Somewhere new, yet old

Story by Doshi on SoFurry

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November 12, 2013"WHY DON'T YOU JUST RUN THE FUCK BACK OVER TO YOUR "SANCTUARY" LIKE THE FUCKING LITTLE CUNT YOU ARE?!?!?!" Chris yelled at me as I fought the tears beginning to well in my eyes. I took a second to remain calm, but my voice had begun to rise as my temper set in, "You were why I had to do that, you made me scared in what was supposed to be my home and disgusted with myself for something that trusted to tell you, and to top it off, you told everyone of your friends. AND that is still ignoring the repeated assaults, and "accidental" trips next to the stairs." I paused blinking away my tears, continuing in a calmer voice, "...and you can't understand why the people who patched me up after every time fucking attacked me or one of your friends attacked me that they don't like you. They treated me like family, and that's far more than you've given in almost a decade." "YOU KNOW WHAT? I'LL BE GODDAMNED IF I AM GOING TO LISTEN TO YOUR SHIT ABOUT HOW ABUSED YOU ARE AND HOW HARD YOU HA-" "SHUT UP! I have had enough of your crap, either take your best shot or stop bitching like the pussy you are." Stepping in between us, Alex, Chris's Zebra friend, said, "Hey, Chris calm down, you guys shouldn't be fighting when he is about to leave." Glaring at Alex, Chris barked, "It isn't my fault that this worthless faggot is defending that whore after SHE FUCKING DISRESPECTED ME!" as he began to walk towards me again. I put my arms straight out, leaving myself completely open for anything, "I will not fight you; you aren't worth it." "YOU LITTLE BITCH" yelled Chris as he began to try to wrestle himself around Alex. "DUDE, Calm down, just let it and walk away!" growled Alex. I put my arms down and looked at the edges of my claws, beginning to step out of the kitchen and back towards my room to load up my truck to leave. "DON'T FUCKING WALK AWAY FROM ME!!!"Leave it to him to cause a scene every time he sees me... Fucking drama queen. I picked up my remaining suitcase and carried it out of my now empty room, sighing. I thought I would have at least one more year to finish High School here, guess I won't be going to the universities I wanted now...I stepped back into the kitchen which was now empty, but I could hear the bitch hissing a fit still downstairs. I shook my head as I opened the door to my garage. The garage door was already open and my truck was sitting in the driveway, nearly fill to the brim with luggage in the bed and the backseat of the cabin. I lifted the last bag and placed it into the bed, closing the bed afterwards. What is his problem? I can remember when Chris wasn't an asshole other than when were little kids... I was hoping that for once he would just at least be civil, I mean I hadn't seen him in months, and thought maybe he had grown up a bit. I guess not... I looked over at the car Chris and Alex had driven in.

Some little Pontiac or something. Could be a baby blue Prius for all I care. sigh I can't believe that he acts like this on the last day he will see me for years. Childish asshole. (I guess I should explain what's going on... Chris is my eldest brother who is 4 years older than me, well half-brother... He is an Akita-Wolf mix with full black fur, same as my other brother Micheal except with a dark mask and his fur gets lighter as it moves away from his spine and face who is also a year older than me. They are both much taller, stronger, and aggressive than me. Genes, I guess. They stand at about 6'2"-6'4" and I'm 5'6" and a Akita-Doberman mix. My mother was married to their dad, he cheated, and then mine soon after, he is crazy.sigh Anyway, Chris and I never really got along after he started doing drugs and drinking when he was in middle school. He became more aggressive and abusive as time passed to the point that Micheal avoided him at all costs, but me being me, I had to input my opinion and snide comments when I could. I don't regret it, but still probably not my brightest moments. Chris is 20 now and will be 21 in January, a full adult... Anyway, as of yesterday, I decided to move early with my mom back to my home town in South Carolina. She thinks it's better than Kansas, says the people "aren't as hypocritical and crazy," I disagree. As you may have guessed, I am gay, but my coming out story will be later when less crap is going on. I'm 17 years old and in the middle of my Junior year. I guess comment, if Journals can comment, if you need any more info, I'll be sure to add it in the next entry.)After a quick oil change, my mom arrived back at the house in her fancy Dodge Challenger 2013 model. Woman and her stupid cars... "Alright, everything packed?" she smiled, obviously stoked to finally get going and to move back 'home.' "Yeah, let's go before your son has another tantrum.." She looked at me incredulously, "What's with the look?" "What do you mean?" she asked. "It doesn't matter... We already behind schedule by a couple hours, can we go?" I replied getting annoyed. I never wanted to move, but since there is no stopping it. Best get it over now. Micheal got out of the passenger side of her car as she said, "Just let me grab one last thing in the house and we can go." Micheal and I stood there in silence as we waited, He knew I was jealous that he got to stay and finish high school here because he is a senior, while I, even though I could have waited until Christmas break to transfer, had to leave now. Mom walked back into the garage carrying a blanket, a pillow, and a couple of purses, "Just need to grab this, and now we can go." She

tossed the items into the trunk of her car and turned to Micheal, "Wubbie, I see you at Christmas and when you graduate, but I think, in the meantime, you need to decide where you are going to college and if Clemson is something that you want..." "Yeah, yeah, goodbye mom." they hugged and I turned away, probably looking irritated and bitter. My mom got into her car and rolled down the window, "Hurry up, we gotta go." That's what I have been saying for hours.I looked at Micheal, and suddenly hugged. At first, I was stunned and didn't hug back, but he whispered, "I love you Morgan, and I'm sorry you can't stay, but I want  you to be safe on the roads. It's your first time driving this sort of distance nonstop." I began to hug back, the tears I had been holding back throughout the day, through the withdraw of my classes in the morning, to the dinner with my best friends and second family, and through Chris's yelling, began to soak Micheal's shirt as I pressed myself into his chest. I tried to speak, I tried to tell him, "I loved him to and that it wasn't his fault and goodbye," but my voice defied me. All I could produce were quiet sobs and small squeaks and whimpers. After a moment, I regained control of myself, I'm normally a very internal person, but Micheal hasn't treated me like he cared since we were in elementary school, so it caught me off guard, and I said my goodbyes and got into my truck, tears still falling from my eyes. I wiped my eyes and started the ignition as Micheal open the door inside the garage leading into the house. He waved one last time before I backed out. Micheal pressed the button to close the garage and closed the door behind him. The garage door closed, and I was off to restart my life again.