
Story by danath on SoFurry

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Gadiel strained. He stretched. He pushed. His fingers curled tightly around the metal bar, burning his skin. His arms bulged as he powered the weight up, exhaling through his teeth. The massive Clydesdale's eyes opened wide as he struggled to get the bar up. His brown skin was dotted with beads of sweat and his heavy hooves pushed hard against the floor. His thighs stretched and his belly contracted, showing off his heavily muscled form through his moisture-soaked t-shirt and tight-fitting shorts.

His elbows finally locked; the rep was finished. He let out a grunt of satisfaction and lowered the weight bar back on the catch with the help of his spotter, a tall and lean wolf.

Louis, the canine helping him work out, worked at the gym as a trainer, where Gadiel occasionally moonlighted, picking up random classes from other instructors. The two were friends and had been for a long time. Louis helped Gadiel up and grinned.

"Good job today! That was a lot of work."

"Thanks," Gadiel replied, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm beat."

"Go take a shower. I'll see you tomorrow."

"I haven't done my cardio yet," Gadiel replied, shaking his head. "If I don't, I'll be stiff tomorrow morning. I gotta stretch out, loosen up."

"Alright," Louis said. "I'm taking off though. I'll see you later, okay?"

Gadiel nodded, wiping his brow with a towel. "Have a good one," he called over his shoulder as the wolf headed towards the locker rooms. He walked to the cardio and stepped up onto a treadmill. It was quite large and heavily padded, specially designed for people like him who had hooves.

He glanced around the gym as he pulled on a pair of headphones. The gym was pretty empty this late at night - about eleven already. He didn't work tomorrow, so he didn't mind staying late. The gym was open 24 hours a day, fortunately. It usually picked up about five in the morning, when people would arrive to exercise before work.

He used the screen on the side of the treadmill to pick some music, then started it up, taking it nice and easy at first. As he warmed up, he slowly turned up the speed until he reached a relatively fast job. The running felt excellent after his strenuous workout session with Louis.

He closed his eyes, enjoying the running very much, hardly noticing he'd done just over four miles when he next opened them after a song finished on his headphones. He rounded it out at five and slowed down to a walk until his breathing grew normal. His entire shirt was soaked with sweat, and his shorts, even his socks. He blew a few long breaths out of his nostrils before stretching his arms up above his head, then back, and twisting around, sighing as he picked up his towel and mopped off his face. He dropped the headphones in the cradle after wiping them down and headed over towards the locker rooms, towel slung casually over his shoulder.

It looked like he was the last one in the gym, as it was just past midnight. Nobody was left in the cardio or weight training areas as he walked past them. The locker room sounded empty when he pushed open the door and headed to his locker. He slumped on the bench, still breathing a bit hard. He rubbed his arms, sighing a little - he'd be sore tomorrow, but in a good way. He pulled his shirt up over his head, grimacing a little at how sweaty it felt now, then stripped off his shoes, socks, and shorts. He grabbed his shampoo, soap, and a clean towel from his locker before heading towards the showers.

He paused in front of a mirror, checking himself out. Though Gadiel wasn't particularly vain, he did enjoy seeing how buff he was, especially after a decent workout like tonight's.

He turned away from the mirror and stretched again as he stepped into the showers. Just as he stepped into the showers, he heard his cell phone ring. He walked quickly back to his locker and picked it up - the caller ID said it was Ernie, manager of a local strip club where he also moonlighted.


"Gadiel! Emergency!"

Gadiel rolled his eyes, knowing too well what "emergencies" they usually had down at The Hole. "Yeah? You need a bouncer or a stripper?" he asked glibly.

"Stripper! Savannah went and fell off the stage again and nearly twisted his ankle."

Gadiel grinned. "Was he trying a new move?"

"Doesn't matter - can you come down and dance for a couple hours yet tonight?"

Gadiel looked up at the wall clock - almost 12:30. He was tired, but as he thought about dancing, the idea appealed to him. The extra bucks wouldn't hurt either - he could make a couple hundred easily.

"Yeah, I'll be down by 1," he said. "I just finished working out - I gotta take a shower."

"Alright - see you then."

Gadiel closed his cell and tossed it back in his gym bag before heading back into the showers. As the hot water ran over his built chest, he sighed, sheath throbbing a bit. The exhibitionist streak in him loved dancing - he was very limber for someone of his size, and it gave the crowd a real thrill to see a muscled Clydesdale up on the stage - horses like him weren't exactly the most common strippers around.

He washed himself down quickly, shaking and combing out his white mane, then the feathers above his hooves and hands. Dressing took a few minutes, and then he was off to The Hole.

* * *

"It's time to crank your engines, gentlemen, because you're about to get a massive influx of Horsepower!"

As the applause grew, Gadiel smiled. Ernie's corny introductions were always good for a laugh. Last time it was something about the bucking bronco and the time before about hauling a couple kegs of... beer. He laughed and double-checked his outfit as the lights dimmed, making sure it showed him off.

Ernie told him to go for the cowboy look tonight - said too many of the other dancers were pulling the boy-toy routine and they needed a manly man out there. Ernie wasn't just corny when he introduced people.

So Gadiel grabbed a white t-shirt, about a size too small, and a pair of tight blue-jeans that rode extremely low on his hips and accentuated his package. He had a Stetson on and a lasso. The lasso was Ernie's idea, but Gadiel had no idea what he was supposed to do with it. And yes, a sprig of straw in his mouth.

He strolled out on stage, twirling the lasso a little - at least he could do that before he ditched it. The cheers grew loud before subsiding to whistles and catcalls as the lights went up and loud rockabilly country blasted over the speakers.

He put a hoof up on the bale of hay they'd set up for him - right next to a fake wooden post-fence. He grinned at the audience, tipping the brim of his hat up as his package strained against the denim. He began to move to the music, just grooving for a while as he strutted around, showing off his sexy butt for the crowd.

He flexed a couple times, glad now he'd been working out - his whole body tingled as his engorged muscles contracted and expanded. His biceps looked positively gorgeous as they stretched out the thin white t-shirt. The crowd cheered as he pumped his arms for them, before really flexing them and making the sleeves rip apart.

The crowd loved it, and he brushed away the remnants, leaving him in a sleeveless t-shirt. He ran a hand over his chest and belly, tipping his head up, legs spread, before his hand slipped down the front of his tight jeans, squeezing his rapidly thickening sheath.

Dancing turned him on - he loved having an audience watch him flex and bulge, and the idea of turning them on. Vanity for the benefit of others, is how he thought of it. He started strutting again, walking to the music, as people began to call for him to take more off.

He obliged, tearing his shirt off with one hand and throwing it away. He smiled as his great pecs and superb abs glinted in the stage lights - he'd made sure to rub himself down with some oil before coming on to really accentuate himself.

He started thrusting his hips forward, holding his hat over his package. Some of the crowd booed playfully as he teased them. He tossed his hat away and, quickly after that, grabbed his jeans and pulled on them.

The fly-aways ripped off easily and he tossed them towards the back. As good as he looked in a pair of tight, low-riding jeans, he looked even better in nothing but a pair of tight white underwear. His heavy equine sheath pressed out lewdly, his heavy balls outlined nicely in the briefs. His paws stroked over his body as he strutted to the edge of the stage and kneeled down, flexing his arm near a group of younger-looking furs - probably college age. A couple came forward to squeeze his biceps as he grinned at them.

He did this a few more times before the song started winding down. With the last bit of time he had, he took a seat on the hay bale and spread his legs, laying back so the crowd got a nice profile view of his toned abs, chest, his huge bulge, and his powerful arms and legs.

The lights dimmed as the song finished and he stood up and scurried off. Ernie was there, grinning.

"Great job! I only wish I could get you in here more regularly," he said.

"Maybe I'll set something up with you," Gadiel replied. "Gimme a call tomorrow."

"Sure thing, stud. Alright, we're done with the shows for now, so you can go grab a go-go podium if you want."

Gadiel nodded as he headed into the changing room. Purr, a lithe but well-built cougar, was there, as well as Growl, a large wolf.

"Hey, how's it going guys?"

"Look who it is!" Purr said, grinning. "Thought you'd never come back here."

"Nah, you know I can't resist you," Gadiel joked, hugging the cougar.

"Gonna go-go?" Growl asked, shaking his hand.

"Yup - gonna get one by the bar, I think."

"We'll be out there too," Purr said. "It's only going to be the three of us tonight, since Savannah's out of commission."

"Sounds good... see you out there," Gadiel said.

He changed into a pair of tight biker shorts and re-oiled himself before trotting out to the go-go platform. It was a few feet off the ground about ten feet from the bar. There was a rail about three feet high around it to keep him a little separated from the crowd. As Gadiel, Purr, and Growl all got up on their podiums, the lights dimmed and the music pumped up a little bit. Now was when the bar sold a lot of drinks and the strippers made some nice tips - late at night, when the patrons were drunk and horny after the stage shows.

The three of them each got moderately sized crowds, though most of the bar patrons were either in a booth or boogying on the dance floor themselves. Gadiel made sure before he came out to pull his heavy shaft down the leg of his shorts, so that it was outlined by the stretchy fabric. It worked, getting him quite a few gropes and bills as he flirted with the people dancing around him.

He stayed out there for about an hour before taking a break. The bar closed at 6 and it was almost 3:30 now. He was beginning to feel very tired, though the crowd was still going strong.

He found Ernie in the back office. "Ernie, I'm gonna call it a night... Purr and Growl can keep 'em all busy without me, I think."

"No problem, Gadiel. Had a good time?"

Gadiel grinned, reaching into his shorts to rearrange his half-erect shaft. "Yeah, it was fun, as always. Talk to you tomorrow!"

Ernie waved him bye as the door shut and Gadiel showered again and dressed in his street clothes. He slung his bag over his shoulder and walked out the back door of the club towards his car.

"Say, Horsepower. Thought you'd be in bed by now."

Gadiel turned around, eyes wide. "Louis?"

The wolf grinned. He was leaning against the wall of the alley, arms crossed. "How's it going?"

But Gadiel wasn't playing coy. "What are you doing here?"

"I drop by The Hole now and then. A friend of mine dances here." His smile grew even wider. "Two friends, now."

"Uh... well, it's just now and then," Gadiel said haltingly, not sure what to think.

"Don't worry about it, Gadiel," the wolf said, finally taking pity on the Clydesdale. "I'm not really trying to give you a hard time. I stayed late to compliment you, actually. You're a damn sexy dancer."

Gadiel shifted uncomfortably, bag hanging from his hands. "Uh... thanks. But I didn't think you were..."

"Oh, you never know," Louis replied. "But come on - why do you think I would be right there every time you needed a spotting partner?"

Gadiel smiled tentatively, hooves shuffling a little. "I guess so, huh?"

Louis stepped away from the wall till he was about a foot from the horse. He reached out with a paw and pressed it to Gadiel's chest, smiling. "Mind showing me a couple of those moves?"

Gadiel grinned now, relaxing a lot. The wolf had been his friend for a long time; he'd always been attracted to the buff canine. He reached out a hand to curl around the back of Louis' neck, pulling him close, till their chests pressed against each other. "I'd love to," he said, as their lips touched.

Louis' fingers tightened around Gadiel's hips as the equine's fingers squeezed the wolf's rump. They pushed against each other hotly, muscle against muscle. Gadiel broke the kiss first, breathing hard.

"We better get out of here," he said, glancing around.

"I'll say," Louis responded, fingers closing around Gadiel's rapidly grown erection trough the equine's pants.

"Oof... careful there, Louis..."

* * *

They crashed into the bedroom. The door nearly ripped off its hinges as Gadiel fell backwards into the frame, making it crack. He ripped off his shirt as Louis did the same, the shirt's buttons flying everywhere. The black-furred wolf growled lustfully as he slid his palms over Gadiel's beautiful brown chest. The equine's fingers dug deep into the wolf's pelt as they kissed hotly, eagerly.

Their erections pressed against each other as they ground their hips forward lewdly, through their pants. As if on cue, their fingers dropped to each other's clothing, frantically unzipping and pulling away clothes until their fingers closed around what they searched for.

Gadiel moaned hotly as the wolf's smooth paw pads slipped over his straining erection. He returned the favor, eagerly running his paw up and down Louis' red shaft.

They ground their hips together as their pants and briefs dropped to the floor. Their paws remained on each other's erections as they moved towards the bed, slowly, stepping out of their clothes, leaving a splintered door frame behind.

Gadiel grabbed Louis' rump and spun him around, pushing him back as they fell together onto the bed, the horse on top. Louis' paws grasped at Gadiel's backside as the massive horse and stocky wolf went at it, kissing and hugging and grinding each other lustily. Gadiel's fat erection dripped pre-cum onto the wolf's chest fur as he nestled himself between Louis' legs.

Louis' paws groped at Gadiel's tightly toned butt as they ground together, working each other to a sexual frenzy. Breaking for a moment, Gadiel grinned at Louis as he reached over into his nightstand to pull out a condom and lube. Quickly putting it on his straining erection, the horse groaned as he resumed kissing his wolf lover.

Finally, with a grunt, Gadiel hooked his arms under Louis' legs and pulled him up, tipping the wolf up onto his shoulder blades. Gadiel grinned down at the hot canine as he put his paws onto the bedspread, keeping the wolf's legs up in the air. His heavy shaft slid against Louis' rump as the wolf moaned loudly, tongue hanging out.

"Ready?" Gadiel asked softly, hot breath mixing with the wolf's. His paw dumped liberal amounts of lube on his straining shaft.

"Ye... yeah," Louis replied breathlessly.

Gadiel hiked his shoulder up, keeping Louis' legs up, and reached a hand down to guide his shaft to Louis' tail hole. The larger brown equine pushed forward slowly, making the smaller, but no less muscled wolf below him squirm and moan as his rump was slowly spread by a massive horsecock.

As Gadiel worked his big cock inside of Louis' rump, the horse grunted loudly, his breath coming hard and fast as his powerful legs propelled him deep inside. His arms and chest flexed and bulged as he pressed tightly to Louis. The powerful wolf was no less aggressive, eyes shut tight as he arched his back, powerful arms pulling the horse on, legs wrapping tightly around Gadiel's waist as the horse moved his arms to get a better grip on the wolf's shoulders.

They continued this way for what seemed like hours to both of them, neither talking, just enjoying the feel of each other as Gadiel slowly but powerfully pumped his hips back and forth inside the wolf's tight rump. His paw reached down to stroke Louis' thick, dripping cock as he started to pound harder, slightly more quickly.

The wolf could feel the equine reaching his limits and urged him arm, moaning deeply for his benefit. His cock throbbed in Gadiel's hand as the horseshaft entering him felt like a slow-burning fire. He groaned, cock throbbing harder and thicker.

"I'm going... to cum," Louis panted, followed by a long moan as Gadiel's hand tightened around the canine shaft.

"Me... me too," the horse moaned, and almost immediately his cock erupted deep inside the wolf's rump. Gadiel shoved in hard and deep as thick horse-seed pumped out, filling the condom rapidly.

Louis followed suit quickly, his erection spurting sticky white fluid over his chest as Gadiel jacked him off, milking his erection.

They collapsed against each other, breathing hard and relaxing in the afterglow, holding each other for several minutes. Gadiel slowly pulled out of Louis' wonderfully tight tail hole, both of them shuddering the whole way. They kissed, embracing hard, before Gadiel got up and grabbed a towel from the bathroom, pulling off the very full condom and flushing it down the toilet. He rejoined Louis on the bed and wiped off the wolf's chest, leaning down to kiss him again, before tossing the towel aside.

"So... want to spot for me tomorrow?" the horse asked, grinning as they held each other close.

Louis ran a paw up and down Gadiel's large arm, grinning. "Sure," he said, winking. "But I was thinking you could show me a couple dance moves first..."