The Dogs: Not Exactly Night - Episode X

Story by Aux Chiens on SoFurry

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The door shut behind them - with its closing, the final click of metal going inside metal, the universe seemed to stop...Bligh and Andrew, home from dropping Cody off at work, now, both very aware of how alone they were.

Andrew turned away from the shut door so that he and Bligh were facing each other - he smiled politely, willing in vain his heart to stop its palpitations as the tension draped down between the two of them.

"Shame he had to go..."

Bligh nodded. "Yeah."

"His uh - his boss - Tim - he's actually pretty nice. I tutor his kid, yanno - um, Davey, cute little thing, bad at math though - but yeah him and his family are good friends of ours..."

"Why didn't he tell em he was sick?"

Andrew shook his head, removing his jacket so that he was once again shirtless, tossing it to the far end of the couch. "Nah, he - Cody's not like that. He really wants to do well, yanno? He's a hard worker...besides, you heard him it - it has to be us." He moistened his lips, finding that his mouth had once again gone dry - this time from nervousness. "So you - you really love him, don't you."

Bligh nodded again. "When ya showed me that picture o'him that was..." He shook his head. "I can see why ya fell for em so hard."

A coldness punctured Andrew's stomach - the final bits of residual jealousy, perhaps, or the zombified anxiety that Bligh was going to make off with Cody making an unwelcome reappearance.

"But you - you do love me, right?"

Bligh took a step forward so that Andrew was now up against the shut door. "I've always loved ya, Drew. How many times do I gotta tell ya..."

Andrew nodded quickly, almost cowering before the immensity of Bligh's feelings - he'd mocked the way Bligh easily became overly emotional, but it was a part of him, an integral part of him, that showed, without mystery or deceit, how he felt...and how he felt toward Andrew.

"I - I...I know." He cleared his throat, trying as hard as he dared to maintain composure. "I'm sorry it's just I - I just get worried..."

"Worry about what?"

"That you'd l-leave me, okay? That you'd take Cody and fucking just--"

He was silenced as Bligh gripped him in a hug. "No - no, no, fuck no. Don't ever fuckin say that. Don't ever fuckin say I'd leave, Drew." He smiled, and his fangs appeared, fierce through the emotion. "I love yew, Andrew Nicholas Lightfoot. Don't ever fuckin doubt that."

"Then I'm - I'm sorry."

Bligh kissed him. "Shush up. Quit apologizin."

"S-sorry--" Andrew's face turned pink. "Fuck, I - I mean sorry­­--"

Bligh cackled, squeezing him tighter. "Hey, hey - c'mon now..."

Andrew sighed into Bligh's arms. "Bligh - this is scary, okay? This - is scary."

"But I'll be here," Bligh said. "And we can do this..."

A moment passed before Andrew could answer, summoning every bit of resolve that his very soul could allow. "Okay...okay. I can do this."

"Yer sure?"

They separated, Andrew still against the door, Bligh taking a step back as though he knew to give him some room to think.

And think Andrew did - as he was so wont to do, he examined the situation, his mind racing, at times only half-coherently, to weigh his options and his decisions...but after several seconds he found, to his surprise, that he was at peace the idea. He rubbed at his stomach, trying to erase with his hand the dried blood that was still there from earlier.

"No, I--" He stopped. "Yes, I can. We..." He looked up to Bligh with a new resolution, the place he was entering, mentally, blank and untainted from any doubt. "We need to do this."

And with that, the awkwardness between them, the sexual tension, already thick before, seemed to crackle through the air - Andrew up against the wall, looking up at Bligh, whose face had become somewhat skeptical, if still earnest.

"Ya sure ya can, uh - ya sure ya can handle this, now."

Andrew nodded, not breaking his gaze from Bligh's. "I've bottomed before."

Bligh unsuccessfully hid a sneer - it was not the reply he wanted. "It ain't jest that and - yeah - I guess, all them guys--"

Andrew looked away, planting his tongue in his cheek. "Y-yeah - all_-_ all..."

Bligh stepped forward, and Andrew stood straight to meet him, up at him, their height difference - Bligh at a full two inches taller - making Andrew uncharacteristically small.

Andrew sighed, and, in a low, apologetic voice: "But you - you never said a word."

Bligh shrugged, his mouth suddenly tightening in what looked like immediately suppressed grief. "Pappy was still livin - I couldn't leave. I's afeared ta visit - he got real bad this--" He sighed through his teeth, harsh, determined to get through the sentence. "--this past year."

" Emphysema..."

Bligh nodded quickly, his mouth still drawn up and firm. "Y-yeah - yeah."

Another small pause passed - Bligh's eyes seemed to glimmer for a moment, and Andrew, seeing fresh pain come into his best friend's face, spoke up:

"I'm sorry, Bligh."

Bligh shook his head. "S'like I told y'at the beach..." His voice was hoarse and fragile. "Before today, I - I didn't have nobody..."

Andrew hung his head. "Then - I've failed you. I've - all this time, I've been cheating on you."

"Naw...Cody loves ya. That's sumthin."

"I - I guess, but I - I wouldn't want to disappoint you...anymore than I already have."

It was such a deeply odd thing for Andrew to say, but then again Bligh commanded a hold over him that Cody never could - yes, Cody was his angel, his beautiful savior of life and ideas, the boy who he had promised to marry...but the weight of the years, the deference paid to the passage of time, favored Bligh, the enigma and the beauty and the terror of his past, made flesh, made fur.

Andrew felt Bligh's hand on his chin, as it had been in a more desperate situation the night before, but now - gently, his head was being tilted up, so that their eyes could meet.

"Drew - yew could never disappoint me. Every time I look at ya, I mean - think about everythin we been through. Yer - yer home to me, man."

Andrew swallowed hard. "But - you said, at the beach--"

"Tempest was where I'm from, Drew. But home - home is where we are."

Andrew was floored. He had known Bligh to be passionate, to be utterly ruled by his emotions, wholly as a dog would, long before he more or less literally became one - but even this, after all that happened, after the dent in the plaster, the copious tears, he still did not expect this.

He had nothing to say back. His silence, though Bligh had no way of knowing, was the phantasms of teenage wish-fulfillment now resurrected and haunting - it was disbelief, it was mortal, if exquisite, terror at knowing what lay ahead for them both.

For that moment, and in that moment, the past was real, it was all there, and the present, merged together, and as it was in the beginning, it felt like, so it was now. He was Bligh's.

He nodded, Bligh's hand still gently on his chin.

"Did ya hear what Cody said?"

Andrew waited for him to answer his own question.

"He said - all those years we can be together. It dun matter what happened before, Drew. What I did - what we did. We fucked up. We fucked up bad. But that don't matter. What matters - is now."

The space between them - between their heads, between their mouths, gradually closed, an aching process like the half-life decay of atoms, the gravity that kept them apart weakening, then failing, until finally...they kissed.

Bligh's lips tasted of stale nicotine, his body a wafting cloud of old cigarettes and failed deodorant - it should have repulsed him, but Andrew remembered the smell, different from the one he had picked up on the couch earlier that day, from when they were in high school, when Bligh and he would be in the locker room together after football practice - even in those days Bligh had smoked, as his grandfather done, what probably killed poor Pappy in the end.

As they kissed, however, their heads moving from one side and then another, eyes shut, focusing only on the taste and feel of each other as they moved, simultaneously, from up against the front door and over to the couch, Bligh's smell morphed into that ineffable odor from before, but now Andrew could know all the layers of the scent - it was home to him, as Cody's was, but stronger, safer, like a great pair of arms that embraced him and promised never to let go... Bligh's arms did now.

They moved from the door to the living room, mere feet away, until they found themselves on the couch together, wrapped, Bligh on top, Andrew beneath him - they separated, and Bligh sat back on Andrew's legs as he doffed his Ravens cap, dropping it to the floor...once more the pointed lupine ears sprang up through his hair, and he shook his head in a quick motion, at last comfortable.

He was about to scratch them, Andrew noticed, when he stopped him - gently grabbing his wrist - and instead reached up himself to do the honor.

His fingers went from the tips, soft and velvety, as Duke's were, long ago, down to where they sprung from Bligh's head, and there Andrew paused to scritch them carefully, suspecting - and, with Bligh's closed eyes and deep grin, confirming - that, like all dogs, the sensation would there be most pleasurable.

Andrew ceased his ministrations and scooted out some to put his back against the arm of the couch - both to get more comfortable, and to get a better view of his best, his soulmate.

Still in silence, the two regarded each other.

For Bligh, this must have been the fulfillment of everything he had ever wanted - yet for Andrew, he could not help, looking into Bligh's eyes that shone bright and crystalline as an Alaskan aurora, but be confounded, in silence, at the shattering changes that had taken place in just a few days.

He reached up - Bligh caught his hand and brought it to his own chest, where Andrew found, amidst the preternatural warmth that radiated from Bligh's skin - that he could feel Bligh's heart beating firm.

And Andrew knew - his mouth falling open in a wonder that defied how silly as it sounded, especially in his own head - that heart, Bligh's heart, that dog's heart that was not the heart Andrew had been smitten by all those years ago...that heart, Bligh's heart, beat, in this moment, only for him.

Andrew slid his hand from under Bligh's, bringing up his other arm to begin unbuttoning the blue flannel that he had worn for his time in Florida. He concentrated on the buttons - each one in sequence as he felt Bligh's eyes train on him. He looked up and smiled nervously.

"You didn't...bring any other clothes, did you?"

"Just the ones I'm wearin," Bligh answered back - Andrew could feel Bligh's chest vibrate as he spoke, and from it an exuding, warm-gold glow of safety enveloped him.

"Well - why...?"

"Because I only had one shot...".

Andrew stopped, a sudden realization overtaking him. "You really knew - you really believed I'd never say no..."

Bligh frowned - his ears flattened, his mouth twitched. "But ya did. At first. I--" He looked away. "I didn't know what I was gonna do..."

Andrew sighed, carefully undoing yet another button - the shirt, coming undone, fell before him in two floating pieces. He stared at Bligh's chest, wary of looking into his eyes.

"I hated you."

Bligh sniffed. "Felt the same way bout yew."

Andrew winced - he had been expecting something like it, but the answer still shook him.

"I'm sorry--" he blurted at once.

Bligh shook his head, smirking weakly, unsleeving himself to be totally shirtless as Andrew was. "Dun do that, Drew - that was a long time gone." His eyes searched Andrew's. "Got the rest of our lives, man - ta make up fer it."

Andrew smiled back at him, feeling a tightness well up in his chest. "You - you mean that?"

Leaning down, Bligh licked his best friend - now, his other boyfriend - on the lips. "Thought I said it, but - I'll say it again." He smiled, shifting into his famous smirk. "Say it many times as I need..." He knelt down to kiss Andrew's forehead. "I fuckin promise."

Andrew choked out a euphoric smile, and nodded briskly, gently pushing up on Bligh's hairy chest with his arms to get him to sit up, with him following suit, so that they would be side by side - from here, Andrew wordlessly responded, putting aside any other answer he could give, by putting his arm around Bligh and drawing him into another passionate kiss.

They separated - Bligh grinned, and his fangs glinted in the unsteady light of a Sun that was in the very first inklings of its descent, from the window.

Andrew traced his hand down Bligh's inflexible tummy - all lean muscle, without a trace of fat, it seemed - through the cottony-soft bodyhair. He stopped at his navel, small and unobtrusive, to give a playful tickle, before stopping again at the large bulge that protruded through his jeans.

"I, uh--" Andrew coughed nervously. "I saw - how big it was."

Bligh nodded slowly, his breathing quickening. "Ya - ya remember it from way back when?"

Andrew swallowed hard. "Pretty - ah, p-pretty big. Hung down way past your - ah - your...balls..." He felt himself massaging the small lump at the base of his own penis - now, like a knot, and as he suspected, fully taut and hard - at the memory.

The abrupt fullness in his groin that he felt before in the car came back: he shut his eyes and let out an involuntary moan as he felt himself spurt precum again - a tiny eruption, still not of the same caliber as the strong percolations that he had seen Bligh or Cody have.

Bligh cackled, grinning so that his fangs were proudly out.

"S-sorry--" Andrew managed.

Bligh petted him, tittering. "Don't be...I know I, uh, I was big ta begin with." Andrew nodded. "But after I - well yanno - it just got...bigger."

The two stayed this way, staring at one another, Bligh gently stroking Andrew's hair back and forth, for several unbearable seconds - an anxiety had torn into Andrew, talon-sharp, as though if he moved, the world would shatter, like glass.

Again his mind raced with questions - was this right? Was this right, to give up his humanity like this? And for what? Was it something higher, or something lower, than human? And even then - shouldn't it matter, as long as he, and Bligh, and Cody, were at last together, all the same...?

Several more seconds passed as the thoughts ping-ponged in the arena of Andrew's brain...until, at last, he made up his mind.

He unbuttoned the top button of Bligh's jeans, and unzipped the zipper.

What bounced up, amidst soft, sable fur, released from its denim prison, was what Andrew knew was there, but was still unprepared for: imposing, thick, and long, a hypnotic red, the color of mined rubies, iridescent, with countless visible veins, to bring half-canine blood to it, pumped out of the strong mutant heart Andrew had felt underneath his hand. The tip was blunt on one side, tapered on the other - the result was an exact duplication of the penis of a husky Andrew had seen once in a textbook. It throbbed luridly, glistening in the white-yellow light of the apartment.

Andrew stared down at the tumescent organ, then looking up to Bligh, knowing that it would betray an uncertainty in his face - he was right, as he saw Bligh frown.

"I know it ain't...what yer used ta."

"It's..." Andrew didn't finish the sentence - because he did not know how.

"Drew ya don't have ta do this, it'll take a little longer but--"

Now was the time for Andrew to show him he was serious - now was the time to make good on his promise. As much as he was still unsure, and as much as he hesitated, he still, with a quick breath, gently, gingerly, took Bligh's penis into his hand - Bligh winced slightly in pleasure at the touch - and, concentrating on it, wordlessly, he took another breath, leaned down, and put as much as he could of the mutant canine penis of his childhood best friend inside his mouth.

Bligh moaned as soon as Andrew's warm mouth enveloped his tip, and his whole body seemed to tighten and recoil in sudden, exquisite pleasure - he caught his breath, and the shaft swelled briefly before a surge of precum, gamey, slippery on his tongue, was expelled from the tip.

Andrew was immediately put off by the taste - as, once more, he knew he would be. He had been, the entire ride over after dropping Cody off, mentally, psychologically, preparing himself for it, knowing it would happen, having observed Bligh and Cody, fully evolved, with their inability to hold their precum in when they were aroused - he did not pause, and did not falter, but instead swallowed it obediently, as though it was normal, as though it was nothing.

He continued on, through the taste of the precum, through the taste of the penis itself - oddly tangy and metallic, like holding a penny in one's mouth - for the greater good of pleasing Bligh, of being like him, of being close to him...and Cody as well. His fear of being isolated from the two of them, what had stabbed him so terribly in the Checkers parking lot - that was part of what was driving this. But there was something else...some layer to the smell that Bligh was giving off, some mysterious desire that Andrew had acquired, mutated from the years of being grateful for him, everyday, inseparable...

And then - he knew. He knew why he was doing this, why this would work for Bligh - why it was arousing him, why it would make Bligh orgasm, letting loose the flood-plague of the infectious semen Andrew now wanted with mounting desperation if only to equalize him to the two people he would die for in this world.

He knew for Bligh it would not be because it showed Andrew loved him enough to set aside his doubts - nothing romantic or sentimental, not in this moment.

Bligh, sexual, from what Andrew had experienced, was a man who wanted dominance and control, and the hand that he felt now on the back of his head proved this...and what would make him cum would be Andrew, without a sound and without a word, going down on him, as he had, sucking dog cock - it belonged to a half-human, to a sentient being who did, after all, love and respect him, but it was a canine dick to be sure, and in doing so it meant Andrew was submitting, bending, to the new biology, the new superiority, the passing of the great race of H. sapiens to a tiny subspecies of which Bligh stood unlikely forefather and progenitor.

And just as Cody had given in to the shadowy night-daze of his sickest fantasies, so too was Andrew - desiring so much Bligh's love, peace and security in the arms of the person he trusted most in the world, he was willing to be a whore for the new and improved shape, size, and biology, of the half-dog race he would soon elect to join...

What would get Bligh off, what would be the gatekeeper, through the doorway, into which Andrew would find new life, would be the sight of him, Andrew, his human lips helpless to the evolved and elevated superiority of the newly evolved life-giver that dwelt and stirred between Bligh's legs.

And he was right - he knew he was right, and he was proven right, because it did not take long for him to feel Bligh's body tense, and his shaft give one final triumphant swell, and his mouth a broken groan, vulnerable yet ecstatic.

What came forth from Bligh's tapered tip was what Andrew had known all along would be there but - like the sight of it - was still not mentally prepared for: it poured forth, a geyser of overly-salted fluid, gamier than the precum, thicker than human semen, and unexpectedly hot, like a fine soup...

He swallowed all he could - he struggled, consciously struggled, to it drink it all down, and he breathed through his nose in labored gusts, the idea of bowing to his own promise, to a life fulfilled with two people, to something greater than himself, driving him to do this.

At last - too long, Andrew felt like - the deluge ceased, and he forced himself to swallow back one last gulp of Bligh's semen.

He sat up, eyes shut, gasping, trying in vain to keep his gag reflex from betraying him - the precum, and especially the semen, had been the first thing he had consumed since he had vomited earlier, and he could feel it, inside his stomach cavity, uncomfortably gooey and warm.

He leaned, almost collapsing, onto Bligh, who held him with one arm, his even further elevated internal temperature making his body like unto a cinder. He recovered slowly, after several seconds, and he opened his eyes - to meet Bligh's, whose mouth was moving from smile to smirk.

"Holy fuck, man..." Bligh cackled. "That was amazin!" His exploded in nigh-euphoric glee. "Holy shit - yer good!"

"Th-thanks--" Andrew managed.

Bligh cackled again, and he leaned in to kiss Andrew, who submitted at once, a relieved laugh escaping him...he had accomplished what he had set out to do, and now, it was only a matter of time, now, before he could truly say that he and Bligh and Cody were equals, and their little family - their pack, it was more appropriate to say - would be complete.

But Andrew broke off the kiss, intimate and beautiful as it had been. He felt strange - he reached out blindly for Bligh, pulling him close, and as the other male answered the embrace with a tight hug, he could inhale, as deep as he wished, Bligh's new, and yet impossibly familiar, scent.

It bathed his olfactory nerves and saturated his brain...he was at once dizzy, but then recovered, but then delirious, and now lucid...the feeling, the strange feeling that was strange because it had not been a part of him for however very long it had truly been, surged within him, and he heard himself whimpering pitifully - a whining noise from the depths of his throat.

Bligh, sensing something was amiss, nudged him back to see what he was doing, and looked at him in confusion. "Hey, hey y'aight--?"

"I - I don't know," Andrew answered. "I just, I just I - I think--" He pressed himself against Bligh again, locking him into a kiss - and then, whispering: "I just I - I need you - so bad--"

Bligh again nudged him to look him in the eyes, his expression serious but, Andrew noticed, understanding. "How - how bad?"

Andrew nodded, then shook his head, irritated at his own befuddlement. "M-more than anything - right now--"

He saw Bligh nod, stroking his beloved's face tenderly. "I understand, man. S'gonna be okay - yer with me, Drew, everythin's gonna be okay..."

"Bligh - Bligh--" Andrew moaned, a sense of temporal displacement wreaking new havoc on his brain. For a moment he could not tell where he was - he panicked, and gripped Bligh even harder, another pitiful whimper building in his throat.

"Drew - hey, Drew, what's wrong, man--?"

"I - I dunno, s-still--"

"Could be the cum - could be, yer startin ta change..."

"Wha - wha? Am it starting n-n-nooow--?"

The last word came out as a strained yowl-like sound, as he felt his teeth become larger in his own mouth - with every heartbeat, he felt the roots of canines throb, and he opened his mouth to let them grow yet sharper, actually feeling them lengthen into the fangs they had been threatening to become for the past day.

He slammed his mouth shut and clapped a hand to his lips. "My - my teeth--" he said, muffled, his mind and body becoming overly warm and disoriented.

He felt Bligh's hand on his face - gently, slowly, lowering Andrew's hand, opening his mouth, so he could see his new fangs.

"'s startin! It's--"

"My teeth--" Andrew repeated deliriously. "They're - sh-shaaaaaarp--"

Barely had the words left his mouth went he felt a hot sensation inside the skin of his ears - a vicious and relentless tingling, as though a small army of ants were marching across them, and he slapped his hands over his ears in time to feel the tips, the cartilage, rapidly reshape to a fine point, and then lengthen, so that they escaped his palms and, stretching, moved past his fingertips, exploding from base to tip, a maddeningly itchy sensation, with fine, velvety fur. In an instant, his ears, once human, were now indistinguishable from those of a dog.

"Oh - oh fuck - Drew yer - yer ears--"

It was the last thing Andrew heard before his entire body, for several lethal seconds, went into a kind of near-catatonic hyper-numbness - he was awake, and yet he was asleep, he was comatose, and yet he was conscious. He was trapped, utterly encased, in a kind of nightmare-purgatory - before his body exploded.

The pathogen - "the gift," what Bligh had insisted on calling it - which had given Cody his relatively tidy, step-by-step transformation having been introduced in two immediate and massive doses, erupted volcano-like inside Andrew's body, spraying burn-maiming debris wherever it splashed.

Perhaps because he was already infected before, perhaps because his tyrant-aristocrat genes had an innate immunity that was, finally, being overcome...there had to have been some reason, some nameless and unholy reason, that unlike Cody, the infection should tear into Andrew with such swiftness and such violence - it ruined him, it destroyed his humanity in one grotesque, grisly swathe that, ripping him from the floating netherworld it had first inserted him into, rendered him blind and mute from sheer, dire agony.

He rolled off the couch, his body knocking over the glass and wood coffee table that sat before it, toppling it upside-down with a frightening crash, as he lay on the carpet, clawing at his legs, where the follicles in his skin had opened up, allowing fur, the same color as his hair although he could not see it, to pour forth in a sudden flood - he felt the keratin on his feet harden into foot-paws, his toenails lengthen into claws to match, he felt his foreskin thicken and jerk, then jerk again, so that it attached itself to his abdomen, but he felt it all at once, with no rest, no pause, no warning from how any of the parts of his body were evolving.

Vaguely - very vaguely, in the white-violet-synæsthesia of pain that rang like a horrible broken bell, peal after peal of excruciation - he was aware of Bligh trying to touch him, of a pair of hands that seemed to hold him, as though to try to comfort him, but what good they attempted to do only made it worse...every part of his skin had become so sensitive that even the slightest brush produced another surge of abrupt agony.

And now that same pain had become like a cresting wave, and he arched his back up in a taut curve, and threw back his head, his new fangs bared and vicious in a noiseless, stunted howl, like the wolf, the dog, he was becoming - he felt his nipples erupt on his abdomen, each pair, in sequence, first four, then six, then at last eight, seeming to push forth on his skin to appear, fully formed, and his penis emerge, sliding, from his new sheath.

Fuller and fuller his penis became, the knot that was already present swelling obscenely so that the sheath could not hold it, fatter and thicker than either Cody or Bligh's, until he found that this entire ordeal was building into one final, unthinkable climax - an orgasm, a series of convulsive salvos of semen that fired from his mutated penis, one after the other, to coincide, almost perfectly, with his coccyx descending, lengthening, firming, then pluming and feathering, with fur, to match that of his legs.

His orgasm - like the rest of his body, like the rest of his entire nervous system - went completely haywire, off-kilter, every neuron backfiring as he felt the semen, at first of a semi-normal consistency and then pastier, smellier, muskier than it should have been, leave his penis. It seemed that which should bring him pleasure instead only brought him pain, as the cum that departed his body left, by lessening degrees for every spurt, a burning sensation from the changed urethra - finally, this cataclysmic paroxysm subsiding, collapsing back into a heap on the carpet, his first ejaculation as an evolved half-dog, all over his chest, he felt for a few seconds a great relief, as though it was finally over, Bligh's hands upon him no longer painful, but warmed, and welcoming...

...and then, as an awful finale, the same feeling that had gripped him earlier in the car, his heart as though clenched by an unseen titan talon, struck him again. His hands clawed at his chest, his tight-shut eyes now open and bulging in their sockets, as it felt like his lungs could not take in any air at all, and that, surely, he should suffocate - the pain swelled and throbbed in his chest as this, the most final phase of the transformation, at last took hold, so that even his very heart should become like that which pumps the blood in a noble canid quadruped.

Seconds passed - they felt like eternities, the pain never ceasing, never seeming to peak and so never seeming to abate.

Finally - at long last - he felt himself able to breath, he felt his heart beat again...the first strong cardiac cycle of a canine heart that he had not been born with, but which Bligh had, truly, gifted to him, in this new evolution he would live as for the rest of his life.

The pain drained from him like slow liquid - and, fraction by fraction, he was lucid once more, feeling Bligh over top of him, his hands on the back of his neck, his face against his own...he opened his eyes at last, so that the first thing he saw as a fully elevated half-dog half-human male was that of Bligh himself, a worried smile, a pair of frozen-blue eyes searching him to ensure he was alright.

"Bluh...Bluh...Bluh..." He spat the syllable over and over as he tried to form a cohesive word with it.

"Drew...? I'm here, man - talk to me--"

"Bluh - Bli - Bligh..." He rasped in a long, ragged breath, trying to restart his lungs into their old rhythm. "D-did - d-did it work, Bligh?"

Bligh nodded, the smile transmuting from worried to euphoric, and he choked back a happy sob as the nod quickened - his eyes glistened as fresh tears appeared in them, so that their icy hue became beautifully glacial. "Y-yeah, man - yer - it worked perfectly--"

Andrew sighed, heavy, his shuddering breaths quieting as a sensation of ultimate victory overtook him - he relaxed, rolling onto his side, where he felt his new tail thump happily against the floor...shutting his eyes again, he felt Bligh practically pounce on top of him, clutching him in his arms, kissing him repeatedly, smearing happy tears on Andrew's face.

"H-hey - Bligh, hey, c'mon--" Andrew tried to laugh. "G-get offa me, c'mon now--"

He rolled onto his back once more, Bligh rising some, looking down at him intensely, his eyes still glimmering with fresh tears - it was here that Bligh could behold the fruit, as it were, of his labors - a grin spread from one side of his mouth to the other.

"Holy shit..."

Andrew, still panting, trying, and failing, to focus on his surroundings, as yet somewhat delirious, was deeply confused by what Bligh was doing.

"Wha - huh? What're you--"

" - yer--" Bligh seemed speechless, and leaned forward slightly to stroke Andrew's new furry ears. "Jesus, Drew - yer - so fuckin - yer so fuckin beautiful..."

"Wha - wait - I am?"

Without any further warning, and as though in answer, Bligh, cackling, arched his neck down to put his mouth on what he could of Andrew's penis - the latter cried out in surprised pleasure, a spurt of precum abruptly erupting. He shut his eyes again once more, putting both hands on the back of Bligh's head.

After mere seconds of Bligh moving his mouth up and down on his cock, Andrew's eyes flew open - his gaze was fixed on the ceiling, trying his damndest to process the new sensations that swam within him in his evolved body...his eyes drifted down to see Bligh, long black hair tickling his groin like lazy seaweed, canine ears up and alert.

His vision sharpened, and he could observe the milkline of his new nipples, the dusting of blondish-brown hair at his navel leading into a forest of bubbly-soft leg fur...

This was it, he realized - he had bare time to realize it, he had bare time to dwell on it or comprehend it, and he struggled to even now, he grappled with the idea that he was no longer human and that for the past two hours he had been pushing back on his violent instincts from the hours before that. He was happy, he was latently euphoric - and yet the entire situation, his new state of being, seemed too new, too unexplored, to be actually real.

But it occurred to him, as Bligh's fingers clutched his new knot - far larger than it was just moments ago - and he was sent into a new sexual peak, that it must be real...that, ultimately, this was not just real, but absolutely correct.

His right hand went limp, and it slid off of Bligh's head and into his own leg fur - his fingers dug into it, felt it brush against the skin of his hand and his wrist, so soft, so him.

At last it was starting to connect, it was forming into reality...the fur was his, the knot was his, the tail was his, this new body was his and he was in love with it, as badly as it revolted and repulsed him earlier, as badly as he wanted to remain a man of science, a scientist, a man of fluttering moth-wings - as badly as he wanted to remain a man at all - he knew, deep down, that his old life was corrupt, that it was built on naïveté and oblivion, so that what Cody brought to him in renewing and hopeful blessing, Bligh was now affirming in triumphant benediction.

He was a dog - he was always a dog. And it taken him this long to know and understand it.

The thought was too much, the self-acceptance too ecstatic, and he orgasmed, his new tail beneath him thumping again on the carpet - it was not nearly as hard or as much he had moments before, but enough so that he could give to Bligh, his other soulmate, his new taste, his new, elevated, evolved, superior, half-dog semen.

He had little time to celebrate: he shut his eyes - a terrible lassitude had taken hold of him, and he panted hard, not being able to see Bligh come up from his cock, greedily swallowing what little he ended up cumming, to lay on top of him, his own enormous penis bobbing before him obscenely and spurting precum on his lower abdomen, kissing his cheek.

"I love yew, Drew - I love yew so much."

"Bligh..." Andrew moaned back.

"Yeah Drew?" Through his shut eyes Andrew could hear Bligh right next to his ear.

"I'm s-so - I'm so tired..."

"Are - are y'okay?"

"Y-yeah , I--" He struggled to finish the sentence - the events of the day, not having truly slept, the overtaxing of his body by the transformation, had all conspired to blindside him into a plunging desire for nothing short of deepest sleep.

"Aww - ya sleepy?"

Andrew nodded listlessly, and he heard Bligh titter - two strong arms appeared beneath his back to separate from the carpet, lifting him up, gently, to the couch before them.

He felt the couch cushions envelop him - he was on the inside, Bligh on the outside, and Bligh was sheltering him, wrapping his arms around him to let Andrew sleep inside the warmth.

"Aight, Drew - ya gonna nap?" Another listless nod - another titter from Bligh, and a kiss on the nape of the neck."I'll be here right with ya, man. Ain't goin nowhere."


"Yeah Drew?"

The response, though simple, was caring, nurturing - it reminded Andrew, his last lucid thoughts before the darkness of sleep at last claimed him, of how Bligh used to speak to Duke when he would get scared during thunderstorms...paternal, and protective, purely loving.

"I lo-love you - Bligh..."

Bligh snickered, the last sound Andrew heard before his mind went blank through the walls of sleep- he squeezed his beloved close, nuzzling the back of his neck, giving it one last punctuated kiss.

"I love ya too, Drew. I always have." And then, a final whisper: "I'll never let yew go."

The Dogs: Not Exactly Night - Episode IX

They sat in the Grand Wagoneer, Andrew, Cody, and Bligh, together, in silence...they had remained that way for the entire car ride, and now for a solid two minutes of unbearable awkwardness in the parking lot outside the Checkers down the street from...

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The Dogs: Not Exactly Night - Episode VIII

It was the day he was supposed to leave - it was a fine day in July, the weather warm but not hot, and the Sun pleasantly bright as it shone through the big, luxuriant hickories in his family's front yard, dappling the ground beneath it with...

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The Dogs: Not Exactly Night - Episode VII

The grass beneath him was coated in a fine silver of frost on that December morning, the breath that escaped from his mouth made him look like a dragon - a haughty dragon, with his head held a little too high and his smile a little too smug. His hair...

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