Simba's Stress Relief

Story by Kopa on SoFurry

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My first submission. More difficult than I thought it would be. Hopefully you like. Please rate.

Simba woke up with a startle and his heart racing. Another nightmare. He had hoped that they would begin to go away as he got older, but they persisted even into his adolescent years. He looked over at Timon and Pumbaa to see if his sudden jolt had woken them up only to find that they continued to snore peacefully.

The jungle was quiet as Simba stretched and yawned. His yawn still didn't have the same rumbling effect that his father's did. No, Simba still needed to work on his roar, even into his teens. His mane had grown substantially since the previous year, but was so uneven that it was often a hinderance. How Simba longed to have a complete mane. Even though he was not fully grown, Simba often took pride in the size of his cock. While it still had time to grow, it was larger in comparison to anyone else's that Simba had met. And, given his age, it was constantly erect.

Simba was glad that the night was calm as his heart continued to race even after waking from his dream. Timon often claimed that jerking off was the best way to relieve stress and calm yourself down, but Simba found that it only tensed him up. That didn't stop him from doing it though. No, he was constantly masturbating since he was constantly horny. Even though Pumbaa and Timon both masturbated as well, it was a practice that the three talked about more often than they admitted to. Simba was the most open of the friends as fucking in public was something that he had become used to at Pride Rock. Timon's stress relief idea began to sound more and more appeasing as his red cock extended out from its sheath from morning wood, even though it had yet to become morning.

The lion prince decided to find a secluded place to do it since he didn't want either of his friends to wake up and ridicule him. Timon had awoken once and mocked Simba for a whole day, so in retaliation, Simba doused Timon in his cum the next morning.

He had to go somewhere where he wouldn't be bothered and there was only one place that he could think of. Simba arrived at a grove where he could look at the stars through an opening in the trees over a small pond that was fed from a few skinny waterfalls. He sat down with his lion cock semi-erect and limply hanging from its sheath as he began to decide what exactly he wanted to jack off to.

Usually this was simple since almost anything got him off. He had even masturbated to a bird once, it had something to do with the plumage. This night was different, however. The dream made him think of his father and, in turn, Pride Rock. Simba's mind immediately went to Nala, whom he hadn't thought about in a very long time. This sudden rush of nostalgia triggered his cock to stand up straighter and harder than Simba had ever seen it before. He liked that. Simba closed his eyes and began to imagine what Nala would look like now that she had gotten older. Her body was probably only a little smaller than Sarafina's now, but Simba had trouble picturing the face. It remained a bit blurry in his mind as he tried to morph her cub face to that of a teenager's, but that didn't matter. What did matter was her pussy. This, Simba remembered perfectly as he had often stared at hers while she slept back when they were cubs. The lips looked soft as the fur outlined them perfectly as if it was a frame. When she spread her legs, it would be pink and... perfect to Simba. This was his fantasy for the night; this mish-mash of images that he pulled together into one single picture.

Still sitting on his haunches, Simba grasped his member with his right paw and slowly began to slide it up and down. In his imagination:

_Nala coyly walked up to him and whispered in his ear in such a way that his body shivered. She whispered, "Hey, Simba. Wanna do something fun?"

Nala's voice was no different than when she was a cub, but Simba didn't mind. A big, goofy grin formed on his face.

"What do you have in mind?" He asked, knowing full well where this was going.

"I don't know. Maybe we could wrestle." She turned her rear to him as she said this. Her pussy was presented only a couple of feet away from Simba's face. Nala walked a bit forward and then stopped, looked over her shoulder and said, "Maybe I'll let you win this time."

This was more than enough to set Simba off. He jumped up, put his front paws on Nala's shoulders and thrust his cock into his friend's now wet pussy. Her body convulsed and her pussy tightened around Simba's dick (which was really only Simba's paw grip tightening). He moved his hips back and thrust again and again trying to hold her up as her hind knees weakened. His precum acted as excellent lube as he went faster and faster. Each time he pushed, he imagined her pussy gushing with her own cum that ran down their legs and pooled between them._

"Oh my God, Simba." She moaned in an slight growl. "Please, fuck me harder. Please." Simba didn't know why he imagined her begging, but he liked it. Of course, he could only oblige and he tried his best to slide in and out of her at a faster tempo.

Finally, Nala's hind legs buckled and Simba's throbbing cock was pulled out with a slurp as her hips crashed to the ground and into the pool of juices. The young lioness got back up shaking and turned around to face Simba. She breathed heavily as she struggled to move. Even so, she had a grin bigger than Simba's.

"I need a break, but I'm not giving you one" Nala purred as she began to wrap her mouth around his meat. She started slow, but quickly sped up as she looked at Simba with her big, round eyes. But Simba wasn't looking. His head was back in pure pleasure as she worked her magic. She sucked hard, using his cock to scrub her mouth. She didn't use her teeth except to carefully pick at his barbs which drove Simba crazy. He was getting closer and closer to cumming, but she suddenly stopped and Simba's head snapped back into place.

Now he could see her eyes as she teased, "Not so fast."

Nala lifted her head and kissed Simba hard. As she pulled away, a string of precum and slobber stretched between their mouths. "I want you to reach over and fuck me with your paw. Lie on your back." She commanded.

Simba literally jumped at this opportunity and fell back onto the ground with a thud. Nala again turned herself around and squatted down just enough that her belly remained hovering over Simba's. The prince examined the area carefully and then, with one paw, lifted her tail out of his way and extended one of his claws in the other paw. Softly, he traced her tight tailhole using only the tip of his claw. Nala gasped as her ass tightened and her her body shivered to this sensation.

"Yes" she managed to push out in a whisper. "That feels amazing." Juices trickled down Nala's leg as she squeezed her privates.

But that was only a tease as Simba retracted his claw and moved down to Nala's cunt, softly pushing his toe into the now gaping hole. His cock became cold from Nala's spit drying in the open air, but Nala didn't go back to Simba's rod. Instead, she used her tongue to juggle his furry balls as she swallowed them and then let them fall from her mouth.

Simba then had an idea. He stuck one toe into Nala's tailhole and another into her pussy. Again, this action led to another gasp from Nala who let Simba's testicles dangle almost to the ground. She moved back to his cock as if in response to Simba's idea. Nala sucked hard; twisting her head every time she moved down. Simba moved his paw faster and pushed harder. The toe in Nala's ass moved slower than the one in her pussy, but her juices still sprayed over Simba's face as he attempted to catch as much of her cum as he could in his mouth.

Now he was going to cum, he was certain. But again, Nala stopped and pulled her hindquarters off his toes. She wiped her mouth with her paw and faced Simba one more time. Kissing him, she sat down onto his now pulsating penis. Her inside was warm as she squeezed and released her vagina. Nala lifted her hips and dropped them with a wet squish. She placed her paws on Simba's shoulders so that he couldn't move and she moved faster each time. The squish made each time she dropped began to run together until it was a continuous noise. Simba's eyes were shut as he tried as hard as he could not ejaculate. His friend's wet pussy continued to pound his cock and Simba began to thrust back. Their juices splashed all over their fur.

"Simba" Nala winced. "Simba, I think you're going to win this one."

That was it. Simba convulsed and his cum spewed onto his belly, almost reaching his chin. He took a deep breath in and continued to jack off as the remaining semen oozed through his toes. He then sighed as his entire body relaxed. Now his sigh had a deep rumble that scared a few birds out of the surrounding trees. To his astonishment, his stress was gone, but now he had to wash off fast before his cum dried onto his fur. If Timon and Pumbaa saw this, he would've had to make up a story since he couldn't tell them abut Nala. Maybe he'd blame it on the bird's plumage again.

Simba walked back to the tree where his friends continued to sleep loudly. He laid down beside them and tried to go back to sleep. This time, he wouldn't have any nightmares.