Happy Clubbing

Story by Sheir_Hawkings on SoFurry

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The following story does contain pregnancy and birth as well as multiple creampies.

Happy Clubbing by Shier Wilfurs

Wulfette knew she shouldn't go out on this night. Of all nights she should have stayed home. Should have been ready for the male she had coming over, who would help her with her special condition. As a partial demon of lust and desire she had one night in which she was forced to feed. To sate the unending need for carnal pleasures. Under the zenith of a full moon, her inner demon rises, and burns her blood with its need for the vital energy brought forth by the weakening veil between the mortal and immortal realms.

"But I rarely go out." She murmured as she brushed down her black fur. She smiled happily as she rubbed an oil into her fur making it glisten. Pulling on a strapless black bra she hummed and picked at the assortment of lace underwear. Grabbing a set with rhinestones around along the top she slipped it on and smiled warmly.

She murred as she slipped on the black tank top with a red lace front and adjusted it to hang low on her chest covering just above her belly button. She looked through her skirts and grabbed black skirt that touched around her knees with a three inch lace hem. "I'll be home before eleven. He should be here by then." She grinned.

A grin spread across her face. She licked her lips at the promise of the handsome black wolf who was to play her consort on this night. She puffed up her chest as she flicked her tail about. She had to love the modern internet. Especially Conner's list. Always a ready set of men looking for a quick one night stand. In the hundred years she's lived. Finding monthly consorts had never been so easy.

Satisfied with her attire she walked out of her door leaving her key under the potted plant outside her condo.


The nightclub was alive with the thrum of music and the pulsing, gyrating bodies of the people inside. Wulfette missed nightclubs. They were always so full of sexual energy offered up eagerly for her to absorb and feast upon. It always helped her when her when her time to feed came. The hunger didn't come on as strong if she feasted on the sexual energy every night but with her new job that made it hard to do.

She pressed her back against her current dance partner, a chocolate colored minotaur standing close to seven feet tall. Her back was against his upper belly, her rear on his upper thighs. His hands gripped her abdomen, just below her breasts. She had gone through several during the night feasting off their energy from where they touched her, glorifying in all they had to offer her.

Time had lost all meaning during the night and mistake she regretted as her blood thrummed. She gasped as the sudden influx of power. Pulling away from the minotaur she pulled out her phone give a soft cry of alarm at seeing 12:00 on her screen. Without turning back she quickened her step to the exit.

She cursed herself as she walked up the street. Berating her lack of attention to time. She barely heard the heavy hoofbeats behind her, or the door open ahead of her. She grunts and fell on her rear as she rebounded off a group of four males.

"Mmph, sorry." She said starting to rise. Three hands grabbed her. Her blood thrumming at their contact. She looked into the faces of a silver stallion, a large wolf, a bull and a smaller coyote, with a hourglass his tail.

Her eyes widened at the spark of lust in their eyes. Her ears lay back in alarm as she scrambled away, bumping into the legs of the minotaur. Crying out in alarm she turned sharply and pulled away from him as he reached down to help her, the same lust as the other four in his eyes. She wholly forgot about her power to entrance males with her touch.

She had to get home. If she could reach her consort she could sate the burn in her blood for sex. That thought had her running for her condo, key at the ready.

She reached her door the same time as a black wolf and cried out as he careened against him. He grabbed her to prevent her from falling, a deep growl emanating from his throat. Her blood thrummed harder, her body seeming to vibrate as other hands grabbed her.

Her eyes glowed as she felt herself become overcome by her need. "Who are you?" She heard herself ask.

The wolf who held her smiled, his tongue lapping at his lips. "I am Yamato. You requested me." He said as he started to pull her close.

She was grabbed suddenly and pulled against the wide chocolate chest of the minotaur. "I am Kyle, we danced a few times tonight." He said lowering his face to hers.

She grunted as she was ripped from his arms into another's. She gazed up into the deep brown eyes of the larger wolf. "I am Jinkaku, a tribal leader from out of country." He murmured.

The coyote moved up behind her. standing only a couple inches taller than her five foot four. His arms wrapped around her hips as he licked her neck. "I'm Coyder, a cross between a coyote and a demon spider." She turned in his arms to press her chest against his, the demon blood in him calling to her.

A deep chuckle had her being dragged into another set of arms, this pair lifting her up away from the Coyder. "I'm Buck." The bull murmured softly his heavy hands dragging down the front of her tanktop baring her breasts.

She felt the eyes of the other males upon her and she chuckled feeling the warm pulse of the sexual energy suffuse her body. The door clicked open behind them as the stallion opened it. "Let's get inside." He chuckled. "I'm Silver." He said his paws rubbing against her chest, weighing them. Her nippled pebbled, her heart thudded faster in her chest.

She barely recognized being carried into her apartment, barely heard herself directing the males to her bedroom and her queen sized bed, covered in an electric blue duvet.

She was laid upon the bed, nude she noticed. The males joined her on the bed each eager to be inside her on the bed. Too eager as males growled loudly at each other, teeth bared as they glared from one to the other.

"Down boys." Wulfette purred in husky voice. "All will get a turn." She said her paw rubbing against the closest Kyle's thigh sliding up to cup his thick shaft in her hand. Her other hand found a pouch, a sheath drawing her head to look up at the Coyder. He leaned down to plant a kiss on her lips, the pheromones in the room becoming stronger, thicker, muskier as the men scented the demonic heat.

In the back of her mind she was alarmed, but she couldn't bring herself to care about the fact that she could possibly become pregnant, but there was no worry, only need. Want. Desire.

Buck moved over her, between her thighs his thickly muscled body coming down on her lithe form as his muzzle pressed to hers. His thick tip pressed against her ass as he hardened. He kissed her long and deep as he pressed his body between hers, his thick tip pressing between the delicate folds of pussy as it spread them sliding along them to tease her clit. She moaned loudly and arched her body as he thrust against her, spreading the evidence of her arousal over his shaft.

Buck sat up over her and realigned his cock with her entrance, a small smile playing on his lips as he pushed into her body. She responded by eagerly pressing her body onto his, a deep moan echoing from her throat as her muzzle parted.

The tapered tip of another cock pressed into her muzzle. She latched around it eagerly and heard the murmured appreciation of Yamato as he rubbed her cheek and stroked her hair. Her eyes glowed a reddish gold as he gazed up at him bobbing her head back and forth over his shaft. Her eyes drifted to the male thrusting between her legs, moaning at the power and command he held as he speared her with his thick shaft. He grunted and snorted eyes closed as he pushed himself into her depths pressing her legs wide apart as his entire length filled her body.

"God she's so tight." Buck groaned. "So fucking tight." He gave a deep thrust, making her gasp loudly and arch.

The other four watched with eager anticipation, their cocks hard throbbing waiting for attention, for a chance at her body. She reached out her hands to claim a pair of them, Coyder and Kyle, rubbing her paws over the thick lengths from base to tip. Their heads tossed back as they moved in closer.

The energy danced around them, visible only to her eyes. The myriad of colors the males put off swirls like an aurora borealis.

Wulfette's body tensed and rippled arching as her climax built. She closed her eyes and rolled her hips arching up her back as her jaw slackened. She panted hard and moved her hands from the males and gripped the bed.

"I can't hold back" Buck growled sliding a hand between them to strum her clit stroking it fast as he thrust faster in her.

Wulfette screamed loudly as she came, her body clamping down around his cock as writhed and buckd under him. Buck cried out over her as his hot release spilled into her body. She lay limp under him as he slid from her body. "Mmmm." He tapped her thighs as he moved from between them a smile on his face. He stumbled back a chuckle escaping his lips. "You're up." He said to one of the other males.

Silver moved up and bumped into Jinkaku, a deep growl rumbling from both.

"He was speaking to me." Jinkaku snarled.

"You'd break her and ruin her for the rest of us." Silver said softly.

Wulfette rose on her knees and crawled to the end of the bed between them. She kissed Jinkaku murring deeply. "I'm not so easily broken." She said softly.

Silver moved up behind her, his cock pressed along the curve of her ass. She moaned and rubbed it back against him as his hands rubbed her breasts, cupping them in strong hands as she arched her back against him.

Silver knickered in her ear as he pressed up against her. He pushed her forward and pressed his cock against her pussy sliding into her body. She cried out as she rocked back and on him. He hugged her waist as rocked into her at a slow and steady pace. "Still so tight." Silver muttered as he pressed into her body pressing hard against her cervix.

She groaned and squirmed at the pressure. He smiled behind her and aimed for the spot again, his thrusts getting rougher as her need built inside her. She leaned her head down as she dropped to her elbows panting louder. She nearly gagged as cock was shoved straight down her throat. She opened her eyes to gaze up at Jinkaku who held her head down on his thick cock thrusting in and out of her mouth. She looked up at him and moaned deeply as she suckled on his cock.

"That a girl." He murmured thrusting into her mouth his cock rubbing over the roof of it. She breathed deep around his cock. a soft whimper in her throat as he worked deeper down her throat and silver worked deeper into her pussy, almost bruisingly against her cervix. She patted Silvers thigh as she attempted to pull her mouth from Jinkaku's cock to ask for leniency but the wolf wouldn't have that. He held her head in place as he pressed her head down on his cock forcing his cock as deep down her throat as he could. Her eyes widened as she struggled to breath around his shaft.

He eased up only when she pulled against his hand. She came off his cock coughing and groaning, eyes wet and puffy.

"Too much?" He asked looking down at her.

She opened her mouth to reply bit the cock was there once again filling her and pressing down her throat. She moaned loudly and felt pressure in her lower belly. A tightening as he climax crept upon her. She gasped before giving a muffled cry around the thick cock Her body tightening around the shaft pounding against her tight cervix.

It took Silver several more strokes before he joined her in the bliss of release, his seed filling her vagina and her womb with his potent seed. "Oh fuck." He groaned softly as he pressed into her his body laying over her back.

Wulfette felt her body syphon some of his essence into her body but rather than sating her hunger, it made her want, no need, more. "Who's next?" She asked as Silver slipped out of her body to slump next to the bed.

"I'll take that slot." Coyder smiled pressing his fingers into her sloppy wet pussy. His eyes widened as he felt her. "Two cocks and still as tight as a virgin." He chuckled as he stroked her.

"Nnng, sensitive." She said her hips rocking and bucking with each touch.

"I wonder if you rebound as well from two cocks shoved into your pussy." He teased softly motioning Yamato closer.

Yamato pressed against her chest as Coyder pressed against her from behind. She panted, some part of her alarmed by the idea, another part eager to feel the males seed deep within her body, no matter how it gets there.

Yamato laid back on the bed pulling her on top of him. He maneuvered her body until he could slide himself within her, then Coyder moved in behind her, his cock pressing against her already full hole. He smiled and pushed her ass wide apart his cock pressing along the other males stretching her hole further. She whimpered and groaned some part of her consciousness rising up to tell them to stop, but the succubus in her only became stronger pouring pleasure where pain would have been.

Her muzzle parted in a cry of pleasure. Her back arching as Coyder joined Yamato deep in her tight depths. She squirmed feeling them shift in her. "Please, fuck me." She whimpered. "Please."

The males chuckled softly as they began thrusting in and out of her body, slowly picking up speed as they plunged in and out, harder, both cocks moving in near synchronization brushing nerve endings setting her passion aflame. It didn't take long for them to wring another orgasm from her that left her screaming and thrashing between them.

And still they plowed her right through it building a second on the tremors of the first, making her tighter, wetter.

When her third orgasm hit her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she screamed in pleasure. Her body stilled as both males roared out shoving as deep as possible into her body, knots tying them tight together as their seed spilled within her and some of their energy with it.

Wulfette collapsed against Yamato's chest, panting hard as she hovered on the hazy edge of unconsciousness. The males under and over her, groaned softly as panted, most likely hovering in the same dark edge state as she.

It wasn't long before their pulled out of her, along with a wash of semen. She rose of sore shaky legs but didn't get a chance to get far before another broad cock head was pressing into her still convulsing pussy eliciting a soft cry from her throat.

"Easy." Kyle murmured against the back of her neck. He palmed her breast in his hands and smiled ramming into her. "Good girl." He said as she cried out loudly. He squeezed her breast tightly and rammed into her harder.

Wulfette panted, her eyes closing as she braced one hand on his hip and the other on the hand clutching at her breast. Her tongue hung from the side of her mouth as he fucked her fast and deep, forcing his entire shaft into her used depths.

Her back arched into his grip as she came hard around his cock. He slammed into her as his cock jerked and twitched within her body, his thick seed spilling into her womb to join the others.

Once again she didn't have time to recover as she was pulled off Kyle and pinned against a wall. Her eyes opened to gaze into Jinkaku's eyes. "Saved the best for last." He said and shoved into her.

Her eyes widened at the feel him spreading her beyond her max, and filling her to the point of being really uncomfortable. The behemoth of a male easily held her weight as he slammed up into her body bumping her cervix roughly with each upward thrust.

She pushed at his shoulders, her legs bracing on his hips as she attempted to get off of him or at least ease the roughness of his thrusts. He laughed as he knocked her feet from under her as he gripped her wrists and pinned them over her head as his lower body pinned hers against the wall as he rammed in and out of her.

She panted snarled loudly her head tossed back as she bared her teeth and closed her eyes. "Too much." She whined loudly. "Too much."

He kissed her, and smiled. "Never too much for you." He said as he thrust away. Her back arched as she cried out in pleasure. HIs muzzle captured hers kissing her long and deep, muffling her cries. He smiled as he rammed into her faster deeper, muffling her sharp gasps and yelps.

He pulled his muzzle from hers and his jaws wrapped around her throat biting into it tenderly as he fucked sopping wet pussy.

"You want my seed don't you." He muttered against her throat. "You want me to fill you up isn't that right bitch."

"Yes," She cried out. "Yes please give it all to me." She screamed. His knot pressed against her netherlips, his tip bumped her cervix with each thrust. "Please."

She cried out as she came grinding on his knot as his thrusts deepened and became harder. He threw back his head as he slammed his knot up into her vaginal canal as his balls drew up and his cum flooded her womb and leaked back out.

He held her close as he stumbled back and she passed out falling against him. He stumbled back against the bed and fell upon it. The other men gazed at her with sleepy eyes Jinkaku laid on his side one of her legs draped over his thigh as he cuddled up to her. Yamato got in behind her an arm closing around her waist.

The others piled on as they willed but reached to touch some part of her as the succubae power drew in the last of the energy it needed to be well fed and put them all to sleep.

Wulfette didn't hear her alarm but the men did as they roused. Jinkaku disentangled himself from the pile and rubbed his head groggily. He gazed at Wulfette rather concern as did the other men, then looked at each other.

"I don't know what happened." Coyder muttered softly.

"Me neither." Yamato muttered.

"Did we...?" Kyle asked concerned.

"Doubt it." Jinkaku said softly. "Only with her I'm guessing."

"I have a plane to catch." Buck grunted as he rose off the mattress. "Where are my clothes?"

Silver stretched and chuckled. "Who knows but damn..." He shook his head.

"Clothes are in here." Coyder called from the living room. "Come let's get out of here."

The men dressed and left without so much as a backward glance. Locking the door behind them as they went on with their lives.

Wulfette woke close to midnight, groggy and sore. Her nose told her something had happened the night before, something she would regret.

She dragged herself from the bed, feeling a stickiness between her legs matting her fur from her stomach to her mid-thigh and between the firm curve of her ass. She stumbled from the bedroom to her bathroom and drew herself a bath. She added in Epsom salt as it filled up. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed softly as she noticed a bite on her throat.

She shook her head as she chipped off some of the dried blood there. sighing heavily she turned off the tap. The water was a couple inches from the top. Easing into the warm water she let the bathsalts and the water sooth the over used muscles as she soaked.

Closing her eyes she leaned her head back and felt the memories of the previous night rush over her in perfect clarity. From the meeting, to their parting. She vaguely remembered them leaving her this morning and sighed heavily. Still mourning the loss of her perfect lover she had never thought to take another, but was still sullen when her chosen heating mates left before she woke up.

Opening her eyes she grabbed her cucumber melon shower gel and worked it into her fur. She felt each bruise, particularly the one that rested behind her belly button, where her cervix sat. She groaned as each bruise began vying for attention. This was the bad thing about having more than one male, and having the succubae take control before she's set he boundaries. Shaking her head she rose from the tub, and let it empty before she kicked on the shower and let the warm water wash over her washing away all traces of the previous night.

"Never again." She murmured.

She smiled as she finished her shower and signed into her computer. She withdrew her ad from Conner's List. "Next month I'll just hire a Chippendale." She laughed.

~*~ Three Months Later ~*~

Wulfette sat beside her bathroom toilet, a stick in her hand eyes glued to the little window on it. Her monthly cycle had stopped, and she had grown concerned since it was like clockwork. The fullmoon rises and her succubae came out to feed. Had been for centuries, but suddenly the bitch was dormant. She could only think of one reason.

Sitting in the bathroom she glared at the home pregnancy test as something began to appear in the little window.

"POSITIVE!" She cried out in alarm. "ANOTHER POSITIVE!!!" She threw it at the wall where it bounced off and landed on the ground. She shook her head and gave a scream.

Although she should be happy to actually be able to get pregnant, she was still slightly angered that it had not happened when she found the one male that could contain and satisfy the succubae within her. And now centuries later after one mistake she was pregnant. She could scream at the fates for this, but shook her head and rubbed her belly.

Looking at the twenty odd test around her feet she rose up and began packing. No point staying in this city, especially if those males lived around. She shook her head. She'd seen a couple only weeks ago. They had glanced at her and looked away, and she had done the same.

It had taken her a couple of days to finish packing, to give her job her two week notice. She sighed heavily as she looked over the homes she could purchase. Not that there were many out of her price range. She had many stocks in many, collection companies, not to mention companies that market in male models.

Money was never an issue, just where to live. She looked over her choices and found a home by lake. It would be the perfect place for her to live and raise succubae or incubi children.

~*~ Six Months Later Full Moon Midnight ~*~

Wulfette screamed where she lay. Her back arched as her claws dug into the ground. Her legs fell open as she writhed in the beach under the light of the moon.

Her contractions are started earlier in the day. She held her stomach as she groaned. She was lucky she was at home and not at the store as she had planned to be. She stumbled out onto the beach, a beach she was familiar with. The rush of the waters soothed her as the pain tightened her belly.

She panted and rolled onto her side as another contraction drew another cry of pain from her throat. At last she felt herself beginning to crown. She instinctively began to push, her paws stroking down around her distended vulva. She groaned and pressed on her perineum as she lightly began to push. She panted hard and leaned on an elbow as she growled feeling the first infant emerge.

She fell back and bit her lip as she breathed, scooting back towards a rock leaning back against it, her hands holding the infant as she pushed again helping it emerge from her body and into her arms. Pulling it gently forward she held it close as she licked his face and cleaned the birth from it.

"A beautiful boy." She murmured softly. It's color a pale cream color, with gold colored ears and tail.

It's face crinkled as it began to cry strong powerful wails. She smiled and groaned placing the pup on the blanket beside her as she began to push again, feeling a second pup begin to push its way out of her body.

She eased this one out the same as the first. "Another boy." She purred softly as she cleaned his face just like his brother. This one a pale brown, with darker gloves and socks.

His ears nearly black in color. She held both of her boys and groomed their heads as they nursed from her breast. She looked over the lighter sky and gazed over the water. She sighed softly and stroked the boys heads.

"Milk and Cookies." She murmured softly as she gazed at them. "My sweet Milk and Cookies."