A Bump in the Road. Chapter Ten.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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A Bump in the Road

Chapter Ten

By Roofles

So here I was, butt naked no less, being man handled by a creature covered in fur (and I was sure this wild dog, voodoo man was enjoying it too) and painted in the same white body paint he had on himself. It felt like mud mixed with some kind of mineral substance - I didn't ask. I was just told to strip down, be painted sit butt naked in the middle of the circle. The candles were still lit around me. I was thankful Marco had the courtesy to look away the whole time. We might be brothers but we don't strip around each other or anything. That'd just be fucked up.

I sat down, feeling the cauldron close to my back, and waited for the voodoo to happen. It didn't. Or not at first.

Lewis, this voodoo man, was busy looking over the amulet as the mud began to dry on my skin. He was holding it in his hand casually as if it weren't a powerful curse object that had attached itself to me, plaguing my dreams and overall threatening to tear my very existence to shreds and devour the pieces. And instead as if it were some odd trinket that had piqued his curiosity like a red dot would a cat.

"Hm... Fascinating. Yes, I agree. It's a peculiar object. The spirit within is very old, very powerful and very angry. But why? I'm not sure." Lewis mumbled to himself setting the amulet down on his work bench that also served as a counter top. He pushed a few of the pieces of rotting meat and fruit aside and began sniffing at it. And then licking it. Even I shuddered at that, looking away before he decided to rub it all over himself.

"Well?" Marco finally asked as he stood there. My brother kept trying to lean against something, anything, but found every inch of this place had some kind of random thing or other that no sane man would want to touch. One of the plants in the corner kept trying to strangle him every time he got too close.

"It's made of a gold. From the old world." Lewis dangled it in front of himself sniffing at it once more. He moved the bone through his nose back and forth, almost pulling it out before pushing it back making me shudder. "Where did you get this again?"

Marco recounted what I had told him. In a single sentence. The man really was a dog of few words.

"Strange. Odd. Queer. Baffling. Bewildering. Confusing." Lewis continued on for several seconds before abruptly stopping. He turned around and began, for the love of... The wild dog began chasing his tail.

I hoped this would be quick and simple. There was a cold draft in the room, the floor was already chaffing my ass and the cauldron behind me was still bubbling, the fire under it crackling and an ember landed next to me. This was far from professional work. And there was nothing I could do about it.

Lewis grabbed his tail and I could almost see the light bulb go on in his head. "Of course!" He shouted running around the room before doing a full loop and crouching down in front of me. I quickly look away. The leather lion cloth he wore only covered the front and only tied around his waist. "You aren't cursed."

I waited for the but.

"But," I groaned covering my face of course there is always a but. "The amulet is. And you put it on. So you are too." He said far too seriously. Did he only just come to that conclusion? Then he licked his thumb and bopped me on the nose with it. "Boop."

"No shit Sherlock." Marco piped in.

"It so is!" Lewis whined looking over at him those large bat like ears on his head folding back, dangling behind his head with the heavy metal loops in them. "And don't call me Sherlock." And with that, stepped over me (much to my chagrin) and walked back over to the amulet he had left on the counter. "A simple exorcism won't work here. That's far too Western for my taste." He chuckled, I wasn't sure why. "Oh those crazy humans and their silly faiths." He shook his head. "I wonder what that's like. I wish I had religion. Or was worship. You could worship me." Lewis grinned looking in my general direction. I was already regretting coming. I rather have the night terrors than this.

Groped, harassed, almost tea bagged and now was being told something like that? This felt like a night terror.

Lewis didn't even seem to notice what he had said, or was saying or even that Marco was there until he turned to look at him. The wild dog jumped, yipping as he did so. "When did you get here!" He nearly shouted pointing at Marco.

"Was he dropped on his head as a child?" I asked looking past the dog butt practically in my face and towards my brother. His tail was wagging and I swore he took a step back just to shove his ass into my face. Charming...

"I have no clue." Marco just frowned. "Could we get back on track here?" Marco's patience was wearing thin. To be honest I was surprised he had held out so long.

"Track of what?" Lewis said just staring at him now. He looked around. "Is there a train around here? Or are we talking about a race track? Or are we running? Oh I love to run! I need to burn the weight I put on since the holidays." He giggled gripping the loose fur at his thigh as if it were fat.

"Cursed medallion. Remember?" Marco said in a dry, surprisingly patient tone after that. "We humored you by getting Isaac naked. So can we get this over with?"

Lewis grinned at that. "Fine, fine. Fine. Fine." He nodded with each word and then took the medallion, walked over and before I could stop him tossed the chain over my head and let the heavy medallion fall over my chest.

I flinched, closing my eyes for the worst. Nothing happened.

"Well?" I asked opening my eyes. My words echoed out around me. "Marco? Lewis?" I asked looking around the suddenly pitch black room I sat in. Empty darkness stretched out around me. I couldn't make out a single shape within unsure if the shadows stopped a few feet away or hundreds. The candles around me flickered and provided just enough light for me to see everything within the drawn circle. The candle flames weren't the bright orange they had been but an eerie blue.

"Well fuck." I said a bit louder than I had meant too. My voice echoed around me before eventually being swallowed up by that darkness.

The runes on my skin began to tickle as if moving and I was trying not to just scratch them off. When I looked up again I found myself frowning.

It looked like a faded old picture in the distance. Of a place I was all too familiar with. My old home. I could almost hear the projector turn on as a clip began to play.

It was an old run down house. The ugly yellow walls, that gray quilt over back of the puke green couch, those plastic beaded lamps barely illuminating the mud brown carpet. Home sweet home. Two kids were standing near the stairs staring into the living room as an older man in his late Thirties was mercilessly beating his wife. Good old domestic violence. Yup. That was our old man.

I couldn't hear anything but it didn't matter. It was, or had been rather, the same thing. Rough day at work, dinner was burnt or just for the hell of it. He didn't need an actual reason to do it. He just liked to have one so as he was smacking her around he had something to tell her why he was doing this. Why she deserved this.

I might've felt bad if it weren't for what happened next. She was crying on the floor holding her face and looking away in that 50's style dress she always wore. Then our old man turned and began walking over to us. Shouting something or other. We were young. There was little we could do. The one thing I remember clearly was how mom just sat there on the floor crying over herself and letting her kids have to deal with our father.

The younger of the two kids was pushed back before the belt was fully taken off. I look away before the first strike. I didn't need to see it. I could still feel it whipping over my back.

"Is this really necessary?" I asked out loud looking around into the darkness. The picture in front of me turned off and I could hear something. Footsteps possibly, of something very heavy. Each step was light, precise in their movements and with it a low growl began to rumble around me.

"Pathetic." There was a low, cold chuckling laugh afterward. "Such the good brother you are." It nearly purred, sweetly at first before laughing it off. "Protecting him with your own body. If you weren't so weak maybe you could have stopped him." That voice came from behind me, walking around before stopping.

Another scene appeared before me. Police lights in front of our house. A white cloth over the lawn and two boys who couldn't even on the side lines. There were yelling, shouting before gunfire.

"If you weren't so weak maybe you could have saved her." It mocked, laughing once more. "If you had wanted too that is." One day things had gone too far, something escalated and the next thing we knew the police had come (finally our neighbor called to help us) and by then it was too late to save her. Dad locked himself in the house before there was a shoot off. In the end the coward took his own life.

"What's the point in showing me this?" I found my voice had grown rather empty and I felt numb. Numb I had been back then. "You expect a kid to stop something like that?" I almost laughed at him. This was how he...how it was trying to get to me?

I could almost see the grin on it's face as it walked around me once more. It was clear it couldn't physically get to me so it was trying to bring up these memories, my memories to fuck with me. Weaken my defense? Let it in? Hell I could've invited it in and I was sure it wouldn't be able to cross that chalk circle around me. Maybe this was just how it got its kicks.

The scene before me shifted and began to change. I winced as if I could feel that paw reaching into my head to rip other memories out, scooping them out like ice cream and plopping them in front of me.

This time it was a more recent one. I could make out myself even within the dim lights of the dock I stood on. I hadn't had my gray overcoat that I picked up when I left the force (it made me look like an extra on law and order), meaning I was still a cop at this time. It was my first big case. Undercover, meeting an informant that was connected to one of the big gangs in town.

We had been tracking the case for months and finally we had a break. This was it. And all I had to do was get what I needed from this guy and we might be able to link it to one of the big mob bosses in town, Big Bennie (an ironic name seeing as how the guy was Five nothing). We already knew he was the man responsible for the latest shipment of some new more powerful and cheaper (to make) drug but this was the evidence we desperately needed.

Things were going smooth as I could see our man coming up from one of the back alley ways. He took his sweet time coming over before resting against the docks looking out over the still sea. I joined him shortly. Few words were said, I got the package and was about to leave when all hell broke loose. Not in the flashy Hollywood sense but for me.

Head lights flashed over us and a car engine roared before dieing down. Several men got out of the car and just like that the bullets began to fly. I tried to grab the guy, pull him out of the way but I wasn't fast enough. I took a bullet in the shoulder before tossing myself off the docks. I managed to survive but the evidence was ruined by the water. Tapes, papers, everything... ruined. And that day I lost my best friend, our inside man.

"As much as I enjoy reliving my past, it's not why I cam here." I said loudly as the image began to fading like smoke in the wind.

"I thought it was enjoyable." It laughed prowling around once more. I couldn't be sure if it was behind me or not. Every time it spoke it was in a different spot. "Ruining your career, all the hard work your unit put into this, letting your friend die like that." It stopped though. I figured there'd be another string of laughter, mocking me but when it spoke again there was almost sympathy in it's voice. "If only you were stronger. Faster. You might've been able to save him."

"And your, what? Offering me a second chance?" I nearly laughed.

"I'm offering a chance where that won't ever happen again." A long tail touched my shoulder, sliding across my neck but as I turned around there was nothing. I just shivered rubbing at the goose flesh that form on my arms. "Your left arm?" It said once more in an almost sympathetic voice. "Is it still numb? Several nerves severed from the bullet wound. Discharged from the force as you can barely use your left arm."

"Thanks for digging through my head and stating the facts of my life." I spat still trying to figure out where it was. I'd feel better if I knew where it was.

My throat tightened as a large hand rested on my shoulder, nails sliding down my bare back and a voice snarled in my ear. "What if I told you I can fix that? Grant you full use of your arm once more." It's jaws clamped shut as I turned my head and once more there was nothing. Nobody there and I felt so cold. This circle was suppose to protect me right? Then again, Lewis never said that was the purpose of it.

"And you'd only charge me my soul, huh? How cliché." I tried to sound smug, tough as if I wasn't afraid but my own voice didn't believe my words.

"A soul? Your essence? Who you are? What you are?" I could almost see it's head tilt upwards and laugh. "Why would I want something so meager as that? What would I possibly do with someone so insignificant?"

"I don't know. Put it in a jar for your little collection?"

"Hah, funny. Witty. Only weaklings make jokes." It moved once more before I could feel it behind me once more. Towering over me before looking down, resting its hands on my shoulders. I just closed my eyes. "But I don't mind that." It whispered against my ear. "Let me in. I can protect you, heal your wounds, give you the strength to avenge your friend. Never again will you have to suffer so." Nails dug into flesh. I could feel warm blood running down my chest.

I turned around figuring it would be gone once more. Then every ounce of blood drained from my face. A large head rested on powerful yellow fur, black splotched shoulders, teal eyes staring at me as it's maw opened revealing those yellow stained fangs. I could feel it's breath against my face. It was bigger than me. Larger maybe than even Marco in it's wolf form. And the worst part was it was just a jaguar. A feral, four legged animal that towered over me like a giant.

I stumbled back, out of the circle and crawled backwards away reaching for the gun that wasn't at my side as I stared, transfixed by fear as it crouched back down on all fours and began to step towards me.

"Pity." It smirked, delighting in my fear. Savoring it as with powerful legs began to move forward towards me. "And here I was hoping we could just do this the easy way." Those eyes darkened and a large smile spread acrossed it's face. "I suppose I'll just have to devour you and do as I please." And with one more step the circle stood directly underneath it.

The white marks began to hum, glowing brightly before a loud yowling scream tore through the air and the beast collapsed onto it. The runes on my body began to burn like fire and even as I try to pat them off (as if I had caught on fire) they only grew hotter and hotter, burning, branding into my flesh before my own scream filled the air and I fell back collapsing, shuddering as smoke began to rise off my. A black smoke like the cauldron, a putrid stench that filled the air around me before vanishing.

And when I opened my eyes I was back in the room, Marco leaning over me and Lewis supporting my head. I tried to speak, to curse at the two fuckers but only a low groan escaped me as my eyes fell back closed once more.

"Success." Lewis said from someone in the room. I still felt my head on those furry legs. "I told you it would work. I am a genius. A master. A god at curses!" And I could nearly see the lightning behind him as he did his best mad scientist impression.

"I thought you were suppose to be a doctor?" I moaned low. A wet cloth wiped at my face. I opened my eyes to see it was actually the dog's tongue. That only made me moan again trying to push the foul breath of the wild dog away.

He was lifted up by the scruff of his neck and, just like the chicken had before, Lewis was thrown acrossed the room and away.

"You alright?" Marco asked helping me sit up.

"Fine. Fine. Just dandy." And with that I hurled onto his lap. "Sorry." I managed to gurgle before repeating the process two more times. Marco was a good sport. He didn't punch my lights out.

"Glad to...see." Marco said moving back a bit to wipe himself off.

I took a few moments, was offering some nasty soup like substance from a wooden bowl and managed to wash most the after taste out. "The hell was that?"

"That was you puking your guts out." Lewis said crouching at my side and rubbing my back. "Expelling the poison inside."

"I meant what you made me drink." I choked a bit as it was trying to come back up before coughing several times. Lewis kept rubbing my back, it seemed to help. At least it brought warmth back to my shivering body.

"Medicine." He said softly with a less crazy tone. "It'll help get rid of any lingering effects."

"And...what happened to that...thing?" I took a few moments, closing my eyes before opening them once more. Dots danced in front of my eyes before they cleared.

"Soul snare." Lewis said slowly for my benefit. "The circle was a trap that would trigger once it either, A. Killed you. B. Mauled you. C. Tried to get into our world through you. Or D. Stepped over it." Glad to know there were back up plans. "It binds its body and seals it inside a fetish." I can only assume fetish meant something else.

"And what kind of fetish is that?" I dared to ask.

Lewis held up another one of his beanie baby voodoo dolls. It was of a jaguar this time and looked all too similar to the monster that had tried to eat me. The wild dog grabbed its, almost, cute arms and began walking it around on the floor like a puppet. "Isn't it adorable?" Lewis nearly squeaked grabbing it up and hugging and nuzzling it. "I always wanted a kitty cat."

"Evil, demonic being from another world? Sure. Makes a great pet." I muttered standing up a bit, still shacking a bit I had to lean against Marco who appeared for support. "Where the hell are my pants."

Lewis was already up and moving over to his collection to add his newest toy. He pet over it, licked it and overall molest it before setting it down. I almost felt bad for the thing.

"It's not demonic." Lewis corrected after a minute or so had gone by and I was putting my cloths back on. I picked at the dried mud on my chest and arms before worrying about it another time. "It's just an old spirit that had lost it's home."

"It tried to eat me." I scowled.

"Correction." Lewis pointed at me. "It was just trying to find a home. Eating you would just...infused itself into you to the point only an exorcism would've been able to get rid of it. Probably kill you in the process."

"I thought you said an exorcism wouldn't work!" I face palmed.

"Of course it would work." Lewis shook his head. "When did I say it wouldn't?" I looked at Marco who just shook his head. "If we had performed one it would've killed the spirit though."

"What's so bad about that?"

"It didn't ask for this. And I don't think it was trying to hurt you. Otherwise you'd be dead by now." Lewis nodded as if confirming it with himself. "Or worse." He added.

"And the night terrors? It trying to kill me minutes ago?"

"Did it ever say it was going to kill you?" I frowned figuring being eaten was the same thing. "I didn't think so. It was just trying to find a home. Inside you. Permanently." Lewis frowned. "Ok so maybe it didn't. Or did? Both. Yeah. Let's go with both! That makes sense!" It didn't, he didn't and I wasn't about to argue. I felt tired, exhausted as it was. And just wanted this day to be over with. "It can't do anything now. So no worries.

Lewis walked around in a full circle before ladling more of the cauldron soup into a bowl and offering it to me. "Here. It'll help you not throw up more." I took it out of courtesy but didn't drink anymore. The smell alone made me want to puke my guts out. "Isaac, was it?" I nodded faking taking a drink as he looked. "What are you doing after this?" The wild dog leaned against the cauldron, with a wink and smiled at me. Before jumping up and patting his arms off from where they had touched the hot cauldron.

Why do only the crazy ones hit on me?

We quickly excused ourselves and I wasn't allowed to leave until the wild dog wrote his number down on my hand. It had several too many digits to it but I wasn't about to correct him. That and, looking around the place, I was sure he didn't even own a cell phone. Lewis said he had to grab something and as I did, I wasn't sure why (maybe just so it wasn't molested further), grabbed the voodoo doll of the very thing that had cursed me and stuffed it in my pocket before leaving.

Lewis waved after us as we headed back down the wooden plank bridge. He had the chicken in his hand waving it at us and smacking it against the side of the door several times, unaware of his action as he just continued to wave. I heard the thunking sound of the chickens head against the door for several more minutes before leaving.

I walked behind my brother who had shifted back into his wolf form. We walked in silence and I held the voodoo doll in front of me. It looked like some kind of plush toy you could buy off of Amazon. There was something unsettling about it's eyes though.

Marco turned around and I quickly shoved it back into my pants. "We'll head home first. I got some things I gotta' do once I get back."

"Same." I nodded. "Be glad to get back to a normal life after all this!" I laughed but the look on Marco's face made me stop, looking away. There was an almost sadness in those eyes and his ears folded back before he continued on. I wonder if he was glad that I had been cursed? That I was part of this world, his world too.

I still had a job to do and at least now I knew someone who might be able to help me.