Under The Full Moon

Story by Danny1988 on SoFurry

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This is a request I did a while back.

Description: Kayden finds a strange symbiote thing exploring some woods and is changed in some ways he likes and some ways he doesnt xD

I hope it turned out ok, im not too sure myself being honest. I guess im getting a bit critical with my writing.

It was late one night, the moon shone brightly in the sky giving the whole street an eerie look like something out of a horror film before someone was about to be attacked. It seemed the street lights were out again for whatever reason.

"Damn this isn't creepy at all." Muttered Kayden under his breath as he walked home after a long night partying at his friends, he was hoping to hook up with a nice girl but it either seemed everyone was taken or not interested in him. He didn't know why, he was good looking and charming. It seemed all the girls were attracted to the guys who were absolute dicks. Kayden was really one of the nicest people you would meet, he wasn't like all the other guys just after sex he wanted some real relationship with someone that was meaningful and because they both loved each other.

As he was walking quickly along the street making his way home hoping not to get mugged or worse killed by some psycho in this creepy street he saw something out of the corner of his eye. In the distance through the next field, just beyond some small trees he saw what could only be described as a glimmer followed by a bright flash. Kayden was inherently curious and wondered what the hell that was he'd never seen anything like that before. Still considering it was nearly pitch black if it wasn't for the moon illuminating everything his rational mind said keep going home just ignore it. But his curiosity got the better of him and he decided to take a detour through the field towards the strange flash and see what it was. He thought to himself it will just take a minute then I can head back home. As he made his way through the dark field he nearly tripped up a few times over some broken logs and branches that were littering the field. Finally reaching the other end of the field he climbed the fence and jumped over into the patch of trees. Carefully he headed in the direction of the strange flash he saw a few minutes ago, he was thinking it's probably gone by now whatever it was and may just have been a car headlight from somewhere reflecting off something. Thinking of this reminded him back to a quote from a movie saying some light reflected off some swamp gas and ignited a weather balloon or something along those lines. He giggled at the thought.

He finally reached the other side of the patch of trees and began to search around for what may have caused the flash but he couldn't see anything.

"Yeh great idea Kayden search for something in the dark without a torch." He muttered under his breath. Still not finding anything he decided to turn around and head home, having wasted enough time already looking for something that was probably long gone. Making his way towards the tree line again to head back he tripped over something on the ground and fell hard onto the grass.

"Damn, that hurt." Said Kayden a little annoyed. As he tried to pick himself up he found his foot was stuck on something, as he looked down he the fright of his life. On the floor was a black panther head staring back at him, it was then he realised it was just some crazy Halloween costume someone had left out here.

"Some really weird people around this area." Said Kayden laughing a little. He tried to free his foot from the suit that lay on the floor but it seemed to be stuck and more worryingly the suit seemed to be stuck on the floor and he couldn't move it. It was a weird suit Kayden thought not a normal Halloween costume it felt like some form of latex but warm to the touch. If he wasn't mistaken it felt like some weird form of skin but he thought he must be imagining it. Still trying to remove his foot Kayden was starting to get worried that he was going to be stuck here all night. Well until something happened that scared him even more, the suit seemed to ripple and move on its own. All of a sudden the black rubbery suit jumped onto him and began to cover his body starting from the legs up. The suit seemed to be less like a suit now and more like some slick oily substance that was flowing up his body covering it inch by inch. As the strange material covered parts of Kayden's body he noticed the feeling of his clothes seemed to melt away almost like they were being dissolved under the black goo.

Kayden was in shock he was being covered slowly by some weird liquid and it didn't seem to be slowing down, as the suit made contact with his skin he let out a low gasp. The goo seemed to stimulate every bit of his body it touched and sent waves over pleasure though him as it went. By now Kayden's feet were covered in the substance and his legs too all the way up to his knees. No amount of pulling or tugging at the goo seemed to work, if anything it only hastened the speed at which he was being covered as parts of the goo came away and started to cover his hands that he was using to try and set himself free. "Ahhhh no get off me!" Shouted Kayden as more and more of his form was being covered by unrelenting substance. The shiny black goo spread up the rest of his legs and started to cover his groin, Kayden felt his jeans dissolve away into nothing as the goo made contact with his cock and began to wrap around and this sent waves of pleasure through his body. The alien substance was stimulating his cock in ways he never thought possible, conflicted by the fear of being covered and the immense pleasure this thing was giving him all he could do was watch and moan as his body slowly succumbed to the pleasurable black liquid. As he looked down at what the goo was doing to him, in the bright moonlight he could see the goo wasn't just covering him it was changing him. Now most people would have been scared by this but what Kayden saw made his heart skip a beat, the goo was changing his body in a way that pleased him. See he was a furry, he had always wanted to be transformed into an anthro animal and this strange black substance was doing just that. Watching Kayden smiled as he looked down at his new sexy sheath that held his cock, as the pleasure washed over him he felt a stirring in his groin and slowly his changed member slid from its new home into the bright moonlight glistening with pre.

"Oh my god yes!" Shouted Kayden as he saw what the shape of his new member now was, it was long and thick with barbs prefect for mating. He was always a big fan of cats, he loved their grace and agility and sexiness and he now had a feline cock of his own which made him feel like he was becoming who he was meant to be all his life. It was then he remembered this goo was a suit not a few minutes before and a panther no less, remembering this Kayden just thought oh yes I'm going to be a sexy black panther. Kayden then heard a crunching noise coming from his feet, there was no pain but he watched fascinated as his feet began to contort and morph into something far greater than his old human appendages. He realised what his feet were becoming as soon as he saw them changing and just smiled knowingly, slowly his old human feet were replaced by lovely feline paws with sharp claws and pads to protect them. As he lay down he saw that as his feet finished their change too his legs began to morph slightly altering the way he walked so he would now walk on the balls of his feet in a digitigrade stance like felines should.

Kayden at this point was no longer shocked by the changes going on in his body or the fact that he was stuck here. In reality he wasn't going anywhere until the goo had finished with him he wanted this change and embraced the sexy black panther he was slowly becoming.

"I see someone is enjoying their change hun. You're going to make a sexy panther." Said a cute male voice giggling.

"What the hell, you can talk?" Said Kayden a shocked from the fact this goo wasn't just changing him it was alive and sentient too.

"Yes I can talk hun, my your quite sexy for a human aren't you. My name is Blake by the way." Said Blake giggling again playfully.

"Wait aren't you a guy? Sorry I don't swing that way." Said Kayden a little scared.

"Yes I'm a sexy gay male panther and soon you will be too hun. Don't worry you will come around to my way of thinking." Said Blake giggling in a flirtatious way.

"No I don't want that, I'm straight I like girls." Said Kayden defiantly.

"Don't worry Kayden, I can help you with that problem. Soon you're going to be a sexy gay black panther just like me. You will be begging for hot feline cock and you won't look back." Said Blake giggling playfully as he enjoyed the humans fighting of the inevitable. Slowly more of Blake's shiny black form covered more of Kayden's body, slowly flowing down both his arms and over his hands. There was another crunching sound emanating from Kayden's hands as they morphed and shifted into something much more appropriate for the feline he was becoming. As Kayden's new hand paws formed he looked at them in awe, looking at the sharp black claws and soft pads, forgetting for a moment that Blake was going to do more than change his body. As he looked at them he found he was unable to move parts of his body, more specifically the parts which Blake had covered. Quickly Blake's form flowed upwards covering his chest and back and joining with the black goo already covering Kayden's arms as he melted away the last of Kayden's human clothes and the last clothes he would ever wear. Now from the neck down Kayden was covered by Blake, it felt like he was in some form of slick wetsuit. The most notable differences being his new sheath and paws, still he couldn't move. He tried to move with all his strength is was no use, Blake had him and was seemingly not letting him go until he had completed Kayden's transformation.

"Blake why can't I move? I want to be a panther but I'm not gay, don't force me to be something I'm not." Said Kayden a little worried.

"Don't worry hun, I will be in control until you have become your true self. Don't think of it as I'm forcing you I'm making you into who you should be. You may fight it now but soon you will see things my way and you will be happier for it." Said Blake happily.

"Please don't, you can't make me. I will never be gay!" Shouted Kayden defiantly and confidently. With that Blake's form flowed upwards covering Kayden's neck and head quickly as his old hair was pressed down by Blake's form and Kayden's world went totally dark. Strangely he could still breathe even though Blake had totally consumed his body, this was a strange experience for him as he felt so warm and cosy. Being covered in Blake's gooey form left Kayden enjoying the pleasure of the contact of his skin against Blake it was strangely sensual and sent little electric shocks throughout his body. The familiar crunching sound could be heard again as Kayden's face began to change shape, it felt to him like his face was being pulled as it was pushed out into a feline muzzle. His nose changed shape too as it formed a black cat nose from the remnants of his old human one. The next bit felt really weird to him as all his old human teeth fell out of his mouth as a new set began to form and left him with the teeth of a panther and with 4 very sharp fangs. Kayden felt a pulling on the top of his head as his new pointed feline ears took shape and positioned themselves, he could feel them moving slightly which he assumed was Blake testing out his new ears which was a very strange experience feeling parts of your body move on their own. Slowly the moonlight began to filter back into Kayden's vision as his new eyes formed, he was amazed he could see perfectly as though it was day. His eyes were now a bright purple and shone brightly in the moonlight. Kayden was left in awe he had been fully transformed into a rubbery black anthro panther and he loved it well until he heard Blake and remembered what he said from before.

"There we go hun, your now a sexy panther like me. Time to fix your mind now then you will be just like me." Said Blake happily and giggling.

"Wait No..." Said Kayden before he was cut off by a strange feeling in his head, it felt as though Blake was somehow in his mind looking through his thoughts and memories and altering them so he was never straight all his memories seemed to be changing, like his girlfriend's became boyfriends, his hook-ups with hot girls became guys. His internal voice in his head seemed to be also changing, it started to sound more like Blake's cute voice and less like his heavy masculine voice more and more.

"Stop it, no this isn't me. Get out of my head. I'm not gay!" Shouted Kayden fiercely.

"Sure you are hun, you are just confused. You hit your head you're not thinking straight or rather thinking gay." Said Blake giggling loudly as he said that.

"No you're changing my thoughts these aren't mine!" Shouted Kayden again.

"Of course they are, don't you remember all these hot guy's you have had sex with. Do you not remember how it made you feel? The warmth of their embrace and their loving passion." Said Blake happily and playfully.

"It did make me feel nice, I was so happy in their strong arms. Wait no, no that isn't me!" Said Kayden a little confused.

"Don't fight who you are hun, this has always been you. Your old self was a mask and it's time to let it go. Do you not remember the first time you were mated and the feeling of when that hot cock filled you? How good it made you feel, how right it was?" Said Blake seductively and soothingly to Kayden. Blake then began to massage their sheath as slowly their hot feline member started to show itself, standing proudly in the moonlight once more. Kayden and Blake moaned out in pleasure as Blake began to paw off revelling in the pleasure that this new barbed penis gave them both. As Blake increased his speed he started massaging their balls as they began to fill with the last remnants of Kayden's humanity, they churned loudly as Blake pawed off like a pro as they filled with more and more hot seed.

"Oh my god hun this feels amazing, don't stop. Wait I have never said hun before why did I say that." Said Kayden confused.

"It felt right though didn't it hun. You're a sexy gay black panther aren't you? You're just dying to have your tail hole filled with hot cock and cuddle up to a sexy guy." Said Blake happily.

"No I can't be gay, I've always been straight I think. You're just tricking me." Said Kayden a little less confident and very confused.

"You are hun, think of the wild sex you have had with all those guys. Think of the pleasure it gave you. The straight Kayden wasn't real, just let him go and embrace the real you. The one who enjoys sexy guys, hot throbbing cocks and dreams of swallowing hot seed." Said Blake knowing that the changes to Kayden's mind were nearly complete he just needed one last little push to become the new gay sexy black panther Kayden. "Yeh that sex was amazing hun, their hot cocks just made me melt. Being filled by hot throbbing cock makes me squirm in pleasure it feels so right. Why do I still think I was straight? I shouldn't should I I'm gay aren't I?" Said Kayden as he succumbed more and more to Blake's influences, strangely he seemed happier and happier the more his mind altered which made the process seem to speed up more and more.

"Don't be silly of course your gay hun, I said you hit your head. You're just confused is all. I can help you get rid of your doubts but you have to give in, stop holding onto those little doubts and let them go. Just imagine your sack filling with all your humanity and the fake straight Kaden that has left you confused. Just let him go embrace the real you, the happy you the one who you know you are inside." Said Blake seductively and softly to Kayden. Still pawing off Kayden, Blake continued faster and faster as he felt his balls churn more and more filling faster and faster with the remnants of Kayden's humanity and the old straight Kayden that was about to be released as hot seed. As Kayden's orgasm approached Blake offered words of encouragement and soothing to help him. Then it finally happened load after load of hot seed was released, it felt like an explosion to Kayden and rocked his whole body. All of his doubts about who he was washed away as the straight thoughts and doubts began to get less and less as more of the hot seed was pumped out.

"There, there hun. Let it all go, let the old Kayden fade away and embrace your new self your lovely gay self. Let your feline self takeover let go of your humanity you don't need it anymore. You're becoming who you were meant to be your whole life. Just enjoy and cum, cum your doubts away." His humanity faded into nothing as the feline he had become was growing stronger and stronger in body and mind. As it did so Kayden's new tail grew out there was no pain only a pressure as it pushed out as the feline inside came out to play, leaving him with a new sexy tail that swished from side to side. As the last of his old human seed was pumped out Kayden was no longer confused, he was gay, he had always been gay and he was a sexy black panther now. The new Kayden found he could walk again having control given back to him by Blake.

"Thank you hun, thank you so much for helping me see who I really am. Haha I can't believe I thought I was straight that was so stupid. Girls ewwww." Said Kayden laughing as he remembered his confusion.

"Awww thanks hun, I knew you would see it my way eventually. I just helped you remember who you are inside and I'm glad you're happy. If I could nuzzle you right now I would." Said Blake playfully to Kayden happy in the knowledge he was happy.

"Let's make our way back home shall we Blake, then we can have a nice nap." Said Kayden happily as he followed the path back he took from the street a while ago. He could see properly now which solved the problem of him tripping over anything this time and he was glad. He thought to himself cats are just better and giggled. As he made his way through the field towards the street in the distance walking along he could see someone. As he got closer he recognised the person it was Jake his best friend, he must be walking back from the party too he thought.

"Kayden hun, I have an idea. Let me take over your friend and I will show you how much I love you." Said Blake happily and giggling.

"What do you mean, change him like you did to me? I think everyone should be a sexy black panther." Said Kayden giggling.

"Not exactly hun, I will change him into a panther yes but I would take control from him so it will be me. Your friend will still be there but as a voice in my head so he can still feel, hear and see what I do." Said Blake, a little unsure awaiting Kayden's response.

"I'm not sure I'm ok with that hun, I know your lovely and everything but to do that to my friend. Just leave him a voice, a prisoner in his own body I couldn't do that to him." Said Kayden a little sad.

"It's not as bad as you think hun, I'll let him go after I've had my fun with you. After all there are many people in need of my help in this world." Said Blake happily.

"I guess that doesn't sound too bad, plus helping him get rid of his humanity would be good for him. Ok let's do it, let's make another sexy black rubbery panther hun." Said Kayden giggling. With that Kayden ran towards his friend Jake who was making his way down the dark street and pounced him.

"Got you!" Exclaimed Kayden giggling hard as they both landed on a patch of grass near to the path.

"What the hell let me go, oh my god what the hell are you? Please don't eat me." Said Jake scared as he saw the large black rubbery panther staring back at him.

"Relax Jake hun, it's me Kayden. I can't believe I haven't noticed before, you're a cute little thing aren't you." Said Kayden happily as he flirted with Jake.

"How can you be Kayden, you look nothing like my friend and he's not gay." Said Jake confidently but a little scared.

"It is me silly, remember when you fell over and dropped all your stuff on the first day of school and I helped you pick it up. Remember when we went camping and you got scared and I helped calm you down. I am gay I was shown my true self, my old self wasn't really me." Said Kayden comfortingly to Jake.

"Kayden? What happened to you?" Said Jake a little shocked and confused. As Kayden and Jake were talking some of the shiny black goo covering Kayden began to pool at his feet paws as Blake began to get ready to take over his friend.

"Blake helped me hun, he made me into a sexy rubber panther and it feels so nice like this. Don't you want to be a sexy rubber panther too?" Said Kayden happily giggling. Jake was also a furry and dreamed of becoming an anthro animal but he was unsure and scared and didn't know what to say. Unbeknown to Kayden, Jake was also a little curious about having sex with a guy but the idea still scared the hell out of him. It was like he was afraid to accept that part of himself so he just ignored it most of the time.

"I'll take your silence as a yes hun." Said Kayden playfully as he licked his friend on the face. Kayden then moved around behind Jake so Jake was resting on Kayden's rubbery form so to comfort him through the takeover and keep him calm. He wanted to make this experience enjoyable for him and a little fun. As the two of them lay there on the floor of the dark street, Kayden watched as Blake moved and started to cover his friend's feet gradually picking up speed as he went. As he covered Jake his clothes too began to dissolve and disappear under Blake's form leaving Blake and Jakes skin in direct contact with each other sending waves of pleasure through him. There was a crunching noise that could be heard as Blake reshaped Jake's human feet into lovely new panther paws, Jake felt no pain just a weird tingling and pulling sensation. His feet contorted and shifted into a pair of beautiful elegant black panther paws complete with sharp shiny claws and pads on the bottom like all kitties should have.

"What's happening? My feet feel weird Kayden." Said Jake a little scared at the transformation.

"Shhhhhh hun, let him take you. It will be ok I promise. Come on you can be a sexy gay black panther just like me." Said Kayden seductively as he comforted his friend and helped make him more pliable for Blake's takeover.

"Wait gay, I'm not gay. Yes I'm a little curious but I've never thought of really doing it with a guy." Said Jake confused and a little shocked.

"Shhhhh Jake hun, just give into Blake he will show you everything. Soon you will be totally comfortable and so gay just like me." Said Kayden playfully but soothingly as he nuzzled his friend. As Kayden continued to comfort Jake and seduce him into Blake's takeover Blake was working too he had now covered most of Jake's upper torso and his legs and was starting to cover his arms in more of his slick shiny form. He reached Jake's hands which he quickly covered. The takeover seemed to be going much faster as Jake wasn't fighting due to Kayden's soothing and comforting words to his friend. A crunching was heard again as Jakes old human hands were morphed and changed by Blake into something much more appropriate for his new body. Jakes hands took on the shape of shiny black panther paws complete with sharp claws and soft pads just like his feet paws. Jakes legs also shifted slightly so he walked on the balls of his feet like Kayden, felines walked digitigrade after all. Again there was no pain just a weird shifting of bone and tingling as the change completed. At this point Jake was now covered from the neck down in Blake's shiny form, the only thing that remained was his head.

"Nearly done now hun, just relax let Blake in and he will do the rest." Said Kayden playfully and happily as he licked his friend's human face one last time before Blake consumed it with his form as he had the rest of him. Kayden watched as his friends covered face began to morph and change pulling out into a very distinct panther muzzle with a cute black panther nose just like his own. He saw his friends teeth fall out like his and be replaced by a new set of feline teeth with four very sharp fangs, they seemed to shine in the moonlight looking very fierce to anyone but a panther that is. His new ears started to form as the rubbery substance grew out on top of his head forming two pointed cat ears just like Kayden's, the last change for Jakes face were his eyes as they slowly appeared on his new face and he blinked his first couple of times looking through these amazing new eyes. They shone a bright purple like Kayden's and glimmered in the bright moonlight as they looked at each other. As they lay there, Jake began to feel Blake poking around in his head. It seemed he was changing some of his memories and thoughts slightly to make him accept his gay self. He was making him think more and more like Kayden and himself after all everyone needed to be like them he thought. Blake was amazed as there was not much that needed doing to make this former human as gay as he and the new Kayden were but there was room for improvement. He got rid of all his fear about being gay and any anxiety so he could accept that part of himself totally and give into it. While Blake fixed Jake's mind Kayden began to rub Jakes new sexy sheath as slowly his new feline member emerged from its new home throbbing in the moonlight. Kayden was drooling at this point, he proceeded to then massage his friend's balls and paw off his lovely feline member. Jake started to moan and love the feelings that Kayden was starting to create in him as he worked his new hot feline cock.

"Now just relax hun, let Blake work. Just let go of any straight thoughts or memories you have, let the last of your humanity go too. You're a sexy gay panther just like us and you don't need them. Just imagine your sack filling with all your straight thoughts and memories and the remnants of your humanity and I will help you let them go hun." Said Kayden soothingly to his friend. As Kayden worked his friend's new member and massaged his balls gently, Jake felt a churning in his balls as they slowly filled with the last of his human seed and any straight thoughts and memories that lingered from Blake's work. Faster and faster Kayden pumped his friends shaft as his friend moaned out it pleasure and ecstasy knowing that when he came that he would be a sexy gay panther in body and mind. It was only a matter of time now, Jake felt his balls pull up to his body and then it happened as he screamed out in pleasure. Load after load of hot seed shot up from Jakes new cock and splattered both of their bodies as Jakes mind became totally gay oriented and any doubts of anxiety that lingered where shot out along with the last of his humanity.

"There we go Jake hun, let it all go embrace your real happy gay self. Now just give into Blake and let him takeover, he's going to show you a good time." Said Kayden comfortingly and giggling happily as he watched Jakes new sexy tail push out and complete his transformation. With that Jake felt himself pushed to the background as Blake came forward and took control of his body, this process was a little unnerving to him but he trusted Kayden and if he trusted Blake he should too after all they were the same now.

"There we go hun, just sit back and relax and enjoy. I'll give you your body back eventually but I want to show Kayden here some fun." Said Blake giggling to Jake in his head.

"Ahh ok hun, we panthers need to have fun after all. Fill Kayden deeply and have a lovely time for me hun." Said the new Jake giggling as he watched happily as Blake took full control.

"Hey there Kayden hun it's me Blake now. Nice to finally talk to you face to face." Said Blake happily.

"Heya, Blake hun thank you so much for changing me I feel amazing I'm so happy I'm a sexy rubber panther now." Said Kayden giggling playfully.

"You're welcome hun, now just relax and let's have some fun shall we? We horny panthers need quite a lot of fun." Said Blake giggling happily, as he turned around and began to kiss Kayden deeply as their tongues danced together in their muzzles. Blake began to rub Kayden's chest with his strong paws and gradually moved down to his sheath which he rubbed hard as a "squeak, squeak" of rubber on rubber could be heard. Jake was just loving the feeling of their tongues entwining and the swapping of their sexy panther saliva. Being out of control while someone else had his body was such an erotic experience for him. As Blake continued his rubbing of Kayden's sheath his hot sticky feline member emerged ready to shoot its first load of pure feline seed, black positioned himself so that he could grab both of their members and began to rub both their members together as he pawed them both off. All three of them were moaning in bliss as the barbs on each of their cocks rubbed against each other and sent electric shocks of pure ecstasy through them as Blake worked both their cocks furiously. As their cocks touched and sent shocks throughout them both Blake leaned in for another kiss as he plunged his tongue deep into Kayden's mouth and began to explore as Kayden did the same.

"You ready to have your panther virginity taken hun?" Said Blake giggling playfully to his new convert.

"Oh yes take it, take me. Make me your mate." Said Kayden lost in pleasure as he moaned and gasped from the sensual and erotic touches being given to him by Blake. With that Blake positioned himself at the entrance to Kayden's tailhole with Jake's new feline member which was dripping with pre. Slowly he pressed his member into the tight hole as he pushed further and further into Kayden as he moaned and screamed in pleasure. When Blake was happy he was all the way in, he thrust into Kayden feelings the barbs on Jake's cock send shocks through them. As Kayden lay there in a state of pure sexual bliss he revelled in the feeling of having his ass filled so completely by his friends member, the feeling of the barbs was exquisite as they brushed the inside of his tailhole. All the while the sensual barbs were keeping them both secure to each other so that their mating would finish with Blake and Jake still inside Kayden.

"Oh my god it feels amazing hun, I feel so full and right with you inside me." Shouted Kayden moaning and gasping as he enjoyed the moment and the immense pleasure he was receiving from having Jake's hot throbbing feline member deep in his ass. Jake too was lost in pleasure, having an outside force control your body and having it mate your body to your friend was such an erotic experience. He could hardly believe it was happening, so he just enjoyed the moment they were having and let go letting the sexual bliss wash over him. As Blake thrust harder into Kayden he screamed out in pleasure as Blake began to work his member pawing Kayden off as he pushed deeper and deeper into his tight hot tailhole. As Blake's expert mating of Kayden continued they both felt their sacks begin to fill with hot potent feline seed that was soon to be released. As they let the feelings of bliss wash over them they let go more and began to mate like they were in heat as Blake pounded Kayden's tailhole with his hot sticky member and pawed Kayden off like his life depended on it.

"Nearly there hun, here it comes!" Screamed Blake as he felt his orgasm explode as he shot load after load of hot sticky feline seed deep into Kayden filling him completely and leaving him tingling and warm inside. Then all of a sudden Kayden screamed too as he climaxed shooting load after load of hot feline seed all over his chest and onto Blake and Jake's body. Blake leaned down and began to lick up the tasty seed enjoying the taste of this new sexy panther he made a little time ago. It was hot sweet and sticky just the way he liked it, Kayden began to follow Blake's instruction and licked up his seed of Blake and Jake's body too. He too enjoyed the taste as much as Blake did, it seemed Blake made him very like him in mind as well as body.

"How was that hun, better than the pitiful excuse you called sex that you called straight sex isn't it." Said Blake giggling happily as he continued to lick and eat the left overs of the hot feline seed.

"That was lovely hun, words can't describe how much I loved that. How did I ever think I was straight before? Thank you so much." Said Kayden as he licked Blake and Jakes muzzle.

"Awww thanks hun, right well I better be off. I'll leave you two lovebirds be. I've got a lot of work ahead of me here, so many people to help." Said Blake giggling happily having made his first panther couple who were just like him.

"Thank you Blake hun for everything, I will miss you so don't be a stranger. Please do go help all those other people they need you." Said Kayden giggling happily to Blake.

"Thank you too Blake hun, you really showed me and Kayden a good time. I can't believe I was scared to be myself before, thank you so much for showing me the real me." Said Jake giggling happily to Blake.

"Awww, your welcome Jake hun. You two take care of each other now you hear." Said Blake playfully and happily as his form began to drip from Jakes new rubbery body off to search for more people in much need of his help. As Blake headed off he left the new Jake and Kayden cuddling each other on the grass. They looked very happy in each other's arms as the moonlight shone off their squeaky new rubbery bodies. After all why shouldn't they, Blake made them love themselves and after his alterations they were both the same in body and mind now.

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