First Dog - Prologue

Story by King Z on SoFurry

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#1 of First Dog

A story that I posted on a different site. Warning it is based around a 13 year old boy and his 'Adventures' with his dog. Read on, and of course the disclaimer. THIS STORY IS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL. NO ONE IN THIS STORY IS A REPRESENTATIVE OF ANYONE DEAD OR ALIVE. You don't like this kind of story. Don't read on.

My first dog was called Bes. Big black Shepard. Male of course. Oh my name is Mike and this is a tale of how I lost my virginity to my dog.

"Mike, Mike. Are you awake?" Lee asks (Lee my father, 34 year old. Just broke up with his wife) "No I'm still asleep. Of course I'm awake, I wish I could sleep. It's my birthday today" I say sitting up from my bed. "Oh yeah. Happy 13th birthday Mike" Lee says handing me a small gift. "Have to wait though. You can open it later" he adds mussing my blond hair. "DAD!!!" I moan at him, I've never liked my hair getting touched, I guess I got that from my mum. "Son!" Lee says darting out of thee room before I can hit him with the pillow. 'I'm so glad its Saturday' I think to myself. I drag myself from the bed, slip into the on-suite and have a shower.

It's about 11 when I decide to wander down the stairs still in my towel. "Guess its one of those days huh?" Lee says removing his tee-shirt. "Eggs and toast ok?" He adds as I sit down. I shrug. "Don't bother me one" I say looking at the box in my lap. 'Whats inside' I wonder. "Ok" Lee says putting the breakfast in front of me. "First gift" he adds pointing to a badly warped bike shaped object. "It's a bike" I say scarfing down one of the three slices of toast. "Spoilsport" Lee huffs "Second gift" he points to an even badly wrapped game console. "A PS3" I say between bites of egg and toast. "Uhh nooo.. Yes!" Lee says almost ready to explode. "Final gift" he adds pointing to the perfectly wrapped gift in my lap. "It's a watch" I say finishing off my last bit of toast. "No!" Lee says with a grin. "A phone" I ask. "No!" Lee says giggling like a school girl. "A.." I was cut off by the barking of a dog. "You didn't" I say opening the gift. Inside was a collar. "You did!" I say jumping off my chair. I give Lee a hag and then I run towards the barking.

I run outside and am greeted by a black Shepard happily running around our garden. "Here boy" I say putting my hand down for the dog to smell. The dog runs over, knocks me down and starts licking my face. "I shall call you Bes" I say hugging my new dog. My first dog.

To Be Continued...

I hope you like this story. It was top rated in the other site. It's about 6 chapters. Of course this is all in my PC so all I need to do is Copy and Paste.

NEWS: Spice and Rice will return soon. Ether in 15 days or near the tail end of February. Sorry for the delay on it, it's just whenever I try to post the next part of the Spice and Rice saga it crashed my PC. Don't worry though I shall be finishing Spice and Rice soon just have to wait.