A Moment Alone.

Story by Sammy Eriola on SoFurry

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"Honey I'm home!" I said loudly, laughing a bit. I heard a few noises from the kitchen and I walked in there, and saw the love of my life swaying his hips gently as he put food and stuff into a basket.

"Mmmmm, there's my sexy Fox chef." I said, walking up behind Neikun, wrapping my arms around his body, my white fur clashing with his red/gold, yet seeming to fit so well.

"Oh hey hun. How was your day today?" He asked, murring softly, tilting his head back to me and smiling. I looked into his golden eyes and purred happily.

"Oh..I almost had a fight with the commander, again." I said, smiling softly, rolling my own eyes.

"Mmm, I love the way you do that you know." He said, growling playfully.

"Heheh, oh do what?" I acted coy, rolling my eyes again. He smirked and turned around in my arms and bit my lip, next to where I had a piercing. I laughed a bit, and he looked into my cerulean eyes and grinned. "Mmmm, I love you." He said. I smiled bigger and unwrapped my arms slowly, running both of them up to his cheeks and grinned.

"I Love you too hun." And planted a kiss on him. He kissed me back and I could feel my cock growing already, starting to come out of its sheath under my pants. I broke the kiss and giggled.

"Mmm, I gotta go change before we go okay?" I said, walking a few steps and brushing his neck and cheek with my long, thick bushy white tail. He nodded and laughed a bit, placing a hand to his face, feeling my tail slide through his hand and after I walked out of the kitchen he sighed, pressing down on his cock through his pants as well, trying to make it get softer.

Almost to my room, I ran into my adopted brother, Sabin.

"Hey Korey, where are you gooooing?" He said, kind of whiny. I knew he didn't' like when I wasn't home very often and I smiled and hugged him.

"Neikun and I are going to go star gazing tonight, you know. Like you and I used to before we met Neikun." He tilted his head and smiled big.

"Ooooh, are you going to give him your twister kiss? Mmmmmmmmm.." He said, moaning softly as I laughed, shaking my hand at him and walking into my room. Once inside, I sat against the door and shook slightly. I loved Neikun dearly, and hew as the first guy to love me back the way I did him, and it sort of frightened me. I shook my head like I had many times before and smiled, walking to my closet and opening it, looking inside for something to wear. I wanted to wear something nice, and not whore myself out. Towards the back of the closet, I saw a color I hadn't seen in a couple of months and giggled, pulling out the shirt and pants. People thought I was weird because I had pure white fur, yet I wore black clothing. Whatever, they'd just have to accept it. I walked over to my bed and set the shirt and pants there, and went to a dresser. I opened up the first drawer and frowned. I couldn't find my smiley face boxers!

I then narrowed my eyes and walked out of my room, and went to Sabin, who was talking to Neikun from the doorway of the kitchen. He didn't hear me as I walked up and he blushed dark as I pulled out his pants, and saw him wearing my boxers.

"Sabin! Why do you like to wear my boxers..?" I said, giggling. He fidgeted his fingers together and stuttered;

"B-Because...Since I can't do certain things with you like we used to, I wanted to at least feel something that you did." I shook my head and let go of his pants.

"Your weird haha.."I said and walked away, purring lightly. Sabin and I had dated for a few years, but we had been separated because the commander wouldn't allow us to work together if we had relations on duty.

I heard him then say, "Oh and because they're silk and you know I love silk!" I laughed and walked back into my room and closed the door again. Oh well, I guess I would just have to wear something else. Or would I? I shrugged and smile slowly crossed my face as I thought about not wearing anything under my outfit.

"Hoohohoho." I giggled to myself and took off all of my clothing.

I went to the bed and sat down and forgot that I had one of my dildoes under the blanket. I sat right on the thing and moaned softly as I dug into my naked ass. "Aaah..!" I moaned out, my cock sliding out of its sheath again. Unable to stop it this time, I slide my hand under my black silk-laced blanket and grabbed it, pulling it out and smiling, my cock getting harder at the thought that crossed my mind. I held it behind me as I stood up and walked to my door, opening it a tad.

"I'll be out in a minute love, I need to organize a few things!" I hollered into the kitchen.

"Alright hun, don't be too long!" He hollared back. I grinned and closed the door, locking it and turned my radio on, instantly some of Zeik's tracks came on and I turned it up slightly so no one would be able to hear aything. I went over to my dresser and opened up the third drawer, and dug under a few shirts, finding a small bottle of lube and grinned, my cock already throbbing. I closed the drawer carefully and walked back to my bed and turned off all the lights, save for a lava lamp that had green and blue oils in it. I layed down on the bed and smiled, opening the bottle of lube and pouring some of it into my waiting paw. As it slipped out I noticed it was getting low and I shook my head.

"Someone has been using it heheheeee.." I giggled and quietly said to myself. I squeezed ou as much as I could before the bottle wheezed at me, telling me it was empty and I brought my thick blue dildo up and slowly began to lube it up. After a few minutes, I scooted up to the middle of the bed and I raised my hips a little, and I reached around and stuck the tip of the dildo the hole of my ass. "mm.." I gently moaned, pressing it in, little by little as my hole slowly began to widen for it. I licked my lips and took a few breaths and smiled big.

"One...two...thre- Ughnnn!" Thrusting the dildo in as I counted, I moaned out loudly, thankful the music was louder than I was. I panted and didn't move for a few moments, waiting for my ass to adjust to the large object that had been driven into it. Moaning softly, I began to pull on the dildo, and not knowing why, I blushed softly. I pulled it out a little and jammed it back in, moaning out as I did, and than I turned the bottom of it, activating the vibration.

"Oh..Ohh.Mm..." I moaned out as I twisted my body of to the wall with which my bed was setting against, and tilted my lower body up, sliding it along the wall until I was nearly upside down and I bent my body over myself, my own cock looking me straight in the face. I grinned, moaning still, and lifted my head up and licked the tip, shivering slightly from the feeling I gave myself. I reached up with both paws, and set them behind my legs and pulled them down a little, and slid my cock into my mouth. "Mmmmm..." I moaned again as I sucked on my own cock, reaching up with one paw and sliding the vibrator in and out of my ass slowly. I panted more as I sucked harder on my cock, it pulsating and twitching a bit as I almost reached my prostate with the vibrator. My other paw remained where it was, holding my legs down as I sucked myself off, wrapping my tongue, with its barb, around my cock and tightening it slowly and unwinding it. I shivered again and moaned out loudly as my ass clenched around the vibrator and my cock swelled up, almos twice its size, and I reached down, taking my paw off the dildo and taking hold of my cock, around the knot and squeezing, stroking.

After a few moments of pure extacy, I finally came, shooting my cum down my throat hard and quick, feeling the long, thick streams sliding down my esophagus and into my stomach . I waited for my cock to stop shooting and I finally took it out of my mouth, sliding along the wall until I was on my side, swallowing what was left in my mouth. As soon as my cock hit the bedsheets, it twitched and shot out a few more streams of cum, leaving me moaning and blushing hard. I straightened myself on the bed, sitting up and blushing, forgetting the dildo was in my as. I stood up, my legs a little wobbly and I put a paw to the wall, steadying myself as I reached back with my other one, and took hold of the dildo. I took a deep breath and slowly slid it out, moaning a bit, feeling it, and its vibration leaving my ass. I closed my eyes and giggled a bit, and felt the dildo leave completely, with a small pop. I than looked at it and grinned, sliding it back into my ass with a moan and grabbed and grabbed my purple towel. I went to the bed and picked up my clothing, wondering how they hadn't gotten wrinkled up. I shrugged and hooked them over one shoulder and turned off the radio, turned the lights on and opened the door. I looked down and laughed, Sabin was sitting across from my door and had his own cock in his hands, cum all over htem and a silly look on his face. I leaned down and kissed him.

"You need to quit spying on me silly." I said and walked off to the bathroom, closing it and hearing Mary coming in the house and laughing at Sabin. I turned on the water and pulled out the dildo and quickly washed it off in water, and set it on the bathroom counter. I than wrapped up the towel and set it over the dildo, along with my clothes. I got in the shower and quickly cleaned myself off, cock and all as it slid back into my sheath. A few minutes later I stepped back out, clean and wet, and grabbed m y towel and dried off. My fur was still lightly damp but it was okay, it would dry out soon. I dressed in my silk pants, which seemed to be way to big for me, but clung to my hips so I was happy. And my long sleeved silk tunic. I opened up the bathroom door and saw Sabin's sister, Beatrix standing there and laughing at Sabin, as she helped him clean up. He was blushing like mad and I giggled at him and walked to Beatrix. She stood up and smiled,

"My my, aren't you looking like a hottie right now." She said, licking her lips.

"Nope, I"m smokin' hot tonight hehe." I said, giving her a hug and getting a pair of sandals on, and meeting Neikun at the door.

"Well, shall we go now, mister self-suck?" He said teasingly as I blushed and just nodded, wrapped my arm around is his waist, and walked off with him..