The Tail-Chaser's Lounge Part 2

Story by Nightmask1367 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Tail-Chaser's Lounge

Part 2 in the Tail-Chaser's Lounge series, nothing naughty but marked adult for being a bit mature in some descriptions.

The Tail-Chaser's Lounge Part 2


Charles E. Terrell Jr. aka Nightmask

Backstage proved to be just as well furnished as out front as the lusciously bare bunny moved from the one to the other, where even the walls were clad in soft tan carpeting and antique incandescent lamps lit the short passage leading to the rest of the lounge. As she picked up her few bits of attire that she'd tossed to the walkway from before she was greeted by one of the other members of the lounge's on-stage entertainment.

"Wow Patricia, I don't think I've seen you do that in quite a while!" the mouse exclaimed while handing her a warm damp cloth to clean herself up at least a bit. "What brought that on?"

"Not really sure Karen," she replied while taking the cloth with a grateful smile and began damp wiping herself off as she straightened, her clothes casually tossed up over her shoulder. "Maybe had something to do with one of the newcomers tonight, you know how I like to give them a real treat when I can."

"I think you gave everyone a real treat tonight dear," Karen replied with a chuckle, her eyes sparkling as she winked to her friend from behind the replica old-time glasses she wore as part of her own outfit, a more conservative in length skirt and blouse in a dark blue that went well with her own soft gray fur. Her ensemble was completed by the addition of matching blue silk stockings that clad her shapely plantigrade legs from mid-thigh to ankle. Appearing much like a librarian or teacher of older times seemed to fit well with her though she couldn't restrain her bubbly nature as she let her tail swish around to tickle the bunny's side. "Although you seem to have forgotten or lost something on-stage," she declared while doing her best to look innocent; not the easiest thing to do either when standing in front of a naked bunny of such proportions!

"Maybe you'd like to go and retrieve what I've lost then?" Patricia teased back while she finished up what cleaning she could with the cloth and tossed it into the mouse's face playfully.

"Here I'd have thought you'd want to do the retrieving personally," Karen shot back after removing the musky cloth from her head, ears flushed bright pink as the good-natured play even after the years they'd known each other still occasionally could embarrass her. While she'd never minded aiding in her friend's grooming, as most anthromorphs lacked the embarrassment and shame their human creators had over such things, the cloth was closer to her friend's feminine treasures than the mouse had any desire for.

"I doubt even Tori, Nutmeg, and my sister could handle the results of my going out there tonight to invite him back here," she declared in a throaty chuckle. "Besides by the time you've checked to see if he'd like to accept the offer of remaining with me or if he has to leave with that fox and meet with me another time I'll have managed to freshen up and get some basic grooming done. If he's good to go tonight then I can greet him in the Aqua room. From the way he was reacting I doubt he could handle meeting me along with everyone else back in our private lounge."

"We both know there won't be many of those who watched you out there for much longer," Karen replied with a laugh, tail flicking up against the wall while she stepped in alongside Patricia as the bunny began walking back towards the T-junction that led to the remainder of the lounge. One beneficial side effect of the results of the lounge entertainment, she couldn't help thinking, it freed up tables for those waiting their chance to dine and watch. "I'll see about checking with him though while you're freshening up," the mouse reassured her, and then gave Patricia a wink. "Besides, I wouldn't mind meeting him myself, considering how few clear the background checks our patrons undergo. I think he's the first all year."

"Probably longer than that," Patricia commented, knowing how stringently they screened all the patrons to ensure a quiet, enjoyable, and safe evening for everyone, whether it meant keeping rowdy anthromorphs out or preventing humans with an anti-anthromorph bias or the ones with a fetish for them from entering. There wasn't a one of them who worked at the lounge that wasn't completely behind the policy, each wanting a secure place to both express themselves as well as a sanctuary for the patrons to enjoy entertainment more adult in nature without censure. "So let us make sure our special guest comes away with the best impression possible," she added with a saucy wriggle of her hips.

"I think I'll leave that up to you," Karen tossed back to her with a playful push to the lapine's shoulder as the mouse took the right-hand hallway and the bunny took the left, "since you've already 'volunteered'. I'll see about giving you fifteen minutes or so to freshen up before returning," she concluded before heading to the security door that'd give her direct access to the lounge through one of the concealed entrances in the corners of the dining and stage area.

True to her statement earlier as she slipped quietly into the lounge many of those who'd been watching Patricia's display earlier were already gone or in the process of quickly finishing their meals to slip off as the others had. She couldn't resist a bit of a knowing smirk, since she had been able to read body language and determine a great deal about nearly anyone she observed as long as she could remember. Not that she'd had much need of it since anthromorph nature wasn't that different than human, although it was often stripped of much of the social restrictions and ordering that humans had piled around human interaction.

Since she had some time to burn she spent a few minutes studying the object of her task, a smile quirking the corners of her muzzle as she saw he hadn't been able to relinquish the panties tossed to him by Patricia earlier. That wasn't surprising though, considering many would have had trouble resisting the temptation to take them if he'd simply laid them upon his table. It was reassuring to see he neither held them with a pervert's fingering nor in disgust, but in a more respectful if embarrassed way, as one would any gift that left one overwhelmed but pleased.

He wasn't what she'd expected out of a human, just in appearance alone her estimate for his height put him several inches shorter than she was, and her own height was a good four inches below the minimum for a human male. If he wasn't obviously Caucasian she'd have thought he was a member of some of the few remaining primitive peoples still left in the world, the ones choosing to not benefit from the genetic engineering enhancements that'd been used to create her own kind centuries before. He even appeared to require glasses for eye correction rather than decoration like she did, a flaw she'd thought humans had weeded out long ago. She'd have to find a way to ask him about his background if she could find the opportunity, and do it without offending.

From what she could overhear of their conversation the fox was reassuring the human that he hadn't anything to be embarrassed or concerned about, and had probably been doing so since Patricia had tossed him her panties from the sound of it. The fox was obviously envious of his friend's unexpected bounty, but was proving worthy of his own vetting for getting to dine in at the lounge by not showing any bitterness over how events had played out.

"Excuse me gentlemen," she purred to them as she padded close enough to place her hand upon the human's shoulder, her approach masked by the plush carpeting beneath her bare feet and adding to their startled response as they fell under the influence of her own charismatic aura and the impact of her curvaceous figure. "I do believe one of you has an invite to meet our top entertainer; that is if you wish to take her up on the offer," she added once they'd recovered enough to stammer out greetings to her.

"Uhm, well, what's she expecting?" the human stammered out, a blush tingeing his cheeks as he gazed up at her and did his best to focus on her eyes, rather than somewhere lower. "I mean, is she wanting, well, you know," he asked with a refreshing touch of shyness and embarrassment one didn't see often, especially in a male.

"She's expecting to meet with you and go from there," Karen told him while offering her other hand to him. "If your friend doesn't mind heading home without you that is," she added, on the off chance they were more than friends.

"Go on Brad," the fox replied, encouraging him to take her hand. "I'm sure you don't need me for security as long as you're here or in these ladies fine company," he added, invoking a bit more curiosity in the mouse at the mention of security, as now she was left wondering why the human required a bodyguard.

"There aren't many places that come safer," she reassured the human, Brad, as with the fox's encouragement he took her hand and stood facing her, confirming her earlier estimate that he was shorter than she was. He seemed fit enough though; her skilled eye and talents easily sizing him up once she had a better view of him, right down to the steady, excited beating of his heart. "Plus no one who leaves here goes home unescorted who wishes accompaniment," she concluded while taking her measure of him, from the top of his auburn-haired head to his clear blue eyes and down his slender frame all the way to his shoes.

"There you go," his fox companion declared, giving him a good-natured pat on the back, "just make sure to message me somehow if you're out for the weekend, so I don't have to come looking for you."

"Oh, uh, okay Terri," he replied to the fox, barely able to take his eyes off of Karen in order to say that, and blushed a little more as she laced her fingers with his and settled against his side as she led him away before he could change his mind. With her hip bumping against his she leaned down to whisper softly to him while she guided him back towards the private entrance backstage.

"No need to be so nervous," she whispered into his ear, her musk and the soft floral perfume she wore tickling his nose as it wafted over him, "Patricia is a very considerate person and isn't some easy female like I know humans like to make us anthromorphs, especially the lapines, out to be."

"So why the performance earlier then?" he asked, voice far louder than intended at first, before he squirmed in embarrassment and worked to lower it more. "Why these?" he added as he held up the panties then shyly tried to hide them again.

"She thought you'd like them?" she teased while she held the door open for him, after giving its sensors a moment to recognize her as an authorized user, and followed him into the well-lit corridor behind it. "Why not wait and ask her yourself, since you'll get to see her here shortly."

"Is, is she going to be dressed like she was onstage?" he inquired as she lead him down the hallway, taking her time and having fun reading his reactions to her occasional hip-bump or rub up against him as they walked.

"Well she is fond of showing off that fur she wears," Karen drawled, then grinned and gave his hand a squeeze. "But honestly, stop worrying so much, she's no different than any other female you've gone out with. Treat her with respect; show her you're enjoyable to talk with, and everything will be fine."

"I don't really have much experience with women," he confessed, an admission that didn't totally surprise her. Human females were geared towards the ideal that had grown up over the centuries, so someone so outside the norm likely wouldn't get much female attention, and certainly no respect. Perhaps that's why he required protection, and the motivation of his bodyguard in taking him to a place generally off-limits to humans by their choice. Anthros worked hard to be more tolerant and less prejudiced than their human creators, although not all succeeded anymore than all humans did. The fox seemed to be looking out for the human as more than just a bodyguard though, since he'd brought him somewhere he'd be able to feel more accepted and relaxed, or so she theorized.

"We're not all that different from you, at least not up here," she said while tapping his head gently with a clawtip, "or here," she concluded while brushing her hand over his heart. "If you'd like to talk more later, either tonight or another night, just give me a call here at the lounge; I'm Karen, Karen Weston," she informed him as they came to stop outside a door in sea blue and pressed a contact to announce their presence outside.

"It's been a pleasure meeting you Karen," he told her, and she could tell he meant that sincerely, and gave his hand a warm squeeze with hers. "I'm Brad, Brad Edwards, and yes I think I'd like to talk with you another time, I really appreciated the reassurance."

"Well take it to heart and go in there and just have a good time," she said with a throaty laugh, her hand sliding from his to give him a gentle push into the room as the door disappeared into the wall. "Here he is Patricia!" she called into the room, her tail swishing about in delight as it expressed a measure of her amusement at the way things were going. It was nice seeing her friend looking for some male company for a change, she'd been going from the lounge and her place and little else for months now. Come to think of it she hadn't been out on a date for a while either, she needed to do something about that. She couldn't resist chuckling to herself as she padded off, thinking perhaps she'd give Brad a try, after all not like Patricia would mind sharing if it came to that.