
Story by Zenoah on SoFurry

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Well here it is i guess. So yeah.Well if you think i could some work tell me in the comments


"Not much time...." Said the wolf as he was burning plans,books and any information that would lead to the gem.''I must hurry''. He grabbed the gem and put it in a box with the markings of Livus. Then his ears perked up. He heard footsteps. Running fast. He grabbed the box and threw it out the window. ''HEY MARCUS!'' .He looked out the window.

''What happened?'' He asked.

''Not much time. The organization is at my door. Grab the box and run!''. Marcus's fellow friend grab the box and the swivel markings on his arms began to glow.

''What about you!''

''That doesn't matter right now.GO DAVE NOW!''

As Marcus saw his friend leave the door had broken. The organization walked through. There Marcus saw the tiger in a black suit. ''Where is the gem?''

''Far beyond your reach''Marcus replied. The tiger chuckled.

''Come on don't play games with me.''With the snap of a finger,his soldiers grabbed Marcus arms.

''If you give me the location of the gem,ill spare you.''

''That's what you fuckers always say'' The tiger growled and punch him across the face.Marcus just laughed.The tiger felt rage. He pulled out his pistol. He aimed right at Marcus's Temple. ''One last chance'' The tiger said. ''No''

The tiger pulled the trigger.

Meanwhile Marcus's friend who heard it and stopped. Dave whined. ''NO,no,no,no,no'' He said repeatably. He dropped the box and just put his hands on his head. Shaking it. Tears came down like a waterfall. Dave stopped for a moment.He picked up the box and continued to run.

Back at the tower Marcus was in,his dead body flat on the ground. The tiger looked at it in a state of pity.''Bastard knew he had it in for him.That doesn't matter anymore find that gem whatever it takes. This time don t show mercy nor any prisoners''


Dave was walking on the path. His eyes were still red from all that crying.The box still in his hand had the red aura around. Whenever the person who held felt sorrow or anger thier markings and the box's aura would turn red. Dave's ear perked and he stopped. He heard rustling. Dave turned around. No body there. He turned to his left. To his right. ''ATTACK!'' Dave ran but a kunai came running in and cut his shoulder. Dave shouted in pain yet still in a desperate state to keep the box safe and himself he ran as fast he could. Footsteps right behind him. Damn! Stealth stalkers,Dave thought. He used the jungles twist and turns to escape yet no use. He gathered up some of his Qi's aura and fired it anywhere hoping to slow them down. ''FUCK BASTARD DESTROYED STEALTH CAMOUFLAGED!'' One of them shouted. Dave saw a waterfall and stopped. He saw the soldiers come right behind him. ''No where to run'' a voice said.The tiger showed up again. ''YOU'RE THE BASTARD THAT KILLED MY


''Shut up''

Dave looked down. He had no choice. He jumped. Dave heard yelling and curseing before splashing into the water. Cold water. Dave blacked out.