
Story by Vee_Stitch on SoFurry

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#4 of DigiDead Part 3

After resting in the grass in the open field, Scourge and Emily got back up continuing their journey in the woods. They got out the road and saw a singular grey car. Emily and Scourge already had the routine under control. Scourge covered Emily as she checked to see if the car would work. She was on the ignition and heard walkers coming in. Scourge prompted the trunk of the car open. Emily went over a singular dead corpse and she stuffed into the trunk. He went in as well and tied down the trunk with a shirt as the knot to only leave a small window of looking out space. The walkers wandered over, Scourge held up his crossbow while Emily held her knife. It was a dark night as the walkers banged against the top. They could hear and even see as it started to rain heavily. They stayed up all knight just waiting inside the trunk. By daybreak the noise had silenced. Scourge untied the shirt and lifted the trunk door up. The area was clear. They went out and gathered supplies from the car from the wheel's frames, to the window and glass. They bagged up the haul and headed down the road a bit.

They ended up back in the woods. Scourge saw a squirrel and picked up his crossbow. He aimed, fired and missed as the squirrel scampered up the tree. He picked off the bolt and looked at the worn out slightly snapped bolt. He snapped it in half seeing it as useless. Emily set up the wheel frames and tied them around barbed wire setting it along two trees. She then made a bit and took out the mirror. She beamed the reflection of the sun of the mirror into the pit creating a small fire. Scourge picked up a tree branch with two small pegs. He spotted a snake and used the tree branch to pin down the snake then stab it with his knife. He skinned the snake and took it back the fire. He cooked the snake and they had a meal. While Scourge was eating, Emily said, "I need a drink." He tossed over a bottle and she just looked at him and said, "I need a real drink." He continued to just eat the snake. She stood up and said, "Fine...I'll go look for one myself, since I can take care of myself..." She walked out a bit further and said, "Asshole." She then spotted three walkers. She hid behind a large tree. She held up her knife getting ready. She leaned down and picked up a rock. She tossed it to her right. Two of the walkers roamed toward the noise. One walker wondered closer and closer to her anyway. She held her knife up as the walker came and saw her. She leaned out a bit then stabbed the walker against the tree. She turned around to see Scourge with his crossbow. She sort of lead on as they continued through the woods a little while longer. They came to an opening and it was a golf resort. Emily looked to her left to see at least seven walkers in the distance. Scourge said, "Come on." They headed right heading toward the resort building. It was a pretty big white building with blue frames. Emily went up the stairs and tried the main double doors. They would not budge. They went to the right side finding another set of double doors. Scourge was on one side and Emily was on the other. Scourge opened the door a quickly picked up his crossbow. She entered in as well. They looked down a hallway, there were three walkers hung in place. The walkers still moved very little and growled. They were not an actual threat. Scourge saw the door to the right. Once they entered the walkers from outside started banging against the doors. They went through another set of double doors and Scourge slammed them. Emily spread out from Scourge who was more focused on keeping the area they were in clear. Emily went into a small clean up room. They was a compartment filled with cleaning in the top shelf was a beer bottle. She started to climb up. She reached the bottle and came down. She came down the room and was attacked by a walker. She moved the bottle into her other hand and smashed it against the walkers head. She stabbed it twice more shattering more glass each time. She was pinned against the wall and pulled out her knife. She managed to stab it in the head. She tossed the walker and saw Scourge casually enter holding the crossbow. Emily asked, "What the hell was that?" Scourge said, "You said you could take care of yourself and you did." They went into another hall. They were blocked with a shelf and behind that was a clock. Scourge ducked under the high shelves and passed under. He moved the clock as Emily squeezed through. Scourge looked at that clock as he rung once. They entered into a room. Scourge saw a nine-iron. He picked it up as they were four Walkers scattered around the larger room. They were other dead bodies as well. Scourge used the gold club striking it at the first walker as Emily was right behind him. Scourge swung to the next walker. It was a clean head shot with the club. Emily stabbed the third walker. Scourge beat down the last walker. He last slammed hit Emily white jacket and covered it in blood. She took it off and she only had her jeans and yellow shirt that was still somewhat clean. Emily found the bar. Scourge looked around and it was clear. Scourge said, "Well get it over with." He looked around picking up stacks of cash. Emily was bit confused as to why he would raid for cash. She went behind the counter. Scourge found darts and looked at the dart board. He looked a bit to his left to see a large picture frame. He tossed the darts as Emily found a bottle of snubs. Emily cleaned off a cup by little good it did. She sat there a while tapping her hands against the wooden table. Scourge threw his next dart hitting one of the people in the picture right in the neck area. Emily asked to herself, "Who needs a cup anyway..." She wrapped her hand around the bottle. She just looked at it for a while. Scourge tossed away. Emily started crying. He found memory of her creature father Shadow was short. She knew he was drinker. So was Jijimon. He was like a father figure for both her and Lena. This empty feeling of setting out this goal hurt her more than she realized. Scourge finally turned around after throwing all the darts and picked up the bottle and smashed it and headed toward the door. Scourge said, "If you're going to drink. Then you're first one should be a real drink." He went out and she followed him. They left the resort from the back. Scourge brought her back into the woods. She brought her back to their little camp sight. Emily asked, "What the hell. I didn't want to end up here. Look you have you're killing thing, I need this." Scourge said, "Were going this way." They went the other way. They ended up in an old cabin area. Scourge said, "I was here with Kotemon a while back. We cleared this area." They went inside. Scourge looked in the trashed out house. He went into the cellar. He pulled out a box of moonshine. Emily asked, "What is that?" Scourge answered, "Moonshine." He sat it up against a small table. Emily sat down and Scourge covered the windows. Emily got a glass ready and tasted a bit. Emily said, "This taste disgusting." She took another sip regardless of the statement and poured another glass. Emily asked, "You going to have some?" Scourge said, "I'm good." Emily continued to drink. A walker came at the door. Emily asked, "You going get that." Scourge looked out and said, "It is making a bit of noise but there doesn't seem to be anything else out there yet." Emily said, "I always thought, that I'd get to see Shadow get old. And Guilmon and Lena would have kids too." Scourge said, "I knew shadow from before..." Emily had a tear come down, "I never even knew my mother." Scourge said, "Her name was Maria. I always found it odd that humans and creatures could fall in love." He sat on the couch and took of the bottle Emily had poured. Scourge said, "I had to be the luckiest hedgehog in the world to find someone like Blackgatomon. But a human as a partner, it sounds a bit farfetched." He took a sip. Know they were both drinking moonshine with that singular walker failing to get inside. Emily started, "I didn't even think humans and creatures could have kids. I was aware how rare how situation was. We filled in the gap when gays started getting accepted as the new scapegoat for something to fear. We didn't share any of Shadow's traits lookin' wise so no one knew since we live out in the farm." They drank some more.

Later they both were sitting. Emily asked, "Want to play a drinking game?" Scourge said, "I've never needed a game to indulge in drinking. So what is it?" Emily explained, "It's called I've never, if I saw something I've never done that you have you have to drink up. And we switch off. I'll go first...I've never shot a crossbow." Scourge huffed, "This is dumb..." He took a drink anyway as Emily said, "That was just as setup to show you. Know you go." Scourge said, "I'm not very good at this." Emily said, "Just think of the first think that comes to your mind." Scourge said, "Fine...I've never, been on a vacation." Emily smirked, "Good one..." She drank up. Emily started, "I've never been to prison." Scourge just sat there and Emily asked, "Aren't you going to drink." Scourge looked at her with some strain, "I know what you think of me but I've never been there. Not even once." Emily asked, "Not even like a security guard or something." Scourge stood up and started wobbling upward off the chair, "No...How about this, I've never went to some goddamn party." Emily looked as the door started banging harder, Emily spoke out; "Keep it down." Scourge yelled, "I'm gonna take a piss!" Emily nearly stood up, "Shut up." Scourge said, "If you've never shot a crossbow, I'm going teach you how." He finished and pulled up his zipper. He pulled outside with the crossbow in hands and they spotted the walker. She yelled, "Stop it." The walker turned. Scourge sort of adjusted holding her and having the crossbow in front. He had her pull the trigger. He pinned the walker against a tree. Scourge said, "That's it get in that practice." Emily cried out, "Let me go." He had her fire again hitting his upper chest. When he went to reload a third time Emily just shoved off him and stabbed the walker in the head. Scourge said, "What the hell, we were having a fun whole time." Emily said, "Look I know you think the rest of the world is just dead, and I'm just sick of that." Scourge said, "Like you were much different, cutting up your wrist, trying to just end it all." Emily said, "That was a long time ago. It's in the past now. I know you think the prison break was on you but it wasn't. You tried to do everything in your power to help us. Look I'm not like Kotemon, or even my sister Lena but I'm still here. There must be a reason why. I might have not have always been there in the front lines like you or them but I'm still alive. And some of the others might be as well. I'm not going to just give up." Scourge turned around, "You think I'm strong...I'm merely a clone of Sonic. I don't know how I came to even getting my own identity. But I've never really accomplished anything." Emily came up behind him, "That's not true. You've helped me today. Now I realized that living in the past kills you. It kills your heart right out. You have to let it go." Scourge actually had a tear come down. Emily came up and hugged him from behind.

Later on that night they found a treehouse next the house and were set up looking out. Emily was still taking in some moonshine. Emily asked, "Did you know anything else about Shadow." Scourge said, "He was kind of like me. He was a bit more willing to be known as the greatest power. But he didn't know how to go about doing it. I studied everyone around the island very carefully to start my plans. When I got here the people here weren't too much different. They assumed that all the tech and politic bullshit was real power. I was able to rule the world in one day just by standing up and allowing the people to discover the truth. Even though I had the longest reign as a king my real role and only purpose was to make Blackgatomon happy. We wore our hats to hard and couldn't keep our son Kiff. That's why Veemon took him in. While I ruled Shadow settled down as well at the farm. I guess he was smarter than I thought. He knew shit was going hit the fan sooner or later." Emily asked, "How long have you and Blackgatomon been together?" Scourge smirked, "Four years now. We are the only couple that has remained untied after all this time. Neither us of switched over to being sluts like Veemon. Not like being a slut was a bad thing but our love stood the test of time. We were both unique but both hidden under someone else for so long. Shadow had his share of times. I think he was planning to settle with being with Maria afterwards." Emily asked, "Who else was he with." Scourge answered, "Mainly some other hedgehog named Silver. But he died before this shit hit the fan. Meaning right now that lucky son of a bitch got a lucky second revival. And before you ask it was only a deal that could have lasted before the outbreak. The machine that allowed us to come back was destroyed. If Silver is anything like Shadow...He's already dead most likely. And maybe that's the best thing for both of them." Emily said, "I'll die too one day...Something tells me you're going to be the last one standing." Scourge said, "Don't say that." Emily said, "But it's true. If you stay the way are now then you'll make it." Scourge asked, "Would anyone really want to?" Emily asked back, "Do you?" Scourge said, "I had a good run as far as I can tell. From everything that's happened, it would just be another thing...The last thing for me anyway." Emily said, "Forgot I brought it up...I say we burn this place down." Scourge looked up at the night sky, "Now?" Emily asked, "Why not." Scourge stood up, "Were going to need more moonshine." They went inside and took whatever remained of the moonshine and poured it all over the house. They got out. Emily took a lighter and Scourge took out a bundle of cash and let it burn a bit. He threw the burning cash into the alcohol and the fire spread. The fire consumed the small house. They walked back a bit looking at the raging fire. Emily stuck up her middle finger. The past of the place would be left a big old fuck you. Emily shoved Scourge slightly and he threw up his middle finger as well. They held it up as walkers were being drawn by the light. They dropped their hands. They turned around and started to walk away. This was just another day of the apocalypse and Emily and scourge enjoyed their last moment getting ready to burn the building. Now as they left they would clear their minds of it. The road ahead was all the mattered. Scourge placed his hand on his chest as he walked. It was like it was yearning for Blackgatomon. After his talk with Emily hope was restored, he felt it...that belief. One day he was find his true love again. The only female he would ever see as someone he could love. Emily was still focused on finding Lena. Shadow was in the past as well as anyone else who had died. It was all left there at the house. They both stopped after a while. They saw a single figure in the distance. Emily extended her hand to get the crossbow. Scourge smirked and handed it over. She took aim seeing they greyish body with the black head. Emily said, "Hey..." The figure stumbled toward them. They both lowered their weapons for a second. It was Dracmon. His eyes were purely white. Drool dropped down his mouth as he staggered forward. Emily asked, "Wasn't he..." Scourge said, "It's too late. It's already in the past. He dead somewhere along the way and now he's in our way." Emily picked up the crossbow again. Scourge checked behind her as she held it. Dracmon slid a bit closer growling fiercely. His pace quickened as he scented them out. Emily shot a bolt and hit Dracmon right in the head. Scourge said, "Nice shot." She handed he back and rolled over the body. Scourge came up and picked the bolt as she went up ahead. Scourge said, "Looks like you got a taste of your sickness." They continued on the dirt road. They had no idea the Dracmon head changed so much so that he wanted to find a cure. In the progress he himself was bit. Perhaps this was a sign. This hell wasn't going to end yet and Scourge and Emily were more than prepared to continue facing this world's challenges. Dracmon's hand was still clenched up. Not too long after Scourge and Emily left a figure came over and was decked out in gear. The figure undid the grip of Dracmon's hand to see a vial was in it. The figure was shrouded in a hood he called back, "We have another here." Another person came forward and asked, "How many are left?" The shrouded figure said, "That are only four more left. Let's keep moving." The human asked, "We following them?" The shrouded figure said, "For a bit. I highly doubt they have another in their possession. But it pays to double check."


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