A new Beginning Prologue: Kurt's Story.

Story by Wolven on SoFurry

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Authors Notes: This is the prologue to "A New Beginning" that I've been writing for some time. And as such due to lack of free time with me will be my 2nd story. This story takes you more in depth with Kurt; the male black wolf in new beginning.

Disclaimer: All characters are copyrighted to me, Wolven, any unauthorized use of characters, or redistribution of this story in any way without written consent, and due credit of the author will result in clear violation of Copyright infringement laws, which is punishable up to 5 yrs in jail, and/or a $25,000.00 fine.

Disclaimer: This story contains sexual acts between consenting male friends, if you are under 18yrs+, or this type of material is offensive to you, please exit this story now, if you're over 18, and wish to view such content, please, enjoy and give me your feedback.


Kurt's Story:

Chapter: 1

The sound of the trumpet blew loud over the loud speaker signaling the troops it was time to wake up. "They're not paying me enough to get up this damned early" a large black wolf moaned as he fumbled to his feet "What are you bitching about, Wolfe? You only got another two years in this fucking outfit I still have four." Another wolf moaned from under his covers. Finally he pulled them down revealing a young male fox, standing about 6'2".

"Yeah, keep whining, it'll only get worse" the black wolf retorted. He stood 6'8" tall, and weighed close to 280 lbs of brutal wolven fury. About two more minutes of bitching, moaning, and complaining, and all troops were assembled, and ready for inspection as the Major walked in. All troops stood immobile, except for the black wolf who saluted the major. "Status, lieutenant, the Major barked. He was a large Rottweiler standing around 6'5". "Alpha Team, all men present and accounted for, Sir!" the lieutenant barked back, his large muscular form rippling through his uniform. Although, he was already an officer, the large wolf gained his rank in only a two year period. His skills; in Marksmanship, and hand-to-hand combat, was the highest of all the enlisted men, including his Superior Officers. After inspection all men were gathered in the mess hall eating their breakfast, the large wolf sitting at the officers table, eating his food and discussing things with the other officers. Suddenly, the mess hall door flew open, and a young badger anthro, came in, running like a bat out of hell to the officers table, the wolf stood up "Lieutenant!" the badger barked, saluting his CO, "this just came for you, sir Top priority.." the badger said quickly, handing the file to the Lieutenant, Saluting once more.

"Thank you, private, dismissed." The Wolf commanded in an intimidating tone of voice. The badger saluted once more, turned around, and walked off. Kurt motioned to the other officers and said "Gentleman, if you'll please join me in the Major's office." The other Company CO's immediately dropping their forks and standing up from their table.

The CO's entered the major's office. "Thank you for joining me, Lieutenant. The Rott Major barked in a gruff voice. Thanking the other officers in turn. They all stood at attention until the rott said "At ease." The men, stood loosely now and took a seat... "The word from Washington is that we're to send in three teams of Special Forces to infiltrate an enemy stronghold in a VC controlled village. There, each company will have one objective apiece to complete. Our 3 Main objectives are to infiltrate the stronghold, and obtain military Intel on any and all troop movements, supply lines, and ammo caches in the region." The major said. Handing two more files to the other two respective CO's

"The 2nd objective is to destroy all ammo caches within the village, and stronghold, as well as destroying their armory. The 3rd is to assassinate the Commanding officer. Wolf, I want you and alpha team to do the assassination, Bravo and Charlie Company will destroy the cache, armory, and seize Intel. Any questions?" the major asked. "No sir!" the CO's said in unison. Good assemble your companies, you move out at 0900 hrs." the major barked "Dismissed."

Chapter: 2

The Transport helicopters blades rumbled the area as they prepared to land.

The men quickly exiting, and, forming into their respective lines the CO's being the last ones to get off. The Lieutenant, being the highest ranking officer of the group made his way to the near-by allied command tent. "Lieutenant Kurt Wolfe, ODA 616 reporting for mission, sir" The black wolf barked with authority, saluting the ranking CO, his large arm muscles convulsing under his uniform as he does. The CO saluted him back, he was a beautiful silverish-gray stallion that was taller than Kurt, not that it intimidated, Kurt though. "Ah, yes the Special Forces group, right?" the stallion asked in a battle-tired voice. "Yes, sir, HALO teams 616, 626, and 646" The Lieutenant responded. "I'm sure your C.O. filled you in on your mission objectives?" "Yes sir. We are to deploy from a high altitude parachute drop 6 clicks south of the village, infiltrate the base, gather Intel, destroy weapon/ammo caches, and off their C.O." if I may be blunt, Sir." The Wolf said, as if it was another day in the office.

The Stallion chuckled. "You make it sound easy. Let me tell you something, Lieutenant, I've been in this war since it began, nothing is easy. I've seen so many teams of you people leave in body bags, it's disgusting. The worst are the ones who don't leave. Instead, they just rot out in the jungle, after first being pissed, shit, and puked on by the VC." The Major stated.

The Lieutenant sighed "I've had my fair share of missions that I've completed. Trust me, this mission will be done. Even if I have to kill all the bastards in the process." The Wolf barked defiantly. "We'll see, Lieutenant." The Major retorted, glaring at the wolf. "Dismissed." The Lieutenant saluted, and walked off.


The sound of the helicopters roared in a hover over the deployment zone, as the men exited in a free-fall parachute drop. Each teams dividing up into 3 separate groups. "Ok, Bravo, I want you to cover my team and Charlie during the infiltration of the base, once we're through, I want you to break off, head around here." The Lieutenant said in a hushed voice, as to not alert any enemy sentries that may be near. "This route takes you towards the Intel area, then to the fuel dump, get there and wait for my signal. "Larrs, you take Charlie and head to the armory, await my signal. As for my team, I'll head on this path" he said, pointing to the map again. "I want total radio silence until I give the go-ahead. When I do, my team will execute the C.O. (s), any questions?" "No sir, the two officers said. "Alright, let's move." Kurt barked quietly as each team made their way closer to their destination.

(Note to all: during the times you see the letters "AT, BT, or CT" that is the Company initials. Alpha Team, Bravo, and Charlie Team, this will take up less room, and be easier to follow.)

BT: "Area clear, sir" the Bravo sniper said to his C.O. in a hushed voice continuing to scan the area. "Alpha, Charlie, move up we have you covered" the Bravo CO said.

Both teams advanced silently, not disturbing so much as a blade of grass. Their stealth training came in handy for this. "Alright, Teams, move out, and remember; don't break radio silence until I give the go-ahead." barked Kurt. "Roger" said both Companies' C.O.'s, as both teams moved silently.

AT: "Peters, you and Chambers do a recon of the area; we need to locate the C.O. tent." said the Lieutenant. "Yes sir." Whispered the two men as they slowly flanked out, covering the area with a distance of 12 ft apart.

They reported back soon with news of the location. "Alright let's move out." said the wolf leading his team through the shadows to the command tent.

BT: "Alright men, spread out into teams of two" The C.O. commanded, as his men followed his order, spreading out. "Check each building, gather what information you can." He said. The men left in teams of two, the radioman and CO staying behind to hold the position.

CT: "Sir, C4 explosive charges are placed." One of the Sergeants said.

"Alright, hold your position and wait for my signal to set the timer." "Yes, sir." The sergeant replied.

AT: The troops were right outside the large command tent now, not sure how many men were inside as of yet. The C.O. pointed to his eyes, then to the tent window, as one of the soldiers slowly made their way towards it being concealed in the dark night. The rest of the men positioned themselves defensively around the zipped-up door-flap.

"Sir, there's 4 men inside, all in officer uniforms." The soldier said as he returned from the window. "Alright, men, this is it." The wolf barked over his radio pulling out a flash-bang grenade, holding his Survival knife in the other hand, slicing the door open in one downward thrust, deploying the grenade. The men took cover. *Bang!* the grenade popped, Alpha team stormed into the tent, their hot weapons ready to shoot any hostile targets. 3 of the men were stunned, and on the floor, one of the VC who wasn't stunned tried raising his weapon to fire but was shot in the head instantly by the lieutenant the other two C.O.'s quickly disarming themselves and surrendering.

BT: "Take cover." A corporal said as he threw a grenade towards the fuel dump instantly igniting it in a field of flame. "Bravo Team to Alpha, the fuel dump is destroyed, we have full documentation of troop movements, supply lines, and more ammo/weapon caches." The radioman stated in a louder tone, the roaring of the fuel dump interfering with the radio a little bit. "Roger that Bravo." Said the Kurt over the radio, "move out your men and head back to my position." The voice of the wolf shouted over the radio. "Roger that, Alpha returning to your position, Bravo team out."

CT: "Ok, set the timers and let's get the fuck out of here, Larrs, the Charlie Company's CO shouted. After a few minutes of button pushing, Charlie team cleared the area as the ammo cache lit up with the explosion of the C4 Charge, and becoming a fireworks display of live ammunition going off from the heat, as the remains of the crumbling armory became visible through the dissipating smoke screen of dust from the explosion.

Finally, an eerie silence fell over the Camp and village, late within the night. Thunder rumbled in the distance. The team quickly regrouped, and headed back towards Alpha team.

30 minutes later:

All three companies were sitting at the extraction zone waiting on the arrival of the Helicopters after a very long night. It was dawn now, the crisp morning air relaxing the men a little bit as two sentries stood over the two High-ranking P.O.W's. The mission was more than a success; all their objectives were complete, with two enemy officers in the 3rd Battalion's custody, plus they have enemy Intel that would prove to help in the war.

Finally the wind picked up and the roaring of the transport Helicopters were heard approaching the LZ. The birds; sitting on the ground waiting for the troops to load up. In 5 minutes, the helicopter blades started to whirr again as their engines turned over, and they took off.

Chapter: 3

Two Years later:

Although the war was over; the media still talked about it. Kurt really didn't care to hear much about it, everyone was condemning the U.S. Troops for what they did in Vietnam, "and yet what do those bastards know?" Kurt asked himself "After-all, it was my ass that was on the line out there fighting that goddamned war. He turned the TV off quickly, not wanting to remember some of the shit he had seen. He made his way towards the kitchen, cutting himself a slice of Birthday cake he bought himself the other day. "Happy birthday to me" he said before he began eating. He sat down and thought "How the hell could I have been alive for 30 yrs already? Fuck, time goes by too fast." He thought. After eating he decided to go take a shower, hoping it would make him feel better. He took off his clothes, noticing his tattoo on his left arm that made it clear he was once a Special Forces member, an officer no less. Those days were behind him now. His tour was up, and he decided he had enough of the grunt life. Now he wanted peace. He looked in the mirror at his stress worn face before turning around and stepping into the shower. His bone coming half-way out of its furry retreat, as he stepped in the shower. "Fuck" he thought. "I need to get me a piece of ass." He slowly began to stroke himself; a bit of pre coming out of his cock-tip he pulled his sheath down below his knot, exposing his fully erect 8 and a half inch wolf cock Holding his wolf meat in one hand, and cupping his balls in the other, he started to thrust back and fourth, his knot becoming bigger by this action. He closed his eyes and pictured a naked female wolf, with her legs opened wide, her wet swollen vulva inviting him to fuck it hard. He ached for the taste of pussy. Still a little pissed off from his girlfriend leaving him a week ago because "He didn't spend enough time with her" He scoffed and rolled his eyes at that thought followed by "Bitch must've expected me to never sleep." seeing as how he always was with her if he didn't have to work.

He cleared his mind of her and began to concentrate on the task at hand; getting off. His cock was wanting to cum so bad it was throbbing with pain. He pictured the naked female wolf again, picturing himself kneeling between her legs eating out her sweet pussy, making her orgasm and scream in pleasure, then he stood up, rolled her over, took his erect wolf-hood in his hand, and stuck it in her pussy, mating her from behind. His large cock pummeling into her depths, making her moan and scream in ecstasy. He licked his lips imagining doing this right now, his grip tightened around his balls a little as his cock started to squirt line after line of his clear wolf seed over the shower wall, putting his hand behind his knot simulating a tie as he continued to squirt his cum until he finally came down from his exertions. He stepped out of the shower just in time to hear his doorbell ringing. He knew it was just his friend, so he toweled off a little bit, and walked out to the door still naked.

"Hey, dude!" Sean said as he smiled at Kurt noticing his cock, which was still out of its sheath. "That looks tasty." Sean added grinning. "Don't even think about it" Kurt said as he grinned at Sean. Kurt knew Sean for a long time, since he was in grade school, being seen naked by him wasn't really a bother, he saw Sean naked before as well. Kurt wasn't gay though; even though Sean was and tried to get Kurt to let him suck him off a few times. Kurt denied. Sean quickly reached out and groped Kurt's meat. In an instant, Kurt grabbed him by the neck making it crack a little bit. "I said no." letting him go, Kurt turned around and walked swishing his tail as Sean for shits and giggles.

Chapter: 4

After Kurt went back in and put his clothes on he came back out in the living room, noticing Sean was rolling a joint, Kurt headed towards the refrigerator, and pulled out two beers, and headed back into the living room, handing one to Sean as he got done rolling the weed. Sean accepted it and took a drink before lighting the joint, taking a drag and passing it to Kurt. "So, besides pawing off a bit ago, how was your day? Sean asked with a toothy grin. "Shit." Kurt said, taking a large drag off the joint and handing it back to Sean. "I was supposed to go on a date last night with this really cute Leopard anthro last night who decided to not show. That kind of sucked too, I was in the mood for ass." Sean stated. Kurt chuckled "Yeah, I know how that is." He said after. Sean looked at his friend. He wanted to fuck that wolf for 12 years now, and still hadn't been able to do it. "Maybe tonight will be different though." He thought, his cock beginning to fill out his sheath. Sean was a wolf as well, his fur as black as Kurt's the only way to tell them apart is Sean is only 6'6" but just as muscular, in his opinion, more. Sean remembered the first time he ever saw Kurt's penis. They were 14 at the time, and Sean was staying at Kurt's house. He had a bunk bed, Sean was on the bottom. Kurt thought that Sean was asleep, and started to jerk off his cock sticking over the side of the bed due to the position Kurt was in at the time. It was directly above Sean's view so he could see it perfectly in the dark thanks to his wolven eyes. Seeing Kurt's large cock that close to him made him horny as well and he began to paw off. He moved his head out a little bit so that Kurt's cock was directly over his mouth, and Sean was catching his pre tasting its salty flavor. He loved it! It made him want to stand up and suck Kurt off that night. He's tried to do it ever since, and failed each time though. "Thinking about something nice?" Kurt asked bringing Sean back into reality. "Huh? No why?" Sean asked. Kurt motioned to Sean erect cock making a tent in his pants. Sean got embarrassed when he realized it. Thinking about that night made him get hard. "...Kurt?" Sean asked. "Hmm?" replied Kurt. "Can I ask you something?" "I guess." "Do you remember that time I stayed at your house over night when we were 14?" "Yeah why?" "Well... I know you thought I was asleep, but.... I was awake when you were pawing off. It was actually the first time I saw your cock, which I think is very nice by the way... Anyways, I um... I drank your cum that night, Kurt." "What!? Kurt said, cutting Sean off. "Please, don't get mad." "You really drank my cum that night?" "Yes." "Can I ask why?" "Well... It's because I like you, Kurt, a lot. You're the only friend I had left in school when everyone found out I was gay." "You're a good person, Kurt. That's why I want you, even if it's only for one night. In short, I want you to mate me, Kurt." Sean confessed, holding his head down praying Kurt's response wouldn't be that hurtful "no."

Chapter: 5

"So, like, what, you want to suck me off?" Kurt asked Sean calmly. "Well, yes, and I want you to stick your cock up my ass and knot me..." Kurt looked over Sean, trying to figure out if he was serious or fucking around. "You're serious, aren't you?" Kurt asked.

Sean stood up, and walked over to Kurt, getting down on his knees and easing his hands into Kurt's pants, gently stroking his cock meat through the sheath. "Please, Kurt, I want you." Sean said. Kurt looked into Sean's eyes feeling sympathetic; he had wondered what sex with another male was like. Although he wasn't gay, Kurt did want this. Plus, if he was going to have it with anyone, it might as well be his friend; he knew he could trust him. Kurt stood up suddenly, and started to head up stairs, motioning Sean to follow him. Sean was surprised by this. Was he really going to be able to mate Kurt tonight? He decided to follow and find out.

Upstairs, Sean finally caught up with Kurt in the latter's bedroom. Kurt sat down on his bed as Sean looked at him, and sighed. "Ok, look" Kurt said. "If we're going to do this, you must never tell anyone we did it. Ok?" "Yes!" Sean replied with enthusiasm, he kneeled between Kurt's legs and hugged him, before unbuttoning his pants, and removing them, next came his boxers, which he slid down quickly. Kurt removed his shirt on his own, as Sean stripped himself down. Both wolves were now naked. Sean eased Kurt down onto his bed into a sitting position, and got between his legs. He began to fondle Kurt's sheath, trying to get Kurt aroused. It worked! Within minutes, Kurt's cock was fully out of its sheath, his knot slowly forming. Sean began to lick Kurt's nut sack, taking one of the orbs into his mouth and suckling on it like a new born pup at its mom's tits. "Mm, I must admit, this does feel good" Kurt stated.

Sean grinned at him "Told ya it would." Sean quit sucking on Kurt's Nuts and began to lap at his cock each lick sending shivers through Kurt Sean placed a final lick on Kurt's cock making sure it was nice and slow causing Kurt to shiver more before taking his entire cock, knot and all into his mouth sucking and licking his head softly making sure to avoid it with his teeth. Kurt bucked involuntarily into Sean's mouth from this excellent oral treatment he was receiving at the hands of his friend or tongue rather. "Mmmf mmf mmmf" Sean said muffled by the cock in his mouth. "What?" Kurt asked. Sean pulled his mouth off Kurt's tool for a minute "hump my mouth." He said again, before going back to work. Kurt began to hump Sean's mouth as he asked. Making Sean deep-throat him as his pre began to spurt out and down Sean's throat. Savoring the taste as he continued to lick and suck on Kurt's cock. Kurt, all the while, was humping his friend's face as hard as he could, as he felt his orgasm come on. "Oh, Sean I'm coming!!" Kurt howled as his load shot from his wolf hood and into Sean's mouth, Sean gladly drinking it all without spilling a single drop. Kurt, feeling sucked completely dry of his cum sighs in pleasure. "That was good, man. I must admit." Kurt said, catching his breath. "Yes, it was." Sean got down on his hands and knees and presented his canine ass to Kurt "Here" Sean said "What?" Kurt replied confused "You said you'd mate me, Kurt." Sean said, looking over his shoulders to his best friend.

Chapter: 6

Kurt stood up off his bed, walked over to his bitch-to-be and gently rubbed his hand over Sean's' balls making him moan in pleasure. Kurt put his front paws around Sean's thighs and pulled himself a little closer to Sean, using one hand, Kurt lifted up his still partly erect cock and thrust it into Sean. Bullseye. Kurt buried his cock deep within Sean ass making Sean grunt with effort as the wolf started to slam into his ass, Sean's tailhole stretching more than usual, to accommodate the larger wolf's growing cock. "Yes, fuck me harder, my handsome wolf" Sean said, pushing into Kurt's cock a little more, Kurt increasing his speed, his balls slapping against the ass of Sean each time Kurt thrust forward. Kurt reached one of his free paw-hands up under Sean and gripped his sheath, and began jacking him off, Sean humped into Kurt's paw-hand making his own 7 inch boner come out fully erect. Sean began pumping pre into the fur on Kurt's arm.

Kurt locked his hand behind Sean's knot, simulating a tie for him as he got tied in Sean's ass, he continued to squeeze on Sean's cock, making him shoot out endless streams of pre, finally both Wolves howled at the top of their lungs as they came together Sean's seed shooting all over Kurt's hand virtually soaking the fur as he felt his bowels being filled with Kurt thick wolf seed. They remained tied for about 15 minutes before Kurt was small enough to pull out. A *Whoosh* sound being made as Kurt pulled out of his mate. Sean stood up, wincing a bit at the pain that shot through his ass as consequence for anally taking such a large knot as Kurt's.

Kurt quickly got down on his hands and knees and presented his ass to Sean "Fuck me up the ass." Kurt stated bluntly. Sean obeyed, not knowing when, if ever he'd get this opportunity again. He lined his cock up with Kurt and very slowly eased his way into Kurt making sure to be careful for it was Kurt's first time having anal sex, and he didn't want to hurt him. Kurt winced a bit at the initial pain of Sean's wolf meat poking into him, his pain soon becoming pleasure as he adjusted to the cock in his ass. As soon as Kurt looked comfortable, Sean began pumping away his knot quickly forming and locking the two together. Sean continued to hump Kurt in slow short thrusts. Kurt moaning from the pleasure of his oldest and best friend's cock embedded in his tailhole.

Kurt blew another load without even having his cock touched. Sean was like magic the way he fucked his ass. Sean's breath became labored and hard as he felt his orgasm approach. The feel of it coming on made Kurt have another orgasm and he spilled another load. Suddenly, Sean went wild, his bucking became fast, and hard, Kurt was wincing from the pain again, but he didn't care. He wanted his friend to cum in his ass. With a deafening howl, Kurt's bowels were filled with Sean's wolf seed, some of it leaking around his knot, and spilling out onto the floor. Sean collapsed onto Kurt in exhaustion. "T-t-that" Sean stuttered "was great; man you were so fucking tight"

"Thanks, I think." Kurt stated not knowing if that was good or bad for gay people. Good probably, since it was good for a straight guy when he got a tight female.

Kurt quickly dismissed thinking about females, after all, he had his best friend's cock in his ass, "and to hell with the imagination for now" he thought to himself as he lay back in to his friend's arms, gently cuddling against Sean's soft fur. They laid there and fell asleep with Sean still inside of Kurt.


Authors' End Notes: Well, there it is. After writing a new beginning, I got flooded with ideas of continuing the stories, and making them into a Series. My next one will be "Nikki's Story" Please send comments, rants, raves, bashes, hate mail, tips or suggestions to [email protected]