The Lion King 2 1/2: Chapter 14 - Coming Full Circle

Story by Mirri on SoFurry

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#14 of The Lion King - Everything The Light Touches

Illustration for the story:


The Lion King - Everything The Light Touches

Chapter 14 - Coming Full Circle

by Mirri

The lionesses began to arrive one by one and in pairs, heading into the Pride Rock cave. Evening had come and the whole pride was gathering in the cave to sleep as usual. This evening, however, promised a bit of entertainment before bed. The cave was already reeking with lionsex from the threeway that Simba, Kovu and Sarabi had had just moments ago.

Lionesses would even giggle at the scent as they made their way into the dim light of the interior to catch the last few scenes.

The circle that had formed around the three was now breaking up as they each went to their corner of the cave to get cleaned up. Just as Kiara and Nala stepped in next to each other, they both froze, feeling everyone's eyes upon them.

They scanned around the room quickly and it did not take them long to realize what was going on. Nala leaned over and whispered something in her daughter's ear, who just giggled and nodded.

Kiara stepped forward into the middle of the cave, all eyes of the pride staring in anticipation. She stopped just before the pool of Sarabi's juices on the floor and bent over to lap at it casually as if she was drinking from the waterhole. Her chest was crouched to the ground, but her rump and tail were high in the air while she fed herself.

A shocked giggle and a few gasps went through the crowd as Nala circled her daughter twice before pushing at her side with a paw. Both of the playful lionesses grinned at each other as Kiara rolled over on her back, straight into the wet pool.

Nala stepped right on top of the downed lioness and stuck her head between her daughter's hindlegs as she crouched down. The two of them looked very well-practiced at assuming this 69 position, for some reason.

The young lioness' paw grabbed Nala's tail near the base and she lifted it up on her back to hold it there so that all the surrounding lionesses could see Kiara's pink, broad tongue dip into her mom's soft fur and part her folds when she licked all the way up underneath her tail.

A lot of the lionesses around them in the circle followed their lead, either getting into the same position with the closest lioness or just watching while they pawed themselves off. In some places the lionesses were either taking turns licking each other or they would simply lick themselves between their hindlegs.

Kovu sat back against the cave wall and purrrrrred in contentment. Vitani sat beside him on the sidelines and commented on all the other lionesses around them with a giggle.

"Look at them over there. Looks like they're having fun too." She pointed over at a small pile in the corner where four lionesses were busy licking each other, spurred on by the strong scent in the room plus the mating they had just witnessed.

Every single lioness would pause once in a while to look out on the middle of the floor, possibly for inspiration before they continued.

Kovu himself was getting more and more aroused at watching his mate and the pride Queen go at it like that, and at the same time his sister's infernal jabbering was starting to give him a headache. Luckily, as a lion of action he had a perfect solution to both problems.

Vitani yelped when she felt a paw grab the back of her head and she fell down onto the floor right next to her brother who skillfully forced her down between his hindlegs.

"Shut up and suck me off, Tani."

Vitani gurgled and panted through her nose at the initial adrenaline rush, but she soon accepted the fact that her brother had found a better use for her muzzle and she started nursing on his throbbing lionmeat to pleasure him.

A good time was had by all, indeed.

Sarabi had retreated to her own little place, lying on her back with her head propped up against the wall so she could watch everyone else too. She was soon joined by Sarafina and one of the Outlander lionesses whom she had gotten very intimately acquainted with earlier today. Sarafina grinned and dipped her head down between her pridesister's hindlegs, scooping out the glob of Simba's seed that was released when her tongue pushed against the lioness' slit.

"Ooooh..." Sarabi moaned quietly and felt the Outlander lioness groom over her face to clean away Kovu's long strands of glistening white lionlove. Both of them could feel the ferocity with which Sarafina was eating out Sarabi's soppy pussy.

"Mmmm.. I haven't tasted Simba in ages.." she mrrrowled and lifted her head up towards the ceiling, thoroughly savoring the flavor as she licked it off her lips and front fangs.

The other two giggled for a moment until Sarabi felt the Outlander's lips press against hers and an invading tongue probed curiously. The older lioness let it slide in and she was soon suckling and crossing tongues with the other.

This Outlander lioness was really starting to get Sarabi's attention. She even put her paw on Sarabi's head and ran it down her neck, smearing Kovu's cream across her otherwise golden fur in a teasing display of desire. The passionate kiss was interrupted only when Sarafina dug in again and lapped away at the tight, cumwet lionesspussy right in front of her muzzle.

"If you eat me out I'll talk to Simba in the morning." Sarabi purred and put a paw down on top of Sarafina's head, "I'm sure he'll let you suck him off and give you a nice bellyfull."

Sarafina looked up and licked her lips.

"Deal." She winked up at her pridesister and shoved her muzzle down into her sweet cunny again, slurping through it to fervently suck out the King's tasty seed.

The Outlander lioness knew she had chosen wisely when she went for Sarabi. Such an experienced lioness would know of many, many ways to please a young one like her.

"Turn around and lift your tail.. I'll show you how long a lioness' tongue really is." Sarabi whispered into the young lioness' ear and she could hardly keep from blushing red as she followed the instructions. The Outlander squatted down a bit to get her most private spot level with the lounging lioness' head as she herself was getting serviced.

In another corner of the room, Simba had been recovering a bit on his own just watching everyone else. The moans, slurps and sensual motions of all the sleek kitties around him did not allow him much rest, however. He finally stood up and started making his way to the center of the cave with determined, wide strides since his full erection was dangling between his hindlegs and made it difficult to walk.

Simba stepped right up and mounted his pair of lionesses on the floor, starting by shoving himself up Nala's wet pussy and making her groan out loud enough for the whole crowd to turn and watch.

"So the Queen likes to show off, huh?" he growled playfully in her ear, not missing a beat with his hips as he mated her like a wild cat.

"You should have told me before.. I'll start each morning by fucking you senseless in front of the pride if that's what you want?"

Nala just moaned in response, begging for more and made it clear to everyone watching her that the King had the biggest lioncock in the Pridelands. In case some of the lionesses had not compared them all yet.

Simba in the meantime humped his Queen like the stallion he was, pistoning his wet cock in and out as he started to feel Kiara eagerly licking his pumping shaft from beneath. She enjoyed the taste of her mom's juices leaking out every time the King pulled out quickly and droplets landed on her muzzletip.

The big horny lion gave a groan and lifted his tail up higher when Kiara's tongue slipped back to lick at his balls as well. Her excited slurps over his weighty and bulging sac made him desire his lionesses even more, and he pushed Nala's head further down between his daughter's hindlegs.

"Lick her." the King rumbled, still plowing his massive lionhood through his mate's cunny without pause.

Nala ducked down obediently and tried to pry her tongue into her daughter's tight little adolescent twat. The taste of Kovu soon overwhelmed her senses and made her growl with desire as she dug down deeper. There was just something so overwhelmingly naughty about drinking another male lion's seed out of her own daughter.

Simba saw only the passion with which his Queen licked the downy white pussyfur of their daughter before she pushed her tongue through her folds and straight into her tight little hole to lap out the juices inside.

The display made him finally decide to shift to Nala's other fuckhole so that Kiara could get back to work on the sex he was currently hammering himself into. The big male slowed down for a bit and started pulling himself backwards and out of his mate. A glob of combined lioness juice and Simba's squirts of precum ran out of Nala's loosened slit and down the inside of her hindlegs until it dripped onto Kiara's shoulder.

The lion was not fast enough, however, and to his surprise he was suddenly intercepted by a slick, wet muzzle that slipped up around his dripping shaft and started to nurse from him.

"Oooh..! Kiara grabbed me..." The lion blinked wide-eyed and let his rear fall back down again until he felt his cocktip press against the back of the lioness' throat. It felt so different than usual since the female was upside down and her tongue in an entirely different place. "She's.. mmmm.. sucking me so well."

"Darn!" Nala hissed, feeling somewhat abandoned and empty now as she was left alone in mid-mating. "I wanted to watch."

A few of the lionesses around them giggled at that and the crowd curiously moved back to observe the action from behind.

Simba moaned and started thrusting his hindquarters again, only this time aiming more downwards as he slid his slippery lionshaft up and down in sweet, tight lionessmuzzle.

"She's even using her tongue.. *ooh*..just right.." Simba panted into his mate's ear with admiration, "Did you teach her this?"

"Yeah, I showed her how to suck liondick on Kovu." Nala replied and felt her own hindquarters shiver in need since she was not used to being interrupted in the middle of something like this. She was the Queen of the pride, after all.

"You *showed* her?" The male cracked a smile and lifted his tail up a bit higher for the audience behind to better follow the action.

"I'm entitled to a bit of fun myself." Nala grunted and rubbed her wet slit over Kiara's chin and throat, keeping herself excited and waiting impatiently for her turn now. The heated huffs of the lion on top of her and the fur rubbing against her back rhythmically usually meant she was getting something big inside her, and her body was clearly getting frustrated at the missing part of lion.

"Did you suck Kovu off today?" Simba whispered down at her, increasing his pace now as he felt Kiara's muzzle fill with his steady stream of precum and her own saliva.

"Mmm-hmm.." Nala snorted in a quick confession, still working hard to try and get herself off by tickling her clit with Kiara's throatfur. Unfortunately she had gotten it so wet by now that it was hardly useful for tickling anymore.

"Let me taste." the King commanded.

Nala twisted her head around to face him and he leaned forward a bit more in a position that would have been impossible for anyone other than a flexible feline. Their two muzzles met in a heated, careless kiss that was meant only for the two to taste the inside of each others' muzzles.

Simba rumbled in a deep purr at the taste of Kovu in his mate's muzzle while he rammed away in Kiara's. Nala on the other hand tasted so many different lions and lionesses in Simba's muzzle that she could hardly discern a single one of them. It tasted as if the King had swallowed the whole pride.

The deep kiss did not last long, however.

"MMMmm.. I just *have* to give her my load. Ooh.. she's as good a cocksucker as you.." Simba panted heavily and bit down hard on Nala's neck.

The other lionesses enjoyed the show immensely in the meantime and several of them had already had their first couple of orgasms. The whole cave was alive with panting, moaning and sweating lionesses, pleasuring each other the best they had learned and all of them rocking and squirming in unison as if they were all one big sensual body.

Simba roared out loud to get everyone's attention so they could see his balls retract up under his tail, twitching as he unloaded himself in his daughter's muzzle.

Kiara was panting through her nose and sweating like mad at this point, she had been working in this awkward position to get the King off for quite a while now, her neck was aching and her nosepad was covered in saliva and precum from every time Simba had pulled back out between her lips and the drops came flying. All her hard work was finally paying off and she purposefully swallowed only the first few jets for herself. Her tongue plugged her throat then just so everyone around her could watch her daddy's cum splurt out the sides of her muzzle and down her face.

A warm feeling knotted the young lioness' tummy as she closed her eyes and just let the syrupy lionjelly trickle down over her cheeks, eyes and down her neck before it pooled on the ground.

Enthralled the crowd watched the three lions, a few lionesses joined in a heated moan of ecstasy of their own.

Simba stepped back, deliberately slowly dislodging his pulsing catcock from the lioness' muzzle so everyone could follow. He stood there to recover for a bit, his hard lionhood hanging stiffly between his hindlegs, coated in wet, white juices that dripped off the pointy tip and down onto Kiara's face. His panting huffs echoed through the cave and his sac loosened up a little again to hang dangling down below his tail.

Every single lioness in the room stared at the gifted male's bits and collectively trembled at the fantasy of having that thing to themselves.

Kovu broke his kiss with one of the lionesses who had gathered around Vitani and him to help out. It seemed that no matter which way he turned his head now a lioness would press her muzzle against his and tongue wrestle with him. Even Vitani was getting licked under her tail while she was busy with her brother.

Kovu bit his lip in pleasure at the scene and pushed his paw down for Vitani to suck him off faster now.

"C'mon, Tani.. hurry up so the other lionesses can have their turn." the male leered and turned back to one of the Outlanders sitting right next to him, "Now where were we?"

Their black lips met again and the female felt the lion's large paw stroke her bellyfur and slowly slide down between her hindlegs...

Sarabi was having fun with her own Outlander lioness and at that very moment she got a second coating of the young one's juices over her muzzle. The Outlander quivered in her climax for a while, her hips bucking before she calmed down and put her head down on her paws again, rump still in the air for Sarabi to play with.

"Again?" the lioness chuckled and cleaned her lips with her tongue.

"Mmmm.. yes please." the Outlander grinned and wiggled her rear a little, still panting to catch her breath.

Down on the ground Sarafina was still licking between Sarabi's hindlegs. She was taking her time teasing and tickling since she knew exactly what the other lioness' limits were and how to get her off. So she just kept Sarabi on the edge the whole time, enjoying the way she in turn would eat out the Outlander lioness in sheer desperation.

All eyes swiveled back to the action on the floor when the King grabbed onto Nala's neckscruff and mounted her again. Since she had been such a good sport about waiting for him, he offered her a choice.

"Pussy or tail..?" The male boomed loud enough for everyone to hear, and true to form he poked the lioness with his stiff cocktip in each place while announcing it.

"Mmmr. Tail..." Nala smirked and licked her muzzle. A revitalizing infusion of energy surged through her loins since her body knew she was going to get what she wanted now.

Simba just nodded and elevated his position, pushing Nala down a little more into a crouch and poking firmly against her tailhole with the warm, wet tip of his member.

The audience held its breath and stared, except for Kiara who purred when her mother was pinned down further and she could squeeze her tongue into Nala's spread slit.

She was the first to be surprised by the sudden smack of Simba's balls on her head right between her ears when he shoved himself roughly forward and pierced through Nala's tender ass. He went all the way until his sheath kissed her tailpucker in one fast motion, cramming it up the poor lioness' tail to the brim.

Nala cried out and flexed her claws, scraping the stone floor while a collective gasp went through the whole crowd. Every lioness twitched their tail, almost feeling that thrust on themselves just by watching.

Simba wasted no time and started to rut his mate's rump as fast as he could. He was determined to give his Queen the roughest public tailfuck she had ever gotten. She would not be able to sit for a week.

"You like that, my little assbitch!?" Simba snarled and tugged on Nala's neckscruff, sending shivers through the assembled crowd who had seemed to revive and were stroking and licking each other faster than before in an attempt to keep up with the King's mad humping.

A lewd wet sound came from Kiara's cumsoaked head each time her daddy's heavy balls slapped against it, but she was too busy drinking up the lioness juice that flowed freely from Nala to care.

The agonizing pleasure that flushed up Nala's spine created flares of fire in her belly and she felt her entire frame bouncing helplessly under her mate as he pummeled her tight little rear hole into submission.

"Ooooh, Yes! Breed my tail, Simba!" Nala whimpered and begged for more between her strained gasps for air. She drooled down her chin in pleasure, white flashes obscuring her view each time the horny male rammed up her rear and made her body shake with the impact.

The sheer ferocity with which the Lion King pounded his mate was enough to make a few more lionesses peak in each others' muzzle and on their own paws. This was truly a display of dominance worthy of the King of the Pridelands.

Simba leaned forward more, still holding on to his mate's neck as he pushed her muzzle down into the young lioness' groin who was still laying spread and sprawled on the ground.

"Make her come.." the lion growled between his teeth at Nala.

Obediently the Queen resumed eating out her daughter's pussy, only it was a lot more difficult to concentrate now that her body was clenching in mixed pain and pleasure with each and every powerful thrust she took.

To speed up things a little, Nala pushed a claw into Kiara's tailhole and moved it back forth rhythmically while she tonguefucked the adolescent lioness rapidly. It took only a moment for her to find a rhythm, it came natural in synchronization with the wild bucks from behind.

The rapid propulsion of Simba's heavy equipment right against Kiara's head with smacks hard enough to make her head buzz was a clear testament to the raw power of his well-trained hindmuscles.

Kiara could not take much more of this treatment and she finally reached up to grab Simba's sac in her muzzle, holding on to it while he relentlessly plowed himself into the other lioness. The young lioness started moaning around the treat in her mouth and kicked her hindlegs out wildly on both sides of Nala's head as she climaxed hard.

Simba who had still not let go of his mate's neckfur saw the display and even felt her tiny teeth prick into his balls a little from behind since his daughter was still holding on to them while she came.

This was enough to get the King off as well and while his daughter was sucking his balls he finally creamed in Nala's tight little ass, accompanied by a mighty *ROAR* of satisfaction.

His loud outburst was joined only moments later by a melodic *yeowl* from the lioness beneath him.

Feeling the first wetness against her throat, Kiara quickly pulled back and pressed her lips against Nala's folds, kissing her deeply there and drinking down all the sweet, tangy lionesscum that came out in the torrents of her ecstasy.

Kiara watched closely as Simba's balls contracted with a strong twitch that made his entire rear shake. She could see the immediate reaction of Nala's tailhole clenching down hard whenever she received another blast of the hot, liquid sunlight up her rear.

Simba started to grind himself against his mate's tailpucker, but he also moved in and out a little at a slower pace as if he was trying to stuff the rich malemilk deeper into her rear by himself. His flared barbs scraped back and forth in Nala's sensitive tailtunnel and made her clutch his pulsing meat, giving him the firm milking squeezes he needed to keep cumming his balls empty.

Naturally the lioness' rump could not hold both a massive lionshaft and the entire contents of the Lion King's sac, so the lionesses gathered around could soon see a stream of white run down Nala's rear and into Kiara's headfur who was still busy down there.

Kiara kept her tongue wedged deep into her mommy's pussy, enjoying the hard convulsions of both her holes whenever Simba's mammoth liondick throbbed and jerked inside its resting place. The sharp spines made sure that the female's next contraction was synchronized with each copious load that the Lion King spilled into her tail.

Simba licked the back of Nala's neckfur where he had bitten into it just moments before, purring soothingly to her while his spine contracted and kept him spewing warm, liquid love into his mate.

Hardly any of the surrounding gathering could resist that sight, especially Kovu in the corner who finally pinned Vitani down in his groin and filled her muzzle as well. During his heated grunts of pleasure he tried to keep his eyes open to watch the scene like everyone else while he gave his sister several well-deserved muzzlefulls of thick cubmaking seed for her to feed on.

Like a good little kitten she swallowed all that she was offered and her mischievous grin showed she knew she had kept this going long enough for Kovu to be too exhausted to have the other lionesses around them suck him off too.

By the time Kovu was finished only a few lionesses in the corners of the cave were still going at it. The three stars of the show in the middle had disassembled and were each being treated to an exquisite tonguebath by a host of other lionesses that had been watching.

The whole cave rumbled with the satisfied purrs of the entire pride as everyone were cleaning and grooming each other in their tingling afterglows.