Jake, Spartan 400

Story by Duran on SoFurry

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A few notes, I do try to stay close to Bunge's description of the Elites and grunts but add some things to make it my own. I know that Elites are called Sanghili in the Covenant language, but Sanghili translates into English as Elite, seeing as the main character is human that is what he calls them. Ok Also I do not own Halo in ANY WAY. Also if you aint 18 or 21 in some places, I don't care if you read but you have been warned, sexual content blah blah violence and blood blah blah if you sew me now I will split your head open with a plasma sword.

Spartan IV journal entry 1: Promotion

The name's Jake, I'm a prototype solder for the United Earth Sanghelios Alliance. I am currently stationed on the Elite home world Sanghelios. It's nice here for the most part. It is dry and hot, mostly due to the three suns, but still an altogether nice place to live. The Elites are good people, the mostly civilian population wear simple, thin cloths made of a silk like cloth as appose to armor. There are a few old Covenant types here, Grunts and Hunters mostly. The Grunts are actually really nice little guys, kind and gentle by nature. They love curling up next to you and having their head scratched, just like a dog. Hunters aren't to bad either, sure their big and ugly but you get past that and their not half bad to be around.

I am a Spartan IV, the only one of my kind. I was created artificially using the Master Chief's sperm and Linda's eggs, they also slipped some of the Arbiter's DNA into the mix. My anatomy is human, but my mind and senses are Elite. The only thing that gives me away are my eyes, yellow with black pupils that are slits instead of circles. I am smarter, faster, stronger, can see farther and hear better then any other human.

I live with an orphaned Elite, her name is Zar'isha. Her father was a solder that was killed on the first Halo, her mother was killed when the Brutes attacked the cruiser she served on. She lived all alone in her family's home when the war ended. She had just been a child, living on her own and thriving. Though when she heard that humans were coming here she was frightened. Humans had been responsible for the death of her father and she never really got over that.

When the Arbiter returned in the Shadow of Intent he was asked to lead the Elite race in their trying time. It was only a few short years before the Arbiter sent an emissary to earth, the result was the UESA, The United Earth Sanghelios Alliance. Now Elites and humans live both on Earth and here, together. That's how I ended up with here with Zari, her short name.

"Spartan, you have received orders from the counsel," an Elite in red armor said handing me a holo chip. I accepted it and plugged it into my helmet. "I still say that's not natural," the Elite said walking away. I shrugged and listened to my new orders.

"Greetings Commander," Lord Hood's voice sounded in my ears. "It is with great honor that I promoted you to the rank of Captain, and give you Command of the new UESA battle cruiser class starship, the Leonidas. It will arrive at your destination in three days. Report to duty when it arrives, until then take the time to say your goodbyes. You will receive further orders onboard." The message cute out, leaving me standing in the middle of the barracks in total shock.

I stripped out of my Spartan armor and stepped under a shower head. The warm water felt good on my skin, it helped calm and clear my mind. I had been issued orders, and it was my duty to fulfill them. But what about Zari? I was the closest thing she had to family, how was she going to take this.

I put my armor back on and headed for the only home I had. Elite houses are a lot like their ships, slick and streamline. The interiors weren't all that different from human dwellings. A living, dinning, and bed rooms. They were different shades of purple like their ships.

"Zari," I called out, "Zari are you home?"

"I'm in the kitchen Jake," came Zari's sweet voice. I walked through the arched opening separating the kitchen from the entry way. "What's up," she asked, in just a few years she had picked up the English slang quite well.

"Well I got promoted today," I told her removing my helmet.

"That's wonderful," she said in an excited tone. She was busy cleaning up the kitchen for dinner that we always made together.

"Yeah, you'd think so wouldn't you," I said.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, the UESA has this new ship called the Leonidas and the counsel wants me to captain it." I was speaking in sad tones that Zari picked up on almost instantly.

"I don't understand I thought you'd be happy," she said not understanding.

"Well, I have 3 days to say my fare wells, I don't think I'm coming back from this one Z." Zari put her cleaning utensils down. She turned around and smiled one of her fake smiles.

"I'm happy for you," she said, her voice breaking. By now I had all but my paints and boots off, I stopped taking off my gear and closed the gap between us. I wrapped Zari in a human hug she had gotten used to. "I don't want you to go," she said, her tears evident in her words. I patted her back and held her tight, I had never really thought of Zari as anything more then a friend or maybe a sister. But I knew she was closer to me then that, a last chance for a semi normal family I guessed.

"Hey, it's ok, I guarantee you'll meet an Elite guy that's gunna fall head over heels for you, and soon," I said trying to consol her.

"But I don't want an Elite, I want you," she said, tears streaming down her alien face.

"You don't mean that Z, I know you don't," this had been a reoccurring problem, she was so desperate for a family that she was willing to look at me as a mate. I stepped back and spread my arms showing my brownish skin that descended from the Arbiter, "Look at me Z, I'm not even human, I'm a freak. A genetic experiment to create a better solder." She was shaking her hear.

"No your not, you are you, you're the Arbiters son...."

"No I'm not," I Cut her off with a shout. "I'm the Master Chief's son, they just screwed with my jeans mixing in the Arbiters DNA to make me stronger." I hadn't realized I was shouting, but Zari's face told me so. She looked afraid, she was looking at the floor in the corner of the kitchen. "See Z, I'm not cut out to be a mate." I turned around and started to strip off the last of my armor. I felt her hands on my chest and her head on my shoulder. I sighed and turned around wrapping Zari in another hug.

"Look Z, You know I care about you. I would do anything to protect you, but I just can't be your mate." I was trying to be firm but gentle.

"But why, I love you so much." she said into my shoulder. I sighed again.

"Because one day I'm going to go out there on a mission and I'm going to come back in a box, if I even come back at all. It is the fate of all Spartans, we serve until we die, there is nothing else. I don't want you to go through losing a family member again." I stepped away and striped of the last of my armor, wearing only my black under-armor. I started toward my room to finish changing when I heard Zari behind me.

"If you are leaving I'll be damned if I let you go without showing you just how mush I love you." I was about to say something when she tackled me to the bed. She threw off her own white gown revealing her naked Elite body. Elites were not mammals by our definition but they carried the same physical traits, save for hair.

"Z cut it out," I said thinking she was joking. She wasn't stopping, so I tried putting a little force into my words. "Z stop," still nothing. I was starting to get angry, she was actively holding me down, why I don't know she couldn't contend with my strength. "All right that's quit enough," I shouted throwing her off me and to the floor. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"Please, please Jake, let me sleep with you. I've never been with another male and even if I never see you again I want you to be my first," she said looking at the floor. Something sparked inside me, I felt like I wanted her, no I needed her, right then and there. I still can't explain why. I bent low over the edge of the bed, lifting her face to mine and kissing her. It was incredibly awkward, not kissing lips. She spread her mandibles in what I guessed was the way Elites kissed. I felt her tongue wrap around mine as she crawled up onto the bed to sit on her knees in front of me. It must have looked more like she was trying to eat me rather than make love to me but I didn't care.

I left her face and kissed her neck, delighting in the sounds she made. Just as male Elite voices are strong and masculine, female voices are smooth and feminine, although deeper then most human females. I felt her long fingered hands roam across my body, not knowing what the wanted to touch first. I put my hands on her breasts trying to give her hints. When she didn't react beyond moaning loudly in my ear, I took her hand and put them on my hardening member.

"Mmmm, that feels good," she said her fingers stroking me through the thin fabric.

"You have no idea," told her, she giggled. She stripped off the black material allowing my manhood to spring out. She lowered her face to it, her tongue flicking out of her mandibles giving to a teasing taste. "Guh," I grunted feeling her tongue run across the head. She smiled and let it slide past her mandibles and into her throat. I gasped, "Holly shit, that is definitely a deferent feeling," feeling. She looked up at me with a sad expression on her face. Hey I said deferent not bad, what are you stopping for," she smiled and plunged back into her mouth. Her mandibles closed around the shaft as she stared to sulk on it.

"Unless you want me to blow in your mouth, you should...oh shit to late," I tried to warn her but, to late. I unloaded into her mouth, she swallowed every drop, I gave her. She more then swallowed it she drank it down hungrily.

"You taste good Jake," she said. I cocked an eyebrow.

"Your turn Z," I said, laying her on her back. I placed my head between her legs letting my tongue run circles around her soft lips. She gasped loudly, "Oh you like that huh," I said. She nodded vigorously with her eyes closed, trying not to cry out. I smiled and went back to work, this time sinking my tongue into her folds. Zari couldn't hold back anymore, crying out in pleasure.

"Stop teasing me Jake, I want to feel you in me." I obliged her wants and slid myself into her. I meet a fleshy barrier and looked up at her, she nodded and braced herself. In a single quick thrust I broke through causing her to wince slightly. I stopped letting her get used to me inside her, when she opened her eyes again I started to move in and out slowly. "Huh, oh Jake, oh gods, don't stop, uhhh, AHHH," I could feel her tightening around me, I new she was close. I sped up thrusting harder and faster into her, loving the feeling of her walls around me. "Oh Jake, I can't hold back anymore, uhhhh here...I..... CUM" she screamed as I felt her pussy clamp down on me like a vice as her juices flooded my cock . I hilted in her as I released with a loud grunt into her hot depths, filling her to the brim and beyond, splattering the inside of her legs with my hot cum.

We laid there for a few moments catching our breath before I fell out of her, our mixed cum spilling out of her. I feel asleep almost instantly, already drained from a hard day of drills, I heard her whisper in my ear just before passing out.

"I love you Jake, and I always will."