Halcyon Part 4-Chapter Three

Story by Torque_16 on SoFurry

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#4 of Halcyon

This is Chapter Three :3

I'm still working on it, so it is all subject to change, but I hope someone out there likes this ^w^

-And I'm exhausted, it's 4:30am here x3

This is also the first one to have yiff in it, so I have no idea what anyone is going to think of it. (I think it needs revising. A lot of it x3 I was rushing, a little)

The light flicked on, and Raleigh yelped, covering his eyes with his paws as the bright light illuminated the room. Torque was already sitting up, shading his eyes as he looked towards the door.

A male and female deer were standing in the doorway, the male-Raleigh's father, it seemed-with his arms crossed. Raleigh's father was a little shorter than Raleigh, and he looked almost identical to his son, except that he had tan fur around his nose instead of the mixed white and tan, and his eyes were blue, not green. Raleigh's mother looked the same as Raleigh, except that her eyes were a different color as well, a rich brown color instead of green. She was studying Torque without giving much away in her expression, and Raleigh's father looked the larger dog over as well.

After a moment, Raleigh's father said, "What is going on?" He did not look happy. He looked accusingly at Torque-who, unfortunately, wasn't wearing anything-and asked, "And where are your clothes?"

Torque responded, "Drying." The German Shepherd looked down as Raleigh grabbed the dog's paw and held it nervously. Raleigh's father saw this, and he asked, "Raleigh? Why are you-?"

The deer cut him off. "I'm holding my boyfriend's paw because I want to. He was tired and he wanted to take a nap, so I offered to let him share the bed. Nothing more."

Raleigh's father turned and walked out, and his mother smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry about him, Raleigh. He's just had a hard day and all. But are you happy?" When Raleigh nodded, she continued, "Good." To Torque, she said, "As I'm sure you can tell, I'm Raleigh's mother, Jamie." Torque nodded, and she smiled. To Raleigh, she said, "And next time you intend to bring your boyfriend over... make sure he's dressed or leave a sign saying knock first or something like it. That, and make sure your father knows you're gay instead of having him walk in on you."

Raleigh blushed and nodded, and Jamie gave Torque a wink. "Maybe now that he has a boyfriend, he'll stop using his computer for certain things." She grinned, and Raleigh blushed bright red. "M-mom! You went on my computer!"

Jamie nodded. "And I'm your mother-therefore I can do that if I want. But do me-and your boyfriend-a favor. Don't go to those sites anymore, okay?" Raleigh nodded, and the doe walked out of the room, and said, "Oh, and Torque?" The German Shepherd nodded, and she continued, "Go back to sleep if you want. I'll make sure George lets you two sleep tonight, but he'll want to talk to you tomorrow, okay?"

Torque nodded, and the doe turned out the lights. The dog pulled the blankets back up over himself and Raleigh, and asked, "Sleep sound good to you?"

The deer nodded, and snuggled up to Torque, settling himself once more in the German Shepherd's warm fur and closing his eyes as he fell asleep listening to the slow, steady beat of Torque's heart.

The morning sunlight filtered into the room through the closed blinds, little shafts of sunlight hitting Torque's eyes and waking him up. He blinked, and looked around. Raleigh was still cuddled up against him, the deer's face showing a relaxed smile as he dreamed. The German Shepherd stretched, doing his best not to wake the deer, and then settled back under the covers, relaxing.

He let Raleigh sleep for another 30 minutes, as he drifted off again himself. After an hour, Torque grinned and started tickling the deer, and then all of a sudden, Raleigh rolled over and buried his face into the pillow. The pillow didn't muffle what he said, and the dog grinned, as the deer sat up. Raleigh blinked, and then kissed the dog, and said, "Good morning, hon. Do me a favor and let me sleep next time!"

Torque rolled his eyes. "I let you sleep for another hour! It's almost, what, 10 in the morning?" He smiled. "And I'll forgive you for what you said, you dork."

Raleigh just shrugged, and slipped out of bed, Torque watching as the slim deer walked into the bathroom. Raleigh was unaware of it, but his hips were swaying ever so slightly, and Torque blushed as he tried to subdue a sudden spark of interest. He waited a moment, and then followed the deer into the bathroom, turning the shower on. While he waited for the water to heat up, he grinned and said, "Hey, Raleigh?"

The deer splashed some water on his face from the sink and responded, "Yes, Torque?"

The German Shepherd grinned again, and said, "You want to hear something I think is really sexy, that you seem to do without even thinking about?"

Raleigh shrugged. "Like I do anything sexy." He rolled his eyes, and said, "Why is it that you think I'm so cute?"

"Cause you are." Torque smiled, reaching into the shower stall with one paw and checking the water temperature. He turned the heat down just slightly, and asked, "Do you wanna share the shower?" The dog stepped in, and Raleigh walked over, putting his hand inside the still-open door and feeling the water temperature. He yelped in surprise as Torque yanked him in, shutting the door. The shower stall was very large, with enough room for two people to stand comfortably. Raleigh gave the German Shepherd a slight shove, careful not to make him lose his balance, and said, "I was going to get in, if you had given me a moment, you dolt." Torque shrugged, and innocently held up a bar of soap. Raleigh snatched it from him and grinned, multiple naughty ideas flitting through his mind as he held the bar of soap. Torque could tell what the deer was thinking, and just stood, letting the hot water run across his shoulders and down his back. Raleigh knelt, washing Torque's hindpaws first, and then working his way up the dog's legs. Torque raised his head up towards the flow of hot water, letting himself completely relax. Raleigh grinned to himself and stood, moving behind Torque and starting at the dog's shoulders, worked his way down, washing the fur. He walked around the dog again and washed the dog's chest and stomach. He then ran the bar of soap downwards, washing Torque's sheath and balls, grinning naughtily as he gave the dog a lick as well, and then moved behind him and washed his rump. Torque grinned as well and allowed his tip to poke out of its sheath in response to Raleigh's gentle caress as the deer moved in front of Torque and hugged the dog, using one paw to massage the horny dog's sheath and balls.

The German Shepherd let him caress his fast-growing shaft, and after a moment, whispered, "I think that there's a better time and place for that. As much as I'm enjoying this, now is not the time. Right?"

Raleigh thought about it, still rubbing the dog, and then said, "All right." He stepped away, admiring the dog's long, dark red member and then sighed. He looked away, trying to relax as his own smaller pink shaft throbbed, and then gasped as Torque, having taken the bar of soap from Raleigh, knelt and started washing the deer's crotch.

The naughty dog grinned and kissed the tip, sucking lightly, and then stood, washing the deer's upper body. He washed the deer's shoulders and back, kneeling and washing his rump and the back of his legs as well. He stood and Raleigh faced him afterwards, the deer blushing bright red. Torque asked, "I changed my mind. You look a little excited, hon. Can I help with that?"

Raleigh nodded, and then took the initiative, kneeling in front of the German Shepherd. He reached out and took the dog's dark red member in one paw, caressing the furred sac with the other as he kissed the tip of Torque's hot length. The large dog moaned softly as Raleigh took his length into his mouth, sucking gently along his throbbing member.

Torque closed his eyes and moaned again, the hot water running down his body as he rubbed Raleigh's head, the deer working earnestly on the dog's shaft. Raleigh flitted his tongue into Torque's sheath, sucking gently along the dog's length, which was taking up all the space in his mouth. The dog's knot started to swell as Raleigh bobbed up and down Torque's length, massaging the dog's balls as well, grinning. Within a minute, Torque's knot was fully swelled as the dog moaned once more, his balls drawing up and every muscle in his lower body clenching as his hot member throbbed in the deer's mouth. Raleigh could feel every vein on the dog's length as he prepared himself for what was going to come next.

The dog's member sprayed a hot flood of dogseed down Raleigh's throat, massive spurts of it traveling down the deer's throat as Torque gasped at the intensity of his orgasm. Raleigh's smaller pink member sprayed as well, coating the deer's underbelly as Raleigh kept swallowing. The hot, sticky cum kept flowing into the deer as Raleigh sucked hard, his little deer tail wagging. After several long moments, the dog's shaft stopped spurting as Raleigh pulled his mouth off, several sticky streamers of dogseed stretching from the tip to his mouth.

Torque looked down as the deer tilted his head back, panting as he licked his lips, and the German Shepherd stepped to the side, letting the hot water flow onto the deer, washing over his face. Raleigh opened his eyes after a moment and stood, hugging the dog and breathlessly saying, "I... I've never...." Raleigh kissed him, and Torque smiled. "You're still a virgin, though." The deer tilted his head, a little confused, and said, "But... I..."

Torque grinned, and said, "You're a virgin in my book until you've taken it into yourself." Raleigh poked the dog's still tightly knotted stomach and said, "We'll see about that." He grinned, and then rinsed off his body. He stepped out of the shower and dried himself off with a towel, as Torque shut off the water and then did the same. When Raleigh had dried himself off, he stepped out of the bathroom and walked over to his closet. Torque watched him walk, grinning to himself as the deer's hips unconsciously swayed and re-awakened the German Shepherd's desire.

Raleigh selected a black T-shirt that contrasted with his beautiful tan fur, and then pulled on underwear, socks, and a pair of black jeans as well. Torque watched, and then said, leaning on the doorframe, "Going goth?" Raleigh blushed and shook his head, and said, "Nope. I just like these." Torque shrugged, and then asked, "You're like an inch shorter than me, right?" When Raleigh nodded, he continued, "So do you think your clothes would fit me then?" Raleigh nodded again, and Torque walked over to the closet, looking through the neatly sorted clothes.

He pulled on underwear, grinning to himself as he saw a thong hidden in the very back, underneath several other pairs of underwear, and then grabbed a pair of blue jeans, putting them on. They fit well, and Raleigh said, "That was the pair I'm supposed to 'grow into'. I've grown as tall as I'm going to get, I think." Torque nodded, and then looked through the deer's shirts. He selected a green one at random, and then put it on. It was a tight fit, but it showed off the dog's muscles and lean body, making Raleigh smile.

Torque smiled as well, and Raleigh said, "Let's go see if breakfast is ready." Torque nodded and followed the deer out the door, and Raleigh shut it. He held Torque's paw and the two walked down the hall, towards the kitchen. The smell of bacon hit the dog's nose and made it twitch as Torque followed his nose into the kitchen. Raleigh waved to his mother and father, smiling, and sat down at the table, Torque squeezing in next to him. Jamie gave Torque a smile and set a plate of food down in front of him, and did the same a moment later for Raleigh.

They both dug in, barely pausing for breath. Once they finished, Torque grabbed his plate and Raleigh's plate as well, carrying them over to the sink. He rinsed them off, and then set them by the sink, next to the other dishes. He sat back down as Raleigh's parents finished up and cleaned their plates as well. When they sat back down, Raleigh nervously held Torque's paw, and Torque gave him a reassuring squeeze.

Jamie spoke up first. "So what are you two planning to do today?" She smiled, trying to put Raleigh at ease, and the deer shrugged. "I don't know." He looked at Torque, and the dog shrugged. "I don't have a clue just yet." Raleigh's father was silent for several long moments, and then he asked, "So how did you two sleep?" Raleigh shrugged, and Torque smiled. "Well enough."

Raleigh's father nodded, and then asked, "So... Raleigh, are you really gay? And is Torque gay as well?"

Raleigh nodded, and said, "I've known for two years or so now. Torque figured it out rather recently." The German Shepherd nodded, and Raleigh's father sighed. "Raleigh, if you've known you were gay for two years, why didn't you tell us?" Raleigh shrugged, and Torque asked, "Can I tell him?" When Raleigh nodded, Torque continued. "He was nervous about what you two would think. That, and I think he was waiting for the right guy to come along." Torque smiled, and Raleigh shrugged again.

Raleigh's father was silent for a moment, and then he said, "I've got to apologize for yesterday. That was no way to act." Torque shrugged, and said, "Honestly, Raleigh should have told you I was coming over. We forgot." The dog stretched, and Raleigh's father asked, "Raleigh said you figured it out recently. What did he mean by that?"

Torque shrugged, and said, "Well," He paused, and Raleigh's father said, "By the way, my name is George." Torque nodded, and continued, "What he meant by that was that as of yesterday morning, I think, I was still uncertain about who I was. I kept having all kinds of thoughts, but I dismissed them and tried to forget them. I even told myself that being gay was wrong."

He paused and Raleigh gave his paw a squeeze, gently cuddling into him, and then Torque continued. "Yesterday, Raleigh and I went out to the park. And there, I thought about things. And I realized that I loved Raleigh. And then..." His voice trailed off.

Raleigh continued for him. "We got pounced on by a pack of furs. Not so friendly furs. They started by making derisive comments, and then Torque took down the leader of the group. After that, a fox grabbed me and held me up while another fox started slugging me in the stomach. Torque was fighting a horse and a wolf at the same time. It was not going well, until Calig showed up."

Torque nodded. "Calig almost single-handedly stopped the furs. What's strange is that he didn't touch them. Yet, one of the foxes caught fire-only his tail-and the other fox had his paw burnt."

Raleigh's father absorbed all of this information without much expression. When Raleigh and Torque finished talking, he was quiet for a minute, and then asked, "You said Calig stopped them without touching them?" When Torque nodded, George looked at his wife and then turned back, and said, "Who else knows about this other than you two and the furs that attacked you?"

Raleigh shrugged. "No-one, as far as I know. Just us." His father nodded, and said, "Then I'm swearing you to secrecy. This is something no one must ever know about. Do you know the terms of the agreement with the Inquisition and CORE?"

Raleigh and Torque shook their heads, and Raleigh's father sighed. "Loran shared it with me, and I keep forgetting it wasn't shared with the general public. Look... the Inquisition wanted to be able to hunt down any furs with so-called superpowers, and furs who threatened CORE and the safety of the common people. Or so they said. Either way, Loran, Riedel, and I negotiated for days on end. Yes, I helped with the negotiations," he said, noting the surprised look on Raleigh's face. "The three of us, in order to avoid another war, agreed to most of the conditions, and we set a few of our own. The Inquisition still has the authority to search every aspect of a person's life, home, and other things, and they can enlist assets depending on the situation. They cannot interfere with anything other than the specified person, but they can do what they like, short of executing him or placing him in jail. They would be required to notify and compromise with our governments first."

Torque nodded, and Raleigh nodded as well, and George continued, "Look... they didn't mean furs with superpowers. I mean, the abilities seem like superpowers. But, your friend Calig... He is what we call an Elemental. He can control, from what I can tell, heat, fire, anything correlated to those two elements. I'm willing to bet that he can elevate his own body temperature and withstand heat that would kill most humans on the spot. These rare individuals are often perceived as terrifying, at least to humans. But there is a special section in the military where these furs can go, if they ever reveal their abilities. But the thing is, is unless they end up in this special section in the military-which has never been mentioned to the Inquisition, or CORE-they will be hunted down. I hated it, but the three of us agreed on this. In order to avoid war, we would acquiesce to that particular requirement. Luckily, most of these Elementals have chosen to keep it a secret until they joined the military-which almost all of them do."

Both furs nodded again, and then Raleigh asked, "So... it's a life or death secret for Calig?" His father nodded, and Raleigh nodded as well.

Torque asked, "So other than the fact that Calig is wanted by the Inquisition... What do we do about the furs that attacked us?"

Raleigh's father shrugged. "I doubt they'll come after you anymore, and no one will believe them about Calig." Torque nodded, and then he stood and stretched.

He looked down at Raleigh and asked, "So... do you want to go to the park again, or do something else?" Raleigh thought about it for a moment, and then said, "With your guys' permission... Can Torque and I head up to Central Square?"

Torque looked askance at Raleigh, and the deer said, "You'll see. So can we?" His parents nodded, and Raleigh stood, hugging Torque and then waving to George and Jamie, who smiled and waved back as Raleigh tugged Torque out the front door. Once they were outside, Torque asked, "Why are we going to Central Square?"

"We're going for a reason. I'm not going to tell you." Raleigh giggled, smiling, and Torque rolled his eyes. They walked down the street, towards the north section of the city. Central Square wasn't really in the center, since the park occupied the center, but the Square occupied the north section of the city.

The walk took about 20 minutes, and when they got there, Torque saw why Raleigh wanted to go there. In the center of the Square, there were two large tracked vehicles-large combat APC's-pulled up on opposite sides of the stone platform that made the center of the Square. On top of the stone platform, there were six anthro and six feral furs. Each feral stood by one of the anthro furs, and all twelve furs were clad in full suits of black combat fatigues. A small crowd had gathered at the base of the platform, and a one of the taller furs, a male wolf, black furred except for his ear tips, tail tip, and paw pads, which were neon orange, as were his eyes, tongue, and nose, was answering questions.

Torque walked as close as he could get, and Raleigh followed right beside him. The black wolf was asking, "Does anyone here know what the Lone Wolves are?" Numerous furs were shaking their heads, and the wolf sighed. He said, "The Lone Wolves are a military organization created for furs ages 16 and up, and in the Lone Wolves, we'll partner you up with an anthro or feral, based on your evaluation and personal preference." He paused for a moment, and then asked, "Is there anyone here who fits into the age requirement and is interested in finding out more? If so, please step forward. The rest of you, we will be back in a week if you want to find out more."

Most of the crowd dispersed, other than Torque, Raleigh, a couple of teen furs they hadn't seen before, and Calig. The wolf stepped down off of the platform, accompanied by a feral reddish-gold fox, who sat silently by the wolf when he stopped. The other anthro furs stepped down as well, their feral partners following them. The first Lone Wolf smiled at the assembled teenagers, and asked, "So you guys are interested, right?"

They all nodded, except for Raleigh. The deer shook his head, and said, "I just brought Torque here to see you guys." The wolf nodded, and addressed the other furs. "So, for starters. Have you guys ever met a feral?"

Calig nodded, and Torque and the others shook their heads. The wolf looked surprised. "Really?" They nodded, and he sighed. "First off... most ferals are just as smart as you or I. They can, if they choose, go to their own schools. That's if they choose to remain in feral form. Yes, they can switch forms." He looked down at his partner, who started to rise, growing taller until he was a 5'7" fox with the same colors as his feral form. "It's quite easy, and I'm surprised most people don't know how to do it. Being feral is an amazing experience, but if that's not your thing, we do occasionally need dedicated furs to serve as anthro companions."

The whole group of teenagers nodded, and the wolf said, "By the way, my name is Sorren. The fox I'm partnered with is Jack." The fox nodded, and swiftly became a feral again, somehow managing a relieved look and sitting at the wolf's feet-he hadn't had any clothes on himself.

Sorren pointed to one of the other anthro furs, another male wolf. The wolf stood about the same height as Sorren did-5'9", and had the same build as Sorren. The wolf was vastly different in fur coloration, though. He had deep blue fur, with a white tail tip and a patch of white fur around his nose. His ears were also white-tipped and his chest, the little that could be seen, was white furred as well. The black combat gear contrasted sharply with his coat of fur. Sorren said, "This is Justin." The wolf nodded, and his feral partner, a golden-furred canine, barked. Sorren rolled his eyes. "This is Gryphon. He is rather sociable, as you noticed." The canine barked again, and Justin looked down, rubbing Gryphon's head. The dog leaned into Justin's leg and stayed quiet.

Sorren introduced the other furs, and then asked, "Have any of you ever left Faren?" All four furs he was addressing shook their heads. He continued, "Do you want to see other countries?" All of them nodded, and Sorren grinned. "Any particular country you want to see?" Calig raised his paw, and said, "I'd love to visit Germany." Sorren nodded, and asked, "Why?"

The Doberman shrugged. "Germany is just... interesting. More so than any of the other countries." Sorren nodded, and then looked at a watch he had on his left arm. It displayed the time in 24-hour format, and it currently read 13:12. He asked the group of furs, "What school do you all attend?"

Calig answered for the group. "WestDistrictHigh School." Sorren thought about this for a moment, and then said, "Loran and Riedel are coming there, on... Friday, correct?" They nodded, and Sorren grinned. "Wait and see. But I'm afraid we need to head out. We stayed later than we intended." The furs nodded, and Sorren stepped up into one of the APC's, followed by his feral partner. Justin followed him in, as did his own feral partner. The other four furs split themselves up into each of the vehicles, and the engines rumbled to life as they pulled out of Central Square.

The furs stood around for a moment, and then Torque nudged Raleigh and said, "Well, what do you want to do now?"

The deer shrugged, and said, "Go home and watch a movie, maybe?" Torque shrugged as well and said, "Sounds good, I guess." The two walked back towards their house, Raleigh holding the dog's paw and smiling happily.