Fluffy Loving: Coming Home

Story by purplefirefox on SoFurry

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#1 of Fluffy Loving

This is a stater to a story i am writing about (who i would say is one of my mates) Fluff. Fluff was a real German Shepherd who means the world to me. Fluff sadly passed away a few months ago in December 2013. I am dedicating this story to him. i would always tell him, "if i was a feral you would be a giant compared to me." so to honor that i am writing this to tell the story of what it would be like if i was a feral fox. i am still taking his passing hard. so i felt writing about how much he means to me would help. he is a part of my soul forever. I love you Fluff. The man in the story is another important soul to me as well. both have a piece of me as i do of them.

When i was a kit my mother and father were killed by hunters. i was left alone in the woods wondering. i learned to fend for myself to survive. until one day i was found by a forest ranger. who took me to a place with many animals. they put me into a cage near the other animals. some smelling odd and strange, making me confused with what was going on. i was kept there for another few days. they fed me odd food and never let me go out to play.

then one day i was laying in the corner of the cage. when a man walked in front of my cage. "oh wow!" the man said looking at me threw the cage. "what kind of fox is this?" the man asked curiously. "we believe it is a Swift Fox Fennec hybrid, from his features. we have not done a test on him." another voice said off to the side. "he is a very handsome. his fur is beautiful, tan and white with lovely black tips. oh! and those large ears." the man said smiling enjoying my features. i looked up at the man, looking into his eyes. his large brown eyes looking at me with happiness. i rested my head back down onto my tail.

"he is a wild animal be careful don't get too close." the voice off to the side cautiously. "he doesn't look threatened by me. he seems fairly relaxed, or depressed." the man said still looking at me. i was depressed i wanted to go out to hunt and play. i wanted out of this prison. "i think... i want him." the man said looking at me with glee. turning to look at the voice off to the side.

"he is a wild animal. we need to transplant him to another forest." the voice said. "i can take the little guy in. i have enough room for him to run and play." the man said looking back at me. my ears perked up a little hearing his words. "he wants to take me away?" i thought to myself. "we need you to fill out some forums and documents if you are sure about adopting him." the voice off to the side said. the man looked back to the voices direction "yes of course. i do want to adopt him." the man said looking at me then back to the voice. "please follow me." the voice said fading away taking the man with it.

i sat there for some time waiting for the man to come back. hoping he would take me away from this prison to a place were i could run free. i closed my eyes and rested. rattling sounds woke me up to find the man and the ranger standing in front of it. the ranger unlocked and opened the cage. backing up slightly to let the man threw. the man's hand reached out at me. i backed up into the corner more as it drew closer. sniffing it and growling slightly. "it is okay little guy. i am not going to hurt you. i actually like you a lot. i think that you are a very handsome fox." the man said smiling with his hand still extended out to me. i put my ears down, sniffing his hand as i moved closer to it. he didn't smell dangerous or like he wanted to hurt me.

"good boy." he said with joy as i sniffed his hand. i come out from being scrunched into the corner. slowly moving closer to his hand. my nose reached it, sniffing the human's scent. it smelt odd and strange like everything else here. yet some how it was comforting. i caught a good smell on his hand, it smelt like meat. i started to lick the spot with my tongue tasting the human and the spot. "ha ha, he smells the steak i had earlier. his nose is amazing i washed my hands and everything." the man laughed to the ranger behind him.

i stopped licking the man's hand looking up at him. his hand moved over my head, making me put my ears back in slight fear. "shhhh, little one. i am not going to hurt you." the man said in a soft voice. his hand landed on my head. slowly stroking the top of it. i had never felt anything as good as his hand petting me. the feeling of him stroking over my fur felt amazing. i started to brush up against him as he stroked his hand to pet me. "i think he likes me" the man said with joy and excitement.

i got lost in the feeling of his hand moving over my head. slowly working down to my shoulders and back. i felt safe with this man, protected. i felt no danger or malice from him. i slowly pawed closer to him. reaching his chest, rubbing up against him slightly. the man smiled down at me as i rubbed against his chest slightly. "i will keep you safe little one." the man said grabbing me in his arms softly.

the man carried me in his arms down the hallway that was lined with cages. some empty, some with animals in them. some growling, hissing and barking at me. i buried my muzzle and head into the man's arms. i listened to his foot steps as we reached a door. the ranger opened it and we walked threw. "we have a leash and collar you can use for now." the ranger said as the man carried me. "thank you" the man said in reply. his deep voice echoing in my ears that were pressed again his chest.

i felt the man stop walking and something go around my neck, i struggled a little trying to free myself from it's grasp. "it's okay little one its not going to hurt you." i heard the man say as i struggled. he began to pet me again soothing me to stop. i stopped fighting back allowing the man to place the "collar" on me. i heard a sharp clink sound near my neck when the man put the leash on after getting the collar on. "thank you so much for your help ranger. i will keep in contact with you about him." the man's voice echoed again in his chest as i buried my head back.

"no problem, and please do keep in contact." i heard the ranger say. the man started to walk again. walking to a door pushing it open and going threw. i heard the metal door shut and smelt the outside air. i heard birds chirping, talk to themselves. the man stopped walking. i heard the man doing things then felt him move to sit. still holding me as he sat down in his car. i looked up at him seeing the window and car door open. i felt like running, fleeing with all my might.

then i felt something odd, i feeling like i needed to stay. i needed to stay with this man who saved me. he looked back at me and smiled. he sat me in the seat next to him, patting my head. then the man shut the door and started the car. which startled me, making me jump back into his lap. the man laughed joyfully in surprise. "it's okay little one." the man said petting me again. "we are going home." the man said taking his hand off me. "you can stay in my lap for now, just don't move." he said giving me one last pet.

i curled up between his legs, resting on his lap. his scent was strange down here too. i sniffed his crotch a few times. still curled up on his lap. i heard the car start to move as he began to drive. i stuck my nose into the craves of his lap taking a deep sniff. snorting a few times getting a deep sniff of it. it smelled good like the rest of him. but this spot smelt different in it's own way. "hey there little guy. i can feel you sniffing me." the man said laughing. i pulled my nose out from the musky craves and rested it back onto his lap.

i soon started to feel safe and relaxed. slowly starting to fall asleep in the warm musky lap. i woke up to feel the man grabbing me into his arms again as he got out of the car. "home sweet home." the man said shutting the car door and walking up to the small house. i heard odd sounds coming from inside of it. something moving and whining excitedly as we reached the door. i started to get scared as the sounds got louder. the man unlocked and opened the door, stepping threw into the house as the whines grew and a loud swooshing sound followed.

"Howdy Fluff. i am back." the man said happily to the sounds. i buried my head into the man again starting to shake slightly. "what is it? what is it? what do you got?!" a voice said with excitement. "sit." the man said. i heard a loud thud and more swooshing. "okay, okay, okay." the voice said trying not to sound existed. i felt the man move his arms to place me down. i looked around shocked that he placed me down. i turned around quickly to see a large beast in front of me. my ears went back on my head and my head lowered down. my tail hid between my legs as i lowered myself.

"Hello!" the large beast said to me. it's large tail wagging vigorously. a big grin on it's face and tongue lolling out. "hi. i am Fluff. a Gerrrman Shepherd. what are you?" Fluff said his tail wagging quickly still. i stayed in one stop trying to to move at all. "what is wrong?" Fluff asked tilting his head to the side slightly. "i.... i.... am a fox..." i stammered quietly "whats a fox?" Fluff asked in wonder. Fluff stood up and padded over to me. i lowered myself more, nearly flopping into my side. "behave Fluff." the man said petting the large shepherd. Fluff started to sniff me shocking me more. i flopped onto my back exposing my belly in submission.

"he won't hurt you little one. he is a good boy." the man said petting Fluff again. Fluff's tail still wagging from his praise. "we need to give this little one a name. hmmmm, i wounder what to call him." the man said thinking to himself out loud. Fluff started to sniff my sheath and tail hole. i shook a little as he did. "aw relax fox thing. i am not going to hurt you. i like you!" Fluff said his tail still wagging quickly with his excitement. i slowly stopped shaking as Fluff began to lick my sheath. i froze in place from the feeling of his large shepherd tongue licking me there. it was soft and warm going over my sheath and slit. Fluff stopped licking me after getting a few more tastes. "wow! that is good." the shepherd said sitting down.

i rolled back over onto my paws and backed up a little. looking at the large shepherd sitting in front of me. he was much larger then i was. if i stood next to him i would only come up to the bottom of his chest. he had the black and tan fur of a German Shepherd, but his fur was longer. making his coat flow with his tails quick movements. "wanna play?" Fluff asked excited still. my ears dropped lower against my head. he was so much bigger then i was, scared he may crush me if we did.

"i wont step on you i promise." the shepherd said with a smile his tail still wagging. "i know!" the man said loudly out of no where. "i will call you Foxitious" the man said looking down at me. he was grinning widely with a kindness in his eyes. "Foxitious. that's a good name for you. it sounds smart and cunning, like a fox." the man said smiling. leaning forward to pick me up into his arms again. "hey! i was playing with that" Fluff said in opposition to me being lifted. Fluff began to dance about excitedly around the man holding me.

"let's go lay down" the man said walking into a hallway then to his room. he laid down on the bed still holding me in his arms. using one to remove the leash off my collar with a metal clink. he put the leash on the floor as Fluff laid next to the him. the man placed me on the other side of his body. rolling onto his side stuck between Fluff and me. his eyes slowly closing has he stroked my soft fur. "i am glad to have you here Foxitious" the man said sleepily still petting me slowly. soon his hand stopped and his breathing became soft and relaxed. "rest easy fox thing." Fluff said stretching out on the bed next to the sleeping man.

i curled up against the man's belly. feeling his belly rise and fall with each breath. soon i too was falling asleep being lolled by the man's soothing breathing. his warm arms and body cuddling me close. the scent of the man's den filled with the smell of the shepherd and the man's smell, soothing me even more. i felt safe and protected, and most of all where i belonged.