The Transformation

Story by Tarantulady on SoFurry

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The Transformation


High school life was hard for Dee. She was eighteen and everyone in her class had already morphed; most of them in freshman year, some of them while still in middle school. She heard the catwhispers and hyena cackles in the hallway, and knew that they were directed at her. Just last week, someone had marked her lunch while she was in the restroom. She returned to her table to find a urine-soaked sandwich on her tray. The animals at the "jock" table were all laughing, as she dumped her uneaten meal into the trash. Nearly everyone called her BabyDee, a nickname which she despised.

As she walked home from school that day, she was lost in thought. "Tonight I am going to do it... They'll all be surprised out of their fucking minds when I show up at school". She barely noticed the group of dogboys that barked and cursed at her from acrossed the street. One of them threw a tampon that landed near her feet. She was used to being ridiculed. She passed the cats that sat and lapped milkdrinks on the patio, outside of the local cafe. One of them hissed at her and spit, "BabyGoth, why don't you just slit your pink wrists?". All of the other cats laughed at that. Dee flipped them the middle finger, "Fuck you bitches" and continued the lonely trek home.

As she passed the park, several kids in the playground looked up and pointed at her. "That's the one who never grew up and changed!" yelled one. A couple children giggled, but most just stared in awed silence. She just stared straight ahead and ignored them. "I won't be pink like you much longer", she thought to herself.

She finished the walk home without any incident. She sighed inwardly with relief, as she slid the key into the door and left the cruelty of the world and stepped into her home... her sanctuary. Dee lived alone. Her adoptive parents were abusive and she had been deemed a free adult by the court when she was 16. She received checks for food and clothing from her dead parents' trust funds. So far, she had enough money so that she only worked in the summer.

The school therapist was the closest thing to a friend that Dee had. Mrs. Knottz was a warm and understanding woman, who saw Dee for what she was; a brilliant but lonely girl. She was the only person who had ever seen Dee cry. Mrs. Knottz's opinion was that Dee had post traumatic stress disorder, from her abused and neglected childhood. She said that Dee was coming along wonderfully despite her past. She was an outstanding student, a gifted artist, and she constantly assured the girl that she would morph soon enough. That was reassuring, but sometimes Dee wanted to scream at her, "How the fuck would you know? You probably morphed when you were twelve!". But she knew that the Tigress was only trying to help, and that she truly cared and sympathized with Dee.

So when Dee had discovered her morph, last Saturday, she called Mrs.Knottz right away. She was in tears with pain and terror. It took a long time for Mrs.Knottz to calm the girl down. She had given her home number to Dee, but the girl had never before used it. After hearing what was upsetting her so much, she told Dee to come straight to her office on Monday. And Dee had done just that.

"You'll have to alter your furniture considerably", Mrs. Knottz said. She sat on the office couch with her paw on Dee's shoulder. Dee nodded in agreement. "Your bed should probably go. And move everything so that you can get around easily." She nodded again. She was empty of words, after telling Mrs.Knottz about the terror of her 'practice' morph. "And I want you to call me if you need help with anything, or if you need to talk, ok?" Dee nodded again.

She stood to go to class and they hugged. Mrs.Knottz looked directly into the girl's terrified eyes and said, "This is a wonderful thing. Don't be afraid of it. Everyone is nervous when their time comes." With that, Dee had left the office.

Now, nearly a week later, Dee heard those words in her mind. She clung to them mentally, as if only they could keep her afloat in the sea of worry and fear that flooded her mind. She was going to morph tonight... She had already moved the furniture and put her bed on the curb. She had replaced it with two dozen pillows, piled in the corner of her bedroom, where she could easily arrange them for her comfort.

She wanted to bathe first. She put on a Nine Inch Nails cd and turned it way up, started the bathtub filling, and went to her room to undress. Her hands trembled as she removed all of her jewelry and pulled off her black boots. She peeled off her black and purple striped pantyhose and tossed them in the trash, "Guess I won't need you anymore". She threw her skirt on the bed, next to a pair of scissors she planned to alter it with. She stood before her full length mirror, shrugged off her black cardigan, and began to unlatch her corset. Dropping it to the floor, she lifted and massaged her breasts, glad to have them free from the restraints of her clothing.

She looked into the mirror. Dee was a pretty girl. She had long raven hair and soft dark eyes. Her breasts were very perky, although she was a size "D" bra. She wasn't very tall, but she had a sexy physique. She turned away and walked to the bathroom.

After peeing, she stepped slowly into the hot water and sank painfully slow into a sitting position. She relaxed a while, before grabbing a bar of lavender soap and rubbing the lather over her body, under her breasts. She washed herself thoroughly and then turned on the shower to rinse. After washing her hair, she stepped out of the tub and dried off. She brushed out her hair and pinned it up.

She left the towel in the bathroom, and proceeded to the bedroom naked. She was nervous, but excited at the same time. She looked around the room and tried to figure out how she was going to trigger her morph. She pulled a vibrator from her drawer and walked over to the pile of pillows.

Lying on her back, with her legs spread, she turned the vibrator on low and applied it to her pink clit. It immediately swelled, as did her nipples. She stared at the ceiling and fantasized about Vincent. He was the only student who bothered to talk to her. She had a huge crush on him. He was tall... over six feet. A beautiful blue-eyed lion with a soft voice, for his size. She visualized him kneeling over her, lapping at her pussy... all the while, staring at her with his penetrating blue eyes. She began to climax.

Her legs went straight and she threw her head back in a silent scream. "Now", she whispered in a trembling voice. Her clit was still tingling, as the first jolt of pain washed over her legs. She closed her eyes and let the change take her. She didn't want to see. Feeling was bad enough.

She felt her buttocks fill with pressure, and her abdomen pushed in on itself, so that she nearly vomited. Hair bristled over her abdomen and buttocks and it itched as it sprouted forth. A convulsion hit her, and her legs felt as though they were splitting. She would have fallen, but the rear part of her body balanced her. She became semiconscious, only aware of ripping pain that shredded through her without mercy. She wondered vaguely if the pain of any other animal's morph came near this anguish. She doubted it.

When it was over, she slowly lifted her head. The clip had fallen from her hair and it covered her eyes. She brushed it away. She wanted to go to the mirror. Tentatively, she tested one leg. It twittered indecisively, like a stranger. Then it apparently realized it was part of her body and she began to walk acrossed the floor. She liked fluid motion of her legs as she drew closer to the mirror. Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all...

Dee beheld her new self in the glass. Her breasts were unchanged and as perky as ever. Her face and arms were still pink as a child's. But just below her vagina, her body was furred in a mix of shining amethyst and black. She flexed all eight of her legs at once, and crouched... then leapt three feet into the air. She landed laughing, as the pads of her feet touched the floor gracefully and each of the two tiny claws on her feet tapped on the hardwood. "At least I'm good colors", she said to herself. She laughed again and smoothed the hair on her two front legs with her hands.

She was exhausted from her transformation. She threw on a t-shirt and began arranging the pillows so that she could crouch on them and rest her upper body comfortably on the makeshift bed. She plucked at the pillows with the claws on her feet and enjoyed the silky feel of her footpads on the cloth. She was still smiling as she drifted away into sleep...

(c) Tarantula D aka D Ishiyama

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