Miss Zensha (Chapter 2)

Story by Lupus Vette on SoFurry

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#2 of Miss Zensha

more to come, but I posted early to cheer up a friend of mine, I hope you get well soon dude ^,..,^

"You called for me father." Zen stated as the body guard let her into her fathers study. She always felt intimidated in the regal room filled with old books and swords: It made her feel like a cub.

"Yes my dear have a seat." he greeted warmly sitting across from her at his huge daunting gold and oak desk.

Zen sat quietly, still wearing the suffocating party dress from dinner and the elegant fragile hair extensions in her mane.

"You were at the dinner party at the Shan estate were you not?" her father asked, her schedule for the day on his desk.

"Yes father." She answers simply.

"Did you meet any male there?" He asks changing positions in his chair.

"A few father."

"Any you liked?" He asked running his paw through his thick white mane.

"Not really father."

He sighs leaning forward. "Zensha, you're nearly 17 and you have yet to choose a mate." She flattens her ears, hating these talks. "I'm holding a diplomatic dinner party in 8 months. You will pick a mate from the males there."

"...yes father."

On the other side of the empire...

Xytru let out a long heavy sigh. He detested going to these dinner parties. The depressed lion was hiding from his mother out on the marble balcony of his palace. He looked out at the town beyond his walls and then the farm land beyond that, the small mountain kingdom of Zanthar: all of it neatly protected inside the basin of an extinct volcano. The jagged stone walls of the mountain giving way to the star covered night sky. Xytru was noble by birth, and had the chiselled face and flawless white albino lion fur to prove it. His ancestors had settled on this volcano and had built the town into the wealthy thriving society it was today. Later his grandfather built the air ship fleet to defend it from the approaching canines.

"Xy?" a soft voice asks from behind him.

He turns around quickly, scared he'd been caught. His face softened when he saw his friend, Blazeishen. "Hey..." he replies slowly, wagging his long tail as the young, green eyed, beige furred lioness strode closer.

"I heard you're leaving for the empire soon?" She says, looking him up and down slowly, taking him and his tight tux in.

"Yeah...my fathers sending me on a diplomatic mission around the empire." He sighs slumping his broad shoulders a little.

"I thought you wanted to leave Zanthar?" She asks looking up at him innocently.

"I do, but I want to have the freedom to choose where I go. Not following a boring commercial route in a loop round the empire kissing ass for my father."

Blaze giggles and hugs him gently."What's wrong with kissing ass?"

"Yours is fine." he smirks. "but when it's rich old lion ass it's just insulting." He sighs wrapping himself round her. "I'm sorry...it's been a rough few weeks..."

"You'll be okay Xy," she purrs nuzzling his neck. "you always are." she smiles loving his protective arms round her.

Xy smiles and kisses her softly. "I wish I could take you with me, but then mother would know about us..."

Blaze kisses him back then licks his neck gently, her paws exploring the expanse of his back. "Forget about that...now give me something to remember you by" She pleads, digging her claws into is back through his cloths.

A shiver runs down Xys spine as his instincts take over. He lets out a small growl of pleasure as he grips her hips and picks her up, pushing her against the wall next to the door, out of sight from the people inside.

Blaze lets out a soft whimper as she hits the wall, spreading her legs and wrapping them around Xys lower back. is claws starting to draw blood from her hips as she pulls up her dress showing her soaked white thong.

Her scent drove him wild. Xy took out his throbbing, rock hard cock and ripped off her panties. He than teased her dripping slit, rubbing his tip up and down until he could finally take no more. He sheathed himself in blaze, growling in pleasure as his balls slapped her ass.

Blaze let out a gasp of pleasure, he filled her perfectly. Her toe claws began to dig into his back as he pounded her small pink slit. "Use me Xy." She whimpers burying her muzzle in his neck fur to muffle her cries. She starts to grind in time wit is thrusts as his pre pools in her channel.

"Fuck!" he growls licking her neck as he speeds up, her dress being ripped to shreds by the rough stone wall. His hot breath washes over her neck with each pant heavier than the last as his cock brushes teasingly against her g spot knowing just how she likes it.

She mews with each hit there, her claws raking his back shredding his jacket as her walls tightens up. "I need you...so fucking much..." She moans biting her lip to hold back her cries.

Xy thrusts go as deep and as hard as he can make them, both their bodies writhing and panting in unison as he pounds her g spot over and over.

"Fill me...!" She whimpers just before orgasming all over his shaft. Xytru snarls biting into Blazes neck, marking er as his as he fills her womb with warm cum: her walls milking him dry. Spent they both collapse to the floor, Blaze straddling Xy as they nuzzle each other, neither of them wanting to go. "I love you so much Xy.." She purrs biting his neck back gently to bond them.

"I love you too." He purrs back licking her ear gently.