Branded Chapter 1: Release

Story by Rengeki on SoFurry

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#1 of Branded

Night time, around 8 o clock was when my story takes place. I was in the cellar, as I been for days. You see I am a Prisoner, A slave. My name is Rengeki, And this is my story.

Chapter one: Release

" Where the hell is she?", Pandora asked her Rabbit nose twitching in frustration. She walked to the window of the dusty shop, covered in it's antiques and old Gothic decor. The red candles burned low, the wax dripping onto the holsters and onto the shelves and tables they sat on. Pandora lifted the red curtain and saw a cloaked figure walking briskly towards her shop. "Ah! She is here.", She announced to herself, going to lean against the counter, her Dark blue dress, cut with a low top, hugging her figure even more tightly as she arched backwards, her left ear, tipped white, covering her eye, in a provocative manner. It had gotten her a lot of attention at school, she remembered. The hot sweaty Teenage boys groping at her, in the backseats of their cars. Nothing like the sex she had now. Strong Males and Delicate Females, caressing her body attentively, or lavishing her in strong thrusts and licks. She was getting hot just thinking about it. But it was business time. Her buyer would be interested in "him" not her tonight.

The door opened, the little bell above it jingling as it hit it. A cloaked female, Just by looking at her you could tell, Her breasts were impossible to hide, stepped inside and lowered her hood. Her face revealed her race, and a bit of instinctual fear hit Pandora hard, causing her juices to flow in angst.

She was Feline, a Cheetah by the look of her. Her eyes were dark green and electric, piercing into Pandora's light blue ones. " Pandora?", She asked, her R's rolling a little from her feline accent.

"Y-yes that is me.", Pandora squeaked. All of her sexual triumphs seemed feeble compared to what she thought this female probably had under her belt. Even with the cloak, she wanted her, and badly, just hearing her name said by her, caused small explosions inside her, making her wet and shift uncomfortably in front of her.

"Take me to this wolf you spoke of. "The Wolf with Opposing Eyes.", She commanded. She stepped closer and pulled out a small bag and placed it on the counter behind Pandora, her figure and body brushing against her, making her shiver.

"300,000 dollars. Wrapped in a red Garter, Mine if you wish to know, just like you asked.", She stepped back and waited to be lead to her prize.

"Yes of course, of course. This way.", She lead the Cheetah down into the cellar, past various slaves and creatures, chained to the walls in darkness, to me. Chained up by my arms, hanging there naked, my tail covering my sex tightly, from view. My head bowed low. "Here he is.", She grabbed a small clip board and read of my information.

"Name: Rengekio Dogmacoria, Prefers Rengeki for short. Male, Stands at around 6'10.

He weighs 200lbs, good for a wolf. Muscular build and body. White markings on his chest, tail and crotch, and here is the rarity I spoke of- his eye color is opposing, One Red eye, One Green. Like Christmas...huh. He speaks little and does not take well to orders. Well, I take it your satisfied with him?"

Pandora looks up to see the buyer approaching me, I watched her carefully, my eyes glinting in the reddish spot light above me. "I wouldn't do that if I were you...He tends to bite and it isn't playful. He killed one of my best Hunters with one bite. Snapped his neck in two...That's another reason I increased the price."

The female took no heed to the rabbit bitch's warning, and stepped closer. I almost laughed, till I saw her eyes. Lightning Green, boring into my own. Before I knew it she was touching my cheek, and rubbing a hand down my chest, inspecting my body.

"You should be in jewels not chains.", She whispered in my ear. I growled in warning jerking forward to give her a scare. "Oh shit!", The rabbit yelled, toppling backwards onto her ass, her legs sprawled out, and her dress riding up to expose her uncovered sex.

The Cheetah, didn't even flinch, still admiring my body. She turned and looked at the Rabbit,

" Release him.", commanded the Cheetah.

Pandora was up instantly," W-what? And get killed in the process?" She walked forward, her arms crossed in fear, covering her breasts, trying to hide herself.

The cheetah looked at me her hands caressing me," If you listen to me, you will get exactly as you deserve. You may not trust me, but would you rather stay here ? She smiled, taking the key from Pandora, and un-cuffing me. I fell to my knees seeing as my legs were wobbly from hanging so long. I stood, my body was brimming with anger toward that rabbit bitch for imprisoning me. Every memory of my capture rattled in my brain. The chains, whips and beatings. I growled menacingly, moving toward my kill and revenge. "Stop! Do not kill her.", The female cheetah grabbed my shoulder. I stopped, out of sheer astonishment of what I was being asked, I finally spoke," What!? Give her mercy? The mercy her and her Hunters denied me? Why should I?", I was astounded.

She was asking me to give up my revenge.

"Not mercy, I just don't want you to kill her. How, about a demonstration? Show me, what you can do in the prospects of Sexual prowess, on her. Make her wish she had met you, and not enslaved you.", The cheetah smiled, sitting on a near-by table, her legs spread and up, the cloak hugging her lightly, giving away a bit of her frame.

I looked back at the rabbit," You may enjoy this. But, just remember, you owe her your life.", I rushed forward, grabbing her ears and forcing her face to the table. She screamed helplessly. Her arms failing about.

Pandora flailed helplessly, He was so much stronger than her, it wasn't funny.

But, she was getting hot from the thought of being forced into sex. She didn't want to have him inside her. She knew he would not be gentle at all, and would probably hurt her. She heard the ripping of fabric. Oh God! He was ripping her dress... She squirmed, only to have her throat squeezed hard, she choked. Tears collecting at her eyes from the force of his paw. By the Gods he was strong. But could he survive Her kicks? She remembered faintly the last time she had kicked a man in the face. She Lashed out at his face, hard only to have her leg jerk to a stop. She grinned, I got Him!

She froze when she realized she still could not move. He growled viciously and forced her leg down, her knee hitting the table hard, " Ah! Tsk, yow! That hurt!", She cried, tears biting against her eyes. She froze again, as she felt something against the entrance to her slit. He was panting as she felt him thrust his cock deep into her hole. She cried out and squirmed. 'No! have to get away!', she thought...It was useless. Besides, she hadn't had a cock in her for 4 months now. It felt good, and he was actually quite large...And by the Gods was he ever thick! Pumping into her hard and fast-She began to moan in pleasure, her juices making it easier for him to abuse her rump and hole. His paw traveled to her breast. Was he enjoying it as well? He groped at her left breast hard, squeezing and twisting at her hard nipple. She moaned loudly at the pain added to the extreme pleasure, she never wanted this to stop. She knew that she was being raped, abused. But it felt to good for it to be so evil...He wasn't being overly aggressive anymore, his grasps and squeezes had turned into caresses and light rubbing, as he continued to enter her.

She bucked against him, grinding his base against her. His Penis began to throb, becoming larger as it swelled with his juices. "Please-", she murmured," Don't cum inside me...I-I don't know if I'm Ovulating or not.", She moaned as she said this, Cumming hard against his cock, soaking it, as her abs tightened and her juices flowed out of her. She sighed in relief as he pulled out and came away from her, a load of juice pouring from him onto the ground." Thank you.." She said weakly.

"The prospect of you having my child sickens me anyways. You should die for what you have done to me and countless others.", He retorted.

"Hmm...Not to bad I must say." The Cheetahress, commented. She walked forward and pushed the Rabbit to the ground, where she lay panting. "Well, my wolfish prince, Care to go?", She gasped as I rushed her, pinning her against the wall.

"And why, should I go with you? You wish to enslave me just like she did!", I pointed to the rabbit, who was just starting to gain her senses. " Why shouldn't I just kill you and be free?" The rabbit stumbled to her feet. She, was in a daze, As she regained her senses, She probably thought I had actually ejaculated. Takes more than that.

The cheetah never took her eyes off me," I offer a home, food, warmth, for the price of a service. Or if you'd like to- I could string you up like a pretty ornament again?", Her smile was sly and wicked, and made my blood boil in my veins. "Fine!" I snarled following her up the stairs, the other creatures howling angrily at being left there to rot and be sold.

As I felt the cold air of the world again I shuddered happily, greedily letting the air abuse my skin and fur.

"Quickly into my car, I do not wish the majority of the town to witness your "glory" as exposed as it is.", She giggled as she got into a black car as it pulled up.

I gazed at the open door of the vehicle, Pondering if I should just start running....

I stumbled when I tightened my legs to see if I had it in me. I was too tired from being strung up- and the "encounter" with the rabbit had drained me as well. I crawled into the vehicle and as it drove off down the road, I had no Idea what was in store for myself and my life.