Foxitious Chap1-2 (Clean)

Story by Foxitious on SoFurry

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This is a shortish story i did. Its shortish cause i am still working on it. It has some errors in it, since i have not gone over it in a while. it is based off of my fursona, Foxitious. this is the clean one i did, there is another yiff version. which is the same but has its own take on the story.

So please excuse the errors and what not in it, and enjoy. Please comment if you enjoyed it, would appreciate respectful input.


How It started Chapter 1

This story follows the life of a fox named Foxitious. Foxitious is a paladin, who aids the weak and heals the dying. The story of this paladin is about his rise to become a paladin, his strife, losses, gains, battles of his heart and soul. Foxitious was born in a small village named Sun's light, out in the land of Eternal. This land was full of beauty and life. Vast and large, full of trees, lakes, rivers, and danger. This land held a vast power of magic and energy. Crops grew large and plenty, animals were abundant. Do to the magic of the land, everything used it to live and flourish.

Eternal is a land of magic and warriors. To be known as a great mage, healer or warrior was a great honor to the people of this land. The people were not humans, but animals who walked on two legs, had hands with thumbs, and could speak. These being are known as furry, humans existed in the land of Eternal but come from across the sea, from the land of Ode. Years ago the humans of Ode came across the sea to seek land. They found Eternal, the furries of Eternal greeted the humans. Upon meeting each other, the humans of Ode and the furs of Eternal made a pack. The pack was a pack of peace, that one would not attack the other or try to control or conquer. That they would trade goods and work together.

Humans from Ode heard of Eternal and moved there seeking the laws of that land more then theirs of Ode. Ode was ruled by an iron fist, by the kingdom of Scarlet Heart. The king was kind and cared for the people of his land. The kings name was Drakious Manuifious. Drakious was a human whose family ruled the land since the kingdom was first built. There was a dark side to this king that everyone of the land knew but feared execution to even speak it.Many humans feared the king rather then respected him. Causing some of them to move to Eternal in seek peace. Eternal was not ruled by one person but as a group. Everyone worked to help the other races and keep peace. War never happened in Eternal, do to the understand the furs and humans had. The furs understand defending themselves was important after meeting the king of Scarlet Heart. They saw and felt something off about him and the land. Some furs of Eternal went to Ode to seek their laws over Eternals. The furs of Eternal held nothing against any who wanted it.

In response to meeting the king of Scarlet Heart, they created a school to teach furs and humans to become magic users, healers and warriors of the land incase of any attack. The name of the school was named after the founder, a wise white knight named Excalibur Leonardo. Excalibur was a wolf, his coat could change it's color to blend in, as well as his shining armor. Excalibur mastered magic arts, healing arts and sword combat. He was the first to master all three fields of arts.He was one of the five representatives to meet the king of Ode. After meeting each other, all five furs agreed that this school was important. Few months later Excalibur's Light was born. The goal of Excalibur and his four companions was to make the school to learn not train. Their teachings were meant to aid the land of Eternal, not to control it. The school was created in a castle 50 miles from Sun's Light. Excalibur and his companions where the teachers of the school do to their vast knowledge for the three primary arts.

Many furs and humans came to this school to learn the arts to aid the land. As time went on more teachers came to be and the school it's self grew. Many went out into the land to aid with their newly honed skills. The king Drakious soon found out about the school and found it to be unsettling to him. Drakious is a man of ego, he is threatened easy and holds things against others. So he himself created his own school, Drakious. He taught nothing but conquering and controlling, force and single minded combat. As time went on both schools become larger. One acting to help, aid and work together. As one taught selfishness, brute force, and conquering. Tension between the schools built over time. The representatives of Eternal and the king Ode met for a meeting over the schools. The meeting between the two was heated. Excalibur and his companions were keeping composure, while the king was trying to provoke a conflict. "So, this school of your's Excalibur, what would the intention of it be?" Drakious said to Excalibur with an evil grin. "Our intention" Excalibur said opening his arms to his companions. Leo Lionhearted the lion, John Swiftpaw the fox, Priestess Lora Luna the fox and Olympus Panthress the panther. "Our intention" Excalibur started again. "Is to aid, help and serve the furs of Eternal. We only want and need that, we teach our students about aiding, helping and serving fellow Eternians. We have no ill will to your kingdom Drakious." Excalibur said lowering his hands to his side.

"I don't believe you Excalibur. You are trying to undermine my empire, your plan is to conquer me." Drakious said smiling widely at all four of them. "You are not listening to what I am saying to you Drakious, we do not intend to have any conflict with you. We are just aiding our land." Excalibur stated firmly. They both looked at each other in the eyes, Drakious smiling evilly at Excalibur trying to make trouble. Excalibur knew that Drakious was trying to provoke a reaction from him, and stood firm. "If you intend to continue to insinuate our intention Drakious, I have no need to stay here and play this game with you. My companions and I have things we could be doing to aid our land, then sit here and be vilified." Excalibur said strongly. Drakious's grin faded from his face. "I hope you don't try anything against my kingdom, I want your word Excalibur." Drakious said evilly picking up his menacing grin again. Excalibur breathed deeply knowing Drakious was lying to him. "On my word Drakious Eternal will not wage war upon Ode." Excalibur said whole-heartedly.

"I bid you ado, you and your fleas may go." Drakious said turning his head the other way. Excalibur growled under his breath and walked out. "He is planning something against us. He just need something to cause war on. How could I not foresee this?" Excalibur said sighing. "Don't beat yourself up about it Excalibur. We all agreed to it and we all are responsible for it." Leo said strongly and with a large grin. All of them smiled to Excalibur. "We need to act upon this though, we need to close the school... if we want to prevent a conflict." Excalibur said as they started down the kings halfway heading to the door at the far end. "We all know that would make him want to try and attack us more" John said as they got out of the castle. "I understand that point. We need to just keep it going I believe then, we may need to start thinking of settling down. If we try to continue gaining advancements to our teachings, he my just strike." Excalibur said as they stopped on a grassy field outside the kingdom. "Anyway lets not dwell on this I will get us home." Excalibur said as he began to cast a teleportation spell around them. Waving his hands in a large circle to shroud them all. They all vanished from the grassy field in a flash of light. Time had gone by, the school still taught but never advanced it's arts. Excalibur and his four companions separated, Excalibur stopped teaching and began running the school. John and Lora had gotten married and moved to Sun's Light outside the school. Leo and Olympus wander about Eternal aiding, helping and serving the land and furs. Over time contact was lost between them.

Present day Chapter 2

Foxitious woke up to the sun filling his room and hitting his muzzle. He rolled over and buried his head deeply into the bedding. Thinking to himself how he didn't want to get up. His house was a simple house made of stone and wood, he had made it himself. The house was small a restroom, one room, a small wood stove and fireplace. The fire in the fireplace had gone out over night, leaving smoldering ash in its place. Foxitious sat up out of his bed and walked over to it, poking it with a stick. Seeing it was out he threw another log onto it, and lit kindling under it. The fire burst to life, warming the small kettle over it. Foxitious poured water into the kettle and began to chop vegetables. He put the chopped vegetables he had grown into the kettle. Carrots, potatoes, celery, onions and garlic. Foxitious then started to chop beef he had stored. He had taken care of the cow, feed it, the whole nine yards. He put the beef pieces into the water and vegetable filled kettle, then placed the lid on top. After taking care of dinner he got dressed, and walked to his door to head out to check the crops.

Foxitious walked out the door and to the garden a few feet from the house, to the left. He was growing all types of vegetables and fruit. Walking around picking the ready vegetables and fruits. Seeing there was a lot more then he could hold, he walked over to the small shed he had built. Foxitious walked in with what he had and grabbed the basket sitting on the floor. He placed them into the basket and walked out to finish what he started. Walking back around he picked the rest of the vegetables and fruit, placing them into the basket. After getting all the ripe ones he walked back to the house. Foxitious opened the door and walked over to the kitchen portion. He opened a cabinet and pulled out his preserving items, and started to preserve the vegetables and fruit. Finishing up he placed them into storage for later use. Foxitous cleaned up what he had used. Seeing he had nothing else to do he decided to go on an adventure.

Foxitious was an orange fox with golden fur where the white should be, he was not all that large in size or muscle mass. His eyes where blue and bold, his coat was soft for the work here did in the garden. His tail was large and fluffy. Orange at the base to the top where it met the golden fur. Foxitious was wearing light cloths since he had fur he didn't need anything heavy. His cloths were tattered and well used, since he didn't sow he has not had a change of them for a long time. His fur shined in the sun light as he walked out the door. He started to head for the forest that was across the pasture. Walking towards the woods the grass got taller, he found himself nearly covered in the grass having a hard time seeing. Placing his hands forward to part the tall grass that was consuming his few, then he reached the opening to the woods. Tall trees were all over the place, some were far larger around then Foxitious himself. A light mist covered the ground, light shining threw the gaps in the trees making spots of the mist glow magically.

Foxitious started his adventure into it, he had only walked threw these woods with his dad when he was younger. He has never done it himself but he felt it was the day to do it. Since his father and mother disappeared 7 years ago, he had to learn to do things on his own. Foxitious was around twenty years of age now, from what he figured. He normally was mature and had a good understanding for life things. From time to time he was goofy, he didn't have friends though, so he mostly thought. Even though his parents had disappeared when he was younger, he didn't hate them. He felt they were still out there and they loved him. He remember them to a point, slightly faded memories where what was left. His father was his roll model, his father was super fast on his paws. His father was a swift fox, with blackish brown fur that had tan colored tips. His eyes were amber red that got lighter around the edges. Remembering when his father had leaped from rock to rock up a small mountain. It was like lighting when he moved never missing a beat or slipping. His Father was quick witted with his mind as well, not only did his paws move fast his mind worked at the same speed.

One time Foxitious had slipped and almost fell of a mountain side, hiking with his father. When he fell his dad was like lightening, he jumped after him and grab him then with a flash of light they were back up top. With Foxitious buried tight in his dads arms, his father placed him on the ground and smiled looking at him. "Watch your step foxi boy" john said patting his head. He remember his mother as well, he had fallen and scrapped his knee. The fall took some fur off the knee and left a decent wound on it. Foxitious cried a little as he walked into their old house, his mother was taking care of preserving vegetables and fruits. She was a fennec fox, with golden fur that shined like a holy light. He tugged on her tail to get her attention, she turned to him her bold glowing blue eyes filling him with love. "Oh foxi, did you fall? let me help you." She knelt down to him and put her hand over his wound, Foxitious's ears fell back. Then a bright golden light filled her hand and her fur glowed even brighter, she held it there for ten seconds. She removed her hand to reveal his wound was completely healed, his fur was back too.

Distracted by thinking, Foxitious tripped on a root sticking out of the ground from a near by tree. Hitting the forest floor knocked him back to what he was doing. Growling at himself for getting lost in thought, he got up from the floor and whipped off his fur. Thinking to himself how he should stay focused with his adventure rather then thinking. Getting his grounding after over thinking about his parents, he realized he had walked pretty far from the clearing. Looking around he saw he had lost the clearing opening back to the pasture, and home. Thinking about which way he should move, he figured turning around should help. Foxitious started turning around, and began walking in the way he thought was the clearing. Minutes passed by as continued walking to the direction he thought was his way out. Foxitious started getting a very bad feeling about where he was going, so he stopped for a moment and listened to the silence. A twig cracked underfoot in the direction he had just come from. His ears quickly moved back to listen more, he didn't turn he just listened. Again another twig cracked underfoot, feeling eyes watching him stand, and listen to it's movement.

Foxitious turned quickly with a strong look on his face, he saw a quick movement that dashed to his left. Hidden in the darker part of the woods where the light was not shinning. He knew he had to stand his ground, don't be intimidated. The shadow made another dash, from tree to tree. It was moving in, Foxitious knew he had to move and not get cornered. Looking around while using his ears to listen in the direction of the shadow. He saw the clearing to his left past the shadows current location, he knew he needed to get passed it. Taking a deep breath to clear his fear, Foxitious took off. Running in the left to the shadow, and the direction to the light. His footpads working at full speed. Another dash out of the corner of his eye to the right of him. "Its chasing me, I need to gain the upper hand on it or I will get cornered." Foxitious said to himself, running at full speed not tripping on roots like before. Seeing the clearing getting closer, feet by feet he was closing in on it. Finally he was at it, running threw the tall grass he could see the smoke from his house in the distance.

The shadow was still on his tail, he dare not to look back in fear of falling. He just needed to focus on getting to the shorter grass, he had cut down. Knowing he could go faster out here he picked up his speed, focusing on his goal to run. Not in fear of the shadow, but because he had fun doing it. Finally he reached the shorter grass, he could see home and the garden. He stopped when he reached the shortest grass, and turned around to face the shadow. Looking for it to come out of the tall grass, he could see the tall grass parting as the shadow moved. It had stopped where it was, not moving any closer to him. The shadow started pacing back and forth across the grass line. A deep growl came from the tall grass, Foxitious couldn't make out what race or specie it was. "I know you are there, come out now." Foxitious said with a growl in his tone. A laugh came mockingly out of the tall grass. "I have known you, before you even knew I was there boy." Said a deep voice.

Foxitous growled deeply baring his teeth, he was starting to get very uncomfortable. "Come out of there! Show yourself! I request a face to who is trying to intimidate me." Foxoitous said still growling with fierceness. Slowly the grass parted, getting closer to the shortest grass. Larger ears soon came out from the shortening grass. Slowly revealing a large black wolf with fiery eyes, a large grin on his face. Two steps from this large wolf reviled his full figure, tall and very muscular. Solid back fur with slightly faded armor, which was covered in battle marks and scratches. "Identify yourself, who are you and what are you doing on my land?" Foxitious said doing his best not to want to run again from this intimidating wolf. The wolf grind wider, laughing joyfully at Foxitious. Who was taken back by this and caused his growl to fade and teeth to retreat. "You are soulful just like your mother and father, Foxitious Swiftpaw." The large wolf laughed once again. Foxitious was taken back again by the wolf's words. A look of confusion overcame his face, lots of questions running threw his brain.

"Who are you?" Foxitious said with confusion, the confusion showed on his face. The wolf saw his confusion and started to walk over to Foxitious. Foxtious didn't feel like running from him, he had lots of questions to ask. "How do you know my name? I do not know anyone, how do you know my parents?" Foxitious getting ready to step back from the wolf. "I am Excalibur Leonardo. Master of magic, healing and sword combat. I am one of the five creators of Excalibur's Light. I know your parents because..." the wolf said with pride then he faded off and lost his grin. Thought overcame the wolf's face, and his eyes fell for a moment. Excalibur looked back up at Foxitious. "Your parents are part of my pack, the 5 creatures of the school lived as a pack. Your parents are part of this pack with the two others. We aid, help and server the furs and humans of Eternal." The wolf said looking into Foxitious's eyes.

His fiery eyes speaking to his mind, Excalibur saw the confusion on Foxitious's face. Stepping closer to Foxitious he reached out his handpaw to him. It was large and slightly scared, his pads warn from use. "Don't be scared foxi, I was there then you were born. You can trust me, I promise with my life I will not hurt you." The large wolf said with a smile. Foxitious felt overwhelmed with all this information. This was his first time meeting another fur, then the fact that he had just chased him didn't help. What does this all mean? I feel like I can trust him, but why? Why do I feel like I can? Foxitious thought to himself, while looking at the large wolf. With hesitation and a long pause in time, which felt to Foxitious like an hour. He reached out and took the wolf's paw in trust.