50 Shades of Purple (Commission for Kitsunny)

Story by Sithris on SoFurry

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#2 of Commissions


Here ya go! Yeah, that's right, I'm not dead. Anyway, this one here has my first bondage/anal scene in it. I've never written either of those before so here's hoping it turned out well.


Thank god it's Friday. Memo thought to herself, reaching behind her head and pulling at the bow in her hair. Long locks of purple hair fell down her back, coming to rest halfway down. Reaching under the counter, she pulled out her 10-Gallon hat and put it on her head, her long, rabbit ears poking through the holes in the top. She grinned at the last couple in the store, who smiled shyly back, each clutching a bag of new 'toys'.

"You lot enjoy yourselves, kay?" She said, winking at the young pair, and stifled a laugh when they nodded like little children.

She watched them walk out and grabbed her keys off the wall, walking out herself and closing up shop. The evening sun was warm on her fur, sending glints of purple around. She stretched her arms up, bending her back a little and giving a free show to a passing border collie, whose eyes widened in surprise before smiling and continuing on.

Shaking off her little exhibition thrill, Memo began to head home; keeping her eyes peeled for a taxi and her thumb out to the side. A car slowed down just ahead and stopped next to her. A tinted window of the Black Tesla Roadster slid down, and the sun suddenly seemed a lot cooler.

Inside the car sat a very attractive Husky, his 'bare' muscled chest instantly drawing Memo's eyes. Fine cyan fur covered the majority of his body, with black spots at the end of his limbs. He turned to her and she had to concentrate to not get lost in his piercing green eyes. His white muzzle curled into a grin when he noticed her staring, and spoke;

"I don't suppose you're in need of a lift?" He asked, his voice deep; cold and yet kind.

Memo swallowed to clear her throat and prevent drooling before nodding and asking if he wouldn't mind.

"Of course not," He smiled. "Hop in"

Memo smiled back and got in the car, noticing his white tipped tail resting against the side of the passenger seat, its tip twitching ever-so-slightly.

"Thank you," Memo said, extending her hand. "I'm Memo"

The man took her hand and shook it, squeezing slightly. "Ouro"

She flushed at the squeeze and glanced away to hide the blush on her face. Ouro released her hand and put it back on the steering wheel, the cocky grin never leaving his face. Memo belted herself in and glanced out the window as the car pulled away from the curb.

"So where are we headed?" He asked, his reflection eyeing her. Memo told him the address, noting that he was nodding methodically, not sure if he was actually paying attention. A bottle of water rested between Ouro's legs, and Memo licked her lips, realising how thirsty she was.

"Could I have a sip?" She asked, gesturing to the bottle.

Ouro seemed to think about it for a moment, before declining.

"Sorry, that's mine, but here." He said, reaching behind him and pulling another bottle out from somewhere. He handed it to her, brushing his tail against the back of her hand as she took it. Thanking him, she looked at the bottle. It appeared to be an ordinary water bottle, but the contents were tinged orange.

"Just a bit of flavouring." Ouro said, noticing her apprehension. Smiling, Memo undid the cap and gulped a mouthful. A sweet, slightly tangy flavour spread across her tongue, leaving it somewhat tingly. Her throat followed suit as she swallowed, and despite it being a cold drink, it left a warming sensation in her belly. Finding the taste to be quite palatable, Memo began drinking the rest, a feeling of relaxation overcoming her, the seat seeming more and more comfortable.

"I suppose you'll do," Ouro said, his eyes not leaving the road. "You're quite pretty"

His words didn't make much sense to Memo, but she idly thanked him as a goofy grin broke out on her face. Her tail began to swish, but couldn't get far with her back pressed on it. She leaned back and laughed for no reason, wanting more of that funny tasting water. She closed her eyes and began humming, adjusting her tune to the hand that was rubbing her leg. Something warm and fluffy brushed her arm and she turned to cuddle it, the tugging of sleep claiming her as the warm hand began caressing her belly...

A shiver ran down Memo's spine, signalling her body's awareness of her situation. Her wrists and feet were cold, and the blood had drained from her arms. She opened her eyes and saw shackles around her ankles, holding her to the ground. Her mouth tasted funny, and her mind was still cloudy. Glancing up, she saw her wrists were subject to the same treatment, holding her upright in a cold grip. A dim bulb cast its light around her, only doing enough to make the shadows seem darker. A cough drew her attention to an area of dark, and Memo strained to see its source. A pair of green eyes opened in front of her, and a click echoed throughout the room, before another light flickered on and illuminated Ouro, sitting at a small wooden table, a half-eaten pizza in front of him.

"Morning," He said, standing up and moving over to her. "Have a nice rest?"

Memo tried to say something, but found her mouth didn't want to work. Ouro's warm hand placed itself on her belly, and she realised just how naked she was. She had been stripped of everything but her underwear and a cold shiver of shame mixed with a tingling shudder of excitement ran across her body. The hand on her stomach began rubbing and teasing. He pushed in a little and Memo's stomach rumbled.

"Oh, hungry are we?" Ouro asked, looking over his shoulder so that they could both see the pizza on the table. "Ah well, I'll get you something to eat soon enough."

Memo looked at him as she fog in her mind cleared slightly. She lifted her droopy ears off of her face and looked him in the eye.

"W...w...wh...where...am...I..?" She asked, slurring her words with her unresponsive tongue.

A sly smile split Ouro's lips, and he slid his hand down her leg, it rough pads lightly scratching her skin. A shudder coursed through her body, the light scratching feeling much more pleasing than it should have. A small whimper escaped her maw as a wandering paw slid up and bumped the bottom of her bra. A chuckle echoed through her ears and her eyes locked on to Ouro's smiling face.

"Well-well, enjoying this already, are we?" Ouro laughed, a smug look plastered on his face. "I haven't even started yet."

Memo concentrated for a moment, trying to clear the fog in her mind. "W-what happened..?"

Ouro looked into her eyes and smiled almost sweetly, until his hand moved up and pushed on her breast, his smile turning somewhat cocky.

"Haven't figured it out yet, eh? Still a little cloudy?" Ouro teased, his hand beginning to squeeze and grope while his grin grew as Memo's face contorted. "Let me spell it out for you."

"I picked you up in my car, you asked for a drink, I decided I needed some release so I gave you some drugged water, you drank it, fell asleep; hugging my tail I might add, then I brought you here, to my dungeon. Simple."

"Dun-geon?" Memo whispered, trying to keep the pleasure from her chest from appearing on her face.

At this, Ouro's smile widened and his wandering fingers pinched down on her nipple through the light fabric.

Memo squeezed her eyes shut as she gasped, opening them slowly to find that Ouro had disappeared. A _click_echoed through the room and lights began to properly light up the area. Memo gasped in shock as an array of machines and tools became visible, all of them looking quite familiar to the ones in her shop.

The paw appeared again, only this time running up and down the small of her back. She tried to turn and look, but her suspended arms prevented her muzzle from getting very far.

The light clicking noise and sudden pressure indicated one of her bra's clips being undone. Not willing to do anything to stop him, both in fear of punishment and a slight excitement building up, Memo simply waited as the clips were undone and her bra fell to the floor. A pair of paws wrapped around her belly and began working their way up, lightly scraping their claws against her fur. Memo watched, transfixed, as the rough pads began sliding around her breasts, pushing in slightly and causing quite moans and whimpers to leave Memo's mouth every time a nipple was brushed.

"Oh, you sound like you're getting into this," Ouro laughed. "Shall we move along?"

His right paw instantly dipped and cupped her groin, the palm rubbing against her underwear. Memo tensed her legs and flattened her tail against her back, a long moan struggling to escape. A pair of claws wormed their way into her panties, attempting to nude her. Memo could almost feel Ouro grin as she tightened her legs further, preventing her underwear from coming off.

"No point in that, my dear..." Ouro whispered, as his left hand left her breast and came to rest on her head, right behind her ear. Memo wondered what he was up to when he started scratching, using two fingers rapidly behind her ear. Memo squeaked and shot her head up. It felt like someone was scratching an itch she had had for years. Her tail began to switch against her back and her leg started to shake. The fingers moved to her other ear and Memo's leg began to jump.

Seizing, the opportunity, Ouro pulled her panties down, letting her kicking leg finish the job for him before he let up on her ear. Memo hung her head in defeat, relaxing her tired legs. She shuddered as Ouro's paw slid back down to her groin, cupping and rubbing it. Memo sighed as one finger pressed in a little harder, slipping through her lips and beginning to rub at her insides.

"What do we have here..?" Ouro whispered, pulling his hand up and hanging it in front of Memo's face. She opened the eyes she had not realised she had shut, and looked at Ouro's paw, the middle finger glistening and slick with fluid.

"Wow, wet already? And here I was thinking it might be hard to break you."

She didn't resist when he pushed the finger against her mouth, and began licking it when it slid into her maw. She felt something poke into her back, and the fingers were pulled from her mouth. Memo listened as Ouro walked away, and the creaking sound of a lever being pulled filled her ears. Her arms were suddenly dropped to her sides and with nothing holding her up, her weak legs gave up and she fell to her knees.

Ouro clucked. "Tch, out of energy? Well, I suppose I'll give you that feed now."

Memo listened as Ouro walked around in front of her, and looked up to see a very distinct bulge in Ouro's pants, right in front of her face. This was her feed, and for some reason, Memo couldn't wait. She began nuzzling up against him, running her snout along the bulge. Looking up, she saw Ouro with a devilish smile on his face, and watched as his hands gripped and pulled down his pants.

Memo inhaled sharply when his cock landed on her head; the base was at the tip of her nose, where she could see his knot already beginning to swell. She followed it up her muzzle until she couldn't see over her forehead. It was hot, radiating heat over her face and making her shudder as the cold left her body. She glanced up around his shaft into his eyes, delivering a slow lick to the bottom of his knot.

"It's a good look for you" Ouro said, starting to move his hips back and forth, watching as his length slid across Memo's snout. Memo felt it as it slid up the ridge on her forehead and in between her ears, the soft fur rubbing against Ouro's dick. She never broke eye contact, staring up at him in what should have been anger but instead came off as lust. She licked at his knot every time it came within range, feeling the shaft twitch every time she did.

"What a nice entrée" Ouro said, drawing his hips back. "Onto the main course."

With that, Ouro pushed his cock against Memo's lips, grinning when she opened just enough to let him in.

"Good gir-" He began, being cut of when Memo dived forward, drawing as much of his cock into her mouth as she could, until the head was teasing at her throat. "Whoa, eager are we?" Ouro laughed. "Alright, give me all you have".

Memo pulled off with a wet pop for a moment to mutter; "Only if you do" before diving back down, swallowing Ouro's shaft once more. She felt his cock begin to move slightly in her mouth as she suckled, watching as his hips drew back and slid forward rhythmically. Memo felt his knot bumping against her nose on every dip, and his tip against her throat. She felt Ouro's hands grip the base of her ears, sending a little shiver down her spine.

Memo watched as Ouro tilted his head back and sighed, and felt a drip of hot liquid land on the back of her tongue. She swallowed, feeling the salty drop travel down her throat. Ouro began pulling on her ears; pushing forward, and Memo obliged, pushing forward and beginning to swallow. She felt the head of his cock begin to stretch her throat, and his knot pressed against her lips. Memo opened her mouth wide, gently grazing her teeth across the bulge of Ouro's knot as she pushed forward, silently hoping it wasn't going to get any bigger. With a push, she felt his head finally pop into her throat, his knot filling her mouth entirely.

Ouro grunted as he slid down her throat, the pressure around his shaft and knot almost painful. He squeezed the ears in his hands as he pushed, forcing his knot the back of Memo's mouth and watching as her neck bulged from his hot intruder. He began thrusting, slowly at first as the constricting tunnel loosened up, and picked up the pace once the girl at his knees started swallowing. The feeling was electric; every time he pulled, his knot was rubbed against the ridged top of Memo's maw and the soft top of her tongue, and every time her pushed it was like he was fucking a tight virgin pussy.

Memo felt her hand snake between her legs as she was used, feeling the now moist lips of her sex spread easily to her wandering fingers. Her throat felt stuffed, and her mouth was stretched wide open. Her tongue began licking frantically against the underside of Ouro's knot, coaxing him to hurry and feed her. She felt her throat stretch wider and her mouth was forced open as she shaft in them tensed. Her cheeks ballooned as the knot in her mouth grew, and she grunted as she felt something hot splash against the inside of her throat. She continued to swallow as Ouro's cock pulsed down her neck and sprayed its load straight into her stomach.

Memo waited as the thick knot in her mouth began to deflate, breathing heavily through her nose as the softening shaft was pulled from her throat. All but the head was removed from her mouth, and she was delighted to find it still trickling. Lapping at it in earnest, she let it fill her mouth before swallowing, the thick, salty semen travelling easily down her stretched neck.

Ouro pulled out; smiling as he listened to the steady -drip, drip, drip- coming from below him. He glanced down and was pleased to see Memo's fingers rapidly plunging into herself, a growing puddle of fluid underneath her. He placed his paw under her chin and lifted her head so he could look into her lusty eyes.

"Hmm, your better than I was hoping" Ouro said, crouching down to whisper in her ear. "I guess I should return the favour now."

With that, he rose and walked off, leaving Memo alone and horny. The sound of a creaky lever filled the room once more, and the chains around memo's hands and feet began to lift. Her arms were pulled out in front of her, pulling her slick fingers from her pussy and causing her to fall forward. Right before she hit the ground, the chains around her ankle lifted and she was left dangling off the ground. She watched as the ground slowly moved away, the sound of a motor working in the background.

She kept being lifted until her head was at the height it would be if she was standing. She glanced down her body, her breasts hanging freely beneath her and a steady dripping of fluid from between her legs. Suddenly, Ouro's legs were there, and something brushed against her inner thigh. A pair of paws began pushing her legs apart and Memo shuddered; the exposure of this situation exciting her.

"You know what I'm doing don't you?" Ouro asked, his hot breath pouring over her slick lips. "And you're not to come until I tell you too."

Memo held her legs wide as Ouro's paws slid up her legs, his finger pads feeling deliciously tantalising every time they brushed against her slit. The dripping sound began increasing as her fluids wet Ouro's wandering fingers. She yipped and opened her eyes wide when she felt something soft and hot stroke across her folds. A squeal left her mouth as Ouro's tongue lapped across her pussy, dipping inside to taste every so often.

Memo felt the tongue dive deep into her, wriggling around and causing her to moan. Something brushed against her clit and she shook in her chains. Ouro's finger began rubbing against it rapidly, causing her body to convulse in the air. Her slick tunnel pulsed and pulled at Ouro's tongue, pulling it in deeper. She felt his snout push up against her nether lips, rubbing and mouthing at them while his thumb stimulated her nub perfectly.

A paw found its way under her and began fondling her breasts and belly, pinching her nipples lightly. Her legs clamped around Ouro's head gently, and she felt him grin against her thighs. The tongue began licking around her labia as a few fingers where pushed inside her tunnel, pushing in and against her walls. They moved around for a bit before pushing forward and rubbing against a very certain spot, causing Memo to let out a long moan.

Something began welling up inside her, deep in her belly until it began unbearable and exploded, sending shivers running all over her body, gloriously targeting her groin. She felt herself orgasm on Ouro's face, her juices pouring over his lips and down her legs. She tensed up as much as the chains would allow, curling into a crude ball mid-air. Another stroke across her clit sent her over again, a smaller climax wracking her body. She felt the fingers inside her withdraw, leaving her feeling somewhat empty, and let the lethargy of post-climax set in.

She watched through dazed eyes as the ground came closer, its coldness barely registered by her limp body. Something was pushing her over, and she felt something warm and fluffy move under her back and legs. Something warm was pushing against her side and she felt like she was back in the air.

"...there..." was whispered into her ears, and she was put on something firm yet soft, her body stretching out on the comfy material. Something cold and hard clamped around her wrists, causing the happy fog in her head to disappear. She glanced around, finding that she had been carried to a bed of sorts, and had had her wrists and ankles shackled yet again.

A chuckle brought her attention to Ouro; standing in front of her, his manhood thick and firm once again. She watched as he ran his eyes over her body, his muzzle still glistening with her fluids. His paws were placed on her shins and slowly slid up her legs and past her hips, his legs moving up onto the bed until he was over her.

"You know, I really meant it when I said you were pretty" He said, gazing into her eyes. "But when I'm done with you, you're going to be very, very dirty..."

Memo Inhaled sharply as she felt something hard push against her pussy lips.

"And I..." Ouro whispered. "...am dearly looking forward to it."

A scream of pain and ecstasy shot through the room as Memo felt Ouro spear into her, spreading her walls apart in one fell swoop. He hilted her instantly, his knot resting just inside her lips, not yet swollen enough to hold. She tensed up, gripping down hard on the intruding member and moaning in bliss. Everything had stopped, both mentally and physically. Nothing was moving, Ouro was still inside her, his piercing eyes staring into hers.

Memo waited, not sure of what to do other than relish the filling feeling in her groin. She squirmed slightly, ah-ing when she was pushed from a different angle. She began grinding against him, moving her hips up as far as she could and dropping them back down. Her copious fluids were coating Ouro's groin and waist, making wet schlick-ing noises as she rubbed.

Memo closed her eyes to savour the moment before she snapped them open again, the full sensation in her snatch suddenly gone. Ouro had pulled out and was admiring his slick cock and waist, Memo's fluids dripping off of him.

"Very nice..." He said, giving his shaft a quick pump. "I'm already ready..."

Memo tried to pry her eyes away from his cock, failing to do so and muttering to herself. "Ready...?"

Ouro's paws found their way to her hips and his cock to her ass. Memo's eyes widened in shock as his head pushed gently against her tight little rosebud.

"What better way to be dirty," Ouro mused, pushing into her slightly. "Than to do something dirty"

The sound of panting reached Memo ears before she realised it was her, the intensity of the situation getting to her head. Her tongue fell from her mouth as she tried to relax, not wanting to be rammed again while she was tensing. She felt the wet head of Ouro's cock beginning to enter her, stretching her asshole and invading the interior of her bowels.

Memo began murmuring as she was speared, her ass feeling fuller and fuller every second as Ouro pushed more into her. He stopped about halfway, beginning to rub at her clit and getting more of her fluids to leak out, lubing him further as he pulled back out. Her body shuddered as she was violated again, feeling full to the brim as she was filled more than before. She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt the knot bump up against her entrance, already reeling from the strange pleasure in her ass.

She waited as Ouro pulled back, preparing herself for the knot, but was pleasantly surprised when he only pushed back in to it. She let out a yelp as two of Ouro's fingers slipped into her pussy and began pumping, rubbing against the wall between them and his cock. All that was left of pain disappeared and left Memo wanting more, her hips beginning to rise with each of Ouro's thrusts, moaning as both her pussy and ass were penetrated together.

Ouro's fingers poked and prodded at her insides, delivering delicious waves of pleasure through Memo's frame. His knot bumped against her entrance every time he thrust in, picking up the pace until he was almost pounding into her, his balls slapping against her pussy lips. His fingers changed tack and turned around, pressing and rubbing against the other wall, and coming across a very certain spot...

Memo screamed as her body convulsed, both her holes clamping down on their intruders. She felt Ouro's shaft continue to piston into her, every inch stretching her tightening walls all over again. She felt his knot slip into her between convulses, and screamed again as she was stretched to her limit. Memo's body was shaking as she came down off of her high, registering Ouro's cock unmoving in her ass.

"Hmm, you're starting to loosen up..." Ouro said, slipping his knot out and back in for emphasis. "Let's try something, shall we?"

Memo just lay there, her ass plugged and her mind reeling. She felt her right leg being freed of its shackle, moving over to join her left until she was forced onto her side. Ouro's body pushed down onto her, smothering her in warm fur while compressing and making her rear tighter.

"Mmmm, much better" Ouro whispered into her ear, giving a slight thrust. Memo yelped; it was so much tighter, she could feel every vein along his shaft pressing into her walls. She pushed her neck up and murmured into Ouro's chest as his hand snaked back down to tease her slit. His fingers pushed into her as he pulled his shaft out, never leaving her empty. His thumb began to frig her clit, causing her body to vibrate wonderfully. He could feel his peak approaching, Memo's hot ass tensing and relaxing to each flick of his thumb. Pulling his knot back out, he began to pound into her again, curling his hand to brush against her G-spot on each thrust.

Memo tensed up; She could feel another orgasm approaching, her body going hot under all the attention. She felt Ouro's knot bump against her again, only this time it was bigger. Her back arched as she felt it slowly push inside her, stretching her out to the point of pain, but that was easily ignored compared to the blessed full feeling in her abdomen. The hand at her crotch began masturbating her rapidly, the long fingers scratching against her spot while the thumb rubbed against her clit. She felt the cock in her ass grow, tense and pulse inside her; and a sudden feeling of warmth spread through her.

A scream formed in Memo's throat, being trapped by her body clenching up in orgasmic bliss as she listened to Ouro's growling in her ear. She felt hot liquid running into her bowels as if from far away, too busy spasming in pleasure. Something sharp clamped down onto her neck, giving her a submissive kick she relished.

Memo relaxed, feeling all the strength fade out of her limbs, leaving her lethargic. Her ass still felt full, and pleasant feeling were emanating from her groin. Slowly the cloud of fatigue washed over her and she closed her eyes.

She awoke with a start, finding herself free of chains and quite comfortable. Glancing around, she saw she was in her living room, on the couch. The sound of a car pulling away drifted to her ears. Her keys sat on a folded piece of paper on her coffee table, and she reached over to grab it. Unfolding it, Memo read the words written on it;

Til next time...

She smiled.


Heh that face is a bugger to do now, since my plus/minus key fell off...

Anywho, Wow, that was quite the chore to write. I wasn't really sure how to portray the characters properly, as I'm more into the lovey-dovey stuffs myself. Sorry if I portrayed them horribly kitsunny :P

My longest one yet! 4610 words! Not as impressive as some I know but I'm getting there. Leave a comment on what you liked best and what you think I could've done better. Give a rating and a fav if ya got the time too.