Not a Gambling Man

Story by RiotousRuse on SoFurry

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#2 of Scarlet and Jakeiro

Another round of these two clowns it seems! Christmas Movies and this piece could be read separately, but you'll just be missing a few details. My idea behind posting about these guys a lot is that they're my excuse to have a cute couple without a stressful storyline.

Look for more about these two, as it seems easier for me to write about them on-the-fly than have to think about anyone else's hardcore storylines or philosophical issues.

Prostitution tag has to do with a story told, but is not the "current" the focus/plot of the couple and never will be. Just some naughty high school stories. ;3


That is what I like to hear. I slurp up and down his length slowly, getting the most out of the adorable groaning and toe curling I earn for some fancy tongue play.

I pull up a little to watch the rest of the sergal as he arches against my muzzle, a creative lick or two to his tip making him whimper pathetically.

We'd decided to issue a challenge to one another. He dared me I couldn't go a week without getting slutty and needing something under my tail, so I dared him he couldn't go a week without creaming himself all over me.

...That may or may not be how the conversation sounded. "Jack..." he whimpers. "This isn't fair!"

I chuckle before sidling up to lick his muzzle. "I have to say you have the harder half of the bargain, Scar. Literally. Plus, having you in my mouth is enough for me. Who needs tails?"

I almost allow him to rebuke me, but a careful caress over his leaky dick reduces him shivers and twitches. "I f-fucking hate you..."

I squeeze him once again, and I can tell he only just resisted bucking into my paw to get off. I can just feel his body coiled like a spring under my control. Maybe this is what they mean by being a power bottom. It is pretty awesome. "Aww, Scarlet! That's not very nice. I guess I can just leave you alone for now."

Oh, man. You shoulda seen his face after I just completely backed off. We were watching something decent on my TV, after all. I snicker like an ass. Honestly, I kinda feel terrible when he just turns back to watching, his neglected, throbbing hardon is just left leaking...

Damn. This is hard to do. We're up to Day 5, and I've honestly got to honor Scarlet just for lasting this long. At this point, we live together basically all the time, so I know that when he complains about his blue balls, he really hasn't done anything about it.

In fact, two days ago at the movies, he barely made it into the theater before he begged me to tease him more. I get this weird feeling that maybe he feels some relief just before I stop and leave him off worse. We decided that had to be a rule when he told me he can't live without my paws or my muzzle or...

But to surrender what's under my tail would lose me my bet. To be honest, in the heat of the teasing moments, I don't think we decided on what there was to be won. Maybe some bragging in bed rights. Honestly, I'm only timid about giving up my tail because it's unfamiliar to me. I'm certainly not above everything else he likes me doing.

"You're an asshole. I shoulda made this bet with a fox. Then I'd only have to wait five minutes to win."

I scoff at his remark. "Someone sounds bitter! I'd be happy to help you with that if you want, but you're all sorts of resistant."

I watch his member pulse again out of the corner of my eye. He doesn't say anything else. I know he's totally pissed off at me. It's great!

I'm woken up later by whimpers. I rub my eyes and groan. The clock on my phone (Ugh, too bright) claims it's eleven at night, but that doesn't stop (or explain) what I find next.

That sergal asleep I think, but besides that he's... Ah, wow.

"Scar! Quit humping my couch!" I bat at his flagging tail as he literally emulates an overly affectionate dog with a leg to jump on. It's some twisted combination of really adorable and really attractive and really perverse. He has a pretty cute butt, but the fact that it's now in my face means he probably fell asleep on the opposite side of the couch from me. Jerk.

Eventually he wakes up, but the result is even more pathetic. He stops, but he's still belly down, tongue out, panting like he almost finished. "That was a great dream, but your ass didn't feel right." He wriggles his hips against the sofa one last time, his drooling member making me do the same. "Damn...I didn't win yet."

I start on the attack, crawling over to him slowly, licking my lips. All I give him is one teasing squeeze at first. I can't see him, but I sense his eyeballs rolling into his skull. He shivers out a, "You're gonna get less and less time to do that, wolf. All this blood would do better in my head."

I get under his raised hips as it dangles his member just above my nose, much like some horribly inappropriate treat.

One lick. "I can't keep saying no to that..." he moans.

Another. The rumbles play out.

A third. "You are a total slut--"

A fourth. "Nph, and that's normally alright--"

A fifth. "D-don't again. Serious. I'm literally hurting, and it's literally about to be all over your muzzle."

Ugh, why can't I cheat? Not letting him cum all over me is more a punishment for me I think. "I'm sorry, was that a bitchy sergal I heard?"

He leaps up, gathers me into his arms, carries me to our bedroom, then pins me by my shoulders only after tossing me onto the bed. If nothing else is going to get me going, then this is. I whimper from under him, but he sees through the act pretty quickly. "Do I sound like a bitch now? You look pretty vulnerable down there, Jack. I'd muzzlefuck you right now, but I'd go overboard too soon." I smirk at him. "That doesn't mean you get to be smug, wolf. I'll force you to lose your bet if you keep this up."

Oh no. "But..."

"But nothing! I'm hurting so bad I'm humping the couch in my sleep! You either chill, or I will bend you over and have my way!"

I whimper. I can't lose to him! Not in a million years! My ears fold back more than just the initial surprise had forced. "Maybe next time our bets don't have to be so extreme, eh?" I mention quietly.

It's probably the oldest trick in the book, but something almost no one knows about wolves is that beta and omega members of the pack will have their muzzle sorta grabbed in the muzzle of a higher ranking member if they're acting up. I dunno why, but it sorta makes me into a subservient, quiet little thing when Scarlet suddenly busts it out.

The feeling is hard to describe too. I get this sudden overwhelming feeling like I'd done something really bad. Like, 'I just murdered my own puppy' bad. My whimpers cease, but I'm sure I look legitimately torn up.

When he does pull away, he does so with an apologetic lick to the nose. "Wow... I didn't think that'd work so well." I'm quiet until he continues, "Uhm, sorry?"


"...You're like, really subdued now. Was that horrifying or something?"

I shrug. "I don't think you'd have done it if you didn't know a little about what it would mean. As for feeling... I dunno. It feels like you just told me to quit being a jerk, but it really sunk in because of that bite. Is that weird?"

He looks me over for a while as I do the same. He's noticeably less turned on, but he is still hard. I sure hope he doesn't die or anything. Eventually his eyes lock onto mine again. "You still tired?"

I hadn't thought about it after rousing him, but I guess I could go for finishing that post-dinner sleep. It'd mean waking up super early in the morning, though. "Not really. We could just talk."

He smirks. "I'm trying that, but you're all mellow now. I can't believe that thing still works on wolves."

I shrug again. "Lots of that stuff is still instinctual. Cats still go nuts over belly rubs, I like having my ears scritched, foxes kinda nuzzle everything--"

"And wanna get humped by everything."

I frown. "What's your dig with foxes?"

He looks away for a moment. He comes to lay beside me, but he's smiling all of the sudden. "It's kinda dumb now that I think about it." I let him continue. "There was this dance senior year of high school, you know? That prom one, or whatever. It wasn't a huge deal to me, like my parents didn't make it a big affair, but I was pretty proud to have a boyfriend to take to it."

"And the fox stood you up?"

"Worse. A fox stole my date. They were busted fucking in the locker room because they got into there that night and couldn't get out. Apparently the smell gave it away."

I cringe. I can imagine what he means. There's nothing quite so disgusting or arousing as the smell of some finished up sex. I've been on both ends of the arrangement. I think it's one of those things you adjust to as you do it, but other people walk into a wall of musk. Especially with a fox involved.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

He shrugs this time, resting a paw over my chest and half-cuddling with me. I feel warm, and this time it isn't because we're being sensual. "I got over it a while ago. Or maybe not. Guess I'm still bitter about date stealing."

"What did you do that night? What actually happened?"

He yawns and clears his throat. "Well, we were dancing or something, but the whole time, that fox was eyeballing me with my date from the back of the gym. Even when I couldn't see the bastard, I could feel him. Just before the slow dance, my date, some fluffy species of dog I don't remember, went to grab us something refreshing."

I giggle a little. "You didn't think he meant a refreshing piece of ass, eh?"

Scarlet scowls at me. "Shut up! Anyways, my date never came back, and the fox disappeared. It was all assumption until they were busted, though."

"You weren't too lonely, were you?"

He nods quietly. "Actually, I really was. I remember feeling this anguish because I knew then that even if other people were gay, they didn't ever make it public in high school. I thought because we were both out, we could be together and there'd be some trust there. I dunno, kinda dumb, really."

I turn onto my side so I can stroke over his adorable ears, quietly enjoying being with the silly animal. "I don't think that's dumb. It's pretty vulnerable, though. It'd just be a dick move to say you should've seen it coming, though. The two of you ever do anything?"

He shakes his head. "That date was kinda the first real thing I'd done. Sure, I was out most of high school, but I was a pretty big all-talk-and-no-action kind of guy. I was loud and the center of attention, but I'd scarcely had my first kiss, let alone anything sexual."

I chuckle a little. "Well, damn. That makes my high school experience sound slutty."

He starts smiling super wide, squeezing my paw. "Oh? What's the wolf got to hide?"

I blush a little. "I'll preface this with saying two things: First, high school was a great place to learn all those things I do with my muzzle,--"

"I like where this is going already."

"--And second, that I never did any butt stuff. I remember being oddly prude that way."


"Right? Anyway, it all started with this birthday party for a friend. We were at laser tag. It was a pretty decent sized place, but the main point is that there's a lot of dark places and only loud music playing." Surely, the sergal's muzzle will explode if his smile gets any bigger.

"This, well, fox," the audience cringes, "asked me if I wanted to try some stuff while we were there, since neither of us felt like trying with our parents anywhere close. We can say what we will, but damn, foxes are attractive." And persuasive.

He grumbles but nods. "Fine. True."

I smile and continue. "Well, anyway, he ended up blowing me in this dark corner of the place that I'd pointed out 'cause I'd been there so much. I never thought about the spot being used that way until that day."

"So where's your cock-sucking come in?"

I blush and push at him with my paw. "Stop! I already said I sound slutty. Don't make it worse." He kisses my nose. "Alright, well, I'd decided that the fox was okay, but what I didn't get a chance to do was suck him off. He settled for bucking into my paw when they called the five minute timer. That wasn't the worst, but I remember finding drool on myself from watching that dick go to waste."

"Can I just stop you and say that even this innocent backstory has me all geared up again?"

My ears pin bashfully, but I manage to say, "It's hardly innocent. I'm turned on remembering this too, but you aren't getting into my pants."

"Aww, why not?"

"I'm afraid you'll take advantage of me."

He gets this kind of scary look that's evil in a way. "I do know how to make you completely compliant now..."

I shudder and continue after taking a breath. "Anyways, I was really curious and gearing for my next fix of dick. I'm not sure what it is about guys that really gets things rolling."

The sergal nips my nose playfully. "Definitely not a ladies man. That's good news for me."

I roll my eyes. "I ended up making sure a few guys with girlfriends had my number. It was important that they were already tied up, because I wanted things to be a sort of one-and-done deal."

"...You didn't."

I blush. "I sucked dicks for money. It wasn't ever much, even. I think the most I ever asked for was a twenty. The first guy only paid me five because I told him I'd happily go for seconds for free."


"You got skipped out on by your prom date, and I earned half a thousand dollars."

"What the fuck?!"

I giggle, biting my lip. "Yeah... Some guys came a lot more than once. Literally. My repeat business made it so I never had a lunch period without lunch, so to speak. With all the extra money, I opened a bank account, a credit card when I turned eighteen, and then bought myself a stallion dildo."

He's still super stunned. "Oh my lord... Didn't that ever feel wrong?"

"Which part? Because swallowing was only something I did for guys I trusted."

He's flushed like he's the one committing sins. "You never charged more than 20 bucks--"


"--but you made five hundred dollars."

"More than that, but that's the most I had at any given time."

"In your senior year, you sucked enough dudes off to basically have a part time job."

I scoff. "Hardly. Twenty dollars a day? I'd have to open up a glory hole if I really wanted to rake in cash."

Scarlet's just absolutely floored. "You know, there is one great thing about hearing about your oral fixation."

I push some hair behind my ear. "Hm?"

"All of the sudden, I don't feel so bad about watching you be with a bunch of other dudes until we got together."

I bite my lip. "Actually, I gotta be honest. I've only done things with the horse toy under my bed. Anyone over here that you saw was anything from a friend I sucked off to someone who wanted me to do stuff to them."

He looks confused for a while. "So why are you so eager to offer your tail as a bet condition?"

I shrug. "I figured you thought I was 'experienced,' and that I'd miss it, so you'd appreciate the value of me being ravenous for dick. You were right, but it's the wrong end. Only tail stuff I've ever done has been with you." I blush a little. It feels like something to be proud about, right?

He nods. "Not even what's-his-stupid-face?"

I shrug. "I know you've heard stuff, but actually he was into just about everything except for being in me that way. A part of it is that he loathed the idea of a condom."

He gives me an appraising look, shaking his head with an almost proud grin. "Clever. So you're not overly eager about losing that bet, then."

I look into his eyes for a while. "I'm not eager to lose that bet to anyone but you."

He reddens a little in his white fur. It's the rareness of me catching him off guard that makes long setups worth it. "I'm not in any rush, especially since those first few times from before should've been a little more sacred. I've still gotta last the rest of this week to last, anyways."

I nod. "You're my first boyfriend that isn't just a friend with benefits. I don't want to hide things from you, but I didn't want to hurt you either."

He won't admit it, but knowing he got under my tail before anyone else is a total bonus for him. It is for any guy. "Surely there can't be worse stories than you telling me about your diet."

I giggle. "I could get specific with some of the hotter stories..."

He rumbles and adjusts himself. I'm sure he's been leaking again for a lot of this time. "We'll have to stagger those, then."

I smirk. "How bad is this getting for you?"

He gives me a look caught between uncertainty of how truthfully to answer, and how much he'd rather just slap me around. Probably with his dick. Mmm... "I've got a weird fact. I don't think I've ever gone a full week without at least one whack. I tried the edging thing once, but I barely survived two days with how pent-up I was. Right now my balls feel twice as heavy as ever."

I pout. "Only twice?"

He grunts. "Twice is enough for me to constantly think of ways to cash in this week."

That's what I wanted to hear. "Ooh. I'll be sure to get you off as many times as you can stay awake for when this is over."

"If you weren't going to, I was going to invest in some handcuffs and a buttplug so we could weigh how much I pumped into you."

Oh man. "Bastard. You've got me all hard and rearing to do something now."

"I never said you couldn't finish yourself. I'm just not going to help you."

I shrug. "I want to experience all the pains you're going through. Granted, you are not teasing me half as bad as I am you."

He grinds himself against the bed. "This is true. But I'm afraid if I start torturing you, then we'd both end up losing. I'll be content to just ask for some help sometimes, I guess. I should carry around a thermos of ice if we go out in public again."

Hm... "You want to? We already did the movies, but we could do something else. We haven't been doing much this week besides groceries and the gym."

"And by gym, you mean, 'Watching the sergal and many others work out while I complain about being pretty,' right?"

I gasp and push him again. "Jerk! I still do some stuff! I gotta keep being sexy enough to keep you away from the other twinks."

He just chuckles and laughs. "That won't ever be a problem, my fiendish friend. My attraction to you has to do with our history more than how much I'd ever want you in bed." Nothing much more than silence acknowledges him for a while. I can feel myself closing my eyes a little too long when I'm blinking. "I don't know if I should ask for a goodnight kiss, or if it would keep me up too long."

I shrug. "You seemed to be alright when we napped earlier. Did you fall asleep hard then too?"

He shuffles a little. "Nah. That time, things were finally settling. It was such a relief."

I giggle at his misfortune. This really is too much fun. I almost wonder if we could scale this down and make it a regular thing. God, consistently holding myself off from him would be as much a lesson in restraint for me as him. I'm pretty sleepy, and I say so before I drift again. I'm not sure what the sergal does after I'm out. I feel pretty warm and comfortable with him close, though.

"Jack..." Poke. "Jack." Poke. Poke. "Jack, please! Wake up!" Poke poke poke shake.

I grumble to myself as I wake up. It feels a little early in the morning, but I feel rested decently enough. As I come to awareness of what's around me, I remember the now-ever-present scent of poor Scar running around constantly turned on. I know that even though he's not out of his sheath perpetually, it probably wouldn't take much to usher him into something.

"Jack! Come on!"

My eyes do that stupid movie thing of fluttering open, but I nearly jump five feet backwards at what I wake up to. "Scar? Uhm..."

At some point in the night, I guess, he'd decided to strip me. Now he's sitting on me (God I must be a deep sleeper), and he looks two seconds from making a poor decision. "There you are! Welcome to Day 6! I think I'm going to lose this fucking bet!"

Despite his obvious frustration, his tongue is lolling out of his muzzle, and he's got a sort of crazy-eye thing going. Were his pupils always that big? When did he become halfway cross-eyed? " alright? We don't have to do the full week thing if you don't want." My tone is the sort one would use to talk a little girl off a cliff.

It seems to mellow him a second. "But what's at stake? Did we ever even have stakes?" He blinks a few times, looking a little bit better. Damn. I cannot leave my sergal by himself and this backed up.

I shake my head with a meek grin. "Not that I recall. It's still a feat you've overcome, and that's--"

"No, no. The problem is you aren't letting me over-come." He leans down to lick my nose, the smiles in his eyes forcing me to concede that joke, at least. Can't let these god-awful puns continue...

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Wanna remedy that today?"

He shakes his head slowly. I'm thinking his crazy eyes are probably sleep-deprived eyes. "In your sleep, you turned over, so I spooned you. Everything was cool until you started wagging your tail at something in your sleep. If you're sticky back there, now you know why."

I'm not sure what emotion is behind my shudder. I do give a trivial feel over my back and find some matted fur. "So what did you do?"

He blushes a little bit, but then gets up off from me. "I humped your back a little, I have to admit. I was feeling really lazy and I love cuddling with you... so I just sorta took the easy way at the time. I'm regretting it now, because I can't sleep without dreaming about what you'll do for me eventually."

I did not think about his mental health being harmed by our bet. "I think I know a way to get you to sleep, my sergal. C'mere. We're not going to continue this anymore. You've lasted enough teasing."

He nods eagerly, and once he's crawled on top of me, I crawl under him to get right to the base of the problem.

I don't delay in taking his entire length into my muzzle. You could say there's dual reasons for that one. One, I chose the right boyfriend for my constant oral fixation. He's delicious and just big enough to require my throat. Secondly, I'm pretty sure he didn't fake the shudder of relief, and we're not even started yet.

He catches on pretty quickly why I took the position I did, and he starts pulling out to thrust back in. Now, I've never been apprehensive about sucking someone off. There've been plenty enough horses for that fear to diminish. That said, sitting here underneath the horniest, most eager sergal I've known to date, I get a little bit nervous he's gonna hurt me. I've already invested in this, though, so I have to carry it out. He can't take more of this without being committed.

His first thrust comes with a grunt, and were my muzzle a little bigger, I'm sure his overfull balls would've hit my chin. Thankfully, he doesn't thrust all the way to the base, so for now at least, he's manageable.

After he sees that I'm not gagging or trying to get him to stop, he immediately gets pretty excited to continue. What I'd compare him to is someone lifting the most they can in a weight room. He's twitching everywhere like he wants to resist plowing my face, but it translates over sometimes, becoming strange half-humps and odd grinding, combined with desperate whining and groaning.

Nothing short of the strangest blowjob I've ever given, but it means, hopefully, I get to hold him off my tail from his overexcitement for now. I should think about my own winning stakes.

He starts holding on to my shoulders so he can buck more efficiently, but like a ticking time bomb, things are going to explode soon, and it won't be pretty.

Scarlet twitches more over me, even stopping and hilting on some thrusts. I wish I could see his face. Maybe then I could tell what's going through his mind. Regardless, he's quaking all over like he's impossibly cold. The sadistic pleasure of teasing him fades, and instead there's this pity I take on him. Well, there's the pity and the slight concern for one or both of our safeties.

The minutes seem to blend as he continues onward still in his eager bucking, and I find some irony in how long he's lasting compared to how eager he is to get off. This is pretty normal for his threshold, but I know it's frustrating to be so backed up and still have to work so hard. Maybe I'll cook him something good after this. I'm definitely the girl in this relationship.

He pulls entirely out of my muzzle, whines, thrusts against my nose by accident, then groans loudly when I manage to catch his member again, licking over the entire length as it slides down again. I think he's almost there. His paws are gripping hard onto me to hold on for dear life, and I prepare myself for what's going to be either the best or worst finish into my muzzle as of yet.

I remind myself of how I used to handle horses, and with that mental preparation, I convince myself I've already seen the most volume I'll see in my life. Instead, well...

He whimper/whine/groans, thrusts one last time (deep, too. Right into my throat), and almost like listening very close to an extremely large bomb, I can hear his insides working overtime to twitch his pent-up load into me.

There's a few dry throbs into my muzzle, which I have to try to keep my composure during. I pray I'm gonna last long enough without breathing, and then it starts.

Absolute gouts of his seed pour down my throat like I'm holding my muzzle under a soda machine. Normally, I count his throbs or pulses of seed to tell how well I did. This time, especially as I start easing off a little to catch some of his essence onto my tongue, he's shooting a literal stream.

The entire time, he's not doing much more than groaning pathetically, hugging over my rear end to try to stay anchored to Earth after such a crazy round.

My eyes are closed so I don't lose focus, but I can feel his balls close to me still. It almost doesn't feel like their swell has gone down at all. I forecast even more of this stuff in my system before today's over...

After a conclusive minute (holy fuck, I'm full), of his orgasm, he falls over onto his side. I pull off his member, give it an affectionate lick, then groan as I get the same feeling in my gut as being really hungry but doing nothing but drinking a gallon of water. I think I can feel my insides sloshing.

By the time I get around to settling face-to-face with Scarlet, he's already passed out. Honestly, I'm almost certain he was gone halfway through coming down my throat. He's normally prolific, anyways. This just made things ten times worse. Or, I think to myself as I lick my lips, ten times better.

I'm the definition of insatiable.

I'm also pretty proud of myself, though. Were I more sure of just how much he'd fire, maybe I'd have pulled off and let him paint my face (and half my body. White wolf, anyone?). That always turns both of us on even more. The fact I gulped down so much from him tells a huge story. Regardless of how great that ended, I don't think I'll ever tease him this long again.

I wake up some time later, and my tortured subject of affectionate is clearly watching me sleep. He licks my nose, his eyes a lot clearer than before, which is only obvious because it seems that an entire tense haze has left him.

"I'm never letting you let me go for that long. At least not if you're teasing me the whole time." I yawn quietly, after which he pulls me close enough to be nose to nose. "Hey, you hear me? Never again. Or I really will finish by going to town on your back."

I giggle lazily. "But where's the fun in that? I'd just be all sticky and messy."

He nips my nose. "That's the point, you devilish thing." He's quiet for a while, but his eyes don't wander. I blush under the attention he's giving me. "In spite of it all, I wanted to thank you for the best spring break ever." Something poking me in the hip wants to thank me as well.

I smile. "And you thought fun breaks didn't have to begin with bets."

Searching for Silver Clouds (Part 2/2)

\<\<Part Two\>\> April 27, 2014 Sunday He said he'd reach out to me. Told me he was sorry for being an ass. Said he'd make up for it. It's hard, you might know, to do anything, including laundry, when you're exhausted emotionally. When...

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Searching for Silver Clouds (Part 1/2)

\<\<Part One\>\> March 17, 2014 Monday I grumble just as any student is prone to when forced to work in a group of people he doesn't know. Sweeping my hair back into a ponytail, I brace myself for my incoming workmates. Here we go...

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Christmas Movies

"This is a pretty dumb plot." "How do you mean?" "I mean, how does it take three times of 'You're a douche to everyone' to finally make douchey Ebenezer see just that?" We chuckle for a while. "I like to think he's just hard-headed." I shake my...

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