Xeno's Slave

Story by Chapu on SoFurry

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DrXeno Was awesome enough to invite me to join him in a story written by Kalan a little while ago ^^

Thank you so much! It came out fantastic :)

Chapu snarled low in his throat as the tug on his collar yanked him forward a few more steps, his muscles tensed up while his nostrils flared open wide at the scent of metal and chemicals on the air. The taste it clung to his tongue as his dark yellow eyes slide around the room, the slit pupils flaring in the dim light as he heard the muffled sound of voices from deep within the ship's hold. He didn't know if they were the crew or not, he only knew that he hadn't seen anyone else except for himself since he had arrived here. Himself and the damned creature was that had ahold of the leash that tethered him with the short gleaming metal strands. The tall reptilian creature kept a grip on the leash that barely budged even when he tried to pull his weight backwards against it, attempting to drag it backwards only to be forced forward again. There was no give to it, but he already knew that, but he would be damned if he didn't try to escape.

Seven years of enslavement. Seven years to work of the debts that he had acquired in an attraction of gaming in a small port town. It had been harmless at the time, or at least he had thought so, there were always new ships coming into port, trader routes that serviced various planets and needed to pick up supplies. He had always assumed that the debts he worked up would never be cashed in, how could they be? They weren't here long enough to allow for the courts to find him, evidence to be gathered, and for it to finally go to trial. What a damned stupid idea that had been. He had been caught, his debts staggering up into the tens of thousands of credits and that meant he forfeited his freedom. The komodo dragon had been taken to the markets and sold off to the highest bidder, and not one who had even been present. A call-in bidder that had taken him on a whim and paid off his debts with the addendum that it would go beyond hard labor.

He could have taken hard labor, he was large for a species that was renowned for strength and power. The bristling red and black mane that ran along the line of his head and trailed down towards the curve of his shoulders stood out against the dark green scales that covered his muscled body. He could have worked with the best of them, he had already worked on ships in the past from everything from cook to one of the midshipmen, but not now. He had been sold into sexual slavery, a pet, a creature that was bought simply for the use of his body and whatever his new owner wanted. It was a common practice on these long rage vessels where having an affair with a crew member would cause trouble, the higher placed officers would bring 'pets' with them to keep them company. He had been on a few ships in the past that had one of the officers bringing on a pet, it was not an enviable position for the slave.

"This way." The lizard chirped at him, the voice almost trilling as he stepped onto a large metal pad and gave the leash another twist so that he stumbled behind him. "Hurry up, we set off soon, slave! I have better things to attend too."

"Of course." He hissed back, trying to keep the pure fury out of his voice as he stepped onto the metal pad and felt it lunge upwards beneath him.

He gave a critical look towards the hall behind him and the walls as they were lifted up. The vessel was massive, one of the long range transport ships that could be used to go towards the outer rim planets which added up to what he had been bought for. It was large enough that it could safely set out for a journey of several years or more. He wasn't being taken below to the officer's quarters, so it was obviously not a captain or an officer, but someone with money had purchased him. If it wasn't an officer there was the hope that he would be taken to a female crew member, perhaps someone that was from a wealthy family that preferred not to do without some pleasures. If it were a female crew member it would be an ideal situation for him, he was large and imposing, he would be able to dominate her with only a little effort and make a peaceful journey for himself.

<CREW REPORT TO DOCK FOR LOADING PROCEDURES!> The mechanical voice crackled around him as the pad came to a stop near the upper levels and he was led down a narrow corridor that smelled of harsh chemicals and glowed white under brightening lights.

Medbay. _He glanced around with his eyes narrowed down to slits as he caught sight of himself in the mirror that ran along the line of the hall. The worn clothing looked shabby and out of shape in the bright sterile environment, his appearance fierce when looming behind the slender lizard that led him. _Female doctor, wealthy, bored, likely easily dominated.

"Ahhh my purchase." A hissing voice was like cold water being flung at him and the komodo dragon yanked on the leash to twist his head about. "Essan, you may leave him. Thank you for taking the time, I hope I have not taken you from your duties too long."

Chapu heard what was being said, but he didn't quite take it all in as he stared at the creature that was standing in a doorway. The eyes seemed to glow green as the extremely large, extremely male creature stepped out neatly and reached out to take the leash. He was well built, the gleam of the light caught along the carapace like armor that rippled along the heavy looking chest. Ridges ran along the head, running down towards the flat muzzleless face that boasted a set of imposing teeth that could be seen from beneath the thin lips. A long tail balanced behind him, coiling and twisting with a sharp arrow like tip that danced back and forth. He didn't even hear the lizard respond as he stared in horror at his new owner, there was nothing here that was delicate and feminine. Nothing soft and vulnerable, there was a hard alien creature that slid his eyes towards him with the glowing eyes narrowing a little bit.

They swept over them, sliding over his body and trailing from his chest all the way down towards the rise of his belly and lower. His shabby clothing felt worse for that look. He was being judged and weighed by the creature that had paid out a small fortune to secure his services. He instinctively straightened himself up, his chest broadening as he tried to look larger and more confident then he felt as the long sharp tip of the tail flicked up and over his owner's head and nearly brushed his muzzle as it danced back and forth, the long segments of his tail curling ever so slightly. The lips parted in a slow smile before the creature turned and quirked a finger.

"Come along, pet, we will be taking off soon and you will need to be in a braced position so that you take no harm." The voice held the faintest hiss, almost an insect like undertone as the tail continued to swing just in front of his muzzle. The sharp blade like end giving him a little stab of fear as it shifted to a level just as his throat.

There were no threats needed to know what that meant. He stifled a growl and jerked his head up high before stepping behind the alien creature. He would play the game, for now, until he found a way to escape or swing the tables around. It couldn't be that long.

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"I am Doctor Xeno, but my title and my name mean nothing to you." Xeno padded in front of Chapu with a soft chitter trilling under his words. His form moved slowly and gracefully on the tips of the clawed toes. "You understand why you are here, you have no need to be so informal with me. I am your Master and you will address me as such."

"Yes, sir." The komodo dragon growled from his spot in the middle of a room that was stark and empty.

The moment the ship had broken the atmosphere the strange creature had come for him. He had been placed in a barren room that had stark white walls and a simple low bed that he used to drop down in and attempt to come to terms with who had bought him. At the best case scenario, he had been bought as an assistant for the doctor that would have the option of using him for bedroom games in the off time. He could deal with that easily enough, it would also give him the chance to become invaluable as a crew member in a relatively easy job without servicing the imposing alien. He wasn't against males, but he was of a species he had never seen, strange and wild looking even to his muscular frame. Those thoughts were dashed the moment that the doctor had returned with the opening introduction.

As he answered the tail suddenly swept out, the long hard blade like tip flashed out making him stumble back before the articulated length snapped out to crack right against his back. He yelped out and tried to edge away as the long arrowed shaped tip twisted around and rested against his stomach and dragged him forward a few steps so that he was forced in closer to the tall ebony form.

"Master. You will call me master. You must earn the right to call me, sir." The last word was a soft sensual hiss that teased out along the edge of his neck. It sent a shiver down his spine as the tail coiled harder and pulled him forward. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master." He snapped out the last word, trying to pull backwards, but the tail yanked harder to make sure he was pulled up close and nearly forced right up against the chest.

"Ahhh you do not sound as if you mean it." Xeno tilted his head to one side as he moved his hand up to tease a sharp black finger tip beneath the edge of his chin, almost dragging down towards the line of his neck. "I think you need to better learn your place."

"You have paid for the right, Master." Chapu forced the words out as he was pulled in closer, the finger tips trailed down towards his chest and gave a sudden slice downwards.

He knew that the alien had sharp claws, he could see that easily enough, but now he felt them tearing along the loose worn shirt. It tore through the fabric easily, spreading it open along his scaled chest while he stifled a protesting growl. They were the only clothes that he had been allowed to bring here, the only thing that he could call his own, and they were summarily destroyed by the slice of a claw and curl of the fingers. The tail slipped around him, dragging and caressing as it slipped away from his hips and moved away while the alien let out a trilling sound of pleasure while his eyes slid down along his body. The hands moved to curl along the waistband of his bands and gave a slow pull downwards, dragging it down until the button that secured it above his tail snapped off and it went loose along his ass.

The komodo dragon flushed, an angry darkening of his cheeks as he felt himself being bared, the edge of his bare ass cheeks spilling out into view and heft of his shaft was spilled out along his inner thighs. The soft textured length was out in full view as he moved his hands down automatically to cover himself to no avail, Xeno wasn't looking at his cock, but was staring along the curve of his ass where the thick base of his tail struggled to keep himself hidden from view. He didn't quite succeed, but he did his best as he twisted his head to keep his eyes on the alien as one of the clawed hands moved and brushed along the line of his side. The claws traced all the way down along the curve of his spine and trailed towards the base of his tail so that he clamped it down harder to rest along the crease of his ass.

"Ahh a bit of spice?" The alien's voice was filled with laughter as the hands moved to caress right along the curve of his shoulders. "Let me show you the joys of your new room, I have picked it out especially for you."

_The bed... _He stiffened, but forced himself to relax, he knew what was coming, he could accept it and even make the best of it. Hell, he could even enjoy it as long as the alien wasn't entirely-

The thoughts stopped entirely as the alien padded to one side of the wall and ran his palm right down along a seemingly plank space. As his claws trailed over it the spot lit up a bright yellow with darker red points that formed a circle. Xeno tilted his head to make sure that he was watching as he began to tap out a code that flared the lights up and the room began to hum around him. Invisible creases in the walls became apparent as they slid apart, one entire section of the room opened up to show an indented set of shelves and racks filled with things that he had never seen before. Above him there was a similar hiss and the lights flickered as the roof turned slowly, adjusting and exposing a set of hard steel poles and a rattling spill of chains that dropped down, one of them nearly catching him on the shoulder.

_What the hell? _He gaped up at the ceiling and the silver glittering chains that seemed to reach down for him.

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Xeno watched the expression on the komodo dragon's face keenly as he revealed the hidden chambers of the room, he wanted to see just what he had bought. The moment he had seen the lizard standing on the slave market grounds with his mane stiffly up and his entire body showing a relaxed and confident manner he had wanted him. There was something about the way he seemed utterly sure that he would always come out on top, the strangely attractive coloring of his reptilian skin, the potential of his muscled large frame had all appealed to him. It had been a long time since the alien had any desire to entertain himself with a long term playmate, they were too costly and his work took him too far out of the range of the civilized worlds to entertain those ideas. But the slave market had given him the opportunity for something much more satisfying than a short term liaison. A small tag denoting that the slave could be purchased for sexual or breeding services.

He was even more appealing in person, especially as he struggled to maintain an accepting demeanor as he was told how to address him. He had spirit and fire, and that would be delicious to break and introduce to Xeno's desires and ideas of play. Even now he could see the eyes widening as he made no move to interrupt the inspection of what had been revealed in the hidden wall. He had a collection of toys that he enjoyed, restraints and collars, chains and leashes, whips and toys, clamps and cock cages, things to make sure that he was the one entirely in control in any given situation. He had taken his time in his purchases, some he had made himself in his role as a medical attendant on various ships, others he had purchased on his time off ship, but all held their own appeal.

"You are bought and paid for." He murmured before padding towards the open shelves, his fingers sliding along several of the collars that he had set out. "But on a ship this large you might very well believe you could disappear in the midst of the crew and hide from me."

"I would never attempt that, Master." Chapu's voice was almost a growl and that made him smile a bit.

He ran his fingers along a few of the collars that appealed to him the most, finally plucking up one that was a solid leather band with a heavy steel buckle. The inside of it was a steel ring that was covered in the leather so that it wouldn't bite against the scales beneath and the buckle was unique in that the tongue of it didn't end in a short tapered tip, but a broad ring meant to hold a lock. He needed something that couldn't be taken off until he was freed of his servitude. He picked up a matching band of wrist restraints with it before turning back to his pet and baring his teeth in a grin, his tail tip lashing back and forth behind him. He could already feel his body starting to grow aroused with the thoughts of what he planned to do with the komodo dragon. His shaft starting to slip from his vent even as he reined himself in.

_I have years, I can afford to be patient. I can take my time. _He licked his lips and padded forward with the collar and wrist restraints.

"You will wear this until you are free," He drawled out and moved behind the dragon to wrap the hard collar around his throat, the edges tugged closed as he swung the collar about so that he could buckle it. "I am sure you will come to enjoy what this means. I'm positive that you will begin to truly enjoy everything I can teach you."

"Master.." The voice came out almost harsh as he felt the lizard start to tense up, the muscles along his back bunching up. "I don't think that I am the person you would wish in this position."

"Oh?" He buckled the collar on, his fingers deftly slipping the lock through the O of the tongue so that it was secured in place. "I believe you are. Is there any particular reason that you believe you aren't?"

"I have never enjoyed these games." His voice was almost reasonable, as if Chapu was taking heart in that he wasn't shot down. After a moment he added on, almost belatedly. "Master."

"Ahh but have you truly tried them at the hand of a master?" Xeno tilted his head to one side while he reached down to grip the wrists, pulling them roughly to yank them backwards, tugging them towards the base of his tail.

"I.." The komodo dragon stiffened and let out a short noise as his wrists were forced together and the matching leather restraints were clapped around them.

"No, you haven't, but be patient, I am sure that you're going to have your eyes opened up soon enough." The alien flicked his tail about, curling it and twisting along the long legs so that the sharp tip grazed right along the calf. "We just have to make you a bit more open."

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Chapu wanted to make a reply to the answer to his attempt at a plea, but it was taken away as the tail suddenly struck out against his back. There was a crack of it, snapping along the curve of his shoulders so that he dropped down in shock. The doctor's voice was reasonable and soft, almost like he was prepared to listen even as the restraints were fastened onto him, but they fell on deaf ears. With his wrists restrained against his back, the press of them resting above his tail, meant that he couldn't catch himself as he went down on his knees and the tail looped around him again, curling lightly along his chest as the alien being stepped around him. The smooth ridges and lines of his tall body were broken slightly with something dark and glistening right along his lower loins.

_He's naked... _It was almost a shock, he had looked at the hard edges of the body and assumed that it was some sort of snug fitting suit or uniform, but it wasn't. There was a line in the vent that quite naturally allowed the slightly tapered tip of the shaft to push out into the light.

Heat rushed up along his cheeks before chains teased down in a cold brush along the line of his back, the alien stepped forward, running in close that there was a brush of the cock tip along his shoulders as he tried to squirm backwards to get away from it. Xeno almost mockingly ground his hips forward, inching his shaft upwards to run along his scales with a slick caress that made his cheeks burn in humiliation while the chains were pulled taught and his wrists were lifted upwards. Cold metal wrapped around the base of his tail, the links caressing and pinching against him as he was forced to lean forward and grind the cock along his shoulder as the doctor's free hand gave a push against his shoulders to guide him back. With a click he felt the circling metal drawn taut around his tail and something click against the wrist restraints.

Another chain suddenly clicked right against the collar that encircled his throat, the loose links ran along his shoulders as he tried to pull back again. The shaft slid upwards, running along the edge of his neck and brushing upwards towards the long curve of his chin. He immediately tried to pull away, but his attempt to evade the hardening black shaft was stopped when a hand suddenly caught the ridge of his black and red mane and gave a firm yank, forcing his head back towards the emerging length. The glistening edges of it offset with ridges that ran along the underside as he was forced to hold still when it glided up right along the edge of his chin, the sharp scent of male assaulting his nose while he let out a short noise. He tried to yank back, but the hold became a bit firmer, yanking against the hairs as the cock slipped up and rubbed right along the line of his muzzle.

The wet syrupy drops of precum oozed out and darkened his scales, running along his nose while the heat rushed towards the edges of his cheeks and higher towards his ears as the glans dragged backwards and worked up again. The ridges plucked against him, nearly tugging right along his lips as he let out a short noise of protest. The hand moved from his mane and cupped right beneath his chin and pulled his head upwards until he was looking along the hard edge of the chest and stomach. He saw the chest move before there was a whirring sound above him, the chains rattling and clinging along his back while the fingers curled against his muzzle. He felt the sudden yank right against his neck, tugging firmly around the collar and made him let out a ragged noise as the hard metal edged circle bit against his neck.

"Ahhh!" He opened his jaws in protest as his neck was stretched upwards, and that was exactly what his owner wanted.

Even as the chains began to grow taut along his tail the cock slipped down and suddenly pushed into his muzzle, sliding right along the line of his tongue and pushed forward. The wet syrupy dribble of precum spilled along the edges of his tongue, salty tasting and thick as he choked out in reaction as his tail and arms were pulled up in the air. He was yanked up higher in the air, the chain around his neck stopped the pull up, making his weight shift towards his haunches as his ass was forced up in the air. The steady whirr tugged and pulled, making his tail flip up along his back as he felt the ache building until he scrabbled and put his paws beneath him. Through it all he felt the ridges shoving along his tongue, inching further as the tip wedged towards his throat.

"That's much better, so much easier when you are so eager." Xeno praised him, making Chapu feel a stab of humiliation as the cock started to plunge forward a bit harder, oozing out a hot dribble that spilled along the back of his tongue so his throat convulsed.

The fingers moved and ran along his back as the clicking of the chains continued, forcing his ass up higher in the air and his head was tipped down lower as his legs were soon straightened out, desperately trying to brace himself. He worked his tongue up along the underside, rolling along it while the hot dribble of precum splattered out into his throat again before there was a sudden roll and stab forward, forcing the length into his throat so he swallowed around it, contracting and suckling instinctively. The fingers moved along his body, they trailed down along the curve of his hips and trailed right along the line of his forcibly raised tail. The hips rocked harder forward before dragging backwards, the ridges pulling outwards as strands of his saliva clung around him. He let out a short noise as the tip tugged from his throat and rolled back and forth lightly.

"Harder, suck harder, pet... Surely you are talented with that tongue, I have heard how lovely reptiles are with those tongues." He chittered as there was a suddenly flick of a finger that trailed along the bared curve of his ass cheeks.

He felt a stab of outrage and embarrassment, but he sucked around the cock, pulling and working beneath the length of the cock as he swallowed his own saliva and the precum. It was faintly salty, the taste of it clung to his tongue and senses while a finger curled down to flicker right against his vulnerable pucker. He tried to snap his tail down immediately, but he couldn't, the chain and restraints kept it raised up in the air as the tip of the finger curled forward against. He had to have licked it or used something, there was something slippery along the tip of the finger as it curled forward and he let out a short grunt as he felt it pushing inwards. His walls clamped down immediately as the cock plunged deeper into his maw, forcing inch by steady inch, the tip forcing it's way into his throat as his long tongue twisted around the ridged inches, swallowing again and tightening along it as his back arched upwards into the air.

The finger pushed into his pucker, wedging him open almost teasingly as he tried to clench down around it. The hard broadness of the chest rested lightly along the edge of his shoulder and back, one of his hands moving down to cup beneath his body until he felt the fingers dragging along the edges of his orbs. He let out a muffled groan as the finger pushed inwards steadily, spreading his walls open wider and wider, splaying the inner walls as he clamped down tightly around them. He jerked his hips a little bit as he felt the pad of the finger lightly curling inside of him before pulling backwards again. His cock plunged forward into his mouth harder, forcing it so hard into his muzzle that he was nearly choking before it pulled back again. His tongue rolled along the edges of the ridges, swirling on them as his breathing came out with a shorter burst as the tip of the cock dragged outwards and pulled along the length of his tongue before there was a wet popping sound and the tip tugged free entirely.

Chapu dropped his head with a shudder, a groan coming out as he felt the finger plunging into him, teasing him with a stroke that made his muscles clamp down. The hot flush didn't leave him, his cheeks were burning in humiliation as he pulled and worked around the digit with powerful squeezes. His breathing came out in short bursts before the alien moved above him, stretching his arm out to one side, only to return with something held in the palm of his hand. The komodo dragon didn't know what he was looking at, it just looked like a red broad ball before it was shoved right into his muzzle. The fingers forced the foul tasting ball deeper into his mouth to the point that his sharp teeth bit into it roughly and his tongue roughly tried to push it out of his maw. The fingers within his taut anal passage slipped free so that the buckles were pulled back along either side of his head and fastened into place.

"NNNF!!!" He managed to get his protest as the ball was nudged just a bit deeper, so there was no hope he could get it out. His tongue lolled out to one side of it, rolling and twisting as he rolled his eyes up towards his owner.

"Don't worry, pet." The fingers ran along his chin lightly as the alien gave a slow smile, looking over him with an almost hungry look. "Speech is a privilege and you will earn it back soon enough, I'm sure."

_A privilege?! _He shuddered as the fingers ran down along the line of his back, the nails raking lightly as he twisted slightly in place. His toes were on the floor, but he didn't have enough leverage to do much to help himself.

"Such lovely scales... such a strong body.." The nails ran down towards the curve of his ass cheeks and he tensed himself up, twisting his head so that he could look back at the towering alien that flicked his tail up and suddenly twisted the length around his legs.

With a deft yank his feet were pulled out from under him, the chains biting roughly against his tail so he let out a muffled cry and jerked his head back. There was an ache as his body was supported by tail and his bound arms. He scrabbled to get his feet back on the ground, but he was pulled backwards and tugged towards the alien behind him. The weight of the cock rested along the crease of his ass and rolled back and forth while the dark hands ran along him possessively. There was no attempt at foreplay, no sensual moment, not even an attempt at what he was used to as affection from a lover. Because this wasn't a lover, the hands touched him as if savoring a possession, that's what he was, a slave, a possession, something to own. The thought sent a shiver down his spine, and a startling feel of heat that made his cheeks burn.

The cock dragged backwards as the fingers ran along his stomach and ran along the muscles, caressing downwards as he let out a muffled whimper. The tip of the cock slipped down and brushed right against his vulnerable pucker. He tried to snap his tail down, he struggled to do it, but the chains forcibly held it up in the air as the alien hissed out a soft sound of pleasure and rolled forward. The tip wedged forward, starting to yawn the tight ring open as he arched his back and let out a muffled cry around the ball gag. His eyes squeezed shut as the inches began to spread the walls open wider and the first dribble of precum spilled into him. The hot splattered was pushed in deeper as the hips nudged further and the ridges started to pop one at a time into his passage.

The stroke inwards caressed through him intimately, making his body shudder at the invasion that continued to plunge inwards. His body ached to be spread open so wide and steadily more and more began to press inwards. The ridges slipped right along the bud of his prostate, slipping along it and sliding through him as his back arched higher up in the air and another spill of precum ran inside of him. His body reacted, clamping down tightly and squeezing and pulling around him as his own green spire started to thicken out and grow heavier between his legs. The pressure of the ridges constantly pulling through him as there was a sudden sharp thrust that lunged him forward and made him sway in the chains. He squeezed his eyes shut and balled his fists together as he felt the last few inches plunging into him so that every last inch of the cock was seated deep inside of him.

Xeno chittered above him in pleasure as he started to squeeze tightly around the spire, pulling from the base all the way to the tip before the hips yanked backwards. The sudden caress through his silken anal walls made him cry out raggedly and writhe in place as his cock thickened and began to hang heavy and full beneath his body. It wasn't just the ridges that rubbed over him, it was the feel of the hands that suddenly clutched his hips and squeezed, the soft hiss of pleasure as the creature drove back into him with a short powerful thrust. The possessive hold that restrained him like a toy, a possession with no say as to what was going to happen to him. His cheeks burned, his ears were pounding in time with his beating heart as the alien drove back into him again. It felt good, so damned good, his walls were working around him tightly as his hips rocked backwards and he felt the sudden plunge forward that hilted the cock deep inside of him.

His shaft was soon thickening and hard against his belly, throbbing and bumping up against his belly as the hips slammed forward against him again, the short powerful thrust forced him forward as he muffled another cry deep in his throat. His walls began to pull harder as he writhed in place, his breathing coming out in short bursts as the slick oozing precum was forced out around the edges. The fingers that gripped him pulled him backwards roughly, making him briefly touch his feet to the ground as he arched his back and lifted his head up higher. He was spread open too wide and the thrusts started to build up, plunging forward in powerful sharp thrusts, slamming forward with the loud sound of flesh on flesh. His own snarls muffled as he bit down harder against the rubber ball gag.

It didn't matter that he wasn't plunging into anything, his hips twitched and bucked forward, his cock rubbing along his belly as the wet patch began to form against his scales. His breathing came out in short hot bursts while he struggled to calm himself down. He was humiliated, utterly and completely humiliated as he heard the lewd wet noises of the cock plunging in and out of his body. The humiliation did nothing to stop his arousal, if anything it made the feel of need grow all the sharper. His entire body alive with sensations as he was possessed and the large alien leaned down and ran his nails up along his sides, raking over the scales while he let out a snarling cry, his lips peeling backwards slightly. He rocked his hips backwards, grinding as best as he could as the hips plunged forward again.

The moment he began to respond the thrusts began to shorten, working the thickness of the base pulled through him teasingly, rewarding him with another spike of pleasure as he tucked his head down. He shamelessly let it hang down towards the ground with his breathing coming in labored breaths as he felt himself tensing up slightly. His cock throbbed and pushed against the air as he desperately writhed in place, he just wanted to be touched, he had nothing but the occasional stroke along his own belly while he hunched his back. The more he pushed back the more he was rewarded with those deliberate strokes meant to tease him, to work him up, to send jolts of pleasure that drew cries out of his throat. His breathing came out in a labored burst as he deliberately rocked backwards, grinding and pushing himself, his walls clamping down tightly. He let out a high pitched pleading sound low in his throat.

"Good, pet... That's what I want..." Xeno chirred out softly, his voice a bit breathy as one of his hands slipped down along his side. "Beg for it, it's a privilege."

Yes, it was a privilege, his mind didn't even stop the consider that word as he let out a whimpering cry again, trying to plead with his body and tone both. He wanted relief, he wanted it above and beyond anything else, and he nearly choked out a groan of relief as the hand reached down and beneath him. He felt the fingers wrapping around the tip of his cock, squeezing as the hips plunged forward with a short powerful thrust that plunged inwards and the hand drew down over the length of him. He was coated in precum, it spilled along his finger and was smeared down along the length. He trailed all the way down and then pumped upwards, working along his cock while he tried to lunge forward into the palm of the hand.

He was worked up, the sudden plunge of the hand pumping along his cock sent a jolt through him as the other hand reached up and caught him right at the collar, forcing his head up. He opened his eyes, briefly staring back at the dark alien who was driving into him, before he squeezed them shut before he let out a short snarling sound, muffled by the ball gag so it sounded choked as his entire body tensed up. The hand wrapped right around the tip of his cock, curling slightly as his balls tensed up and he jerked forward sending out a hot pearly rope of cum out against the finger tips. His walls clamped down around the dark length, clutching and pulling from the base all the way towards the tip as rope after slippery rope spilled from his tip, splattering towards the ground.

Xeno drove inwards in short powerful bursts, dragging out his orgasm as the hand started to pump faster and harder, pulling around the tip and milking him as he shuddered his hips forward and dragged backwards again. It all worked against the thrusts that rolled through him, building through him as his hips started to slap time and time again. His fingers clenched against his fists tightly as the tip started to plunge inwards harder, the ridges ran right along the sensitive passage as the alien creature lunged forward with a final buck, his hand slipped down towards the base and rubbed the fingers in working circles. The thickening of the shaft sent a shock right through him, running down the line of his spine before there was a sudden pulse that worked through his sensitive passage as he contracting walls squeezed tightly.

The first hot rush of cum erupted into his body, flooding him in an oozing spill while his walls started to pull and suckle, contracting and working from the base to the tip. His entire body trembled in place as he let out a short groaning whimper, his nostrils flaring as he dropped his head down lower to the ground, his cock tip oozing the last of his seed to the ground. Each and every spill was pushed deeper inside of him as the hips pushed in deep inside of him, the slickness pushed out around the base as the fingers moved along the edges of his hips, leaving his softening cock hanging under him as the slow rolls tugged through his body. The gentle pushes forward helping to send the gooey ooze deeper into his body as he remained trembling in the chains and restraints.

"Good pet." The fingers moved and ran along the edges of his outer hip. "Do you understand some of the rules now?"

"Nnnf..." Chapu managed to get make a plaintive noises in his throat as the hips pulled backwards and he felt the cock sliding from his passage. The slow movement making him shudder and groan out a protest.

"You are mine. Behave, beg prettily, and you will learn how to please me... and yourself." The words sent a shiver down the line of his spine, a flush of humiliated need that he couldn't quite stifle.

The tip of the cock pulled backwards, tugging along the line of the outer ring with wet popping noises, the slick ooze of cum escaped around him as the alien moved one of his hands up to side his shoulder, running the nails lightly downwards. He arched his back, muffling a whimper as his overly sensitive body was caressed in the slow tug backwards with the fingers and shaft both. He trembled a little in place, his breathing was still fast and hard as just the tip of the cock rested inside of him. For a second time, he felt a slight throb running along the tip of the cock before he suddenly felt a rush of heat flooding into him. A hot watery jet that sprayed deep into his passage, not thick and oozing, nothing like cum, marking him in a place so deep that he couldn't possibly escape it. It wasn't cum, it couldn't possibly be cum.

Xeno was pissing in him, shooting out a hot stream in the most vulnerable part of his body as one of the hands moved to knead right against the base of his tail. The thumb slipped down to rub right along the base of his tail and the hand that had teased his cock moved up and suddenly pushed along his lips. His own sticky cum was smeared along his muzzle and over the exposed part of his tongue while he let out a protesting cry. The stream was pushed in deeper with a nudge of the hips, but some of the watery piss was pushed out and trailed along his inner thighs in a wet dribble that mingled with the spent cum. The harsh male scent filled the air, and he tried to sneeze it out as he trembled in place.

"You will wear my scent until the day you earn your freedom." Xeno chittered, his voice rich with pleasure and amusement. "If you still wish your freedom....."

All Holes Filled

![auxiliaryContent?page=615145&type=25&ext](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/auxiliaryContent?page=615145&type=25&ext=.jpg) The club itself seemed quite tame from its exterior. A simple neon sign adorned its entrance, glaring out in bright pink the...

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