The Joy of Anal Stretching - 5. Milky Way

Story by LunaTheLizan on SoFurry

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Finally the fifth chapter! This time I included some serious transformation, which is most feminization, but has weight gain to a point (huge boobs and butt/hips/thighs), so it means Luna will get extra curvy... Maybe even more in forecoming chapters...

This also features big nipples, lactation, and drums ... PUBLIC EXPOSITION! It's my first time writing public sex scenes, so tell what you thought.

Chapter 5

  • Ok, so it will be next monday?... Thank you.


As you set the telephone back on its base your little issue is solved. It must be just a little swelling, maybe due to an allergic reaction of some sort...

*Note to self: go easy on the ethnic restaurants*

Yeah, it's probably something you ate. Being a foodie for a long time you learned (not the easy way) that when you eat things for the first time your body may not know how to process it... You then remember when you first had oysters: man... who tought lips could get that big... Well... If you weren't freaking out at the time you'd probably have liked having those juicy and plump lips...

Anyway, it's friday and you gotta go to work, so you start your usual routine... You make your bed, shower, get dressed...

Hmmm, you can't really find anything that fits... not that your chest is that big, it's just a little bit above the A cup, but you like wearing tight fits, so it will be difficult finding something to wear...

After 30 minutes you've already double checked everything, and all you found is a black v-neck tube top and an underbust red corset, covered in lacy textures... Not too much to work with, but after 5 minutes you've already created a killer look. You put on a blood red lacy bolero over your *ahem* breasts and a pair of shiny black snake skin pants. Only you know that your panties match perfectly with the delicate little red coat. Having put on your black velvet stilletos you top this outfit with a black satin neck ribbon decorated with a handcarved motherpearl.

You look hot, delicate and mysterious altogether. You like how this look turned out. You never go to work looking so... feminine... usually, this kind of outfit is meant for your dates... but... you just feel so... yourself dressed like this...

Well, why not? You're a designer, and you've already got that excentric look: you paint your nails, wear makeup... why not go a step further?

After making your mind you go to the kitchen. You feel like having something with milk... Opening one of the cabinets you get a box of corn flakes, from another you take a bowl, and from the fridge a milk carton. After pouring both the cereal and milk on the bowl you sit on the transparent acrylic chair. With the spoon in hand you dip it in, then direct it towards your mouth.

*munch, munch, munch, gulp*

(Some time later)

Having finished your breakfast, you take the used tableware and set it in the dishwasher. You just have to do your makeup now... But you're still thirsty... You take the milk carton in your hand, it feels so light, shaking it you confirm it, it's empty...

Heading toward the fridge you look for another one, but you can only find a jug... Hmmm... You'll have to drink a lot of milk this week so it won't spoil...

  • Whatever...

You open it and pour yourself a glass. Driving it close to your mouth you stare at the white fluid for a moment, then you take a sip, and other, and other... Soon the glass is empty... Yet, you don't feel satisfied... You pour other glass, this time fuller, and drink it quickly... Your mouth is not dry and you don't feel dehydrated, yet you gulp down other full glass of the white fluid... You grasp the jug and start pouring it down your throath, flooding your belly with the sweet liquid, you feel far from full...

Your clothes start getting tighter and compressing your body. After having emptied the recipient you start undressing. Looking inside the fridge, you notice there's no more for you to drink. Heading fast towards the pantry, your hells clicking all the way through, you look for the light drink.

You then catch sight of two dozens of milk cartons and three jugs. Running to them you open one carton and quickly drain it... Carton after carton you start feeling so hot... Your body starts getting so sensitive, your skin so teasable, you're feeling so good you don't don't notice your figure changing. Your hips start widening and your waist thinning, your thighs growing and your butt expanding, your shoulders narrowing and your neck diminishing...

With all cartons drained, you then go for the the jugs, letting the liquid run down your throath, you start suffering even more changes. Your facial features soften, lips becoming fuller, eyes getting wider and more tilted, forehead bone almost disappearing...

As only two jugs remain the final changes start. The small swelling in your turns into an abnormal growth as your pecs get round and full, turning into small breasts by the half of the second jug. Your boobs enlarge, now F cups. The jug emptied you go for the last one, your body's now into the final changing phase, your form getting even curvier. Your nipples turn purple, then a bit pinker, changing into magenta, just as the stripes on your head do.

When the milk runs out, the effects are still running, your breasts are getting huge, ballooning from G to J! At the same time your nipples lenghten and engorge, looking like big teats, and your areolas widen, now the size of an orange slice. They both shift to magenta, as do the stripes in your crown.

Your lower body is also finishing shifting, stopping at the point where your butt is looking like a pair of way too full basketballs, your hips as the ones of a woman pregnant of multiple babies, your thighs looking obscenely huge, and your waist the size of a plate.

After a period of time you can't tell how long it dured, you start getting to yourself... You get up, and look down amazed at the burgeoning flesh in your chest and your behind.

You go to the kitchen and look at the watch, only half an hour has passed. You have plenty of time to get ready to work, but there's nothing you can possibly wear to work. You decide take a day off to go and buy some clothes...

(A long time later)

You finally managed to find something that fits... Partially. You're wearing a silver sequin bolero, that was actually a coat, but now goes only a little below your boobs, and long black flowing skirt with a side cut.

(Later, at the mall)

After only 5 minutes at the shopping centre you're dying to go home already. All the guys stare at you when you pass by, some even have their girlfriends by their sides and get scolded by them. It would be funny if you weren't feeling like a piece of meat...

You browse through your favourite stores, having to go to the XXXL sessions... But you can't find anything that isn't completely painful to look at... You look around the other shops until you've found one that seems to have what you're looking for...

  • "Curves Overload"? - You can't help but smile at the name, but you enter the store anyway.

You look around, surprised by how the place looks amazing. It's the perfect mixture of antique and modern, having golden chandeliers, antique divans mixed with modern sculptures and art. You don't even notice the young woman talking to you...

  • May I help you?

  • Oh... - She surprised you. - Yes...

  • So, what would you be looking for?

  • Something... - You haven't really thought about it yet... - Hmmm... Well, I'd like something that made me look sensual but not vulgar. Something daring, yet delicate, and I always like to add a little bit of mystery.

  • Hmmm... I think I know what you're looking for... Please, follow me.

Having said that she takes to a part of the store packed full of the most amazing clothes you've ever seen, and most, if not all, would fit your new frame. You spend a couple hours trying things and leave the store with enough clothes to fill your wardrobe.

After you paid your clothes, you say good bye to the saleswoman and head towards the exit store's entrance. You're surely having a hard time carrying all that stuff, so you start dashing to the mall's parking.

As you take a turn just before the shopping's entrance you hit someone and trip, falling to the ground and spreading your bags around.

  • Sorry, didn't see ya comin'...

  • It's OK, I shouldn't be running with all this...

  • 'ere, let me 'elp ya.

  • Than-

Facing the person you just bumped into, you almost let your jaw drop. It's the same cop from the other night.

  • Luna? - His eyes scan you up and down. - Ya're... Diff'rent...

  • Yeah... I put on some weight...

  • I can tell... - He says, trying to drive his gaze out of your breasts. - Ya bought a lot o' stuff!

  • Yeah, my old ones are kinda tight now...

  • I bet they do... Uh, sorry...

  • Oh, it's nothing, really. I'm geting used to my new body shape already. - You give him a warm smile. - Actually, I am even starting to like it.

  • Looks great on ya. - He says while picking up your bags. - Where's your car?

  • Oh, this way.

After he set your bags into the car's boot, he turns to you and say:

  • I was goin' to eat somethin', do ya want to come?

  • Oh, sorry, I just came to buy some clothes, and I'm looking terrible...

  • Wat, are ya talkin' 'bout? Ya look perfect to me.

  • Oh, stop joking.

  • Imma not jokin', ya perfect.

  • Well... - You say after scratching your neck. - I have the rest of the day free so... why not?

As you get on his side he sets his arm around your waist and drives you across the mall until you get to a venue called Killer Burger, it seems strange that he's holding you so close to his body, but... he's probably just being friendly. Also, he doesn't seem like a veeery smart guy, so it's probably hust jis way of being friendly. After you two take your seats he asks what you want to order.

  • Oh, I don't know, it's the first time I eat here.

  • Really? This place's reeeal good.

  • Even so I don't think I should be eating fron there. - You point at your thighs and raise where you should have eyebrows.

  • Not that again... Ya looked great b'fore, and 'em curves just made ya perfect

  • Yeah... Hmmm, I think a strawberry milkshake.

  • Hmmm... That's girly...

  • ... - You lock your gaze on the table top, trying to keep from blushing.

  • This way I'll wanna be more than friends with ya.

  • Really? - You look deep into his gray eyes.

  • Yeah, babe. - He speaks only for you to hear, giving a naughty one-sided smile.

  • And what if I say yes? - You say tilting your head a little to the side and resting a black long claw over your bright pink lips.

  • Then I'll take ya as mah property. - He gives a wide grin, showing his large teeth.

  • Think you can handle me? - You squint your eyes a bit.

  • Think ya can 'andle me? - He raises his brows a little.

  • I can take anything. - You say it so low he could only make it out from your lip motion.

  • Brave one... I like it. - He says, licking his teeth slowly. - I'll go and order, ya sure ya'll 'ave just that?

  • Yeah, I don't feel like eating much.

  • OK, wait 'ere.

Leaving his seat, he walks to the counter and place his order. You can't help but look at his butt when he turns, it's huge, but instead of being most fat as yours, it's much more muscle, despite his heavy weight. His legs are also huge, almost like tree trunks, his pants look like they'll rip them every time he takes a step. His back are also huge and are compressed by his shirt. His powerful arms are as big as your legs, but all muscle, as you easily see, his triceps being much thicker than any guy's biceps. After all this worshipping to his form, a couple minutes have passes, and he's already coming back with both your and his orders. He hands you your drink, and start to eat the biggest burger you've ever seen. In the trays there are a bucket of chicken wings, two extra large fries, one extra large onion rings, a Bacon Special and a large soda. You don't stare too much, trying not to be rude.

  • Gotta keep my muscles. - He says before winking at you.

You giggle in response and take a sip on the straw. You two then start having a nice and long conversation, by the time you're leaving the shopping centre is almost closing and it's already pitch black outside. You felt so comfourtable talking to him, and he also seemed to like your company as well... Maybe... Nah, he's probably straight, he was probably just pulling your leg there.

  • Well, I should be goin' now, gotta get the bus.

  • Don't you want a ride?

  • Don't wanna cause ya trouble.

  • Aw, come on, it's the least I can do, or my debt with you will start raising too much...

  • Hahaha... Ok, let's go.

As you both enter the car you start talking again.

  • So, if ya don't mind me askin', what happened that night?

  • Oh, it's something you wouldn't want to know...

  • Of course I do, I want to know more about ya.

  • Hummm, I don't want you to have a bad impression...

  • C'mon, it can't be that bad...

  • Well... I was... uh... *gulp*

  • Playin' with your "toys"?

  • Not just that...

  • What do ya mean?

  • I was on...

  • On?

  • It's too stupid.

  • Nothin' 'bout ya is stupid. Please, tell me.

  • Ok... I was... showing myself...

  • Ah! Ya 'ad company.

  • Nope, I was alone.

  • Then who saw ya?

  • Many guys... - He looks perplexed. - I was on cam.

The silence remains for what seems like hours before he breaks it.

  • Hummm, so ya into kinky stuff?

  • I... Don't know, I just... Wanted to try some new things...

  • So how 'bout ya give ME a try? - He says as he rubs your cheek.

When you stop at the next light sign you're feeling your cheeks burn. They lost any sign of their former paleness as they were coloured by an explosion of magenta.

  • Wh-what do y-you mean?

  • C'mon, don'tcha play dumb with me. You know Imma dying to jump on top of ya. - He says it so close to your earhole you can feel his hot breath on your face. - So, what do ya say, will ya give me a chance? - He whispers, then gives your face a lick.

  • Ah! Rarno! - You whimper.

He starts kissing your neck and going down slowly, stopping at the top of your coat and unzipping it with his teeth. As he goes down, his tusk rubs on your exposed breasts, making you shiver. He then grabs one of your breasts gently but firmly.

  • Shit! It's really natural! - He says before he starts squeezing it.

  • Ah... don't!

  • Ya sure ya don't want it? Even ya nips got a 'ard-on. - He says before tweaking one of your erect teat like appendages drawing some moisture out of it.

  • Stop! Someone will see us!

  • What are ya so 'fraid about? - He says calmly. - Ya got naked on the net a'ready. So what if a couple people see ya? - His gaze seems to penetrate yor thoughts, and his caresses are enough to distract you from anything but your pleasure and the bulge on your skirt, which he takes a glance at before whispering. - See? I knew ya'd like it.

As you stop at the light sign some skaters are chatting at the corner, luckily they didn't see your exposed boobs. At least not before Rarno shouts at them.

  • 'ey boys, somethin' to make your weekend! - Having said that he leans forward and starts licking and suckling on one nipple while squeezes and strokes the other.

They all look with goofy smiles and dropped jaws at this public porn display before one says:

  • Hey, come here hottie, we'll treat ya real good!

  • Yeah, we'll play with them so much you'll cum just from your boobs!

  • I'll pay you 500 bucks for a titjob!

  • Sorry boys, this is all mine! - He says it, then he goes back to teasing your nipples.

You feel on fire, with all this teasing you are not able to hold yourself for much time, so you plead to the guy beside you in low voice.

  • Rarno, stop, it's too much!

  • Ya close babe? - He whispers... Then grins naughtly. - Then brace yourself.

He starts going rough on your soft cushions, kneading and squeezing them agains them other, before he makes a ring with both fingers, stroking your teats like cocks while flicking his tongue against one's tip. They're now soaked with moisture and you can feel precum leaking from your cock.

  • Ah, stooop! - You beg him, with eyes moist, not from shame, but pleasure.

  • Relax babe, let it come.

He gently scrapes his teeth over one nipple, pinching the other strongly enough to get a yelp out of you, then he keeps stroking them. They feel so sensitive, like a second and third raspberry cocks protruding from your ivory scales. You feel an odd tingling in your recent acquired breasts, as if something was to leave. They couldn't possibly cum... no, it wouldn't make sense...

With a hard squeeze at their base and teasing fingers rubbing their tips you let yourself go and scream highly, as cum spurts from your dick, soiling your panties and leaving a wet stain on your black skirt, darkening the fabric. At the same time hot milk erupts from your spent nipples, squirting all over the car's panel.

With a conscience flash you notice the sign's turned green, and accelerate with all your strength (what's left of it, of course). Rarno looks at you teasingly.

  • Ya way over the speed limit, this way imma gonna 'ave to give ya a fine. - He mocks at you playfully.

  • Are you crazy!? - You look angrily at him. - What were you thinking!?

  • 'bout how much I wanna get in your pants.

  • Yo-you just... can't do that!

  • Do what?

  • THAT! - You point at the car panel, soaked with milk.

  • No need to be mad, babe, I'll clean it.

  • You bet you'll...

Your anger is turned into surprise as he starts to lick and slurp all the warm milk, running his tongue along all the ridges and crevices of the panel. Strangely enough, you kinda like the view, and start feeling a throbbing in your crotch as your tip starts leaving it's slit again. By the time he's done he turns to your breasts and licks them and your teats clean, leaving them with trails of saliva. All you can do is keep driving, moaning all the way until he says:

  • That's where I live. - He points at an old apartment building. - Wanna come with me?

  • Are you sure you want it? I'm not a herm, so I don't have a pussy.

  • Yeah, I know. - He says before tweaking the moist raised part of your skirt. - I saw ev'ry bit of ya that night. I won't be able to put a bun your little oven... but I can still fuck ya lil' sweet pussy so good ya'll cream yourself and beg for mo'e.

  • I... don't know... we just met...

  • Ok... Maybe you need some time to digest the occurances of this night. I shall wait until you are ready for me.

You turn your head slowly, almost like a robot, not being able to unserstand what he just said. Then he continues:

  • What? Did you think I was all brawl and no brains? Just because I love working out it doesn't mean I'm stupid. - He says, then gives a one-sided smile. - Also, I was just playing dumb so you wouldn't realize my true intentions.

  • Of exposing me to the whole town?

  • No... As delicious as it sounds, that's not what I had in mind. I was thinking about turning you into my exclusive bitch.

You look at him with a puzzled expression.

  • Ok, so I see you're not coming in... - Having said that he zips your coat up only to the point where your nipples aren't exposed anymore. - You know where to find me... And I know where to find you... - He grins at you. - Don't worry, I don't bite... much... Oh, and don't forget. - He holds your breasts. - These are mine, OK?

He kisses you passionately, pressing his tongue on your lips until you open them, locking tongues with you and violating your mouth, exploring all it's insides before letting you breath.

You gasp for air, breathing heavily until he's left the car.

  • Bye babe, call me and i'll come running to you. - He says before entering the building.

You drive home, thinking of what just happened today. As you arrive home, you lock the door and go straight to the bathroom to clean yourself. You slip put of your skirt and open your coat, making both your upper and lower pillows jump out. Examining your breasts, you see they're a little bigger, like K cups, and you realize your nipples are bigger, reaching 2.5 inches in lenght and being thicker than your thumb. You also notice a piece of paper stuck between your mounds. You open it, revealing a phone number.

  • Man... That guy is really into me!

After taking a warm bath, you get to your bed, laying down in a black transparent camisole. You turn to the side to sleep, trying to wipe your mind of the rhyno's deeds.

End of chapter 5

The Joy of Anal Stretching - 6. Honeymoon

Chapter 6 - Three... \*Toc\* - Two... \*Tic\* - One... \*Toc\* - Awwww! \*CHIME CHIME CHIME CHI-click\* - 4... fucking... times... Yep, four times, the amount of times you woke up with a hard on in the middle of the night and had to jerk it...

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The Joy of Anal Stretching - 4. First time with Rarno

He tosses you on the bed and gives a very wide grin. - How 'bout ya give me a show? You look at him, blushing heavily. - C'mon, dontcha make me wait... You start unbottoning your shirt looking up and down the strong rhyno. He's 8' 2.5" of pure...

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The Joy of Anal Stretching - 3. Rubber Quartet

\*Click\* Entering the powder room you feel clean and relaxed as you have never been. - Ahhhhhh... - You rub your belly. Your insides are now quite elastic from your "bath". You take your lingerie from the chair before entering the bedroom. After...

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