Little Archer Fox, Part 1

Story by WolfwithaDS on SoFurry

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#1 of Little Archer Fox

***Here is a nice standard warning and all, but you know, I've had underage furs contact me and tell me they loved my stories so I figure if you like this kind of thing, I don't mind who you are. In fact, some of my younger fans turned out really nice. All I'm saying here is that you read at your own discretion.***

Little Archer Fox, Part 1

By: WolfwithaDS

I watched him thought the bushes. A gray wolf was about 100 yards away, practicing his juggling with a few apples. I grinned and grabbed an arrow and took aim with my bow. He was only using three apples, so he was doing really well and I watched carefully and caught on to his rhythm. With a snicker, I shot my arrow and put it right through an apple at the peak of its arc and into the tree behind the wolf. Completely stunned, the fur ended up dropping the other two apples, bruising one of them on a rock near his feet.

"What the...? Seth! You son of a--"

I jumped out of the bushes, laughing. The still somewhat shaken wolf picked up one of his fallen apples and tossed it at me, although he missed and it sailed harmlessly over my head.

"Aww, come on Kenny! I was just messing with ya! Besides, you were gonna drop them anyway." He ran over and tackled me to the ground anyway, laughing as well. For a while we just laid there on the grass and laughed a bit, then Kenny leaned over and nuzzled my chestfur and gave me a small kiss. I smiled at him. We had known each other our entire lives, and he was very close to me. You see, I lived in this small village with only my grandfather, so I spent most of my time with Kenny and his family. It seemed that we were always together, and when the two of us were alone, sometimes we would make out a bit. We never thought to do anything serious, and even though Kenny had a girlfriend, we would still show signs of affection for each other every now and then.

"The skill you have with that bow still amazes me," he said, helping me up. "Your green fur doesn't bother me, but that!" Kenny motioned towards the apple impaled on the arrow that was still stuck in the side of the tree, "I don't believe I'll ever get used to."

"Yeah, but I have too much free time. There's just nothing to do in this village! Besides, I've always had a love for the bow."

Kenny laughed. "Yup, even when we were just pups you would go shooting arrows from a small bow. Used to scare the crap outta me! Sometimes it still does, but I've seen you hit so many things on the mark that I'm not worried about getting shot."

We hung out together for the rest of the day. And when I said there was nothing to do around here, I really mean it. That never stopped us from having a good time together. After a while, it got dark, and we both had to go home.

"Well, see ya tomorrow, Seth. And next time, just walk up to me, okay? I nearly wet myself with that stunt you pulled earlier today."

"Hahaha, all right. Bye!"

I got home and closed the door behind me. "Seth?" I heard a voice call from another room. "Is that you?"

"Yes, Grandpa." I walked in and saw him sitting in a chair. "Did you want something?"

"No, I just wanted to make sure you were home safe, that's all." He smiled at me. "Now come give your grandpa a hug." I came over and hugged him for a minute before retreating back to my room.

I stared at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep. For the past few weeks, something had been bothering me. I couldn't really figure out what it was though. I was rather bored, out here in this tiny village with little to do, but it was more than just that. This went beyond mere boredom; I lacked a real purpose in life. I wanted to leave. Not because I hated it here, but because I felt that something more, something greater existed out there for me. I didn't know what it was, or where I could find it, but I knew that I couldn't just stay here. But...I couldn't just leave my grandpa here like this. I couldn't abandon Kenny and all of the other friends I had here. And besides, if I did leave, what would I do? Where would I go? And yet, something was calling out for me.

I didn't know what to think anymore. There was only one thing to do. Grandpa always had the answers when I had problems. I had to ask him. I came back into the other room where he was still in the chair, reading a book.

"Grandpa...I..." He looked up at me.

"What is it?"

"Have you ever wanted to go somewhere and do something, but you had no idea what it was?"

For a moment he just sat there, thinking to himself a bit. Then he closed his book and set it aside. "Come over here, Seth." He motioned for me to come sit in his lap. I hesitated, then slowly walked over and joined him in the chair. "You're feeling like your life is rather meaningless, aren't you? Like it's going nowhere but you feel that something more is out there waiting for you?"

I nodded. "How do you know this?" He chuckled lightly.

"Because I had to deal with this when I was about your age. And I can tell you've been feeling down recently."

For a while, I said nothing. Somehow I knew he'd understand how I felt, but that didn't seem to help. I wanted so badly to know what it was I was missing.

"...So what do I do?"

"Well, you have a decision to make. You could stay here if you wanted. But I can tell that you won't. Go out there. Find what it is you're looking for. Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself. But have to explore the world and find out who you really are. You won't find your destiny unless you go out and look for it."

"But, how will I know when I find it?"

"You just will. Trust me."

"Um, okay..." I thought about this for a few minutes. It didn't really make sense, but I knew he was right. I just had to leave. My destiny was somewhere out there and I was going to find it. But first...

I yawned. It was quite late and I'd spent a lot of energy earlier in the day. "Now you go get some sleep," my grandpa said. "You won't find anything if you're too tired to keep your eyes open." He patted me on my back and I smiled before retiring to my room once more, this time falling asleep almost instantly.

Waking up the next morning, I decided to give myself one more day here to get ready and say goodbye before leaving. Besides, the morning was almost already over, and I wanted a full day's sun for my first day out. But first I had to visit Kenny and give him the news.

"You're doing what?!"

"I'm setting out to find out who I really am. I just...I don't feel that I have a purpose here. I know that somewhere out there is an adventure waiting for me. I have to go and find it."

"Seth...I..." He paused as a tear ran down his cheek. "I'm really gonna miss you. Promise me you'll come back safe?"

"Of course. Hey, I'm not leaving until tomorrow morning, so I think we should spend the rest of the day together." I reached a paw forward to wipe his tear away. "Come on, don't cry for me. I'm not gonna get hurt and I swear I'll come back."

Kenny looked up at me with a warm smile on his face. "You'd better, because I don't ever think I could find another green fox to replace you with. Or any fur that can shoot a bow like you do." I laughed and put my arm around him.

"Now let's go enjoy this day, okay?"

We played outside for a few hours and when we finally got tired we went back to Kenny's house. The sun was setting off into the west as we plopped down on his bed for a bit. I'd slept over with him countless times, but just being here with him, knowing that tomorrow I'd be gone, it really started to hit me. I'd miss him so much. But I my mind was already made up.

"You know, I really am going to miss you, Seth," Kenny said, almost reading my thoughts. He hesitated for a second. "Look, there's something I want to give you before you go. Something to remember me by."

"What is it?"

He grinned at me with a gleam in his eye. "Can you take your clothes off for me?"

I was puzzled at his request. But I trusted him more than anyone else in the world. And we'd seen each other naked plenty of times, but never once gave it a second thought. I stripped off all my clothes carefully and sat back down on the edge of his bed. Slowly, he came over and put his paws on my sides before lowering his head and licking my sheath.

I shuddered. "Kenny...what--"

"Shh. Just relax and go with it." He came up and gave me a kiss before pushing me flat on my back. He returned to my sheath and started licking it again, slowly bringing my cock out. As soon as the first few inches had appeared, he put his muzzle around it and started sucking it gently. I gripped the sheets with my paws, having never received this kind of treatment before. I felt my shaft go completely hard in his mouth as he worked it around with his tongue. He started to bob his head up and down. I murred in enjoyment and closed my eyes. Kenny increased the rhythm of his movements and I felt my body suddenly spasm. A loud moan escaped me as I arched my back and shot my load down his throat. I cummed for about a minute until I could take no more and the orgasm faded. I was panting a bit, but Kenny just looked at me with a huge grin on his face.

"So? How did you like it?"

I gave him a hug and held on to him for a few minutes. Finally, I let go. "It was wonderful. Thank you. But now I have to go and get ready to leave, okay? Goodbye." I kissed the wolf one last time before returning home to make my final preparations.

I woke up early the next morning and set out. I had packed everything that I needed- bow, arrows, compass, filled water bottles, food for a few days, and a couple of tools in case I had to make more arrows or for whatever other purposes I needed them for. I really didn't have that many things, so my bag was fairly light. I started out on a northeastern course, not really knowing where I was going, but at least choosing a general direction so I wouldn't get totally lost. With a spring in my step, I headed off into the woods.

I went three days without any real adventures. Mostly just got used to sleeping on the ground and using my bow to hunt for food every now and then and making visits to lakes and streams to replenish my water supply. I had expected that sooner or later I would run into some sort of big adventure. I hadn't expected it to be this soon. I pushed a branch aside and found myself not 10 feet away from a large, red dragon.


And that's it for now. Comment, rate, whatever, but do not worry, for there will be more. If you're desperately waiting for part 2, then I know that so far, I've done my job. This is really the first story I've written in installments, but with school starting up soon, I don't know how much I'll get done and all. That, and I've still got to burn the whole "summer apathy" thing off, and having submitted the first part gives me a moral obligation to go ahead and write the second part. I've got some ideas for the next few parts, but if you have some of your own you'd like to share, feel free to e-mail me, or try an instant messenger, even if it's just for some friendly chatting.