Trans Lab 007

Story by Lemuel on SoFurry

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#7 of Mekuf Trans Lab

The following story contains adult content that may be offensive to anyone. If you are under 18 or whatever the legal age to view adult material is wherever you live, please do not continue. I aint planning on getting sued.




Yet another door slammed right in my face, the resounding blow causing a loose clump of snow to fall from the roof and land squarely on my head. Sighing to myself, I brushed it off, shivering as I walked away, rejected once more.

Solicitor, salesman, peddler... I went by many names, none of which did I appreciate. No one had a single ounce of respect for the traveling entrepreneur. 'No soliciting' signs seemed to hang from every building, the obscene banners glaring down at me maliciously.

But sadly, the most dangerous of places to try and sell my wares were those that seemed open and welcome, at first anyway. Every once in a long while, you find some place that seems really inviting, and eager to hear the old sales pitch, but they end up being robbers, murderers, or something of that variety.

Not so long ago, I came across a large dome off to the side of the highway. It looked futuristic, like one of those scientific bio-domes or something. There seemed to be little activity actually going on, but from what I could tell, there could be potential customers inside. As I arrived at the door, I touched my paw to the cool metal handle. It was almost too cold to describe, as if a warning as to what lie wait for me inside. But I didn't care; I was desperate to get some sales in.

As the door flung open, an old cougar woman dressed all in white turned her head and greeted me kindly, smiling abstractly at some sort of inside joke as she watched me enter.

"Lovely, day, isn't it?" I asked her, starting off on my spiel as she smiled heartily, seeming to expect the meaningless small talk.

"Indeed." She responded, setting down a small clipboard with witch she had been working, "Is there anything I can help you with today here at the Mekuf Research Institution?"

Smiling as she read over the contents on the clipboard, she skipped past my planned dialogue, went ahead, and handed me the clipboard, ushering me to sit down in one of the many chairs strewn about the lobby area. I sat down and looked intently at it. Realizing I had lost track of my objective, I scrambled to my feet and rushed back over to the cougar woman, her gentle smirk greeting me in the same manner as before.

"Done already?" She asked incredulously.

"Now look here, I didn't come here to sign up for some weirdo experiments, I came to talk to you personally." I returned, starting to lose my temper as my paws flew around madly, accentuating my subtle tirade.

"Oh? Then what, may I ask, are you here for?" She says, grinning devilishly as if she's caught me in some sort of trap.

"Well-" I began, soon to be cut off by yet another interruption.

"Oh, just a moment." She interjects, leaving momentarily to a door behind her desk. "Make yourself comfortable, I'll only be a moment."

I groaned, appalled by the rudeness of her innocent act. She was just toying with me, but I had half a mind to leave right now. In fact, that option seemed to become more and more appealing as I started to get the creeps from the empty room. That woman knew something I didn't, and I've seen far too many bad horror movies to know what happens next.

Suddenly, I felt an Icy chill from behind me, a sudden sense of impending doom overwhelming my senses. I knew something was amiss, and to try and comfort myself, I turned my head around over my shoulder and retorted, "You're right behind me, aren't you?"

Instantaneously, I got my reply. "No, I'm in front of you" came a masculine voice from in front of me. My head whipped around so fast that I got a bit dizzy, and before I re-oriented my vision, I felt a stabbing pain in my neck, and saw a long furred arm stabbing a hypodermic needle right into the veins of my neck. The unbearable pain swiftly faded into oblivion.

By the time I finally regained consciousness, I wasn't even sure if that was really what it was anymore. I didn't think I could see anything, but I could feel what was around. The strange part was, I wasn't sure where I was. I could feel a room, the entire room. I could feel that there was a bed, and A door, and lights in the ceiling, but I didn't feel me. Sitting on top of the bed was a large mass of what felt like tangled limbs, and I wondered what on earth it could be. It seemed to be a large mass of tentacle-like appendages attached to a small, furry base. It was warm, and somehow, it felt like it was alive.

I tried to move my arm to see if I could actually 'feel' anything, but there was no such response, and oddly enough, as I commanded my arm, one of the tentacles from the creature on the bed rose up, hovering in the air until I relaxed my arm, letting the tentacle fall back down into place. It seemed as if my actions affected the creature. I experimented with this, and lifted my other arm. Another tentacle rose from the creature, and as I moved my paw, the end of the tentacle responded and moved around. It seemed that I was in complete control of the c4reature.

"But where is MY body?" I thought to myself, still toying around with the creature. It seemed like my legs also controlled a few of the tentacles, but they felt no different from my arms, which didn't even feel like arms. It was all terribly confusing, but I had nothing better to do than try and figure it out. For now, this creature was my vessel. I seemed to be able to control its many limbs, so maybe I could get it to move. I didn't even bother with that fact that my only relevant sense was that of touch.

I soon found that I could control more of the tentacles just by thinking about them. They felt like extensions of myself in a sense. I propped about five of the tentacles up on one side of the creature, bent them backwards on the end, and slowly lifted the body. It was much lighter than I thought it would be, and I managed to support it between a network of many tentacles acting as 'legs' for the body structure.

The sensitive tips of the tentacles felt very strange. They were elevated slightly outwards, siphoning into a small tip with a hole in it. When they brushed up against something, they felt extremely good, almost like rubbing ones 'extremities' against something. Each stroke against the soft sheets of the bed gave me much pleasure, and soon I found myself subconsciously running several of the tips against the bed sheets even as I tried to move the creature. The tension seemed almost as if it were of an erotic nature, and was quite enticing.

I quickly halted the distraction and came back to focus on my locomotion. I managed to pull the body off of the bed, slowly touching several tentacles to the floor for support. These too sent erotic sensations to my brain as they rubbed against the floor, pressed tenderly against its firm structure. If I could have moaned, I probably would have, as the stimulation nearly overtook me, but I was, steadfast, trying to keep myself focuses on figuring out what on earth was going on here.

I slowly moved the creature over to where I felt the door was, placing tentacles in front of the body and shifting the weight to them from the current support tentacles. I reached one of the tentacles up, and cautiously grasped the cold steel handle, gripping it tightly as the end of the tentacle surged with pleasure from the interaction. I opened the door, and let it slowly swing into the room, revealing the hallway outside.

The instant the door opened I could feel the immediate vicinity of the hall and a faint touch of the hall further down in both directions, the feel growing more dull and vague as it went on until it reached oblivion. As I moved the creature out into the hall, more and more of it came into focus, and when the creature was fully in the hallway, I could feel everything in either direction, and even back into the room. My aware ness of the room slowly faded as I moved the creature down the hallway. As I did do, the opening at the end became apparent. It led out into a much larger room, with several tables and chairs scattered out along it.

I then realized that my awareness was based almost directly from the creature's position. I could 'feel' everything within the physical range of the creature. And as I moved it, my perspective moved with it...

Approaching the room, I could no longer feel any of the room I had just come from, but the large room came wholly into view. It appeared to be a cafeteria of sorts, with many tables accompanied by chairs spread all over. There was a row of large boxes at the back of the room, and what appeared to be several figures huddled together. From what I could feel, they were all male, and they seemed to be actively engaged in intercourse.

Now, normally I was about as straight as a ruler was, but I found myself oddly aroused by this provocative display. The tentacles under my power were somehow stiffening slightly, seeming to be a reaction to my emotion state. It was curious, and frankly, excessively erotic. The sensations from each individual tentacle dragging across the ground seemed multiplied tenfold from before. I had no choice but to flee from this stimulation, I had to distance my consciousness from these thoughts. The erotic fantasy cluttering my mind, I could barely think straight. It seemed almost as if lust would overcome me. Was that was this was? Lust?

I forced the tentacles much against their will to return to the original room, taking several breaks along the way to stop and recuperate from the over stressful emotions raging inside of me. I finally made it to the door, collapsing the tentacle beast in the middle of the room, not for lack of control, but for lack of caring. Other issues came first in my mind, most importantly the insatiable hunger to pleasure these tentacles whom so badly begged me to relieve them of the horrendously strong pressure building within them all.

Each and every one of the tentacles seemed to writhe about on its own, demanding to be pleasured. I did the best I could to try and take control of one, gently caressing its neighbor, eliciting intense erotic sensations from them both. I couldn't bear this ecstasy, it was too much for me, but I knew I had to pleasure the tentacles, or else they might never be satisfied.

The tentacles seemed to have a mind of their own, now that I think about it. They only seemed to relinquish control to me when they deemed it necessary. They did so earlier when I used them to move around, and again now in order to pleasure themselves.

The mental resolve within me was running near empty, and it took all I had just to drag the tentacle creature across the floor, eliciting even greater pleasure than before. It felt so good, even if I wanted to stop, I couldn't. The pleasure I felt was so intense, I became a slave to it, thinking only of lust as I serviced the tentacles, scraping them against each other for what seemed to be an eternity to me.

As I dragged the creature across the floor, several of the tentacles began to spasm and release a warm goo... It was extremely sticky, and wiping the tentacles across it felt incredibly good.

I began to try and tie some of the tentacles together, hoping to condense the pleasure into a few areas to keep from being overwhelmed. It was all I could do to keep myself sane. The goo was now leaking from nearly all of the tentacles, leaving their sticky mess all over each other as they flung around madly, driven by the most powerful of emotions. They slung their slime every which way, throbbing contentiously as they smacked against each other midair, sending their goo cascading down around each other. The sumptuous fluids startled to form a puddle underneath the creature, eliciting further erotic designs.

A bubbling, churning grumble began to arise from the center of the tentacled creature. The large furry ball that supported the tentacles was active, and it seemed to be working at something, but I was too busy to even notice. I was only concerned with pleasuring the writhing mass of tentacles.

The flow of goo from the ends of the tentacles cut out suddenly, its purpose finally served. They all grew stiff and warm, their throbbing slowing nearly to a halt. It seemed like the calm before a storm, and no good could come from something this calm. The rumbling within the creatures core returned, rocking my senses out of whack, seeming to melt the room, altering all that I could feel. The intense erotic pleasure was all building up to this instant, this very moment in time. Then it came, like a n earthquake, shattering my perception, the center of the beast sending the hot, agonizing warmth searing throughout the tentacles, gripping them tightly against themselves as they began to spurt gigantic loads of sticky goo, much more potent than what was experienced before

The came, sputtering at first, then the spray quickly evolved into a multitude of fire-hose pressure blasts, flailing wildly in every direction, sending the tentacle creature skittering across the floor, gallons upon gallons of the hot goo unloading in all directions, the intense sensations building all this time finally climaxing in this moment of glory, sending my mind over the edge, blacking me out for a good while, leaving the tentacles to continue their explosion of goo, regardless of my mental stability, coating the entire room in their freshly ejected goo. As my mind went completely blank, I could only admire the amazing relief, coupled with the intense ecstasy brought on from this endeavor.

Exhaustion, Soreness, Relief... they all swirled in my mind, waking me from slumber after a good long while. Once more I could feel the room I was in, but now, I felt an even greater bond with the creature, my only real vessel in this world. The intense ecstasy and emotion from before all came back to me slowly, filling me with disgust that I had given in to such undesirable temptation.

Moving a few tentacles around, I could feel that they still gave great pleasure, just from normal contact. But it wasn't overwhelming now, I seemed to have control. Control... maybe that was the issue all along. Was this really just some creature? Or was it me? I couldn't be sure, but for now, it was the only thing that made sense. This body didn't have a mind of its own, it was just my own emotions swinging wildly out of control. It was dangerous to do that, to lose control. I could never relinquish control to such wild emotions ever again, regardless of the circumstances. The only thing I ever had in this world of any value was my mind, and if I lost that, then I don't know where I'd be.

So it would seem that this was my body after all. My tentacles. My lust. My responsibility. This was all a bit too deep for me. I had to find something else to focus on. Those people from before, the ones out in the cafeteria. Maybe I could go find them. Maybe they knew something about what was going on in this crazy-ass place.

I set out once more, now more intimately acquainted with my new body, easily able to open the door. But what I found waiting for me, wasn't exactly what I had expected.

As the door slid open, a mass of bodies piled down atop me, burying me under their weight. I managed to wriggle free from underneath the pile, and started to focus my senses, feeling the intruders. It seemed to be a pair of male otters. Once of them felt normal, but for some unexplainable reason, the other had a tailhole in the middle of his muzzle, right where his mouth should be. With my own transformation, I wasn't horribly shocked by the otter's idiosyncrasy, but still surprised none the less.

The two of them scrambled to their feet almost immediately. I backed away slightly as to not look imposing. I wanted to do my best not to scare them off. I was going to need company if I had to stay here too long, so I wouldn't want to gain the reputation of a monster, even though that's what I seemed to be.

The otter with the face-hole was the first to act. After a few seconds of them looking at each other silently, the otter crouched down, trying to present himself as open, not as a threat. This was the sort of thing you did to calm down wild animals, and even though I felt a tad angry that he thought of me that way, I respected him for trying to make peace from the start. He slowly stretched out his left paw, offering it up to me, trying to remain calm, even though I could feel him shaking from nerves.

I returned the gesture slowly, trying to startle him, sending forth a tentacle to meet his paw. I felt the soft fur along the tips of his paw, and i could feel his muscles recoil around my touch, feeling my tentacle, the paw slowly closing around the tentacle, gently squeezing it. The warmth emitted from his paw sent shivers through my tentacle. The erotic sensations that i was growing accustomed to flew freely through me, surging through all of the tentacles at once. I strived for control, restraining myself as best I could.

The otter looked back to his companion, nervous after seeing my reaction to his touch. Slowly, he clasped his other hand around my outstretched tentacle, wrapping it around softly, as if trying to calm me. But alas, it did nothing but heighten the intensity of those sensations, impulsive desires flooding my mind once more as i shivered, tentacles beginning to pulsate rhythmically.

I wanted to get away, I didn't want to get the otters mixed up in the haze of lust that was about to arrive. I didn't want anyone else to be hurt by my burden. But it was too late, my control over myself was slipping as wave after wave of intense sensation came pounding into me. My tentacle was pounding, moisture building up at the tip as the otter held it, slowly leaking out into his paws.

Before I knew what happened, several of my tentacles rose from the ground, driven forward by my insatiable lust, two of them striking out at the otter, wrapping around his wrists. The otter, tried to pull back, shocked by the turn of events, but my grip was to tight. The otter, still trying to get away, managed to drag me across the room, rubbing numerous tentacles against the ground, some of those rising up to bind the otter further.

The normal otter jumped in, tugging on my tentacles to try and free his companion, rubbing up and down my sensitive tentacles with such brute force, tightening my grip and sending me even further over the edge. By now my mind was long gone, consumed by my primal urges as i lashed several tentacles around both otters' legs, binding them together, forcing them to fall backwards, landing on even more tentacles, squeezing the flesh and causing them to emit more salty goo.

I quickly positioned myself over the two, binding their limbs and tails to keep them from moving. The normal looking one struggled against me, while the other just looked onward fearfully. I only had a few tentacles left to spare, most of them being used to support me above the otters, and used to keep them from squirming around. Each tentacle surged with fierce lust, squirming around as i put the last free tentacles to work.

First, I sent a tentacle down to the strange looking otter's muzzle, propping his odd face hole, prodding the pulsating tentacle against his sensitive flesh as he squirmed beneath me. It was warm and moist, just like a nice hot tailhole. The otter recoiled and quivered, obviously experiencing the same sensations of intense lust that had been plaguing me. Slowly, I pushed the tentacle in further, sliding it into his moist hole, muscles squeezing against it as they tried to reverse my invasion.

My remaining free tentacles were going wild, spasming freely, launching small jets of goo all around as they twirled about, slapping against the defenseless otters. The normal looking one stifled back a moan, his member presenting itself to me, poking me with its stiff length. I sent another tentacle down to tantalize the needy cock, wrapping around it like a coiled snake, squeezing it gingerly as it leaked such precious seed.

Pushing my tentacle further down into the otter below me, i noticed his throat bulge out, my tentacle traveling quickly into his inner reaches. An explosion of pleasure was awaiting me, convincing me to hasten my actions. I quickly, directed two more tentacles down near the otters' loins, rubbing underneath their furry ball sacs at their wanting tailholes. I pushed softly into the crevices, both at once, feeling heavy resistance as the otters writhed in mixed pleasure and agony beneath me.

The normal looking otter had begun to open his muzzle, looking almost as if he were forced to. And making its appearance between his curved lips was yet another full sized otter cock, begging to be pleasured. I quickly abided, sending another tentacle down to wrap around it, slowly tantalizing the neglected member. The otter moaned, unable to keep his muzzle closed any longer.

I used my last free tentacle to do the same to the other otter's cock, feeling the need to pleasure him equally as i advanced through both of their tailholes, rubbing hard against their prostates, trying to bring them both to climax. Oddly enough, it was I that came first, the rumbling beginning inside me once more, goo rushing throughout every tentacle, rich euphoria finally blossoming in my mind. The tentacles sprayed all about, most of them coming loose and coating the walls with their fresh, hot goo. The ones plunged inside the otters filled them with my goo, causing them to writhe around for a moment, sharing my pleasure as they swallowed it readily, unable to do otherwise. The otter with two members joined me in orgasm, his lower cock spasming first, soon followed by the one in his muzzle, both of them shooting thick jets of salty otter semen high into the air, most of it coating my underside. The other otter soon joined in the orgasmic orchestra, spraying his seed around as he was filled with my own concoction.

Drained of energy, I could not support myself above the otters any longer. Still surging through all my tentacles, i laid myself down atop the otters, feeling their soft fur seem to cuddle up to me as i laid down, slowly stopping the flow around me. I felt the otters panting, almost as exhausted as i was, sharing in my fatigue as they did in my bliss. The strange looking otter raised his paw, weakly moving it above me, and wrapping it around me as i lay atop him and his companion, embracing me as we recuperated from the ordeal.



Author's Notes



<-- Not dead Yet! Woo!

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