Chapter 4: Infection and Lives

Story by Rayne Cyzio on SoFurry

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#4 of Infected

It felt as if I were floating in a pool, the waves lapping at my body as if to caress me like a giant blanket. I loved this feeling, of being able to just let go of myself and not have to worry about pain or hurt or sorrow or anything that could hurt me. I stared up at the inky blackness above me and closed my eyes when I heard voices murmuring around me, some deep and threatening while a few where angry, almost furious. I shied away from the furious voices and tried to block them out, to return to my peacefully existence of floating, but the voices didn't want to fade into the background. They only got louder and closer the more I fought to make them fade away. That was when the pain flared into my small bubble of comfort, bright and hot like an inferno of flames. It burned at my fur and illuminated everything in the bubble, making me want to scream for someone to make it stop. The voices faded away completely from my head, leaving me alone with my pain and the fact that I was alone made want to cry. But I didn't. I kept the tears and the hysteria that threatened to make me insane at bay because I knew that I was stronger than that. I knew that was what Axel would've wanted me to do and I wanted to cling to any strand of him left outside of the torrent of pain with every fiber of my being. There was no one to help me through this and I was the only comfort I would have through this explosive pain. I floated among the flames and smiled as if the pain wasn't there, returning to my peaceful bubble by shutting down. I closed my eyes against the bright fire and let myself float, not thinking, not feeling, just floating among the waves.


I was bored. The pain I was feeling had become a dull roar in the background of my bubble and I found myself wondering if I'd ever get back to reality. Even though reality involved burning pain that coursed through my veins, it was a preferred existence to my endless floating. I started to try and count how many days I'd been in my bubble, but the waves and flames made everything blend together into a blurry mess, so I quit trying afterI got to five. The pain in the background started to quiet, so I guessed that the worst of it was over and I would wake up soon. The flames started to recede from around me until they were barely visible on the horizon of my bubble when they quintupled in strength, overwhelming me with the strength of the pain that was assaulting me now. The flames cocooned around me and engulfed everything with their heat. I screamed once in terror at what was going on around me and felt in that instant a sense of deep dread that went along with a revelation that made me want to explode. I was going to die. I would never get to feel Axel's lips against mine or see his smiling face as he laughed. This realization woke me up and made me scream even louder, my arms wrapped around my stomach to try and keep the pain from ripping me apart. Yet, the pain was already gone. I stared in disbelief at the elegant, downy soft sheets that were covering my legs and let the scream run its course before laying back down onto the bed that someone had lay me down in. I stared up at the high arched ceiling through wide eyes and fought to get my breathing under control while my mind started to spin out of control.

Where am I? Who brought me here? Why.... Why.... Why... My brain asked me but I couldn't answer. I was to disoriented from the pain I'd just been in to really answer any of the questions I needed answers to. I closed my eyes against the dark ceiling and tried to keep my mind blank, not wanting to dwell on any thoughts that would bring back the pain that my heart wanted to forget but my brain wouldn't let go. Axel was never coming back into my life and I had to find a way to deal with that. I opened my eyes again and waited for the tears to start up again, but they didn't. I sat up and felt numb, both emotionally and physically. I looked around at the sparsely furnished room with its massive table topped with a lit six candle candelabra that burned with a soft, blue light. Past the table was an enormous wardrobe with ornate wooden doors and gold leaf swirls spiraling off of the doorknobs. What held my attention, though, weren't the beautifully carved reliefs on the doors, but the vixen staring back at me from the mirror that rested against the wall next to the wardrobe. She had long, flowing raven black hair that spilled over her shoulders while still keeping some of her face obscured. She had bright crimson eyes that seemed to glitter in the candlelight and her fur was of the same color as her hair. Her chest, though well endowed as she was, had a dull silver discoloration to it that probably ran down to her womanhood as well as accenting her palms and tail tip. The thing that stuck out the most, however, were the bandages that wrapped around her right arm all the way up to her shoulder and down to the tips of her fingers. I shuddered to think what could've happened to her and she shuddered as well. I had forgotten I was staring at myself in the mirror and when I raised my hand, so did the mirror me. I panicked slightly and stared in shock at what I'd become. I touched my cheek with my bandaged hand and felt a spasm of pain shoot through my arm, making me wince and gasp quietly.

"I see Sleeping Beauty is finally awake from her nap. How does it feel to be a better part of yourself; to embrace the legacy that your race has left you?" A deep, familiar voice asked curiously, the closeness of his voice frightening me. I covered my chest with the sheet out of pure instinct and searched for the black-cloaked figure who'd attacked me, my eyesight a lot sharper than it used to be. None of the corners of the room looked as shadowy as they should and I could actually count the arches on the dark ceiling. I brought my gaze back to the wall infront of the massive bed I'd woken up in and saw him standing there against the black curtain that spanned the entire wall, feeling his curious stare on me make me shiver. Not because of I was afraid of him, but because the stare he was giving me made me feel as if I were a new piece in a collection of his.

"What did you do to me?" I asked through my teeth, finding the anger I'd felt when he'd mentioned Jasper during our fight. He chuckled at my demand and shook his head as if he were speaking to a child. My eye twitched a little at the thought of him treating me like a child and growled heatedly through my clenched teeth, wanting answers to why everything about my body was different. He walked over to the far end of the wall and pulled a drawstring that made the curtain recede into the ceiling, letting in a view of a gray sky that had a slight blue over tone to it.

"What I did to you is make you an improved being, something a cut above the rest of the inferior beings in this damned universe we are forced to share, so I suggest that you show me the proper gratitude, vixen." He said in a calm voice, although it felt as if he were fighting to keep his anger in check. I turned my attention from him to the wall-sized window, concentrating on the overcast sky so I could gather my thoughts together in some form of consistency. I barely noticed it when he seemingly appeared next to the right side of my bed and was shocked when he grabbed my bandaged arm in his burning hot hands, making a cold sweat dew at the back of my neck when I remembered how badly it had hurt the first time he'd grabbed me. I kept my gaze away from what he was doing and ground my teeth together when I heard a screeching noise as if he were dragging his claws across a chalkboard. When the noise suddenly stopped, I looked down to see what he'd down and wished I hadn't. There was a single, jagged line through the gauze and through it I could see the same infected skin that my father was covered in underneath his clothes when he'd gone berserk and killed my mother. I ripped away the rest of the gauze under his observing gaze and gasped silently as the tears finally hit me. I stared through blurry eyes at the metallic substance that was covering my arm and traced a trembling claw down the tear his claw had made. I whimpered pathetically at what he'd done to me and looked up to see him chuckling at my response. He walked over to a set of ornate double doors at the far end of the room and stopped just infront of the causeway before turning his head to face me, his hood falling from over his face to let me see who it was that had kidnapped me. He was a dragon with cerulean colored scales and white markings on his cheeks and forehead while ivory white horns pointed out from the back of his head. He looked as if he exuded power from every pore of his probably muscular body while a sneer colored his face as he stared at me. I tried to avert my gaze from his, but I just stared at him with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I wouldn't try leaving this room, vixen. I might tolerate your existence here in our city to a certain extent, but the others are a little less understanding than I am. If you don't want to find out the extent of their disdain for you, I wouldn't entertain any ideas of escape. And as for that lynx you were in love with, he won't be coming for you anytime soon." He said with a superior tone as he glared maliciously at my tear soaked face and opened the door with one hand, his eyes never leaving mine. He walked through the doorway and slammed the door behind him, the door reverberating with the amount of force he put behind the motion. The sound of the slamming door seemed to be the trigger for my body to start feeling sadness again, because it felt as if someone had punched me in the gut. I fell onto my side as the grief took hold of me and curled into a tight ball with my knees against my chin, my sobs sending shudders through my back. It felt as if my heart had been ripped in half by what the dragon had said and it was made only worse by the fact that he was right. I was never going to see Axel again and the thought of never feeling his touch again made it hard to breathe. I gasped for breath against the torrent of pain I was feeling and tried to pull myself together, but each memory I had of Axel kept piling on top of each other as if they were trying to smother me. The last memory I had of him was the pained expression on his face as he hit the wall, and that was what stayed with me now. I tried to close my eyes to try and block out the vision, but the image was persistent. I cried for what seemed like an eternity before I exhausted myself enough to fall asleep, my dreams tormented by a future devoid of Axel and all of the friends I'd left behind.


It was sometime past midnight, or what I assumed was midnight because it was darker outside and the sky was black, when I woke up again. My eyes were stinging a little from the amount of tears I'd shed, but other than that, I was just tired. I had been waking up off and on all throughout the day, trying to keep away from the haunting dreams I was having, and the last had my throat feeling sore from my screaming. I curled up underneath my covers and hugged my stomach to try and stop the tremors that were tearing through my body, my teeth clenched to keep from screaming again. I heard the massive door open and close, but I didn't try to find out who it was, I just wanted to die so I could get away from the grief.

"Hazel? Hazel, can you hear me? Wake up sleepy-head, I want to see my friend again." A familiar voice whispered from nearby, making me almost look up. I'm going crazy. I already know Jasper's dead and he won't be coming back either. I thought to myself as I buried my head deeper into my knees. I felt someone's heavy paw gently shake my shoulder, as if they were trying to wake me up, but I shrugged them off and tried to ignore the voice of my late friend.

"Please, Hazel just look at me once. I don't think I can take the cold shoulder from my best friend. It makes me feel as if you want to push me away." The voice persisted as the paw moved a little lower and tickled my side, making me have to try incredibly hard to suppress a giggle as I continued to ignore the voice I was hearing. The pleading in his voice was ebbing away at my resolve and I looked at the mirror on the far side of the room, just to make sure I was just going crazy. But what I saw made me stop breathing again. Sitting behind me, with an almost sad look on his face, was a badger with a red-stripped muzzle and amber colored eyes. His white furred chest was massive while one of his ebony black-clawed paws was on my shoulder in a tender way; as if he were comforting a younger sister who'd had a bad dream. I felt my heart flutter with joy as I stared at him, but the joy was short lived when I remembered that I was probably going insane. I brought my paw up to his hesitantly and placed it on the black fur, feeling its coarseness as it ran through my fingers. I turned my head in his direction and slowly uncurled from my numb ball, still wondering if I was dreaming all this. I got onto my knees and brought my infected paw up to his cheek, feeling his warm breath blowing over my wrist as he smiled down at me. I smiled back and hugged him around the waist, burying my face into his chest as I cried tears of pure joy at the fact that he wasn't dead. I felt him hug me back and at that moment, I felt happy, as if none of this night had ever happened.

"I'm so glad I got to see you again, Jasper. I thought.... I thought you were dead and...." I trailed off as I continued to cry into his warm fur and listened to his heartbeat. I felt him laugh quietly, the gesture making his chest rumble, and looked up to see him grinning down at me.

"I wouldn't ever die without seeing you again, Hazey. Besides, the truck missed me by a few inches anyway." He replied with a grin before his face became somber with guilt. "I'm sorry I made you worry, Hazel. I promise I'll never do something that would hurt you like that again."

I looked up into his face and leaned my face closer to his so I could lay my head on his shoulder. "I forgive you, Jasper. It wasn't your fault, anyway." I whispered as I rubbed my nose against his neck, wondering if I truly was going crazy. He looked down at me and chuckled as he rolled his eyes at my trying to defend him. He rubbed my back with his paw and held me closer to him as his chuckle died out, leaving us in the quiet room together. I closed my eyes and sighed in content as he started to hum a song that he'd made up a few years back, moving me gently from side to side as if we were dancing. I let him gently lift me off of the bed and started humming along with him as we danced around the room, feeling as if we had never gone separate ways after college. By the time we had made it over to the table, my legs were having a tough time keeping up with him, thanks in part to the day I spent in bed.

"Do you mind if we take a little break, Jasp? My legs feel as if they're about to turn into jelly." I pointed out as we passed the still lit candelabra. He laughed with a nod and danced me back over to my bed, a happy look on his face as we came to a stop. I looked up at him and moved my arms so that they were laced around his neck, a smile lighting up my muzzle as I stared into his ocher eyes. He stared back down into my crimson eyes and gave me warm smile as his grip around my waist tightened a little.

"I love you, Hazel." Jasper whispered, the love in his voice ringing in each word. I stared with unconcealed surprise at his face and found that I felt the same. He pressed his lips against mine and held me against him with his strong paws. I didn't resist because my body didn't want me to, as if it had been longing for his lips and not Axel's. Even now, as we stood there embraced as we were, I looked back at all the times we had been together and I realized that this was how my life was supposed to turn out: in Jasper's arms. Nothing else seemed right compared to the feelings Jasper brought out in me and I wanted more than anything to make him happy. I unlaced an arm from around his neck and ran my fingers down his back fur, the feel still coarse but soft at the same time. I dragged my claw around his side slowly and felt the rough material of his jeans against my fingers as I slid my paw into his boxers. I stroked his sheath on my way down to his sack and gave him a playful squeeze as I continued to kiss my new found love, our tongues dancing from one mouth to another. I cradled his sack in my palm for a few seconds before giving it another squeeze and moving back up to his sheath, feeling the tip of his shaft brush against my finger. I felt my slit start to wetten thanks to my lust for Jasper and brought my other paw down to his pants so I could unbutton them. I lightly pinched the tip of his cock and started massaging his sack, rolling my fingers over each nut. Jasper pulled his mouth from mine and moved his paw down my butt cheek until he reached my wet lower lips, a lustful look in his eyes as he started teasing me with the tips of his claws. I moaned quietly and finally unbuttoned his pants with my eager fingers. I pulled my paw from in his boxers and yanked them down enough so that I could get at his half erect member with both my hands. He pulled his paw away from my needy slit and took his arms from around my waist. I took the opportunity to get down on my knees and stared at his manhood with the eyes of a kit who'd gotten locked in a candy store after closing. Even at only half it's length, Jasper's cock was at least eight inches long and four inches across with a light pink coloring and a mushroomed tip. I ignored the urge to take him entirely and focused my attention on his white-furred sack; the golf ball sized globes swaying slightly with his breathes. I lapped at them gently, drawing out each lick to further torture him, and inhaled his musky scent, the smell driving my desire crazy with want. I wrapped my lips around one of his nuts and ran my tongue over the smooth fur, listening to his moan of pleasure as I started gently pumping his member with my infected paw. The infection that covered my arm was cold and the feel made his cock stiffen even quicker than it usually would've. I moved onto his other nut and gave this one special treatment as I gently wrapped my tongue around it before slurping on it like a straw. When I felt he had had enough torment from me, I pulled my mouth from around his heavily saliva slicked sack and returned my attention to his still growing cock.

"Yeah, I'm pretty big, aren't I?" Jasper gloated as I traced the veins that were sticking out from his shaft, wondering how he'd be in bed. I smiled up at him and gave his tip a lick before deepthroating his massive member. He groaned pleasurably as I dragged my tongue back up his pole until the tip was all that was left in my mouth and went back down on him again, my nose pressing up against his stomach each time I brought my head down. He sat down heavily on the bed and groaned louder as I bobbed my head up and down onto his dick faster, my cunt starting to leak some of my juices onto the floor. I felt some of his pre squirt into the back of my throat and concentrated my efforts on the tip, suckling heavily for more of his pre as it trickled out of his cock. I felt his member start throbbing gently in my mouth and knew he wasn't far off, so I went back to deepthroating him while I fondled his spit soaked sack in my paw.

"I... forgot how good... you were at this... Hazey... Oh!!" He moaned as he grabbed my head and forced me to take the entire length of his cock in my mouth, the tip rubbing up against the back of my throat. I tried to pull my head back, but his grip was iron clad as he came heavily into my mouth, his hot, sticky seed shooting into the back of my throat and making me choke on it. I swallowed as much as I could, but most of it spewed out of my mouth and onto his crotch and inner thighs as well as dribble down my chin onto my breasts. When he finally let go of my head, I pulled off of his member a little and drank down the rest of his cum. I dragged my mouth off of his quivering dick and licked my lips clean of his pungent cum before looking up at him with a creamy smile on my face.

"Same, aggressive Jasper. You like to be rough, don't you?" I teased as I gave his pole a long lick from his base to his tip, making him shiver a little. I got up onto my feet and walked over to the table set in the middle of the room, my hips swaying a little to make him follow me. I heard his lumbering footsteps behind me and felt him grab me around the waist again as he pressed his lips against the side of my neck.

"I do remember a certain vixen that liked it a little rough, Hazel. Besides, your gorgeous enough to deserve the best whoever she's with can give her." He murmured as he gave my butt cheek a gentle pinch. I rolled my eyes and pried myself out of his embrace so I could sit on the table, my wet snatch all too visible to him.

"So what do I deserve, Jasp? Hmmmm?" I asked as I placed my paws on either side of me and gripped the edge of the table. He took a few steps closer to me and covered my paws in his, his still erect member hovering a few inches away from my womanhood. He leaned his head in close to mine and gave me a smile.

"Everything." Was all he murmured as he pressed his lips against mine, his warm breath entering my mouth alongside his tongue. I kissed him back and felt him grab my hips in his massive paws as he thrust his cock into my willing pussy, a moan of pure pleasure escaping my throat as he hilted me in one thrust. I felt his tip brush up against my G-spot and put my paws on his shoulders so that I could steady myself when he started thrusting into me. He pulled his hips back until his tip was barely being held in place by my folds and thrust back into me, starting up a steady rhythm that had me gasping before long. I pulled my mouth from his and lay my head against his shoulder, my tongue hanging out from my mouth as I nuzzled his neck. He smiled as he picked up his pace, his hips now slamming into mine. He moaned with the pleasure that my cunt was giving him and I felt my climax start to peak as I moaned along with him. I kissed his neck fur and screamed happily as I came around his cock, my juices coating his inner thighs as well as mine. He groaned deeply from his chest and came inside me for the second time that night, his cum mixing with mine as he thrust his cock as deep as it could go into my tunnel. He took his paw from off of my hip and raised my chin so he could stare at my panting face.

"I... I... love you... Jasper. I... will never... take that back... because I know... its true. I love you... with my heart... and soul." I whispered through pants and I knew that I meant every word of it. Jasper nodded his head in agreement and put his paw under my butt so that he could pick me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pressed myself closer to him, making his member press even farther into my pussy. He walked me over to the bed and lay down on the soft sheets with me on top of him, the look on his face reminding me why I loved him.

"I love you, too, Hazel. I will never leave your side or hurt you in anyway, because I care for you too much to do that to you. My heart belongs to you, my love, and nothing will ever change that." Jasper whispered as he kissed my forehead, his eyes sparkling with a kind of truth that made me start to tear up. I wiped my tears away with the back of my paw and smiled down at him as I lay my head down on his chest, his heartbeat like a drum. I felt him rub my back and murred in content as I stared into the flickering blue candlelight, feeling my life finally make sense to me.

"If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up." I whispered into Jasper's white chest fur, feeling stupid for thinking of such a thing when he felt so real to me. He chuckled and continued to massage my back, relaxing me gradually as I felt the sadness and fear that'd had my heart incased in ice that morning begin to get replaced by a sense of happiness and warmth. I loved Jasper and I could see myself being happy with him. There wasn't anything I could ask for to make my life any better at that moment.

I don't own the dragon that Hazel was talking to, that character belongs to Sonic Fox. Jasper and Hazel are mine, so no ripping off. Review, vote, and above all, just enjoy, because that's all we authors and artists ask of you. Just Enjoy.