The Chance Chronicles: episode 2

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#2 of The Chance Chronicles

Hey everyone. I know im going to sound like a dork but when i saw that not only did people like my story but they also fav'd it... Man what a great feeling. So first of all i have to admit that it is kinda confusing and i might drop the insight into both stories. tell me if i should keep the Axe/Chance/Stranger story deal i have going on. Also Axe Nerves is going to write stories about before he met Chance and tie there fates together so make sure to read his! I would also like to think pawboy86 and dogsinside for being the first two to fav my story, and someotherguy for sending me a post saying he is looking out for me. okay this story does involve a cub. i know its fun but if you have thaughts of pedophillia seek a therapist. they will be glad you did! Also in case there is any confusion The part about the hospital is not the dream. and neither is any of the other things in this chapter.

Chance woke up and looked around. The only light was coming from the moon. He placed a paw onto his sore tail hole and rubbed it. He got up and immediatly wished he hadn't. His legs hurt and he didnt know if it was because he hadnt eaten anything or if it was because of the events that had taken place a few hours ago. He lied back down and closed his eyes. He gripped his small tummy and told himself over and over that he wasnt hungry.

Axe's story

Axe woke up from the chair he had fallen asleep in. He walked over to his bed and saw a small figure in it "Wha... Oh..." He thaught about the events that had occured just a few hours before. He quikly grabbed a pair of pants and let each of his individuale tails go through the holes made for his nine tails. He walked to the door and turned around. for a second he wanted to wake Chance up and apoligize. but he knew he could never make it up. The young kitten would probably be mad anyway. He opened the door and, after a few minutes of stumbling in the dark, found his way into the kitchen. He looked around and opened his fridge.He took a few gulps of orange juice and was about to make a bowl of cereal when he got an idea. Why dont I cook him something? He probably hasnt eaten anything good in days. I'll make him a nice, big breakfast.

Chance's story.

Chance looked at the large hospital and smiled. He liked going to the hospital.

"Now I dont want you to tell them where you got those bruises you little piece of shit, or they will take you away and you will never hear anymore stories about your mom."

He hated when the his adoptive father threatend him like that. He wanted to know more about his mom and he always held that against him. He looked up to his adoptive father and said "I wont say anything." He almost hit the ground as the pit bull hit him on the head with great force.

"What did you say?"

"I wont say anything sir."

Chance quikly got up. They walked in silence. The only reason that the pit bull took him to the hospital is so that he would look like a loving father. In reality Chance was like a butler. He cooked and cleaned the house. And when Butcher got drunk he was to be his personnel punching bag. At first he thaught all parents were like that. Until he went to a friends house and they covered his friends father new sports car with dirt. As they got spankings Chance wondered why he wasnt beaten.

They quikly eneterd the pediatrics and sat down. The nurse brought them some papers to fill out. Chance loved the nurse here. She was always so nice and she was pretty. She handed Butcher a few papers. He asked Chance a question on almost all of the questions. Finally the nurse came back and took the papers.

"Hey Chance! I'm sorry but Dr. Rick isn't here. Would you like to see a diffrent docter or come back some other day?"

"Just get it over with!" said Butcher.

They walked into the hallway that led to diffrent rooms. Chance was kinda sad that Dr. Rick wasnt here. He always gave Chance a small toy or a sticker when he was here. As they entered the room there was a white tiger in scrubs and a white coat.

"Hello." He said before turning around. He started to turn to face them "So you must be Chaaaa...nce..." He said blushing.

"Hello. Whats your name?" Chance asked.

The large tiger turned around quikly. "Dr. Charles. But you can call me Drew. So tell me do you know what you are here for?"

Chance shook his head. "No sir..."

Dr. Charles turned around slowly and pointed his pen to Chance. "I told you to call me drew." he said with a smile. "And you are here for a checkup. But im gonna do a few test and while you are here im going to go on ahead and give you your flu shot. Okay I want you to take off your clothes and lie on the bed. Okay?"

Chance nodded and took of his clothes, blushing. He crawled onto the small bed as Drew watched him, smiling.

"okay. Now im gonna listen to your heart and all that jazz!" So he listened to his heart with his stethiscope. The cold made Chance giggle.

"So chance are you allergic to anything?"

"umm... Bananas, Latex, Beans, Penicillin... I eat refried beans if there mashed really good..."

"You know I have a sister who is allergic to bananas. She can eat banana pudding though."

"I love banana pudding."

"Me too. Do you have any medical conditions?"


"Okay..." He said writing stuff down." Allrighty then! Chance Im going to let one of the nurses give you a shot. Here you can have this for being a good sport." He went to the desk and pulled out a toy. Not one that could be bought at any dollar store but a good one that would cost around nine dollars.

Chance's eyes grew wide. He never had an acctual toy. "Really? Thanks!"

Chance put his clothes back on and left the room, following the nurse. He smiled for the rest of the day. Even when he got his flu shot.

Drew waited for the young kitten to leave the room before he pulled down his pants and grabbed his large member. Such a cute kitty! I'll put him on the list... Now wich Nurse should I call in here to help me.

Axe's story

Axe put a few strips of bacon in the grease. It sizzled loudly and finally calmed down. He looked at the stairs wondering what Chance would say when he saw all the food he was cooking. He quikly walked up the stairs to check on Chance. As he entered the room he immediatly frowned as he saw Chance squirm, pushing the pillows and covers off of the bed. He was mumbling something and had an expression of pure terror on his face. "Chance? Chance wake up?"

"Huh... Where am I... whats going on?"

"You okay? It seemed like you were having a bad dream?"

"Oh... yeah I was,,,"

Axe knew that the dream must have been about him but he also knew it was from whatever they give slaves who fought back. He pulled out a seryinge and some medicine from a drawer and filled it up. "Okay i'm going to inject this into your neck. Okay?"

"... Okay..."

Axe placed the needle close to the skin and gently pushed it into his soft flesh. As the orange fluid slowly entered Chances body Axe said "Breakfast will be readdy soon. you can have a few more minutes of rest." Axe left the room and went back to cooking.

Chance's story

Chance went to bed early. He couldnt wait for seven o clock when his cub scout "pack" would go to the woods for a few days. He was allreaddy in his uniform and readdy to go.

There was a loud crash inside the house and Chance woke quikly. He heard Butcher running down the staires.

"Who the Fuck are you? Im gonna fucking kill you!"

Those were the last words he heard before he heard Butcher scream and then silence. He heard someone walking up the stairs and he hid under his covers, as if it somehow made him invisible. Someone walked into the room and walked quikly to the bed where Chance was lying. He picked chance up with great ease.

Chance hissed and scratched randomly. He knocked the hood off of the Stranger. Chance just blinked and said "... Drew!?!"

Drew punched Chance in the jaw. He then threw him on the ground and started to kick repeatedly till Chance no longer tried to even shield himself. Finally Drew grabbed Chance by the scruff of the neck and injected something into his neck. Before long Chance was asleep.


Chance woke up and looked around. "Chance!" someone yelled. Chance turned around to see his friend Jeremy, a husky who always protected Chance from bullies.

"Jeremy! where are we?"

"I dont know..."

Someone walked into the room and looked around the cell. He pointed at a small sheep "I'll take him!"

"He is three thousand dollars." said someone who leaning on a wall.

"What...? Allright... I'll take him..." He paid the man and opened the cell. He grabbed the sheep and pulled him out.

"No. No dont take me! Please no stop! Let go of me!" The sheep cried as he twisted to try and get away. As they walked away the stranger in the robe came forward.

"Well Chance. Glad to see you are okay. I just want you to know that Lots of people come in here and asked for you, but you are a birthday present to someone special, and we have a gift for you as well!"

"What is it..."

The stranger just openned the door and grabbed Chance. He couldnt fight anymore and just let the hooded figure just take him to a room with a bed. He pushed Chance onto the bed and strapped him down. He pulled out a syrienge full of purple liquid.

"You know this stuff in here is expensive as hell to make. You had better be lucky that you get some... You're just that adorable little kitty!" He stuck the needle in Chances neck and quickly emptied the syrienge. He unstrapped Chance and took him back to the cell.

While Chance sat there talking to Jeremy someone came in and looked to him.

"Chance im here to take you to your new owner." He opened the door and walked torwards Chance, holding out his hand. Chance hissed and lounged torwards the stranger and bit his hand. The sranger, who had to be a bolvine, picked Chance up and threw him accross the cell as if he was weightless. Chance hit his head hard on the jail cell and felt the world around him grow dark.

"Fuck... I'll come back for him later."

"Okay. He will be here."

Axe's story

Axe had finally finished cookind and smiled at the large spread. He walked up the Stairs and went into his bedroom.

"Chance wake up. I''ve made breakfast."

Chance's ears twitched at the word breakfast. He got up quikly and Axe took him down to the kitchen. Chance looked in amazement at all the food. Muffins, pancakes, bacon, sausage, syrup, milk, orange juice, hash browns, eggs, omelets. Anything and everthing. Chance raced to a chair and sat down. He jsut sat there and waited.

"Go on ahead and dig in Chance."

"Umm... well... Butcher ussually ate first before I got to eat..."

"Just go on ahead and get whatever you want." Axe said sitting down.

Chance smiled before filling his cup full of orange juice and drinking it down quikly. He then piled his plate with one of each item and and smiled as he took the first bite.