Tales of the Thief King 2: Mentally Unstable Drama

Story by ProudWolfess on SoFurry

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#2 of Tales of the Thief King: Main Storyline

A little more insight into the World, the Slavers, and Iishon's new Master, Dragare.

Ch 2: Mentally Unstable Drama

Dragare's POV.

As I leaped into the trees outside my base, I smile as I can see Ishon obediently scrubbing stuff. He'll come to learn to love life as my pet. It is surely much much better than what could have happened to him had I not interfered with the Royal Slavers. Besides, I was now officially too attached to him to free him even if what I had told him had not been true. I can't have another person I care about abandon me. I just CAN'T! First Mom, then Dad, then the Guild! My pet is all I have left and he will never leave me! I will make sure of it!

Anyways I turned my attention back to my task, which was gathering the hide needed to make Ishon his little uniform and underwear. I find it annoying that there are not too many large animals in the area, but I easily find signs of enough smaller animals to have a decent start on his clothes.

Within a couple of hours I have all the skins I need, and am headed on my way back home through the treetops when I hear something from down below.

"That freaking Hunter, he stole one of our slaves!" a large wolf was saying.

"Yeah, and he damned near broke my neck too!" the bear I recognized as being the same one I cracked that board over says as he rubs the still dark spot.

"Silence you idiots! One lost slave doesn't matter right now. The Thief King will retrieve it from the Hunter when the time is right. Until then, lets focus on getting the slaves we do have to where we can sell them. The sooner we get rid of them and get gold in our pockets, the better. They are noisy little things." a large fox says as he walks up from a path just below me.

"Yes sir!" both of the Slavers say as they salute the fox.

"Now, Headmaster Seirkaru is expecting us back at camp. MOVE!" the fox says as he marches back down the path.

Curious about the situation, I follow the Slavers back to their camp, being as carefully hidden as I could.

Within minutes, I pick up the scent of a Vampyre. A strong one, most likely an Alpha. As I reach the very end of the path, which lead to a clearing, I stay tucked in the trees, hopefully out of sight of the camp.

From my vantage point I could easily see everything, including the pitiful conditions the Slavers were keeping their slaves in. All bound together and tied to a large tree in the middle, a few separated from the group and tied to spikes driven into tree stumps. Those few were being used as target practice for the Slaver's arrows and slingshots. All hitting non-lethal spots, but still keeping them in agony. How they could do this to children was beyond me.

Chain them up, sure, especially if one was your pet. But for punishment they should be treated as if they were free and get spanked when they mess up. Not shot with arrows and stones.

As luck would have it, I spot the group I followed walking over towards a nearby tent, and as soon as they reached it, out popped their Leader.

Sierkaru was most definitely a Vampyre, he looked mostly like a Wolf but with large, leathery wings, and longer arms with bigger claws and dark red eyes.

After Seirkaru lectured the group about proper scoping out the area, I see him point up at me. Like directly at me and say "Take for instance, that Hunter thinks he is well hidden. And in truth he is, to you fools. To me, a Superior Being, he is as plain as day due to his scent. Especially since I can smell his blood. Now go get him before he can escape. If you don't get him. Well, lets just say my pockets are gonna be extra heavy tonight. And my belly well sated."

I run as quick as I can, jumping from tree to tree, dodging arrows and stones as the three Slavers chase after me.

As I start heading back to my home, a thought occurs to me. I can't lead them back there. Ishon might get hurt!

So I stop and take a deep breath, letting my Daemon Blood activate as I drop to the ground.

I feel my body warp as it takes on its true form, similar to that of Seirkaru, but wingless. You see, I am half Vampyre. A Dhampir. So I got some of the abilities. Just not the wings nor the powers of persuasion.

The Slavers slide to a stop as soon as I smack into the ground, kicking up dust and sinking into the soil some.

"The fuck?" I hear the bear say before I swipe one claw, ripping out his throat.

"Jesus! Phill!" the wolf says as I swing around and swipe my claws at him, grazing his shoulder as he barely dodges my blow.

"Die you freak!" the fox says as he levels a gun at me.

I smile and jump into the air before slamming back down on top of him, breaking his spine and his neck and setting the gun off as it fell.

The shot blows the wolf's knee clean off, making him cry out as he drops to the ground.

"Tell your Leader that the Hunter hates it when he sicks his little pets on him. Tell your Leader that if he wants to fight me like a man, to do so. He will know where to find me. Here, patch your wound., I can't have you dieing before you deliver that message. Though I doubt you will live too much longer after that." I say as I toss a old needle and thread down into his lap and take off.

I don't let my form change back until I am almost home.

Right as I make the leap to my balcony is when I let myself shift, and roll into the door, bouncing once, and landing right on the couch.

"Master! You okay?!?" I hear my pet say as I catch my breath.

"Yes pet. I'm fine. Just had a close call with the people who tried to hurt you is all. No worries though. They aren't gonna be bothering us anytime soon." I say with a chuckle and give him a thumbs up.

"Good. I'm glad you are safe. I dunno what I would do without you." my pet says as he lets his ears fold down, before looking scared and saying "Master. Sorry, I forgot to say Master. Please don't punish me."

"Since you apologized, I won't pet. Now, lets see how well you did." I say as I get up, still feeling hurt from my rough landing.

He did a much better job than I had expected. The only thing I was disappointed in was the pile of trash he had sitting in the garbage can. But then again, he couldn't leave so he had an excuse there.

"Very good pet. You earned a meal. Not as big as the one you ate last night, but still a good serving." I say with a chuckle.

"Thank you, Master." Ishon says as he is visibly relieved.

"No problem pet. Now scoot on under the table. I'll teach you to cook some other day. For now, stay out of my way. That includes your items." I say as I go over to the fridge and pull out some more of the deer I made yesterday and cut it into two steaks.

"Yes Master!" Ishon says, a little bit of a scared tone to his voice as he drags his chain and chamberpot under the table with him.

I chuckle and go about fixing our supper, my thoughts going over how to heal quickly enough to battle an Alpha, which Seirkaru clearly was.

I actually feel a bit bad for my pet because, well. Animal blood isn't cutting it for me. Ishon is gonna have to learn to voluntarily sate my Vampyre needs. Starting now.

"Pet, get a knife and a glass." I say as I go to making the vegetables for the supper.

"Y-yes M-Master." I hear him say and hear the telltale signs of him getting up and obeying.

As soon as he gets them and moves towards the table I say "Cut your hand and drip your blood into the cup. You only need to nick yourself. Don't cut too deep."

"Yes Sir. But why are you having me do this, Master?" Ishon says as I hear him sit the glass down and sit down himself.

"Because, pet, I am a Daemon. Well, a Half-Daemon. A Vampyre Halfling, aka a Dhampir. I need blood to thrive, and after today, the animal blood just won't cut it for me to heal quickly. I need to be at full strength, and I only get that from human or anthro blood." I say as I keep cutting things for supper.

"Vampyre?" I hear him say before he whines and I can smell his blood.

"Yes. I won't go into details, but suffice to say that I have a few abilities Anthros don't. However, being I am a half-breed, I cannot make any krodachak, roughly blood slave, and am not immortal. At least not unless I can drain a Vampyre Alpha of their blood. As luck would have it, one is nearby. I can only hope it stays away." I say as I turn around and hand my pet a bandage from the medical cabinet mounted to the underside of the drink cabinet.

"Thank you Master." he says as he takes the bandage, and hands me the cup and knife.

"Don't get scared now. I am gonna shift forms, to my true form." I say, already letting the change start.

"Yes Sir. Ow, this hurts." I hear Ishon say as I shift.

"There, done." I say with a chuckle as I drink the blood from the half filled wine glass.

"Does it hurt, Master?" Ishon says as he looks at me, while holding his bandage in place.

"Not really. It just feels weird. I usually use that other form so I can go to town without being killed, but this is how I really look. Are you scared, pet?" I say as I look at him with a smile.

"Yes Master. But not of your looks. I'm scared of disappointing or upsetting you." Ishon says, his face displaying signs he held back something.

"Don't lie to your Master, pet. Tell me what you are not telling me." I say as I keep drinking his blood.

He gulps and begins to shake, his ears and tail drooping into a state of complete fear and defeat.

"I..." he starts, gulping as he starts to cry before saying, "I was gonna try to escape from you, Master. As soon as you let me be off the tether, I was gonna climb down that ladder over there and run. I have no idea where, but I was gonna run away. Try to find someone to take my collar off of me and come back and try to find at least my parent's bodies and give them a proper burial."

Hmm, guess either I do have the persuasion powers after all or Ishon was a very weak willed child, or maybe a little of both.

"Ishon. Just try to run away down there." I say as I unlock his tether from his collar. Realizing that my fear of him being acrobatic enough to escape was silly.

He gives me a look that he was completely scared and I yell "I said get down there and try to run away!"

He gulps and runs to the ladder saying "Yes sir!" while looking like he nearly pissed himself.

He drops the ladder and after he climbs down just a few feet, he comes back up.

As his head pokes back inside I say, "Well pet. Why are you still here?"

"I can't run away Master. The ground, its fenced in by spiked trees that are way too tall and too close together for me to climb. I'm sorry that I upset you, Master." he says as he crawls back in and rolls the ladder back up.

"Yes you are, but for the wrong reasons. You are now hoping to make your stay as comfortable as it can be. Well guess what? You better get used to the feeling of that floor. You hurt me badly by telling me you were gonna run away from me. And by not being truthful about it. You are NEVER leaving me, pet. NEVER! I've already lost too many people and things I care about. I will NOT lose you! And to start with punishing you, you are not getting any supper!" I say as I throw his half of supper out the window.

Still fuming, I turn to him and drag him out on the balcony.

"Stay, pet." I say, trying my best to calm down as I go fetch his tether.

I can hear him crying as I head back to the balcony.

He's curled up in a little ball, shivering some. With a huff, I drag him to the doorway and then I snap a length of his tether in place, and fasten the other part to his collar, making sure he can't move any more than a foot from the wall by the door.

"Stay put. Tomorrow you are cleaning the bathroom. No supper. But I still expect it to be spotless or else I will spank your ass like your parents should have done in the first place!" I scream at him as I walk back inside, crying to myself.

I just toss my clothes in a bundle on the floor of my bedroom and slam down into the bed,

Maybe my pet would learn his lesson.

If he did a perfect job on the bathroom, I will let him sleep in the tub. Otherwise it was back outside.

I was too soft on him. I need to remember that if you are too soft on people, they leave you. Too hard, and you break them bad enough they leave you still.

So I had to find a medium. Anyways I fall into a deep, but troubled sleep.

When I awaken, I get up and drag my pet inside, after unlocking his tether of course.

He looks like he didn't sleep and had been crying all night.

I take him down the hallway to the bathroom and fasten his tether to a mount I had installed in the tub just under the showerhead.

"Clean it up spotless and you can sleep in here tonight." I say as I motion to the various messes I had left in the bathroom due to my having to rush quite a bit to just be able to survive each day until I got the fridge and freezer, but never feeling like cleaning up after myself after that point.

"Yes Master." Ishon says with sadness still in his voice.

"Cleaning supplies are in the sink cabinet. Now get to work." I say as I walk off and plop down on the couch for a nap.

Ishon's POV.

As I am cleaning the horrible messes Dragare left, I was thinking about my life. I had seen firsthand that I could never escape. Especially since I keep being chained up. And I had had plenty of time to think last night as I could not sleep a wink.

Dragare did have a big point. If my village was Marked, then I would be enslaved again if I escaped him. Even worse, unless I could find someone who would remove my collar, I would find myself sent back here time and time again.

As I sighed and moved to clean the toilet, I heard the door open. Thinking it was Dragare I keep cleaning until I hear a new voice say, "Hello there, little slave. I hope you are bothering to remember these skills, because if your Master fails to buy your license, you will be coming with us after all, and it would make your price so much for the better. "

I turn around, scared and start to scream, but the creature quickly grabs a small cotton towel and stuffs it in my mouth.

"Silence, slave. Unless you want that tongue cut out. Your Master is asleep on the couch. I plan to wake him, but that is still no reason to let you be a bad slave. Get back to work!" the, well I guess its a Vampyre, says as he slaps me hard then shoves me out of the way to piss in the toilet.

I sob lightly but keep silent until he finishes and slams the door behind him.

I let more tears fall as I pull the towel from my mouth and start cleaning again. I may as well face facts. Dragare was my Master. And even if what that Vampyre had said was true, would always be. I know Dragare would buy me.

And if Dragare could not buy a license, then I may as well have some practice at doing things that I know I will be expected to do from now on. I'll just end up getting trained to do it anyway.

My free will, gone. My dreams of one day being someone of importance in my village, destroyed. What little was left of my childhood, taken from me. There was nothing really to me to begin with, and now I was nothing. Nothing but a slave to a Dhampir.

A slave. The lowest of the low. Obey or else.

I felt something break in me at those thoughts. The stress of everything combining triggered it I guess.

I slumped slightly and kept cleaning, but my thoughts pretty much devolved into, "Do a perfect job to make Master happy." and honestly, now I find that I can't think of my Master by his name.

He had given me orders to never use it. That he is always Master. And I guess that feeling I had was just me losing my own last strands of sanity much like my Master seems to have done ages ago, and the little bit of resistance to other people I had somehow built up just vanishing.

Yes, from this day on, I would serve Master fully. I was his, now and forever, so I may as well behave like it.

Dragare's POV.

In the midst of a beautiful dream where me and my pet were running an inn, both of us happily doing our jobs and roles, I was awakened. By that Alpha Vampyre no less.

"The fuck do you want?" I say as I stand up, readying my claws to strike.

"Shut it mutt. I will only say this once, I want you to buy that slave officially if you want to keep it. Plain and simple. If you refuse, I will turn around, break its chain and take it with me." Seirkaru says as he motions to my hallway.

"I-I can't pay for it. Not yet. I don't have enough. Please, leave Ishon here. I'll do anything! I can't lose another thing that's important to me!" I say as I feel myself shake in fear.

"Fine then mutt. You may keep your slave. In exchange, I expect you to work for me until that slave would be 18 if a free person. On that day, you will have a mission directly from the Thief King. I will deliver the information on it on that day. That gives you enough time to train your slave to aid you in your duties, right?" Seirkaru says with a smile that shows me I have little choice in the matter if I wanna keep Ishon.

"I agree." I say as I offer my hand and shake his.

"Alright. When I need you, I will send for you. Though I do have one bit of training I insist on for your slave, make sure it knows that it is supposed to keep silent unless spoken to and told it can talk. I was tempted to rip its tongue out when it tried to scream for you while I used the bathroom. Instead, I resisted devaluing it, and stuffed a washcloth into its mouth. And make sure it knows its an "it"." Seirkaru says as he backs away from me and then turns and sprints out onto the balcony and leaps into the air, letting his wings spread and take flight.

As soon as I was sure Seirkaru was leaving, I walk to the bathroom and take a peek inside. I can see Ishon working hard, but something was different. He had tears streaming down his face, but a complacent, yet determined look as he scrubbed a particularly tough stain I am sure I will have to actually paint to get rid of.

"What's wrong pet?" I say as I walk in and kneel beside him. He stays silent, but stops working long enough to look me in the eyes.

"Come on now Ishon, tell me. What has you upset this time?" I say as I start to sit down on the floor beside him.

He shifts about and slides his legs under me to, I guess, give me a seat, as he says "Nothing important, Master. Just accepting the reality that I am a slave. That I am your slave. Well, unless you couldn't get my license. Am I doing a good job cleaning for you, Master?"

I shove his feet out of the way and plop on down beside him and pet his head as I say, "Yes pet, you are doing an excellent job. Though let me be honest with you, a few of those are really old stains, meaning we have to paint over them to get them to look as clean as you made the spot. Anyways, yes I got your License. You are mine officially, and I guess they already had your village cataloged or else I would not have had to buy you."

"Long as Master is happy, I am happy. And I understand about the stains, Master. Thank you for ensuring I know." Ishon says as he flips back over and gets to cleaning something else.

"No problem, pet. Listen, tomorrow we are going to town. I am gonna blindfold you until a certain point. Anyways, I may as well go ahead and explain some of the laws you have to follow. I will have to keep some kind of gag in your mouth. I will have to restrain your hands, either by chains to your waist, letting you be of use to carry stuff, or directly to your collar, rendering you unable to do anything but walk really. I will have to chain your legs to each other via ankle cuffs and chain or spreader bar. You will be tied to a post outside any shop or home that is not equipped with a slave holding pen. You will keep your head bowed, and avoid eye contact with anyone. By law, you are now an "It", so if I can ungag you, don't correct people that you are a he. Even I can get in trouble if I do that or you try to. For myself, I have to keep you on a very short leash, with various different rules for keeping you dressed. I will keep you dressed as you are now though, so no worries." I say as I gently pet his back.

"Yes Master." Ishon says with a hint of sorrow in his voice as he shifts his grip to better clean.

I get up and go into the living room, feeling some regret at saying he wouldn't get supper. He's been behaving today. Seems to really be accepting his role. No, I can't change my mind after I already told him.

Sighing heavily, I go to crafting the restraints and gag I will need to take him into town. Then I craft his clothes he will be wearing when we get back home.

When I finish, I go into the bathroom to check his progress, and he has gotten everything possible clean and was looking tired and very thirsty.

I smile and go fetch a bowl from the kitchen and bring it to him and tell him he can drink water from whichever tap he wants using that bowl and that he would be sleeping in the tub tonight.

"Thank you, Master. Would it be too much for me to ask Master for a pillow?" Ishon says as he fills up his bowl from the sink tap.

"Yes pet, it would be. Tonight is punishment. You are only sleeping in here since you did a good job cleaning, otherwise it would be back out onto the balcony and it's due to rain tonight from the way the clouds look." I say as I watch him nervously drink his water.

"I understand, Master. Thank you again for the water, Master." Ishon says as he crawls into the bathtub and pulls his chain and bowl in after him.

"No problem, pet. I know just how long the average person can go without water, and as hard as you have been working, I did not want to come in to find my slave dead in the tub from dehydration." I say as I pet his head.

"Behave for me tomorrow and I may consider ending your punishment early. Oh and do not try to take a shower tonight or you will go several months without bathing." I say as I get up and leave, hearing Ishon say "Yes Master." as I close the door.

I quickly make sure everything is turned off and then crawl into bed, snuggling the one thing left from my parents, a cute little bat doll, heavily patched from the years I have had it.