now resting peacefully with their arms entertwined around each other. *Perfect, absolutely perfect.* He thought as he gently reached down to lift up the squirrel's skirt and smiled even wider when he saw the cum soaked cock now sticking out of hir panties. *I don't think they'll need any further treatment.* Sighing, the koala looked down and noticed with a hint of embarrasment that his shirt was now all wrinkled while his pants bore a very obvious stain on the front. Checking that the two morphs were still fast asleep, he went over and swung open a section of the oak panel wall to reveal a fully stocked closet. He quickly picked out a pair of replacement garments and went over to change in the bathroom. With that done the marsupial switched off the CD player then went to retirieve the crystals and put them back in their box. *Another day and another job well done.* Smiling happily to himself, Leon pulled a notepad and calculator out of his desk drawer. *Now let's just hope they don't freak out too much when they see my bill.* * * * Just a small town girl, livin' in a lonely world She took the midnight train goin' anywhere Just a city boy, born and raised in south Detroit He took the midnight train goin' anywhere A singer in a smokey room A smell of wine and cheap perfume For a smile they can share the night It goes on and on and on and on Strangers waiting, up and down the boulevard Their shadows searching in the night Streetlight people, living just to find emotion Hiding, somewhere in the night Working hard to get my fill, everybody wants a thrill Payin' anything to roll the dice, just one more time Some will win, some will lose Some were born to sing the blues Oh, the movie never ends It goes on and on and on and on (chorus) Don't stop believin' Hold on to the feelin' Streetlight people Journey - Don't Stop Believin' * * *


  • * * And so like all good things in life, we reach the end. All critiques and comments can be sent to the address at the top of the page. Let the feedback come pouring in (please?).

Fursonae X Machina: Episode 3 - Revelations of Honour

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Special Gifts

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