Little Blue Love (Full)

Story by Dreamous on SoFurry

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To start this off, this is a yaoi hentai [gay pornographic] story involving digimon, which I claim no ownership to and is property of Bandai and Toei, so yeah. All theirs. Not mine. This story entails gay sex, violence, slight watersports<?>, depression, etc. and involves rape. Kind of sick and twisted, imo, but I know some people like this. So enjoy :) the rest of you, sit back for a funky ride. Btw, this story does not follow the show exactly. Yes, Kani is a made up character. And most important of all, if your age is <18, DO NOT READ THIS. Thank you.

Little Blue Love

Kani sat there, looking at the blank canvas. His head tilted to the side, his brownish hair falling over his head. He couldn't think of anything to paint. It was his first free assignment in painting class. He looked to the right, a girl sat there, painting away. A beautiful scene unfolded, flowers over a golden sky, the back of the sky fading into a deep red, then auburn... it looked like Veemon's eyes. Veemon was his brother's digimon. Davis was his brother's name. Davis was about seventeen now, Kani younger, fourteen. Kani looked back to his canvas, staring at it. Praying it would paint itself. He slowly picked up a brush, dipping it in the black. He lifted it a little, then paused. He looked up and to the right, and there was his teacher, hanging over his shoulder. She looked like a hen. An old, ragged hen. Her hair was a raggedy orange color, some grey here and there in it. Her nose hung down into a beak, her lips in an expecting smile.

God did he hate her. He just wished she would stop, go away, just die in a hole or some gutter... The boy turned back to his canvas, lowering the brush as his teacher moved away in a huff, annoyed that her 'wonderful art student' had yet to begin such an easy task. He dropped the brush onto the pallet. He looked to his left, a student next to him. He was in the same black and white uniform that they were required to wear for school. Kani didn't even know the guy next to him... but he was interesting. His skin was so pale, his hair cut at ear level, his face so... indifferent. His eyes were grayish, not black. The boy raised his hand up, into his pocket. He pulled something silver out. Suddenly he slit his wrist, and threw his arm back and forth, splattering the canvas with red blood.

It was a deep, ruby red, forming in drops upon the canvas, then slowly gliding, reaching down. Kani couldn't help but stare, the blood slowly falling upon the floor and on others upon either side of the canvas, and over it. His head tilted, his brown hair falling over again, his large black eyes staring in wonderment. The teacher ran over, students screamed. They ran out of the room, the teacher dragging away the fellow student, likely to the nurse's office, or to a hospital. They were all gone so quickly, the room was empty. Kani sat there, watching the painting. He looked to the clock. Class was two minutes from over, and it was the last period of the day, for his schedule. He lifted the painting off the easel and then walked home. It was close enough to the school.

Later that afternoon, Veemon sat in front of the television. His tail hung off the edge of the couch, along with his large feet. His toes splayed, then curled, then released again. He was watching the television, staring blankly as the figures moved over it. His head tilted to one side, a quiet sigh passing over him. He looked up as the door opened, sitting up a bit. Davis was...! Not home... Kani walked in and through the door. Veemon slumped back, looking to the television. Kani walked in front of it, a large white canvas covering the screen, though Veemon could only see the back of it. A red drop fell from it, though neither the mon nor human saw it.

Kani turned, looking to Veemon. A shy smile had formed on his lips, his fingers digging into the painting. He looked down a bit. "How are you doing, Veemon?" Veemon paused, then looked up. Kani was slightly mentally... challenged, and had strange, emotional swings. Veemon didn't like him too much. Kani would stare at the poor mon too often, doing strange things he couldn't understand. Veemon sat up, putting his hands in his lap, tucking his legs under themselves, and hiding his feet. Kani would often stare at his feet, which kinda... creeped Veemon out. His feet were sensitive, and he didn't like them being touched by anyone... only Davis was okay to touch them... only Davis was the one he loved... though Davis was in love with Kari, even if she was with TK. Veemon smiled faintly, Davis's stubbornness being a bit cute to Veemon.

Kani suddenly moved quickly away, towards his room. Veemon gave a small start and hopped up, following, quickly stuttering "Ohh! Kani, I'm sorry! I... I was thinking about something, I didn't mean to-!" the door slammed in Veemon's face. He fell back upon his butt, looking at the door. He leaned forward and slowly got up, knocking upon the door quietly. He whimpered "I'm sorry Kani... I really didn't mean to..." He stood there, looking at the door. It suddenly opened and Kani reached down, wrapping his arms tightly around Veemon, in an almost strangle hold. Veemon kicked a little, then stiffened... he let Kani hug him. Kani smiled and set Veemon down, going back into his room.

Veemon gave a gentle shudder, wrapping his arms around himself. That just disturbed him, made him want to wash. He looked down, a smear of red... paint? Over his stomach. He wiped it gently away with his paw, shaking his head. Suddenly the front door opened again, and this time it had to be Davis. Veemon hopped up as he ran and plowed right into Davis's chest and tummy, wrapping his arms, legs and tail around the well toned torso before him. He rubbed his cheek gently against Davis's chest, giving a quiet coo of happiness. He looked up and smiled widely, looking to see Davis's grin under his goggles and bushy, reddish-brown hair. Even though it'd been a few years he still hadn't changed. Not in many ways, at least... he did have a bit more muscle to him, instead of being a stringy little boy he was well toned and masculine now.

Davis's hand raised and petted gently atop Veemon's head, the round blue melon leaning into it, his ears twitching gently. Davis's grin grew wider, "Ready for some soccer lil buddy?" Veemon's eyes went wide and he jumped off Davis's chest and dashed off, coming back moments later with the soccer bag. Davis couldn't help but give a soft laugh. "I really need to get you outta here more often." Veemon chuckled and set the bag next to the door, turning. He followed Davis into their room, hopping up on the bed. Veemon rummaged to the corner and dug out a white sweat band, putting it on his head. He turned and sat down, smiling widely. "All ready!"

Davis chuckled softly and shook his head. "You really are anxious, aren't you lil guy?" Veemon only nodded. He sat there, smiling a bit. Davis lifted his shirt off, then dropped his pants down, then came the underwear. Veemon simply sat on the bed, watching. Davis paid no attention, quite used to the little guy always being there. Davis turned and moved his knee up on the bed. Veemon's eyes went wide. Davis's crotch was right in front of him, fully exposed. Veemon nibbled his lip a bit, watching it. A thin trail of hair started at his navel and trailed to his crotch, where it spread into thick pubic hair, framing the glorious treasure buried within it. Davis's scrotum hung low, two large globes inside it, the sack looking so soft and inviting. Over it lay Davis's perfect member. It was about five inches soft, looking somewhat girthy as well. Over the head was soft foreskin, hanging just a bit over the head, a hole in the tip for the foreskin to pull back and the head to emerge through. Davis leaned forward, reaching for some clothes on the corner of the bed. Veemon, 'erped!' quietly and laid back. The member and sack dangled over his muzzle. A pungent smell filled his nostrils, a few gentle whiffs were taken by the rookie. A shiver passed through him, the scent so... perfect, so male, so Davis. Davis leaned back and clothes toppled upon Veemon.

The human partner stood back up and looked down, chuckling again. "Sorry Veemon!" Veemon sat up and looked at Davis, chuckling nervously.

"It's fine." Davis gave a quiet chuckle, Veemon blinking, then going cross eyed. A thin elastic strap was hanging between his eyes. Davis reached over and lifted the jock strap off the small digimon's head, which made Veemon blush madly. Davis chuckled quietly as he stepped into it, one socked foot raising at a time, until it pulled up, capturing the boy's genitals and pubic hair within it, except the small trail leading up to his naval. Veemon smiled and blushed a tad bit more, the sight so wondrous to him. Davis rummaged a bit more and finally found some shorts and a shirt for soccer. Veemon took the opportunity when Davis's back was turned to dive into Davis's backpack, sitting up in it. Between his legs his testes were starting to push against his crotch, the horizontal slit above them swelling and moistening a slight bit. He let out a quiet sigh as Davis lifted the bag, putting it upon his back. Veemon was carried out with Davis, off to the soccer field, to play some soccer, praying to the digigods that his arousal would be dissipated by then.

Veemon was running across the large field, much faster than the humans, though the other digimon were there as well. Veemon looked up and to the side, and there was Patamon, galloping his plump self toward the ball. Davis had kicked it across the field, high in the air. Veemon jumped up and head butted it to the ground, landing behind it, starting to run while he dribbled the ball with his feet, heading toward the goal. Suddenly Agumon went flying in front of him, sliding to kick the ball. Veemon kicked it up and jumped into the air, letting Agumon slide under him. Veemon gave the ball a gentle tap with his head, sending it higher. Suddenly Hawkmon dived for it and tried to kick the ball away. Veemon spun in the air and kicked it straight down toward the ground, hitting Agumon upon the head. He grinned and fell down after it, Agumon twisting to kick the ball. Veemon landed atop the ball with his foot and twisted, making it slide off Agumon's foot. Agumon hopped up and spun, trying to kick the ball from under Veemon.

Veemon clamped both his feet upon the ball and pushed down, then used the small amount of pressure to jump up, lifting the ball form Agumon's invading foot. The foot barely slid under it, Veemon landing down after it. He slipped forward and tried to kick the ball backwards, toward the goal, but Agumon's tail came back and slapped it right back toward Veemon's foot. Veemon let it roll up his leg, hit it with his head again. He jumped up and yelled out, "Vee head butt!" and dashed forward. The ball landed just above his eyes, then went flying into the goal, almost ripping the rope net off the goal itself. Yolie sat there, staring gently. Not the best goalie, but it's the position she always claimed. Davis ran over and picked up Veemon, hugging him tightly. Both were moist with sweat, panting, Davis dancing and cheering, "We won we won!" over and over. Both Veemon and Davis pushed their hands out in the 'V for Victory' hand sign, the others giggling at them.

The entire group went over to the side of the field, most of the digidestined from Japan there. They opened up a cooler and all had their own drink in there, everything from juice to pop to some strange concoction that Kari's mom had made for them. By the time they had all finished their drinks everyone had stopped panting. The sky was turning into a mellow sunset of yellow, orange and red, deep in the sky the thick auburn color that made up Veemon's eyes. He simply sat there, smiling at everyone, his thick tail wagging gently as they all chatted after their drinks. And of course, Kari's mother's concoction still sat in the cooler. That was a good laugh for them all, as no one would touch it, no matter how many yen were offered.

They all looked to their various time devices, be they watches, cell phones or digivices, and decided it was time to head home, being near nine thirty and each one having work, school or chores in the morning. They all said their goodbyes, the girls giving one another hugs. Davis of course tried to work a hug out of Kari, ending in failure, walking home in shame of his loss but still excited from their win. He carried Veemon by under his arms, Veemon's legs and tail hanging limply as they moved. Small wisps of cool air floated among the warm, seeming to target the two partners as they moved down the road, heading home to comfort, warmth, and a toilet they both needed. Davis started walking a bit faster.

When they arrived at the house they stormed inside. Davis tossed the gym bag, the backpack now inside it, into his room, rushing past his younger brother as they went down the hall. They both flew into the bathroom, the door slamming behind them. Veemon gave a small jump and landed upon the seat, the seat cold upon his warm soft paws. He walked to the back of it and turned around, so his back was to the toilet seat's cover. Davis stood in front of the toilet, his soft, silky shorts dropping. He pulled his jock strap to the side, making his thick sack and member fall out, pointing at Veemon. He put his fingers upon the head and rolled back the foreskin a bit, so his tip was exposed. Veemon looked to it, a soft pink color compared to the gentle tan of the member's foreskin and shaft.

A thick stream of yellow urine erupted from the center of the swollen pink tip, making Veemon bite down on his lip. The scent of urine filled the air, and seeing Davis do it reminded him how he had to go badly as well. He looked down and put his hand upon his crotch, pressing on two spots. It pulled his slit's lips back a little, exposing the small black tip of his member. He put his fingers upon it and pulled gently, letting an inch or so out. He pointed it down as well, and a rather wimpy, in comparison to Davis's, stream of urine began to sputter into the bowl, landing in right next to Davis's, after crossing it. Davis gave a little yawn and reached his arms up, releasing his member, letting the stream bounce dangerously close to Veemon, who backed in response to it. They'd done this a number of times, but Davis had never stretched during it, and Veemon got somewhat iffy if he was okay where he was.

Davis looked back down and gawked gently, then grabbed his member again, pointing it into the bowl. He blushed gently, his free hand moving to the back of his head. "Sorry Veemon! I didn't mean to almost give ya a shower!" he looked down again, his hand lowering. Veemon just continued looking down into the bowl, blushing as their bladders emptied.

Veemon murmured quietly, "It's okay, Davish." He gave a cute little smile, Davis's head tilting to the side.

"Y'know Veemon, I never realized it... you got a dick, don't you." Veemon's face flushed red, his hand moving to cover it. Davis laughed quietly and shrugged "No need to be embarrassed Veemon, you see mine all the time..." Veemon gave a gentle nod and moved his hand away, his urine stream weakening, as was Davis's. "I thought you digimon just... kinda... appeared."

Veemon's bladder finished emptying itself and he used his finger to push his cock back inside his genital canal. He looked up to Davis and put his hands behind his head, shrugging "Well... if we die in the digital world, we turn into an egg again. But... we can have sex and make new eggs."

Davis shook his cock up and down twice, making sure all the yellow fluid was out of it, then tucked it back into the jock strap. He gave a small shrug and nodded, "I s'pose that makes sense..." he lifted his shorts back up and lifted Veemon, walking out of the bathroom. "Veemon, does that mean you've been..."

Davis didn't finish his sentence, and Veemon's face turned bright red. He quickly shook his head no, his tail curling up "No no no! i... well... havn't been with anyone." Davis nodded and shut the door behind them, now in their warm, comfy room smelling of Davis's socks and old food. Veemon took a deep smell of it and let out a sign. Whether it smelled good or not, it was home, and comforting.

Davis walked over to the bed, plopping down on his back, his arms and legs spread, "Wow that was a fun game..." Veemon gave a grunt and a nod, walking over. He sat in front of Davis's feet and untied one of his shoes. Wrapping his arms around it, he leaned back, pulling it off. A bitter smell of feet filled his nose, making his eyes water a little and his tongue stick out. He quickly moved over to the other, pulling that shoe off as well. He shoved them under the bed, and then looked to the soaked, once white, socks. He reached over and peeled them off at the same time, then quickly threw them into the dirty clothes pile. Or one of them, at least.

Veemon looked to Davis's large feet, practically able to see the smell off them. He hopped quickly up to the bed, giving a little cough, plopping on his butt, his tail straight out behind him. Davis gave a small smile at him, "Thanks bud."

Veemon shook his head and grinned gently, "No problem, Davish!" Davis smiled and nodded a little, then sat up a little under half way, then peeled his shirt up and off, tossing it away. Accompanying it was a small yawn, then he twisted and plopped back, his mouth open, still in a yawn. Maybe it wasn't so small. Veemon sat there, watching him, a gentle smile upon his face. He tilted his head to the side, his ears flicking as he watched his beautiful partner. His tail slowly swayed back and forth, looking over the fine details of the human. He was lost in his loving goes when suddenly a gentle snore broke his mindset.

Veemon chuckled softly to himself and stood up. He rolled his eyes. "You'll never change, Davis..." he blinked gently. Davis hadn't taken off his shorts. He'd been yelled at before because the grass stains he got upon his sheets, and his shorts were riddled in them. For a short while Veemon simply sat there, looking at the shorts, contemplating the situation. He shrugged gently and moved up, taking the soft shorts by the waist. He leaned back and started to push with his feet, and the shorts slid down slowly. Once Veemon got the shorts off Davis's hips and to his thighs they slid off a lot easier and he got them all the way off quicker than he'd expected. He looked up again, biting his lip. There was that tight, white, sweaty jock strap. He moved up, standing between Davis's thighs.

Veemon knew exactly what he wanted, and... why not? He couldn't see a reason why he shouldn't just... his soft blue hands moved up and took the thick waist strap of the jock strap, then slid it down, much easier than the shorts, taking it off Davis. He moved up again, standing between Davis's thighs. There was that delicious, furry crotch again. The scent of it filled Veemon's lungs like a thick miasma, making his crotch twitch, his member quickly pushing out past the soft white lips.

Veemon's hand gently wrapped around Davis's thick cock, the small blue mon leaning forward. He lifted the cock and pushed his small muzzle into Davis's warm, soft ball sack. His tongue went out, licking over the soft, thin skin of the well filled sack. It was like a bitter spice upon Veemon's tongue, the taste so exquisite as it tingled over his soft pink muscle. Veemon kept lapping over the thick sack, nosing and sniffing deeply quite often, the experience making Veemon's small 2 inch erection throb gently. It was black, thin at the base, ballooning a little, then tapering down into a blunt tip, no humanoid head really there.

Veemon's muzzle ventured downward, under Davis's ball sack. He lifted the sack with his muzzle, letting it rest on his face. His hand gave a gentle squeeze and he gave a quiet 'mmm' sound as he realized Davis's cock was getting thicker and stiff. Veemon's lips ventured around for a bit then finally found what they were looking for. His small red tongue let out and gave a deep lick over Davis's anus.

Veemon's tail was wagging faster as he gave a small licking fest over Davis's anus, lapping gently at the tasteless hole, the sweat there making it slightly salty, Veemon finding the taste quite pleasuring. He sunk his tongue inside and wriggled it gently, then jumped as he felt something wet splash on his back. He sat back and up and felt Davis's member give a twitch, a thin, clear, slimy substance splashing upon his face. Veemon licked his lips, relieved to find out it was only Davis's pre. He stood up slowly and leaned forward again, this time with a new target.

Veemon rolled back Davis's foreskin, taking a few sniffs at the head. Davis's bitter, musky smell was strongest here. Veemon shivered gently in excitement and lust, his blue body starting to get hotter, starting to sweat. Veemon rolled Davis's thick foreskin all the way back, then wrapped his lips around the thick cock head, sealing his lips behind the flare at the back. Veemon let go of the foreskin and it rolled forward, bunching up at Veemon's lips.

Davis began writhing gently, giving soft, quiet moans. Veemon started sucking gently upon the head, having heard that it was incredibly sensitive. Davis's leg gave a kick and he groaned again, drool coming from the corner of his maw. Evidently it was good. Veemon's triangular tongue began to slide over the head, stroking and massaging it gently. Davis relaxed, giving quiet sighs of pleasure as Veemon worked his cock head. Veemon did his best to make it feel good. The head tasted pretty bitter, like the smell, though it soon washed away. Veemon opened his maw again, taking in all the foreskin, which he sucked on as well, rolling it around his maw, his tongue writhing and wiggling inside the foreskin.

Veemon pulled back a little and took a deep breath. His tongue slipped out from under the foreskin and he gave a gentle dive forward, feeling the cock head push at his throat, then get forced inside. It hurt a little and Veemon felt like he was going to puke, and badly at that. But he kept swallowing, Davis's member now around eight inches fully hard. Veemon just kept gobbling and sucking down the cock, trying to get the whole thing in it, feeling his throat bulge out. Veemon felt like he couldn't take it any more, the pushing making him feel like he had to breathe now. He fell back off the cock, and just as he did Davis's hips twitched gently.

Veemon gave a gasp and his deep, auburn eyes went wide. A thick white spurt of seed splashed over Veemon's forehead, down his face and into his muzzle. Veemon grunted and lurched forward, sucking on the head. Davis's body gave soft convulsions as Veemon worked his cock, thick spurts of seed shooting into Veemon's throat and maw, making the digi quite content. Veemon whimpered, the taste salty and bitter in his maw, giving a swallow. He pushed his hips forward and whined gently, his tiny, black digihood twitching and sending out two small spurts of seed, all it could muster.

Veemon fell back, panting gently. Davis's cock gave a small final squirt, splattering over Veemon's foot. Veemon lay there, breathing heavily still, his tail swaying slowly back and forth, over Davis's rump. After a bit he sat up, looking around. He had seed over his face and foot, Davis had it all over his balls, and a little was still dripping from his cock.

Veemon moved forward and first began licking Davis's balls clean. Veemon's cum was slightly blue tinted, and it tasted rather sweet. He enjoyed the flavor often, always eating his own seed after he masturbated. He giggled as he ballenced one of Davis's balls upon his muzzle, lapping under it to finish the cleaning job. He moved up, still panting gently from his orgasm, his small body heaving gently with each breath. His lips wandered up and felt over Davis's cock, then began lapping gently at his foreskin, rolling it back with his tongue. His tongue slithered inside, lapping up the insides to clean them, quickly moving back after he heard Davis giving soft moans, mixed pleasure and pain in them. He leaned back, resting upon his arms. He brought one hand up and wiped all the cum he could form his face, though he was sure a little must have been left. He slowly licked his hand clean, savoring the taste.

Veemon suckled upon his last finger, then gave a soft 'ahh' of pleasure, relaxing a bit. He looked down to his foot, wiggling his toes. His feet couldn't be much better than Davis's, he had been playing soccer as well... but Veemon just gave a small mental shrug. He wrapped his hands around his ankle and lifted it, then began licking at the top of his foot. Boy, was he right. His foot stink quickly filled his nose, the bitter taste much stronger than the cum, but Veemon pushed on. He lapped over the top of his foot, then turned it and bent forward. He ran his muzzle over the bottom, soft and moist with sweat, sniffing for any, not finding any there. He moved up, looking at his toes. He could see the cum that got squeezed between the three thick digits. Giving a lil sigh he opened his maw and let his tongue out, quickly licking between both sets of toes and giving a loud gulp, taking the cum and sweat down. He stuck his tongue out a little, then lapped at his toes, finally falling back with a sigh.

Veemon rested there for a bit, just relaxing, enjoying how it was. The afterglow was so sweet with Davis, even if the sex had truly been one way. He just hoped Davis had good dreams from it. Veemon felt his eyes drooping, felt sleepiness taking him. He got to his hands and knees and crawled up, moving over Davis's thigh. His muzzle gently slid over Davis's side, along his chest, giving small kisses here and there. Veemon' couldn't help it, he was infatuated with this beautiful male. He moved up until he rested his left leg and arm upon Davis's chest. He looked to Davis's arm, up above his head, exposing the soft brown hair that filled his armpit. Veemon licked his lips and rested his muzzle there, the pit still moist with sweat, the aroma thick, moist, and delicious.

Veemon breathed the euphoric scent as he drifted off to sleep, his mind upon Davis, how Davis would hold him, talk to him...

Kani looked at the painting upon his wall. The blood had dried, though most of it had stretched down, slowly by the pull of gravity. It was over his bed, reaching for Kani. But it didn't make it. It dried first. The painting lost. Kani smiled. Veemon had hugged him today! He looked to the clock. It was one AM. Kani nodded. It was time to put the plan into action. He knew Veemon wanted him, and he was going to go fetch him. Kani walked out of his room, wearing only some boxers. His build was much like his brother's years ago, thin and stringy. Though his hair was much more under control, it was straight and feel back, shoulder length. Right now, like usual, it was tied back, because that's what mommy said to do.

Kani skipped his way down the hall, looking from door to door. It was the Mr. Monster door, where the water heater was. Kani knew a monster was in there, it made sounds at night. Mommy lied about that. He looked back and grinned. Davis's door! He pushed it open and walked in. there was his brother on the bed, lying back, naked. Kani didn't care though. There was his little blue mon! It was always his, not Davis's. Kani was made to have Veemon. He picked the blue monster up and carried him back to his room. Kani carried Veemon close to his chest, hugging his little blue love close. While he walked Kani began smelling Veemon's feet, cradling the blue monster like a baby. Kani smiled and cheered to himself, thinking, 'he made his feet smelly just for me, just how I wanted them!'. Veemon slept quietly through this whole episode, his toes curling gently against Kani's face when rubbed there.

Kani moved into his room, closing the door behind him. He put Veemon gently down on the bed, then pulled his boxers off. He was similar to his brother, though younger. His crotch hair wasn't as thick as his brothers, and his cock was a little smaller, though pretty much identical besides those two things. He moved up and started rubbing his crotch against Veemon, his member erecting quickly, to around six and a half inches. He moaned quietly, "Veemon, you're so good..." he rubbed his crotch against Veemon's face, the erect member poking gently at him. Kani smiled. He'd read stories about sex online. He knew how to do it. He moved around, moving Veemon to the edge of the bed, turning him upon his soft, virgin white tummy.

Kani grinned, putting Veemon's tail over his own back, exposing a tight, small pink hole. Kani leaned down and spit on it and stood up. There, all lubed. He was going to win this way. He was going to have Veemon all to his own. Kani stood and put his cock against Veemon's butt hole. He put his hands upon the spiky things on the back of Veemon's back, and then shoved hard with his hips, feeling his cock get pushed back. He shoved harder and gave a little moan. His cock went in, and he shoved hard, forcing the rest of it in, over and over until it was moving freely. He kept pushing, hearing Veemon scream out. He liked it! He looked down, seeing his penis turn red. Veemon was bleeding, but that's okay. He heard the word stop yelled a few times, but that meant go harder. In the stories they liked it, and stop meant harder. Harder! He was going to win!

Veemon was sleeping gently, dreaming of his wonderful Davis. He was being held by him, Davis kissing him gently upon the lips. Suddenly a bright red streak cracked through his vision. He yelled out, his eyes bolting open. He was staring at a white canvas, splattered with red all over. And it hurt. God did it hurt. It was like he was being ripped apart from the inside, which he was. He gripped the sheets under him, feeling his body squeezed, the air pushed out of his lungs as weight was on his back. He heard a moaned, "Fucking dirty cunt." behind him. It was Kani's voice. He was in... Kani's room? He couldn't' think... god it hurt... just scream stop... it went harder, faster... it was like a bright red snake slithered inside him, crawling along his spine, around his head, squeezing him... it squeezed the air from his lungs... everything went black.

Kani groaned gently, feeling his cock throb. Small spurts of seed went out, he smiled down at Veemon. He had won, Veemon was there, with him. He pulled his cock out and moved onto the bed, lying down, looking at his crotch. It was covered in bright red. Just like his painting. Everything was good. He smiled. "Love you Veemon!" and laid his head back to sleep.

Veemon writhed in his unconscious state... it just hurt... the world was pain, he was abandoned... his eyes slowly slid open, his face covered in tears. He looked at the black lumps of the sleeping Kani, looking out the window. The horizon was a very faint, though barely lighter, line. Veemon fell off the bed and started to slowly crawl back to Davis's room, his voice dead, unable to speak.

Kani woke up. He looked around, biting gently upon his lip. He looked in his room, the sky a little lighter, enough to see in his room. It must have been around five in the morning. He looked to the spot where Veemon was. A red trail lead out the door. Kani's eyes filled with tears. Veemon wasn't his, he'd left. Kani started to breath faster, then pounded his fists against the bed over and over. He felt tears falling from his face and punched the wall. Then he pulled his hand back. His knuckles were red. It was such a pretty color. He knew what happened. He did it wrong this time, but on his next life, he'd do it better. He reached over to a drawer and opened it. He pulled out a small gun, it was their dad's. Kani had stolen it, in case he needed it for the game. He put the pistol between his eyes and looked at it cross eyed. "I'll see you next game Veemon! I still have more lives, I'll be reincarnated!" and a loud bang rang out. The painting above Kani's bed got splattered with more blood. It slowly trickled down, and dripped down, reaching Kani. It dripped upon his blank face, his wide, emotionless black eyes. The painting had reached him.

Davis jumped up as he heard a loud bang, looking around. His eyes slipped over his clock. Five in the morning. He looked around his room, trying to find the sound. Was it a car backfiring? Or was it a drea-... his thoughts stopped half way through. He was looking upon Veemon, who was lying in the corner of his bed. Veemon's body was curled up. He was lying upon his side, his eyes wide open. His body shivered gently. His arms were wrapped around his knees, holding them to his chest. His tail was up between his legs, covering his tailhole. From under his tail ran red, making a large puddle upon the bed. Veemon's eyes were... grayed, faded. Davis looked at them... such pain in them, he couldn't... no! He grabbed Veemon and ran out of the house, toward the hospital, despite his nude condition, just cradling Veemon in his arms. His little blue mon was so cold, like ice... he just stared, his lips moving, no sound coming out.

Davis stood there, his fellow digidestined around him. They looked as a small hole in the ground, above it a small black casket. Etched atop it was a Flamedramon's mask. Davis was upon his knees, staring at the grave. Many flowers were there, so many flowers... after saving the world, you get recognized, he supposed... but the burial was just the digidestined.

Davis... couldn't breath, just... knelt there, staring at the graves. Tears flowed freely from his eyes. It was strange, the feeling... he felt the soft build up, making him unable to breath through his nose, the pain in his temples, the wet slowly trickling down his face. Inside his lungs hurt. They burned. He felt like he needed to breath, but something was squishing his chest. He just couldn't. it hurt... his little buddy was gone... it was for good... he wouldn't come back, ever. Davis's soul burst, burned, twisted in agony as he screamed out, "Veemon!". The small, black casket was slowly lowered into the ground.

Now wasn't that a hoot? Comments, etc go to my email. [email protected] :)

Little Blue Love (Soft)

To start this off, this is a yaoi hentai [gay pornographic] story involving digimon, which I claim no ownership to and is property of Bandai and Toei, so yeah. All theirs. Not mine. This story entails gay sex, slight watersports(?), etc. Btw, this...

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