Tales of the Thief King 1: Enslaved

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#1 of Tales of the Thief King: Main Storyline

I am tasked with recording this story by those who survived the events and chaos that seem to follow the Thief King wherever he goes.

It may or may not do any good to those who read it. But it should serve at least as a warning of what happens when you cross things that are Truly Evil or if you damage the soul of something that was once Truly Good.

I suppose I shouldn't waste my time on philosophy, Heaven knows that this world has enough of those type struggling to be heard amongst the noise of life.

Anyways I should start from the simplest perspective. That of a small child. At least he was at this point in time.

Ch 1: Enslaved

The Scholar's POV

I am tasked with recording this story by those who survived the events and chaos that seem to follow the Thief King wherever he goes.

It may or may not do any good to those who read it. But it should serve at least as a warning of what happens when you cross things that are Truly Evil or if you damage the soul of something that was once Truly Good.

I suppose I shouldn't waste my time on philosophy, Heaven knows that this world has enough of those type struggling to be heard amongst the noise of life.

Anyways I should start from the simplest perspective. That of a small child. At least he was at this point in time.

Ishon's POV

It was many many years ago, I was a young wolf cub of about nine or ten, my parents had told me to hide myself away in our meager hut's cellar. There were noises of explosions and fire and my friends and family screaming in pain. All throughout this, a bell was ringing. A bell I had heard just once before. The bell that meant the Slavers had come again. They almost never went for anyone except children. And the last time they had not attacked the village in quite this manner, but this time well, it was different. By the time the bell ringer was silenced, not a single hut remained. Just burning frames, even the Church had become a burnt husk, the corpse of the bell ringer hanging from a burning rope. If not for my parents' hut actually being built over an old sewer entrance from a ruined city, I would have been dead or kidnapped and on my way to be sold to some random pervert or worse.

I had managed to hurt myself pretty good just getting out of the ruins of what was once my parents' home, so I had wrapped part of my shirt around a deep gash in my right arm and another part over a wound in my left thigh. As I wandered around the burning ruins of my village, I cried. I couldn't stop myself. The horror was just too great. I felt the will to live quickly leaving me, distracting me enough that I got ambushed by a Slaver who had straggled behind. Despite knowing there was no one left to help me, I scream at the top of my lungs, "No, Stop! Someone help me! Please!" and try to hit the large bear that was carrying me.

"Shut it runt, or I will make you suffer before I sell you." the Slaver says as he bites the tip of my ear hard to make sure I understand.

I keep making a fuss and he drops me to the ground before kicking me hard in the ribs and positioning himself to hurt me even more.

Right as his fist starts to swing at my face, I hear a hard crack and see the Slaver's eyes roll up in his head as he falls towards me.

His weight crushes the breath out of me, but I find his body quickly being shifted off of me by a strange, mangy looking teenaged Wolf. The Wolf looked like he had fought his way through Hell and back.

He silently offers me a hand as he keeps a look out around the area.

Feeling like I should trust him, I grab the hand, and he immediately tosses me over his shoulder and sprints off, out of the village. And towards a point I was warned to never go. A place said to be inhabited by a Daemon who survived by sucking the very life out of people, and in particular children.

The Wolf expertly hops up into the trees and then from tree to tree until we reach a treehouse near The Devil's Falls, all with me on his shoulder.

As he sits me down in what appears to be a living room he says, in a very strange accent and voice that had a slightly crazed tone, "So now my pet. Tell me what you were called before the Raid."

"Ishon, sir. Uh, why are you calling me your pet?" I say as I stand up and look at him, feeling extremely worried.

"Well Ishon, I call you my pet because I have decided that is what you are to me. You are now my companion. You are now my servant. Therefore you are my pet. Don't worry, I am a good Master. I won't force you to do much beyond housework. If you desire to do anything else, ask. If it is any "Adult" stuff, then that will have to wait until you are of age and are well aware of what you desire." the Wolf says as he messes around with a nearby dresser.

"Uh, sir? Why rescue me? And what's your name?" I say as I look around for a possible way to get out of there.

"I rescued you, pet, because no child deserves to go through that trauma they were intending to do. I, unfortunately, cannot rescue your friends. The camp was too heavily guarded. Perhaps most unfortunately, all of your adults are dead., so I cannot return you to them, even if I wanted to. And I don't want to. I need someone to help me take care of this place, and you have nowhere to go. As for my name, well as my pet, you technically have no need for it. Or even permission to ask for it. However, beings you seem to not yet understand much of the world, let me educate you. I am formally known in your village as The Daemon of The Devil's Falls, the Son of the Devil. However my actual name is Dragare Noratenoma, son of the legendary late Hunter, Histare Noratenoma. My dad wasted his life hunting this Daemon breed called the Vampyre. Fucking scum they are, suck the life right out of your veins. However, they never came to this area until HE pissed off their Alpha by killing its Mate. Thankfully, with Dad's passing, the Alpha has ordered them to return to their original territory, so we are safe here. Anyways Ishon, you will address me as Master from here on out. In a few days I should have a bed made for you, until then, you can use the couch. Let me know when you are ready for bed so I can fasten your collar to it." Dragare says as he walks over to a strange looking device and pulls out a small metal bone.

As he works on whatever he is doing, I work up the courage to say "Collar? W-why are y-you gonna c-collar me?"

"Because you are my pet now. And it is the only way to keep you safe from the Slavers when I send you to get the berries and other things for supper. I know their Rules and Regulations and a Named and Tagged slave is NEVER allowed to be taken and resold. I am safe myself because I carry the Mark that is given to all registered slaveholders. I used to cheat the system to help get as many slaves as I could back to their families, but eventually the Guild found out, so I can't attend another auction for a few years without becoming part of the Merchandise. Also, please address me correctly when talking to me. You have to say something like "Master, would you please give me my collar?" or similar, understand me pet?" Dragare says as he slides the metal into the weird machine.

"Y-yes sir." I say as I watch him hit a switch and hear the machine roar as it cuts something into the metal bone.

I slowly tried to sneak my way over to a ladder I spotted, but Dragare immediately said, in a stern tone "Stay put, pet. Be a good boy and sit."

I feel fear shoot up into me and I plop down on the floor quick enough to hurt my butt.

"Alright I got your tag done, now come here so I can fit your collar to you." Dragare says as he spins around on his stool, holding a solid looking ring of metal in one hand and a strange looking tool in the other.

"Please don't. I don't wanna be a slave!" I say as I get up and try to run. Before I can even make it a few steps, Dragare had leaped at me and held me down by my shoulder.

"Doesn't matter what you want anymore. What's best for you is currently becoming my slave. Or would you rather end up with someone who would abuse and rape you?" Dragare says as he picks me up and drags me over to the table.

"I'd rather be free!" I say as I keep trying to escape.

"No can do. I let you back down there without a collar and tag, you will be caught by them again before nightfall and on your way to be sold by daybreak. It really will be better for you to live here. If it helps, think of me sort of like your big brother." Dragare says as he grabs some rope and ties my arms behind my back and to his table.

"A big brother would never do this to me!" I say as I keep struggling.

I hear Dragare sigh before he slides the metal device around my neck, hmming to himself as he apparently reads some kind of information before pulling out another strip of metal and inserting it into a machine at another table. I keep thrashing and trying to escape as the machine hums and makes some grinding noise.

About twenty minutes later, but still way too soon for me, he pulls out a completed collar that was in two interlocking pieces, each with slots and metal inserts just a little bigger than the slots. After a quick double check of each piece against my neck, he moves this device mounted on an arm to position it over my head, the arms of the device down around my neck and each holding half of the collar. He slides the tag he had made onto the half formed D-ring on the front and lines me up and tells me to keep still if I did not want to get severely hurt.

With a press of the button, the device closes, snapping the collar into place around my neck. It was loose enough to give me some room to grow, but tight enough that I could not slide it off. And with the way it was made, the only way to get it off would be to have a machine cut it.

I could partially see the tag on the collar. I think it said "Ishon, property of Dragare Noratenoma"

I just broke down and cried as hard as I ever had as I realized what exactly had happened. I was an orphan. I had been kidnapped, at first by a possibly perverted Slaver, but now by the very Daemon my parents had told me to keep away from. And that very Daemon now owned me.

"Since I can't trust you to not run away just yet, I am locking your collar to the living room tether. Come now, pet." Dragare says as he cuts the rope binding my hands to the table, but not the bit binding them to each other. I have no choice but to follow him, and soon find myself secured by locks to a very long chain that was attached to the rafters of the ceiling.

"Couldn't you have just let me live here and not enslave me?" I say with tears still pouring out.

"No. Besides me, only my property may be here, legally. You are now my property, so you can be here. If you weren't, you could not be." Dragare says in a tone that reminds me of someone who was not quite right in the head as he walks into the next room and then out of my sight.

I move over to and lay down on the couch and just cry. I was grateful to still be breathing, but now I had lost my freedom.

I'm not too sure how long passed, but when he returned, it was nighttime and the house was getting dark.

With a flick of a switch, several orbs positioned around the house lit up. Making it as bright as it had been in the daytime, and I could see that he had some vegetables and some meat from a fresh kill.

"I am gonna start your training tomorrow pet, for now, I am gonna fix the meals, and slowly, you shall take over. Hope you like deer stew." Dragare says as he goes over to the stove and messes with it, before it starts to glow. While it warms up, he come over to me and unbinds my wrists the rest of the way.

"Sorry I forgot about your wrists but I had to go back to get the deer I had killed before rescuing you. And some vegetables to make the stew." Dragare says in a tone that shows me he really was sorry.

I just stay silent. Pulling my legs up to me and wrapping my arms around them.

"You really should thank me for being considerate, pet. Hardly any other Master would be." Dragare says as he gets up as the oven beeps.

"Thanks, I guess." I say with a sigh.

"Well pet, don't you mean to say "Thank you, Master."," Dragare says, sounding like he was offended by my not saying the title he bestowed upon himself.

I sigh and figure that if I want to eat, I had better play along, so I say, "Yes, I mean to say, Thank you, Master."

"Good Boy. Now don't forget again." Dragare says with a slight chuckle as he puts a chunk of deer on a metal pan and slides it into the oven. He then shoves the rest of it into a strange humming icebox after putting it inside a bag.

He then puts a pot of water to boiling on the stovetop before putting the vegetables in it and lowering it to simmer.

"Alright pet, supper will be done soon. Off the couch with you. I wanna stretch out until time to put the meat into the boiling water." Dragare says as he moves towards me.

I watch for a moment as he walks towards me, and as I notice that he is beginning to look irritated, I slide off the couch and onto the floor. As I do so, his expression relaxes considerably.

He sprawls out on the couch, his right foot resting on my head.

"Pet, please do what I ask the moment I tell you from now on. I don't like hesitation in carrying out my orders." Dragare says as he toes my collar.

"Yes Master." I say, feeling upset and annoyed, but keeping on playing so I could get something to eat.

I'd try to escape as soon as he let me down to the ground, but until then, I was gonna keep playing the role of a "good pet" for him.

About ten minutes pass before Dragare gets up and pulls the meat out of the oven and puts it into the pot in smaller chunks.

I stay in the floor as I was not gonna risk losing something to eat.

Sure enough he comes back and plops right back down on the couch, stretching out again.

"So my pet, what do you think of all this technology I have?" Dragare says as he toys with my tether.

"It's, interesting, Master. I wish my parents had had that stove and these light orbs." I say as I try to keep from crying at remembering my folks. I am not gonna accept them as dead, not until I see their bodies for myself so I want to keep from crying.

"Well most of the large cities have this sort of stuff. Even the poorest homes at least have the lights and stoves." Dragare says with a chuckle.

"How do you power them, Master?" I say as I look over at the machines.

"Electrical generators that use the nearby waterfall for power. Be very careful near my outlets and the like. They can hurt you." Dragare says as he points out the window.

"Yes sir." I say, getting up to see if I can see out the window. I can, and outside I see a large waterwheel sticking out into the falls.

After a moment I sigh and walk back over to the couch. Being so high up was making me really nervous. I sit down back in my spot on the floor, listening to my tether rattle as I do so.

~Sighs~ One of my greatest fears, a reality everyone who lives outside the Walled Cities is taught about from the age they can walk, had come true. I had been enslaved. My village burned to ashes.

I finally let myself cry again, this time in mourning of my parents.

"Why are you crying, pet? You should be happy I saved you from those people who only wanted to abuse you." Dragare says, sitting up with concern showing on his face.

"Because my village is gone. Because my parents are dead. Because YOU enslaved me. You talk of wanting to spare me trauma, well it's much too late for that." I say, then as spitefully as I can I add, "Master."

"Ishon look. I care about you. It is hard to explain my feelings on this subject, and until you are old enough to know for yourself, I won't attempt to explain them, but just trust me on this. I care about you. Let me take care of you. Let me give you a strict schedule to help keep your mind off of your worries. Let your Master make you a happy little pet. Alright?" Dragare says as he swings his feet off of the couch and bends over to put a hand on my shoulder.

I just nod and cry, figuring it would be the best way to get him to leave me alone.

"Ah, looks like supper is done. I will be right back pet. Oh, what would you like to drink? I got some purified water, various fruit juices, and some tea." Dragare says as he pauses at the threshold between the two rooms.

"I don't care right now, Master" I say, hoping that I can escape soon.

"Alright then, I am gonna give you some tea, just let me know if you need it sweetened. Go ahead and move yourself closer to the coffee table. That's the little table there beside you." Dragare says as he looks through his cabinets for something.

"Yes sir." I say with a heavy sigh as I move towards it.

He quickly brings a bowl of the stew with a larger amount of meat and vegetables then I was expecting to be allowed to eat. Then he brings over a large glass of somehow cold tea. After taking a sup of it, I say, "Master, could you please sweeten it some? Its good, but still too bitter for me to drink as it is."

"Of course, pet." Dragare says with a smile as he grabs two sugar cubes and drops them in the tea, stirring as he does so.

I take another sip when he hands the cup back to me and say "Thank you Master, that is much better."

I then try the stew and find it delicious enough I find myself saying aloud, "That is great stew!"

"Thank you pet, but even if you are gonna compliment my cooking, you still need to call me by Title." Dragare says as he sits down at the kitchen table and eats.

"Sorry sir. I didn't realize I had said that aloud. But it is very good stew, Master." I say as I eat it.

"I know. Living alone since the age of 13, you kind of have to learn how to cook and improve your food so you don't get sick of the taste. Of course, pet, you won't have to worry about being alone. Just worry about keeping me pleased." Dragare says with a smirk before saying, "If you behave, by the time you decide what gender you like, I will be happy to purchase a mate for you."

"Master! I am much too young to be thinking about stuff like that!" I say, even though I know it to be false. I mean, I could tell that there was something about Dragare that made me like him, despite all that he was doing. Its a feeling I never felt for anyone else before, but fit all the things I had heard about how it feels to fall in love at first sight.

Though if I truly did want to be with Dragare in that way, would he ever return the feelings? To him, it seems I am his property. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Nonsense pet. I knew from a young age what type of mate I wanted. Its also part of why your village kicked me out when I tried to return. That's what I get for flirting with the Chief's son when being gay is a taboo thing there, after all." Dragare says with a flip of his hand.

"Gay, Master?" I say, feeling curious as I had heard the term applied, alongside other, horrible names, to certain people the local church felt were going to Hell.

"It means that you love someone of the same gender as you in the way you would a mate. That is, like, uh. Ah, you know how you had a mother and a father? Being gay means you love another man the same way your parents loved each other." Dragare says, sounding a bit nervous.

"I see nothing wrong with that, My parents loved each other very much. But I was taught that the Gods made us for a specific purpose and that if we were to stray from it, we would spend forever being punished in Hell. And one of those things was that a Man absolutely had to get with a Woman when he was of age, and vice versa. My parents, unlike the rest, actually did question the Church's wisdom when in private and they thought I was outside. I admit, I don't know what to believe, Master." I say as I look at him.

"Well that's a nice thing for you to say. As for your "Gods" I happen to be the great grandson of one of them. Her name in the religion is Verra Donna, but she is more commonly called the Den Mother. The supposed creator of the Anthro races. She did not make our races. She never claimed as such. What she did claim was that she wanted to unite Daemons, Humans, and Anthros. The Council she made had a member of every Sentient race. Eventually some races left the council as they felt they were superior to the others. You know the rest, though in allegory, from your religion. However, I believe differently than you were raised, pet. I believe that the beings who made the universe merely sit back and watch our lives unfold, that it is up to us to make our own lives as good or as bad as they can be. True that you can't help some things. But the things you can, you need to always strive to make the best of them that you can." Dragare says as he grabs a knife and goes to slice some bread.

"Uh, would you care for some bread, pet?" Dragare says as he looks at me.

"Just a couple of slices, please Master. And could I please have some more tea, Master?" I say as I drink the last of my tea and take another bite of the stew.

"Yes you may pet, but it will be the last refill. I don't need you wetting my couch." Dragare says as he cuts a few slices of bread, picks two slices up, and brings the pitcher of tea and a couple of cubes of sugar over to me.

"Thank you, Master." I say as I wait for him to put everything together.

"You're welcome, pet. Now finish up so we can get ready to go to bed." Dragare says as he walks back over to the kitchen and finishes his meal.

"Yes Master." I say as I hurriedly eat the remaining food.

When I am finished, Master grabs my dishes and sits them in the sink in hot water that had some kind of bubbling liquid added to it.

"When you get up tomorrow, I will move your tether to the kitchen and you are to clean everything up. I will show you where all the cleaning supplies are and how to use them." Dragare says as he flicks off the kitchen lights.

"Anyways you can get back on the couch now if you want. I'm just gonna go fetch something for you to use the bathroom in, then I will be cutting the lights in here off." Dragare says as he walks into a doorway to my left.

I sigh and get up on the couch, feeling the strange sensation of the tether moving about and settling down.

Soon enough he does return with a rather large pot. He also has a blanket in hand.

"I figure I may as well let you have something to cover up with. It looks like it may be a bit chilly tonight. Anyways, you have to use the bathroom at all, use it in this pot. I expect you to empty it in the morning when I am transferring you to the kitchen." Dragare says as he sits the pot down beside me.

"Yes Master. Thank you, Master." I say as I take the offered blanket and curl up with it. Waiting for Dragare to turn the lights off and walk off before grabbing one of the couch pillows to prop my head up with.

There was just enough light from the moon and stars to give me a very dim view of the rooms, and it honestly scared me enough, I tried to hide under the blanket. But my stupid collar made moving my neck in certain ways painful.

Eventually, I manage to fall asleep, and big surprise, I had nightmares about all that had occurred.

When I woke up, it was just now becoming light, and Dragare was walking out of that doorway.

"In the floor, pet." Dragare says as he tugs on my tether.

"Can't I stay up here, Master?" I say as I rub my eyes and try to sit up.

"I said in the floor, pet." Dragare says as he jerks my chain hard enough that I fall in the floor, just barely missing the table.

"Sorry, Master." I say as I just lay where I fell., which thankfully was not on the chamberpot as it had been moved, either by me or him.

"You need to just accept things, pet. Especially that if I tell you something, you do it without question or hesitation. Now, I can see the chamberpot had not been used so you don't have to dump it. However, once I am more wide awake, you are being moved to the kitchen to clean. If I am satisfied with your job, you can eat today. I only fed you yesterday as I had no knowledge of your last meal beforehand and it would not do to have you starve to death. If you don't do a decent job, you will only be fed once, maybe twice a week." Dragare says as he leans back on the couch, propping his feet up on the coffee table.

I gulp and say "Yes sir. Uhm, Master?"

"Yes, pet?" Dragare says as he looks over at me.

"If possible, may I have a bath today?" I say as I look down at my dirty clothes.

"Maybe. I need to be sure you won't be able to run away, and I need to make you some clothes. So while you clean, I will take care of that." Dragare says as he looks around the room with a slight smirk on his face.

"Master, why are you so insistent on keeping me and keeping me as your pet for that matter?" I say after a few minutes.

"I want to keep you cause I like you. As for why I am keeping you as my pet. Well. A mixture of reasons. The least of which is that those Slavers I rescued you from were here on orders from the Thief King. They were official, government paid, Slavers. Not unregistered Raiders. I assume that your village had some sort of debt they owed to the Empire and the Thief King decided that the best way to repay it would be to sell you children. Of course unless we find info showing that, we won't know for sure. However since you are now my pet, you won't have to worry about them taking you. If you weren't my pet and they did declare what I had said before, they would take you and sell you if they found out you were from that village." Dragare says as he scratches his nose and sleepily looks at the finger he used to scratch it.

"Oh. Alright sir." I say and let myself fall silent.

After a few more minutes, Dragare finally gets up, goes over to a place I couldn't reach from my tether, and pulls out a key. Within a couple of minutes he has unlocked the tether's upper lock, but left the lower one locked to my collar.

"Grab your chamberpot and follow me, pet." Dragare says as he slowly moves towards the kitchen.

"Yes sir." I say as I grab what will probably serve as my toilet for at least until I can move about freely, and follow Dragare into the kitchen.

"Alright, the cleaning chemicals are there, in the cabinet under the sink. As are the cloths to use. You can reach both thresholds from this mount, and you can clean the entire kitchen. I expect it to be cleaned up by the time I return, pet." Dragare says as he locks my tether in place on yet another rafter.

"Yes sir." I say, wishing like hell that I could run. Or at least hurt him.

"Good Boy. Now get to work." Dragare says as he walks back to his room.

I sigh and realizing I had pretty much no choice, pull out the cleaning supplies. Finding them helpfully labeled with stuff like "Floor Cleaner" "Window Cleaner" "Oven Cleaner" and the like, along with some instructions for ones like the oven cleaner.

As I start to clean the ice chest, I see Dragare jump out a window in a strange looking outfit. I just ignore my thoughts and curiosity and get back to the task at hand. With luck, I would have the place spotless by the time Dragare got back.