Intermission 1: Loyalty

Story by Seros Nym on SoFurry

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#3 of Echoes of a Dragon

Side-story, through the eyes of another.

22/05/14: I barely even had to edit this when I revisited it, I'm so happy with how it turned out. I feel this might be my favorite piece of work, if not my best.

"Come at me. Don't hold back now, Tor'ko."

The large ruby dragonkin nods before rushing at me from his position a few feet away, his right arm pulled back, aiming a punch directly at me. I see through his obvious feint, noticing the way his footing changes as he takes his last step towards me. Twisting his body at the last second, he whirls his left leg at me, the taloned foot arcing upwards towards my head. I snatch it out of the air, stepping forward and delivering an elbow straight to his chest before wrenching his leg back, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground.

I grin, offering him a hand. He grins back, taking my hand and pulling himself up. In an instant, he grabs my arm with his other hand, locking his foot around mine and attempting to use the leverage to throw me. I am caught unprepared and sent to the ground. I roll into the fall, springing to my feet and lunging forward, aiming a thrusting kick at my foe's abdomen. He catches my strike with ease, but I use his grip to pull myself closer, springing upwards with my free leg to send myself into the air. Swinging the unbound leg upward, I plant a kick directly onto my opponent's face, causing him to release his grip and stumble. I land on the ground, nearly losing balance, and step forward with a spin, hurling a backfist to follow up. Dazed by the solid kick, Tor'ko's guard is easily slipped around, and my strike lands on his face once again. He stumbles for a moment before collapsing to the ground, stunned.

I grin once again, looking down on the defeated dragon. He stands nearly a full head taller than me, but has yet to defeat me in combat. Not for lack of trying.

"You can help yourself up now." I say with a chuckle.

Tor'ko mumbles something unintelligible into the floor in response. I lightly kick him in the gut.

"No lounging now."

"Urgh... you have got to stop aiming for my head. You're going to cause some damage one day." Tor'ko rolls onto his back, his arm draped over his forehead.

"You never know, it might be an improvement."

I hear a gentle knock on the door. A small emerald dragon dressed as a servant steps through. He bows deeply to me before clearing his throat.

"Ahem. The Divine Emperor requests your presence." He pauses awkwardly for a moment before continuing. "In his chambers."

My heart skips a beat, a faint feeling of dread creeping over me. I hide my reaction behind a mask of indifference. I feared that this day would come. I heard rumors, but news of the emperor's bedchamber dealings are kept secret. Behind closed doors, so to speak. I cannot avoid it, so I intend to endure through it. And maybe put on a show for good measure.

"Thank you, I will be there momentarily." The emerald dragon bows low again before backing out of the room.

Tor'ko stares at me, his dazed expression gone and replaced by a concerned, severe look. He opens his mouth to speak, but I interrupt him.

"I will return shortly."

I stride purposefully out of the room as Tor'ko silently climbs to his feet.


I face the large golden double-doors leading to the imperial chambers. Two sentries are posted on either side of the door, watching the halls with a steely vigil. One of them raps twice on the door.

"Imperial majesty, Lord Zerius is here." announces the guard.

A voice echoes from behind the door. "Enter."

The guard pulls open one of the golden doors, ushering me through. I step into the opulent imperial chambers. Cloth and fabrics of scintillating colors decorate the room. Ornate tapestries are displayed along the walls, and the light of the evening sun shines through the transparent silver curtains, causing them to shimmer with fire. Shen'zuka, the emperor himself, stands in the middle of the room. His milky-white scales are alight with the crimson sunlight, giving him a beautiful yet almost sinister aura. He grins at me, looking at me with superiority, in the way highborn nobles look at simple commoners.

"This is just another obstacle on my path to greatness." I think to myself. "I will surmount it and continue on my way."

I have fought against my ancestry my entire life. Ebon dragons are destined for servitude, doomed to live and die under the yolk of another, never achieving anything aside from their own pointless deaths. Even now, in my position, I still serve. The bitter feeling of being beneath someone burns in my soul. Shen'zuka gestures to me with a sweep of his hand.

"Lord Zerius, welcome." The look of superiority remains in his eyes, despite his pleasant tone of voice. "You are as intelligent as you are skilled, so I assume you know why we are here."

I fear the rumors were true about these summons. I am no stranger to sex, though I have yet to have the pleasure of mating with a female, due to the color of my scales. Most view that sort of thing as taboo, but there are some males around the palace that care not where they get their pleasure from. Servants, those of lesser rank, various mid-level governmental workers. Some appeared to enjoy the fact that I was ebon, forbidden fruit in a sense. Yet, I fear Shen has bigger plans for this moment than stress relief.

I swallow hard, nodding. "Yes, Majesty. The whispers of the palace walls are faint, but I hear many things. You've called every prefect that serves you in here at some point, and I am due for the summons."

Shen'zuka lets out a slow, haughty chuckle. "This is true, though I find it disconcerting you learned of it so soon."

He approaches me, stepping slowly across the gleaming floor. He places a hand on my chest, sliding his hand along the fabric of my robe. I struggle to resist recoiling at his touch, noticing with displeasure that his unblinking eyes are on me, analyzing my reaction.

"I like you, Lord Zerius. Your struggle against your accursed birthright is almost inspiring. You fight your fate, whilst I intend to embrace mine."

His eyes linger on me, drinking in my physique as his hand strokes me, the touch drifting ever lower. I battle the waves of disgust that roll through me, putting on a strong, unflinching front.

"We are polar opposites in birth, separated by both station and color. Yet now, here in this room, we are together. Do you understand what an honor this is?"

Shen steps closer, his other hand lightly caressing my arm. He gazes at me, his eyes filled not with care or passion, but with pure lust.

"You can discover many things about someone during intimacy." He mutters. "I wonder what we will discover about you."

He emphasizes the last word with a vigorous grip of my groin. I grunt with a wince, temporarily unable to maintain my neutral facade. I scramble to recover my composure as Shen begins to peel away my clothing. Within moments, I stand naked in the room, a tip of dark scarlet barely poking out from the vent between my legs. Shen looks me over with a veiled sense of approval.

"Ah, you are quite a specimen." He says, grinning. "I will enjoy this. But first..."

Shen unravels his robes, casting them to the side in an elegant motion. His body radiates with the light of the sunset, the yellow-tinged scales of his chest gleaming with crimson light. With hesitation my eyes wander to his bare nethers, his jet-black member pointing proudly upwards. His eyes glow with greed and desire as he stares at me, grinning.

He inclines his head downward, eyes still on me. "What are you waiting for? Prove your loyalty. Serve your emperor."

I obediently kneel down before him, my muzzle drifting towards his ebon meat. I feel its heat radiating inches from my face, and my nostrils fill with his scent. I steel myself, suppressing all feelings of repulsion and distaste. I cannot falter now, I stand to gain too much by securing the emperor's trust through this.

I feel a firm grip on the top of my head, half-grasping one of my horns. My head is guided towards the black protrusion in front of me, pressing it against my lips. Resigned to this moment of indignity, I comply by opening my mouth and taking the entirety of the length into my muzzle. The tip of the intrusive member presses against the back of my throat, hindering my breathing. My tongue tentatively explores the dragon-meat embedded in my mouth, feeling every vein across the surface, every throb of Shen's heartbeat. Moments before I begin to run short of breath, his guiding hand mercifully pulls me away. I catch a lungful of air, inhaling deeply as he forces my snout into his groin once again. I hear his soft grunts of pleasure, his breathing slowly getting sharper and faster.

A small part of me enjoys this, to my abhorrence. Deep down inside, I want to surrender to this servitude, to have the burden of leading taken from my shoulders. Pleasing the emperor in this way would be satisfying, a token of my appreciation for his acceptance. I wonder why I feel this way? Is it a personal flaw? Perhaps all ebon dragons are born with an instinct to serve? Maybe that is why they rarely rise beyond their preordained fates. I do resolve to take some solace in the sliver of pleasure I can gain from this, though I will most likely hate myself for it in the future.

With renewed earnest, I raise a hand, placing it at the base of Shen's moist cock. As he pulls my head back once again, my hand follows suit, stroking up the shaft, my palm dampened by my warm saliva. My sucking is assisted by my stroking hand as my head is steadily pulled back and forth. I feel strings of precum lace the inside of my mouth, feeling flush with arousal and from the heat of the throbbing meat being thrust into my face.

Shen hisses through gritted teeth, his face twisted in pleasure. His grip becomes tighter, and he begins vigorously slamming my face into his nethers, his hips arching forward in time with the motion. Breathing becomes difficult again as I struggle to fill my lungs between thrusts of the large, obstructing meat. His free hand grabs my other horn as he makes wet, sloppy love to my mouth. My own efforts diminish and I simply allow my head to be used as a tool of pleasure, my tongue hanging limply out from my mouth, the underside of his cock rubbing along the soft, moist length.

Moaning, Shen abruptly pulls my head hard forwards, driving the tip of his dragon-hood deep into my muzzle. Grimacing in pleasure, his breath hisses through his teeth in sharp gasps. I struggle to hold my breath, my airway cut off by the pulsating meat as globs of sticky warmth splash onto the back of my throat. Drops of stray semen fall down onto my tongue, lacking the unpleasant taste that I had unconsciously anticipated. Shen gingerly pulls my head back and forth along his length, the waning throbs of his orgasm coating the inside of my mouth with stickiness.

Mercifully, Shen pulls out of my mouth, his ebon appendage dripping with cum and saliva. Residual semen clings to my throat, and I cough to try and dislodge it. Shen chuckles at this, removing his hands from my head. I stand up, wiping my mouth with my arm while trying to catch my breath, hoping that it is over. Unfortunately, it was not. The worst was yet to come.

"We are not done yet." Shen says with his familiar, disconcerting grin of superiority. "I have so few opportunities to do this, and moonborn are gifted with exceptional stamina. Or should I say cursed? Heheh, we can be hard to satisfy, after all."

I struggle valiantly to avoid hinting at my disgust and growing hatred towards him and his foul sense of supremacy. I owe my position to him, but it seems he thinks of me only as another servant, amused by my dark scales signifying my dirt-bottom birth. Until this day, he treated me with respect, seemingly impressed by my rise from mediocrity. Is this what he truly thinks of me? Some indebted slave to be ordered around at will? To be used as a tool of pleasure? Or... is this a test? If I bend my knee to him in the bedroom, then I will surely bend my knee without hesitation everywhere else. If this is meant to gauge my loyalty, he is stretching it to the absolute limit.

Shen twirls a finger in the air. "Turn around, Lord Zerius. Present yourself to me."

My heart sinks into the pit of my stomach. I have never received another male in such a way. The submission of allowing yourself to be mounted by another disgusts me. My body screams to resist the order, but I focus, bracing myself for what is to come, determined not to let my efforts go to waste after coming this far. I slowly spin to face the large, ornate bed, my back turned to Shen. Slowly, almost fearfully, I bend over, resting my hands on the silken sheets. My tail initially refuses to move, wrapping itself tightly up between my legs. With a monumental force of will, I force my tail to bend upwards, the tip swinging over my back as it raises slowly, almost regretfully, exposing my tailhole.

Shen steps towards me, his shadow cast over my submissive form. I feel his hand roughly stroking my rear, caressing and groping in equal measure. A second hand runs up my tail, pulling the motionless appendage towards him and resting it on his shoulder. My entrance is poked by a wet object as it begins to force its way inside me. Pain shoots through my body, the unrelenting pressure of Shen's dragon-hood proving too much for my virgin tailhole. I fail to suppress a cry of pain.

"If you would relax, there would be less pain." Shen mutters nonchalantly as his member inches its way into my rear.

I inhale sharply, attempting to regain my composure. Hilting me momentarily before pulling out again, Shen begins to push in and pull out in a steady rhythm. His hands fasten to my hips, pulling me into him in time with each thrust. The overwhelming feeling of being taken so forcefully sets off a chain reaction of emotions. I feel distaste for being plowed like a nursery female, but it quickly fades and is replaced by a feeling of ecstasy blossoming from within. My submissive side comes out in full force and I lose myself in the sensation.

Shen presses his weight down upon me, the sound of slapping scales ringing through the air as I am pushed forward with each energetic thrust. I let loose a low moan, the pain of penetration replaced with a depraved pleasure. I mentally chastise myself for enjoying this, a persistent negativity lingering in my thoughts. I ignore my feelings of self loathing, leaning forwards onto my chest, using my freed arms to desperately and shamelessly stroke myself in frustration.

Shen grips me harder, his pounding increasing in speed and intensity. His grunts of exertion are punctuated by loud groans of pleasure, muttering perverse phrases under his breath.

"Hah... yeah, take it you little whelp!" Shen murmurs. "Mmm, you belong underneath me. Look at you, touching yourself. You love this, don't you? You little ebon whore."

Flushing red with shame and anger in equal measure, my body refuses to obey my commands to resist, instead becoming further aroused by Shen's words. My mouth hangs open, my tongue dangling loosely out in unremitting bliss. I approach the threshold of my climax, my hands stroking fast and loose along my shaft, desperate to release the unwanted sexual energy welled up inside me.

Slamming his cock deep into my bowels, Shen holds it in as far as it can go, panting heavily as he teeters on the edge. The invasive feeling of the rock hard meat buried in my rump pushes me gently over the brink, sending me flying down an emotional landslide. I shout out in agonizing bliss, hot cum gushing out from my crimson member, covering my fingers in sticky goo. Waves of sweet pleasure roll through my body, offering much-needed relief from my suppressed desires. Rocked by the intense orgasm, my body reflexively clamps down on Shen's embedded cock. He gasps in abrupt surprise, suddenly hammering into my tight hole to see his burgeoning orgasm to fruition.

Digging his claws into my scales, Shen roars as his rhythm slows, pounding my rear in shaky, measured thrusts. I feel him throbbing as he fills my rear with his warm, sticky seed, shooting cockfuls of semen inside me with each painstaking thrust. Coming down from my orgasm, the feelings of bliss are once again replaced by an emerging hatred. Numb from the experience, I wear an expressionless mask as Shen finishes coating my insides with his cum. Panting heavily, Shen pulls his softening member out before prodding my tender entrance with his thumb. I wince, feeling a drop of warm liquid ooze out. Shen grins once again, this time with a softened expression of pride instead of condescension.

"Very good, Lord Zerius. You do your emperor proud."

I expected his pleasant change of tone to comfort me in some way, but the negative feelings fostered by our one-sided intimacy linger at the forefront of my mind. I try, but find I cannot shake them from my thoughts. It takes a herculean effort to offer an appropriate response without a spiteful tone of voice.

"It was a pleasure to serve, Your Majesty."