A Streetdog's Dream Cum True

Story by Ossanlin on SoFurry

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Genre: Contemporary/Future

Flags: Oral, Anal, Tie

Synopsis: This story details a blossoming relationship between a poor rottie fur living out on the street, and a fairly rich, young wolf who takes the rottie in. There's two spoogy yiff scenes involving oral and anal action between the two. I hope you like ties! Enjoy!

Copyright and such: Okay...all rights to this story are reserved by the author. Feel free to post this story on other sites and archives, as long as the author (Ossanlin) is given full credit, and the story remains un-altered and complete. This story contains scenes of a homosexual, erotic relationship between a male wolf and male rottweiller. If you do not like homosexual or erotic literature, or furries, please hit the back button on your browser and don't continue. However, if you're a sensible fur and love to read about hot gay yiffy, please, do continue!

Author's Note: Hey guys. Already posting another story! I got a lot of positive comments from my last story, (my first erotic/yiffy story ever) and I'm sure that most of you guys will find out that I thrive on positive comments. I use positive feedback as writing fuel, whenever I read an email about the story, it just makes me want to write more. So please, mail your comments to [email protected] I would appreciate it very much. And, of course, constructive criticism is also welcome to help me improve my writing and stories. And, on a personal note, I'm actually rather new to the furry world. I've been reading furry literature and looking at furry art for only about a year. And I can't tell you what kind of furry I am, because I haven't decided yet. But I'm looking for friends and connections with the world of furs, so I would appreciate any offers with information and such. Again, thank you all. I look forward to hearing from you!


A Streetdog's Dream "Cum" True

By: Ossanlin

I looked around my apartment with depression. It was, nearly literally, a hole in the wall. The roof was flimsy, and leaked in places. The walls and windows let a horrible draft through. It was dark and dank, but it was cheap, clean, and didn't have a bug problem.

The truth was, I was lucky to have what I had. My mother had always told me that she'd had nothing in life going for her but her looks. That was how I came about. My mother had come to the city a young girl. It was the same old story, you know, excitement, people, something big and new. It had been a huge mistake. She'd brought next to no cash with her, and what she had evaporated quicker than water in direct sunlight. She was in desperate need of cash when a German Shepherd, just a few years older than her, saw her in her predicament. She was out on the streets begging, and the German Shepherd, Angel she called herself, approached her and told her that there was a better way to make cash. That was when she started the prostitution.

Ahh yes, prostitution, my mother's lifeblood. She started out like any other prostitute without a pimp would, by standing on the street corner. Eventually, she developed a very regular customer, a big rottweiller that liked to call himself Talon. I never found out his real name, because the truth was, I didn't give a damn. I hated him because he was almost certainly my father. Talon and my mother had a thing for several years, during many of those, I was raised on the streets. I was about six when Talon told my mother that he was moving further west, and he wanted to take her with him. He said he would support her, but he didn't want to deal with the whelp. My mother eventually agreed and left me the old, shabby apartment that she'd lived in for the past eight years.

Left to my own on the streets at the age of six. At least it made me tough. I'd been beaten up, molested, even stabbed superficially with a knife, but I learned eventually. I'd practiced day in and day out, teaching myself how to fight, and developing my muscle.

I regarded myself in the cracked mirror sitting in a corner of the room. I was about 6'2" tall with a sleek, muscular build. All I had on were a pair of torn up old Levis that I'd managed to buy from a second-hand shop, and a grungy "wife-beater" shirt that hadn't seen true white in a great number of years. I didn't have much of my mother in me. I had soft fur that was longer than usual for a rottweiller, and I had her ice-blue eyes. The rest of me was predominantly rottweiller, and I was taken for one until the observer scrutinized a bit more closely. "Nothing goin' for me except my looks..." I chuckled a little, and then sat down on my pile of blankets.

I only sat for a couple of minutes while a few tears dripped down my soft snout-fur, before I stood up quickly, and walked out the door. I was a very restless dog, being only seventeen. I was full of pent-up energy and frustration that had to be released. I handled stress often by walking, and maybe getting into a little scuffle, I lived in downtown after all.

It was cloudy, and raining a bit as I walked down the decrepit street. Old furs sat on porches, watching anyone and everyone that went by. Groups of furs stood on street corners, jamming to some kind of rap. I dug into my pockets with my paws, and felt for any money that I might have. I felt some paper, and I pulled out a ten. My eyes widened a little. To me, a ten was a small fortune, so I decided to eat somewhere halfway decent. I walked for a while before finally making my way out of the downtown area. About ten blocks away from what I considered to be the beginning of downtown, I saw a little diner that seemed to call my name. I didn't know why, but I felt drawn to it.

I looked around and regarded the room as I walked in. There were a couple of older dogs sitting in a corner booth talking about times that had long since passed. There were a couple of other furs sitting around, and then I noticed him at the front bar. He was a fairly young, important-looking wolf dressed in a black suit. He had a medium-sized ring around his right-hand ring finger, probably a class ring from the way it looked. His tail puffed out nicely from the tail-hole in the suit, and he had it curled around one of his legs as he sat on the stool, a habit probably.

I walked up to the set of stools at the counter, and sat in one a few stools down from the wolf. The waitress, an old rabbit, walked up to me and asked, "What'll it be?" She looked like she'd been in the diner for the past thirty years of her life. The yellow dress she wore was wrinkled and beaten up, and she wore a grungy apron that I assumed had been white at some point in time over it. "Well?!" She sounded annoyed.

I snapped out of my thoughts. "Oh...umm...I'll just take a...umm..."

"Come on, I don't have all day! I got better things to do than stand here and wait!" The rabbit acted as if she was going to walk off.

"Try the chicken-fried steak, it's actually rather good." A deep but young-sounding voice issued from the wolf in the suit. He continued reading his paper as he took a drink of his soda.

"Oh...umm, the chicken-fried steak please. And...a diet Pepsi." I stuttered to the old rabbit.

"One Chicken-fried!!!" She yelled loudly in a sort of raunchy voice. She walked over to the soda fountain, and poured me a glass of diet Pepsi. She slid it down the counter, easily landing it directly in front of me. By the time I looked up from the glass, she'd left. Maybe just back into the kitchen, maybe outside for a smoke, I really didn't care.

I took the opportunity to look the wolf over. He looked to be about twenty, and had a very nice physique. It looked like he worked out regularly, I could tell his body was well toned even through the suit. He had white markings around his muzzle, and on his paws too. I felt my knot swell a little in its sheath.

I had never really thought about it I guess, but I'd always been attracted to other males. I'd never really even had any sexual desire for females. Maybe it was my childhood, I don't know, all I knew was that I hadn't had sex for quite some time, and that wolf was making me very hot!

"You're quite a thirsty pup, aren't you?" The wolf kept reading his paper as he talked. "You'd think those eyes of yours could drink down an entire river the way you're staring at me."

I snapped out of my reverie, and my face felt hot. "Oh, I'm sorry! I just...uh.... I'm sorry." I turned my face to regard my pop intently.

The wolf grinned and chuckled a bit showing his teeth as he folded his paper neatly and set it on the counter beside him. "It's quite alright, why don't you come sit over here. Maybe we can chat a bit." He looked back down at his paper, "There's nothing really worth reading in that thing anyway." He chuckled a bit again.

"Um...okay." I got up and brought my soda with me. I sat down on the stool next to the good-looking wolf.

He smiled again and spoke up, "So, I haven't seen you in here before, what's your name and from where do you hail?" The wolf looked me up and down curiously.

"Well, uh...my name's Jake. Umm...I live downtown." I looked over at the wolf.

He smiled. "Well, Jake, my name's Zodiac. I live in the MorphTech building."

My eyes widened as I took in a sharp breath. "MorphTech?!!! You...you live in..in the MorphTech building?!!" I got off of my stool quickly and bowed. I knew I wasn't really worthy of his presence. MorphTech was a huge multi-trillion dollar company, and he was obviously one of the higher-ups. MorphTech was founded by, obviously, a very rich fur that had desired to find a way to bring humans who wished to be anthro into the furry world. He had invented morph therapy, and was very successful. There were actually a LOT of humans that wanted to become furry, and MorphTech had grown very quickly into the premier company in the world.

"Please! Please! Don't do that, just treat me like you would treat anyone else." The wolf motioned toward the stool. "Please, just sit and talk with me like you would any other fur."

I sat down quickly. "Zodiac Lorran. You're Zodiac Lorran aren't you?! You're Dr. Zacha Lorran's son!" I bowed my head again. I couldn't believe I was talking to the joint CEO of MorphTech Corp!

"I beg of you, please just treat me like any old fur. I hate having a high profile! I'm just a wolf that was born lucky. I'm no different than anyone else." The wolf looked pained.

"I..I'm s..sorry! I...w..will try." I was shaking like a leaf. Here I was, downtown street trash talking to one of the richest furs in the world!

The wolf sighed. "Look, I just want to be treated like anyone else. Hey, I can tell you're uncomfortable talking to me here. Why don't you grab your steak, and walk back to MorphTech with me?" The wolf grinned widely.

I looked down at the counter. The steak had been placed there completely without my notice. "Y-yes...O..Okay." I figured that I really didn't have much of a choice in the matter.

"Hey Wendy!! We need a box and a Styrofoam cup." The wolf yelled over the counter in the kitchen's general direction.

"Hold your horses, I'll be there in a minute."

I gasped audibly. How could she treat him like he wasn't worth her time! I was aghast to say the least.

"Relax, I've been coming here since I was sixteen, and she's learned that I like to be treated normally." The wolf grinned his toothy grin again. "She treats me just like she treats everyone else, that's the way I like it. I'm sure you'll learn to do it too."

The rabbit walked out, box and cup in hand. "Here you go, enjoy your day boys." She walked back into the kitchen without further ado.

I packed my meal into the box and cup and watched as Zodiac pulled out some money and laid it on the counter. "She never takes my money, but I leave it here anyway. I guess her belief that I wish to be treated normally only goes so far." He turned to leave.

"Oh!! I almost forgot!" I pulled the ten out of my pocket.

"Don't worry about it." Zodiac put his paw on mine and guided the bill back into my pocket. "I've got you covered." He kept hold of my paw, and led me outside onto the sidewalk.

Zodiac chatted a lot to me, but I didn't offer much response, I was still too awestruck by the fact that I was walking down the street with him.

"You're kinda quiet aren't you?" Zodiac looked at me as I walked with my muzzle pointed at the ground.

"Yes, sir...I mean...yeah." I gained enough courage to look up at him.

He smiled, "See, you're learning!" The wolf had a bit of a bounce in his step, as of a pup with a new toy. He seemed to radiate joy.

I relaxed further as I finally realized that I didn't have to treat him any different than others. He was just another friend, and one that was quite pleasant to be around. I started looking him over again, and started undressing him in my mind. My rottie cock started shifting in its sheath as my knot grew just a bit. I dismissed the thoughts quickly as a passing daydream. Nothing would ever happen between us, it just didn't happen. I was lowlife trash and he was a king of the world. Not to mention he was probably straight. 'Oh well', I thought, 'It's worth dreaming about anyway.'

"Well, here we are, my home!" The wolf looked up at the huge lettering that read "MorphTech Corporation".

I looked up at the skyscraper, the building was absolutely huge! It loomed over the street like a cat readying to pounce on its prey. It had to be over 100 stories tall, all steel and glass. It blocked the sun out, even though it was near noon. It was one of the most impressive sights I'd ever seen.

"Shall we?" Zodiac gestured toward the front door of the building.

My eyes widened again. "You want me to come in with you?!" I couldn't believe it, it was just simply too much.

Zodiac grinned again. "Of course! Why else would I bring you all the way here?" He walked up to the door, and it slid open silently.

"Umm....okay." I ripped my box open and wolfed the steak down quickly. I tipped the box to dump the fries into my mouth all at once. I washed it all down with a few huge gulps of diet Pepsi, and placed all of the Styrofoam in a recycling receptacle. I followed Zodiac through the door quickly.

The lobby was in proportion to the building, absolutely huge! There were several furs in various phases of the therapy sitting on plush sofas arranged around the room. Some were far enough along that they could pass for furs quite easily, while others were almost completely human, with only a few signs of furry. But most of the creatures sitting there were in the odd middle stages of the process, partially furry, partially human. A few of them looked me over as I followed Zodiac to the main desk.

"Chandalla, how are you doing this fine day?" Zodiac looked over at the vixen sitting in a cushy chair behind the desk. She was quite voluptuous, and if I'd have been a hetero fur, I would surely have been attracted to her.

She looked up at the young wolf. "Well, I'm hot 'n spicy as always sugar." She smiled showing her petite white canines. She turned to me and gave me a suggestive look. "Who's this hunk of prime doggie flesh, hm?"

"Paws off Channy, he's a guest of mine. I met him down at the café. He's a little hard on his luck right now and I figured he could use a warm shower, a good meal, and a nice warm place to sleep tonight." He moved off toward the elevator after passing through the security gates.

"Yeah, I'll bet he'll keep you warm tonight..." The fox turned back to her flickering computer screen, dismissing me with a backward wave.

A thought crossed my mind as I wondered what she meant by that. But I dismissed it again and followed Zodiac into the elevator quickly, before it closed.

"Don't mind her." Zodiac mumbled, "She flirts with everyone...even me."

At the time, I thought he meant that she was a lowly secretary and wasn't worthy of flirting with a high-powered executive like himself. But I later learned that he meant it in an entirely different context.

The wolf took a set of mag-keys from his suit pocket and flashed one of them before the sensor in the elevator. "Greetings, Zodiac. Please sweep your Personal Identification Card to access the restricted floors." He removed a card from his pants pocket, and slid it through the card reader. He typed a code into the pad quickly, and the elevator began to move swiftly.

As quickly as the elevator had begun its upward motion, it stopped noiselessly, and the doors shifted open without a sound. "Floor #104, Residential...Zodiac." The wolf exited the elevator and motioned me to follow him.

The corridor outside was simple enough. Lightly painted walls and a rich blue carpet under paw. The only things that were out of the ordinary were the security cameras combing the hallway. We walked a short distance to another set of doors guarded by a keypad and some kind of sensor. The wolf flashed a different mag-key in front of the keypad to activate it, then swiped his PIC again and typed a code in.

"Please stand by for retinal scan." Echoed the slightly mechanical voice.

The wolf stood still, his eye in front of the sensor. A red beam emitted from it, causing his eye to glow slightly as it read the intricate patterns in his ice-blue iris. "Approved." The door slid open quietly and revealed a luxurious apartment.

The wolf stepped through and spread his paws. "Here it is, my humble abode." He flashed another toothy grin.

I stepped through, and my jaw dropped. I looked around the stately apartment, and noticed that it was probably bigger than most peoples' houses. It was an entire floor of a very large building. The living room sat on a corner of the building, and contained a very nice sofa, a couple of lounging chairs, and a big-screen TV. The floor was a nice deep-coloured hardwood, and the entire outer wall was made completely of windows looking out on the city.

I stepped slowly up to one of the windows and looked down. I reeled back suddenly as a truly realized how far from the ground we were. "Whoa!" I came up with nothing more as I took in the breathtaking sight of the city, and the country that laid beyond its limits.

"Almost enough to churn your stomach isn't it?" The wolf came up beside me and took in the sight. I was sure he'd done it a million times before, but it looked like he was seeing it for the first time. "I love this view. I always have." He chuckled a little as he turned away from the window. "Anyway, I'm sure you'd like to take a nice hot shower and clean your coat up. It looks like you haven't had a decent bath in a while."

I hung my head. Of course I hadn't taken a real shower in quite some time. I'd learned long ago that if I used the shower in my old, trashy apartment, I'd end up dirtier than I'd been in the first place. I generally went to a gas station and used paper towels and water from the sink to rinse myself off, there wasn't much more I could do.

"Hey, hey...it's okay! Don't worry, I'll just show you where the bathroom is, and you can probably take it from there." Zodiac took my paw gently, and led me down a hallway that ran down the center of the huge residence. He pointed to a doorway off to one side. "There. There are towels and brushes in the cupboards." He smiled. "Have fun, I'm going to change into something a little more comfortable."

"Okay." I opened the door slowly and turned before entering. "Zodiac?" The wolf turned around to look at me. "Heh...umm...thanks. For everything."

The wolf just smiled showing his canines, and turned around without a word.

I stepped into the bathroom quietly, and closed the door behind me. I took in another sharp breath as I saw the bathroom. Again, its incredible size had surprised me. Along one entire side of the bathroom was a large hot tub, built with more than one in mind. In one of the other corners was a fairly nice-sized shower stall with a massive showerhead that looked like it was wider in diameter than me. Along the wall next to the door were the huge cupboards that Zodiac had talked about. A sink was situated on the wall next to the shower stall. I noticed another door that opened directly in front of the shower stall. I opened it slowly, and discovered that the toilet had a little room all to itself.

I closed the door again, and set a towel and cleaning brush on the shelf next to the shower. I slipped my shoes off quietly, feeling the cool linoleum against my bare paws. I pulled the dirty a-shirt up over my head, and unbuckled my jeans, letting them drop to the floor. My slightly swollen knot was quite visible through my sheath and boxers. I dropped my boxers to the floor, and gingerly stepped out of them. I picked my pile of clothes up and set it on another shelf next to the cupboards that were really more like closets, and turned my attention back on the shower. I opened the massive sliding door, and looked for the knobs to turn it on, but found none. I looked all around the shower, and found nothing that looked like anything that might turn it on, when there was a soft knock at the door. It startled me even though it had been quiet.

"Are you doing all right in there, Jake?" Came Zodiac's soft voice.

"Well, I was doing fine, but I can't find the controls to turn the shower on." I kept scanning the walls for anything at all.

I heard a soft noise as the door opened behind me. I turned around quickly before I realized that not only was I stark naked, but a bit of my pink rottie cock was protruding from my sheath which happened to be bulging rather obviously with the girth of my knot. I shifted my weight nervously to my right foot, bringing my left paw up to scritch the back of my neck, a nervous habit of mine.

The wolf looked me up and down with just a bit of hunger in his eyes, a small growl escaped from his throat. He looked up at my face as if he'd just snapped out of a daze. "Oh! Uh...the shower, yeah." He moved through the shower door and punched a couple of tiles on the far shower wall. "The controls are just hidden, that's all." He smiled again, and punched one more tile, causing a cascade of steamy water to pour from the giant showerhead. "There ya' go." He moved out of the way.

I seized the opportunity and jumped into the shower quickly closing the door most of the way. "Hey, thanks again Zodiac."

The wolf moved toward the outer door. "Sure thing!" He started to open the door.

I hoped that I was reading all the signals right. "Hey, Zodiac? I can't find the soap either..."

That was all the wolf needed; he closed the outer door quickly and ran up to the massive shower door, sliding it open with ease. He jumped in, shorts, t-shirt, and all. He pushed his body against my wet one, pushing me up against the wall, and locked his muzzle onto mine. His tongue darted into my mouth searching for mine.

At first, I was too surprised to respond, and then I was too amazed. Zodiac Lorran was KISSING me! But it didn't take long for me to get lost in my passionate feelings, and I wrapped my wet arms around Zodiac pressing my sheath hard against his shorts. He smiled through his kiss, and then released me.

"Jake...I don't want to force you into something you don't want." Zodiac looked a bit concerned. I responded simply by kissing him again, and hooking my hands under his shirt pulling it up and breaking the kiss just long enough to remove it. I threw the sopping wet cotton shirt out the half open stall door and it landed with a splat on the linoleum floor. "Jake...I'm so glad!" He pulled his shorts off quickly and threw them out the door, closing it behind him.

I looked down at his sheath, and noticed his pink wolfie cock peeking out. The sight caused my own doggie cock to lurch a few inches further from its sheath. Zodiac looked down at my swollen balls. "Aww, poor puppy. You need a little treatment...but first things first." He grabbed my sheath playfully tugging it up and down a couple of times over my cock, causing me to groan uncontrollably. I growled a bit when he stopped and reached behind me to push another couple of panels.

Without any delay, soap mixed with the water cascading from above, and everything was very sudsy very suddenly. Zodiac smiled, "Time to clean you up pup." The wolf dragged his claws slowly through my chest and stomach fur, causing me to shiver. He locked his muzzle onto mine again, and turned me around to stand directly under the steamy, soapy flow of water. He slowly scrubbed and scritched my head fur as he continued to kiss me. He moved slowly to my ears, dragging his claws the whole way. He moved deliberately down my neck and back, making sure not to miss a single spot, kissing me the whole time. I wrapped my arms around him and began scritching the small of his back, making him shiver slightly. He brought his paws down to my ass, massaging my toned cheeks slightly before tracing a claw up and down my crack. He moved down, scrubbing my thighs and calves before moving back up the insides of my legs. He traced intricate patterns with his claws, making sure to miss my balls and sheath ever so slightly. I whined like a baby pup wanting his teat. "Awww...poor puppy. What does puppy want?" Zodiac teased my inner thighs again.

"Please..." I whined again.

"Well, I suppose..." Zodiac's tongue darted out of his mouth and gave my puppy cock a quick lick. I yipped and jumped a bit as my cock extended even further from its black and tan sheath. Zodiac pulled my sheath back entirely, releasing my knot from its confinement. I yipped again and nearly lost my balance as Zodiac sank his lips around the entire length of my rottie meat. I felt his tongue caress the tip of my cock before he slowly dragged his lips back along my full length letting his teeth graze the flesh ever so lightly. He removed his mouth, and stood back up. I would've gotten on my knees and begged him if that's what it would've taken to have him keep going, but he obviously had something else in mind.

Zodiac kissed me deeply again, pressing his fully exposed wolf cock against my rock-hard doggie pole. I shivered as he ran his paws down my back to my ass, and this time, he pushed a soapy finger through the tight opening of my anus. He pushed it in a bit farther and kept kissing me. I shivered again as our cocks rubbed roughly against each other. He slowly withdrew muzzle, cock, and finger, and turned me around to face the far wall of the shower.

"You still doing alright hun?" Zodiac was still concerned that maybe I didn't want to go all the way.

"Please...sink every last inch of your huge wolf cock as deep into my ass as you can! I need you in me, I want to be yours! Please!" I really was begging this time. It was all the encouragement the wolf needed. I felt him grab my hips roughly, and without warning, the tip of his dripping wolfie cock was at my rear entrance. I felt a sudden sharp pain on my right shoulder as he took me into a deep mating bite, and thrust hard into me. My cock rubbed the cool tile of the wall hard as he pushed me up against it, and I felt the pointy tip and some of the shaft of his wonderful lupine cock enter me with no more lubrication than soap and water. I closed my eyes, and turned my muzzle to the side angling it up slightly as if to howl, but nothing came out. Zodiac thrust again, pushing even more of his huge wolf cock into my begging ass. I curled my lips and snarled as I felt myself being penetrated even more deeply. With a final thrust, Zodiac pushed the full length of his red, hot lupine cock into me.

"Aaaah...gods." I reached back and dragged my claws through the fur on his sides roughly as he began thrusting in and out of my ass. He started fucking me long and hard, drawing his cock almost completely from me, and then thrusting back in so quickly that it pushed me hard against the wall. My cock rubbed the wall hard, and I could feel Zodiac's knot growing at every thrust.

The wolf snarled a bit, and spoke through his clenched teeth that were still locked on my shoulder, "You're a tight one my big puppy. Uh." He thrust hard again, and I could feel a warm spurt as he emptied a little shot of pre into my thirsty ass.

The wolf started thrusting into me mercilessly, my cock was pounded into the cold tile over and over as I felt his balls slap my own roughly. He removed one hand from my hips, and reached it around to enclose my fully engorged, ready-to-burst rottie dick. He started sliding his soapy paw up and down my shaft as he pummeled my ass with his huge wolf cock. A loud slap signaled the end of each thrust as our soaked balls met with force. The wolf was thrusting with such force that each in stroke caused my paws to leave the linoleum floor of the shower. Zodiac's knot was so big now that I felt a pop each time it entered and exited my rear passage.

On the next thrust, as soon as I felt the knot pop in, I clenched my sphincter hard, and his knot ballooned even larger. It was all too much, and the wolf howled loudly as he exploded. He gripped the base of my knot hard as I felt his cock pulse. Suddenly, I felt the first hot ropes of thick, sticky wolf cum jet into my waiting ass. Zodiac's cock spasmed as he lifted me completely off the floor and held me up against the wall. He kept pushing forward in small thrusts, each one ending in a shot of hot, white wolfie seed. The hot, sticky lupine cum washing through my body was too much, and my body felt as if it was on fire as I exploded. "Ooooh fuuck...AAH!" I yelled and then howled to the moon as my cock finally released its pent up load. Gobs of hot, sticky rottie cum splatted onto the wall and dripped onto the wolf's paw that was still in a death grip around my flexing doggie cock. My cock jetted ropes of hot, sticky puppy seed up the wall and onto my belly as Zodiac kept thrusting me against the wall, emptying his cock completely, drenching my insides in his hot, thick wolf seed. My pumping rottie cock shot the last few volleys of canine cum onto the wall and Zodiac's paw before he finally let up enough to allow my paws to support my own weight.

Zodiac pulled back a bit, making us both shiver as his huge knot tugged at my anal ring. He released his mating bite just as a bit of blood formed and trickled down my fur. Zodiac licked the wound lovingly, tending to it. "I'm sorry Jake...I didn't mean to."

I lowered my head a bit. "It's okay Zodiac...it feels wonderful." I shivered again, squeezing my hole around his knot hard. "I haven't been tied for so long, I'd forgotten how good it feels." I ran my paws up and down Zodiac's sides as the tie remained. He kept a firm grip around the base of my own cock, simulating a tie for me as well. He lowered his muzzle, and nuzzled my neck lovingly as a single tear dripped down my snout fur. It was unnoticeable due to the cascade of soapy water pouring down on us from above, but I felt it, and I knew why it had formed.

Zodiac took his free paw and ran it over my chest and up under my chin, guiding my muzzle around to face his own. "Hey, is something wrong, Jake?" He looked deeply into my eyes.

I shrugged off the sob that had started to build up in my stomach. "No...no. I feel...wonderful. Gods, it feels so good to be tied again Zodiac. It's been so long."

Zodiac looked concerned, and I was pretty sure he could sense the turmoil within me, but he let it go, not wanting to pressure me. We simply stood there under the warm water in an embrace of love, nuzzling each other as Zodiac's cock stayed locked within me. It felt like an eternity, and I never wanted it to end, but after a while, Zodiac's knot began to shrink. I shivered again as it suddenly popped out of me, followed by a large gob of hot wolf cum that ran slowly down my crack and onto my balls. My own cock began to recede back into its sheath, and Zodiac released his grip. He turned me around slowly, and sank his muzzle over my own, dipping his tongue into my muzzle. I met his tongue with my own, and they twisted around each other passionately. We held the kiss and the embrace for a long time. The torrent of water seemed to make time stand still, but it ended sooner than I'd have liked. Zodiac pushed a panel, and the water ran clear and clean again as he broke the kiss. He massaged my body from head to toe as I did the same for him, making sure all of the soap had rinsed out. He kissed me one last time, somewhat fleetingly, and then pushed a couple of panels. The flow of water ceased, and he pulled the shower door open slowly.

We both stepped out, and toweled each other off, kissing from time to time. After that, Zodiac guided me back into the shower stall, and punched another series of panels. Jets of hot, dry air blew out of hidden vents with a good amount of force. It didn't take long before we were both dry.

I smiled and laughed a little at Zodiac. He looked back at me, "What?"

"You look like a giant fuzz ball!" I started laughing.

"Well, for your information, I happen to like looking like an overgrown ball of cotton!" he retorted. Then he broke into a fit of laughter as I did the same. He tackled me and we rolled on the floor a little bit. He sank his muzzle around my own, and kissed me lingeringly, then got up and looked at the small clock in the corner.

"Jeez, I'm hungry. What about you?" He looked down at me as I sat up slowly.

"Yeah...I am kinda." I smiled and scritched the back of my neck.

"Well, it's almost supper time. We could join my mother and father in the executive dining room. He likes to eat family suppers. He says it maintains some kind of continuity, and it's good for the family." Zodiac kept his beautiful ice-blue eyes on me, waiting for an answer.

"Well, sure!" I stood up slowly. "Oh...but wait. What am I gonna wear?" I looked down at my tattered jeans and a-shirt depressedly.

"Oh." The wolf looked down in thought, and then looked back up brightly. "I know! You're about my size, you can wear some of my stuff!" The wolf hurried out of the bathroom before I could say a word.

I walked out into the hallway slowly, and I heard a door slide open down the hall a ways. I headed toward the noise, and nearly ran into him as he rushed out of his bedroom! "Oh! Here, come on!" He took my paw and led me into the room.

My jaw dropped again, although I should've been used to extravagance by now. In the center on the far wall was a double king size bed. It was absolutely huge! The whole far wall was made of windows looking out on the city. The bed was actually a four-poster, and tasteful blue silk curtains hung from the corners. I heard the echoing noise of water off to the right, and turned to regard a small stream in the corner, complete with rocks and an alpine forest atmosphere. The trickling noise was coming from the head of the stream as water trickled down over ledges of imitation rock. A cool breeze blew from that corner through some vent hidden in the background. Against the wall next to the door was another huge T.V. set, and the entire room was lit with hidden lighting, making the light seem completely natural, almost like sunlight. Off to the left, I saw a huge walk-in closet with a cute grey and white wolfie ass complete with tail sticking out of it. A sort of shuffling noise was coming from the closet, but it stopped as soon as Zodiac heard me pawing in. He wagged his tail and wiggled his ass back and forth a little before standing up and producing a suit jacket, white Stafford shirt, and pair of suit pants.

"See? Here you go!" He handed me the dress suit, and dove back into his closet emerging again with a tie and dress shoes that shone like mirrors. "It'll look great!" He guided me over to the bed, and set the shoes and tie on it, then padded back over to a huge vanity sitting on the other side of the door on the near wall. He threw a drawer open, and produced a pair of light boxers, and some black dress socks. He pawed back over to the bed where I was standing somewhat bewilderedly, and threw the socks onto his pile of clothes. He took the jacket, shirt, and pants from me, and threw them on the bed as well.

"Here, put these on." He handed the boxers to me.

"Are you sure you want me to wear your clothes?" I asked uncertainly as I took the boxers from him.

"No problem! You'll look great, I just know it!" He watched as I stepped into his boxers.

I pulled to boxers up slowly, and they fit nicely. I started getting horny again just thinking about the fact that the wolf had worn these before. My knot swelled a bit as I thought about the fabric rubbing against his bulging sheath and ample balls all day.

Zodiac noticed the small bulge forming. He reached down quickly and squeezed my knot causing me to yip and groan again as my cock lurched. Zodiac smiled, "Not yet my big hot stud of a puppy. We have to eat first..." He reached back down onto the bed, and handed me the white button-down shirt. "Now, if puppy wants his reward, he has to put this on." Zodiac turned around and wiggled his ass playfully in front of me.

I whined a little as I put the shirt on, buttoning it from top to bottom.

"That's a good boy, now the pants." Zodiac grinned and licked up my muzzle quickly.

I lifted my paws alternately, pulling the pants up and buttoning them around my waist. I zipped the zipper slowly and turned back to Zodiac, awaiting his next order.

"Good..good. You're well on your way to your reward my big horny rottie. Now sit down and put on the socks and shoes."

I did as I was told, and received another teasing lick across the muzzle. "Now the tie."

I pulled the tie around my neck, and tried several times to tie it, but futilely. Zodiac grinned and chuckled a little. "Here." He stepped up to me and tied the tie with relative ease. He grabbed it and tugged me close by the neck, kissing me deeply. He pressed his bare furry body against my clothed one, making sure to concentrate most of the force in the groin area, pressing his sheathed cock hard into me. He released the tie and kiss without further hesitation. "Now all you have to do is put the jacket on over it and button at the middle."

I whined again, but did as I was told. The jacket actually fit me rather comfortably; it was actually a bit loose. In fact, everything fit me quite nicely; I wasn't the least bit uncomfortable.

Zodiac stepped back to take in my whole figure, and his eyes grew wide. "You look absolutely dreamy! You could easily be the poster-child for the New York Stock Exchange! Here, look in the mirror." He guided me over to the giant vanity sitting next to the door. I was completely astounded by what I saw.

"Is that really me?" I turned a bit in front of the mirror, regarding my figure. "But...I look just like a rich businessman! I could tell people that I lived at MorphTech, and they would actually believe me!" I smoothed my head fur back with one paw, drinking the image up with my eyes.

"And why wouldn't they?" The wolf was simply standing behind me with a strange little grin on his face. We just stood there for a while, looking at my figure in the mirror.

Suddenly Zodiac looked over to his bedside table with a jolt as he snapped out of his silly little reverie. "Oh! Dinner! I have to get dressed!!" Without further word, Zodiac whipped out another suit similar to the one I was wearing, and donned it with relative ease in less than a minute.

"Come on, follow me." Zodiac stepped out of the bedroom lightly after adjusting his tie and making sure everything was in place. I followed him down the hallway, and out to the front door. He pushed a couple of buttons and the door slid open. Our shoes sank into the plush carpet as we walked quickly down the short hallway to the elevator. Zodiac pulled out his mag-keys and flashed one in front of the panel to call the elevator. It was there in seconds, and we boarded without a word. Zodiac flashed another mag-key at the pad in the elevator.

"Good evening, Zodiac. Please enter destination."

Zodiac punched a code into the pad, and the elevator moved noiselessly.

"Executive...Dining." The elevator's mechanical female voice echoed as the doors slid open. A decent-sized anteroom complete with padded benches and chairs lay before us. The air was a comfortable sixty-nine degrees as we walked briskly through the anteroom to a second set of elaborate doors. Zodiac flashed his executive mag-key at the sensor, and the door swung open slowly.

I managed to control my reaction this time. The room was giant to say the least. There was a single round table at the head of the room, and several smaller tables situated around it. An elderly wolf couple was seated at one of the smaller, more-elaborate tables. Candles flickered in the center, casting a soft glow on their snouts. Huge chandeliers adorned the ceiling; they appeared to be made completely of crystal and gold.

"Ahh, Zodiac. Glad you could make it." He looked down at his watch as if to say, 'You're late'. The male wolf at the table had a little more grey mixed in his fur than usual, showing his age. He looked to be in his early or mid forties. The female next to him was actually completely white, but not because of her age. She was actually a white wolf; she'd probably been snowy white all of her life.

Zodiac smiled crookedly and looked down at the floor. "Sorry, dad. I just had to show my friend, Jake around the place a little." He urged me forward a little with a paw.

I looked down to the floor and scritched the back of my neck. "Uhh...hi." I couldn't manage much more as I faced the wolf responsible for morph therapy.

"Well, hello Jake. My son must think quite highly of you if he brought you to dinner with him." Dr. Lorran looked me up and down thoroughly.

"He's a good friend. I think very highly of him!" Zodiac grinned at me and squeezed my ass playfully.

I jumped a bit and nearly yipped, but managed to restrain myself as the old wolf spoke. "I see. Well, come and join us, it will be nice to have a bit of company."

"Yes, it will be simply lovely!" The middle-aged female wolf finally spoke up.

Zodiac urged me forward, and I walked stiffly up to the table, taking a seat next to Zodiac.

"The food will be here shortly. In the meantime, let's hear a little about you Jake. Where do you come from, were you born in the city?" Dr. Lorran stared at me through his elegant spectacles.

"Umm...yes sir. I was born downtown." I was shaking so badly with nerves that I could barely maintain my composure.

"Please, don't call me sir. At a casual occasion such as this, you may call me Zacha, it's much easier. And of course, you may call my wife Ari." The elder wolf seemed to relax a little after the formalities had been dispensed with. "Downtown eh? That's an interesting location..."

"He had a hard childhood. I met him at the diner down on 22nd. He's really intelligent; I've decided to make him an intern. I'll teach him how to run a business like MorphTech!" Zodiac looked over at me and winked.

"Really?!" Ari spoke again. "Well that sounds absolutely wonderful!"

"Yes, I'm glad you're reaching out Zodiac. And I'm glad you're interested in MorphTech, Jake. It really is a learning experience!" Zacha's eyes lit up as he spoke of MorphTech.

The rest of the evening with the Lorrans passed surprisingly smoothly. All I had to do was talk about MorphTech and how impressive it was. I was surprised to learn that the old wolf really didn't care about the money, he just wanted to help humans who wanted to become furry. He said that the price was simply to discourage any frivolous requests. The capital he gained off of it was merely a bi-product, and he poured it all back into MorphTech.

When all was said and done, I had a tremendous meal, probably the best I'd ever had in my life, and I'd bumped noses with one of the most impressive furs in the world, but I was still depressed. It seemed like I should've been having the time of my life. I did my best to conceal my feelings, Zodiac was in a great mood, and I didn't want to spoil it.

We arrived back at his residential floor without much ado. I followed Zodiac through the door, and started closing it behind me.

"Hah!" Zodiac whipped around and jumped on me, pushing me back against the door. He pressed his muzzle against mine and gave my nose a quick lick. "I think puppy's earned his reward." Zodiac laughed giddily and guided me over to sit on one of the big cushy chairs. He got down on his knees and pushed my legs apart, reaching up to unzip the zipper on my suit pants. He rubbed the insides of my thighs roughly through the fabric of the pants. "Does puppy want it?" Zodiac reached through my open fly and traced the outline of my sheathed cock through the boxers with a single claw.

I whined pitifully and nodded.

"How bad does puppy want it?" Zodiac squeezed my sheathed knot through the boxers hard. I yipped and whined again.

"Well, if puppy really wants it..." I nodded again emphatically.

Zodiac unbuttoned the bulging opening on the front of the boxers and dragged my bulging sheath and heavy doggie balls out through the opening.

I started whining again, even more emphatically this time, as Zodiac pulled my sheath back to reveal my throbbing puppy pride. Zodiac took in a deep breath as he scented my strong musky arousal. "Mmm...you smell delicious, Jake. I didn't get enough in the shower...I can't wait to see what you really taste like." Just as suddenly as before, Zodiac sank his muzzle over my growing nine-inch pup. The painful, frustrated look on my face melted into one of pure pleasure as I felt my rottie cock throb in his hot muzzle. Each vein pulsed, engorged with blood, and I could only resign myself to the feeling of the wolf's muzzle on my cock.

I could feel him suck hard at the base of my cock as he slowly dragged his lips back over every single inch of rottie meat, and then thrust his muzzle back down over my cock. I could feel his throat strain against the tip of my cock. It slid easily down his throat before he withdrew, only to deep-throat me again on his next stroke. He suckled my cock like a hungry pup at his mother's teat, and finally I gave him a little of what he wanted as I felt my cock empty a spurt of pre onto his waiting tongue.

The wolf grunted as he tasted his first bit of rottie, and I could tell that he was thirsty for more. I brought a paw down to rub his head fur as he brought a paw up to caress and squeeze my swollen balls.

"Mmm...Zodiac. Gods it feels so good!" My cock emptied another spurt of pre onto the wolf's tongue as he caressed my cock with his hot muzzle. I started humping a bit and my knot began to swell.

The wolf dragged his lips over my cock and removed his muzzle altogether.

I started whining again...I was so close!

Zodiac got off of his knees and started walking down the hallway. "If you want the rest of your reward, you'll have to follow me." We were both still in our suits, but Zodiac was shedding items of his quickly as he walked down the hallway.

I whined again as I got up and followed him like a lost puppy. My painfully hard rottie cock still throbbed hard through the fly of my suit pants, and it bounced under its own weight as I followed Zodiac into the bedroom quickly.

I stripped quickly as I entered the bedroom, and Zodiac instructed me to lay on my side on the bed as he went over to his vanity. He opened a drawer and pulled out a metallic sort of tube. He had a silly little grin on his face as he returned to the bed, and laid down next to me, placing us in the sixty-nine formation. His beautiful throbbing lupine cock was almost completely unsheathed already. I immediately pulled his sheath back around his knot, revealing his full eleven inches of red, pulsing wolf pride.

I sank my lips around it immediately, and heard Zodiac growl at the sudden feeling of a hot muzzle over his wolf cock. I suckled his cock with gusto as he finally spurted a bit of pre into my begging muzzle. He had a unique taste, it was salty, yet I could tell he was definitely wolf, he tasted a bit more wild than anything else. The teaser only made me hungry for more.

I wasn't even thinking about myself when I felt Zodiac's lubed paws drag over my own shaft. The sudden, unexpected contact made me shiver and squeeze my lips hard over his pulsing wolfie cock. Zodiac groaned again as he started applying more lube to my cock liberally. All too soon, I felt Zodiac's cock pull away from my muzzle.

"I want you in me Jake, I want to feel that huge, beautiful puppy dick in my ass. I want you to tie me, Jake...I want to be your bitch." Zodiac rotated his body around, and kissed me deeply. "I want you to make me your bitch." He flipped over on his stomach, moving his lupine tail to the side, and exposing his cute little ass. "Please Jake..."

I didn't need any more encouragement. I moved so that my face was poised over his ass, and massaged his ass cheeks roughly as I licked all the way up his cleft with my long, snake-like tongue. I felt him shiver a bit, and I smiled as I licked again from his balls to the top of his crack. I moved my tongue to his hole, and began rimming him furiously. I tasted everything that Zodiac had to offer as I pushed my tongue as deep into his ass as I could. Zodiac groaned with pleasure as I prepared his hole with my tongue. With a final lick, I removed my tongue from his furry ass. I moved up his body so that my chest was even with his back. I felt my rock-hard doggie cock caress the rosebud of his anus.

"Please Jake, I can't hold out any longer...sink that huge puppy cock as deep into my ass as you can." Zodiac actually started whining a bit, it was the first time I'd heard him whine. I took no more time as I dropped the full weight of my hips down on his ass. I felt the pointy head of my puppy pride sink deep into Zodiac's ass. I thrust hard, and sank the last few inches of my rottie cock through Zodiac's quivering sphincter. Zodiac gripped the sheets hard with his paws, making little holes with his claws. "Aaah Gods." Zodiac's head tilted up as if to howl.

I gripped his shoulders with my paws as I began pulling my cock back through his rear passage. I felt his sphincter grip tightly around the tip of my cock before I sank my full length back into his hungry ass.

"Huuh..." Zodiac shredded the sheets even further as he felt my cock dip even deeper into his ass than before. He caught his breath and muttered in short whispers, "Mate me...Jake...Make me...your...bitch. I...want...to be...your...rottie bitch. Aaah." Zodiac went silent again as I dropped my weight down again, sinking my cock deep into his ass. "Faster Jake..."

I quickened my pace immediately, and started pummeling his ass hard with my engorged rottie cock. The bed bounced roughly with every thrust as my balls impacted Zodiac's. There wasn't much more noise in the room than animalistic grunts, and the sound of two hot, furry bodies slamming into each other.

It wasn't long before I could sense how close I was to another explosive doggie orgasm. My knot started ballooning in size, and it popped in and out of Zodiac's ass as I thrust roughly into him. Zodiac smiled and on the next thrust, he clenched his sphincter hard around the base of my knot.

I howled as my knot suddenly reached its full size inside Zodiac's hot lupine ass, and I felt the first jet of sweet, sticky puppy cum empty into him. "Aaahh...Gods" Zodiac moaned as he felt my hot, thick rottie jism slosh around in his ass. My cock spasmed again as it expelled another rope of sweet rottie cum deep into the waiting wolf ass. I reached a paw down under his belly, and gripped his lupine shaft hard, jerking up and down on it roughly as my cock kept jetting more and more ropes of hot, sticky puppy cum into Zodiac's ass.

Zodiac gripped the sheets tightly in his paws and made the neighbors curious as he howled loudly. I felt his throbbing cock pulse, and then felt his warm, sticky wolf seed against the sheets. He started humping into the bed violently, using the first shot of his own cum as a lubricant, and began shooting hot, white ropes of lupine jism onto the sheets and my paw.

I thrust a few more times, emptying the last of my huge canine load and drenching Zodiac's insides with my steamy, white doggie cum. I felt his sphincter clench even tighter around my puppy meat and I shuddered, managing one more spurt of thick, hot rottie seed. Zodiac was still humping the bed vigorously, and my paw slid up and down his lupine shaft easily as his cock kept jetting thick, sticky ropes of wolf cum onto the bed, his belly fur, and my paw. He thrust a few more time into the mattress as his cock spurted the last few drops of hot, wild wolfie cum onto the sheets.

The feeling of his sphincter clenched tight around my knot was wonderful; I was in a euphoria that could not be described. Zodiac just lay there, breathing hard, with a contented little smile on his muzzle. But it didn't take long for my depression to return. I was locked in Zodiac, I had made him my bitch, but I was still sad. A single tear dripped down my muzzle, and onto Zodiac's cheek. We rolled over on our sides as the tie remained, and Zodiac spoke up. "What's wrong hun? Why are you crying?" Zodiac couldn't turn to face me, but I could feel his concern.

"I...I...it's nothing." The tears started flowing more freely onto the mattress now.

"Please, Jake. What's wrong, you can tell me." Zodiac reached one of his paws back to grasp my own.

"I...I just..." I shivered as the feelings within me conflicted and shifted to turmoil. "I think...I'm falling in love with you." I started crying full blast now, wetting the sheets beneath my head.

I saw Zodiac smile, and I know he would've kissed me if he'd been able to. "Why is that such a bad thing Jake?"

"Because I know our relationship can't last. I don't belong here...I belong down on the streets with the rest of the streetdogs." I sobbed audibly and couldn't stop the flow of water from my eyes.

"Jake...I love you too. I...I want this to be your new home. I really meant it when I said that I'd decided to make you an intern. I love you Jake, and I want you to stay with me." Zodiac smiled softly and gripped my paw tightly with his, giving it a bit of a squeeze.

"R...Really? You...you really meant it?" My tears turned from pain to joy as I thought of it.

"Yes, Jake, really!" Zodiac smiled again. "Now...maybe we should get some rest. You have a big day tomorrow...your first day on the job. Well...not counting tonight that is."

I was speechless. I couldn't think of anything to say. I really was in love with this big hunky wolf, but the remarkable thing was, he returned the feeling! I felt like jumping for joy, but I figured that wouldn't work too well, seeing that my cock was still locked firmly into Zodiac's ass.

I wrapped my paws around Zodiac tightly, and we fell asleep in that embrace, my puppy cock still tied in Zodiac's ass. It was a wonderful feeling to fall asleep with, and I was sure it would be a wonderful one to wake up to as well. And the love...the love overpowered it all, making the world a worthwhile place to live. It was truly a dream cum true!!

THE END...maybe. ;)

Again, you can mail your comments to [email protected]

Hooved Boys Really DO Have Fun!!

Hi. I just want to thank you all at Yiffstar before-hand for posting my story. I've enjoyed many of the stories posted on your site, and am glad to contribute to your archives. Thank you. This story focuses on an anthro stallion in the middle of his...

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