The Change: Prologue

Story by Damus Ravenwood on SoFurry

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#1 of The Change

Two polar opposites from different sides of the futuristic galaxy meet in a small Star Shuttle. Chapter one/prologue of my first work! I'm so excited :3 please I love criticism cause i want to know what everyone thinks. Love you all and thanks so much for being patient with me!

- Alexander -

Boot camp was finally over. That thought pierced through his mind like a tuning fork as he sat on the Star Shuttle. Alexander Parker Campbell had done it, he had been able to survive boot camp and pass all his exams, but most importantly he was finally be able to return home! After waiting so long he was allowed a home leave due to his Uncle's death. His Uncle ... that man was the closest thing to a father he could have ever gotten. Alexander sighed remembering the day when his biological father left; no, not father, sperm donor. That was a more accurate term. Alexander just buckled himself in as the Star Stewardess started giving all the required instructions, even though this whole entire shuttle was filled with Galactic Military personnel that knew the procedures probably better than the Stewardess. The new soldier just relaxed and shut his eyes as he fell asleep. Or so he would have liked to do.

- John -

"Hi, I'm John" said a voice next to him "I really don't mean to bother you but I need to get by you." Alexander just sighed and opened his eyes to look at the man who disrupted his well earned relaxation time. The man who called himself John was nothing Alexander had seen before. An anthropomorphic Lion Man stared back at him "Do you want me to climb over you or are you going to move" said the Lion. Alexander just silently sat up, trying not to look at the man, for he was wearing a sleeveless latex shirt and a pair of latex pants. It didn't leave much to the imagination but it let the Lion's skin breathe better. Not to mention Alexander couldn't help but notice that everywhere the shirt or shorts touched the lion's muscles seemed to just swell with raw power. "Thanks" the lion just chuckled softly; having a heightened sense of smell was worth it sometimes. The man sitting next to him was slightly aroused, and he loved it.

- Alexander -

"So what part of the galaxy are you from, john was it?" Alexander asked the lion as he buckled himself in. "Oh I'm from Felion, its right across from the Caniron System. You probably haven't heard of it since it's so far away from the Human planets. And yeah my name's John. What about you?" Alexander swore he saw the lion grinning at him. "I-I'm Alexander, I'm from the-" he was instantly cut off as the shuttle's engines turned on and jarred the shuttle slightly as it lifted off the ground for space. Alexander closed his eyes tightly and held onto the armrests as tight as he could until he heard a cough, he opened his eyes and Alexander realized he was gripping the lion's arm. "Oh s-sorry, didn't mean to um grab your arm" John just laughed.

- John -

He jumped slightly when Alexander gripped his arm but then chuckled when the human didn't realize what he was holding onto so he coughed softly. The lion just loved how this human seemed to be aroused yet as timid and nervous as he was. The lion ignored his last statement and just laughed. "Its fine Alex, several people are afraid of heights." Still chuckling slightly John turned towards the seats in front of him and gave Alexander a pat on the arm and wink, with his amused grin. The stewardesses were finally coming around with beverages, non-alcoholic sadly enough and he couldn't wait to get something to drink. He didn't know if it was this human's pheromones making his mouth parched or the fact he was just thirsty, but he did know he was attracted to this human for some reason. Even though they had just met what seemed like five minutes ago when it was really an hour, he was falling in love.