Brotherly Love

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Kales forced to babysit his little brother while out of town, doesn't approve but begins to open up ;3 hope you all enjoy

comission from the awesome StGeorgesHorse

p.s. first uploaded story to here so if formating is wonky n such give me time to figure it out lmao

Hi there! The name's Kale. You'll find out that there's nothing to cramp your style like having to watch your ten year old brother while your parents are away. It's even worse when you're in your own apartment and they send him to stay with you. It wasn't the end of the world, but it wasn't my idea of fun. I was hoping to get out this weekend and get lucky. I wasn't seeing anyone steady right now, so my chances of getting lucky were almost assured.> Why? Well, I'm bisexual. That means that unlike the straight guys or the gay guys, I had double the chances of coming home from the bars with a good fuck hanging on my arm. As a reasonably good looking fox (ok, great looking!) I was rarely without a partner. Everyone loved my sexy foxy fur. I kept my red fur well groomed, right down to the black on my arms and legs. Well, leg I should say, since one was as white as snow. I used to color it, but gave up when I got older. I turns out everyone thought it was cool. Anyway, having my little brother hanging around ruined any chances of me getting laid. Even if I left him alone in the apartment, I couldn't come back with a partner.> I wasn't mad at him. It wasn't his fault that mom and dad were leaving and didn't want to take him with them. It happened to me a lot too when I was his age. I set aside ideas of drinking and screwing and pulled out the game consoles and their accompanying discs. I made sure I had the alcohol hidden away and plenty of pop in the fridge. The more I thought about it, the more I figured it might be cool after all. I had wished that I had had a big brother to do things with, so this would give me a chance to be that older sibling and do something cool for the little dude.

He was in seventh heaven. At home, he wasn't allowed to play much on his system. This whole weekend was going to be an unrestrained gamer's paradise for him. We sat down and started screwing around together. Since I had beaten most of the games, I took second fiddle where it was possible and let him fight his way through a ton of games he had never played before. I eventually got bored and let him play solo for the rest of the evening. I went to the computer and flipped through my collection of nude images of my past exploits, knowing full well there wouldn't be any new pics to add this weekend.

There was Ronald, who had the really great ass, and Miranda who was sweet, kind and kinky as hell! I was getting super horny so I clicked the folder closed. There was no point in getting myself riled up with no way of releasing my passions. I hollered out into the living room that I was going to hit the sack and to not stay up too late playing games. He hollered back and I called it a night.

It was about one in the morning when I woke up. I don't know what it was that disturbed my sleep, but since I had to take a leak, I got up and headed to the bathroom. A light was flickering in the living room. The little jerk was still up playing! He was given a chance to play to his heart's content and he wasn't wasting a moment. I stepped silently out and peered over the top of the sofa. It wasn't quite Halo he was watching. I'd say the vixens on the screen were about as far from sainthood as you could get. But they were killer!

It hadn't dawned on me to disable the pay channels before he came over. That's what living by yourself get's you. I didn't have to worry about having someone over who wasn't supposed to watch them. Whatever this porno was, it had three foxy chicks, a red, a gray and a white, all working over a black wolf. That dude had a knot of enormous proportions! I was starting to get a hard -on just watching. My little bro let out a yip. I looked down and saw his problem.

There was nothing worse than dry rubbing yourself raw. I learned on my own to use plenty of lotion. Of course now, assuming I needed a little getting off, I had plenty of lube in the drawer. I stepped back, walked to the bathroom, took a piss and grabbed a tube. I walked back in, making enough noise for him to hear me. He scrambled to turn the channel but couldn't find the remote. He was pulling his shorts up and looking back at me at the same time. I was holding the wand of power. No, not that one you perv...the remote!

He gulped. "I'm so busted."

I tossed the lube next to him. "You keep stroking your cock dry like that and you will be."

He looked at the tube and his eyes went wide. "You mean you're not going to tell mom and dad?"

"Mom and dad aren't here, and you're in my apartment, so it's my rules. I used to be your age once. I learned the hard way too that wanking off required something to ease the friction. I like the movie you found. I must admit, it's not one I've seen before. Mind if I watch with you?"

His eyes were wide. "You mean you're not going to tell on me?"

"Now why the hell would I do that? This is my place. There comes a time when you need to discovery your sexuality, little brother. I found mine a long time ago. Now is as good a time as any. I opened the cap on the lube and squeezed some into my hand. I unsheathed his cock, which made him jump. He settled down quickly though when I rubbed it with the slippery gel.

"See? Isn't this much better?"

I think he was embarrassed to answer. Playing with your own cock was one thing, but having someone else do it was totally another. He was going to find out it was usually better. "I g-g-guess so."

"Watch the movie and ignore me. I'll have a little fun and you'll get the rewards." I worked my fingertips along his small shaft, coating it liberally with the clear lube. If he was like me my first few times, he was probably sensitive and sore from trying to get off. He was stiff as a pole and I could feel his blood pumping through it with each heartbeat.

I stopped for a second and squeezed some lube into my other hand a worked my own cock. I had done this before, but with guys I picked up at the bar. I had never done it with a minor, much less my little bro. But it was cool. I simply considered it to be filial bonding. In no time I was sporting a hard-on three times his size. I worked both cocks in sync while watching some vixen getting knotted hard by the wolf I had more than my share of knots in my lifetime and I so envied this girl right now. On the flip side, I could also imagine myself as the big black wolf, ramming her hole with my vibrantly red cock.

It was so great going both ways! I could go out and come back with some fun no matter what. Now, it looked like my weekend wasn't going to be a total loss! My little brother was watching the movie with his eyes wide open. From time to time he would look down, or over at me. I didn't bother looking back. I was too engrossed in getting both of us off. When the wolf slammed the one girl in the ass, I just about lost my load. The camera panned in to follow his length as it sunk like the Titanic. When his knot hit her hole, it stopped for just a moment before he pounded it in. That brought back some memories. I could feel my balls tighten up and I came with all the grace of an unsecured fire hose.

My little brother was tensing up too, so I knew he wasn't far behind. I increased my stroking until my hand was a blur on his little red spike. His legs pressed tight against the base of the couch as his hips moved into my cock play. His fingers dug into the cushion as his hips started jerking in time to me. All at once he yelped and I could feel his cum boiling to the surface. I was still rubbing mine hard, thinking that I had just witnessed a virgin load of cum. I felt another load of my own coming to the surface.

We both needed to shower after that bit of fun. That involved a lot of shampoo and conditioner. He found that conditioner worked almost as well as lube. We dried off and hit the sack, this time with him curled up next to me. I was spooned on the outside, with him tucked up in a little ball inside. I was going to have to see if he was up for a little more play time. The lube was close at hand after all, and his cherry ass was probably ripe for the plucking.

He was soon snoring gently, sound asleep in my bed. I grabbed the lube and squirted some on my finger. I pulled his tail out of the way and found his puckered pink hole. I smeared it liberally before working my finger in. His rectum was a tight band around my finger, even with him being asleep. I pushed it in further, wiggling it around to loosen him up. He had been cool with our play earlier, so I hoped he was cool with this. I wasn't a jerk. I figured I'd get off, and when I was done, I'd teach him to mount me. It seemed fair.

My cock was growing, sliding out of my sheath and dripping pre cum. I had never considered fucking a kid before. It wasn't high on my list, but now that my kid brother was the object of my lusts, my viewpoint was changing. I shoved my finger in as far as it would go, right up to the knuckle. He was hot inside, as well as wet and inviting. I worked my finger around, stretching his little hole in preparation for me and my cock. I kept working it around, figuring he was going to wake up with all of the stretching I was doing to him. I forgot what a sound sleeper he was.

I finally couldn't wait any longer. I pushed him over onto his back, lifted his legs and lined up with his waiting hole. The lube on his ass glistened in the dim light coming though the window. Never before had I so wanted to fuck someone like I wanted to fuck him. It was too bad he was going to miss it. With any luck, he'd come around in a few minutes. I placed my tip against his sphincter and pushed. It balked at first, and then slowly slid in with excruciating, prolonged sluggishness. All at once the head made it in with a snap. I smeared more gel on my shaft, working back and forth to generously lubricate his hole. God was he tight! I watched as his hole stretched to accommodate the piece of flesh intruding on his heretofore untapped pleasure cave. I pushed his feet up towards his head, leaning in to press myself in as far as possible. I hadn't gotten to the knot stage, so with a few firm but careful shoves, I slipped in entirely.

It was like wearing a condom, only warmer, thicker and far more enjoyable. His bowels were so tight they engulfed my cock, right down to the tip. When I pushed forward, I could feel the folds of tissue part and then collapse again when I pulled back. It was going to take all my will power not to reamed the little guy out and ruin him for life!

As it was, my knot was already engorged. His ass was a tight ring of muscle constricting the base of my cock like a rubber band. There was no way my knot was going anywhere right now! I let his legs relax, leaned back with my arms on the bed and pumped away. I watched him, lying there with his eyes closed, snoring away, all the while his body twitching in time to my thrusts. It was a wonder he could sleep through it! After a while, I leaned forward again, lubed up my hand and slid his cock out into the night air. It wasn't the easiest thing to do, but I managed to stroke him until he was hard. As I pumped his little asshole, I could feel my moments reflected in his cock. Each push in caused it to rise slightly, and the reverse happened when I changed course.

I was getting hornier and hornier. I couldn't wait until morning when I could teach him how to do me. I could easily handle a little cock like his. I was pretty sure that he wasn't going to believe me come morning that he had taken everything I had to offer.

I pulled him upright so that he was sitting on my lap, more or less, and then rolled so that he was on top. I pulled his legs forward, let his tail drop over the back, brought my knees up and went to work. I could achieve a pretty intense and rapid motion this way. Someone had once nicknamed me The Singer once, not because of my voice but because he said it was what sex with a sewing machine must be like.

From time to time I'd slow down, savoring the tight feel of his virgin little hole. Then I'd speed up again, driving it home like there was no tomorrow. My knot was even slipping a little in the throes of my energetic pounding. I could feel his rectum begin to convulse, which was matched by a feeling of warmth on my belly. He had just blown a wad in his sleep! That was enough for me. I grabbed him hear the base of his tail and literally drove him down hard with every upwards thrust I made. As I neared my climax, I stopped moving and using him alone, turned him into a sex toy. His head was flopping everywhere, his arms were flailing at his sides, and in the next moment, my cum filled his bowels to the brim. I forced him down like I was trying to puncture a tire with a nail. I came and came and came until there was nothing left to give. Only now did he stir. I held my breath as he yawned and fell back asleep. He was going to be pissed at me come morning; either because I dared to fuck him without his knowledge, or because he hadn't been awake to enjoy it. I rolled over, taking him with me. I was still stuck in when I fell asleep. I had the most extraordinary dreams the rest of the early morning hours. They were sinfully wicked and terribly erotic and had everything to do with the little guy. I woke up from one of them to discover that while my erection had faded, my cock was stick snuggled inside his butthole. I wiggled a little, enjoying his pink grip on me. I fought down the idea of fucking him again, pulled out (not without a heavy sigh) and cuddled him close.

I woke first in the morning. He was still laying there like a lump, snoring to beat the band. I got up and used the bathroom, washing my cock as was my habit after a night of debauchery. TO be honest, I was kind of freaky about keeping clean, but I was loathe to pull out last night. I figured I didn't have anything to worry about from the little guy. He had more to worry about getting something from me than I from him.

I came back to the bed. He was still curled up, contently snoozing away. I grabbed the lube again and carefully stuck it up his ass. I squeezed it until half the tube was gone. My cock was standing at attention, ready for whatever mission I was going to ask of it. The order of the morning was an invasion. I almost said of "virgin territory", but that was no longer the case. Before I poked him, I gave him a shake. He just flopped around like a limp noodle. My noodle certainly wasn't limp, so I rolled him on his side, straddled his leg and pushed my way back in. He took that moment to wake up.

"Whaaa? What's going on?" He rubbed his eyes and tried to turn over. He found himself pinned. "Morning sleepy head. I was beginning to think you were going to sleep the whole morning away and miss all the fun!" He tried to sit up before realizing I was sitting on him. Then his eyes went wide with the realization that my cock was in his ass. I wiggled it a little just to confirm it.

"Kale!! Are you fucking me?"

"Yep! You're the best fuck I've ever had, and that's saying something. I hope you don't mind!"

He fell back on the bed. I could feel him squeezing down with his ass muscles. He jerked his hips a little. "Nah. I always wondered about this. I figured my butt would get ripped open from a big cock. How'd you do it?"

I pointed to the lube. "That's sex's best friend right there."

He smiled and squirmed wonderfully. "I'm glad I didn't miss it. Mom says I can sleep right through an earthquake."

I decided not to tell him the truth. "She's right. I thought you'd wake up right off the bat, but I've been playing around for a while. At least you didn't miss the best part." I shoved it in up to my knot, which had formed during our verbal exchange. He gasped and clawed the sheets. This was going to be way cooler now that he was awake and into it.

I grabbed his upper leg and began slowly humping him, driving my cock up to the knot, then back until the tip was almost out. In and out, in and out. He was trying to get into the groove of my movements by matching his to mine. It was so cool that he was into it. I know I was at his age, but I didn't have anyone to show me. I used to use my mom's dildo, which she didn't know I knew about. That was ok, but there's nothing like the real thing!

I reached down and grabbed his cock again. It became a repeat of a few hours earlier. In no time he blew a load onto the sheet, his eyes clamped shut and his breath coming in fits. Then it was my turn. I ground myself into his body with enough force to push my knot past his sphincter. He let out a yelp and jerked off the bed.

"Sorry dude! I didn't mean that to hurt!"

He lay there for a moment, panting. "It's ok. It mostly caught me by surprise. You've got a big knot!"

I smeared a little more lube around his hole. "Maybe, but not nearly as big as that guy's on the television last night!"

He let loose a whimper. "Thank God for that! I'd never walk again!"

With my whole cock in, and his ass squeezing me tight, I had no choice for what came next. I banged the hell out of the little guy. By the time I climaxed, he was yipping and squirming all over the bed. I blew my load while I cramming myself as far in as I could manage. I didn't want to miss the pleasure of penetrating him completely. . I hoped he understood that when I was done, we were going to be locked together for awhile

He had his hand on his own cock, stoking it violently. He was bucking in time to his jacking off, intensifying my own pleasure. I had started to relax, but kicked it in gear one more time. The incredible friction got to both of us after a few minutes, and we both blew again. When we were done, I carefully laid back on the mattress, maneuvering him so that we were both together, spooning yet again.

We rested for a while, waiting for my knot to shrink. I probably could have pulled it out, but that seemed harsh. Besides, who knew when I'd get to fuck his sweet little hole again? I wanted to spend as much time in his body as I could.



"Is sex always this much fun?"

"No, not always. It helps if you like the person you're with."

"Do you like me?"

"Dude, you're my brother. I not only like you, I love you!"

"I love you too Kale!"