What Once Was... Ch 1

Story by RCtheFox on SoFurry

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#2 of Origins

Chapter 1 in the Origin series, I hope you like.

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What Once Was...

***WARNING, this story is not for minors, you're responsible for knowing this. I don't assume any liability if you read this. Also, this is a work of fiction, please take that into consideration.

Thank you and enjoy.

Chapter 1

After unlocking his car and throwing his backpack in the rear. R.C. Slams the door shut and bangs his steering wheel with his head. The high school junior just a month into the school year has once again been dumped after a week.

"I really try too hard sometimes. I'm better than this?", He starts his car, checks his mirrors and the clock radio for the time. "Ah yeah 90 min to get to work. I love dark week! Maybe I can actually get something to eat for once...". The young fox starts to drive down the lot to the main road towards the shopping center.

He arrives at the Big Bird market and parks at his usual spot on the end. He walks in, says his usual hellos to the staff there and grabs his usual milk and sandwich snack. After giving the nice Lynx his payment, he slowly begins his walk to the amusement park where he works and is anticipating a great season end once again. Being that it is Friday, he receives a phone call, it is his friend Terry probably informing him about tomorrow's rave party downtown. Terry is a Siberian husky who actually migrated to the Americas not too long ago.

He answers it and starts to chat about current events, parties, work, school, girls... R.C. stops in the middle of the conversation upon being asked about girls.

"Terry, um I got dumped again. I kind of not want to talk about this."

"Oh that sucks dude! Well I'll be there tomorrow and help you get hooked up! There's going to be a few hot vixens that will tickle your fancy!" Terry replied.

"I don't know, I just feel like things never click with them. I always end up losing interest or vice versa it seems." R.C. reluctantly told Terry. "They always are too much to deal with, constantly whining about something or worrying about their image or something stupid y'know..."

"Well, R.C. I hope to see you tomorrow night, same place same time? You performing that night?"

"No, I'm just going with a couple others just to hang out and dance. Well I'm almost to work sir, I will stalk you later! Bye" R.C. hangs up and slides his Nokia 5110 in his bag and continues down the walkway to the gates of his employment and favorite amusement park, Furrywood!

The next evening, R.C. gets home from work and strips down to shower. He makes sure every inch of his fur is scrubbed well, despite the fact that he will be sweating later as he usually dances often. Stepping out of the hot shower, he towels himself off and ensures his tail retains its trademark fluff. Walking to his room with his towel around his waist, he stops to admire himself in the mirror.

Thinking to himself, "I know I'm different, but why are they attracted to me so much and then just simply leave me?" He then traces his black facial markings and ponders some more at himself in the mirror.

Moving over to his dresser, he pulls out his black UFO Pants with the blue streamers, a cute fox shirt and some other accessories to wear later. Checking his watch, he notes he has three hours to get dressed, pick up his crew and arrive on site. After dressing up, he grabs his keys and shoots a text to his friend Terry indicating he is leaving.

R.C. attempts to start his VW Rabbit with no success as usual. Fortunately, he lives on an incline so he dumps the clutch and lets gravity start his car. Once he's under power, he makes his way down the road towards Pleasant Hills to pick up his crew.

Dodging traffic and other typical hazards of the South Hills road network, he arrives just in time to see Joey 3, the panther and Sharlee, the loveable cat as they climb into his ride.

"Hey R.C. Fox! What's been shaking?" Joey 3 does his typical line each time he climbs in for his ride to the party.

"My tail as usual...how's it been with you two?"

"Oh you know typical crap. MY boyfriend's been working overtime again so he's not here, Sharlee's been keeping me company, her husband....blah blah" R.C. drives on nodding his head at the typical drama that spews from Joey 3. R.C. likes the guy, but wish he wouldn't be such a drama queen sometimes. R.C. checks his mirror to see Sharlee sitting back there looking tired as usual. The bumbling cat won't wake up until usually about an hour after they would arrive typically.

"Yeah...uh huh...really?...well that sucks..." R.C. says in between pauses when the panther spews his life story each time. "You guys want to stop for a quick dinner? It's 7:30 now, party doesn't start until 9."

Sharlee sprang to life, "Yes please!!! I haven't eaten all day!!!" Both R.C. and Joey 3 slowly turn to look at Sharlee as they're stopped at the South Park intersection light waiting to change.

"Well, look who finally woke up! What, you deprived of nutrition or something? What do you want to eat? R.C. finally broke the silence.

"Hey, let's do Tom's Diner in the Southside!!!" Joey 3 spoke up. "I want a gyro!"

"Sounds good, I could use some of their omelets" R.C. makes a right turn onto Rt 19 to head up to town. Along the way, the three exchange conversation and plans for the evening, It was going to be a great night the three of them agreed upon.

After dinner, they make their way across the river to the club site and park in the garage across from it. The three furs walk down across the street and enter the club. R.C. flashes his 4-12 House Production badges which grant him free access as he is an active producer and DJ within the rave scene. The other two are granted comp access by being with R.C.

"Well, you two, have fun. I'll try to dance if I can. Most likely I'll be pulled by someone to talk about events and crap." R.C. hugs the two and then heads up the stairs to the main room.

The main room is very dark and filled with the sounds of the opening DJ who is laying down a simple basic set of house music. There are not many attendees currently since the event just started. R.C. moves along to the other room where it seems like its 2am based on the slow pace of the ambient/goa/psy trance music being performed. The fox keeps moving along to the third floor room, usually the good music happens here.

Along the route, a couple of female lynxes approach the fox. R.C. of course sighs to himself, "Oh fuck me...not these two." R.C. pretends to wave and smile as the two excited teens approach the fox.

"OMG it's that glowing fox!!!!" One of them shouts out and rushes to the fox and tackle hugs him.

"Glow for us!!! We want to see you glow!" The other one shouts joining in the sudden fur pile.

R.C. pushes them off and gets back up. "Please! I just want to enjoy my night! Can you two go elsewhere for now?" R.C. begins to walk away towards the stair well to the 3rd floor. The two girls scowl and rush the opposite direction. The fox continues his slow walk to the 3rd floor where he hopes to get an opportunity to dance. Dancing has been an outlet for the fox since he is very thin and tall. Being over 6' has its ups and downs, especially when he is only 145lbs.

Upon arrival to the room, there is no music and no lights. R.C. is confused, but notices his flyer does not mention the 3rd room which he always looks forward to. "Ugh, now what am I going to do, these new promoters don't know what to do anymore." He scowls folding the flyer back up and making his way back to the main room. Being a promoter and a DJ himself, he tends to worry about the way things are run rather than enjoy the atmosphere, something he deep down misses.

Upon the arrival at the first room, it's packed with more rave furs that are now dancing to the simple house beat. The bear DJ appears to be trying out his first gig as an opener and seems to be keeping the tracks flowing smoothly. Looking around, he sees they finally turned the light show on which gives off just enough ambient glow to see his surroundings so he avoids being bumped by random dancers. He sees Sharlee over in the corner with a couple of furs talking, then noticed Joey 3 out on the floor dancing with his glow sticks as usual. R.C. listens for a while and recognizes the next track. He pulls out his phone and notices he has a text message. Reading it, he immediately deletes it as it was from his ex. "God damn bitch just won't stop with it. She has too many problems." He then deletes her number and puts his phone back in his pocket.

R.C. makes his way around to the dance floor and decides to start moving around. Getting into the swing of the 128 BPM tempo, he begins his basic dance pattern to match a couple around him performing the same thing. Slowly getting in to the rhythm, he starts to loosen up more and become lost in the music. Hearing the DJ put on 16-beat tracks cause the fox to increase his movements in both frequency and complexity. The fox starts to put on moves causing others to join in or watch depending on where they are located. R.C. doesn't notice a thing while he dances and it seems there's a small group forming around him where some of them are attempting to imitate his moves.

Swinging to the left, moving his arms in a set pattern to the anticipated beats moving carefully, yet rapidly around a small area on the floor, the fox makes quick use of his moves as some of the track lights focus on his area where he, among a few other good dancers are highlighted. The surrounding group starts to cheer them on as they start to co-ordinate into a group dance where their moves are complimentary to each other. All of this occurs unknowingly to R.C. as he finally has lost himself in the music. The last track starts to wind down after 5 more minutes and R.C. realizes the DJ's set is about to end opens his eyes and notices a small crowd around him and a couple other dancers. He smiles and nods shyly and tries to fan himself.

"Dude, you're sweet! Show me some moves!" "Wow, you're great" "Hey, can I have your number?" Are some of the comments that fall upon the fox's ears as he starts to walk toward the make shift drink vendor station for some refreshing water. As he makes his way, the next DJ starts their set which is a Drum'n'Bass set.

"Just a bottle of water please, that's all and thanks." R.C. asks the vendor and hands her a dollar bill for the cost. Grabbing the bottle, he takes a long swig and wipes his muzzle. Feeling refreshed, he heads to the corner where Sharlee is sitting. "Hey you! Come over here and sit with us?" Sharlee invites the fox to her corner with her and a few others. The fox approaches and waves to everyone.

"Heya" R.C. sits with the group and begins to mingle. "So, who are your friends?"

"Oh just a few I met, they really like your dancing, R.C. So this is Jell-O Bunny" pointing to the female rabbit. "This is Skykid over here" she says indicating the fennec-like fox. "Here is Happy with her girlfriend Sassy" she points to the two female wolves who appear to be blankly staring at each other and on the influence of a drug.

"Oh nice!" R.C. sets his water down and excuses himself to the restroom. "Shar, can you hold my water, please? I need to hit the water closet." "Sure, come back and talk with us!!"

As R.C. makes his way to the facilities, Sharlee takes his water bottle and drops a hit of ecstasy in it and watches it dissolve into a clear liquid. She smiles and starts feeling the effects hit her hard causing her to shriek in glee and start hugging Jello Bunny and Skykid. A moment later, R.C. comes back and grabs his water bottle. He opens it up and downs the rest real quick. "Man do I need some refreshments, this water tastes a bit off." He looks at the label, "Oh cheap water packs, no wonder. Meh, water is water!" R.C. tosses the bottle in the trash and walks around a bit to check on the scene.

About a few minutes later, R.C. starts to feel a bit light. "What the...did I eat something bad? I feel so weird." The fox makes his way back to the group where Sharlee is sitting and sits down. "Shar, I am feeling weird." The cat looks at R.C. with glazed eyes and pulls him into a tight embrace. The fox as he is squeezed feels a sudden onrush of strong sensations and practically melts under the extreme feelings of pleasure. "Shar? What is wrong with me?" the fox cries out while closing his eyes.

As he lies down, the other two furs start to squeeze R.C. making the fox experience pleasure like never felt before. He closes his eyes again. "Wow....guys?" He opens his eyes and sees the five of them hovering above him. He smiles now feeling the rapidly increasing effects of the drug. His vision becomes slightly distorted causing him to not easily recognize who he sees. Hearing the music and seeing the lights also causes R.C. to experience pleasure causing his synethesia to kick in. R.C. nearly passes out from the extreme feelings and ends up laying down pawing at the air. He feels someone grab his paw and pull him up to a hug. R.C. can't tell who it is, but he feels so happy that he kisses the random fur. A couple gasps are heard, R.C. breaks the kiss and smiles at the unknown fur feeling love, but mostly influenced by the drug that was slipped in his bottle of water.

At that moment, he begins to cling to the mystery fur and hugs them tightly. He then leans in to kiss them lightly. At that moment, a bright flash appears and startles the fox. He breaks off and hears Joey 3 laugh. "Typical fox, I caught you this time on camera! HAHAHA!!" The fox stares back startled and confused still under the increasing effects of the drug.

"You...you are so funny!" R.C. points and giggles.

"But you're cute and I'm happy that I think you found someone to be with haha." Joey 3 simply replies. "Now I have the evidence and I can't wait to show my friends that you're finally happy!"

R.C. stares back blankly with a glazed look not sure and not caring what Joey 3 said. Then he returns to hugging the random fur tightly.

The night went very slow as R.C. and the random fur embraced among the group in the corner. No one else seemed to care that R.C. was not present as he usually was at events as the event became packed to capacity for the regional headliner performer tag-team at the decks. The night became a blur of bliss for the fox and his new found cuddle buddy who he still can't tell who it is.

At the end of the night, he sobers up enough after walking outside into the cold brisk night with his two friends "Wow, what happened to me in there? What was that all about Sharlee?" The cat is still under the influence, but R.C. was able to sober up due to his high metabolism. I really don't remember much, but it felt so great.

Joey 3 interrupts, "Yeah, R.C., you really met someone BTW, I think they'll be calling you sometime later today." R.C. stops looking confused. "What do you mean, 3?" He looks back as someone calls his name and he gasps...


Chapter 2 Preview

Who is the random fur that R.C. mingled with and will they start something? Will R.C. learn what happened to cause him to experience these issues? What do you think! I want to know!