One Snowy Night

Story by TheTaintedQueen on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories

Twilight and Spike have lived together for the entirety of the dragon's life. He never expected it to change so much in a single night.

Twilight shivered as she clopped back into her house, the library fire casting a warm breeze through the building, using the heat and a small amount of magic to vaporise the snow from her clothing and body, paying special attention to her wings. She was still getting used to having these on her body, and found they didn't take well to the cold, at the best of times; checking on her friends while a blizzard howled through Ponyville had taken it out of her. While she had been offered a hot beverage by each pony [Rainbow Dash aside; the pegasus was above the storm], she had declined each time, her mind rushing back to Spike each time. Where was he?

'S-Spike? Where are y-you?' She stuttered slightly as she approached her bed, the magic around the fire keeping it in place, not even a stray spark escaping. Not up here, she thought to herself, casting her gaze over his bed next. Nor there. Where are you, Spike? An idea clicked in her head as she glided down to the lower floor again, then walked into the kitchen, sure enough finding the dragon holding a hot cocoa. He held it up as her amethyst gaze met his emerald one, sipping from the cup as it was offered to her lips. An instant warming effect went through her, feeling her chills stop as she lifted up the hot beverage, horn twinkling slightly as she walked from the kitchen, nose twitching as Spike followed her.

'Are those... muffins I smell?'

'Uh... yeah.' She could almost hear the blush in his words.

'For Rarity?' She perked an eyebrow, or close enough to, walking up the stair before laying on her bed.

'I was just gonna check on h-' He stopped as Twilight gave him a sharp look, looking down.

'I already did... she's fine. Already making insulated coats, and was still working as I was leaving.' The alicorn's voice had lost some of it's spirit, and he could have sworn he heard the smallest of sighs before she sipped again. A long silence carried between the two, his eyes trailing over her longingly. While he had only planned to rush there and rush back, he had expected to curl up with the equine, as was the norm between the two of them from his hatchday. His gaze went to her mug as she finished, then back to her, wondering if she knew his intentions.

'Twilight, I was just gonna go there to check on her... really.' He climbed up onto the bed cautiously, crawling to her slowly. While he'd known her all of his life, and she was, by rank, under Celestia... truth be told, he was more worried about his mare than the older princess. At times, he honestly wondered if she outranked her mentor in skill and power.

'I don't want you going out there, Spike.'

'Bu-' He bit his lip as she turned, a small mist in her eyes that pierced his heart. 'Twi...'

'You wouldn't last out there. Even with a constant heat spell, the storm nearly took me. Even if you were a fully-grown dragon, I wouldn't let you. I couldn't... lose you. I couldn't lose you', she repeated, though softer as Spike laid down beside her, burrowing his face into her chest as she lifted a foreleg, curling it over him. Her body shuffled down slightly so they were eye to eye, muzzle to muzzle. He could smell the chocolate on her breath. 'I love you, Spike.'

Even Spike, with all of his daydreams about wooing Rarity, couldn't predict Twilight's next move. Her other foreleg slid under him, both hooking around his neck, one cupping his head, the other pressing above his tail. He barely felt it, though. Twilight's lips had pressed to his, her eyes closed as his body seemed to lock his mind out of all movement, his thoughts firing at each other.

She's not Rarity!

But she loves you...

Rarity loves you.

You've known her longer.

What will Rarity think?

Kiss her. The thought came after what seemed to be an eternity, but was actually only a few fractions of a second. He curled his arms around her neck, tussling her mane slightly as his head tilted, feeling her lips part against his with a gasp, her tongue pushing to his. He wasn't sure when his mouth had opened, or when he had begun to stroke up and down her neck and back slowly. All he was aware of was her slight squirms, the warm wetness of her tongue exploring his mouth, the hint of chocolate flavour filling hers. As she finally pulled back, a string of saliva still connected them as their tongues slid against each other, their eyes opening slightly. Twilight's cheeks had flushed a dark red, as had his; though it more noticable on him, his scales shades lighter. Like a filly, Twilight buried her face in his neck, giggling softly and whispering a wooooooow. Spike nuzzled and gently licked her neck, panicking slightly as the foreleg over him pulled back and pushed him onto his back, gazing down. His shaft, presumably pushing into Twilight's stomach moments earlier, was out completely. Twilight's gaze was somewhere between admiration and confusion as she gazed the appendage over. With a slight upward curve, the base having two rings of small barbs, the top coated in ribs, the bottom with inward-facing barbs to the tip, each rib having a barb sprouting from it also, the seven inches of deep purple flesh was a common sight to him.

And now Twilight can see it. The thought hit him like a truck, his gaze moving to hers, which had apparently finished drinking in the sight of his dragonhood, and was now locked into his. Rather than disgust, she had a look of... admiration. Lust. 'Spike, I... I can't believe I'm the first one to make you erect...'

The first? Was she really... the first? He cast his mind back, part of him twitching uncomfortably inside. She was. Even Rarity is her most revealing outfits had no immediate effect on him. Yet here he was with the only one he could truly call family, hard as steel, and he had never looked at her in this way. As if by magic - and he hoped it wasn't - Twilight started to look wiser, more beautiful. He could finally see her for who she was. 'Twi, I... know it's bad timing, but... I love you too.'

Her face split into a wide smile as she nuzzled him affectionately, then leaned back, patting the pillow. 'I know, gorgeous. Now, put your head here.'

'Right here?' he asked as his elbows dug into the pillow, leaning up to watch her move around, standing with her head over his crotch. She wasn't planning to use magic, was she? She gave him a stern look, and he obediently laid his head back, clutching the sheets apprehensively. He could feel her weight shifting, forelegs laying over his thighs, chest spreading them. His cock twitched as he bit his lip, expecting some magic to course through him - which almost made him squeal as instead, a warm pony mouth enveloped his shaft. Her foreleg placement soon made sense, as his hips were held down against his will, unable to buck or thrust as his instinct was screaming at him to do. As she lifted up, her tongue lagged behind, catching and dragging on his underbarbs.

'T-twi-i...' He stammered as he struggled to say something, giving up with a groan as her tongue swirled around the tip of his pointed shaft, then over each barb as she went down agonisingly slowly, warm breaths rolling over his stomach as her tongue and mouth sucked on his shaft for several seconds, feeling a throb course up it as she began to pull off again. Pushing down once again, she began to work his shaft in a slow rhythm, eyes closed the entire time. Spike bit his lip as he felt a familiar throbbing begin, his showers often finishing in happy ending, the ponies eyes opening to gaze into his as the salty discharge hit her tongue, gulping it down before picking up the pace, bringing a deep moan from the dragon. He was completely at her mercy, her weight keeping him down, her tongue's flicks and strokes coaxing shots of pre from his shaft, quick to swallow each one down. As he neared his limit, his shaft seeming to swell slightly, she slowed down once again, curling her tongue around the base of his shaft as she payed attention to the area around it, keeping him on edge. The look in her eyes told him it was purposeful... she wanted to make it clear she was in charge here. He whined as he felt like he was going to burst, panting as the pressure built and waited, taking a sharp breath as her mouth slid up quickly, sucking on his tip.

He tried to thrust up once into her mouth, then wriggle away, now trying to hold it back, all to no avail. His thick dragon seed poured out over her tongue as her tongue flicked over and around the tip, dripping his cum down around his shaft and cockslit each time, coaxing out every drip even as her cheeks started to bulge, drooling cum around his shaft as she bobbed her head a little. Pulling off once she was satisfied her dragon had given her enough, she swallowed two cheekfuls of seed in several gulps, then lowered her head, cleaning his shaft and slit with slow licks, bringing small moans and whimpers from him, a feeling of emptiness overcoming him as she rolled onto her side, then her back, flashing him a grin. Her thigh was cocked to hide her stomach and crotch, his mind clicking back into logical thought. He opened his mouth to tell her he'd never been down on a mare, then realised she knew, rolling onto his paws and knees and moving around.

The purple pony's sex was puffy and slick with her juices, two small nipples above standing erect like two tiny hills of naked flesh. Going by instinct again, this time being allowed to, he placed a paw on each inner thigh, running his tongue up her slit, gazing down as he caught a bump. A tiny penis? Emulating what she had done to him, he curled his tongue down into her, sucking on the bud, bringing a squeal from her as she writhed. 'S-slow down Spike!'

'S-sorry...' He gazed up with a gentle smile, the bump pulsing softly and clearly extremely sensitive, licking his lips at the earlier taste and moving back down, pushing his tongue into her pussy. She gasped and moaned as his tongue slid to the end, then pushed against the upper wall as he pulled out, curling an arm around each thigh as his eyes closed. Figuring what he was doing was working, he continued to lick as deep as he could into her, then pressing his tongue to her inner walls as he dragged his tongue out, finishing with a lick up her sex each time. Her scent and taste had invaded his mind as she squirmed softly beneath him, giving a sigh of pleasure before taking a sharp breath in, his ear barbs prickling. Rolling his tongue back up, then over the same patch made her twitch and breathe in again. Opening his mouth to wrap his paws around her slit, he pushed his tongue back into her slit, flicking and rolling his tongue over the spot, his hot breaths rolling out against her clit, watching it pulse and quiver through barely-open eyes. Twilight's eyes, on the other hand, were closed tight, the alicorn grinding her back into the bed, her hips into his face.

'S... S-Spikeyyy...!' She whimpered his name, then moaned squeakily as her juiced flooded his tongue, dragging it out to suck on and along her pussy, his breaths speeding up into panting and just pushing her further into bliss. Her nerves went between fire and ice, eventually coming down to a more stable rhythm as he leaned up and licked his lips, her love and lust reflected in his. She lifted herself up with magic, taking his once-spot with her head on the pillow, her hindlegs parted as her forelegs opened invitingly, a fraction of hesitation in her eyes as she panted. She was all warmed up, now, but there was still something they both needed. Spike dragged the sheets out from under her, moving to tuck her in with him atop her, only inches away in this position. He had clearly read her mind as his shaft pushed into her slowly, gently, his earlier instinct to pound her into a cum-soaked mess bound and gagged. She moaned out softly as he hilted, his arms curling around her neck and her forelegs around his, the pair sharing another kiss as Spike dragged his hips back.

They both gave a moan, not expecting the rushes they got from such a simple movement. Tongues did nothing compared to the real thing. Working into a slow, steady rhythm, Spike kissed his mare again, and again, his half-closed eyes looking down into hers. Not a word was uttered between them, the only sounds soft breaths, pants and moans, a whimper of pleasure now and then. Kissing her warmly, he then moved his lips to her neck, planting a long, warm kiss. She could feel his earlier throbbing return as his shaft seemed to become slicker, thicker, a slightly worried look in his eyes.

'Twi, I...' She softly kissed him, then nodded.

'Me too... it's okay...' He smiled softly, pushing their lips together in a warm kiss as he hilted, their low, long moans mixing together as his dragonhood began firing seed deep into her pussy, her vaginal walls gripping and pulling around his sex, pulling each drop deep as she could. As they pulled back from the kiss, her with a whimper and hi with a gasp, they could have sworn it was much larger than the earlier. Completely spent, Twilight kept curled around her dragon lover, the dragon's lips moving down to her chest, kissing over her thumping heart, then against her lips softly, his eyes closing of their own will.

'I love you... Twi...' A smile spread across her muzzle as she laid her head against his, feeling his warm scales resting on her neck, sending her off to a relaxed, deep sleep.

'I love you too, Spike... I love you too...'