Guythreepwood Commission: Cabin fever

Story by Crownedclown13 on SoFurry

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#5 of Commissions

So here is a follow up Commish for Guythreepwood. clocking in at 9991 words. its a continuation from the last one and continues in their shenanigans :) Edited by Arkarian.

I hope you all enjoy! See HERE for commission info and what not!

Allen woke up suddenly like he did most mornings. As much as Mike tried to prevent it, he had to wake up early for practices and that now meant untangling himself from the sleeping human and crawling around and over the springy bed. Mike was a feline, but not _entirely_unaffected by physics.

Since the odd break that put them together the two had shared a bed, amongst other things, and forced to look at life differently. Never before did either really think their inner desires would play out so consequentially, after all they did not plan it.

Despite his more stereotypical friends, Mike's team took to the news of a gay teammate good-naturedly. Mike assured Allen he had heard everything from 'pussy and dick just go together' to 'just spending all your time on and off the field running for guys'. Allen on the other hand only had one new friend to really tell and, seeing as she had apparently been flirting without Allen's knowledge, was quick to storm off after dumping her soda into his lap.

Oddly enough and despite all stories and fears to the contrary, the football team (and their girlfriends) all but adopted the frazzled little human into their pack. The girls would often tease him about being a very under-dressed homosexual, but eventually Allen got to the point that he was comfortable enough to tease them back. It carried the same strange feeling as when the team back home had invited him to all the parties because he was Mike's friend. It felt odd at first, but soon it was natural.

"Sorry babe." Mike shrugged, pulling the slightly cracked blinds shut "Go back to sleep."

"Well I can't now." Allen mumbled and sat up "I'm not going to see you all day. Gotta enjoy the show." he added with a sleepy grin and half opened eyes. Allen was not what you call a morning person.

The feline grinned at the goofy-faced human. "You're so cute. Why aren't you going to see me all day?" then he made a face, remembering his previous engagement.

"Caroline." they said at the same time. "Totally forgot." Mike muttered, changing his clothes and giving the human his free show with a hint of playfulness.

"I know you did," Allen said as-a-matter-of-fact-ly, "you dummy." he added stretching and groaning as his aches cracked. "How do you manage to set an alarm every night or pass a test?"

Mike shot him a look and pushed his head back to the pillow with a flick of his wrist "Hey, forgetful and flat out idiotic are different you ass." he mocked offense.

"So tense, Jesus. If i didn't know any better I'd say you were about to go on a date with someone who isn't your boyfriend."

"Not a date!" Mike roared from inside a thermal. His head popped out with his head-furs ruffled and his nose twitching from irritated whiskers.

Allen got out of bed and started getting dressed himself. Albeit a tad slower than his routinely scheduled accomplice. "Sorry, you are going to have dinner with her at a fancy restaurant of her choosing." he continued.

The panther pulled the human close with a heavy purr in his chest. "She's my cousin. If I didn't know any better I'd say you_were jealous." his hands fell gently and purposefully along Allen's spine to his lower back where it rested. "You aren't the jealous type though are you?" he asked rhetorically. "No no, never one to pout or bitch and moan about attention, _EVER."

"Now you're just being dramatic." Allen pouted, trying to push away lazily.

Mike held firm and kissed Allen on the forehead. "Go back to bed. I'll save you some steak if you want, My Uncle Rich is...well rich."

Allen grinned, "I still don't know how you don't find dinner with a cousin hiding that you are gay to appease your rich uncle Dick isn't hilarious."

"I'm funny that way." Mike rolled his eyes and continued getting dressed. "And in retort, i don't see how you find Pokémon em slaves to be a laughing matter."

"You can't even use the word retort right!" Allen laughed "And it's the only reason anyone caught bidoof, sentret, zigzagoon-"

"NERD ALERT. I'm going to practice i will see you...not even at lunch. Ok, I'll see you tonight." The panther interrupted and grabbed his bag. With a quick kiss on the lips he departed, already running late.

"You know you love my japanese talk you nintendo junkie!" He shouted after his boyfriend. "You beat the elite four when we were kids before I even figured out the damn pokeflute!"

"That's cause you are an idiot!" Allen heard from the hall. Despite the finger he raised in the cats general direction he smiled and fell back into the bed, half-dressed but not ready to start his day.


By lunch time Allen was seriously at the end of his rope. Not only did he have to wake up an hour early, present a PowerPoint on euthanasia, and then proceed to trip and spill a whole coffee; but now he had to eat lunch alone. The reason Mike and his teammates were not there was because they were placed into the same required english and math classes by the coach. On every day of the week but Friday they were free at the same time Allen was, but on Fridays the classes bled into another practice just like the coach planned for them.

He grabbed his salad (Mike had a tiny bit of influence in his recent eating habits), and his cookie (but not all of them) and found a table. The last month had been such a strange blur. With the lack of an actual sense of normality at the new college, Allen found himself just swept into a newer windstorm with all the changes. Mike was supposed to be his constant thing but now their entire relationship shifted.

Not that he was complaining. Mike was amazing in every sense of the word. Awesome in that he was actually awe-inspiring and not just cool. He liked the same things as Allen, was funny and beautiful and just...awesome. Allen made a note to find more words to describe Mike later. He grinned over his beverage when 'Cocky' came to mind. Then laughed to himself.

If Mike heard half the shit that went through his mind, Allen was sure the cat would just give up.

Allen's mind went to work, briefly taking stock on where he was homework wise. That didn't last long, and not just because he was mostly caught up. He was standing on the two day mark until his and Mike's second month together. It was odd, he always heard girls saying 'oh it's our month-o-versary!' and wanted to vomit in his mouth. Those words would never cross his lips, but it was going to be their second month together; and the date felt more special, if only slightly, than the day before and the day following.

For their first month they weren't really sure what to do. They didn't have a plan, but did have a nice dinner in and some sappy conversation. They had made plans to drive into town and actually go out to eat. Mike wasn't usually one to dine out. He grew up with a very culinary inspired mother. She would boast her recipes over any fast food or diner or steakhouse and only half the cost! It seemed that last bit was what stuck in the slightly cheap panthers mind. Still, Mike knew Allen liked the atmosphere of fancier to-do restaurants and silenced his inner penny pincher, if only for a night.

"Sup." Came a voice from behind him, a salad plopped in front of him. "You're looking lonely." Annie, a tiger grinned at him sat down. The salad was absolutely covered in tuna and onions; the smell was strong but not unpleasant.

Before Allen could retort the loud feline, more trays popped down on the table. Annie the tiger, a teaching major with a thing for karaoke for some reason. Joan, a little lynx with some kind of buisness major; a cheerleader the same as Annie but more into pool and darts. Jerry, a stoat with multicolored hair and still undecided. Mary the chill porcupine and the only one of then group who was female and not a cheerleader. She was a coffee shop hipster and gamer girl who was very boisterous with her opinion, and very knowledgeable about current events. Finally Amber the golden retriever . She was a bit of a wild child, but somehow never managed to get any bad consequences. She'd smoke and drink all night and wind up more well rested then the sober ones.

They were the girlfriends of, in the same order, Mark the tiger and running back. He was probably the most boring person Allen had ever spoken too, but he was a nice guy and crazy hot. Matt and Mitch, the doberman twins who were nearly indistinguishable. They were the up in coming star receiving ends but still acted like twins in middleshcol, finishing each other sentences and always competing; thpough they were still lovable goofs. Tyler was a Rhino, Defensive end in the first string, but a crazy avid stoner with no real ambitions outside of sports. And lastly Taylor, a wolf who looked and acted like a thug, but had some sort of older brother sort of vibe when he spoke to you. He listened and cared and defended his friends tooth and nail with words before fists, but still wasn't afraid to get into a fight tooth and nail.

They were the ones Mike and Allen regularly associated outside of parties or football events. The group was large and relatively chill so it all worked out. It was nice that, as opposed to the high school jocks and their girlfriends, the college crew could talk about something other than pot, drinking and skate bands.

"You're such a weird dude. Do you ever even think about texting any of us when you have nothing to do?" Amber asked, half serious.

"I rarely have time to do nothing, so not really." Allen answered honestly. "It's not like I don't plan on seeing you lovely ladies back at my dorm, every night, every weekday, until midnight."

"Ok, details details. How could you _not_want to see more of us?" Mary asked. Of the five girls, Mary was the odd one out. In a good way, she was hot nerd, non-cheerleading, glasses wearing, fan-girl. It was cool to have her to talk to when conversation slipped into clothes and lady products, with the others. She would make faces at him from across the room and fake gag when some impossible to pronounce European this-or-that designer something or other got brought up.

"Let him be." Joan tossed in. "He has a lot on his mind. He obviously must if he can call himself gay and wear that!"

They all laughed, Allen included. The idea that he would dress in anything they suggested was so ridiculous (and they knew not too) that it was worth the laugh.

"What's not to like about Assassins Creed?" he asked "Come on Mary back me up here."

"Great game, sucky shirt." She half helped, eating some fries.

"I'm telling you, something simple like an Aero Polo and you would turn heads."

"I don't really care to."

"Mike would like it."

"Mike would laugh at the entire idea of preppy me."

"He would not! He'd think it was cute!"

"He really would, and he really wouldn't."

The group went on laughing and talking, Allen already done with his food. Conversation slipped from Allen's clothes to the game on Monday, some routine the four cheerleaders had to perfect, and some fundraiser. Then it went to clothes again, plans for the week and somehow ended up at Mike's dinner with his cousin.

"He won't even show us a picture of her!" Annie huffed, turning to Allen, "Do you have one? I mean, I can't even view her stuff on Facebook cause Mike is being so secretive. Is she cute or-?" she made a face implying something only a mother could love.

"Caroline is absolutely stunning." Allen grinned; face resting in his hand, propped up by his elbow. "She's only seventeen and is in college cause she skipped a grade. Valedictorian. Her dad is rich and is sending her abroad for a year, said it did him WONDERS."

"Jesus Christ." Jerry raised some eyebrows. Mary made a 'blown away' whistle.

"And you aren't concerned?" Caroline asked.

Allen grinned "What? Why would I be?"

"Cause she is hot. Aren't you like, Mike's exception? Doesn't he still like girls?" the tiger answered honestly. "'Absolutely stunning' seems absolutely intimidating."

"Yeah except they are cousins," Mary answered for Allen "damn what do you think is gunna happen? This isn't Jersey Shore!"

"Seventeen and pregnant."

"Red neck Dynasty."

"I'm just saying!" Annie backed up "Fuck, a cat says one thing wrong. String her up by the toes."

The human laughed with the girls "But really it's no big deal. Not too worried about some family vagina catching Mike's eye. Second month together is coming up though. That should be interesting."

In truth, and the girls knew it too, Allen was only a tad concerned that Caroline was into his older cousin. Allen always found it odd she would regularly find a way into town a few times a year to dine out with Mike and his family.

"Any plans? Just dinner right?" Joan asked. Allen nodded. "Anywhere special?"

"Just some steakhouse in town, nothing a college student couldn't save up for." He replied honestly with a shrug.

"Honey no." Jerry said simply. "Just no. I'll think up something better for you. You deserve better than Pierces." Having grown up in the Pinewood Heights area she knew exactly what they had planned and what it looked like. "Not romantic in the least."

~~~~~~~ `~~~`

Allen eyed the clock again; aware that he only had a few minutes before his group of friends were at the dorm. Being freshmen of no real prestige, the suites were a step up from the freshman dorm, especially since the people Mike and Allen shared a floor with were quiet and never complained. One room was another couple, a ferret and a rat, both technologies majors that always had headphones in. Two girls from different rooms were ecology majors and spent a lot of time out of the dorm, and of the two remaining guys, one was a drug dealer and the other never seemed to show up until the weekends anyways.

These fun facts made their dorm ideal for late night events on campus. But as Allen predicted, Mike had no time between practice and dinner to stop by for a visit, and Allen didn't want to seem desperate for attention by showing up to the practice just to see him off to his uncle's car.

That left the human with a lot of free time, which he spent on blogs and forums, reading and responding to media of every variety including a video of some crazy neon haired wolf dancing to dub step remixes of classical music, and a report of the unending war on terror. The new terror seemed to be the minimum wage and the old one seemed to be obesity; then there was something about the war that never got really updated and a big forum demanding the government share more information on public networks.


Allen took a moment to close his eyes and try and shrug off the sixty percent of the internet's population that he could not stand. His mind wandered to Mike, his panther, his man, friend and sexy love. It was so odd at first to picture him like that and not the goofy kid Allen had to tutor through algebra. It was getting easier to admire his body and vocalize what it was that he found appealing. To look at muscle and really notice it and not just go straight too 'man if only I looked like that', but instead 'damn, I get to feel that. Experience it whenever I damn well please. Allen enjoyed the cats smile and laugh, his quiet demeanor and charisma. It was amazing how into the entire experience Mike put himself without restraint.

Then again, it was probably hard for Mike to see Allen as a love interest and not the nerd he dressed up as, acted and behaved like. 'Nerd' had never been the feline's preference before. He would acknowledge some girl was cute, but he would only dwell on the ones he called hot. Some kind of physical drive that worked his hormones just right and focused his thoughts. Allen was not hot by any stretch of the imagination. He did not have any 'socially high' features for either men or women. No curves or muscle, or chiseled or sharp features; no accent or history. He was just that guy who you wouldn't call ugly but wouldn't call back either.

Allen was just about to switch over to YouTube when he got a text about coming down the elevator. As per safety regulation standards Allen had to be present to invite people into the building. He closed his laptop, got out some non-alcoholic drinks and brought out the movies from his closet as if he had planned the whole evening and hadn't been a complete loser for the last hour or two.

Despite how much he loved having the gang around; Allen did miss his moments of reprieve that came with not being friendly or social. He missed the nights he could just read and not anticipate a guest or two before bed and sometimes all night. It was exhausting having a nice place to live amongst poor college kids and a panther with a fake ID.

The group stood in a small huddle of bodies in the narrow front hall, talking amongst themselves and taking turns signing in and showing student ID's. Matt, one of the Doberman brothers signing in, only distinguishable from his twin by his three silver piercings (to his brothers gauges), nodded in the human general direction with a grin.

"Look who decided to show up." he teased, getting an elbow from Joan.

"He means 'hello, thanks for having us. I'm a total asshole.'" she clarified just in case Allen was lost in translation.

"Oh you know me so well babe." he grabbed her by her waist and kissed her ear "You know just how much I like to call myself an asshole." she pushed away from him and walked over towards the elevator.

"He's such an asshole." she said smelling faintly of pot. "But we do have a surprise for you." she said in a way Allen didn't quite trust. The group all joined into the elevator, guiding the human along in a whoosh of fur and laughter; Allen didn't even need to sign in with his building rep they were around so often.

"I'm not sure I like where this is going." Allen said with an unsure grin he hoped made it look like he was joking.

"You will definitely like where you are going." Tyler boomed, eyes nearly tearing in the effects of whatever variety he was smoking that day. "_Everyone_loves the farm."

"That does not sound reassuring!" Allen raised his voice with the chorus of furs telling the stoned Rhino to shut up and keep quiet. "What the fuck is the farm!?" he asked louder now, the group piling out onto his floor.

"Way to go fuck-tard." Taylor smacked the rhino upside the head. "Mark get his shit together." the wolf rubbed his head fur. If anyone in the group was the leader type it was Taylor. He assured them all he was just a hard ass and stoic because he grew up in a bad neighborhood with the name Taylor and was really a teddy bear at heart. Allen believed not a word of it.

Allen was about to ask why the tigers were headed into his and Mike's room but Taylor put an arm around his shoulder and lead him to the couch. "Joan tells me that you and Mike are headed to _Pierces_for your little night out. Unacceptable." he groaned, putting his feet up, his arm still sitting almost heavy on Allen's neck. Out of all the guys apart from Mike, Allen found it easier to see the similarly attractive lean muscles on the wolf than anyone else. Even the Doberman twins didn't have the same type, they were almost too lean. Allen found it oddly comforting to know that he was making that strange sort of progress.

"It's really just a small thing; we know it's no big deal." Allen assured him. "Important to us, not the world sort of deal."

"Yeah but the farm is just better." the Wolf assured him. "See my family has always been a family of hunters you know? Feral's of course, it's honestly a dying art unfortunately." the guy stated open-endedly, seeming to zone out. "Taylor." his girlfriend nudged him, taking a seat next to him. The wolf snapped too.

"Dying art." he repeated. "So anyways, the farm is where my family would go when hunting. The first step anyway. It's this nice little cabin fairly tucked away but not quite far enough out to be ideal. The wives and pups hung out there, well the wives that didn't also hunt." he trailed again, "Some of them were excellent hunters my god. Nothing sexier than a gal with a gun." he tossed his other arm over Amber's shoulder now "You should get a gun."

"He's offering you and Mike the farm for the weekend. It's the off season and he has a key." the golden retriever said leaning away from the arm. He pulled her back "Will you stop!" she giggled, "Jesus I'll get a gun if it turns you on that much!"

They were both hopelessly distractible.

"We're gunna drive you up." The doberman on his right shoulder said.

"And drop you off to have all your adult fun." Said the doberman on his left.

"Sex." "Shenanigans." "Tail to Jesus." "Bury the bone." They both went back and forth.

"Then pick you back up in time for classes. Mark and Annie are getting you and Mike's things now."

"Does Mike know about this?" Allen asked standing to get away from their whiskers that slowly got closer to his neck.

"Not at all, but he'll meet you up there."

"Here's the thing though." Mary said "Mike likes to talk when he's drunk." There was a look in her eye she Allen had never seen before. "About anything, everything, nothing and you." she grinned, making Allen blush.

"Fucking hell what did he say?" Allen closed his eyes and hid his face.

"That a certain someone likes to be tied up." Taylor grinned. "And that a certain panther loves it." At some point drinks had been served and Taylor took a sip from a mug. "And that a certain panther also likes Nipp."

Allen literally face palmed. Fucking Nipp. Jesus Christ nothing was private at all! "That son of a bitch."

Nipp was a commonly used Furry Aphrodisiac. The affects were fast acting, powerful and reportedly more creative. Allen was unaware of how easy it was to come across the stuff. It had milder effects on humans in general, and species specific variations, but it was as easy to pick up as Viagra. The substance itself was green and cotton looking but it was highly aromatic and meant to be inhaled. They had Nipp incents that would fill the whole room, a less potent pill, body oils and then of course the raw cotton.

Their first and only time using it Mike had been an absolute machine. They went all night with hardly a break in between. Suffice to say the term 'walking funny in the morning' didn't prepare you for the fact that it was more of an awkward, injured gait or that fact that sitting could inspire whimpers.

"What did he tell you exactly?" Allen asked, unsure if he even wanted the answer. They were all smiling at him now.

"Don't get your panties in a bunch." Taylor chuckled, "We've all tried Nipp, we _all_know how well it went and will leave it to the imagination." he rubbed his beard "Though I must honestly say I'm curious."

Allen tried not to visibly blush; to keep his cool and seem more comfortable with sex talk amongst friends. "Gay curious?" he teased.

"Totally homo." he rolled his eyes and kissed Amber. "Nope, I'm over it. Anyway, we all chipped in and got you guys some stuff. It's all in the truck you'll be driving up in."

It was all so sketchy. Not even actually scary, just nerve wracking. Allen had only just started having sex! Now he was part of some crazy Fur sex ring! To be fair, Furs were a lot more open about that sort of thing culturally, so it wasn't like Allen was genuinely surprised at the openness, just his own involvement in it.

"What kind of stuff?" It was really the only thing that came to his mind. He didn't want to leave the silence hanging in fear it might send the wrong message. He didn't want to seem as apprehensive as he felt or like a total square. What kind of college guy over thinks a sex filled weekend with their boyfriend? The idea should have just been pleasant and exciting but he was left with too many questions he figured weren't going to get him anywhere.

"You'll see when you get up there you little sex monkey!" Annie came out of nowhere and picked him up from behind briefly. "We're gunna leave soon, drive you up, get you settled," she said, waving to one half of the group, "and they," a wave to the other half, "Will wait here for Mike and drive him up. We aren't leaving a car. We have your bags packed, food is up there, and the extra goodies are rearing to go! It'll be fun you nerd." she stuck out her tongue and laughed at whatever expression he was giving her.

It was honestly surprising how much the close knit group became so involved in Allen's life, at least from his perspective. He saw them as the royal socialites taking time for the peasant that was him. They could hold their liquor, threw parties, had fun and could navigate a social situation with person grace and not just straight answers. Allen though, had become a very important part in their lives in the last month. He had tutored, listened to their issues without judgment, understood and been giving. Somehow in college, his selective maturity (his love of video games, books and movies aside), had made him more popular than ever.

With that, the apparent plan went into action. Allen was hoisted up by a giggly rhino and forcibly escorted to the elevator. The human tried to fight it of course, but there was only so much you could do to prevent a three hundred pound muscled football playing rhino from doing what he wanted. They walked past the front desk where Allen informed his supervisor he was being kidnapped and Tyler just laughed loud enough to where no fucks were given about the 'obvious joke'.

"Now I can add 'Kidnapper' to my resume." Tyler chuckled, adjusting Allen so he was casually thrown over his right shoulder.

"And I can add accomplice." Mary grinned, messing with Allen's face while he could do nothing about it. "I'm taunting the kidnapped. Kidnappee?" she pondered, opening her van. "You're leading the way right wolfy?" she asked back to Taylor.

"Yeah it is my family's cabin." He managed to _sound_like he was rolling his eyes.

"Piss off." Mary flipped the bird over her shoulder.

At this point Allen was just informing everyone they passed, in a very casual almost bored sounding tone that he was being taken against his will. "I'm being kidnapped." he told one group of girls. "You're letting this happen?!?" he called back as they walked off. "Hey bud; could you call the police, I don't know where they are taking me. No? Ok have a good night!" he waved.


Mike smiled at Caroline; it had been some time since they had dinner. Her father was talking about some sort of school Mike had never heard of just outside of London and how the university basically consisted of a small town. It was a rather impressive story from a rather impressive man, who made a rather impressive sum of money; and Mike could not be bothered listening.

He had told Caroline in the car about Allen, what had become of them since their last meeting. She had congratulated him whole heartedly, asked for pictures and all the obligatory questions. Mike had always loved his cousin. She was smart and kind and beautiful, he knew she could do anything in this world and it made him happy. Even now though, in the dinner that he personally held very dear he wondered about Allen. Nothing usually made it into his mind during these get togethers but Allen managed.

The little dork also wasn't returning his texts. Not even a 'no texting during dinner.' or 'bored already?' He hoped the crew was keeping him entertained.

When dessert arrived Uncle Rich went into some rant about the culinary experiences in Europe Caroline would be experiencing and how he was proud of her even though she had not selected a major yet. "Doctors are a rather fine area of work sweetie." he said, judging by the eye roll she gave not for the first time. "Always a need for medicine women."

"Or business women or lawyers. I know daddy." she mused. "He's not into the idea of a five digit paycheck."

"And for good reason!" the older panther boomed with a sort of laugh as if it were a joke. His black fur was graying in some places and was not as indistinguishable from his suit as it once had been. "A father only wants better for his children than he had."

Dinner went on like that as it always seemed to. The two were always at arms about something and both were incredibly intelligent. It was intimidating, but took a back burner to Allen. The human was never this quiet. In fact even before they dated Allen would try endlessly and interrupt the dinners with a call or text. Mike was sure to silence it now, but was rather put off by the lack of vibrations.

For the first time ever Mike was relieved when the night came to an end. He was cordial with his uncle and chivalrous with his cousin, but he did note a pep in his step when walking to his car. His phone was too his ear immediately.

"Hello?" Came a familiar voice over the line, Taylor, not Allen.

"Taylor? What are you doing with Allen's phone? You didn't steal it from him again did you?"

"He handed it over this time." the wolf played it cool.

The panther scoffed "He hates when _I_touch his phone."

"It's a special situation. How was dinner? Is it all over? Allen said around nine."

"Yeah we got an earlier table. Can I talk to Allen please? He hasn't been answering texts."

"We have a surprise for you." Amber's voice came on the line. "Just get over here!" and the line went dead.


"Doesn't this seem a bit much? You guys really didn't have to do all this." Mike said again. They had hit dirt roads in Tyler's SUV and despite the shocks were tossed around like a tumble dryer.

"We wanted to, you goon." Mitch grinned at him from the front seat.

"Besides you'll thank us soon enough, everyone loves the farm!" his brother looked up from his phone, sitting beside the jungle cat.

"You guys have never mentioned this place before. It seems kinda cult-y. Was taking my phone necessary?"

"There's a landline at the farm in case of emergencies and Taylor's rule is no one knows about the farm until they go to it. It's secret. Remember the weekend you hooked up with Allen first?" Mitch asked "Me and Jerry were invited up here. It's so fucking perfect Jesus."

"Somehow Matt managed to keep a secret." Tyler said, not slowing down even though the truck lurched almost painfully.

"Fuck you too pot head." the doberman breathed.

Finally after the half hour drive the rhino driving gave their arrival a booming fanfare. "Bu bu bu BUU! We have arrived! Thank you for driving Road Tyler, if you leave any trash in my car I'll fucking kill you." he said with an airline attendant voice and smile.

Mike grinned and hopped out of the car and walked over to Taylor who was smoking by his own car. "What's this all about you crazy psycho?"

"Oxymoronic statement." the wolf breathed. "The heat is on, water is running warm, electric all works, phone is operational and tested but only calls the rangers station, gas is running and pantry is stocked my brother!" The wolf threw open his arms in a hug. Mike questioned his sanity internally but returned the gesture. "We'll be back for you late Sunday, so just don't break shit. Allen knows the rest." he threw a thumb over his shoulder towards the front door. With a playful grin he added "The little guy told me to tell you to give it five minutes after we left to walk in. Shy little pup ain't he?"

"Have fun." The girls all started saying in more or less the same words. "Don't play too rough now you here?!"

And very suddenly Mike was alone in the woods, his friends driving off and his fur standing on end in the cool night air. They hadn't given him much choice from the get go, but he trusted those guys and was sure whatever this was, was going to be good.

Obediently the panther waited for what he estimated was about five minutes. The cabin they kept calling the farm was a nice pine structure that still stuck out in the moonlight. He could see lights on inside and made his way up the steps to the large front door. Knocking seemed infinitely louder on an impressive door "Allen? I'm coming in."

The door moved slowly and silently into a well-lit and cozy looking living room. A fire played glowing games on the walls and the place was surprisingly warm. On the floor from the door was a trail of rose pedals. Mike rolled his eyes. This was very much one of the girls ideas, he had heard it a hundred times. "Allen?" he called in, following the very intentional trail. It brought him through a surprisingly modern kitchen and to a door illuminated and just barely cracked open.

As one would, Mike pressed on, pushing the door open slowly, his breath was stolen.

The master bedroom he assumed. Fit with a king sized bed, and fireplace. At the foot of the bed, tied by black straps, gagged, and naked sat Allen surrounded in rose pedals and fluff. No, there was more. Mike inhaled again, the scent familiar.

Nipp. Fucking Christ it was Nipp. The candles, the fluff around the bed, clinging to the air and his nostrils. He shivered with need. Memories of the feeling and very real very present physical desire. His balls itched, his mouth salivated and his eyes snapped into a strange focus.

He walked over to Allen like a predator, removing his shirt in a deft flawless motion. Allen looked up, his face so perfectly depicting need that it had to have been rehearsed. The cat covered the last ten feet in a leap, his face so close to Allen's, the human felt his warm wet breath. Mike licked at his neck making him shiver. It might not have had an equally powerful effect on him, but the Nipp, among other things, was making the human almost painfully hard. His member was already leaking before it got attention.

"Hey baby." the cat breathed, untying him and removing the gag. They kissed aggressively, Allen already in Mike's strong arms.

"What took you so long?" Allen huffed, maneuvered so he was pressed into the headboard, the two on the bed.

"Tyler's driving." Mike said, wasting no time and tying Allen back up "Now stop talking. I only wanna hear moans."

"Make me." Allen challenged. Mike laughed.

"Don't you worry about that? You remember last time we had this shit." he referred to the Nipp.

Allen would have made some witty response had Mike not positioned himself between the human's legs and went about kissing, licking and sucking his neck and ears. His tongue moved with practiced grace from its rough top to his lips velvety softness. The texture, the heat, and the moment, met and stole an incomprehensible grunt from Allen's throat.

Mike ground his still panted hips into the human's rear and worked his attentions down Allen's neck to his chest and belly, making a bee-line for his waist. Without word or warning Mike had Allen's entire cock in his maw. The human shivered and swore under his breath as the excellent tongue gave his manhood the same treatment. Allen bucked his hips, his wrists tugging at the straps and his legs kicking slowly against the sheets; all the while never stopping the moans.

Mike was trying his best to seem more romantic, but his mind buzzed with the primal need to rut. Somehow he was very aware that he had seen some lube on the bedside table and hopped off the bed. His pants were off in a heartbeat, his socks came next. He stood at the end of the bed with his hot, pulsing cock ready and waiting, the head glinting with pre.

The panther untied Allen, and aware he was particularly fond of roughhousing forced him on his back, his head falling off the bed. The human opened his mouth without question and took in the feline cock with a slow reverence.

Allen had not yet mastered his gag reflex, and his mouth was not shaped as long as Mike's who could easily take the human's entire average member. This time though, much like the last time with the aromatic aphrodisiac neither seemed to care for this handicap. Mike pushed forward, slowly sure, but unrelenting. Allen's gags merely slowed him down. Soon he was moving back and plunging in again, Allen's tongue doing its best to give every inch equal attention.

Mike purred, his body literally vibrating with ecstasy. He could not and did not want to control his instinctual reactions. Sex was not something he made a point of censoring; as reserved as he could be around other people; he was entirely open with Allen. He moaned and groaned, voiced encouragement and pleasure. It made it all the more real somehow to voice it all.

"God dammit just like that babe..." he breathed, his one paw rubbing over Allen's exposed chest, his claws running playfully along the supple skin. Allen did his best not to squirm, but he did cough wetly, recovering with slurps.

The panther chuckled and leaned forward more, his fuzzy orbs resting gently against Allen's face. The smell was intoxicating, the human inhaled deeply. It was so manly and warm and comfortable. It was familiar and brilliant. The taste running along his tongue was equally so. Salty and familiar, the barbs always interesting. The tip poked tentatively at his throat now and then making him focus on nothing else.

Blinded, Allen was given no warning before Mike expertly gripped his cock and gave it a forceful squeeze and jerk. Allen tried to sit up on instinct, choking again but making no progress. Mike sat back, the human's manhood still in paw and grinned down at him. "Oh you like that?" he asked, sure that Allen had his gag reflex back under control. He milked the boy again. The moaning felt excellent against Mikes own tended to manhood.

"Yeah you do." he answered, you love all of this huh?" the human nodded, still sucking obediently, his tongue played with Mike's cock head. Something about the flick of Allen's tongue and the smell in the air set Mike off. He shivered and purred and without a thought started thrusting into Allen's willing mouth. He didn't last long. He roared something terrifyingly feral and let loose jet after jet of feline seed into Allen's throat.

He was overwhelmed with euphoria, he slumped and panted, Allen soon crawling out from under him. Mike looked over as Allen licked his lips. The human was about to say something when Mike grabbed him again and threw him on his back. The panther rubbed his foot paw over Allen's face, drawing out the human's fetish and, in turn, his tongue.

Allen moaned again, his cock getting milked as his face was satisfied with foot pads. Allen didn't last long either. He sprayed his own impressive load over Mike's paw that then licked it clean. Not that Allen noticed, his focus was instantly snapped back to worshiping the skin between Mikes toes.

"Hehe, you still having fun?" Mike asked, lying back against the mess of sheets. He now noticed the lighting of the room came from a bathroom. "Think we can finish up in there? Those aren't walking off without me you know."

Allen grinned and blushed, moving so he was being held by the sleek black cat. "I know." he said simply. "And we probably should. I could use a shower." he stopped, running his hand down Mikes chest fur "And some mouthwash."

Mike laughed aloud "Oh you know you loved it." he gave his human a squeeze, looking around the room. "We can shower and get some snacks and watch a movie." he suggested. "And out here we can do all of that naked. It's hella warm in here."

They made their way to the bathroom in unanimous agreement. The shower was a small single person ordeal with a rainforest shower head, but they made due in the cramped space. Luckily, the water was, and remained warm the duration of the shower. They took turns running their soap covered hands slowly and intimately over the other. They were well beyond clean before they started getting out the first time, but the feline had other plans which involved lifting mike against the cool tile wall and a bit of making out less aggressive than before.

By the time they made it to the living room, robed in a provided set, both knew the other was thinking about round two. It was one of those things that they became increasingly aware of its inevitability. Still, despite Mike's increased subjectivity to Nipp, it was Allen who remembered the lube.

They put on the whole charade. Had popcorn made and in a bowl, a movie picked out, and drinks in glasses. It was going to be a regular movie night according to all of the presentations indications. "I haven't seen Die Hard in too long." Allen noted, placing down the two glasses of wine next to the cans of Coke. Neither was really too much into any particular vintage they knew of.

"I don't think it's ever a bad time to watch Die Hard." Mike followed up, plopping down on the plush couch. The whole living room was set up like a cabin would be. Antler chandelier, fireplace, wood furnishings and neutral colored, fabric couch with fur blanket. "Really, you could be at a funeral and want to watch Die Hard and no one would be offended."

The panther threw his arm up and over Allen's shoulder as he sat, kissing the humans cheek, whom pouted in return. "You're a goon."

They could both literally smell the sexual tension even minutes after a shower.

They got about ten minutes in before it verbally began.

"The director must have tried really hard to get his movie to be a boner joke." Allen started. Simple, straight forward and lacking the subtlety he usually waved.

"I'm sure someone was in on it." Mike didn't break eye contact with the film. "I mean, it's a pretty BIG deal." the panther retorted with his usual finesse. "Well above average."

"It is mighty impressive." Allen was grinning now, the hand he had in Mike's lap did a little more exploring. Mike stirred instantly.

"I love that in this film you can still see Bruce Willis' soft side."

"I don't want to see anything soft. I like the action part, aggressive, manly action." They finally looked at each other. "Like when they finally shut the hell up and just do what they all know is going to happen. They all know Bruce is going to make them die hard."

Allen was in Mikes lap, his robe already discarded he sat there naked and poised. His hands around Mike's head, caressing him, drawing down his back as far as the human could reach before returning. The panther was already rock hard, his cock rubbing against Allen's inner leg.

Allen's neck was practically wet with saliva. He looked down and adjusted so Mike's ready member was aimed at its mark. "Ready?" Mike asked breathily. He always made a habit of asking, like Allen would just change his mind before the going got good.

The human could only nod as Mike lubed up his member, wiping the rest on the robe. Allen worked himself down, groaning and grimacing as Mike impressive member worked its way in. It was a slower process than the oral, but when Allen was finally sitting in Mikes lap, the pair was in heaven.

Mikes cock pulsed within Allen, he felt full and euphoric. His prostate loved the close quarters contact. Meanwhile Allen's ass held Mike in a tight, warm grip. It was orgasmic just wiggling his hips as the human sat.

Allen started bobbing, his body slow and gentle but picking up pace. "Yippee Kiyaah." Allen breathed, unable to help himself.

"Mother fucker." Mike yelled as he finished Allen's sentence.

They moaned and purred and Mike did his best to keep his claws from scratching Allen up too bad. Eventually, Mike sat back, just open mouthed in awe as Allen worked and worked, stroking himself just enough to ride to the edge of his second orgasm of the night.

"I'm so close..." Mike stated almost wistfully, standing and dropping Allen back on the coffee table where he finished the job with a few quick, powerful thrusts. The cat roared again, his balls emptying what was left of them into Allen's all too accepting hole.

The human made a whimpering noise and made a mess of their chests while Mike was finishing. They sat there in their mess, cum, lube and now beverages and food all over the table and themselves. The pair panted heavily into each other's necks.

"Thank god we don't have to clean this up yet." Allen said first when they started to relax again. Mike was still inches of softening member deep in Allen when he lay back on the couch with his man held tight.

"You always make a mess." The feline growled into the human's ear, hands working down his smooth and slightly marked up back. Despite himself Mike counted a handful of red lines etched back there, none bleeding, not that Allen seemed to notice anyway.

"Oh right, I knocked over the popcorn with my back." The smaller of the two rolled his eyes. "My bad."

The panther purred his chest and Allen's resting together. "Is that sass I detect, some sarcasm?"

When they first started dating, each of them went on a bit about what the other watched online. It was some of the only information they had never entirely shared before. They knew each other's favorite foods, ideal date ideas, now, perfect man, and what cereal they preferred in the morning as well as their ideal cereal to milk ratio, but they never discussed porn in too much detail before. If so it was always something vague or stereotypical that it could be anything; Non-descript words in a never ending pool of poorly made smut online.

Mike was pretty vanilla, he was up for anything and he found out threw exploration that a lot of different kinky shit turned him on and not away, but Allen was in deep, leather, bondage, paddles, aggression and humiliation and feet.

It was always the quiet ones. But Mike was more than willing to cater to his mate's fantasies. None of them was more apparent and yet hard to do properly than pet play. They hadn't done it once since the first weekend. They never had the time or the privacy.

"Maybe." Allen sang innocently, going back to the movie. Completely underestimating Mike's chemically enlarged libido.

"Bad." Mike said simply giving the human a solid spank. Allen sat up and some noise Mike couldn't quite place escaped him mouth. The human blushed and looked startled. "Cat got your tongue pup?"

A sort of dawning came over Allen's face. "I.." he started, apparently trying to get into character.

Mike ran his tongue over Allen's cheek and then slipped it into his mouth, dominating the space. The human moaned into him.

"I don't think you're quite ready for another round." The panther noted. They were walking, human in hand to the bedroom again. "But when you are you better be completely ready." He plopped Allen's naked and still messy body down on the bed. There were three bags packed in the corner. Two were theirs, one was solid black. "I was promised we'd be fully stocked for the week." He said to no one in particular.

Inside the large black case was a large, unorganized pile of straps, toys and fun. He dragged it to the bed. "We're gunna clean you up pup. Make you obedient again. Do you remember my name?" he asked loudly, standing over the boy who looked so small.

"umm, Master?"

Mike gently smacked the boy upside the head. "Was that a question?"


*smack* "Louder pup"

"Master! You're Master!"

"Good. Now Master is dirty pup. And it's your fault. Fix it." Mike had a collar and leash around his neck in a flash. They were on the way to the bathroom again, Allen stumbling behind.

It always gave Mike such a rush to hold that leash. He tugged Allen lightly along until they were both in the shower for the second time that night. Allen did everything, from propping Mike under the stream of water, to soaping him up and scrubbing him down. The panther would occasionally smack his hard member against Allen's face and head, mess with his hair, or force him into the wall for a tongue bath; among other means of prolonging the shower time and setting them both in a domineering mood.

"Pup wants a clean Master right?" the feline mused. "And master wants pup to be happy too. Pup just doesn't know what is best."

"I want Master pleased. That's all." Allen spoke quietly and obediently.

Mike chuckled, "Good, now hands on the wall."

The human was obedient and eager, his bum already out and presented and wagging in anticipation. Mike chuckled and pressed his hips against the still unclean human. "I made a real mess back here huh?" he mused, running his cock between Allen's cheeks. It came off with a string of cum. "Oh much too dirty for Master. Master wants a clean fuck hole."

He wasn't used to talking dirty, but Allen always responded to it. This time he whimpered and looked back, rubbing his rump into the red pink member poking around.

The feline soaped up his hands and poked a digit into the knuckle in a single push without any resistance. "Fucking mess." He spanked Allen again and opened the showers glass door, making Allen stand and follow. A black paw pushed him back into the shower carefully but forcefully. "You can come out when you're done leaking back there. I want you fresh pup. I'm not in the mood for your sloppy second's ass."

They both got to work fast, Allen in cleaning himself out, and freshening up, Mike in preparing the rest of the evening. The bag full of goodies had hardly been ventured into. He tossed them all up on the bed, curious as to where there all came from. They were all clean and smelled okay and had a lot more variety than Mike first realized.

"This is going to be fun."


Allen wasn't exactly sure how Mike managed to blindfold him while he was leaving the bathroom, but it happened. He was soon whisked away around the house, carried for a bit and eventually handcuffed. He was held firm, standing naked and blind, hands above his head while he heard footsteps around him. "Master?" he tried more than once, but was soon silenced as a ball gag was put into his mouth.

"You lost your talking privileges. I only want you to express yourself physically and vocally through sounds not words. Got it?"

Allen nodded. He was squirming in a strange excitement. He heard Mike's predatory purr circle him, his footsteps falling into silence. Then his tail started to just dance along his navel, circling around his waist. Allen whimpered and tried leaning into the feeling but he wasn't getting far. He couldn't move much from the spot his hands were tied too.

The feeling stopped, even the purring. Allen knew Mike wanted it quiet for whatever else was happening. Then SMACK, something light and leather smacked into his belly and sat there. The human moaned, the leather riding crop danced up to his nipples and gave them a few light smacks. The crop picked its future targets at random. Left butt cheek, right side, belly, rear, arms, belly and butt again. It was endless and maddening. Hot and teasing him to the point of groaning and moaning again.

After a brief pause it switched again, the next tool more spread out. A cat-tail that wasn't Mike's own. It smacked him with a wider, lighter sting and left the skin feeling hot and tingly. Apparently Mike never put down the crop because he used it to gently motion Allen's legs to separate as far as they could and then caressed his balls.

The human was in heaven. He couldn't imagine anything hotter. He was sure he was leaking like a fire hose despite his recent playing. He only now noticed the room smelled only faintly of Nipp, but it was getting stronger.

Finally Mike's own paws found Allen's exposed body. "Mine." He breathed over his prisoner's neck, arms rubbing over his belly, teeth grazing the skin of his shoulder. "God dammit all mine." He said sounding almost relieved.

Allen did his best to nod and moan a sort of agreeing sound. He wiggled his butt too.

"Oh so eager, but so naughty." Mike continued, walking around Allen again. The human felt his hands come loose and the blindfold came off. They were in a dimly lit room, the black bag left open on the bed.

Allen only get to look for a moment before he was pushed back into a swing, arms tied in. "You wouldn't believe the toys I've been given." Mike said simply, his pup already strapped arms and legs into the swing, belly up. Allen was still gagged so he wasn't in the business of replying.

"All shapes and sizes." The panther continued, walking back with a bundle of fun. He only showed Allen the first, short fat dildo for a moment before it was lubed and pressing into his exposed rear.

Allen roared and flailed, not used to anything so thick. He tried to calm down and breathe, he was able to manage the pain after the initial shock and soon it was a fast passed blur of euphoria. Mike switched it out with a scientific indifference. The next a bit longer but thinner, he twisted and pushed and pulled it into his pup who moaned his approvals back and tested the restraints.

They got through five, increasing in girth and length alternately before Allen was dripping down his cock, the pre sitting in a few drops in his pubic hair.

"Are you ready for a real cock?" Mike asked, standing over Allen who was so light headed from euphoria and moaning threw a gag that he could hardly nod. He was drooling all over himself. Mike had the gag off and one hand freed from the sling. "Listen carefully." He said simply, pulling at some cords that somehow flipped the human so he was ass up. "If you cum first It'll mean trouble."

He was balls deep on the first thrust, Allen's stretched ass willing and open for business.

"Yes Master!" Allen moaned, his jaw sore from the gag, his ass getting pounded. Mike knew he was adequately stretched to start big and knew he couldn't have slowed down if he wanted too. His own mind was a blur of need and passion. He grabbed Allen's hair and waist, the humans free hand jerked desperately at his own member.

Feline quickness be damned, Allen shot first despite his explicit instructions, but the huge tightness that came with orgasm brought Mike quickly to his own. He roared and leaned forward, biting at Allen without care.

Mikes knees quaked in the wake of his orgasm; he fell out of Allen and unto the floor, panting and dizzy with joy. Allen just hung there, much in the same boat, ass dripping lube and cum onto the floor. Even if he weren't strapped in, he would have just sat there in the afterglow.

"Fuck." Was all Allen could manage.

"You said it." Mike broke character and chuckled for a moment. "Fuck."


The remainder of the weekend went as randomly and sweaty as the first night. On the second Day Allen was not permitted to wear clothes, and on the last day, Mike made Allen do all the work, reclining while his mate tried so hard to impress him and make him feel good. It was a hell of an anniversary. They both knew that they owed their friends big time.

Even the food left there for them was quality, not frozen chicken, and a note indicated that so long as they drank the wine left out and didn't venture into the cellar it was all on the house.

The group came back as promised on Sunday, well into the evening and halfway through Die Hard 3, the honking of Tyler's SUV broke the night's silence. They had all the bags packed, the toys clean and the rooms put back into working order.

Their balls were so sore from the constant activity that the two didn't even consider sex for a week. It was uncomfortable for them to sit, downright painful for Allen on the first day. But they got over it and back to it before the next weekend.