First Patrol - Collaboration with Minothebull

Story by Perrin Wolfbrother on SoFurry

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#1 of Sgt. Horns

Paul is ready for his first official day as a cop, but will it be as he had imagined?

Hey everyone!

To celebrate my internship, I am posting this story, one I have finished some time ago but waited to post ^^ It's inspired by this pic, and had the fundamental input of my dear friend avatar?user=322305&character=0&clevel=2 minothebull. Thanks to him, the story was improved from the first draft and got much, much better. Thank you Moomoo!

I must thank, again, my avatar?user=48220&character=0&clevel=2 Gritou, for the editing and for nagging me to write this story icon_inlove.gif

The light of the sun was barely shining through his bedroom window when Paul began to dress, his tail barely containing its wagging. The young gray wolf had put everything he needed on his bed, neatly folded and prepared, his dark blue hat resting on the pillows and overseeing the rest of his uniform.

The lupine had done everything by the book, made sure that the pants were ironed in just the right way, his shoes greased until they shone, his shirt cleaned to an immaculate state. Nothing spoiled his uniform, not even the smallest spot, every fiber of his newly got clothes being vibrant in their colors.

Paul had been careful not to disrupt his clothes once he put them on his moderately muscled body, looking at his reflection in the mirror once done. His eyes had wandered on his uniform, positioning his hat better between his tall ears, the wolf basking in the knowledge that the hard times at the Academy had brought him to this.

The young canine still couldn't believe that the shiny badge on his heart was his, showing everyone that he was part of Bulltown Police Department. He had openly wept when they handed it to him, finally achieving what he had always dreamt, following the pawsteps of his great father.

The wolf admired himself in the mirror, cocking a confident grin to his reflection, hat put slightly sidewise; he sure looked wonderful in uniform, just like his dad, the big lupine whom appearance always demanded obedience.

Tail swishing, he went out of his room, immediately welcomed by the smell of coffee coming from below; Paul leaped from stair to stair, being careful not to make a ruckus while doing that, and entered the kitchen, where he found his mom busy preparing breakfast.

"Morning mom!" The wolf greeted her, grabbing the cup of dark liquid she offered.

"Morning Paulie! Do you have time to eat?" She asked, not averting her eyes from the eggs she was cooking. She loved to wake up her children with a warm meal, especially little Ann, the princess of the household.

"Sorry mom, I have to be at the department before 8! In fact, I should have been there already." The tall canine chimed, breathing in the wonderful aroma before gulping the coffee down. Only once he finished drinking he noticed his mother had turned and was staring at him, eyes full of tears and her paws over her chest.

"Mom?" He asked, worried that something was wrong, putting down his mug and stepping closer to her. She backed away, clearly embarrassed at her display of emotion, a handkerchief appearing from nowhere and pressed to stop the tears.

"It's nothing Paulie, I forgot what day it was... You look just like my poor Jim..." She sniffed while gaining back her composure. Thinking of dad always caused some tears to the she-wolf; the life with him hadn't been perfect, but it had been a good life.

"Mom..." The wolf simply said, covering the distance that separated them and hugging his mom tight. He was weeping a bit too, thinking how he wished his dad was there to see what had become of his eldest son, and make him proud of such a manly, imposing son. That chance had been taken away from him, unfortunately...

The emotional moment quickly passed, both wolves going back to their usual selves; if something must be said about the Kowalski, it surely was that they didn't dwell in the past and mope around. It's what his dad would want too, after all.

"I-I gotta go mom!" Paul said, planting a big kiss on his mother's cheek.

"Be careful out there Paulie!" She told him, using the same words she said every morning, when dad went to work. That made his throat tighten a bit, but he fought the sadness back with the idea he was going for his first day as a cop.

"I will mom!" The wolf in uniform answered back, going out of the room before he cried again; he didn't like to show his emotions, just like his old dad, he didn't remember seeing him cry. Or smile, for that matter, but that had been part of his stern parent personality; he knew he loved his family.

The young cop remembered to grab the car keys from the bowl, bursting in the morning crispy air. No one was around still, too early for most, which was good for Paul; if he met one of his neighbors he would have needed to stop and talk with them, suffering their congratulations and surely delaying him.

The lupine started his old Ford Focus without trouble, and soon he was driving in the empty street to reach the department. He hadn't been assigned to the one near his house, but he didn't care since it was the same one his dad worked in; Paul was sure that some of his old friends had made it possible, and his parent had lots of friends.

The young cop was grateful for that; he wasn't bothered by his late dad's fame, no, he was honored, and going to his department at the beginning of his career was just the right thing for him. It had been a few years since his dad was there, but he hoped that everyone still had a good memory of him.

The department soon loomed in the horizon, its red bricked walls so familiar to him thanks to the visits he had paid to his dad; this time, though, he didn't park outside, but directly in the fenced area for the personnel. He found easily a free spot and parked, bouncing off the car and toward the entrance, wagging madly for his happiness.

"Contain yourself kiddo, you are a police officer!" A passing vixen scolded him, her eyes showing that she was going back home after a night shift. The rough remark stilled his tail, but didn't kill his enthusiasm and cheerfulness.

"Yes ma'am ." He smirked, saluting her with a wink. The fox looked at him critically, her small nose twitched as if smelling something wrong.

"You're a newbie, kiddo?" She asked at him, her paws at her hips while she scanned him from hat to shoes, trying to find something wrong; seeming annoyed when she realized the new kid had dressed properly.

"Yes ma'am! I have a meeting with my Sergeant, a certain Sgt. Horns! Care to tell me where the meeting room is?" The lupine sported his best smile to win the vixen, while demanding the help. Always show confidence and authority with other cops, his father used to say.

"Ah, Sgt. Horns. He doesn't like lateness, you should go." The red furred policewoman answered, grimacing at his words a bit; she was probably lesbian, if she resisted his charms like that. "Take the right corridor once you get in, then fourth door on the left. Good luck kiddo."

"Thanks ma'am!" Paul replied, puzzled that he hadn't broken her stern façade; she had smiled when mentioning Horns, and that made him wonder... But he hadn't time for that, quickly walking to the entrance and passing through the double doors, not paying attention to the moving furs inside nor their greeting. He turned right, as the vixen had instructed him, in a photographs-lined alleyway, counting the doors until he reached the fourth.

The door had only a sterile "Room 09" written on the bubbled glass in the middle of its upper panel, but the lupine could see shadows moving through it, meaning that someone had already arrived. He stopped to take a deep breath and check if everything was in place, to get ready for this memorable moment; to say he was nervous would have been the least, only his Kowalski temper kept him from showing how he was feeling.

Finally Paul deemed himself ready and raised his gray paw, knocking a couple of times before opening the door and getting in. As he had guessed there were already furs crowding the small meeting room, five of them exactly, all in uniforms. A quick look showed him that chairs lined the room before a chalkboard and a table, the powerful sunlight coming from two narrows windows.

The furniture wasn't the only thing he had noticed, though, as his mind registered the furs inside the room: two of them were seated in the chairs, a tiger and a beagle, and by their nervous young looks it was clear that they were newbies like him.

The other three stood by the table, all of them with the stern look of weathered officers, though only the youthful shiba inu and the big bear were normal officers. The bull in the middle bore the three inverted chevrons of a sergeant, and he surely had the imposing demeanor a sergeant of the police department should had, towering even the bear thanks to his big, white horns.

The bovine seemed to be in his mid forties, but he was still powerfully built, packing the buff muscles of a younger male under his uniform. What was exposed of his pelt was red, with white fur covering his muzzle; probably his chest was also immaculate, with some white spots among the rest of his red pelt, but that was just a guess.

The bull was saying something to the new cops, but he quickly turned to see who had just entered, visibly dissatisfied for the interruption. "Are you Kowalski?" He asked him, his ears flicking as if a fly was buzzing by, his hat remaining planted between them obviously thanks to years of practice.

"Yes sir, Stg. Horns!" Paul answered him immediately, saluting the other male. He looked somewhat familiar, maybe he had been one of dad's protégée... He had brought many of them at home, all with a rightful fear of the wolf, until he went to high school, at least....

"We were all waiting for you Kowalski. Stop gawking at me, shut the door and plant your furry ass on the chair!" The older cop shouted his orders, his rumbled words sounding much like a growl to the wolf. Jumping at that, Paul did as told and closed the door behind him, hurrying to the chair besides the tiger, trying his best not to flatten his ears. He wasn't that much late, after all, only a quarter of hour! "Look always strong", his dad used to say, and showing signs of uneasiness would be a disastrous start.

"Now that the mutt has finally arrived, we can start this shit." The bull said, his shades-covered eyes going on each of the seated furs, but locking themselves especially on the lupine; he hadn't come that late, but he sure wasn't going to point that out to his boss.

"You three baby rookies, with your asses still fresh from the Academy, have been assigned to my squad." The bovine started, his beefy arms crossed on his chest. "I don't have any need for you, but the high-ups think differently, so I have to endure you and your mistakes."

Somehow, Paul felt like he was referring to him, even if he hadn't done anything wrong; that was a bit annoying, he didn't want to be picked on, it was something he always hated. But he stayed silent, no need to be marked has the whining one; plus, he was sure he would show all of them of what he was made of, he was the son of the great Officer Kowalski after all!

"Since you don't even know how to hold a gun, you will be partnered with three senior officers, so that they can babysit you." The sergeant continued, snorting at the bother of looking for the new kids. His whole explanation was like that, mocking them while saying what their duties were, where they would patrol, all stuff that could have been said more gently.

The feeling that the bull disliked him increased through the whole ordeal, with each snappy remark and his constant habit of calling him mutt; sure, he was referring to all of them like that, using the same term for the beagle and kitty for the tiger, but it still felt like he was especially hard on him. Paul didn't like that at all, but he endured it well enough, with a respectful grin on his muzzle and all the concentration he could spare focused on not showing how annoyed he was.

"Now, I am tired of talking with you useless girls. Peterson, you are assigned to Officer Nakamura. Smith, Officer Bates will oversee you." Horns stared at the wolf for a long time, finally a little smile creeping on his muzzle; even if the lupine had met the bull just twenty minutes before, he already knew that it wasn't a good sign.

"Kowalski... You will be with me." The death sentence came, hitting him hard. If this meeting was just an indication, patrolling with him would be a living hell. But he took that graciously, saying nothing, just nodding and smiling; "hardships built character", his dad always said.

"We are already late, so you're dismissed. Mutt, follow me." The bovine bellowed at them, not waiting to see if the lupine had listened to him, his hooves taking him outside the room. Paul darted on his paws and ran after his boss, catching him before he turned around the corner.

He expected some words from the bull, maybe even some explanation that his behavior was just an act, that he didn't dare to tone it down for Kowalski's son in front of others so not to show favoritism; but the sergeant remained enclosed in silence, just walking.

They exited the building from another door and into the lot where the police cars were parked. The tall cop knew which one to take, since he led the younger one through the parking lot until he stopped in front of one car. He fished the keys and opened the car, but, to Paul's great surprise, didn't hop on the driver seat, instead heaving himself on the passenger.

"You drive, mutt. So you can learn faster." The older cop commanded him, tossing him the keys. Luckily Paul had quick reflexes, so he caught them without trouble, but that didn't make it less infuriating; there were better ways to ask him things, without hard tones and disrespect to things.

The wolf hadn't expected to drive from the first moment either, wasn't it better that the bull did it, so to show him? He opened his muzzle to say as much, in the post polite way, sure, but nevertheless he couldn't let things like that.

"Why are you gaping at me? Scared to drive a car? Get inside, mutt." The bull cut him off, loudly clashing the door closed and staring at him. The shades he was wearing hided his eyes, but he was sure that they were hard and demanding; but he was also his sergeant, he shouldn't piss him off on his first day...

Shagging his head in his shoulders, the wolf turned around the car and got to his seat, initiating the car right away to avoid any other complain. The young policeman had lost his ability to still his ears, though, those triangular folds of flesh moving on his head freely; it was just fine for him, if he couldn't voice his bothers he could at least let the other male know he wasn't fully happy.

"Good, you know how to turn it on. Go out of the parking lot and proceed to Elm Street." The bovine taunted him, purposely ignoring the flickered warning. Paul did as told, suppressing a snort, getting in the street without accidents; he hoped that his supervisor would shut up and just enjoy the ride, but his wishes weren't heard.

"Don't drive fast; you're a cop, not a NASCAR racer." Horns berated him, even if he was just some miles over the speed limits. "You kids think everything is a race, eh?"

The lupine was just half listening to what he was saying, so he jumped in surprise when he felt a poke in his ribs; a growl escaped him before he could control himself, but that only made the bull chuckle.

"You think you're a real wolf, mutt? You're still a pup, don't growl at me! And answer me when I ask something." The red and white fur scolded him sternly; even his broad muzzle showing his discontent, Paul was sure of it. The bull had sounded like he had waited for a precise reply, but he couldn't think of any.

"Yes sir, I will answer sir." The annoyed wolf replied to his sergeant, even if he knew that the other was jumping on the smallest of occasions to reprimand him. But he kept driving, his anger stopping him from casting a glance to the street and the curb to detect possible problems; but he was too pissed off to follow the rules, plus he knew that there were many furs up and about, it was a commercial district after all.

No disturbance showed up, except the one in the form of the uniform-wearing bull seated besides him, directing him through the patrol and berating him at the same time. Nothing big, sure, maybe something he should have expected to suffer, but not in that quantity. The wolf had hoped that, since he was the son of Kowalski, fellow officers would have treated him well, and that he would be friends with his partner, but being constantly insulted and picked on was already pushing him over his limits.

They had been out already for an hour, doing just driving since nothing came from the radio, and the wolf wanted to call it a day; but he was still bound by his duty, and that meant driving his partner around.

"Turn in that alley." Horns ordered him, his big paw pointing at the free space between a bakery and a bookshop.

"But there is nothing there..." The lupine protested. Why should this bull with a middle-age crisis go there, he didn't know.

"I said turn there. It's an order mutt." His tone didn't expect anymore protests, that much was clear, so he was soon driving in the alley, the same exact red bricks of the department making the walls on their sides.

"Stop there." The bull bellowed, meaning with the 'there' a small space between the dividing fences, big enough to contain their car. "Stop the car."

Paul just did that, unbuckling his safety belt too, for good measure; he hadn't been told that, but he wasn't his lapdog, he was his own person! He stared at his boss, the big bull sprawled on the passenger in an indolent way, probably waiting for him to ask what they were doing; not that he would give the muscular bovine satisfaction.

"You saw the bakery, didn't you mutt?" The sergeant asked him after a while, his shades fixed on him.

"Yes sir." Paul answered, ears flicking at the word mutt. He didn't understand why the other was interested in that, but he waited for the cop to explain.

"Go and buy some donuts. They know which ones I like, so you don't have to remember anything, mutt." The other cop rumbled. The request surprised Paul, so much that he stared at the other, not really understanding. This... This old fur, close to retirement, wanted him, the offspring of Officer Kowalski, to buy donuts!

"No." He growled the word, putting all of his frustration in it. It was past time to make a stand. The wolf didn't show any tooth, he didn't want to be that aggressive, but the growl conveyed what he was feeling.

The bull pulled down his shades, putting them in the front pocket of his shirt, finally showing his eyes of a remarkable brown color, his pink nostrils flaring; it was clear that he had wanted a different answer "What are you saying, mutt? No?"

"No. I'm not your personal punching bag, to mistreat and send to do chores. I am an officer of Bulltown Police Department, trained to catch criminals, not to fetch sweets for toothless sergeants! If you want donuts, you go yourself. Sir" Paul remembered to add the honorific at the end, though his heated delivery probably took away any respect he might have shown. His body language didn't help too, his ears flicking and his shackles just shy from being raised.

He was prepared to being shout at and insulted by the other, nothing he couldn't endure and fight back; he just felt silly that the trigger had been some sugary treats, but in the end it didn't matter at all, the important thing was to stand up for himself.

The bull just kept staring at him, as if puzzled by this surge of rebellion from the fellow cop; he stayed like that for a great while, so much that Paul began to sweat for the tension. Then, Horns opened the door and got off, clad in his silent; that made the wolf sigh in relief, maybe he didn't overstep, maybe the bull had been testing him all the while. Now he would go to buy donuts and celebrate and-

His door opened violently, rough paws grabbing him and tossing him out of the car on the filthy floor. Everything happened so fast that Paul didn't have time to think, let alone defend himself, barely raising his paws to. Something cold and metallic was bound around his wrist, pulling his arm up in an uncomfortable way.

Only after that the paws left him, panting on the floor because of the shock, he realized that the metal circled meant that he was handcuffed to the car door. Shaking away the confusion, he looked up and saw Sgt. Horns looming over him, his muzzle fixed in a grim expression.

"W-what the fuck!? Release me!" He barked, though his voice sounded too high to be intimidating. He would have added more, but the reddish paw darted and shut around his muzzle in a painful way, not letting him speak.

"Shut up, mutt! I hoped that you would behave, but expected too much, didn't I?" The bull bellowed, his voice full of authority. His paw relaxed a bit, letting go of the muzzle, but still lingered close, surely to spring to action if the canine spoke again. Paul was half tempted to do that, but he was in the weaker position, tided to the car, lower than the bovine.

"I should have known better, mutt... Such things run in the family... Luckily, I made so that you were under me to correct that." Horns explained, coming closer, so close that his groin was almost touching the lupine's long muzzle; he tried to shy away, but he had the car behind him and couldn't escape from that.

"Y-you wanted me to be your partner?" Paul whispered in disbelief, bringing the paw on him, closing his muzzle again, adding some pressure for good measure.

"I told you not to speak!" The massive cop shouted at him, his grip formidable. "And yes, I wanted that, but now it looks like you will need to be my police dog first."

The sergeant chuckled when he heard the muffed sounds of protest, the wolf trying to protest at being considered a dog. "Oh yes, you took a lot after your father. He was an asshole before he met me, and needed to go through the same training."

Paul looked straight at the bull's eyes, not really believing what he had just heard. What was he exactly saying? What did he mean with being his police dog? Surely his dad wouldn't have let him prevaricate him, a seasoned cop, and older than the bovine.

"Oh yeah, I know what are you thinking. Your father thought I was just a simple rookie, who he could command and abuse... but I showed him who was in charge." The bull loomed over him, such a frightening vision, while he was recalling those days long past.

"But now you have to understand... It might have taken some time with your father, but I was his subordinate back then... I am your sergeant." Horns rumbled, his tone menacing, leaving much unspoken. Paul knew in which situation he was: the bull was his direct superior, he could make a bad report about him... Kick him out of the department....

Something in his posture must have give in his thoughts, because the bull chuckled once again, the laugh of the winner. "You are smarter than your old man, good. I like when my dogs are smart." Those words were accompanied by the sounds of a paw unbuckling pants and, to the utter horror, the pants fell along with some undies, baring the aroused length of the bull.

"Mmmmmm!" He tried to speak, knowing what was going to happen, yanking his arm but not succeeding at freeing himself; the handcuffs stopped him, like the powerful paw around your muzzle.

"Oh shut up Paulie boy! Your father told me of the secret stash you hold under your bed!" The bovine said, nonchalantly revealing one of his deepest and darkest secrets. "He came straight to me when he discovered your magazines full of cocks and asses, all horned up, begging for a good pounding."

He didn't know what was more shocking, his father knowing he liked cock or the fact that his old man got cock up his ass. Paul had always been so careful, and part of the reason why he wanted to become a cop was to prove he wasn't a fag, that he was a real man, like his father. But his dad....

The lupine lowered his head in defeat, getting his muzzle closer to the bull prick in front of him. It was long and quite hefty, not as much as a horse, but nonetheless an impressive dick; its musk failed to arouse him, though, maybe because of all the shocking revelations he was getting.

"Are you going to be a good dog, and be trained?" The bull asked from above, and he didn't dare to stare at him, he just nodded, defeated. This red and white fur knew of his secret, and was his supervising officer... He could send him in a living hell if he didn't do as told.

"That's a good mutt. Now, open your muzzle." The uniform-wearing bovine ordered, his paw letting go of his muzzle and moving to grab the top of his head, where his hat had been; in the commotion, he hadn't noticed that the blue cap had fallen, but now he did, thanks to that strong pressure.

Paul didn't speak, just opened his mouth, and almost gagged when the sergeant thrust his hefty cock in it, most of it entering and scrapping against the back of his throat. The dick felt much thicker than it looked in mouth, a very sizable girth, but somehow he managed to endure it, breathing from his nose; the musky smell that he inhaled stirred his dormant sheath, but just so, he wasn't yet in the mood.

"You have a natural talent. Just like your dad." Sgt. Horns taunted him, making him blush to the comparison. The wolf couldn't imagine his proud dad servicing another male like that, he really couldn't, but the bull didn't let him think about that, since he was already extracting his cock from the wet hole to just thrust it back in.

The lupine hadn't much experience about sucking cock, he had almost been only on the receiving side, but he tried to use what little knowledge he had to make things enjoyable for his sergeant and for himself. Not that he could do much, with one paw being strained up and keeping him in place, but he bobbed his head in sync with the bovine's thrusts, trying to relax his muzzle as much as possible while sucking on the cock.

"Oh yeah, that's the thing, good mutt." He heard the other cop murmur, the compliment pleasing him despite his better discernment. All told, the situation was growing on him, the fact he was giving a blowjob, even if to a detestable male, was always arousing, as everything involving gay sex for him.

Paul began to explore the member in his mouth using his tongue, wrapping the ribbon of flesh around it and discovering the texture, the vein, tasting the precum that was ever flowing from it. The bull mooed softly for the pleasure, the grip on his head increasing along with the pace of the thrusts, making his ears flicker for the rude treatment.

Not that he was about to complain; the throbbing erection in his pants was proof enough that he was enjoying it, even if he never had been with someone so... demanding and forceful. He had to admit to himself that giving completely control to another male could be enjoyable... Just a bit.

In and out, in and out... Horns' cock fucked his muzzle, restlessly, until his maw grew tired for being stretched open by the bullhood; Paul tried all his best to get to the end, he was sure his superior would be happy if he spent himself in his muzzle, his rich and thick seed filling his mouth. He was even looking forward to that.

The bovine leaned forward, maybe the sign he was about to cum, the wolf thought, renewing his efforts; but he heard him fishing something from under the driver seat, maybe a box, the paw on his head leaving him before the bull straighten up, stilling his thrusts for a moment. Paul kept sucking and bobbing his head, curious to see what was going to happen; he discovered it all too soon, something leathery being put around his neck.

The surprise of being collared dropped his maw, the bull taking advantage of that to get his cock out, the member glistening for the saliva on it. A tug on his collar forced him to look up, meeting the hard and amused stare of his partner; he wanted to speak, to ask what it was going on, but he didn't dare to, not without permission.

"You're a dog, mutt, you need collar and leash." The bull said, his foot pressing lightly against his crotch. "And it seems you are enjoying it, eh?"

That made him blush, it was just partially true; he was turned on only by the blowjob that was the truth! But he wasn't going to say it, the bull wouldn't have liked it, so he stayed silent and sited, even when the bull used his keys to free his paw from the handcuffs.

"Your father hadn't the chance to try that... It was something I started with Nakamura... That Akita just craves for the collar... As you will." Horns spoke softly the words, some redness appearing on the wolf's cheeks and inside his tall ears; he couldn't believe that the bull did this not only to his dad, but with the other officer too. How many cops were turned in the bovine's playthings?

"Now, stand up mutt." The dominating male ordered, stopping his wondering and tugging his leash for a good measure. His legs cramped a bit after being down on the floor for so much, but he just winced at that while being lead around the opened door, then pushed on the hood, slipping a bit before he put his paws to stabilize his position.

The intentions of the bull were clear, but... He had thought the cop would be satisfied with his muzzle, he... he...

"Please sir, don't-" His protest was cut short by a slap on his butt cheek, his ass smarting after the paw left it.

"Good dogs bark only when ordered to." Horns bellowed from behind, his paw coming back again to fumble with his belt, while the other held the leash, forcing the lupine to arch his back. Soon the belt was unbuckled, pants being dropped, leaving only his underwear.

"Boxers... That isn't good. From now on, you will wear only jockstraps mutt." The bovine said, his paw lingering a bit, groping his wolf meat, eliciting a moan, before roughly pulling them down, baring his member and his butt, fresh air stimulating him.

He imagined that the bull would prepare him... use his fingers to stretch his tailhole open, like he had done so many times in his showers... But he didn't feel a calloused finger against his pucker, but something else, pointed and slick with precum and spit.

"N-no, please, d-don't!" He shouted, but the bull just tugged the leash, chocking him while he pressed his cock against his hole.

"Silence! Dogs love to have a bone buried in them, and you're no different mutt!" The bovine exclaimed before he pushed his cock; the tailhole resisted, not letting the invader in, but it was no use to resist, it would make things painful to the lupine. So Paul tried to relax, as much as he could in such a situation, and that was enough since the tip managed to take a hold, entering his warm insides.

The cop was merciless once he was inside he didn't stop until he got his entire member enveloped, red balls smashing against the gray ones. It hurt like hell, the lack of preparation taking out much of the pleasure and softening his cock; yet, he felt the familiar sensation when the cock pressed his prostate, even among all the other feelings.

The bull mooed, already retreating his cock, leaving only the tip before thrusting the tube of flesh back in the warmth belonging to the wolf. Again, there was pain, but also the pleasure that only males could feel, the two sensation fighting each other; maybe the fact that the leash was arching his back helped, because after the third thrust the pleasure was more present than the pain, and with each time the cock was embedded in, the better it got.

Soon his wolfhood had regained his stiffness, bobbing for the force of the bull's thrusts, slapping against his blue shirt. From time to time Horns slapped one of his buttocks, the smarting pain somehow adding to the pleasure; the officer hadn't spoken since he had entered his tailhole, only bellowed and mooed while he fucked his new toy.

And he sure knew his work: it wasn't a static in and out, but he moved his hips while penetrating the lupine, his cock entering him from a different angle every time, causing different kind of pleasures to the bottoming dog. Then, the moment arrived, when each penetration brought only bliss, when the wolf's tongue lolled out of his muzzle, only moans escaping him; the dick in his ass felt so good, so thick and so long, stretching his tunnel and battering his prostate in the right away.

He barked when the bull thrust with more strength, somehow pushing his pleasure button in the best way possible; the feeling was weird, no one of his past lovers had managed that out of him, but the bull had managed, somehow...

"Good, the dog likes this." The officer chuckled, repeating what he did before and eliciting another bark of pleasure. He tugged more on the collar, slowly getting the wolf to stand up, attracting him a sloppy, wet kiss, his broad tongue penetrating his muzzle as his cock did the same with his ass.

The change of position only enhanced the feelings, each thrust making his furry gray balls churn; the kiss helped, it was so hot, so... dominating, the bull was showing who was the boss, making his bitch moan while fed with cock and tongue.

All of those feeling were just getting Paul near his climax, the fact that he was giving complete control to the other male only arousing him more and more. His dick spurted precum as a fountain, white beads forming on the hood; then, it was too much, the bullhood went in one last time, obliterating his prostate and causing his climax.

He howled in the kiss, his cock jumping while it shot his seed, rope after rope after rope, while his ass tightened its grip on the still moving member. The lupine didn't know when the bull cum, lost in his pleasure, he just felt his ass being filled while the thrust continued, some of the spunk escaping his ass and trailing down his taint.

The leash grew loose, letting him collapse on the hood, somehow managing not to land on his bodily liquids. The bull stayed inside him, now stopping, his big paw pressing on his head while he leaned forward to whisper in his tall ear.

"Clean the car. I don't want it to be dirty." The officer ordered, and he obeyed, moving his head a bit so that he could lick his cum, the musky flavor being mixed with the metallic, dusty one of the car. The bull just stayed there, watching him while he moved his tongue on the hood, getting out of his aching ass only after he finished.

"Good mutt, you are going to be my favorite police dog." He praised him while he freed him from the collar, leaving the wolf panting on the hood. He heard him dressing up, buckling back, before the bull slapped his ass, roughly.

"Now, dress up and buy those fucking donuts, mutt." Horns said, moving to get back inside the car. The wolf stayed up, despite feeling weak in his knees, and put his pants and boxers up, to cover himself again. He tried to tide up, bending to take his hat from the floor, the movement sparking some discomfort from his used hole.

He walked in the alley, and even while walking thoughts plagued his still dumbed mind. Why did he enjoy that? He was a good cop, a proud wolf... But the bull had dominated him, punishing his behavior, the one that dad always said was fit for a cop... Didn't that mean he was a dog? That he was going to be used by the bull?

His cock hardened again at the thought, causing confusion. He stopped a second, taking his head in his paws, trying hard to convince himself that it was the first and last time that he let the bull do that to him. The bovine had lied about his dad, he knew that the great Kowalski wasn't a fag, that he didn't get fucked by any male; he had been the best policeman ever! But deep down, he knew better.

"I-I'm a wolf, not a dog!" He shouted to no one, to the sky, to the empty alley, before padding to the bakery, to get what the bull wanted.