A Camp Experience

Story by SynGates4608 on SoFurry

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A Camp Experience

(A yiffy story.)


"Whew!" I said, stepping out of the pool. It was our elected swim class at camp, and I had just finished my laps. I climbed out, flexing my slim fox muscles. I am pretty athletic, but mostly my exercise is practicing my swordwork. It's enough to keep me in shape, and I enjoy it. I looked over at the counselor, Simon, who told me to go into the showers. I grabbed my towel off the rail in front of the gallery, and headed through the door into the shower room. Unfortunately for me, everyone was required to keep their shorts on. You see, a few months ago, I realized that I was gay. Up until then I had been bisexual, but after I met a guy at camp, that all changed.

His name was Jaxon, and he was a wolf. He was also my roommate, which made it easier for me to get closer to him. He was a guitar player, and he was pretty damn good at it too. Well, so was I. But, back to the story. I walked into the shower room and saw Jaxon standing there, washing his beautiful black fur in one of the showers. My heart skipped a beat. He looked absolutely beautiful. His muscular abs gleamed in the light of the room as he rubbed them over with soap. I found myself envisioning him naked. I noticed that my breath was coming in short, excited gasps. He heard me come in, and turned to see me gawking at him. "Oh hey Jace. Nice swim, eh?" He said to me. "Damned right! That was freakin' awesome!" I replied, and resumed my normal breathing.

I had always been able to be confident around him, even though I was shy around everybody else. I stepped under the shower across the room from him and turned the water on. Needless to say, I like my showers hot (hehe!). I stood there, washing my soft brown fur, down to the black tip of my tail. I ran my long headfur under the water, staying for a second to bask in the warmth. Since Jaxon and I were both headbangers(not what you may think), we both obviously had long hair. I looked over at him, and he was lathering his glorious wolf body with soap. His body was the opposite of mine. Black fur everywhere except his tail. The tip of his tail was brown, which is one of the reasons I guess I was attracted to him. He knew I was gay, and I thought he was too. He never mentioned a girlfriend, he never made jokes about girls, and he always acted a little gay. I tried to shake the thoughts, trying to remind myself that he wasn't after me.

I returned my mind to the shower room to find him looking at me.

"BOO!" He said in my face, causing me to jump with surprise. "Whoa, jeez!

Scared the shit out of me!" I said, and he laughed. He grabbed his towel from the hook, and strode into the locker room to dry off. "See you in the quad, Jaxon!" I called cheerfully after him. I finished my shower, and walked out of the shower 'chamber'. I grabbed my backpack, water bottle and skateboard from my locker before wrapping a towel around my waist. My long hair fell in wisps across my face, and I looked down to see if the towel hid my massive erection. Oh man, I thought, what if Jaxon is the guy? I thought nothing of it and walked outside.

Our camp is based on a college campus, and we live in the dorms. It's like college for kids. I walked through the parking lot, my wet feet making squishing sounds in my sneakers. I walked toward the quad, which was surrounded by three dorms: Smith, Van Winkle, the dining hall, and Day Hall. I lived in Reeves Hall, which is behind the dining hall, and slightly off to the side. Jaxon and I lived on the top floor, and we lived at the very end of the hallway. So, essentially, nobody could hear us from our room. We could blast our music without pissing people off. Hell, we could death metal scream as loud as we wanted, and nobody would hear us. Which was a good thing for me. Anyway, I walked back to the quad through the parking lot. As I walked, I sped up to try and catch a glimpse of Jaxon. I saw him, wearing his signature Slipknot shirt and black shorts. God, I loved him. I was stuck in a room with him every night for two months. How could I resist?

After dinner, we headed out for a scavenger hunt. Jaxon and I were

selected as the runners, who were people who ran ahead to check out places and potential hiding spots. Running with him gave me a chance to see his athletic body. He was better at sports than I was, and his heavy guitar had made him buff as hell. After the game, we went to canteen. Canteen was basically a food store. We were given $5 (I know it doesn't seem like much, but the items were pretty cheap) by the camp and we could buy whatever we wanted. We just couldn't bring it back to the dorm.

When we walked back to our dorm, I stayed behind to wait for Jaxon. While we walked, we talked to each other about, well anything. We loved to talk to each other. Even I was amazed at how well we got along. As we jumped up the three flights of stairs to our floor, I pretty much stared at his perfect wolf ass. By the time we got to the top floor, I was drooling, but we still had one more thing to go through before the fun could begin. Bunk Meeting. It's basically a gathering of our group where we talk about the day's events. I, naturally, sat next to Jaxon, and our counselor, Steve, noticed. I don't think he knew I was gay, but he definitely noticed my femininity. We went over our hi's and low's, and made jokes, and generally laughed our heads off.

Steve dismissed us, and Jaxon and I walked down the hall to our room. We walked past our guitars, and turned to our beds, one on each side of the room. His tail brushed my ass as he turned, and I gave a

silent yelp. He bent over his bed to get his clothes, and I thought to myself Oh. My. God. Ugh! I wanted him so badly, but I still didn't know whether he was gay. The time to find out would come later.

I took off my shirt and went to go take a shower. As I walked down the tan-painted hallway, I thought: Finally! The time has come! I had been waiting all summer for this moment. I took one of the greatest showers of my life. As I walked back to my room, I got a nod from a friend. He told me Jaxon wanted to talk to me. Ooh boy! Here we go! I thought giddily. I walked into my room to find Jaxon lying on his bed topless. He was insanely hot. His black, shiny fur barely hid his unbelievable abs and arms. I could feel my foxcock stirring in its sheath, aching to be revealed to my future mate.

"Hey Jaxon." I said, putting my dirty clothes down on my desk.

"Hey Jace." He said, sitting up to look over at me. We both slept topless. It was a way to beat the summer heat. And it provided an extra *bonus* for me.

I hopped onto my bed, and grabbed my iPod, which I had sticky-tacked to the wall.

"So did you see Mendel's wipeout in Skate Park in fifth period?" he asked.

"Yeah! Up the ramp, front trucks over the lip, twists around, FAIL! I was laughing forever! But it still didn't beat Darcy's." I replied, anxious to skip the conversation and jump on him.

We both lay on top of our beds, iPods going, looking up at the ceiling, and out the window into the night sky.

"Hey Jace?" he asked in an innocent voice.

"Yeah, Jaxon?" I responded eagerly, sensing the tenderness in his voice. I could tell where this was going.

"What's it like? Being gay and all." He asked, shifting a little so he could rest on his side and look across the room at me.

"It's hard to explain." I said, "Hell, it's almost impossible to describe. It's like being able to be around whoever you want. It's still okay to hang out with guys, especially if they're hot. But then when you hang out with girls, you get to talk as much about guys as guys talk about girls. It's really a lot of fun." I explained.

"Do you think, Do you think you could show me?" He asked, unsure.

"Absolutely!" I exclaimed, hopping down from my bed and walking over to him.

"Actually, Jace, I have something to tell you." He whispered

"No secrets now, roomie." I said, giving him a sexy look.

"I-I'm gay too." He said, being careful, thinking I might take it the wrong way. Why would I? That's just what I wanted to hear!

"Well, then that'll make this that much easier. Now, get over here you sexy wolf." I said, pulling him by the hips so that his chest met with mine. I could smell his arousal, and I had absolutely no doubt that he could smell mine. I brought my hand through his long black headfur and pulled our muzzles together.

I broke out passionate kiss, and whispered in his ear:

"Jaxon, I've wanted you for so long."

"I've wanted you, too Jace, probably for even longer." He whispered back.

As we writhed against each other's bodies, I could feel his wolfcock

hardening. I hooked my thumbs in the waist of his pajamas and started to pull them down, inch by inch. Finally, they were around his ankles, and his thick cock was stretching his boxers. I put my fingers in the waistband, and pulled those off, too.

His 8-and-a-half inch cock popped up at me. I stared it in the face, its pink, soft skin gleaming back at me. Giving Jaxon the sexiest look, I started to lick at the head, attaining a moan from the wolf. Ooh, sensitive. I like, I thought. Slowly, I licked and licked at the pre dripping from the pointed end of the penis. He moaned and put his paw on my head, throwing his head back as I enveloped the head in my mouth. Using my tongue, I swept it back and forth over the shaft, the spikes on my tongue striking his cock at odd angles.

"OOOH Jace! Aah! That feels amazing!" he cried, panting with pleasure.

"MMMMMMMFFFF!" I moaned.

I continued sucking on his warm cock, reaching my hand up to stroke his balls. He flexed, and I almost gagged on his dick's full length.

"OOOOHHHHHHH JAAACCCEEEE!" He cried out as he came right in my muzzle.

I pulled off his cock with a satisfied "Aaaah" and swallowed the hot, sticky cum.

"Wow. Just. Fucking. WOW." He said, panting and looking down through his long headfur.

"Yeah, but now it's time for the piece de resistance." I said, kissing him and pushing my tongue against his, letting him taste the remainder of his own cum.

I placed one paw on his bare chest and pushed him down onto his bed. I got on too and straddled him, leaning forward to kiss his neck and chest.

He murred softly, and I pulled my pants off, revealing my nine-inch fox member, knot and all. At the sight of it, his now limp cock got rock hard again. Now he was ready to go.

"Is this your first time?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said, grinning at me.

"Good cuz' it's mine too." I said, and he laughed.

I kissed him one more time, then got off him and walked over to the nightstand next to my bed. I opened the bottom drawer, and bent over to search through it. I heard him gawk and drool. Heh, just keep looking. I thought. I searched through the clothes, until I finally found what I was looking for. "Ah-HA!" I said, and lifted up a bright red bottle of KY Intense Heat lube.

"Where'd you get that?!" Jaxon asked, surprised.

"A friend of a friend." I said mischeviously.

I jumped on him, rubbing his cock with my ass. He moaned with delight.

"Ready?" I said, flipping the cap on the bottle.

"Hell yes." He replied, waiting for what was coming.

I squeezed a blob of the slick, viscous liquid onto the tip of his cock, and spread it around with my hand. Once the member was sufficiently lubed, I put some KY on my finger and slowly inserted it into my ass. As the digit went in, I closed my eyes from the pleasure. I put my finger all the way in until my pink pucker was adequately slick, I put the head of his dick to my asshole and slowly leaned back, pushing the tip of the almost spike-shaped head into my ass. It felt so good! Feeling my hot passage spreading as more of the cock went in, I moaned loudly.

"Ohhhhh Jaxon! It feels so amazing!" I cried out.

"Aah, ooh, Jace! Your ass is so damn tight!" he said back to me.

I bucked up and down, pushing all eight inches into myself at once, and feeling his cock twitch every time. We moaned and gasped in time with each other, and the pre leaking from the tips of both of our cocks made a sticky mess on the bed.

"OOOHHHHHH JACE! I'M GONNA- CUMMMMM!" he screamed, and he shot his second load of the night in my formerly virgin ass.

"AAAAAHHHH I'M CUMMMMING TOO JAXON!!!!" I yelled, and I shot my cum on his buff chest, the streaks of white making a criss-cross pattern on his black fur.

When both of our orgasms had subsided, I leaned forward and hugged him around the neck. He kissed me, and I broke it early, sitting up to ask:

"How many more days are left in summer?" I asked him

"Uhhh, a little less than two months, I think." He answered, out of breath.

"YES!" I exclaimed.

(Author's note: Hey guys! If you are reading this then I presume you have read the story already. If not, go read it, slackers! It took me about a month to make this, because I could only type it at night, after my classes were finished, but I hope to be a little more speedy on my next project. Anyways, this was my first furry/yiffy story ever, so I NEED comments. Yes that sounds desperate, but I just want to know what you guys think. Thanks in advance for any favs and watches (if there are any)

