Tales of Furlingas - Choose your own story text adventure part 18

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#18 of Text adventure

The idea of this chose your own adventure is that I will write a page of a story ending in a choice of what action our hero takes next. You can then vote by commenting with your choice, I will then write the next page using the most voted on option to build a story page by page. It will be an adult story with sexual scenes and you get to chose partners, positions and such. I will look to post a minimum of once a week but with the aim of doing it twice a week whenever possible.

Sorry this is so late, had serious block issues. I didn't find the new system very useful, and the votes I got were less and a third that I had been getting. So we are back to i give you guys options and you vote for the one you want. Hope you enjoy.

Well hard to count really but most people seemed to want the cave and dragon so here it goes.

Jarus sat tending the big bear's wounds, he shock his head sadly. "You shouldn't have said that about the orc's mother," he whispered sadly as he dabbed the bear's wounds with a damp cloth. Their medical supplies were almost non existent, never having picked any up in town when they had the chance. Kenia was sorting through the bodies of the orcs he had killed. He felt oddly elated and yet that feeling was ruined by the worry he had for the bear. Aleoric hadn't moved or spoken in three hours, the bear seemed awake but the wounds around his eyes had swollen and forced his eyes shut. The bear was blind, at least for now.

Finding a salve in a pouch he sniffed it, "cream of yarlg root, it should stop any infection. It won't help the swelling though. How is he doing?"

"He's awake and I'm sure he can hear us..." The bear thumped his paw on the ground to confirm that. "He can definitely hear us, I think his jaw is broken." The pony took the salve from the fox and put a reassuring paw on the bear's shoulder. "This might sting a little."

Kenia turned away from the sign returning to scavenging the dead bodies. He found it easier to root through corpses than look at his friend injured and mute. He found a few coins and a small totem or two, maybe they were worth something, the orcs had known something about magic, Aleoric would know if they were useful.

Then grabbing his axe he stood guard at the edge of camp looking at the entrance to the valley. The night was almost over, the sky was glowing orange as the sun neared rising. It had been a very long day for the band and he felt the weariness of it in every bone. His mind turned to Runo, he wasn't sure how long he had been gone, but he had hoped he would have returned by now.

"You think he made it to None?" Kenia nearly jumped out of his skin, he had been so deep in thought he had not heard the pony's approach.

"He made it, I just hope that None remembers we are his friends," the fox snarled a little at the thought of Runo being made a slave.

"None would never..."

"None has been doing it to people for centuries! Just because you made him pity you for a moment doesn't mean we can trust him not to take one of us when he gets a second chance!" Kenia cut across the pony sharply turning to face him.

Jarus bowed his head slightly, "maybe you are right, but there seems to be more to None than what he was made to be."

The fox opened his mouth to reply when he caught sight of a shadow moving, a few seconds later he recognised the shape of the naga as he returned. breaking into a run the fox started shouting the snake's name.

The snake smiled as the fox came running, "hey, how did it go. You won I assume?"

"Yes it worked perfectly, I was just unstoppable, I can't believe I didn't trust you to put me in a trance. Well I swear from now on you have my trust, my loyalty and my respect." Kenia said giving the snake a huge hug, he couldn't see the pained look on the naga's face as his words cut the naga deeply. Runo knew he had failed, he'd had a chance to prove himself and maybe the fox didn't know, maybe he would never know. However, he knew and he hated himself for being so weak, for betraying his friend's trust and not only wheedling out his secret feelings, he'd left a suggestion to change his behaviour, to make him more subservient to the naga.

Their hug was broken by the arrival of the horse, Runo nodded to Jarus," None sends his regards and thanks for a tribe of orcs to play with."

"He took them all?" The pony asked as he reached out to hug the naga and fox.

"Yes, after what I saw I am so glad we managed to escape the same fate. Hey wait, where's the big white fluffy one?" Runo asked his voice holding a hint of worry.

"Back in the camp, he took quite a beating while they held us prisoner. The swelling around his eyes is blinding him and his jaw is broken so he can't speak." The horse informed him as he broke the hug and the trio headed back to camp.

"We should find somewhere to hole up for a few days, let Aleoric recover. I think there may be some caves in the cliffs just before Kafta." The fox said as they reached the bear. The others agreed and after a quick gathering of their equipment and what little they had looted from the orcs the group headed off. Going was slow with Jarus leading Aleoric the bear walking behind him with both paws on the horses shoulders as they walked.

Eventually they reached the cliffs and sat the bear down inside, the sun was high in the sky, however, after a sleepless night and exhausting day the group found it easy to fall asleep.

It was Runo who woke first, stretching his coils and snake looked at the group. Jarus had fallen asleep cradling the huge bear's head in his lap. Kenia had slept in Runo's arms and coils. Although he hadn't woken when he pulled away from him, he glanced down sadly as the fox slumbered his expression serene and very cute. Reaching down he lightly stroked the vulpine's hair and then he lifted himself up and headed outside.

As he slithered out of the door he nearly jumped out of his skin as a voice above him said. "Well, well, well look who's been sleeping in my bed." The snake turned and his eyes went wide as he looked up at the owner of the voice. A golden dragon, easily fifty foot long, his body huge and bulbous, his claws huge with long black talons. His head was easily the size of the average anthro, smoke drifting lazily out of his nostrils and a wide grin showing his huge drooling fangs.

"I... we... didn't know this was your cave... sorry we will leave." The snake said rapidly, wondering if he could warn the others, wondering if that would do any good, only Aleoric had the power needed to do anything against a dragon and with his jaw broken he couldn't utter any spells.

"Oh no no no, I love having guest's now what do I call you, apart from liar?" The dragon asked jumping down off the rock and landing behind the naga, his huge tail and body forming a corral to keep the naga in the cave entrance.

"I'm not a liar!" the snake hissed indignantly.

"Really? That's a lie though," the dragon chuckled with amusement shaking his head at the snake. "I can see into your mind and you feel guilty for lying... oh and abusing your friend and lover."

"I didn't... look it wasn't my fault, you don't know how hard it is to control myself, holding someone entranced like that is so invigorating, so I found out a few harmless secrets and maybe left a harmless suggestion for the next time we had sex." Runo retorted his anger getting the better of his fear.

"Oh I find it totally hilarious, he on the other hand might not find it so amusing." The dragon gestured with his head. Runo frozen not wanting to turn but knowing that he had to, slowly his head turned around to see Kenia and Jarus, weapons in paw, standing in the cave entrance. The look on Kenia's face broke the naga's heart, it wasn't hatred or anger, he could have taken that, it was hurt, shock and betrayal.

"Kenia, look... I can explain..., " the naga pleaded slithering towards the fox, who dropped his axe and took a step back. "I didn't... it wasn't I you... don't understand."

"Oh I think he understands perfectly, the one he loved betrayed him, and planted in his mind selfish manipulations." The dragon said chuckling as his head moved closer to the fox, "you understand that right?"

The fox stumbled backwards and then ran into the cave. Runo took one look at the dragon, "Why?"

"Oh I dunno, maybe I was bored or maybe I just don't like liars." The dragon replied with a half snarl.

"He'll never forgive me or trust me again now." The snake whispered as a tear ran down his cheek.

"Ah the first honest thing you have said, well done little one. Still let's face it you two are just too ill matched, you don't understand each other. Your loved is doomed, which is sad." The hulking beast said, his head moving closer to whisper. "Of course all is not lost, maybe I could help fix things, but there might be a price or a risk."

"I'll pay it, whatever you want from me you can have." Runo whispered as tears fell, Jarus shouted out in outrage.

"No, look so you screwed up, you did so before and he forgave you. Don't agree to anything before you at least try...," the horse suddenly choked up his voice vanishing.

"Oh please pony boy, he already accepted my offer. Now I have a wonderful idea to help you two. It's time for you to learn to truly understand each other, let's see how you like walking a mile or hundred in each other's shoes, assuming you survive the journey." The dragon clawed at the dirt and threw some at the naga, as it landed Runo vanished. "There it s done, either they will learn to understand one another or they will die. Now, what about you little pony? Want me to save your manitcore friend? I could you know I have the power, or maybe I could send you home back to the parents from who you were stolen. They never forgot their little one, their little Neis."

The pony gasped, he had been raised, since a cub, as a slave. He never knew who his parents were and only had only the vaguest memories of them, and that name it seemed familiar, could it really be his? The dragon chuckled, "They would be so proud to see how you escaped your life of slavery. Or I could send you all home, well I could only send Kenia and Runo if they survive, which they have a good...ish chance to. Runo made his deal and it's can't be broken now. This is a once in a lifetme offer, a wish from a dragon now what's it to be?"

Vote by commenting below, we're back to the old system now.

Jarus should ask what the price of the deal is and then assuming it is acceptible ask for

A: Jarus should demand the return of his friends.

B: Jarus should make the deal to save None.

C: Jarus should ask to return home to his parents.

D: Jarus should ask for Aleoric to be healed.

E: Jarus should ask for them all to be sent home.

F: Jarus should ask for nothing, he should return to Aleoric and try and figure out a way to help Runo and Kenia.