A friend from the rain

Story by SubmissiveChinchilla on SoFurry

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I was sitting in my nest out in the wilderlands wondering if it had stopped raining yet. Nah, I thought to myself pessimistically, it's been raining for a week straight, why should it stop now?

It's actually a little misleading saying 'nest' as I had spent several weeks constructing it. It was more like a home you might find in the village several days north of here, only more comfortably secluded. I happened to find a cliff with a perfectly shaped scallop a foot off the ground. This cut out was basically a twenty foot wide half circle in the cliff face. Conveniently enough, the floor was very level and the ceiling more than high enough. In front of this I built a kind of domed frame from the thickest limbs that I could bend and lash together. I then covered the frame with overlapped bundles of reeds that wicked water away from the inside of my home. I did leave a small opening in the roof to let smoke from the fire pit out. There was a door and a window, each had its own cover and both could be latched from the inside. I had several storage areas for food and the like and a rack for the few tunics and breeches I kept for when a trip to that village was absolutely necessary. Not much need for modesty when one lives alone .I kept a simple bed of straw in the very back of my home for sleeping and had several pieces of furniture I had started but not quite finished. Anyway, back to wandering about the rain. I got up and walked to the door, unlatched it, looked about and nearly jumped out of my fur.

Now let me put you in the right frame of reference or my fears seem a little unfounded. I'm five feet and four inches tall and top out around one hundred and ten pounds. I'm a chinchilla. Those little guys that always get picked on shoved around and generally just given an all around hard time because we're small and totally nonthreatening. That's partly why I'm out here in the wilds, but Ill spare you the sob story, you know it already.

Like I was saying though, I nearly jumped out of my fur. In front of me stood a huge canine figure. His dark rain soaked cloak clung to him everywhere and only his muzzle showed from underneath his hood. I just stood there terrified and staring dumbly. Sure I could close the door and latch it, but I didn't kid myself, my home may stand up to Mother Nature for years but if this dog really wanted in it wouldn't last three minutes.

'Well hello there my small friend, the names Fritz ', he said warmly,' might I come in and dry off, I've been traveling in this rain since it started and my fur and gear are soaked to the core'. His politeness and the fact that I hadn't seen another fur in nearly three months caught me so off guard that I couldn't even stutter out a yes, I barely managed to back away and open the door to welcome him.

With that, he stepped out of the rain and into my home. He looked around as our eyes adjusted to the flickering firelight. 'Mind if I lay my gear and clothes out?' he asked after a moment.

'N-no go ahead', I stuttered.

He walked to the small ledge that bisected my home,' Nice place you got here', he said while hanging his cloak on a jag high above.

I perked up at the compliment and replied rather shyly 'yeeah, I guess'. I had lived alone the past few years and my social skills were lacking sorely because of it.

He pretended to notice my lack of modesty for the first time and asked,' Mind if I join you?' He hadn't mocked accused or criticized me but I blushed deeply all the same, suddenly aware of my nudity. I crossed my paws in front of me and began stammering incoherently and looking around for, I don't know, anything.

He chuckled softly to himself and I was suddenly on the defensive,' What's so funny?' I asked with a frown, my paws uncrossing and forming into small fists. He walked over slowly and I backed up until a wall ended my short retreat.

He stopped in front of me, placed a large canine paw on my shoulder and looked right at me with his red/brown eyes,' Relax my brave young friend, I meant nothing by it. I think I understand your situation. How many winters have you seen?'

'Eighteen...I think', I replied, doubting the words as I spoke them.

'And how many have you spent alone out here?' he asked, noticing but not acknowledging the semi-fib.

'Six.', I replied more confidently.

'Then you are an accomplished survivor, and perhaps even more courageous than I thought.' Another compliment, my defenses melted away and I smiled widely. He grinned in return, took off his overshirt and turned to walk back to the small ledge, stripping the rest of his clothes off on the way back. I walked to the fire but never took my eyes away from his figure. A german shepherd I thought .He was well muscled and tall, at least six and half another foot I thought. His saddle was black and glistened in the firelight, the rest of his fur was light tan with a few darker patches. He was beautiful I thought. He walked to the fire opposite me and leaned forward onto all fours, arched his back upwards and my eyes widened with horror.

'Wait! Stop!' I yelled suddenly. He looked at me and tilted his head quizzically. I've got a towel I explained. I hurried over to my storage bins and dug around for a moment before I found it.

Now what happens next I just can't explain. Maybe I was just eager please my newfound friend or perhaps my OCD kicked in and I just didn't realize what I was doing. I think it was both personally, but either way this is when it gets interesting.

With my towel in hand I walked back to him, he had watched me from his knees but now he leaned onto all fours again. Without thinking, I kneeled down beside him and started soaking the water away from his thick fur. Several times I had to go to the door to squeeze water out of the towel and each time I walked away he shifted his position slightly to accommodate me. This last time he was lying on his backside and leaned up on his elbows with his legs spread wide in front of him. I kneeled in between them completely oblivious to what was happening. I worked my towel over his chest and abdominals, then, without pause, simply grabbed and tugged on what I instantly realized was a very full dog sheath. The tip of his tapered member showed for a half second and I froze in place. My thoughts raced and I began to blush more thoroughly than before, my cheeks and ears felt as if they would burst into flame at any moment and I was certain we could both hear my heart pounding in my small chest. Again, I was horrified. I could only sit there and watch, entranced, as his large, seemingly sculpted shaft slowly extended out of its covering and gleamed in the dancing light. He cleared his throat very gently and I jumped back suddenly and began stammering madly, trying to say what I have no idea. He laughed aloud suddenly and I shot him a cold glare. He only laughed again as I stood up and turned to... well, to leave I suppose.

At this he spoke,' Wait my sensitive companion!', I turned back,' It would appear as though I am not the only one of us is excited by this evenings possibilities'. My face contorted into a mask of confusion and he nodded downward. I followed his nod down and to my great surprise my own organ was beginning to show itself. I didn't think it possible but I flushed more fully at that moment than I ever had in my life, which happened to be only a few moments ago.

I was completely at a loss. I couldn't even speak. I turned awkwardly and walked back to my sleeping area, where I lay down, curled into a ball and tried futilely to regain my shattered bearings. I was gone from that world in moments.

I awoke from what I thought was a bad dream. I turned over slowly on my dry soft bedding and stopped, remembering what had happened and that it was no dream. There was that beautiful, big german shepherd lying on his side at my fire slowly stroking himself. His back was to me but his ears flicked and he easily heard me stir. He leaned back to look at me and smiled his warm smile, 'Ah, you're awake. Come join me. We'll talk and you can relax and warm your fur by the fire'. I paused a moment but decided soon enough that it would at least be warmer by the fire, I got up slowly and joined him; he sat up on my arrival and looked at me intently as I lay down across from him. He didn't even try to hide his doghood. We sat silently for a while until he spoke, 'You have yet to mate even a female I think' he guessed easily and correctly. I looked away, 'Now don't do that, you've nothing to be ashamed about', he read me as you are reading this. I didn't mind even a little, in fact, it made our very one-sided conversation much easier on me. 'If you'll let me, I'd like to change your situation for the better. I'm no female but you'd be surprised how much pleasure a well practiced male can give another'.

I glanced up at this and he was looking right at me. I averted my gaze quickly, beginning to blush and stutter and make a fool of myself again, 'I don't think I c-could-that is, I don't know if I could, y'know, t-take you'.

He smiled reassuringly, 'I would not have asked if I did not know that you could'.

I looked at him hopefully, 'You really think?' I asked.

'I know' he replied.

I smiled, 'Ok' I said, with a hint of worry in the tone.

'You'll be fine' , he said as he stood up. He walked around the fire and offered me his hand, I looked at it a moment then grabbed it. He easily picked me up and cradled me lovingly in his warm arms, he licked my cheek lightly and I began to blush yet again as he carried me to the back of my home.

He kneeled into my straw bed and set me down gently. He lay beside me and wrapped his arm around my waist. I wriggled awkwardly into his large chest and buried my face into his now dry fur. He knew I was still worried so he just scritched up and down my back and around my ears. 'I'm not going to force you to do anyth-', he started.

I interrupted him 'No...I do want this', I said as I looked up to him. As soon as we made eye contact he leaned in and began kissing around my lips. I was surprised but I soon regained a shred of composure and opened my mouth. His lips locked against mine instantly and I felt his hot softly textured tongue glide across and around mine. I closed my eyes, wrapped my arms around his thick neck and began following his tongue around with mine. We kissed for many moments and I felt myself becoming more and more aroused. He shifted on top of me and pulled away abruptly. I tried to follow but his firm paw easily held me in place. I started to whine in protest until I felt him nuzzle into my sack, stick out his tongue and run it slowly up my now throbbing member. Never had I felt anything so wonderful and I let him know it. I gasped loudly and my back arched upward as every muscle in my small body tightened. He licked and kissed and sucked on my shaft and soon I was spurting precum into his maw. I realized I was about to explode. I braced my paws on the top of his head and pushed him off me. I rolled onto my side and crossed my legs while gasping for air.

He looked at me worriedly, 'What's the matter?' he asked confusedly.

'N-nothing *I gasped*, nothing... I was about to come'.

'Well...that is the idea', he said, rubbing his paw across my haunch.

'I don't want to yet', I said as I looked back to him. He only offered a confused look in return, 'I...I want to t-taste you...' I explained, meekly looking away. He let out a chuckle; I told myself not to get defensive, after all, he had only encouraged me so far.

Like before, he soon elaborated, 'Your modesty continues to hinder you my tender young friend. If you were truthful to me earlier then this is the most intimate you have ever been with anyone in your life. If you cannot make your desires known to me than to who in the land can you? I don't know who hurt you in the past or what they did but know that I would die with a smile on my muzzle to protect even your shortest whisker'.

I couldn't stop myself; I began to cry and leapt onto him. My arms wrapped tightly around his neck and I sobbed into his fur like a pup with a scraped knee. He just held me, rubbing my back and neck affectionately. I settled down eventually and leaned back to look at him. Our eyes met, 'Thank you', I said, 'Now...' I paused a moment and smiled, blushing with excitement this time, 'lie back, while I enjoy myself'.

Now, as I said, I am a chinchilla and therefore I am very flexible. So while I had never made love to another fur at that point, I did have some idea as to what felt good. Don't look at me that way, you ask a male of any appropriate species and age if he ever gave himself the treatment and he says no, then he's a liar, period. Anyway...

I sat between his wide spread legs and took his still hard member in my paws. I began cleaning the precum out the fur on his sack then worked my way around his now forming knot and up to his fleshy head. I pursed my cum slicked lips tightly and pressed them over his tapered cockhead. I started massaging my lips up and down his shaft. He moaned as I took him further and further into my mouth. He was soon at the back of my throat and we both recognized my predicament at once. I twisted around and lay across his chest and abs without leaving his throbbing organ. I began massaging up and down him again and soon his head was in the back of my throat again. I pushed and pushed but couldn't manage to take him any further.

He realized this and directed me softly, 'If you wish to take more', he paused while I pulled off and looked back, 'swallow when you can handle no more'. I turned back quickly and worked my way back onto him. He reached my throat soon enough and I gulped like he said. He slid in an inch and the sensation startled me into pulling away slightly. He rubbed my back reassuringly. At this I regained my composure and began swallowing him. He moaned and squirmed underneath me and I felt his hot precum flow into me. He started humping lightly in concert with my own motions and I knew he would fill me soon.

He retracted his member abruptly and set me aside. It was my turn to be confused and he saw it on my face. He smiled and explained simply, 'I wish to mate with you fully'. My eyes widened and I looked doubtfully at his thumping cock. 'I won't force you to' he said.

'I want to, I do really, but I don't think I could take you', I told him worriedly.

'We'll take it slowly then, and we can always stop if it proves too much. I've got a feeling though, that you can handle more than you think', he reassured me.

He lay back and I straddled him again.

'Slowly?' I questioned.

'Slowly' he repeated, while leaning in to kiss me. I arched my back and shivered when his soft fur caressed my throbbing member. I the kiss and pushed back till I felt his dancing cock press against my tailhole. I looked to him for encouragement, 'Slowly' he said as he pushed into me gently. His slick tapered end penetrated me easily. The flat of his dogmeat began to spread me. His head entered me and I felt a dull ache in my entrance but I wasn't about stop. I just clenched his chest fur and concentrated on the sensation as he pushed deeper into me. The ache quickly became painful and I let out a slight grunt. He stopped immediately and pulled me to his chest, 'We'll wait, you'll grow around me, then we'll continue'. We kissed and played with each others ears while I relaxed around him. He started into me again and I arched back as he straightened out my insides. I finally stopped on his knot and we just sat a moment, both of us in complete ecstasy. Our eyes met and I slowly drew up a few inches, I groaned loudly and pushed back onto him. I worked up and down his length for many minutes. He started humping me slowly after a while and I murred withed pleasure, he groaned and sped up. He wrapped his arms around my waist and sat up with knees bent out in front. He lay me over them and started pulling me onto his knot. I yelped in surprise and again he stopped, 'I won't for-', he began familiarly.

I was about to come and couldn't stand it any longer, 'No! Please fuck me!'. At that he pulled down on my hips powerfully. I yipped with pain and pleasure and told him not to stop. He murred in response and pulled again. There was a fleshy sounding kind of *thump* and I was filled completely. It was too much, I started coming. He spit in his paw and wrapped it tightly around my length. I grabbed his wrist and held on as he jerked me off. I yiffed his paw as hard as my firmly hilted body would allow and came all over myself. The sight set him off and I felt his knot swell and harden inside me. He humped stiffly for a moment and his load flooded into my innards, jet after jet of hot cum filled and warmed me. He groaned aloud, picked me up and lay back with me atop him.

We lay there for a while just regaining our breath. We looked at each other and kissed and he smiled. 'What?' I asked. He said nothing, just strained his neck and started licking the cum from my face.
