Ryko and Selena

Story by RykoVarsona on SoFurry

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This is the same Ryko found in the story series, A Loving Family. And yes, this is the author of said series, ImpalaMaster. I forgot my old password so I made a new account, better fitting to the stories I write anyways. Anyways, hope you enjoy!!

It was a dark and stormy night, the rain was pouring down from the heavens. Splattering against the cobblestone road of the small village. All the shops were closed, well the legal ones owned by the King. A few black-market shops were still open for business, to anyone with the right funds that is. At the end of the road was the only tavern for a few miles. Nothing fancy, just a place where the travelers could go to rest their horses, drink down some liquor, and spend some time with a few lady friends. The owner was a short portly fellow, with a long beard and some balding on his crown. He used to be a captain for the Royal Guard, but has now been retired for some time and decided to open up this bar.

A lone figure walked down the road that evening, wrapped up in a deerskin robe to keep the ran off of him. He went hood-less, long brown hair flowed to his shoulders. In the front a few bangs fell down, obscuring the vision of his left eye. He was no more 6'1", roughly around 154 in weight. There was nothing odd about this person, so the gatekeeper let him in, no questions asked. He made his way to the tavern, slowly pushing the door open. The hinges squeaked, obviously rusty from the wet climate this village continuously had. A few heads turned in his direction, sizing him up to see if he was a threat than dismissed him. Slowly he made his way to a table in the back and took seat, a waitress hurrying over to take his order, she being no older than 14. "What may I get you sir?" she asked in the most sweetest, yet maturest voice possible. A chuckle escaped him before he looked the girl square in the eye, "Bottle of rum..nothing more..nothing less." with that he bowed his head and kicked back, looking at the rest of the population, not much to behold.

The girl made her way back to the bar and placed his order, then quickly went off to take other orders, trying to be professional. A rough looking solider, obviously quite hammered from being at the tavern from well into the afternoon, coped a quick grab at the girls ass, she freaked and spilt her tray of drinks all over him. The fear rising in her eyes as he stood up, highly pissed with the little quim. His hand came back, looking straight down at her then he went to go and smack her. A noise was heard, table and chairs hitting the floor, the sound of boots kicking off of the ground, then one loud crack. The solider hit the floor, blood streaming out of the back of his head. The robe clad man stood behind him, leather gloved hand still clenched in the air from where he struck. The girl screamed and made her way to the back of the bar, hiding behind some barrels of ale, afraid of what was going to happen next.

The solider's buddies quickly got up from their seats and drew their swords, the tips pointed at the other mans throat. "Do you realize what you have done?!" one yelled at him, taking a few steps forward, he taking a few steps back. "I do believe I do, I just kept a young girl, obviously too young to be working here, from getting bitch slapped. Any objections?" smirks slightly, dark brown eyes scanning the four remaining solider's, sizing them up. The solider growled with fury and rushed forward, moving his sword in a three strike form. He stepped back fluidly, missing each thrust by just a hair 'till he had enough. On the last thrust he spun and reached out, grabbing the solider's wrist and squeezes down, causing a groan from the man. He then spun around again, bringing the man with him and let go, sending him off to crash into the wall. "One down..three to go.." Turns around and faces the other three, waiting for them to come at him.

All three looked at each other, then to him and quickly rushed at him, yelling as they all struck out, wanting nothing more than his head to roll. The remaining folk in the tavern who moved in the nick of time were now watching what they couldn't believe. This young man had leaped up into the air, then came back down, landing on all three swords with one foot. "Easy lads, someone might get hurt." chuckles and kicks out, knocking one guy in the face and sends him backwards. They watch him leap again, landing on the bar this time and removes his robe. He wore leather pants, with a cotton shirt on top. Along his belt were eight throwing knives, four on each hip. Strapped on his back was a small, but doable battle sword. Which he now reached back and unsheathed, bringing it to his front and holds it out. "A sword fight you want...a sword fight you'll get." A fire glowed in his eyes before he moved off the bar in quick fashion. His feet barely touched the floor before he dodged another thrust, keeping the solider's on their feet, wanting to wear them down. A couple hours went by of this silly game of 'dodge the sword' 'till he swung around and caught one guard right in the throat, his sword pierced flesh and bone, hacking the head right off. He went into a kneeling position, the body falling down behind him. The last two solider's stumbled to the entrance, fear in their eyes before pushing themselves through and run off to the stables, no doubt going to tell the King what happened.

All eyes were still on him before he slowly got up and reached back behind him, sheathing the sword upon his back. By now the little girl had peeked up over the bar counter and sighed in relief before stepping back out into view, "Oh sir! Thank you so much!" she exclaimed as she rushed up to him, looking up at him as if he were some unknown god. He looked down at her before reaching out and pats her on-top of the head, "Don't worry about it kid, now go get me my rum." walks over to his table and flips it back over, along with the chair. He sits down and calmly waits for her to return, as if nothing happened. She rushed over to the bar and grabbed his glass of rum, then went straight to him and set it on the table, then bowed best she could, "I truly do thank you kind sir..err..what is your name?" Such formalities had yet to be exchanged. He reached out and grabbed hold of the glass, swirled its contents around for a few seconds then downed the entire glass, "Mm..the name's Ryko..and yours?" His eyes fell upon hers, waiting for the answer. She blushed furiously as she found him staring at her. She took in a deep breath, this causing her chest to puff out then relaxed, "My name is Selena..." she left it at that and quickly went to help her boss clean up the mess.

Ryko sighed as he leant his chair back, then propped his feet up on the table. "Selena.." he said softly before running his fingers through his hair, combing it back and out of his face. "Well then, seems my time here is over." He got up and made his way to the exit and before he could pass the threshold a deep voice beckoned him back over to the bar, it was the owner. "Come here my boy! I wish to thank you for helping the girl out!" Sighs and turns around, heading back over, looking the man in the eye, "Now see here, no thanks is needing. I did what any normal human being would do.." Chuckles some at his last comment, he was no normal human being. "Regardless, it's no problem, honest." The owner shook his head, he would not hear anymore. "No, I will not hear that bullshit. I am giving you a room to stay in, free of charge, for as long as you like. And I will not take no for an answer." He straightened himself out, he was pretty big for a fat dude. Ryko sighed and nodded his head, giving the ole man his peace. "Fine fine, whatever . Just no one disturb me." With that he bowed and walked over to the stairs, going up and into the hallway, "Now which one.." he said to himself before walking down and took a room on the right.

Selena sighed some as she finished picking up the tables and chairs then yawned softly, whipping her hands off on her apron then looked over to her boss, "I'm going to turn in, night sir." smiles and bows to him before walking upstairs, almost skipping her way up into the hallway. She checked all the doors and found one to be slightly open, she blushed cause she realized who's room it was and stepped back. Then professionally knocked on the door, "Sir..errm.. Ryko! Can I come in?" she asked meekly, tho she just wanted to be friendly. Ryko looked over to the door and sighed, sitting up in bed he went over and opened the door, "Yeah yeah, whatever." he let her walk in. When she passed his eyes followed her, checking out that cute little butt she had, the way it wiggled when she walked. He mentally slapped himself for being a pervert and went over, sitting down on the bed. "Well, what is it you wanted?" he looked at her, smiling gently.

Sel blinks then blushes and sits down on the bed beside him, smoothing her skirt out along her thighs. "Oh..I just wanted to see if..you needed some company? I'm not really tired..and I..err.." stammers through her sentence, finally realizing that the man was shirtless, toned pecks and abs visible for all to see. He chuckles and pats her on the head, fingers now being gloveless, ran through her hair. "I could use the company...but aren't you a little young to be propositioning me?" She looked up at him, now blushing even darker before she started in, "I...I wasn't meaning it in that way..but umm..if that's what you want..I guess I can..err..yeah..." cuts her sentence off short, looking up at him with round, searching eyes. Ry blinks then coughs some before getting up from the bed and walks over to the window, hands clasped behind his back as he looked into the sleeping village, "I'm not really interested..." he always is.. "Maybe we can just sit and talk..?" turns and looks down at her, wanting it so badly.

She sighs some and nods her head, thinking about everything before she slowly gets up and walks over to him, slipping her arms around his waist and tiptoes up, kissing his lips gently. Ryko blinks a bit, placing hands on her shoulders to push her away but soon becomes lost within his desires and returns the kiss, pressing his lips into hers. She slowly pulls back from him and smiles, hands coming up to the straps of her dress and she pushes them off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor, leaving her bare. She then smiles and beckons for him to come closer. A smile comes across his lips as he slowly makes his way to his young love, taking her hand in his and brings them both down upon the bed. The night was still young...