Paradise For A Lonely Fox Ch.3

Story by Elemental Kitsune on SoFurry

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#3 of Paradise for a Lonely Fox

Paradise for a Lonesome Fox

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the characters that will appear in this story. Also, this is a lemon fiction so if you are under age then you should stop reading unless you want to be corrupted. Thank you.

Chapter Three: The Voluptuous Vixen

Naruto awoke with a groan and a strange sensation in his lower body. It was not a bad feeling; rather it made him feel extremely pleasured, as if he wasn't already because of the previous night with Serena. His lower body felt as if it were being caressed by a smooth, soft silk that warmed him with a feather-light touch. He blinked his eyes in order to wake himself up a bit more and slowly raised his head to see what it was exactly that was giving him this enjoyable feeling. All he saw was a bed sheet with a large lump that shouldn't have been there.

He quickly snatched it and pulled it away, revealing that it was Serena as the culprit behind the bliss. The blonde's breath hitched when he saw her breasts wrapped around his member while her mouth was busy covering the head of the appendage in an attempt of covering every single inch of his length. An attempt that was very successful. Naruto could not help the loud groan that he let out from the pleasure.

Serena's eyes looked up to see that he was awake but said nothing as she smirked before going back to her motions. She moved her breasts up and down in a slow motion using her paws, which were pressing them together around Naruto's member. As she went down, she took what she could of him into her mouth before her mounds stopped at his thighs. The bunny would then close her cheeks, loosely gripping him, and then keep it that way as she went up to his tip again. A lewd, slurping noise was made every time she did this but Naruto was not able to hear it as he was simply lost in nirvana.

She took her mouth off of his member but kept moving her breasts as she spoke to him. "Good morning, Naruto," She said with a low and seductive tone. "I hope you don't mind me waking you. You looked a little uncomfortable. So I thought I'd comfort you." A sensual smirk formed from her lips. She giggled when she saw that he wasn't listening and went back to using her mouth again on him. Serena was actually surprised that he hadn't come yet so she doubled her effort in order to achieve her liquid prize.

This lasted for a few more minutes with Naruto feeling an incredible ecstasy spread throughout his entire body, before said blonde released himself into her mouth with a surprising force and volume. Serena did her best to drink all of the substance but was unable to, due to the large amount he released. The essence she could not swallow slowly dribbled down her chin and onto her large, furry breasts, where it sank into the crevice of her generous cleavage. When Naruto was finally done, he was left breathing heavily as he was still trying to recover from the mind-numbing pleasure. His eyes then caught the sight of Serena drinking the last of his release. The way she did it was incredible to watch, as she swallowed every bit leisurely and licked her lips slowly, erotically before looking up at him and gave him a smirk.

The comfortably trapped appendage that was snug tightly between her breasts began to harden again, which she felt and giggled as she looked at it. "All that and you're still hard?" She asked in feign surprise. "You're lucky I'm generous, Naruto." She kissed the tip of his length before the busty bunny released it from her breasts and straddled the blonde's waist, her arousal barely an inch from his.

Naruto placed his hands on her hips and brought her down onto him, slowly entering inch after inch into her warm orifice. He groaned during the insertion from how tight she was, almost as if it were trying to milk him of his seed as quickly as possible. Had he not wanted to enjoy the sensations he was receiving, he most likely would've. But he was able to sustain his release as he slowly lifted her up and then down on his hardened appendage.

Serena undulated with her hips in almost hypnotic motions while she moaned every time she was filled, increasing her pleasure even more. After this went on for a bit, she stopped when he bottomed out inside her and grinded on his hips in a circular motion. It caused the both of them to let out their own sounds of delectation. Naruto knew that if she kept this up, he wasn't going to last much longer. But if he was to release again, he wanted to make sure that she came along with him.

He lifted his paws up, trailing them across her flat, toned stomach before they found her breasts and lifted them up. His fingers sank into the fur of her large mounds as he relished the feeling of her incredible bust. He then began moving them, slowly fondling them while using his index fingers to tease her hardened nipples in order to bring her closer to her own release. Serena moaned loudly as she began bouncing on him once more, placing her paws over his and guiding them to her sweet spots.

"S-Serena..." Naruto was able to hiss out. "I'm gonna..." She didn't answer him, simply increasing her speed. He leaned upwards to bring his face to her breasts. Upon seeing this, she loosened her soft grip on his hands and brought her paws around his head, pulling him closer as she knew what he wanted to do.

His lips focused on her right breast, making her moan even louder while she held his head closer and pushing it deeper into her furry mounds. Naruto kept up the motions his other paw was already doing to her other breast, softly pinching and twisting the nipple while he used his mouth on the one in front of him. Serena squealed at the sensations he was giving her as her moans became louder and louder. She had always loved the way his hands felt when he played with her breasts and she wondered if he had experience with having sex with busty women before. She knew that Rena had a very generous bust but one woman alone couldn't give him the knowledge needed for him to make Serena feel the way she did when he fondled her massive rack.

"Naruto!" Serena yelled out before she screamed her release. Naruto soon followed suit while she did so as he groaned, spilling his seed into her with the same incredible amount and force of earlier.

When the two were done, they stared into each other's eyes as they tried to refill their lungs with some much needed oxygen. Their eyes glistened from the aftermath of the ecstasy, and they each noted how incredible it was. They closed the small distance between their faces and kissed, softly yet passionately, as they moved their lips together as if they were dancing. Naruto and Serena broke the kiss about a minute later as he lay back onto the bed, bringing her with him.

Serena hugged his chest closely, sighing with satisfactory bliss along with her lips curled into a smile of happiness. She could still feel him inside her, and while he was not as erect it still sent small shivers down her spine. The busty bunny was amazed that even while not even fully hardened his length was still able to do that to her.

Naruto brought his arms around her and hugged her closer to his chest, a smile of his own forming on his face. He couldn't believe how insatiable Serena was. The only time she stopped doing what she wanted to him was when they both went to sleep. And even then he had not taken it out of her orifice as they both drifted off to sleep right after one last climax. He wondered if all the girls here were able to keep going like Serena and Rena. The blonde didn't know if he should dread that or not, because even he couldn't keep up a pace like this every night. It would kill him!

"Really wasn't expecting to wake up like that this morning," Naruto chuckled. "I thought you'd gotten enough after everything we did last night."

Serena lifted her head to make her red eyes meet her blue before she giggled. "There's no way that I can get enough of this wonderful thing you're packing, Naruto." She ground her hips slightly against him, causing him to groan at the feeling. "Besides, I wanted to see what it was like being with someone who is like me, even if we aren't of the same species."

"So you've had experience before?" Naruto asked to which she nodded.

"I've slept with a few humans before when we lived in villages," Serena told him. She lowered her gaze as if she were ashamed. "They only cared about themselves though, focusing more on their own pleasure than mine. The same thing happened to a lot of the other girls when they couldn't hold in their urges, including Rena. I stopped trying to ease my stress when we built the hotel, since I assumed all humans would be like that to me."

Naruto cupped her chin and gently made her look back to him. "I understand, Serena," He smiled. "I don't think any less of you or the others for wanting to satisfy your urges. I've been there a few times myself and I guess you could say that it was the same for me as well. Besides, I'm definitely not complaining at how experienced you are."

She smiled softly before pecking him on his lips and went back to hugging his chest. "Thank you, Naruto. Most men would think that I was the easy type and would spread my legs for any guy. You're a really nice person."

"So I've been told," He chuckled lightly. "Now, are you going to let me up or are you going to continue using me as your own personal pillow?" Naruto was amused at the way she was hugging him.

Serena looked back at him with a sensual smirk. "I kind of like where I am right now," She moved her hips against his again, causing him to groan at the movement. "Sure I can't tempt you into staying in bed with me the whole day? I've got some nice pillows you can use in case you get tired." Her voice was low and seductive as she pushed her soft breasts into his chest.

"You're insatiable, I swear," Naruto shook his head before smiling at her. "It's a really tempting offer but I promised Rena that I was going to check the area out where she said you all appeared and see if I can't figure anything out. Then I thought I'd explore around here some more since I can't leave the area due to the Konoha-nin that is most likely surrounding the place now."

The busty bunny pouted cutely before sighing. She raised her hips, allowing Naruto's member to be freed from her warm walls. Serena moaned a little in disappointment when she no longer felt him inside her, as she loved the way he filled her up. Then she moved off of the bed, rubbing the fur on her chest and noting that it was sticky from when she had pleasured Naruto with her breasts. She wiped a finger on whatever was left of his essence and then licked it off slowly with her tongue, moaning slightly at how delicious it was to her.

Serena then turned her back and began to head to the bathroom. She stopped at the doorway, looking at Naruto over her shoulder. "I'll be in the shower if you need me, Naruto," Her voice then lowered into a sultry tone. "You're welcome to join me if you want. I could use some... help washing my back." She giggled as she stepped in and closed the door behind her.

Naruto looked at the bathroom door and then down to see that he was hard again. He sighed as he also got up and headed for the bathroom, planning on joining Serena in the shower. I really need to learn some self-control, Naruto thought before he entered. A few moments later, Serena's moans could be heard from outside the bathroom.

(Two Hours Later)

Naruto walked into the hotel lobby with a tired sigh, completely drained from his time with Serena in the shower. She was a sexually voracious bunny, but he really didn't mind that because she was simply too beautiful to resist. And he enjoyed his time with her then, but now... the toll of pleasing the busty brown bunny was taking effect. The adrenaline that was once coursing through his veins had worn off and left his body feeling like he'd been through a sparring session with Gai. The blonde fox wondered if it was worth trying to please both Serena and Rena and who knows what others that would probably seek him out during his stay here.

...Yes. Totally worth it.

Naruto's stomach growled loudly, causing him to narrow his eyes at it in annoyance. "I get it, I get it." He mumbled to himself before he started walking towards the breakfast area in the lobby. They had a pretty good variety so he was able to serve himself about ten bowls of cereal, a few donuts, juice, and some fruits. Naruto piled his breakfast and drinks onto a small tray before turning around to find a spot to eat. When he did, he blinked as he noticed that he wasn't the only one that was in the room. Directly across from him were a few girls that he hadn't met before, four of them actually. Two of them were vixens, while the other ones were a cat and a skunk.

His eyes darted to each one, seeing that they were all staring at him with mixed expressions. The cat and skunk women had curiosity written on their furry faces while the vixens differed, as one looked like she was simply studying him while the other was giving him a glare of pure lust. Naruto gave them a friendly smile as he walked over to them, the tray in his hands not even moving once as he did so. When he crossed the short distance to their table, he set his food down next to the cat before he spoke to them.

"Hello, may I sit here?" Naruto asked politely to the group.

They all seemed to break out of whatever musings they were having before they all looked at each other, registering his question. A few seconds later, the cat woman looked up at him with a nice smile of her own. "Sure, we don't mind."

Naruto nodded before he sat down next to her and was across from the two vixens and the skunk. "Thank you," He said. "It's always better to eat with company rather than alone. I'm Naruto by the way. Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto." He told them as he started eating one of the many bowls of cereal he had.

"Sabrina," The skunk smiled. "This is Kat, Sheila, and Tammy." She pointed at the cat woman and the two vixens respectively.

"Nice to meet you all," Naruto gave them a grin before he continued eating. The others looked like they had tons of questions that they wanted to ask him but they saw the speed that Naruto was eating at, which was him garbling down food as if he hadn't eaten in months, so they all quietly decided to wait until he was done. At the rate he was going, it wouldn't be too long of a wait for them anyway.

As the blonde fox shoved food down his throat, he chose to get a better look at the girls he was with. They were all busy finishing off their own food so they didn't notice his wandering eyes of their forms. Naruto decided to start with Kat since she was the closest one to him.

She was a very pretty girl. Her face had soft, cute features that were accentuated by her emerald green eyes. Her fur was a lightly tanned brown color that covered the whole of her slender body, very unlike the usual two-colored coats he had seen so far. Her hair was a darker brown than her fur and was styled into spiky bangs that frame her face rather well. Kat was wearing a small green shirt that was held by a small string that was tied around her neck, showing most of her upper chest as well as the cleavage of her modest breasts before ending at her midriff. Along with that, she had on a pair of short blue jean shorts that complimented what he could see of her long legs. The last of her features was her tail, which was long and thin and would twitch every now and then ever so slightly.

His eyes then darted over to the spectacled skunk, Sabrina. She was smiling softly as she ate her own breakfast that gave her a peaceful, welcoming demeanor. Naruto thought that she was also very pretty, but in her own unique way. Her body had just the right amount of curves, not too much and not too little. She also had a pair of modestly sized breasts but she easily made up for that with her ass, which looked nice and firm even while she sat down. Her fur was black with a small portion of her face covered in a chalk white, along with her hands, feet, and (he assumed) her chest area. Said area was covered by a blue shirt that fit snugly, showing her form quite well before it ended at her waist. Lastly, her tail was large and bushy and looked like a giant cushion in Naruto's opinion.

Next up were the last two girls at the table, Sheila and Tammy. Naruto could tell that they were sisters from how similar they looked in facial features, with Sheila being the oldest. The vixen's fur was a bright orange with her chest being a light pink color which contrasted greatly from her hands and feet which were covered in black fur. She had long, auburn hair that flowed down like water until it ended at her shoulder blades. Her body was much more... developed than Tammy's was, as she had the curves and the assets of one of the women that Jiraiya would write about in his smut novels, having a perfect hourglass frame, some nice, sinuous legs, a flat and toned stomach, and a pair of very large breasts. Sheila was wearing a tight, green shirt that had a deep 'V' shape in the middle of the chest area, allowing her to show off a great deal of her cleavage. Along with that, she was wearing a pair of very short brown shorts that were purposefully cut at the hems to let more of her legs be shown. They also had a hole in them so that her long, fluffy white-tipped tail could move around freely.

Finally, there was Tammy. Being a vixen like her sister made her also have the same seductive qualities as well. Just not to the same extent. She looked to be a few years younger so her body wasn't as full-grown as Sheila's but it was still nothing to sneeze at. She also had a very curvy frame with a pair of breasts that weren't as big as her sister but were notably larger than Kat's or Sabrina's. Her hair was the same color as her fur, which was a lighter shade of orange than Sheila's, and stood on her head nicely while the rest was tied into a small ponytail. Tammy wasn't wearing any clothing, her fur covering any of her more 'sensitive' areas like many of the others girls he'd seen around the hotel, letting her tail sway freely behind her.

Naruto had finished his breakfast by the time he was done ogling the four beauties at the table. He gave a satisfied sigh before he slid his tray to the left of him and out of his way. The blonde fox saw the girls staring at him with widened eyes and open mouths, causing him to blink in confusion. "What?"

"How did you eat all of that?!" Kat asked, pointing at the empty bowls and few remaining bits of food on his tray.

He couldn't help but chuckle at the way she said that. "That's nothing," Naruto replied with a cheeky grin, making the girls eyes widen further in shock. "Compared to what I usually eat, this was a light breakfast for me. I usually get more but I didn't think it would be very nice of me if I didn't leave anything for anyone else that wanted breakfast."

"Wow..." Tammy said in a whisper. "That's impressive." The blonde fox laughed amusingly at this.

"So Naruto..." Sabrina started after a few moments of silence. "I was wondering if you wouldn't mind if we asked you some questions."

"Of course you can," Naruto gave her a friendly smile. "As long as I can ask a few of my own." They smiled at him as well and nodded their heads in agreement. "Who wants to go first, then?"

"I will!" Kat exclaims eagerly. "How long do you think you'll be staying at the hotel, Naruto?"

The blonde fox rubbed his chin before he answered. "Well, I'm not sure exactly," He said. "I know that Konoha will have the hotel surrounded by now so I can't leave yet. Well... I could but I'd end up hurting a lot of them and I don't want to do that. So I guess until I figure out a way to get them off of my back then I'll be staying here for a while."

That answer seemed to make Sheila really happy to here, as Naruto saw her lips curl into a subtle, but sultry smile. "That'll be nice," The busty vixen said to him in a slightly seductive tone. She then leaned forward a bit towards Naruto, her breasts pillowing out when they touched the table and Naruto thought her shirt was going to rip apart from the effort of trying to keep her two luscious mounds contained. "We could use some more handsome men around here. Some of us get _very_lonely here."

Naruto audibly gulped as his eyes were glued to her breasts, noticing that he could see the outer edge of her areolas poking out form the shirt. He summoned up all the willpower he could muster at the tantalizing sight, trying to keep himself from throwing himself to the other side of the table and attacking them like a lust-crazed demon. His thoughts stopped when he heard Tammy clear her throat rather loudly.

"Can't control yourself for one second can you, Sheila?" The young vixen said as if she were scolding her sister.

"I can't help it," Sheila said to her sister and then looked back to Naruto, widening her eyes for a more prominent and sultry gaze as she propped her elbows up onto the table and held her cheeks in her paws. "He just looks so damn hot! If you guys weren't here I'd have jumped him by now." The other three girls and Naruto blushed at that statement due to Sheila's straightforwardness. "What do you say, handsome? Want to go somewhere where we can have some alone time?"

Naruto laughed nervously while scratching the back of his neck, trying to get his thoughts of the very enticing offer she was giving him. He was still trying to recover from his night with Serena and he didn't think that he'd be able to perform very well in his current condition. "Sorry," He apologized as best he could. "I'm afraid I'll have to refuse for now. My body is a little sore... from fighting the bandits yesterday..."

"You mean from Serena," Kat giggled.

He froze, his eyes turning towards the emerald eyed cat. "How do you know about that?"

"Word spreads fast around here," Sabrina answered, smiling amusingly at the way the blonde fox was acting. "So does sound. The walls in the rooms aren't as thick as you think, Naruto. Plus, we all have heightened hearing and we've heard Serena's voice enough times to recognize it when she's with a man. And seeing as you were the only male on that floor... it wasn't hard to figure out."

"Oh... right..." Naruto have an exasperated sigh. "Stupid walls..." He grumbled to himself but the girls still heard him and giggled. He shook his head and chuckled before he looked at the girls. "Well, I think it's my turn to ask a question. Rena has told me the story about how you all woke up with no memories of how you got here. I've told her that I'd help out and see if I can find out where you're all from and maybe see if I can send you back home." The girls smiled, happy to hear this. "But I need to know if any of you remember anything. It'd be helpful if I had something to work off of instead of going on blind."

The four girls nodded and concentrated hard, collecting their thoughts and memories for anything that could prove useful. A few minutes of silence passed before they all stopped, looking back at Naruto with disappointed expressions.

This is going to be harder than I thought, Naruto mentally said to himself. With no memories to work with I've got to depend on whatever I can find at the spot Rena told me about. Hopefully, I can get something from there.

"Sorry," Sabrina said. "I can't recall anything from before I woke up." The other three nodded, saying that they weren't able to as well.

"It's okay," Naruto smiled comfortingly. Sabrina's cheeks brightened slightly from how nice he was. "I wasn't really expecting for any of you to remember, only checking. I'm sure that something will turn up once I dig around a little."

"We appreciate it, Naruto," Tammy said gratefully. "It's very nice of you to try and help us find out how we appeared here."

The blonde fox rubbed the back of his head. "It's no problem, really," He said. "Besides, I owe Rena for letting me stay here and away from Konoha. Helping you girls out while I'm here is the least I can do."

Another seductive smile made its way across Sheila's muzzle as she looked at Naruto, lowering her voice to a husky tone before she spoke to him. "Let me know if you change your mind about my offer, Naruto," She brought up her right paw to her chest and traced her fingers across the slopes of her breasts in a slow, teasing manner. "I'm sure I can figure out a way to show my...gratitude."

Again, Naruto was left in a flustered state and his blue orbs were drawn to her luscious mounds. They watched her fingers trace her breasts, making sure to keep the memory of the sight forever in his mind. A few moments passed before he was able to use his vocal cords again. "I'll uh..." He gulped before continuing. "I'll keep that in mind, Sheila. Definitely."

The busty vixen giggled at him before she sat back against her seat, her breasts jiggling slightly from the movement. Kat and the other two girls looked at Sheila with a bit of jealousy at how easy it was for her to make Naruto become so enamored with her. "I'm looking forward to it, handsome."

Naruto put a closed fist in front of his mouth and coughed, clearing his throat as he tried to compose himself again. "Who gets the next question?" He asked, changing the subject and making the busty vixen giggle again.

"I've got one," Sabrina replied. "I was wondering why exactly those Konoha-nin were after you in the first place. I saw their masks... those were hunter-nin. And they're only sent after dangerous ninja that have betrayed their village. But you don't seem like the type to do that."

The blonde fox was a little impressed with the pretty skunk. She seemed to know more about his world than he thought that she would. Although, Sabrina did have a studious look about her so he really shouldn't be that surprised. Besides, there are books everywhere about the history of each Country and the various ninja that they possess. They just give little summaries in them though, since it wouldn't be very smart to put too much information in something that anyone can read.

"I would never betray my home," Naruto told her sternly. Then his voice softened a bit and he looked down at the table. "However, Konoha never made me feel as it were a home. The people in the village would ridicule me often and would go to great lengths to try and have me exiled from the village. It's been like that ever since I was a child. I was chosen to be the container of a very powerful demon that attacked the village on the night of my birth. They hated me because of that, believing that I was the demon reborn. For years, I struggled to change their opinion of me, and it did work eventually. However, after the war they reverted to their old ways and I no longer felt I was welcome there. So I decided to leave and run away from the village. It's been five years since then."

The girls were all saddened by his story, each one giving him their own apologetic expression to show this. "That's terrible!" Tammy exclaimed, saying what the other girls were thinking. "No one should be treated like that."

"Yeah, that's rough," Kat agreed with a sympathetic face. "We know what it's like to be rejected by humans. Barely anyone would even look at us because of how different we are to them. But look at the bright side!" Naruto gave her a questioning look at this. "At least now you don't have to run anymore and you live in a place with a bunch of cute girls that like you!"

Naruto gave her a dazzling smile. "Thank you," He said happily. "I'm glad about my new living arrangements as well."

His triangular ears twitched slightly, hearing a multitude of footsteps coming from not so far away. The blonde fox turned his head slightly and his eyes soon saw the many groups of girls that were walking towards the breakfast area. Naruto saw a few of them lock their eyes with his and give him pure, lustful expressions while sending a small amount of pheromones in his direction. His nostrils were nearly overwhelmed by the combined scents that formed but he was able to use his legendary willpower to keep himself from losing it. This was most definitely not the best place to become a raging, sex-crazed fox that would sate his desires on any female in sight.

He talked among the four girls he was currently sitting with while the others got their own breakfast. When they were finished, they immediately headed towards the table he was at, despite there being a lot of other empty tables in the room. It didn't take long before all the seats were taken, on his table and the two that were on both sides of it. Many of the girls were chatting with each other, some taking small glances at him when they thought he wouldn't notice, which he did. And others didn't even try to be subtle and just blatantly gazed at him, their lips curled into seductive smiles as they did their best to entice him.

The blonde fox simply smiled back at them, trying to look nonplussed but it was becoming a little difficult because of all of the pheromones aimed right at him. In fact, he assumed the only thing that was keeping him from being overwhelmed was from the nights he spent with Rena and Serena. On the separate nights that he met them, they had used their pheromones in order to seduce him. So he was able to get somewhat acquainted with what it felt like being hit by the lust inducing substance, making him able to resist it, if only for a bit since he was still getting used to it.

And because of this, his restraint was slowly waning. If he kept on sitting at the table then sooner or later he was going to lose control and he'd grab the closest girl to him, which was Kat. He honestly wouldn't mind doing such things with her but he would want to do them while he was himself. Not some... beast that only sought to use her body in order to sate its desires. Naruto was also afraid that he would hurt her because of how fragile she looked. So, with a mental nod, he prepared to excuse himself from the table.

"Oh! Good morning, everyone!" Naruto, along with Kat and the others, turned their heads to see Krystal walking up to them. The blonde fox thought that she was looking as radiant as ever, her short, dark blue hair swaying from side to side as she walked in the same skintight bodysuit he'd always seen her in. Her hips happened to be following the same motion as her hair, making her seem even more alluring. She had the body of a seductress, he thought, but had the personality of a saint. An odd yet very attractive trait she possessed.

"Morning, Krystal," Sabrina greeted back, followed by the others doing the same. "I thought you'd be at the reception desk already."

The blue vixen shook her head. "Rena said for Ariana to do that today," Her eyes then met Naruto's. "She told me to take you to the spot where we woke up so we can go whenever you're ready, Naruto."

"Rena wasn't able to come?" Naruto asked curiously.

"She's busy dealing with some paperwork that she missed during the night that you two..." Krystal blushed slightly. Damn was she cute when she did that. "You know. Anyway, she told me to tell you that she's sorry and that she'll make it up to you."

"It's no problem," Naruto told her before he looked at the rest of the girls that he was eating with. "Well, I guess we're going to have to continue talking later. I'm sure we'll bump into each other again." He picked up his tray after he stood up from his chair. "It was very nice meeting you all."

"Likewise," Sabrina smiled.

"Yeah, it was nice talking to you," Kat added.

"Bye, Naruto," Tammy said.

"See ya, handsome!" Sheila said while blowing him a kiss. Naruto chuckled and nodded at them before he and Krystal walked away.

Sheila was unashamedly checking him out as Naruto left. She gave an appreciative hum to show that she liked what she saw. "Mmm, mmm... that is one hot fox." Tammy lightly hit her shoulder at this.

"Can't control yourself for one second can you, Sheila?" Tammy said dryly.

"You shouldn't be talking since you were doing the same thing, Tammy," Sabrina stated while drinking the last of her juice. She smiled in amusement when the young vixen started sputtering.

"S-shut up!" She yelled defiantly at the spectacled skunk. "I did not!" Tammy was taken by surprise when Sheila suddenly grabbed her head and held it to her breast.

"Don't worry, little sis!" Sheila giggled happily. "We can share him when he's all rested up!"

A bright red that became noticeable on Tammy's orange fur before she got herself out of her sister's grip and tried to hide her face by looking down at the table. "I hate you guys..." She mumbled, Kat and Sabrina chuckling at her embarrassment.

The red and blue foxes were walking along the stone path that was made alongside the hotsprings. Naruto couldn't really see what they looked like though because of the tall, wooden fence that concealed the springs. He figured it was so that no perverts tried to peep on any girls that were in the springs. Although, he didn't really see the point of them peeping here. Krystal had told him that they use mixed baths every day. There's no better way to get a better look at all of the beautiful women in the hotel than to join them in a hotspring.

One of Naruto's ears flickered when he heard some noise coming by a bush that happened to be near the fence. He focused the sense a little bit and he was able to hear some sort of lecherous giggling. This caused him to stop following Krystal, which she did as well when she noticed this, and headed straight toward the bush. When he was in front of it, his eyes narrowed as he saw a human man crouched behind the bush, concealing himself from sight as he looked through a hole that was in the wooden fence. If the guy had stayed quiet then it was possible that Naruto wouldn't have even noticed him.

Naruto looked over his shoulder to look at Krystal. She had a confused expression on her face until she got closer to the bush as well and the confusion fell to a frown as her eyes saw the human. It looked like she was extremely annoyed at the man for peeping. He could see why, since it might've been one of her friends that he was looking at while they bathed. The blonde fox turned his head back and looked down at the human pervert again, deciding to end the little show he was giving himself.

That didn't mean that he wasn't going to have fun doing so of course...

With a few quick hand movements, Naruto gathered up a small amount of chakra into the palms of his paws. He could feel the source for all jutsu travel through his veins and culminating where he wanted it to go. He kept on doing this until he could feel warmth coming from his palms, signifying that he had enough chakra to pull his little trick on the pervert. Naruto moved his hands in a pushing motion, sending the chakra from his paws and sending it over to the man.

At first, it formed into a thin stream of bright orange chakra before it spread out just above the human's head, showering over him and enveloping him in Naruto's jutsu, Genjutsu to be specific. It was a technique that he had a lot of difficulty learning when he was younger, because of his large chakra supply and minimal control. But throughout the years, he was able to get better at controlling his chakra and do small illusions like this. Of course, having the knowledge of a multi-century old demon fox certainly helped as well.

Naruto saw the man's eyes glaze over, his pupils dilating widely, which confirmed that he was now under the effects of the Genjutsu. He looked at Krystal again and gave her a grin. "Give it a few seconds," The blonde fox told her. "You're going to love this."

The blue furred vixen was both curious and confused at the same time at both his actions and what Naruto had said to her. She wondered just what he had done to the peeping man. So she listened and waited for a bit to see what happened. The seconds passed and still nothing occurred. She was about to say something to Naruto until her eyes saw the peeper's face suddenly take on a horrified expression. The man's mouth went open wide as he backed away from the hole in the fence. Then he put both of his hands on his eyes, as if they were burning and the man starting yelling out in what sounded like disgust and disappointment.

"NO!" He screamed while squirming around on the ground. "What happened to all of the women?! They were just right there and now they're gone! Replaced by... by...! GAH!" The peeper quickly shot up to his feet and took off.

Or at least he tried to but he was knocked onto his back when Naruto raised his arm up into the air. The man's neck made contact with his bicep and it caused him to become unconscious as soon as he was on the ground once again.

"Gets 'em every time," Naruto laughed amusingly.

"Umm... Naruto...?" Krystal asked him and he turned to look at her. "What did you make him see exactly?"

Naruto grinned proudly before he answered. "I've dealt with guys like him before so I know how to mess with them," He said but she still looked confused because he didn't really answer her question. "I simply made him see a bunch of guys in the hotspring instead of the girls are in there."

Krystal blinked. "Oh," She said. Then her brows furrowed before asking him another question. "Then why was he so horrified? Just seeing a bunch of guys in a hotsprings couldn't have been that scary could it?"

The blonde fox crossed his arms. "Hmm... now that you mention it..." He responded. Naruto thought about it for a bit but he was soon interrupted when a particularly loud, female moan rang out from the other side of the fence. "Oh. Oh... Oh!" He laughed boisterously before he explained to Krystal. "It appears that the girls back there are having a little 'fun'. He grinned widely before he continued. "So when I cast my illusion over him..." He didn't finish the sentence because it looked like Krystal had gotten the idea.

A small blush dusted across the white fur on her cheeks but it disappeared quickly when she looked down at the peeping man, frowning. "Can't say that he didn't deserve it," She said to him before giggling at Naruto. "Very interesting way to take care of him, Naruto."

He gave her an exaggerated bow. "Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto, peeper-removal expert at your service," Naruto replied, Krystal giggling again at him. He straightened himself before looking down at the human. "What should we do with him?"

"We can leave him where he is for now," Krystal told him. "I'll just send a message to Carmelita about him and she can pick him up. We don't tolerate such things at the Golden Den so he's going to be banned."

Naruto hummed in approval of the human's punishment. "Sounds good to me," He said. Then he shook his head. "There's no need for him to peep anyway. It's mixed bathing. Oh well... shall we continue to our destination, Krystal?"

The beautiful blue fox nodded with a smile, glad to be away from the perverted man on the ground. "Yes," She said. "We're almost there anyway." Krystal pointed a little further ahead of the path where it diverged into three separate pathways. "It's right around the corner actually."

"Good," Naruto grinned. "I'm interested to checking out the spot where you all appeared from." After he said that, the two foxes began walking back onto the path once again. They turned right when they reached a fork and after about another minute they were finally at their destination.

They ended up in a small area that looked to be a garden, as it was full of different types of flora that Naruto was unfamiliar with. This caught him by surprise because he was actually rather knowledgeable with flowers due to an old hobby that he had back at his apartment in Konoha. He'd taken care of many types of flowers but he didn't see any of those in the garden. The blonde fox was actually curious as to what they were, as his fascination for seeing new flora came up but was soon quelled when he focused his mind back on the original reason why he was here. Besides, he could always check them out some other time.

He turned his attention away from the flowers and looked up. It was here that he saw the only other thing that was in the garden. A large, rectangular pillar protruded from the ground. From the looks of it, the pillar was close to ten feet tall, maybe eleven. It was colored a starch white and was pointed at the top. What really caught his eye though was the red lettering that looked to be chiseled into the pillar. But it was a bit small and he was having a rough time trying to read it, even with his enhanced vision.

So, he took a few steps closer to the pillar, cautiously of course. The letters became a little easier to read the closer he got. He identified the lettering to be kanji and it seemed that they were infused with some sort of energy source that wasn't chakra. This irked him slightly because he wasn't very good with alternate power sources since chakra was the only thing the Countries used for everything, from Ninjutsu all the way down to a television. Another thing that bothered him was the words on the stone. From what he could tell, it was just one, repeating sentence that was written over and over again in rows on all four sides of the pillar.

Bring them here.

It was short but Naruto could easily tell who it meant by 'them', which were the girls. So the pillar was definitely the thing that brought them here. But there were still a couple questions that needed to be answered. Who put up this pillar and infused that command into it? And why would that person, or persons, want to bring them here in the first place? Whatever the reasons, Naruto didn't think that it was for a good purpose. Strange phenomenon like this was rarely done without some sort of plot behind it. There was a small part of him that hoped the girls weren't brought here for some sinister plan, but that hope was demolished with his rational mind.

They were all pulled from their own dimensions and brought the Elemental Countries by someone who had a very vast and intimate knowledge of sealing and some other mysterious force that he had never encountered before. Which made that person incredibly dangerous, since sealing by itself was very formidable in the hands of someone that could use it right. But combined with this strange energy that he could feel coming from the pillar... and you can have the power to do nearly anything. Naruto was definitely going to have to find this person, figure out what their plan was, and stop them.

It would probably be so much easier if the most powerful village in the Countries wasn't after him.

"Naruto?" Krystal's soft, worried voice broke him out of his reverie. "Is everything okay? You haven't said anything for a while now..."

Naruto didn't want to tell her about the possibility of them being brought here for some diabolical purpose. It would most likely frighten her to learn that she and all of the other girls might be used by some person with incredible power. So he put up a mask to hide his true thoughts from her. "Everything's fine," He pointed at the pillar while giving her a smile. "I'm just trying to figure this thing out. All I've been able to tell is that it's definitely what brought you all here."

"That's not all of it," Krystal frowned slightly. Her eyes bore into his as she continued to speak. "You feel like you're worried and there's a strong sense of foreboding coming from you. Is there something bad about the pillar?"

The former Konoha-nin looked at Krystal in silence, his mouth hanging open just a bit in surprise. "How are you able to tell that?" He asked wondering how she could read his emotions so easily.

"I'm an empath," She said and knew she would have to explain further when she saw the look of confusion on his face. "It means that I'm much more sensitive to emotions than a regular person. I'm able to read them and differentiate which ones are real and which ones are fake, making it much easier for me to tell when someone's either lying or not telling me the whole truth."

Naruto was very impressed with her apparent ability. He remembered Rena telling him that all of the girls had their own special power but he would never have guessed for Krystal to be an empath. Of course, he'd never heard of an empath until now but that's beside the point. It meant that she could tell that he wasn't telling her everything that he knew. Now, there was no way he could avoid telling her about what he'd learned. He supposed he could always revert to his emotional conditioning training from the Academy and hide his emotions, but that would most likely make him look more suspicious than anything else.

He closed his eyes and sighed. "Guess I don't really have a choice then," Naruto said. "Look, I'm sorry for trying to keep things from you but I'm afraid what I've learned might frighten you and the others."

Krystal gave him a warm smile at this. "Thank you for being so considerate, Naruto," She said. "But all of us have been waiting a long time to find some answers. So whether it's good or bad, we want to know."

Naruto nodded before he looked back at the pillar. "Someone put this pillar here and used it to summon you all here," He told her, her eyes widening at the news. "The writing on it is a seal that's infused with some sort of energy that I've never seen before. It's most likely what enabled it to pull each of you from your respective worlds or dimensions. Whoever did this was extremely powerful and I'm sure that the reason you all were brought here is not a good one."

"Oh..." Krystal uttered out in a shocked whisper. "What kind of person would be able to do this?"

The blonde fox took on a grim expression. "That's the thing," He said. "Only someone with the sealing knowledge of a master could've made such a seal. And the only one in the Countries is me." Krystal was amazed when she was told this. "But none of my seals are powerful enough to bring people from other planes of existence. The energy must be increasing the power of the seal by an extraordinary amount."

Krystal turned her head and stared at the writing that was still giving off an ominous red glow. "Rena's not going to like this one bit," Her ears lowered. "Not at all."

"She has a very good reason not to," Naruto agreed with her.


(A few hours later)

Naruto sighed in relaxation as he slowly stepped into the hot tub that was next to the indoor pool. He needed a break from studying the pillar so he came to the pool building to try the hot tub out. It was decently sized, maybe able to fit around eight people in total before it became uncomfortable. Since he was the only one that happened to be here right now, though, he had the whole thing to himself. He was fine with that. That just meant that he could have some peace and quiet as he relaxed.

Most of his body was now submerged into the hot water, except for his upper body. He could feel his fur gently sway and fro in the water as he rested his arms on the edge of the hot tub. The blonde fox leaned his head back and let out a pleasured sigh, closing his eyes for a bit as his mind wandered. He couldn't help but think about the things he'd learned about the mysterious pillar that brought the girls here. In fact, he was actually still reeling from the shock that someone was actually able to create a seal that allowed something to be taken from another dimension.

Jiraiya had told him that it was possible if a person was skilled enough in Fuuinjutsu but that was it. The perverted sage had never been able to do that and he was the best seal master in the world when he was alive. Now, that mantle belonged to Naruto, who took up the art in honor of both his father and his deceased sensei. Thankfully, he was able to find some old scrolls from the both of them that helped him get to the level he was at.

Naruto frowned as he thought about the seals that were written on the pillar. The energy that was coming from them was unlike he'd seen before and it made him a little frustrated because if he couldn't find out what the power source was, he wouldn't be able to find a way to send the girls back to their own homes. There was a part of him that wanted them to stay, which surprised him since he barely even knew any of them. He wondered if it was because of all of the sex that he'd been getting since he came to the Golden Den. Possible, he concluded to himself, what guy wouldn't love to have all of these sexual encounters with these exotic and otherworldly beauties?

Naruto made himself more comfortable against the wall of the hot tub before he shook his head. He could study the pillar again after he was done taking a break from it. He stayed like this for what seemed like a good while to him but only a few minutes had actually passed. The silence that he had just grown accustomed to was interrupted when he heard a loud splash.

His blue eyes opened and he turned his head to the source of the splash. At first, he could only see the rippling water that happens when someone dives into a pool. He waited for a few seconds before he saw Sheila's head pop out from the water. The vixen's luxurious, auburn hair whipped through the air in a crescent arc, sending a cascade of water drops around everywhere. When she stopped, her eyes locked onto his and she gave him a seductive expression as she swam over to the edge of the pool closest to the hot tub. She then laid her arms onto the edge, one over the other, before she rested her head on them. Sheila did all this without breaking eye contact with Naruto.

A few moments passed of Naruto being unable to say anything before he recovered and gave her a smile. "Hey, Sheila," He greeted. "Decided to take a swim?"

The curvaceous vixen nodded and the seductive smile she was doing deepened slightly. "Yeah," She said back. "But that hot tub over there looks much more inviting. Mind having some company, handsome?"

Naruto had no reason to deny her so he shrugged and gestured her to come over with a paw. Sheila used her arms to give her enough leverage to lift her upper body out of the water. The water dripped off of her fur and back into the pool as she did this. Some drops had a longer journey, but would definitely be an enjoyable one to them if they could feel themselves slide down the slopes of her large breasts. Once she lifted herself up as high as she could, she lifted one of her long legs out and stepped onto the ground, which was soon followed by the other.

Naruto could only stare at the curvaceous vixen that was heading towards him in amazement. He couldn't help but do so because of how outrageously stunning she was. Her body had all the right curves and was proportioned perfectly with the two abundant assets that jiggled tantalizingly on her chest with every movement she made and her firm rear. Her legs were long and toned with a good amount of muscle on them. Her big, fluffy tail followed the same motion of her hypnotically swaying hips.

His eyes then spotted what she was wearing and he had the sudden urge to swallow whatever saliva was in his mouth but he couldn't since it had dried as soon as Sheila came out of the pool. She was wearing a green two-piece bikini set, with the top looking like it was having some difficulty in keeping her large breasts from view. The straps were digging slightly into the fur on her shoulders, straining to keep her bust contained within it. Not that he couldn't see enough of them already. The only things the top actually covered were her nipples, hidden behind small, green patches with a triangular shape. His eyes could see small protuberances in the material of the top as well, which he was able to determine were her hardening nipples. The bottom half was also small on her, barely keeping her womanhood from being seen. The straps hugged closely to her wide hips as they rode high on them.

Naruto crossed one of his legs horizontally on the other to hide the bulge that was slowly becoming visible on his swimming trunks while Sheila slowly set herself down into the hot tub, directly across from him. She let out a soft, pleasured moan once she was done and it caused his member to jump in his trunks at how erotic she sounded. It made him want to go over there, tear off that bikini top, and fill the palms of his paws with those big, soft orbs she had so that he could make her moan even more.

He pinched his thigh in order to clear his head from those thoughts. Naruto had been trying to become more controlled when he was around the girls. But of course that was quite the challenge since they were just so enticingly beautiful. However, he was at least able to keep himself from doing what his mind was currently fantasizing about. He was confident that if he let his mind wander elsewhere then he would be just fine.

However, Sheila had other plans...

"Everything okay over there, Naruto?" The curvy vixen asked with a knowing smile. "You look a little flustered."

Naruto raised a paw up to his muzzle and cleared his throat, thinking that it made him look more composed. "I'm fine," He said trying to hide the effect she was having on him. Sheila's smile grew as she noticed that she was. "I've just been in the hot tub for a while. I'll get out in a bit."

"Why don't you get out now if you're getting uncomfortable?" She questioned with her smile still in place.

"No reason..." The blonde replied while trying to avert his eyes from looking at her incredible bosom as the slopes of them could be seen above the water.

Sheila giggled mischievously and stood up. Her fur was matted against her body, showing every single inch and luscious curve, leaving Naruto speechless. Then she began to make her way over to him, swaying her wide hips all the while. Her eyes lidded halfway the closer she got while she kept a constant gaze on Naruto. Stopping when she was right in front of his legs, she put her petite paws on her hips as she looked down at him. "I think you're hiding something from me, Naruto," Her seductive cadence weakening his resistance. "And I'd love to find out what it is." The sexy vixen licked her lips sensuously after this.

Naruto could feel her pheromones hit him with such force that he was finding it very difficult to keep himself from losing control. He could feel his length throb with need as his eyes took in her gorgeous body with a hungering glint. She was so close to him as well. If he wanted, he could just grab her by those broad hips of hers and put her on his lap. The part of him that wanted to keep himself controlled was losing rather badly as it was countered by all of the thoughts of what he would be able to do to such an erotic body. From her long legs that looked to go on forever to her flat, toned stomach that had just the right amount of muscle and then to her gigantic breasts that jiggled with every movement she made. All of which looked like they needed some much needed attention.

There was absolutely no way he would be able to refuse the opportunity to touch her gorgeous body. He would have to be incredibly stupid to not want to ravish the sexy vixen in front of him. His body had recovered enough by now and he was confident that he would be able to take whatever Sheila gave him and give it back to her just as equally. The only thing stopping him from just grabbing her and proceed to another night of glorious passion and pleasure... was him. The pheromones and her incredible body made his next decision very easy. He put his paws on her wide hips, gripping them firmly before he pulled her towards him and onto his lap.

"Oh!" Sheila gasped at the sudden move from Naruto. But she didn't really care at the moment. She only smiled seductively as she put her knees on the bench in the hot tub, placed beside each of Naruto's thighs, and sat down on his lap. The vixen then put her paws on his shoulders as she stared into his bright blue eyes, their faces one single inch away from each other.

"You sure you want to know what I'm hiding, Sheila?" Naruto asked while his paws gently massaged her waist before he straightened his back and causing her large breasts to press against his chest, pillowing out on him and practically causing his pectorals to vanish in their softness. The blonde could tell that she was turned on from both the look in her eyes and her hardened nipples that were poking through the triangles of her bikini top, rubbing right into his chest. The sensation of that and finally feeling her breasts against him made his member quickly become erect, forming a tent in his trunks.

"Mmm..." Sheila moaned throatily as she felt the tent brush between her firm ass. She responded by grinding against his length, making him groan. "You bet I do, handsome. And I'm hoping that it's long, hard, and can ease the fire that I can feel burning me up."

"Oh..." Naruto's grin widened as he leaned forward so that his mouth was right next to her ear, moving his paws down her curvy body to her ass and gave a really hard squeeze. "It'll do all that and more you sexy vixen..." A pleasant shiver went up her spine when she felt his breathe and moaned once again as his paws greedily massaged her rear.

"Come here, handsome," Sheila's seductive voice whispered back. She placed her palms on his cheeks and moved his head back in front of her. Then she leaned towards him, her eyes closing while puckering her plump lips. Naruto met her half-way, eager to kiss her.

And that is what he did not even a second later. As soon as their lips touched, Sheila moaned and sent out a reverberating feeling of pleasure that traveled from her throat and to her mouth, where it then transferred to Naruto. He let out a hungered groan as he deepened the kiss, mashing their lips against each other even more. Their lips made a small smacking sound every time they separated before going back in for another kiss. It kept on like this before Naruto began to poke his tongue out during kisses, asking for entrance into her own. Sheila quickly complied and opened her mouth wide enough to let his sinewy appendage through and tangle with hers as they fought against each other for dominance.

Naruto noted that she was very skilled with her tongue but he was as well. While their tongues were dancing with each other, Naruto leaned forward a bit and made Sheila's back bend backward a few inches. He moved his paws from her ass and put one at the small of back while the other was placed in between her shoulder blades. Sheila wrapped her arms around his neck, wondering what he was doing but didn't let it distract her from trying to beat Naruto back with her tongue.

However, the blonde fox was now given more leverage with this new position and he was going to use that to his advantage. He deepened the kiss as much as he could and assaulted the inside of her cheeks, her tongue, and the roof of her mouth. Sheila's eyes widened in surprise and found that it was extremely difficult to defend against it. She tried to get control back by trying to block his tongue with her own before he found any of her more pleasurable zones but it was a futile attempt. The onslaught was simply too much for the voluptuous vixen to handle.

Sheila's eyelids lowered halfway as she could feel Naruto's tongue explore her mouth, taking the victorious spoils that he'd earned. She moaned at the feeling, loving how he wasn't letting a single inch of her mouth be left untouched. He leaned back against the wall of the hot tub, bringing her with him and mashing her breasts even more against his chest before he let his paws wander all over her voluptuous body.

Naruto had the inexplicable urge to feel every curve that it had to offer and he wasn't going to be fully satisfied until he had. He caressed her waist softly, rubbing the tips of his fingers up and down so gently that it made Sheila wonder if she were being caressed by feathers instead. Then he made travel lower and once again placed them on her round, firm ass. He groped and squeezed her furry cheeks while he massaged them in a circular motion, his fingers sinking into the pliable fur.

She moaned whenever he found one of her sweet spots and he paid special attention to those areas before he went on to find another. He did this wherever his paws went, from her ass to her long, slender legs, and to her back. Naruto found every sweet spot possible, completely surprising the auburn haired vixen immensely. She had no idea how good Naruto was with his paws. She decided that she was going to do something very special for him.

Naruto had now placed his paws on her stomach and was rubbing the flat, toned expanse just like all of the other parts of her body. But he didn't spend as much time there, not being able to help himself from drifting them upwards. He wanted to fill his palms her humungous breasts and fondle them while pinching her nipples. Naruto had the urge to do that since he'd met her and now he was going to get that chance. But right before his fingertips could touch the bottom of her mounds; Sheila unhooked her arms from around his neck and quickly put her paws on his wrists, stopping him.

Then she moved her head away and separating her lips from his, single strand of saliva still connecting them. This left the blonde fox to look at her in confusion. Sheila was breathing heavily, trying to refill her lungs with air, her breasts heaving up and down as she did this and causing her nipples to scrape against Naruto's chest. After she had regained her breath, she gave Naruto a sensual and appreciative smile before she spoke.

"How about we get you acquainted with my breasts in a different way, Naruto?" The curvaceous vixen asked him. She knew that he didn't know what she meant so she elaborated more. "Seeing as how you've been giving my body so much attention, I want to do something for you. All you have to do is sit on the edge and I'll take very good care of you, handsome." She winked.

Naruto had a guess at what she wanted to do for him and it only made him move up to the ledge as fast as he could. Sheila blinked a couple of times, wondering how he was able to do that without her moving. She just shook her head, choosing to ignore it for now. Then she gave Naruto a seductive smile as she kept eye contact with him.

Without even looking away, she hooked her fingers on the waistband of the trunks and pulled on them. They came off easily enough because there wasn't any friction thanks to the fur that encompassed his entire body. Were he still human and had skin, it most likely would've been much harder. But he was not so Sheila was able to get them down to his knees before she stopped because his member had flew out at her, slapping against his stomach before his tip lightly smacked against her forehead, causing her to squeal in surprise.

Sheila recovered from the shock of what just happened for a brief moment but relapsed soon after when her eyes met with the long, thick member of Naruto. Her mouth hung open as she blatantly stared at the erect, throbbing member in front of her, taking it all in. Figuratively, of course, she would physically do that very soon. It stood up straight, pointing at the sky with a rigidness she'd not seen with the other men she's been with. Sheila guessed it to be about ten inches long, maybe a bit more. She also took notice of just how thick it was as well, knowing that her paws wouldn't be able to completely grip it. There were also a few very prominent veins that ran across the length of his shaft, pulsing with his blood. Seeing all of this made Sheila eager to have that monster inside of her.

But first... she was going to have some fun with it. And to make Naruto feel a pleasure that no other man had ever been able to experience. "You're so hard, Naruto," She spoke breathily, raising her body a bit so that her breasts were right above the tip of his cock. "But I think I have somewhere nice and soft for it."

Without further ado, she lowered her breasts until she felt the tip poke against the bottom line of her immense cleavage that was made due to the bikini she was wearing. Sheila gave Naruto a sexy wink before she went lower, his member sinking into her velvet-soft breasts and disappearing from sight. Naruto threw his head back and groaned loudly as he felt every inch of his cock become enveloped in a warm softness that he couldn't even begin to describe how amazing it felt. The journey that he was going through right now seemed to go on forever as he felt a heavenly friction travel down the whole of his length. That friction was constant until he felt the pressure of her breasts on top of his thighs and a slight coldness on the tip of his member.

Naruto looked back down and saw that his tip was poking out of her cleavage while the hilt of him was completely wrapped inside the tightness of her breasts. He had experienced this before from both Rena and Serena but Sheila's breasts felt much tighter around him. It must've been because she was still wearing the bikini. He could feel his cock throbbing with need as he wanted to thrust into her luscious, wet, bikini-clad jugs. But just before he was about to do that, Sheila palmed the sides of her breasts with her paws, increasing the pressure that her mounds gave him. Then she began to move them slowly up and down.

The blonde fox groaned as he both felt and watched as she lifted her heavy looking breasts upwards, the tip of his cock disappearing from sight until she brought them back down and it once again poked out of her cleavage. Sheila repeated this motion over and over again before she rolled her breasts in circles. With this new movement, he could feel the sides of his cock being rubbed by the softness of the large, furry orbs she had on her chest. Naruto decided to let Sheila do all the work as she seemed to be doing just fine on her own, placing his paws behind him and leaning back on his arms while sighing in pleasure.

Sheila giggled at the state she had him in. She was happy that she could make Naruto feel so good. "You like that, Naruto?" She asked him as she wrapped her arms around the front of her breast and making it extremely tight around his cock. "You like the way my breasts feel when they're wrapped snugly around you're big... hard... cock?" She was now using her entire upper body to move her breasts up and down as she continued to titfuck Naruto.

Naruto didn't answer as he only gasped at the tightness of her breasts and was now breathing rather heavily, feeling that he was going to explode very soon. Sensing this, Sheila increased her pace. Her breasts jiggled in the grip of her arms whenever the bottom of them hit his thighs and making a thwacking sound echo throughout the empty pool building. She could feel the tip of cock bump against her chin with every downward stroke, causing her to look down at it. The gorgeous vixen could see a lot of precum dripping out of it. She licked her lips rapaciously before she opened her mouth wide and wrapped her lips around the head of his length.

Naruto growled out loud when he felt her do this. He could feel how wet and warm it was inside her mouth with her cheeks squeezing what they could of him whenever she went down. The combination of having his cock sucked and having her breasts enveloping him at the same time sent him over the edge. He wanted to last a bit longer and enjoy this feeling more but the need for release overwhelmed him.

"I-I'm going to come!" The blonde fox warned her but she didn't stop.

Sheila merely increased her speed to as fast as she could go while maintaining a proper grip on her breasts and sucking on his tip. About a minute after his warning, Naruto let out a guttural roar as a torrent of his essence erupted from his cock and right into the mouth of the sexy vixen that brought him to this euphoric state. She felt his cock pulsate between her breasts every time he shot another rope of his delicious fluids into her mouth. Sheila tried to swallow all of it but there was just too much spewing forth, so she kept whatever she couldn't get down her throat in her mouth, making her cheeks bulge outwards.

Once he was finally done, she back away from Naruto. The middle of her bikini was caught by his still hard manhood and the tie on her back came loose. It was already having a hard time trying to stay around her breasts while she serviced Naruto with her breasts so it came off very easily.

Naruto was still trying to collect the pieces of his mind that was scattered everywhere after it had been blown away by the pleasure that he just experienced, but he was able to see Sheila back away and see her top come off, releasing her breasts from their containment and completely bare. His eyes were finally able to see her naked mounds and he got a sight he wasn't expecting. Instead of nipples, Sheila appeared to have these small protuberances on her breasts that were made of her fur, exactly where her nipples would be.

He didn't have much time to really dwell on this as he heard a gulping sound. Naruto looked upwards and saw that it was Sheila. She must've been drinking down the last of his seed that she had trapped in her mouth, the muscle in her throat moving every time she swallowed. The busty vixen did this for the next minute or two while Naruto watched with rapt attention, his mouth hung open as his manhood began to revive at the erotic sight before him. After peeling off Sheila's bikini top as it still clung to his cock and throwing it aside, he stepped back into the hot tub and made his way over towards her.

Sheila didn't notice this, much too focused on getting his tasty fluid down her throat, moaning happily with every swallow she took. Her eyes opened and she blinked a couple of times when she felt a pair of paws rest themselves on her hips. Naruto was standing right in front of her, looking down at her with an expression of pure lust in his cerulean blue orbs. She gulped the last of his come and licked her lips, smacking them when she was done, as if she had just gotten a tasty treat. And she had, as far she was concerned.

She returned his lustful look with her own and smiled seductively. "That was delicious, Naruto," Her voice low and husky when she spoke. "I hope you don't mind if I come to you whenever I get thirsty? And just so you know... I'm thirsty a lot."

Naruto didn't reply, only growling in lust before he lowered his paws down to her ass, giving it a nice squeeze before using his strength to pick her up. She let out an excited squeal when he did this, crossing her lovely legs around his hips and hooked her hands behind his neck to keep balanced. Her soft breasts pressed against his chest while her face leveled with his. Naruto tilted his head forward and connected his lips to hers again, Sheila moaning from the pleasure she got from his kiss.

As he continued to make out with the alluring vixen in his arms, the blonde removed his right paw from her ass and then moved it around so that it was in front of the bottom piece of her bikini. Naruto hooked his thumb inside the bottom and then moved it out of the way, revealing her sex to him. He didn't know if it was from the water of the hot tub or because of him but he did see that it was dripping wet.

"I hope you are," Naruto replied, his tone deep and husky. "I'll be glad to quench your thirst anytime." His eyes darted down to her pussy and then back up to her own, grinning widely. "But I think I need to quench something else right now."

Sheila licked her lips at these words. "Please do," She said with a needing tone.

With those words being said, Naruto wasted no time as he lowered the curvaceous vixen down onto his cock. He groaned deeply when he felt his tip enter inside her, the lips of her pussy splaying outward as it stretched to accommodate his girth. As he continued, he could feel her soft, warm walls clamping down on him, squeezing him tightly in welcome. Soon, his cock was completely sheathed inside of her orifice. Naruto grit his teeth from how tight she was. The walls were hugging so close to his shaft that it felt that he couldn't move it. He looked at Sheila and saw her mouth wide open as she let out a deep, sensual moan.

The vixen was amazed at how big it felt inside of her. Naruto was easily the biggest she'd ever had. Any human from her past encounters didn't hold a candle to the blonde and the monster that he had hanging between his legs. It filled her up very nicely and made her want more.

With a breathy voice, Sheila whispered to Naruto with her lips barely touching his. "Fuck me..." She said and gave his cock a squeeze with the walls of her pussy. Naruto's pupils dilated from her tone, his lust overwhelming him as he placed his paws on her waist before he began to move his hips back and forth. His length pumped in and out of the sexy vixen at a pace that was intended to have her moaning for more.

Sheila moaned with every insertion, her toes curling along with her paws clenching behind his head. She threw her head back when she felt Naruto increase his pace; every stroke that he made was strong and reached deeply inside of her. Her hips thrust in time with Naruto's own, further increasing the pleasure that was spreading throughout her body. The hardened nipples on her breasts rubbed up and down against Naruto's chest as the two continued their copulation.

Naruto groaned when her walls squeezed even tighter on his cock. He noted that they would do that whenever he hit one of her sweet spots. The blonde didn't complain from this, it felt incredibly good when they did that. Every time that he thrust in, it felt like his cock was being massaged by the warm, inner walls of her pussy. The sensation of that spurred him to go much faster, the new pace causing his thighs a loud smack that echoed throughout the empty building.

"Oh, my god!" The busty vixen screamed out from the assault that Naruto was giving her. She threw her head back, her mouth agape with her tongue hanging out of it. Her breasts were no longer pillowed against his chest and were bouncing wildly in front of Naruto's face, her paws now on his shoulders with as tight a grip as she could muster. Sheila was doing her best to stay balanced but her mind was exploding in ecstasy and she was having a very hard time even trying to think straight.

This was very different from what Serena had told her about Naruto and how he was during sex. Serena never mentioned that he could so... animalistic. So good! She'd been waiting for the right guy to give her a nice, hard fucking and she was extremely happy that Naruto was the one giving her that. He was able to find spots in her pussy that even she didn't know she had. Every time he hit one of them with his length, she felt the urge of release become closer.

Sheila let out a small squeal of surprise when she felt something on the nipple of her left breast. She leaned her head down and saw that Naruto had captured the hardened nub with his lips and was sucking on it earnestly. His cheeks hollowed whenever he inhaled and she felt her pleasure skyrocket from how hard he was sucking on it. She moved her paws to the back of his head to help him feast on her mountainous breast while its twin still bounced around in every direction.

"Fuck! Naruto!" Sheila yelled out, the walls of her pussy clamping down on him. "I'm coming! Oh, god I'm gonna come! I'm... coming!" After that she felt her pussy convulse as it tried to milk Naruto's cock for his essence and fill her up. She didn't have to wait long as Naruto gave her one last thrust, burying his cock deeply into her pussy before he gave out a loud roar; the white liquid that had been boiling in his balls erupted from his cock. Her walls were soon painted as more and more of his come shot out. Soon, it filled her pussy up so much that it wasn't able to keep it all inside and dribbled out of her orifice, onto Naruto's cock before it trickled down into the water of the hot tub.

It took them both a few minutes before they recovered from their equally mind-blowing orgasm that they shared. When they recovered, Naruto gave her a tender kiss on her lips, which Sheila gladly returned. Naruto separated his lips from hers before he walked backwards until he felt the seat of the hot tub hit his legs. He sat down on it with his cock still deep inside Sheila, who was straddling him once more.

The vixen gave him a sultry smile, her eyes flashing in lust. "Care to go another round, stud?" She asked and got her answer when she felt his still hard shaft throb inside her, causing her to let out a small moan.

Naruto gave her a wide grin before he placed his paws on her hips. "There's one thing that you should know about me, Sheila," He said while raising her up to where only his tip was still in her.

"What's that?" Her voice questioned breathily.

"I have an ungodly amount of stamina," Naruto didn't let her respond as he brought her back down on his cock. Sheila yelled out in pleasure as she threw her head back, his name becoming the only thing she would say for the rest of their time together in the hot tub.

My god it's been so long...

I honestly don't mean to take so long in writing these chapters out. I get some days where I could make a bunch of progress and then just hit a complete dead zone where I don't write for days or weeks. I'm trying to change this and hopefully I'll be able to because I want to keep this story going. I thank you all for reading this to begin with because it's for all of you that I write in the first place! I'll be starting on the next one as soon as possible so stay tuned for the next installment for Paradise for a Lonely Fox ;).

-Elemental Kitsune